Things sure change fast + 18 pictures + who does that?!

It just feels really good to be running again.  It’s crazy how a little time away can sure make you love running even more.  Sundays are my rest day but I’m already looking forward to my running this next week.

Things sure change fast here—>  Friday= 50 degrees.  Saturday= we woke up to a whole lot of snow.  My mom asked me how my treadmill run went yesterday morning because she just assumed no one would be crazy enough to run outside but…

it turns out I was not alone.  Utah has plenty of crazy runners out getting in their miles!  I actually really enjoy running on fresh snow.  I love the crunchy sound that each step makes, I love the extra challenge that it brings and I’m guessing it makes your calves a lot stronger because mine were TIRED by the end of my run.

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4 miles @ 9:55 average pace and some pretty red cheeks by the end.  I saw a few dogs out running through the snow and they looked like it was the best day of their lives.  Beretta went with Andrew and he said the same thing about her.

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Right before I left I decided to wear my Levitates.  I think they looked pretty cool against the snow.   My review of the Levitates is here!

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I came home and Andrew got ready to go out on his run.  WHO RUNS IN SHORTS IN THIS TYPE OF WEATHER!?  Andrew does.

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While he was gone, we just relaxed.

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Once they got home, Brooke did her part to make sure that Beretta warmed up by putting a sheet on her and cuddling her.

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My brother from Kentucky was in town for a few hours yesterday!  He made sure to hit up his two favorites while he was here… Swig (where they have those amazing sugar cookies) and Cafe Rio!  PS He is now a pilot for Southwest so if he is flying your airplane, make sure to say hi to him.

He has more energy than any human I have ever met and his life is dedicated to making people laugh… I WISH THEY LIVED HERE.   Andrew, the kids and I are going to their house this summer to hang out which will be really fun.

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And this is what Brooke’s face looks like after she nailed my brother with a snowball.

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My brother also brought us 5 jars of his freezer jam all of the way here from Kentucky.  He makes the best food.

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Because we were all frozen and needed something to warm up.

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In the afternoon, Andrew took Brooke out to go sledding and to build a snowman.  I can hear her little giggle just when I look at the pictures.  They had a blast.

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Skye and I stayed at home and had some deep discussions.

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For dinner we had our favorite breakfast foods (my brother’s jam on our pancakes= so good) along with a caesar salad because it sounded good.  Randomness is our favorite.

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Last night we did everything possible to keep Skye awake for a few hours before she went to bed.  Friday night created some lovely bags under my eyes so we are really trying now to keep her up a little bit more during the day… here’s to hoping it works and if not, I’m more than happy to snuggle her during the night too.

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I hope your Sunday is a great one!


Did anyone else get snow this last week?  A lot or a little?

What is on your Sunday agenda?  What day do you usually take your rest days lately?

Top 3 favorite breakfast foods?!

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Finally we had 50 degrees! Today should be that too, so excited to run in it!
My 3 favorite breakfast foods are 1. French toast, hands down. 2. biscuits ( I am pretty picky, my favorites are from a restaurant called maple street biscuit company), and 3. scrambled eggs, no cheese in them. Oh man, now I want french toast and eggs! Have a great day!


We had some snow here in Scotland (not as common as you might think!) and I’ve had some awesome runs in the snow this week! Saturday was parkrun and despite the below freezing temps and snow on the ground, there were still people running in shorts!

My Sunday is my long run. 10 miles in the crunchy snow this week.

Breakfast? 1. Pancakes. 2. French toast. 3. Bacon. On their own or all together, I don’t mind!


Okay, your top three breakfast foods win… I have to agree with you:) I hope your ten miler was perfect today and I want to come visit Scotland! Andrew would fit right in with the people running in shorts ha! Thanks Allison.


In the winter, My rest days are Friday from all exercise and Monday I don’t run but just do lower body weights. I have tried to make Sunday my day off but found that in the winter I need weekend daylight hours to get at least 2 outdoor runs a week. As soon as it’s Spring I will switch back to Sunday rest day. Kind of can’t wait for that!


Get in those daylight runs as much as possible during the winter! I am already looking forward to spring ha! I hope your Sunday is a great one Belle!


Is you’re brother in Louisville? If so, wish I’d known before my husband and I both flew recently to look for him. Hope y’all have a great time here this summer. Maybe I’ll run into you. Literally ;)


HEY!!! Oh that is so cool! How about we plan a group run this summer? How fun would that be!?!?


Do you like that Nike jacket? I bought it for snowy and rainy conditions but can’t decide if i want to keep it.


I LOVE IT SO MUCH! I wasn’t sure how much I would love it but I’m obsessed… I think I wore it daily last week. It’s perfect to put over a warm layer for the snow and to wear just a tank under for the rain. I love the look of it too:) Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Yay Southwest! My hubby has flown for them for 4 years. Did your brother used to fly over at SkyWest? That’s where my husband started – so we spent a lot of quality time in Utah during husband trainings :) have a great Sunday!


Oh I love it! Thanks Kristin! I’m trying to remember who he was last with (it was an airline that is just on the east ((I just sent him a text to ask him))! Come back to UTAH!


We got about an inch of snow last week which isn’t much at all! I agree with running in snow – so satisfying to hear the crunch of it.
My agenda for the day is a trip to Target (I’ll be on the lookout for sour patch candy for ya!), reading and I’m going to mac homemade mac and cheese for the first time. Lots of rest which is perfect to me!
Top 3 breakfast foods – bacon, omelettes, and cinnamon rolls. I need to make homemade cinnamon rolls one day soon.
Have a great day Janae!!


I’m taking my kids to play at the park after church today! Our snow in NC has melted and it’ll be 64 degrees this afternoon!! I’ll probably run after that or while the kids play.


That was some deep snow you ran in! I bet that will make you sore. Good for you getting out there!


My thighs are tight from running in the snow yesterday. It was a totally different kind of run/workout trying not to slip and fall especially when ever I came to a corner.


We got that similar weather a few weeks ago. Ah. Luckily today it was 40 and it felt amazing. I believe It’s supposed to be like that the rest of the week minus a few storms. Like most weekends, I am just working but totally fine with it. It makes the time go by faster.


Unfortunately I have to finish up some reading that is due for my class tomorrow. There was so much I just couldn’t get it all done yesterday. But otherwise resting! And then tonight we are having an early birthday celebration for me, my mom and grandpa. We share a birthday and it’s coming up on Thursday but not everyone will be in town then. But that just means I get to start birthday week with the best celebration.
I’m so happy we got so much snow. Now January looks exactly like it’s supposed to! :) And since the roads weren’t bad at all it was really the best kind of snow storm.
Have a great Sunday!!!


Utah weather is the inverse of Tennessee weather! It’s been SO COLD here, but finally warmed up yesterday. My niece is a pilot with Southwest – they seem to treat her pretty well. Maybe you can pass ride with him to somewhere warm and sunny!


Oh I am so glad you are getting some nice weather now Amy! Oh that is so good to hear about your niece! I feel really good about your idea to go somewhere warm! THANKS AMY!


Boston finally didn’t get snow this week! I might ACTUALLY get some training in!
Sunday is my rest day- did 10.5 miles up and around Heartbreak Hill yesterday:) Today is for yoga and cooking.
I love cheerios, bananas, and scrambled eggs. Super plain, I know, but they work for me!!


Oh I am so glad you are going to get some great training in and WAY TO GO on your workout yesterday! I want to do Heartbreak hill again! Enjoy your yoga and cooking day Kerri!


It was so warm today, all the snow is melting here in Toronto! I think it’s funny that Utah has more cold and snow then us up here North.


Hey Janae, have you got the wonder weeks app? Skye might be hitting her 6 week leap! I felt like it helped a lot to know why the heck they get so grumpy/awake-y all of a sudden! She is so delicious


Thank you so much Rachel… I don’t have that app but I’m going to download it right this second! THANK YOU!


You can get a mattress for your pack n play! It took me two kids and five years to figure this out. So worth it!! Baby sleeps much better on it.
Do not try to keep Skye awake. The more she sleeps, the more she sleeps; the less she sleeps, the less she sleeps. If you keep her awake, she will sleep less in the long run. She needs approx 1-2 hours awake time at this point during day, and then hopefully sleeping through night just to wake to eat. It will take time, but she will get it. If you keep her awake, she gets OVERTIRED, which makes her fight sleep and you will have a hard next few hours. It defies logic but it is TRUE. Get _Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child_ by Weissbluth. There are chapters on different ages and different challenges (ie no need to read entire book). You will hear from moms again and again that this book saved them. It saved us big time. When she is four months old, you can sleep train, and we did “total extinction” for it to work with our kids (see book I mentioned).
You should still be feeding her at every chance, at every whimper, if you want a good supply for months to come. Sounds crazy but can become second nature.


THANK YOU SO SO MUCH for your tips… sending your comment over to Andrew right now! Thank you!!!!! I hope you have a beautiful day!


Yes yes yes I second this!!! On my second girl, 8 weeks today. This book saved us with my first after a rough sleep start. It goes against what you may think but the more sleep they get, the more they are willing to accept, with minimal fussing. Best of luck!!!


Completely agree with the sleep comments – sleep begets sleep in young children so keeping them up definitely backfires unfortunately. This chart was AMAZING for me and truly works. Its the amount of time in between sleeping that they should be awake during the day. You put them down to sleep after the allotted time at each age, even if they don’t seem “tired.”
Newborn 50-60 minutes
1 months – 60-75 minutes
2 months – 1 hour and 15-20 minutes
3 months – 1 hour and 20-30 minutes
4 months – 1 hour and 45 minutes – 2 hours
5 months 2 hours -2.25 hours
Late 5 months/early 6 months – 2.25-2.5 hours
6.5 months – 7 months – 2.75-3 hours. Some are getting more
8-10 months – 3-4 hours. Some are getting more
11-12 months – 3.5-4.5 hours. Some are getting more if moved early to 1 nap

This was given to me 9 years ago and worked like a charm with both of my boys but I am forgetting exactly what “some are getting more” means. I think its that some are getting more awake time in between naps at those ages. Good luck – I hope this helps!


Utah and Colorado are on the same weather page again-it’s snowing like crazy today! I’m a little disappointed because this week is supposed to be colder which means no stroller walks :( But I am looking forward to baby cuddles under a blanket with a mug of hot chocolate today!


We got enough snow this past week for a snow day at school (woo!) but I was VERY HAPPY that my run yesterday was around 50° instead of a a wind chill of 16° like last week.

Playing in the band and singing at church this morning, and doing video work like normal. And then YES it is a rest day that I plan on taking full advantage of.

This one is hard because I really love breakfast everything. I’ll go with eggs, sausage, and coffee.


I just wanted to let you know that I got done with my run this morning (3 miles) and decided to read your blog and then remembered I should do strength training so I stopped reading to do that! (And then finished reading as I stretched!) Hope you have a great Sunday and glad to hear you are enjoying running again.


WAY TO GO EMILY (and thanks for giving me motivation to do strength training this week;)! Great workout today and thank you so much!


Dear Janae,

Hello!! HOW do you keep your feet warm????????????????????

I still haven’t mastered this… in the South it almost never snows, but I’ve been up North the past few years and we get it every year!

Thanks and have a great day!!


I seriously do not know hahaha…. I think I must not have cold sensors in my feet and all of them are in my hands instead;) It’s so weird! I wish I had better advice;) I hope you are having a beautiful day!


I wish we had snow here!!! It hasn’t snowed in 19 years!

I’ve had the flu but I got 11 hours of sleep last night and I feel a tiny bit of normal sneaking back in!!! So I might even take a shower today ?

Top 3 breakfast foods: soft boiled eggs, pancakes, and avocado toast.


Hey Marissa! 19 years… wow, that is a long time! I am SO happy that you are feeling a little bit more normal. Oh I like your top three breakfast foods! I hope you continue to feel better and better!


I’m not a runner, but curious. Do your shoes get really wet and cold when you run in the snow like that?
We got snow last week, but this weekend has been in the 40s so it’s melting away and I think we are expecting rain tomorrow.


Our weather has been so indecisive-it will snow one day, then rain and warm up to 40’s, then get super windy, then wham us with snow again.

I am so cuckoo with my rest days. I have a hard time taking a weekend day off because of working M-F, but I also love running on Mondays to kick start the work week. I play it by ear depending on my kids schedules.

Today my boyfriend and I went XC skiing because there was enough snow. So Sunday was ski, coffee, and laundry.

Breakfast food. Course cut oatmeal with a gob of toppings (muesli, cashews, maple syrup), scones, and hot coffee. Not too exciting. I used to LOVE hashbrowns with a poached egg on top.

Happy Running!!


If you need some amazing tips for improving sleep try the site preciouslittlesleep.Com
This sleep sit saved my life and has info about suggested wake times for each age, and many other great tips for setting up sleep help!


Ahhhhh thank you so much! I just opened the site and I can’t wait to study it all:) thank you so much Lauren!


We’ve been getting much the same weather you’ve had in Utah and I was just thinking how sore I still am from Friday’s run in the snow. Brooke’s face in those sledding pictures is priceless. How fun that you got to see your brother! Hope you guys have a great week.


I just listen to my body for which days are rest days! Top 3 breakfast foods are eggs, mushrooms, and spinach! The last two aren’t breakfast foods by themselves, but I like to eat them all mixed in together! Is coffee a food? I like that too. lol


I loved the pictures of today’s post! specially ones of the girls (Brooke, Skye and Beretta) , they are so cute!!

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