Tuesday Tangents and If the Holidays are Hard for You:

Poor Beretta is always wondering why I would ever get on a machine to run my miles rather than run out on the trails with her while we explore the world.

Andrew was at the hospital yesterday getting in a shift so it was me on the treadmill for 5.5 miles before the kids needed to be up and out the door for the day.  It is kind of confusing but I’ve always been a treadmill lover.  I enjoy running outside more than being on the treadmill but I really don’t mind it.  Maybe it is because I started my first race training days by doing all of my running on the treadmill and that is when my running love really began to grow and it has just stuck with me!?

PS I started rewatching the OC while on the treadmill (on Hulu) and that was a great decision… it took me way back to my college days and being incredibly invested in each character’s story.


Plus it started snowing a little bit (Knox made sure to put on his Ghostbuster costume for the event).  Ice freaks me out more than ever now.  Remember that time I fell on the black ice while running and hit my head really hard?  Yep, that has made me extremely paranoid.


Quick flashback to that fall… I slid for quite some time.

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Knox left with his mom while Brooke was at school.  Then I picked up Brooke and we got busy on getting some things done and seeing some people before the baby comes… because once she comes, we are home for a while.

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We first had lunch with Jess and her little boy.  We went to Magelby’s and I had a salad with fruit, hard-boiled eggs (Andrew’s least favorite food), bacon and poppyseed dressing with some breadsticks and then I helped Brooke with her pancakes.

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I also saw Megan and Kiley later on and caught up with them on life.


The last stop for the day was my sister’s house.  I made her tell me all of the details of each of her deliveries (she has five kids) along with her best tips.  You’d think since I have done this before that I wouldn’t be nervous but that was 5+ years ago which somehow feels like a lifetime ago.

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Brooke had a blast playing with her cousins while we were there and yep, she is just like me and doesn’t mind wearing mismatched socks one bit.

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I had some cereal at my sister’s house and then my body told me that it NEEDED pasta right that second.  So Brooke and I had the early bird special at Noodles & Co!  Pesto for me, spaghetti and meatballs for her.  PS are you an ice person?  I usually want as much ice as will fit in the cup but we just hit the part of the year where I am not looking to make myself any colder by adding ice to my water;)

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Dessert once we got home.

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Showers, pjs and Santa stories by 6 pm.  Andrew got home late after a VERY busy day at the hospital and thankfully the baby is working great so far around his work/school schedule;)  I am amazed by all of you that work in hospitals and that can handle blood etc because I might be the queasiest person ever when it comes to blood/cuts/needles/gross things.

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*There is definitely a lot of attitude packed into these 44 lb bodies.

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*I was hoping that the change of weather around here might get labor started last night once Andrew was home but instead it was just a night full of Braxton Hicks contractions!  Those things take my breath away!

*I’ve been doing this thing where I’ve started posting more Instagram Stories and a bit more on Instagram lately.  I think especially when labor hits I’ll be posting there a bit more than here (but Andrew will be posting on the blog when we go to the hospital) so if you want to stay updated, you can find me HERE!!!

*Christmas movies and snuggling on the couch, I’m very thankful the kids love this as much as I do.

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*You haven’t had the best holiday ice cream on the planet until you try this stuff.  Seriously, rush to the store right now to get this because it is that good.  Thank you to Megan D for filling me in on this important life lesson.

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*R Kay filled me in on this awesome goals for 2018 worksheet… it is perfect for coming up with your goals for next year and to figure out your plan on how to achieve these goals!

*I just wanted to take a minute and talk about the holidays for those of you that are struggling during this time of year.  I’ve have always felt like this time of year has either been the best for me or the absolute hardest.  If you are going through a dark time of life right now then the holidays can make that dark time feel even harder.  I remember while going through my divorce, this time of year made my loneliness feel a million times worse and I just kind of wanted to hide in my bed for the month of December and cry.  I did cry a lot of the days in the month too and that is okay, it was just what I needed to do during that time of life.

This time of year it may seem like everyone around you is happy and having the time of their lives while you are hurting (whether that be from a major loss in your life, divorce, your kids being gone, financial struggles, depression, poor health and the list goes on and on) but you are definitely not alone.  I remember even last Christmas was hard for both Andrew and me.  While we were so happy to have our first Christmas together our hearts were missing our kids that day a lot and I definitely cried it out to Andrew  There were a few things that I did when the holidays used to be especially tough for me that helped… I came up with an absurd amount of traditions that I wanted to do with Brooke to make my ‘new normal’ feel different and fresh (and we still do most of those traditions each year).  I enjoyed finding things that I loved to do with my new life that were special for me and Brooke.  I also really just let myself feel during that time.  I cried a lot, talked to my mom for dozens of hours, let myself feel what I needed to feel so that I could process everything and eventually move forward in life.  I also just prayed my heart out for brighter days.  Not that the brighter days came right away but they did come at some point and holding on to that little piece of hope made all of the difference for me.  I’ve written about this type of stuff other years too here and here if you want to check it out.  Now I know that many of you are going through much more intense trials and hard things than I could ever even imagine but the next few months I’m going to be up a lot in the middle of the night with one free hand to email with you if you are struggling this time of year.  I would love to hear from you and if you need an email buddy to send you chocolate or to talk to, I am your woman.  I’m thinking about you.

I have also never read a more impactful article/post/anything on this topic until I read pinch of yum’s survival guide and I really hope you read it if you need some help right now.  Screen Shot 2017 11 18 at 1 00 32 PM


Have any Tuesday Tangents to share?  I’d love to hear them!

Water with ice or no?  Are you big on ice or would you rather skip it?

Ever fallen on the ice?  Give me the story!

Does blood make you feel queasy or no?  Have you always been that way?  

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I cannot believe how much we have in common. Due dates one day apart…I’m so excited! I was just at TJ’s and picked up the chocolate covered peppermint jojo’s and am sipping a hot chocolate while I type this. Oh, and the reason I went to TJ’s, to pick up the hot chocolate cereal. Which is amazing! Can’t wait to see when our babes make an appearance!


Sara… your comment made me so happy! I bet our baby’s would be best friends if we lived by each other… they want all of the same things! PS what were your thoughts on the cereal? We are all in love with it. Please keep me updated on how you are doing!


I love your Instagram stories and pics! My id on there is Jeda103, just in case you ever see me post on your stories/pics! You can actually put a face with my name then! :) You are ALWAYS so nice about liking comments or commenting back. That means a lot to people! (And that’s why you’re my favorite–ha ha)

Blood doesn’t make me queasy–I guess I’m lucky that way! We just read Macbeth in my English class, and we’ve watched some video clips. I’ve definitely had some students that had to look away or leave the room during the killing scenes! :0

Labor tips from me—-just be open for ANYTHING to happen. And, your labor/birth could be very different from what Brooke’s was like! I had a pretty typical birth with Caroline, my oldest. With Sydney we barely got to the hospital on time, and she pretty much popped out as soon as I was on the delivery table. ha ha NOOOOO time for an epidural with that one, but it wasn’t bad. I’ve SERIOUSLY had MUCH WORSE visits at the DENTIST than I had giving birth to either of my kids!!!!! :) You’ll be great!!!!!


Oh thanks Jen! THANK YOU for telling me your account so now I can know and talk with you:)

THANK YOU for the tip, seriously. I really appreciate it… I need to be flexible and open for whatever ends up happening. Oh that makes me feel better because I’ve had a few really bad dentist experiences, child birth should be nothing. PS I can’t believe Sydney came so FAST (ps I love your girl’s names)!


I love you! I just wanted to say thanks for always being so understanding. I love getting to read about the exciting and happy moments in your life and think that it is so sweet that you still hold space for those of us that may be struggling. I am so appreciative that you have such a big heart and intelligently write about your experiences on all sides of the spectrum. You’re an inspiration to me- thank very much for all that you do!


Amanda, thank YOU for your sweet comment. It seriously means the world to me. I hope you have a beautiful day and keep me updated with how you are doing! xoxox


I can’t say that I’ve ever felt particularly down during the holidays – I feel like after the holidays is what hits me hard. The January/February blues are real!! It can be soooo challenging to deal with your emotions when they are all out of whack about whatever it is that’s getting you down. I really appreciate your message in this post!
Yes to water on ice, except when I’m already cold… then no ice.
The last time I fell on the ice was in college, my heavy backpack tipped me over and I went down thanks to being off balance on slick ice. Luckily it also broke my fall somewhat (and somehow my laptop didn’t break) but it definitely made me want to turn right around and go back home and stay inside.
Blood doesn’t bother me too much, but I absolutely can’t do needles… so if I ever have to have blood drawn or a shot or something, I can’t watch. The worst was getting fluid drawn from my knee – I have NEVER seen a needle that big, and I hope to never see one again. No thank you!


Oh I totally agree… the Jan/Feb blues can be rough. Especially when the weather is bad and we can never get out to see the sun! That is amazing your laptop survived your fall! Glad you were okay that day in college, falls are the worst! I hear you on needles… nope. Oh I hope that you NEVER have to be around a huge needle again! I hope you have a beautiful day Rhiannon!


YES!! I’m so glad you started watching The OC again :) It definitely took me way back when I watched it recently. And I usually don’t get ice in my water, mainly because condensation is one of my least favorite things.

Thanks for always encouraging people during this often-tough holiday season. The past couple of years have been pretty rough on me, and the holidays have gotten A LOT tougher. Heartache and loneliness are awful, even when you have family and friends who love you. I always try to stay busy during this time of year to take my mind off of the pain, but some days are harder than others. The important thing is to remember why we celebrate this time of year and to show love to others in every way possible.


LOVE hearing from someone else that loves the OC too! Natalie, you have been through SO much the last few years and please know you are in my thought sand prayers! You are amazing and I’m always here if you need to chat! Thinking about you!


I have a tangent for today — and it’s totally a #firstworldproblem — Why do they make bathroom rugs that can’t absorb water? I mean seriously? A shower rug — that not only doesn’t absorb moisture at all, but it’ll just act


Wanna go into a business together (and of course go on Shark Tank) and sell things. I think it is a brilliant idea!


I got a great one at Ikea that totally absorbs water. It’s like a big microfiber towel. And it feels really nice on the feet.


Happy Tuesday!! Every morning I wait for your post and wonder if you had your baby! It’s rainy Tuesday here in Pittsburgh. =( I cannot be the only person who thinks it is tougher to get up on Tuesdays that Mondays!

I absolutely love ice in my water. I really love it when it’s the cool round ball ice! However, I do always ask for light ice with iced coffees. I like my iced coffee to have more coffee less ice.

I am also super paranoid about ice! I lived in a more rural area for a year after college and fell pretty bad on the side of a deserted road. I ended up making my husband come pick me up.

BLOOD. Blood makes me so queasy! Needles, shots, and really anything that deals with hospitals/doctors makes me sick! I come from a family of nurses. My sister and mom are both nurses and I can remember when I was growing up those two swapping stories at the dinner table. I would plead to my dad to make them stop!!!

Hope you have a nice day!!! How is the Hot Coco cereal? I must get some!


I am actually just like you… Mondays are easy for me to get up because it’s the start of the new week and I feel refreshed after the weekend (but then it gets harder each day)! BE CAREFUL this winter out running… your deserted road fall terrifies me too! Hahaha yep, I do not let Andrew tell me any stories (he calls his brothers on the way home after work to tell them;) about what he saw… just like you!

Honest opinion about the hot cocoa cereal—> IT IS AMAZING. Go get some asap. Me and the kids love it!


When I first started going out with my husband, we were walking across and icy parking lot and I said “Hold my hand so I don’t fall”….and I started to slip on the ice and he immediately let go of my hand and I fell (just embarrassing, I was fine). We’ve been married for 20 years, but I never let him forget that.


HAHAHA I would never let Andrew forget that either! PS 20 years… that is AWESOME Allison:)


Mmmm hot chocolate! I went to starbucks yesterday and they gave me a peppermint mocha by accident and I wasn’t mad about it. I probably would never have ordered it if they didn’t make me one by accident but I will definitely order one again! :)

My tangent is just that I can’t believe I’m under no running rules for another week. I really hope to get cleared next Monday by my doctor. While you are on baby watch I am on leg watch – both of us anxiously waiting for an update in our conditions HAHHA! Have a great day!


Oh well that sounds delicious! I AM SO SO EXCITED that you might be running by next week. YES, please let me know what he says. I’m crossing all of my fingers for you! Thinking about you Kristina!


I wish Brooke’s navy star jacket came in adult size! I love it!


RIGHT!?!?! And I got it for $5…. I was so jealous haha! I hope you have a wonderful day!


Your belly looks like it’s dropped SO much!! Maybe it’s just the angle of that picture…but I think she’s coming SOON!! :-D

I love The OC!! I was so sad that it ended after just 4 seasons!! I wish they would bring it back but re-watching it is such a great idea that I might have to join in on!!

I’ve never fallen badly on the ice, just little slips and I was able to catch myself. It is super scary though – please be careful the next couple weeks with that baby inside you!!


REALLY!?!?! Okay, you just made my day Torrie. I sure hope that my belly has dropped and that it is not just the picture. Join me in rewatching the OC! I’m having a blast doing it! Thank you so much Torrie. Yeah, I think I might be done running outside unless it is really clear out! I hope you have a beautiful day!


Hot chocolate is the best! Even if it’s not quite cold enough here, I’ll usually bring it out in December and start drinking it almost daily. For some reason McDonald’s peppermint hot chocolate is really good! We don’t get hard freezes here so I’ve never experienced black ice but I know it can be scary!
Blood doesn’t really phase me much but I’m sure if it was a massive amount, just about anyone would be queasy!


Virjinia!!! I have never even thought to try McDonald’s peppermint hot chocolate but I’m going to have to today now… sounds delicious (and a drive-thru)! I hope you have a beautiful day and enjoy some hot chocolate today!


Thank you for linking to that Pinch of Yum post. I read it when Lindsay posted it and I thought it was incredibly powerful. I hope it reaches everyone who needs it this holiday season. Sending love and light to all.


Isn’t she amazing?! Her personal posts are so incredibly powerful. I hope you have a beautiful day Elizabeth!


Team No Ice here ? Also, any and all bodily things make queasy ?

Did anyone end up guessing baby girl’s name?


I haven’t checked in a little while!!! I’m off to go check! Have a great day Emily!


Thank you for being such a kind, caring and genuine person to all of us. <3
The article you shared was so spot-on, and it was so needed. For the first time in three years, in attempting to attend my work Christmas party. I'm hoping it goes okay, but I won't feel like a weirdo if I need to escape!

I'm a major wimp with bodily fluids! I never can even look when I get blood drawn! I'm thankful there are wonderful and brave people who can handle them!
Yes to ice in my glass, with water or lemonade!
No to ice on the driveway! Last winter, I slipped and fell flat on my back, and hit the back of my head. That hurt mucho.
Stay safe and warm!:)


Jenny, I am so glad that article helped. It is absolutely amazing. Good luck this year at the Christmas party and I hope it goes really well for you! I’m here to talk if you need it!

I am right there with you on the bodily fluids stuff… I can’t look either when I get blood drawn. I hope your day is wonderful Jenny and be careful this year on the ice!


I went to pinchofyum and read the blog post you linked. And then I read all 10 posts about their sweet baby, Afton. It was one of the most beautiful stories I’ve ever read. Thank you so much for this blog of yours, I enjoy it so much, and the things you’ve shared from other people over the years have been some of the most heartfelt things I’ve ever read. The way these stories all lead into another, it helps remind me how connected we all are.


Isn’t she amazing?! I am sure she is able to help tens of thousands of people going through hard times by sharing her story. Thank you so much for your sweet comment. I couldn’t agree, we are all connected (no matter how many differences it seems we have). Thank you Amanda and I hope you have a beautiful week!


I like ice in water most of the time. Sometimes I really crave ice cold water. My office moved about two years ago and we have a pebble ice machine in the break room. It is SO AWESOME!!
I’ve never fallen on the ice. A few years ago the Cowtown Marathon (and Ultra) was cancelled due to an ice storm. They ended up only having the half marathon due to street conditions. Everything was fine on race day, but I have never been SO SORE after a race. Even my abs were sore. I was just so paranoid about slipping. Several of my friends said the same thing.

I think I’m okay with a little blood. I don’t really get queasy. I just look away when I get it drawn at the doctors office :)

Thank you so much for this post. We all struggle at some point. You are so generous to share your experiences and insight. Your positive attitude is so contagious!! I’ve thought about emailing you several times. Good to know there is someone to listen.


You better email me next time you think about doing it. I’m always here! Oh I guarantee your abs were so sore because they were working so hard to keep you from FALLING in those crazy conditions… way to go on that! PS I want a pebble ice machine so bad in my dream house. I hope you have an amazing day Elizabeth!!


I love your heart so much. I teared up reading the part about struggles and what others may be going through right now. It’s wonderful of you to think of others in that way even though you’re extremely happy right now. It reminds me to keep everyone in prayer who may be dealing with things. Thank you for using your platform for such good. You’re awesome! Have a great day, Janae!


Oh Marie! Thank you so much for your sweet words! I hope you are having a great morning so far and thanks for taking the time to comment, it always means a lot to me!


Whenever you post about doing something for the last time for awhile before the baby comes, I get choked up! Every. Single Time. Am I too invested in your life?! Probably. I’m just so happy for you guys! I cannot wait to see pictures and hear about how you’re doing. Brooke and Knox are going to be the best big siblings!

Running on ice terrifies me, too. I’m currently out with a hamstring injury, so I’m resting until I start training for a marathon on Christmas Day. Fingers crossed I heal quickly.

I hope you have a wonderful day!!!


Chelsea, THANK YOU for caring about what is going on over here… that means a lot to me! I am SO sorry about your hamstring… not fun and I hope it goes away asap! Which marathon!?! Thank you!


Thank you – I hope so, too! I’m planning on running the Rock’n Roll in Nashville in April. It’ll be my first full! I’ve done about 16 halves, so I figured it was time!


Oh that is so exciting! Chelsea, you are going to rock this race and 16 halves… amazing. Keep me updated on everything!


I know a lot of people aren’t treadmill fans but I like it too. After falling several times on ice and snow, I find the treadmill to be the best for me when the conditions could be rough.


I am a totally more ice in my drink the better person. Even when its cold and snowing I carry around an ice cold drink. I like the concept of a hot drink just not the execution. I am the queen of slipping on ice, I haven’t ever hit my head, but I did break my ankle when I skied over a patch when I was younger.


I prefer my water room temperature. And I don’t like ice in any beverage unless it’s super strong iced coffee that I’m ok with a little ice melt-dilution situation :)

For some reason ice cold beverages upset my stomach.


I have fallen too many times to count on icy runs :) No big deal now!
Water is usually room temperature but I really like ice water too! I love chewing on ice.
OMG the OC – how could I have forgotten about that show?! I was obsessed with Ryan …. they need to put this on Netflix!


I’m pretty sure that every time you post a ig story I’m automatically like “she’s in labor!!” And then I watch it. Are they going to strip you membranes on your next appointment?

I remember with my first 2 kids (#3 was a pretty good sleeper from the start) I would read blogs and articles etc while nursing at night to keep me awake. If you run out of things to read you can email me to stay awake. About whatever lol! Hopefully she will sleep good for you and you won’t have to worry about that too much.


I LOVE those oreos too! I buy a couple boxes and attempt to make them last for a month or two after Christmas … hahah! Good call on the OC, I should do that more on the treadmill. I hope you have a great day!


I fell on the ice while pregnant with my daughter! Luckily, I fell backward and basically sat down very hard. Unfortunately, I was holding the leash of my 90 pound dog who really wanted to get into doggie daycare!! I sat in the middle of the parking lot hoping someone would come help (it was early – no one else was around). Finally I managed to scoot to the edge of the ice, onto the actual pavement, and haul myself up to my knees and then my feet. It was super embarrassing but thank goodness I only had a minor wrist sprain!


Oh that is SO scary Abby!! I can’t even imagine. So glad you and your daughter were okay! Stay away from the ice this year. I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday!


Thankfully I’ve only ever just slipped and not actually fallen on ice. I’m not the most coordinated person, so I’ve been lucky so far. Last winter I slipped on some ice at school and thought for sure that I was going down, but I somehow managed to stay on my feet.

I really appreciate that you’re sharing about how tough Christmas can be for some people. It’s easy to get caught up in the expectations that it should be a happy and fun time, but that’s just not the reality for some people. I’m sure you’re going to have people take you up on your offer.


Your blog continues to remain my favourite, especially after posts like these! And huge PS- PLEASE share your sisters labour/birth tips! I know it’s so different for every woman, and different for every pregnancy even, but I love reading these tips for not-so-distant future reference. xo


I agree about the hot chocolate. I am not a big chocolate eater but I love hot chocolate!

Good idea with the treadmill. I took my dog for a walk at 38 weeks and she got into a tussle with another dog. I fell and, tho the baby was ok, it was not pretty. My doc joked that my c section scar would likely heal before my knee ;)


hey janae!!! Don’t say the ‘S(now)’ word!!! It’s been so mild in NJ so far and I do not miss the cold/snow/ice one bit!!

I’ve fallen TWICE on ice!!! Eeeeek. The first time I broke my tailbone. That was no joke. And you just have to let it heal!!!!

The second one was a biggie! Slipped down icy stairs and had my first broken bone – broke the humeral head of my shoulder. Had a plate put in and took a4
month leave from school – I was in my final clinical rotation!!!
On the bright side, I was in school studying physical therapy so I was versed in the surgery and rehab aspects AND (to answer your question) NOT freaked out by blood and other gross body stuff!!!

Have a great day!


My foot is really killing me today. It definitely woke me up last night and the hubs said that he could hear me moaning in my sleep :( No good! But at least I BQ’d – so totally worth it!

I love ice during the summer, but not during the winter. I would just prefer plain ol water.

I totally slipped on black ice while pregnant with my daughter and it scared the daylights out of me! But she’s all good and super smart so apparently she had enough cushion in there!

I am no good with blood! And I pass out fairly easily, like when they took off my cast and when my own kiddos have given blood. Oy.


i hear you on the treadmills, i don’t mind treadmill-running at all! i too fell in love with running via treadmill so I have nothing against them! Plus you can watch shows, the bathroom is always nearby, you can always have water on hand without having to carry it, AND you can stop any time (even if you’re 6 miles into a planned 12 mile run) without having to worry about how to get back home! Not to mention it’s easy to vary the incline depending on what you need (all the hills you want even if you live in a flat place!). Nothing but love for the treadmill over here :) ….also I COMPLETELY understand what it’s like to have sad Christmases. I’ve had my share of them in the past. Thankfully the holiday season has gotten MUCH more enjoyable in the past few years — but those sad years make me extra compassionate towards anyone going through a hard time over the holidays.


Extreme winds here in So Cal. We are about 30 miles from a huge fire and our air is a mess. Indoors on the bike trainer again for me.

I like about a third of my cup to be ice.

My brother was a hemophiliac so I grew up around blood/needles/medicine, plus he was in and out of the hospital a lot so it has never bothered me. He died when he was 31 and that first Christmas without him was so hard. I remember hearing Jingle Bell Rock at the mall and it reminded me of him so much that I just started crying in the mall. It’s been over 20 years now and I still miss him but the holidays don’t hurt nearly as much.


I’m such a big weenie when it comes to ice. We live on a steep, shady hill and it seems like my neighborhood is icy for 96% of the winter. It’s embarrassing how many pair of yak trax and spiked shoes I have.

I’m super queasy with blood (hmm a weenie theme going on this morning). Special thanks to Andrew and all the nurses out there!

And I’m so glad for you that you are still feeling this good! This little girl knows how to treat her Mama right!


Omg I recently started watching The OC while on the treadmill too (well bike and elliptical too since I’m coming back from an injury)! I never watched it when I was younger so it’s all new to me! :)


Hi Janae!
I never comment, but am a daily reader. I think it’s so admirable that you always acknowledge and offer support to your readers who may be having a tough time during the Holidays, especially now so because you have live the life you deserve and prayed for. You seem like such an empathetic person. Can’t wait to meet your and Andrew’s new little girl!


Maria, thank you so much for taking the time to comment today… it means a lot to me! Thank you so much for your sweet words and I can’t wait to introduce her to you guys too!


My ice habits seem kind of like yours -I LOVE ice during the warm summer months, but now that it’s cold I stay away… The only cold food/drink I like during the winter is ice cream :)
I can’t stand dealing with anything medical and have been known to pass out if there is too much blood involved -A couple years ago my daughter stabbed herself in the eye with a pencil. When she closed her eye to cry I actually saw blood spurt out. Needless to say I freaked out! -Thank God my 8 year son was also home to tell me what to do, “Mommy, I think you should take her to the Dr. You have to put her shoes on, then put her jacket on. Mommy, you need the car keys and your purse. Mommy, can you carry her to the car? Mommy, can you drive?”. Turned out she was totally fine and we now joke about how incapable I am with dealing with anything medical. -Oh and gross things… can’t do that either… don’t even say the dreaded words STOMACH FLU in front of me!


Water with no ice, thank you very much. ;) The ice gets in the way and I can’t guzzle it down that way.
Peppermint Bark ice cream?! Yes please! Now I just have to find it!
Tuesday tangent, more cookies in my kitchen tonight. I made Santa cookies a few days ago and they turned out pretty cute. So snowflakes and Santa’s galore tonight! ???
Have a beautiful day!


I’m more than okay with running on treadmills too! They’re a better way for me to stay on top of my pace without much thought which is always the best! :)

I also REALLY love that post from Pinch of Yum! Such a good article and reminder!

Yep, ice makes me a nervous wreck too! I absolutely don’t understand how anyone can feel any sort of confident driving in it, much less walking or running on it!

Oh my goodness, I would make for the worst nurse/doctor in the world! I get lightheaded with any hint of pain, sight of blood or anything gross! It’s gotten so much worse with age too! I try my best to steer clear of all of those types of things! :)

I hope your new little one comes tonight!!!


I tend to drink my water room temperature unless I’m really hot.

I thought the ice was solid stepping off the curb near work. It was not and I fell into the muck. I didn’t get hurt besides scrapes and bruises but it was embarrassing and uncomfortably wet. (I had to go back to work after this, as well).

My own blood does not make me queasy, my husband’s does though.


I can’t even tell you how helpful all your Holiday posts have been! I did exactly what you mentioned… Start new traditions! I’ve been doing this since Halloween started and I absolutely love it! Even tho I do have my “days”, I know that HOPE & prayer helps! <3 Thank you for always speaking from your heart! xo


I can’t even tell you how helpful all your Holiday posts have been! I did exactly what you mentioned… Start new traditions! I’ve been doing this since Halloween started and I absolutely love it! Even tho I do have my “days”, I know that HOPE & prayer helps! <3 Thank you for always speaking from your heart! xo PS. love that you've been on IG more!


Tuesday tangent-tired from all the tangents of the day!

Get this-in Germany drinks are not served with ice. Ever. (well maybe a cocktail is). It took me YEARS to accept this and when we visit the states we are such ice nerds. Crushed ice makes us squeal with happiness.

Your sweet holiday post is very kind. Holidays aren’t my strongest times, but I am always stronger from them.

Icy roads and sidewalks scare me! What I dislike the most is that sliding and feeling of being out of control! One time my mom was walking into her work and it was icy and a gust of wind blew her from one entrance to another (she worked in an office attached to a hospital at the time). We STILL laugh about it and thankfully she didn’t fall, she eventually stopped.

Baby watch continues……..


I have to have water in my ice! I actually hate warm water and won’t drink it so ice cold water is a must for me.

I think that even if you’re not dealing with a hard time, the holidays can still be hard. Social media makes it look like some people have amazing lives and it gets amplified during the holidays. Just need to remember what the holiday season is about!


You are so supportive and helpful for all of us! Your family and new baby are so lucky to have you! This time of year is hard. Christmas was my mother-in-law’s favorite holiday. We love her and miss her so much. And I always think about how far I should have come in my life, with weight loss, and how my mother and sister are always disappointed in the person I’ve become. But I have a very special relaxer we are doing coming up (Jeff Galloway 13.1 weekend) on the Podcast and I’m trying to focus on that. Love & best wishes for the coming joy in your life!


The full moon just ended so I except labor to begin in 3-5 days. Just an old wives take. Good luck!!!


Crossing my fingers that wives tale is one that is actually true:)


That ice cream sounds amazing and I wish I had some as I’m over here crying reading Pinch Of Yum’s post. Thank you for sharing!


OMG i was *just* talking about the OC today! man i miss that show so much. summer and seth forever :)
no ice, ever, in my water. hurts my teeth. totally fine w/ room temp tap water!
great post. i’m up and down w/ this time of year, but my issues are so minor. to all of you out there, many thoughts and prayers your way.


Thank you for continuing to share yourself with us, even though you’ve (thankfully) moved through that most difficult period of your life. This holiday season is very very difficult for me, and I so so appreciate being able to come here and know that you understand AND that you’re thinking of those who haven’t yet gotten through to the other side. In comparison with so many other blogs that are so sunny all the time – I’m really grateful for your honesty and willingness to continue walking alongside those of us still struggling.


Laurel, I am so incredibly sorry about what you are going through at this time of life. It breaks my heart. Please let me know if you ever want to talk. I’ll be thinking about you. You can do hard things.


You are smart to be wary of the ice. In March this year I slipped and fell while out for a run (only time I’ve ever fallen while running) and broke my ankle in 2 places, requiring surgery, a plate, 9 screws, and 5 weeks non-weight bearing in a cast. Oh, and months of physio and I’m still working on coming back to it.

The funny part was my husband had fallen last October while we were hiking in the snow and broke his ankle in 3 places. We now have matching scars. Our new family motto is ‘no broken ankles’. Our teenagers think it’s pretty funny. Not sure if they’re laughing with us or at us, though ?


Thanks so much for acknowledging how the holidays can be hard for people. Most bloggers/people on social media keep up with the illusion that everything is perfect all of the time and for someone who struggled for a lot of years with loneliness it makes things SO much harder.

I’ve followed you your entire time blogging and like you have finally found happiness. These are the first holidays where I will not be alone and thank my lucky stars everyday that I’m in a different place. I will never forget how that loneliness and sadness feels and will be forever grateful for the few times I commented on your blog and you gave me words of encouragement and hope.

I’m so happy for how things have turned out for you and hope that you blog forever and ever :-). Good luck with labour (that spelling shows how Canadian I am) and delivery and I wish you guys a wonderful holiday!

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