HELLO!!! I feel like I have so much to tell you and about 100 pictures from the last two days that I want to share with you!

Let’s start with Monday morning.  It was so good to have Brookie back home and it only took Skye a few minutes to stop being mad at her for leaving us for the weekend.

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I set out for a run and was surprised how great my body felt (still going to my chiro today just to make sure everything is great)!  6.27 miles @ 8:16 average with plenty of hills.  I ran in a hilly area and challenged myself to go UP anytime I came to a street that had a hill (which was often) and then back down once I reached the top.   By the end my legs were toast.

I just reminded myself anytime I wanted to quit climbing a specific hill that hills are speedwork in disguise.  The hill was just getting me stronger and closer to where I want to be.

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When I came home, Skye was still napping (Andrew is home with her when I go run) so I turned on This is Us and got out the weights!  I only saw the first 16 minutes of the episode… I STILL NEED TO FINISH.

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After Brooke got home from school we went out for her to ride her bike (and Skye was in the stroller).  I wonder how many pictures I have of Brooke… probably in the million range and she is only 5.

Also, I started wearing jeans recently for the first time since I had Skye.  I kept telling myself that I would just wear leggings/sweats until I fit into my old jeans again and then I realized that is silly.  It might be a year for that to happen or it might not even happen again and that is okay.  My body grew a human being so I took off the pressure of feeling like I needed to get back to my old jeans and just bought a few bigger pairs that fit just great right now.  One of my tips for dealing with your body changing with pregnancy/postpartum… BUY CLOTHES THAT FIT and feel good because trying to squeeze into things that don’t fit feels awful.   And putting pressure on yourself to be right back into your old clothes takes away from experiencing all of the good things in life.

Yes, I bought jeans with holes in them… maybe I secretly still think I’m 21.  I’ll be 32 next TUESDAY.  Plan on eating a donut that day to celebrate my birthday.

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My meals the last two days have been very simple.  Costco salad mix kits with chicken and a sweet potato on the side and Brinner (of course) were the main stars.

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We went out again on Monday to search for a car.   We are currently leaning towards the Pilot (thank you for all of your recommendations.. seriously, thank you) but still not sure.  It took me about 2 seconds to decide on my CRV and this time I cannot make a decision which is fine because I still don’t want to drive ha.

Brooke hasn’t minded the car shopping because they always have snacks at the dealership… she is just like me.

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We also met my mom for a little bit at Costco.  We didn’t need anything, we just wanted to chat and eat samples with her while she shopped.

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From there we went to be spectators to watch Brooke…

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She is back in gymnastics!  We didn’t tell her until right before and it was so fun to see her face light up with excitement.  She did great and somehow she is just about an inch away from doing the splits!

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Skye was very supportive of watching Brooke.

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We got home and a few friends came over to watch The Bachelor and fight over holding Skye.  We didn’t really watch that much of the episode but it was a great excuse to get together and talk for a few hours.

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It was also a great excuse to order a bunch of cookies and figure out which one was the best.  For those of you that live in Utah—>  Our expert opinion= CRUMBL is the most delicious cookie delivery option.

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Our Tuesday started how it usually does.

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And then I went out for 3 miles @ 8:54 average pace.  My legs were tired from the hills on Monday so I made sure to find the flattest roads possible to run on.

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Skye gets this facial expression from me… I make the exact same one after completing a killer workout.

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It’s been really nice to have some time with just Skye each morning while Brooke/Knox are at school.

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February 6th is a very important day in our world because it is National Froyo Day.  Every year Yogurtland gives you a cup to fill for free.  Brooke has been to this event every year of her life and we always pick up my niece from school and take her too.  Brooke promised me yesterday she will still do this tradition with me when I am 90 years old.

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And that concludes a summary of some things we did the last few days!


I don’t know about you but it takes me a little bit of time to really decide on whether or not to do a race and I finally committed to one!  My brother is doing the Revel Mount Charleston as his FIRST HALF-MARATHON this April and I really want to be there.  I have been coaching him and we have already seen so many huge improvements with his training.  Well, I really want to see him cross the finish line (he is planning on running it with his sister-in-law and I might join them for a mile at the end) so I decided to do it.  The beauty of signing up for a race—>  it is motivating and makes you so excited to start working hard but then you realize it is time to start working hard ha and that includes speed work.  I’m not sure where I’ll be as far as fitness goes in April but I know I’ve gotta start somewhere (along with a few 5ks before this race hopefully to figure out how to do this all again:)!

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What is the next race that you are registered for?  Anyone else going to be at the Mount Charleston race this year?  We should do a meet-up if you are!

Do you have a favorite brand of jeans that you love?  Please share because I need one more pair!

The best type of chip to have in your cookie—>  Milk chocolate, dark chocolate, semi-sweet, butterscotch, white chocolate, peanut butter?

Did you participate in any sports when you were younger like Brooke’s age?

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We have a Pilot and I love it! We also have a Grand Cherokee that’s wayyy too small for four, so I’d steer clear of that for 5+. ;-)

My eyes are still swollen from This is Us.


That is so good to hear about the pilot.. so glad you guys love it. I don’t think I’m emotionally ready for the This is Us episode… I might need to wait a week. How has that show roped us all in… I feel like they are part of my family! I hope you are having a great day Mollie!


I’ve never been to Yogurtland, but I’ve always wanted to try Dippin Dots. Have you heard of that before?


I have and they are delicious!


I like consignment shops for jeans. I can not stand when I buy jeans and they shrink in the wash and just don’t feel the same. So broken in jeans are great and even if I find them there new with tags I am paying 1/4 of the price so I take the risk! My favorite right now are my lucky brand jeans.


Lucky jeans are great!


THANKS GIRLS! I will check out Lucky jeans… thanks and I hope you guys have a great day!


Hey Target lover….have you tried their jeans!?!?!


I’m so glad you’re feeling so good after your accident!

I’ve been having luck with Lucky Brand jeans. I have wide hips but a smaller waist and for some reason their jeans work for my body and don’t give me bad “gapage” at the waist.


Cannot wait to try on some Lucky jeans… thanks so much Joy! I hope your Wednesday is a great one!


We just bought a 2017 Pilot (EX-L) in November. Previously I had a 2007 Pilot which had 170,000 miles on it by the time I traded it in. I love my new Pilot! (Both of us have previously bought other cars than Honda and Toyota after having them both when we were younger and we have both come back to Honda).


That is so good to hear!! Thank you so much Jessey for sharing… Andrew has a Pilot too and he loves it! I hope your day is a beautiful one!


I saw you signed up for that race! You should probably go to a backstreet boys concert while you’re down there and make a whole weekend of it ;) But seriously, that concert is so fun!
When I was Brooke’s age I was in gymnastics too. I was no good. Haha I took a break around 8 to try soccer because all my friends we doing it and hated it. Tried to go back to gymnastics and couldn’t keep up with the group I had been with before because I had missed a year, so I quit. A few years later, I found running and ran cross-country most of Jr high and high school.


National Froyo Day is one of my favorite holidays, and I absolutely had some yesterday! Also, I’m 33 and have jeans with holes in them, so I’m right there with ya. :) I have a pair of jeans (without holes) from Roolee that I LOVE, and they are the Just Black brand. They are seriously SO comfortable!

I started playing soccer when I was younger than Brooke (I think I was 2 or 3), and I played for 15 years. I also played T-ball around her age. I think I was a little older when I started basketball. I tried gymnastics, but I was so bad that the instructor told my mom I should find another sport that I was better at, so I didn’t last very long in that—ha!


I was a gymnast for 10 years..my daughter is 4 and in gymnastics too..she loves it!! What brand are the jeans you are wearing in the post? I would love to find a comfy pair of jeans..haven’t found a pair yet, hence why I only wear leggings haha!


HEY!!! I have a pair of Madewell jeans now and a pair from the store–> Called to Surf https://calledtosurf.com/ (I got the ones with holes in them from here)! I love them! I hope you are having a great day Ashley and I love that your little one is in gymnastics!


Dance when I was Brooke’s age.

The jeans I get the most compliments on are Seven’s. The have holes too :) I bought them at Evereve.


Soccer was my love when I was Brooke’s age! I kept that up until after high school, and still have so many fond memories. Also, Rag & Bone jeans are amazing. Just stretchy enough that they are comfortable, but don’t grow two sizes during the day while you wear them.


oh man, brinner. I’m pretty sure I’m brinner’s biggest fan.

I’m on team chunks in my cookies – I like dark chocolate chunks :)


I grew up Irish dancing! So much fun!

We traded in our Pilot for an Odyssey. It is so much easier for us to get in and out of the car with the infant car seat and kids throwing doors open. I was always afraid my kids would hit the car next to us. I loved being high up in the Pilot but love the Odyssey for the size and functionality of space


I am initiating myself to the american cookie tradition (I’m Swiss) and even bought a US-measuring cup just for that purpose ha! So far, my favourite recipe is from Pinch of Yum (https://pinchofyum.com/the-best-soft-chocolate-chip-cookies), with dark chocolate. I underbake them so they’re extra chewy, but unfortunately my swiss friends are used to crunchy cookies so they’re not that enthusiastic… Weeeell, more for me then!


I miss Yogurtland! (there was one near my old apartment in Brooklyn but it closed)

No sports for me…I wanted to do gymnastics but my parents were afraid I’d hurt myself, so I took piano instead. I wish I’d had a chance to do dance, though. I started it in high school, which is too late to be any good, but I loved it.


I had to laugh about your talk of jeans … I just broke down and asked for new bigger jeans for my birthday. There really is nothing worse mentally than being postpartum and wearing ill-fitting clothes because you still don’t fit into your non-maternity stuff. Clothes that fit feel better and look so much better! :)


Happy Wednesday Janae!!!!! Question – do you run/lift with your wedding ring on? I got engaged a few months ago and I always take it off! It doesn’t bother me but just curious if you do to.

Also, love your jeans, so cute :) I have the shoes you’re wearing in black and asking for the grey color for my birthday! Which is today :) February birthday buddies!!!!

Anyways, have a great day!


Ooooo, I’m glad someone else has this question, so I’m interested to see what others do! I *always* take mine off (engagement ring and wedding band) when I lift – I’m so scared of getting them really scratched up or losing a diamond :( The Mister and I also have Qalo rings that he wears for golf and I wear to the gym (when I remember).

As for running? It’s always on, but sometimes really hard to take off after because of stupid swollen sausage fingers :|


HEY GIRLS!!! I actually leave mine on 100% of the time. I LOSE EVERYTHING! This is a great question and I will ask it tomorrow in my post and see what everyone else does. Check out the comments tomorrow! Have a beautiful day Ashley and Carin! And congrats on your engagement and happy birthday this month!


I 100% agree on the jeans topic. I was forcing myself back into my pre-baby jeans and was miserable. And honestly they needed to go because they were old and didn’t fit great to begin with. I bought jeans that fit and I feel so much better. Also, high waisted jeans are the best things ever!


We have a Honda Pilot and it’s awesome!!!!! We are only a family of 4 but when I’ve had to drive on field trips it’s nice to have that third row option. Mine is 7 years old and, knock on wood, haven’t had any problems except normal maintenance. I’d love to try Crumble but we just moved to Heber and I don’t think they deliver out here.


Lucky brand jeans are my favorite! Milk chocolate chip are best in cookies. I still use one of your chocolate chip recipes from years ago and it is the best recipe I have ever found….maybe you can do a round up of your chocolate chip cookie recipes?? Looking for a car is tough…I am a total Toyota person, but whatever car you decide on, it has to make you happy. My parents had me in tons of sports when I was Brooke’s age…ballet, Irish dance, swim, ect. Such a fun age! Enjoy your day today!


I’m doing Mt Charleston full, and my mom’s doing the half. We did the same last year and loved it. Great finish line treats, too!


I saw you have a goal race and that’s so exciting Janae. I’m looking forward to seeing you train and getting back out there. I know you’ll do great.

I remember doing gymnastics as a kid, although I’m sure Brooke is much better!


Dark chocolate or semi sweet chips in my cookies.

We didn’t really have organized sports around her age, just dance school. My mother had us run around a lot though to burn off energy, haha.

Don’t wait to drive because it will become harder the longer you wait. Go somewhere short and sweet and go alone if you’re worried about the kids. (We have been in multiple accidents and I know how nervous it can make you. Oddly we have a CRV that I can’t wait to get rid of . my husband has been hit 3 times in it, always the other driver’s fault. People are way too distracted while they’re behind the wheel).


You know you are old when ……… I see people buying jeans with holes in them and still remember patching up the holes in my jeans (well my mom would) because holes in jeans were just a NO NO! I cannot look at a pair of jeans with holes in them in a store and when my girls ask me to buy a pair they know the answer before asking but ask any way….No way.

(And my birthday is on Sunday when I will turn 49!)


Have you considered the new Subaru Ascent? It will not be available until October of 2018, but with their history in safety I personally recommend a Subaru of any kind. I LOVE my Crosstrek. I only have two fur babies, but I want then safe as well when we are traveling.


I know you are opposed to new cars, but I second Subaru just for the safety features. Our Outback was rear ended at very high speed and all 3 occupants were fine. We got a Second one after that crash. Also, the new Eyesight feature is basically eyeballs for your car that watch the cars around you. The car automatically stops if you are on a collision course and corrects your course if you drive outside of the lane. The blind spot detection indicators are also nice. Both of our cars have eyesite now (outback and Impreza). I feel safe in my Subarus which improves my already weak confidence on the road. When you factor in the standard All weel drive and the size of the Ascent- that car checks all of your requirements! Good luck in your search!


WOW. I am so glad you guys were all okay and the Subaru sounds amazing. We haven’t even looked at those yet but I am going to have to go tomorrow. The Eyesight feature sounds incredible… I need all the help possible with my driving confidence! Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me all of this! I need to keep these kids SAFE!


I haven’t watched This Is Us either! I think I’m subconsciously avoiding it for emotional reasons…
I’m with you on wearing clothes that fit! I hate it when I’m uncomfortable when my clothes are too tight :/


I still haven’t signed up for my 10k. We are waiting to hear about some plans and make sure that weekend works but if it does I’ll be doing Utah valley marathon.

So fun for Brooke! I just put my girls in gymnastics too. I hope they like it! I did dance and tumbling when I was 4-9 and then I started running and kept dancing until high school. Then I decided I’d rather just run.


My next race is the Frozen Feat, which is a 5K/10K here in North Dakota on February 17. It is a bit too early for the weather forecast to be reliable, but it looks like it may be above zero, which will be great! Temperatures swing wildly in this part of the country, so anything can happen. Last year it was really nice (40 degrees) but there were areas of major ice where snow had melted the previous day and refroze. You would find yourself running full blast then slowing to a penguin walk. Ha! A couple years ago the 10K was cancelled due to minus 40 degree wind chill temperatures. Not surprisingly, we usually have a lot of walk-up registrations, since everyone wants to see what the conditions will be before signing up. :)


Me (I have 3 kids), my sister (has 4 kids), and all my mom friends drive Toyota Highlanders. We all love them! The cargo space is tight though with all three rows up. We always manage to make it work, but something to consider. We did not want to go even bigger though.


Okay, the highlander is another one I have REALLY been wanting. So glad to hear it is great for you guys and hopefully for us too (I just need to convince Andrew!)! Enjoy the rest of your day Alli!


I love Paige jeans – they are so comfortable and the fabric is super soft. I found the mid-rise to be great post-baby as well.


Definitely going to try those on… the mid rise sounds perfect. Thanks Abby!


I love my Pilot. A few months ago, a huge deer ran into the side of it while I was driving 70 mph. The car got bunged up, but we had no injuries and it was still completely drivable. I think it is a very safe vehicle!


I am so glad you were all okay! That is crazy that the deer just ran into your car! Thanks for telling me about this:) Enjoy the rest of your day Karen!


Oh my gosh, it’s usually the car that runs into the deer, not the deer that runs into the car! May I ask what happened?


I went and got my 5 free oz last night too! LOVE LOVE LOVE Yogurtland. Frozen yogurt needs to be its own food group. I rotate between sorbet (the Strawberry Lemonade is fantastic) and having Pistachio (if they have it) or Vanilla, and do a peanut butter mix on top (PB sauce, PB chips or Reeses pieces, and peanut pieces)……..yum!!!!


Those cookies look so good! I wanted to get froyo in honor of national froyo day but i completely forgot! I remembered around 9pm but was too tired to go out for froyo at that point lol. Maybe next year! ?


Hi Janae! First time commenting;)
Its great you’re doing Mt.Charleston half, I ran the full last year and it was my first BQ! It’s a great course! I only bqd with a small buffer so I didn’t get into Boston. Last October I heard they were sold out and I haven’t been able to find a bib to buy, if you hear of someone wanting to sell their bib will you send them my way?! Please please!!
Im training for it but who knows if I won’t be able to run it. I just have high hopes that I will!
Have a good day.


RUTHIE!! AHHHH thank you for your comment and I love that you did Mt Charleston last year and BQed! I will definitely let you know if I hear about a bib being available… I hope so bad that you get to be there this year! Thanks so much and keep me updated!


I am currently training for the Oklahoma City Memorial (half). I have not registered yet as I had a really big mess up last year and did not go to a half that I had registered for, so I am making sure I get myself trained. I will probably register before the month is out.

I have the Old Navy Rockstar jeans and I love them. They are comfy and cheap.

Dark chocolate!

Dance and gymnastics :)


The jeans comment made me chuckle, I have a hard time wearing rips (a lil older than you) but those boyfriend looking loose capris people are wearing look like fun! Also, love those gray slip on looking shoes you are wearing, can you link them or share where you got them ? As always love your style girl!! And you should def not be hard on yourself about the pants, you look fantastic!!


HEY GIRL! Yes… these shoes are seriously the best. Here is the link and thanks for your sweet comment! I hope your day has been great so far!



My next race might be the Drake Half Marathon. We’ll see…it’s a super busy season of life for my husband and I totally need his support and help with the kids/dog to get my long runs in. That’s my hesitation.
I think all of the chips in one cookie would be the best.
I did dance for a brief period when I was that age.


Mt. Charleston looks like an awesome race!! My next race on the docket is the SLO half marathon in San Luis Obispo, and it’s super pretty and hilly :) I might do a 5k on 2/24 for a local charity.

I bought some Levi jean joggers from Target and they are the absolute best! They are so soft and comfy :)

I love a good chocolate chip cookie!

I did cheer and karate when I was really little, and then soccer and swim in high school.


Jean joggers from Target… those sound PERFECT for me! Oh I want to do SLO half marathon, that sounds great! Enjoy the rest of your day Marissa!


I have a pilot! I have twins (3 years old) and a baby so, similar to you in the family department :) it has been GREAT for our family! Economical & spacious. We love it!

I did gymnastics and dance at brooks age!!


I’m all about the milk chocolate chips in cookies. While I know that dark chocolate is better, it’s just too bitter for me.


I am registered for a half marathon on April 29th – its a local race but it’s brand new and it ends at the football stadium at the university that I graduated from, so I am looking forward to it! I am two weeks in to my formal half training and my body is slowly adjusting to running more than other workouts.
Honestly my favorite jeans lately have been from the Gap. They are just stretchy enough to be comfortable but don’t get overly stretched out during the day (which always happens to me!). They also fit my larger thighs without having a huge gap at the waist and it’s so nice…they are made for my body type, I think!
My favorite cookies have a blend of white chocolate, butterscotch, semi sweet chocolate, and salted caramel baking chips… little bit of everything is just right!


Happy e Day!

(2/7/18)–> e is approximately 2.7182… :)

A bit of beauty!: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euler%27s_identity


I love it!! Happy e Day to YOU!


Janae! HOW did you start watching the big This Is Us this week and manage to get pulled away and not finish?

That show is so good. This episode killed me! Just like they all do!!


I KNOW RIGHT…. Skye woke up and after I got her all taken care of, Brooke came home! I am finishing today! I can’t wait to cry my eyes out haha! I hope you are having a great afternoon Jen!


I am thinking of signing up for the Utah Valley Half Marathon in June. Have you run that one yet? It looks beautiful.

I would have to try all the cookies first and then try to decide which one is better. :)


DO IT DO IT DO IT!!! I have done that one a few times and it is gorgeous!! Be prepared for some hills in those first few miles and also some amazing scenery, perfect temps and let’s meet up please!


You’re such a sweet mama! ❤️


I so agree with what you said about buying some nice clothes in a different size! For months after having the twins I tried to squeeze into my old clothes and it made me feel even worse about my changed body. So, I bought some clothes one size up and felt really good!

A side note too, I have read that after having children you can actually weigh less than you did pre pregnancy and still need a size or two larger in clothes because pregnancy alters your physical bone structure and not just your weight. So I like to remind myself of that sometimes too!

And I have to tell you janae, you look FANTASTIC!! You are in amazing shape , you don’t even look like you had a baby a few weeks ago! You should feel proud of the great care you take of yourself (and your family)!


Milk chocolate hands down. I cannot eat anything else

Agree a million percent about buying clothes that fit. I’m 14 months postpartum and I finally decided to buy new ones in the correct size (because the old ones still don’t fit right and it was bringing me down). So far Big Star jeans are my favorite because they come in a long length and fit my “boyish” figure better and also American Eagle jeans! They frequently have sales but they are so well priced and last forever. I’m dying to try vici’s line of jeans (I found them through Instagram) because they’re super cute and a fellow postpartum mama talks about how great they are.


I am 42 and I still buy jeans with holes on them most of the time. Age is just a number as the number on the scales is also pointless and that is something that I have a hard time with. As far as the Honda Pilot goes, GREAT DECISION


What a lovely, encouraging message about the jeans! Your attitude about your post partum body is really refreshing. Thank you for making me feel so normal, and totally agree with you about shopping for clothes that fit your body NOW – makes a huge difference in how you feel!


I have a race March 4th and one in September…..I am a bit nervous but i will feel better after my 10 miler tomorrow. I prefer shorts over pants but i did find some levis that fit me well….high waisted curvy cut fits me best because I have a small waist but a curvy backside-ha! And i prefer milk chocolate chips for cookies but dark chocolate everything else. And i took ballet, tap, jazz and even clogging from age 2 to about 8 or 9….then it got a bit expensive. I bet she loves gymnastics!


We bought a Pilot in November and we LOVE it so much! We only have 1 child, but I wanted plenty of space to fit my nieces and nephew. We are so happy with our decision!


Right now I’m training for my first powerlifting meet in May, but I’m also thinking of doing a warrior dash in August as well. I need to work on my running, but at least my strength training should help with the obstacles. It just looks so fun.

As far as jeans, my most recent pairs came from Lucky Brand jeans and I love how soft and stretchy they are. They seem to have sales often for buy one get one half off. I got mine over July 4th sales.


not to confuse the situation, but I LOVE my Toyota 4 runner!!


What is the next race that you are registered for?
NYC Half!

Do you have a favorite brand of jeans that you love? Please share because I need one more pair!
Paige denim are my fave, altho i’m wearing seven jeans right now. love those sevens..!

The best type of chip to have in your cookie?
i prefer milk chocolate or semi-sweet, but they’re all really good

Did you participate in any sports when you were younger like Brooke’s age?
when i was 5-6 years old i really didn’t do anything except play. i learned how to ride a bike by age 8. that’s kinda it! but with our LO we have her doing a lot. she’s 7 and plays ice hockey, ice-skates, skis, does cross country kids running, and is learning gymnastics. so much more than i did when i was her age.


and completely agree with you about buying the clothes that fit you now. it’s such a confidence builder and it makes you feel so much better that you are you. uncomfortable clothes are just the worst. and i think it really needs to be said more so thank you for saying it out loud for the world. news alert, women change sizes, especially with birthing – get new clothes!


LOVE what you said about jeans/clothes fitting after having a baby-just had my first baby on December 20th and it’s been discouraging trying to squeeze into my pre-pregnancy clothes. It makes me feel better I’m not alone and I love your perspective on it- we just grew humans, trying to be patient with my body and not worry as much ?


I will be running the Revel Mt Charleston Half as well! I’d love to meet you!


AHHHH YAY!! Let’s meet!

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