15 Things From Our Day + if you could change one thing…

1.  I took it to the roads for my walk yesterday.  Being outside made me even more excited for running next week (will somebody remind me to bring a bobby pin?).  It was GORGEOUS outside.  The fresh air, the mountains, the feeling of moving… it was a good morning!

2.  I wore my new walking/bootcamp shoes (I like to keep my running shoes separate from my cross-training shoes) and these Air Zoom Pegasus 34s (Sponsored by Nike) are amazing (plus, they might be some of the cutest shoes ever).

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3.  I got my podcast game on during my walk!  I started off with this podcast below.  I loved everything they shared and then I started on Lindsey Hein’s latest podcast with Katharine Switzer (I can’t wait to finish this on my Monday walk)!

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4.  I got home and had the strongest desire to clean the whole house.  Does that ever happen to you?  I just had a sudden burst of energy and wanted to clean everything so I strapped Skye to me and we all got to work (no one else was very excited about my desire for us to all clean).

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5.  Andrew even got behind the dryer and gathered the 2,000 socks that I have lost back there.  Maybe I will wear matching socks again… probably not.

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6.  After we finished cleaning we refueled with some chocolate milk.

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7.  Followed by lunch.  I am really on an egg/veggies/cheese/bacon/toast kick right about now.  I do miss my 3 lb pancakes that I used to eat daily while pregnant, maybe I need to pick back up with those.  We went through an absurd amount of boxes of Bisquick for a few months there.

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8.  Post-lunch snuggles because why would I let her take a nap by herself when I make a very good bed for her.

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9.  This has happened to me way too many times since I have had Skye (Friends will forever be in my top three favorite shows).  Thanks Megan D for sending this to me.

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10.  And then I went to my desk to attempt to get a few emails written.  Skye hung onto the strings of my hoodie to make sure that I wasn’t going to put her down to nap so she could stay cuddled up.

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11.  Once Skye woke up we played, she ate and then she wanted a group picture with her older siblings!

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12.  And then we finally left the house at around 4:30 pm.  It takes us a very long time to get out of the house now… Knox wanted to pretend he was asleep for the picture.  PS Andrew hit the 80km goal!  This was the furthest he has ever gone in two weeks time (he’s the person that can run a marathon after doing 10 miles as his longest run of his training cycle).  I’m really proud of him and I think he is loving running more and more.

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13.  My mom has an awful cold and my grandma has to stick to soft foods after her dentist appointment so we picked up a bunch of soup to drop off to both of them.  While we were at Kneader’s getting soup we couldn’t resist getting dinner for ourselves too.  Salads and a sandwich to share with the water bottle that Andrew hates since I spill it so often.  We eat a lot of meals in our cars these days and drive-thrus are heaven for us.

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14. Brooke and I ran in to Target to grab something we forgot for our dinner tonight and the stuff we needed to make superman muffins (from the Run Fast. Eat Slow cookbook).

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15.  And then to end the night off perfectly we stopped at Coldstone!  A friend gave us some Coldstone gift cards and we have greatly loved our stops there in the past few weeks.

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If you could change one thing about your house/apartment/living space… what would it be?

-A big one that I wanted yesterday—>  MORE STORAGE SPACE!!

Have you been sick at all lately?  A cold?  Flue? Something else? Ever go to Coldstone?  What do you order there? What is the best part of your Sunday going to be?

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We are changing it right now with our mater bath remodel. Super excited.

Knock on wood…….have not been sick ALL winter! The little and the hubby have both had a cold and a tummy thing that I have avoided this season. Running sweats out all the bad stuff, right?

Looking forward to baking something with my side kick today.
Have a great Sunday with your family.


I don’t have a Coldstone near me, but if I did my order would involve peanut butter and chocolate!

Highlights today will be a 16 mile run and watching the Minnesota Vikings/Saints playoff game at a restaurant with an all-you-can-eat salad bar–heaven!


Ummm I want to go to that restaurant with you, that sounds amazing! Way to go on 16 miles!


If I could change one thing about my condo … Thicker walls! I have been woken up many times at night by the sound of my neighbor’s dog. Love the dog … Hate his barking!

Coldstone was my absolute favorite growing up. Loved getting the cake batter or cheesecake ice cream as a base and mixed in all the good stuff. Miss having one of those nearby!

Have a great Sunday!!


Skye just gets cuter and cuter by the day!! I work in a school and have a super low immune system so I catch every single thing that goes around:( Winter is the worst time for bugs and colds!

I would change the paint colour in my room, I have one wall painted bright blue (a choice 15 year old me made;) but we live in a rental so I’m stuck with it! I love love coldstones, every time I visit my dad in the states I go. I think I say this every time when ice cream or fro yo is mentioned and I comment but England really needs to up their game;) Have a great day:)


Agreed-MORE STORAGE SPACE! then again, maybe if I had less stuff…..Here’s an interesting fact: german houses do not have closets. Nope. No closets. You’re on your own to figure out how to put away all the fitness clothes and hanging stuff. They do sell wardrobes all over the place. Again, that takes up so much space!!1

Coldstone, yum. Indulge me in the flavors! I do remember going and getting a really delicious combo that was graham cracker, strawberries, almonds, and maybe chocolate chips?

Sunday-medium long run, hot coffee, and hanging out with the kiddos as we procrastinate cleaning.

Have a great rest of your week!!!


No closets?!? Oh that would be rough! Okay, that coldstone combo sounds soooo good! Sounds like the perfect day! Thanks Kelly!


I love Coldstream. Vanilla with Reese’s is the best. Have a great Sunday.


If I could change one thing it would be that we had an extra room for the play room. Every single toy that we own would go in there and if it was messy and I didn’t feel like a fight, I could shut the door and my house would magically feel clean again. Someday this will happen. Someday.

Cold stone is amazing! I love their cheesecake with raspberry or heath bar mixed in.


I would love less stuff in our house and a shower/bathroom remodel. My sister is coming to help me declutter in a week and a half. She likes doing that, I don’t. Yeah for Andrew finding all the socks. This morning I went for a run with my friends. The last couple of km’s I got a little niggle in my hamstring so I didn’t push it. Gave it a good foam rolling and stretch. We’ll see how it goes. We took a route I don’t run often, and Strava said I broke three records! Now I’m cutting fabric for gifts for my niece’s babyshower. She’s having twins! So exciting and it brings back memories of my own pregnancies. Skye gets cuter every day! Thankfully no colds or sickness this winter so far!


Way to go on the new records! I hope your hamstring is okay! Twins… that is way exciting! Enjoy your day Eva and maybe your sis can come over and declutter our house too haha!


I love when I get a random urge to clean! It’s amazing. I’m with you though, if I could change anything about our current apartment is to have more storage space! We use every inch I swear.
I’m making a Target run today and I can’t wait to wander around for a little bit. Coldstone is delicious! I haven’t been in so long but I love the peanut butter chocolate premade concoction they have but cake batter is also a good choice there.


Since I live in MN….today is all about the VIKINGS playoff game at 3:40!!!!! I am making a big vat of chili and the family will be nestled under blankets cheering and hoping for a WIN. GO VIKINGS~ Go VIKINGS!!


Ahhhh that sounds so fun Kathy!!! Have a blast and I hope the Vikings win!


The pictures of the kids are so cute! Especially the one of the 3 of them together ?
I would love to re-do our kitchen!! I want to open it up more to the rest of the house. But that involves removing a load bearing wall, so we’re saving money for that!
We don’t have a Coldstone really near us, but their ice cream is so yummy!!
Today will start with a 12 mile run, then I too, have a burning desire to clean the entire house, but that may not happen until tomorrow ?
Have a great Sunday!


Oh thank you so much Wendy! I hope your twelve miles were great and enjoy the rest of your day (and the cleaning today or tomorrow:)


If I could change something about my house I would add a big front porch. I would love to be able to sit out there in the nice weather.
I haven’t been sick lately, thankfully, but I’m a nurse at a hospital and we have had a lot of patients with influenza so I have been extra careful with hand washing.
I go to Coldstone occasionally but it has been too cold for ice cream lately. There isn’t one thing that I always get, it depends on what I’m in the mood for.
The best thing today will be going to the Minnesota Vikings game this afternoon. My husband is a huge fan so we drove up from Iowa with his cousin to go to the game. Skol Vikings!
Have a great Sunday Janae and family!


Tara! Have the best time ever at the game today! Oh and I agree, a big front porch would be incredible! I hope it starts to warm up soon for you!


YES to the more storage space!! My little condo barely had any. I would also make my second bedroom bigger. It’s really only office/baby room sized. My poor roommate…
And I love when I get tons or cleaning energy. That’s the best!!!


I’m a runner at heart but this year I’m trying to integrate aerobic workouts (such as the 21 day fix from Beachbody) for cross training days in order to build other muscles and stay injury free. I am looking for a good shoe for these days. I have the free RNs but found I need more stability. Would you recommend the Nike Air Zoom Pegasus shoes for these types of workouts? Thanks!


Hey April! Good for you to work on cross training this year (that’s my goal too)! I absolutely love these shoes and they will be what I am wearing for boot camp so I totally recommend them for what you are doing too! They have a lot more support and stability than the free (I have those too)! Let me know if you get them (and what color:)! Have a beautiful day!


Great to hear! Thanks so much. Will definitely be ordering a pair soon. Either the color you are wearing or a boring but staple black pair. Haha Just saw your Nike post on cross training. Great post! I just started focusing on it more about two weeks ago and can already tell a difference so that’s encouraging. Best of luck with yours!!


I wish I would get cleaning urges! I hate cleaning so my house is always a low-grade disaster. I do clean once the mess gets out of control. If I could change one thing about it, I’d make it so we didn’t live on a corner lot. My dog barks and jumps at the fence whenever people walk by and I’m terrified someone is going to complain about her or be an idiot and stick their hand over the fence.
I love cold stone! Give me the one with cookie dough, brownie, and whipped cream-yum!
Hope you have a great Sunday full of baby cuddles :)


I got sick back in the fall, and thankfully I’ve been able to avoid getting sick again.

I have zero plans for today, though I am considering heading to a coffee shop to get some work done.


I would love to have a door that would close to the kitchen / dining room area so I could cook without the cats getting into everything.

Yup, currently fighting a cold. Ran 12 miles yesterday with a wind chill of 16°. Probably wasn’t smart with a cold. Anyway, question for anyone reading: What do you use to cover your face when running in freezing wind? Everything else was mostly ok but I have to do something for my face!! I’ve been running for many years but usually avoid this kind of temperature by using the treadmill at the gym. Thanks for your recommendations everyone!


Oh I hope your cold gets better ASAP! Way to go on your 12 miles in such cold temperatures! If no one answers your question about the face cover, I’ll ask it on my Tuesday morning post so check out the comments on Tuesday! Have a beautiful day Jess!


Thank you!! I wish the answer could be, “Duh, just move some place where it’s always warm out,” but that doesn’t seem to be an option haha


I live in the mountains and run in the cold and blowing wind/snow often. I have several neck gaiters of different thicknesses. For super cold runs, I will wear my fave NIKE balaclava (https://www.ebay.com/i/253222265188?rt=nc ) . There are a ton out there! Like a hat and face covering at once! I love that you can pull it down if you are in the sun and going with the wind and then pull it over the face when you head into the wind!
I almost always wear glasses to break the wind too…until the eyelashes freeze ;) Good for you for being out there in the elements!!


Yes, this is exactly what I was thinking of but couldn’t figure out how to find! Thanks so much!!


I get Cleaning urges too! It’s hard for me to clean a little at a time, it’s usually all at once! I would change my kitchen, it’s tiny and awful! And I would love to add a bedroom! We only have a 2 bedroom house and have a little girl on the way, so if we have visitors it will be tight! We’ve already redone our bathroom, so the house already looks so different than when we moved in! I haven’t had the flu yet, but I have had a cold which stinks when you can’t take any medicine and can’t breath at night bc your nose is stuffed! Off to go for a run soon! Hoping to run without having to stop for a restroom break! The past week baby girl has been right on my bladder and I’ve had to stop a mile in for a bathroom! Hoping she moves up soon!!


Ugh, the floors. I HATE the carpet in my house. I want to take all of the carpet and tile out downstairs and put all new tile in. And new carpet for the rest of the house. I’d also love to repaint. The previous owners had…colorful taste and went with a beige to cover the blood red, dark (DARK) brown, bright green, pink, and purple walls throughout the house. The painted over all of baseboards and railings too, including the hardware on the railings.

No one has been too sick abt our house lately (knock on wood.) I have a craving for soup so someone needs to hurry up and get a cold!


Mmmm now I’m craving that ice cream! We don’t have one near but a little over an hour away and for Mother’s Day a couple years ago I wanted that ice cream so we drove down there just for that! Ice cream is my love language! I get coffee or vanilla ice cream with Oreos and choc fudge mixed in. ?


I want to add a treadmill so I can quit the gym. Also, I would love new kitchen countertops and a sink and new floors.

Skye is too cute. Love all that hair. My babies were bald forever.


Superhero muffins are a staple at our house! We never go without! I love the Run Fast, Eat Slow cookbook!


Just made them and oh my goodness.. so so good! I hope you have a great week Kate!


I made those muffins today from the Run Fast Eat Slow book and they were awesome! They’re the first thing I’ve tried to make from that book since getting it for Christmas and now I’m excited to try another recipe out next week. The next one I want to try is the lemon and blueberry scones. x


I want a bigger kitchen!! Mine isn’t even exactly tiny, I have at least eight feet of counter space which is more than some people in apartments like mine have. But the other night I actually had a dream that my kitchen had twice as much counter space, two separate islands, a walk-in pantry, a walk-in fridge and freezer, and every appliance known to cooks, and so now that is my literal dream kitchen.


Last time I was sick was 2 years ago:) Having grown children helps. Sunday is almost over for me but the best part was finishing the first light marathon in Mobile. It was freezing!! It was the coldest marathon I’ve run. I’ve run 27 and I’m from Detroit so that’s saying a lot! The next best part will be when I eventually make it home tonight. I land in Detroit around 11 ?


JEN!!! Huge congrats! Twenty seven marathons… you are amazing! I can’t believe how cold it was… I am so sorry about that. I hope you have since warmed up and safe travels!


What are superhero muffins? I would add a new treadmill to our condo. I’ve been thinking about a new one for a while now. :)

Its my birthday and it has been a wonderful day!! I hope your family had a wonderful one too!


I like Coldstone’s chocolate ice cream with cherry pie filling mixed in!

If I could change anything, I’d probably add another bedroom!


Oh us too… one more bedroom would be perfect. I need to try the combo, that sounds amazing! I hope you have a great week!


LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Superhero muffins! I make two batches and freeze for an easy on-the-go breakfast or snack for my son and me!


What color/type of lipstick do you use? I LOVE the color!!!

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