IMPORTANT Facts to Tell You + The Best Race Costumes Ever!!

I’ve got a good feeling about this week… We’ve got a race, a doctor’s appointment (it was rescheduled from last week) and some good miles up ahead.

Before I get to the amazing costumes that you sent in, I’ve got some facts to share with you:

*We made my ultimate comfort food last night.  Dinner was at my sister’s house to celebrate Knox’s and my nephew’s bday (how is he 15 now!?) and we brought my nephew’s request for my mom’s recipe of funeral potatoes.  I am not sure why she calls them funeral potatoes but they are heavenly.  If you ever need cheesy, potato goodness topped with corn flakes… her recipe is HERE!

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*This article/video about a little 11 year old getting the news that she would be adopted made me burst into tears.  If you need something beautiful and good to start your week off, watch it… it is really sweet.

*No one has guessed (we thought for sure someone would!!) what we are naming the baby (winner gets new running shoes or a gift card to their favorite store)!  There is one person that is close so if no one else gets it we will have her win.  If you have any more guesses… GO HERE!

*I watched the Chicago Marathon online yesterday and WOW.  Between Jordan Hasay finishing with the second fastest American ever (and this was her 2nd marathon), Galen Rupp winning (the first American to win this marathon in 15 years) and seeing how amazing the course looks (along with how many people are out there racing or cheering)… It’s official, I need to run this marathon.

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*Last night during family prayer, Knox prayed for my dog.  One that he has never met.  She was a little white poodle that died when I was in college.  He has seen pictures of her and for some reason he felt the need to add, ‘please bless that Crystal is having a fun time in heaven’ to his prayer.  Andrew and I had to do our best not to laugh.

*This might in fact be the best thing that Costco has ever sold.  Ever.

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*In case you missed out on last week, the most popular posts were:

How do I fit treats in + my personal tips for a healthy relationship with food.

Friday Favorites (w/my favorite jacket and slippers ever on there)!

Brooks Levitate Review!


THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone that sent in pictures of their amazing costumes that they wore during a race.  You have me beyond excited for this weekend now!!





*Kori!!!  “I’ve done two costume races!  The first was a super easy costume my cousin and I wore for the Monster Dash Half Marathon.  We were Wayne and Garth from Wayne’s World!  The second was the Terror Trot 5k.  A group of us dress up as Things- both were so fun!”

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*Kelcy!!!  “I went as one of the incredibles, super easy!  The gloves and glasses were from Party City but I just printed off and safety pinned the incredibles logo on my shirt.”

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*Valerie!!!  “My fiancé and I signed up for the Ridgewood turkey trot in Raleigh last year post Chicago (him) and NYC (me) marathons.  We missed out on Halloween races due to marathon training but took Thanksgiving seriously!  Running hills with polyester on your head is no joke!  But the kids spectating had a ball pointing out and waving to the turkey!”

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*Jessie!!  “Tigers for a race in Nashville!”



*Andrea!!!  “My best friend Ellie (on the left) and I dressed as runaway brides for a local Halloween 5k.  As you can see the costume was super simple but it was perfect for us because we BOTH got married last year!”

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*Natalie!!!  “The first is a relay I did probably four or so years ago in Austin dressed as Wonder Woman and the second is from the Dallas Turkey Trot when my friends and I dressed like 80s rockers.  I was supposed to be Cyndi Lauper, even though I’m not sure I look like her at all—haha!  And that was from SEVEN years ago- it’s crazy how quickly time goes by!!”

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*Megan!!! “I wore this German dirndl costume for an Octoberfest themed half marathon! I loved it, it was a lot of fun.”



*Danielle!!!  “I’m sending 2, both from the Disney Princess Half Marathon (2015 & 2017).  I went in 2015 and dressed as Tinker Bell and my friend dressed as Cinderella.  We had so much fun we recruited 3 more friends to join and went back in 2017.  When we went this year, I went as Jasmine and my friends went as Anna and Elsa (from Frozen), Belle (from Beauty and the Beast) and Ariel (from the Little Mermaid).  Making running costumes is my favorite- way more fun than regular costumes because you have to think about the functionality and how they would feel running.  Added challenge for your creativity to work with.”  Her instagram is HERE!

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*Rachel!!!  “There’s two photos of me and my best friend Kelsey at the two Halloween races we’ve done.  Blue shirts:  This one is a bit of a pun… we’re running water:)  It also works too if you stand under a bridge because then you are water under the bridge.  I wish I could take credit for this but I honestly found it online.  80’s costume:  This is pretty self-explanatory.  Also, fanny packs are truly an under-appreciated accessory, I was able to hold my phone, keys, ID (it was a small race so we picked up our bibs the day of) and had no hassle.  I think we all know the struggle of trying to find a way to store everything you need during the race, especially if you don’t have a cheering crowd waiting for you.”

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*Sara!!! “Every year I run in the Great Pumpkin 4mi Race to benefit Special Olympics.  This year I’m going to be running as a zombie bride! I just found my dress and veil!  These are some of me with family at the race.  My daughter does it with me.  She runs the 1 mi. She was a leopard in the pic.  My mom walks the 1mi and was a Minion one year!”

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*Laura!!! “My BFF and I as Drizella and Anastasia, Cinderella’s Ugly Stepsisters, at the Disneyland Half last month.  We got so many compliments and this was definitely my favorite race costume.  Made for hilarious pictures.”

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*Flower (Up and Humming Blog)!!!  “This costume is from the Frankenfooter half marathon, a halloween half that I absolutely love running.  This particular year, I dressed as a sailor.  It was a cute costume but fortunately for me I switched my sailor hat for a visor last minute because I was worried it would get hot and boy did it.  The sun came out and about half way through and it was hotter than hades!  I was never so glad to have my visor”

Sailor runner


*Lauren (and her blog is HERE)!!!  “This weekend I am excited to run my 41st marathon – at St. George!  I have attatched one of my favorite 5k’s around (on?) Halloween.  I won the race too!”

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*Katie!!!  “My friends and I run a race in Cincinnati, Ohio every year called the Hudepohl 14k.  Since it is put on by a local brewery, you can race as a “6-pack” or a “3-way” (a Skyline chili reference!) tethered together.  You don’t have to dress up, but it’s always fun seeing costumes, and we’ve had a blast every time (we even won 2nd place in the costume contest one year!!)

Cruella and the Dalmatians!

Rock, Paper, Scissors!

Caveman, a dinosaur, Pebbles!”

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*Jamie!!!  “This was a costume from 2007 in the Hairy Gorilla Half Marathon in Vooreesville, NY.  The picture is a bit fuzzy because it is old, but we loved being super women.  The costume was so comfy.”

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*Juliana!!!  Her instagram is HERE if you want to see even more of her amazing costumes… Juliana has the best ideas!!

Anna from Frozen and Minnie Mouse- 10k, Bacchus and Jaccus from Beethoven’s 6th portion of Fantasia-half marathon, Han Solo and Princess Leia with Darth Vader and stormtroopers-half marathon, Coronation Anna from Frozen with Minnie-10k, Queen Amidala from star wars episode 1 with BB8-5k, group of ewoks-10k

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Mr. Smee with Captain Hook and Mr Smee-5k, Tinkerbell-half marathon,  Jafar, Jasmine under Jafar’s curse and Aladdin with Jasmine-10k, Bert and Mary Poppins- half marathon, Sleeping Beauty with Marie-half marathon, Christmas trees and toy soldiers-5k

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*Sasheen!!!  “This picture is from last year’s Salt Lake Haunted Half.  The gloves helped keep my forever frozen hands warm and the tutus just made this Mario and Luigi a little more girly!  My friend in the picture and I just decided we are going to go with a cookie monster/elmo vibe this year… her baby is obsessed with sesame street and my kids loved the idea!”

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*Cecilia!!! “Here are a few of the costumes we have worn for races!  Wonder Woman, Cows and Brides!”

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*Hollie!!!  “Here is from when I dressed up for a 5k.  The theme was formal wear and I’ve done it a few years.  This photo happens to be the most ‘me’… HA.”

Hair of dog race


*Kym!!!  “Last year I ran a half marathon dressed as a Starbucks frappachino (and got the award for best costume) it was a last minute decision to run in a costume and I made it the night before the race!”

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*Jenny!!!  “Here is a picture of my 4 year old son and I doing the Monster Mile in Bend, OR last year.  And yes, I ran the whole mile in the yeti suit!”

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*Kashi!!! “one year we did Little Bo Peep and her sheep.  My mom was Bo and you can see what the rest of us were!  We later also dressed our friend’s dog up, too:)  It was a very comfortable costume to run in!  Our one friend mostly DIYed them, so they were pretty cheap, too”

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What is your #1 ultimate favorite comfort food/meal?!?  

What is your running goal this week?!

With all of this holiday season stuff coming up… what is your absolute FAVORITE holiday?!

What is your favorite running costume from all of the above amazingness or from one you have seen before at a race?

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Haha those costumes are all so great!! My running goal this week is to continue to build mileage and speed. It’s so easy to lose it and a little tougher to gain it back, but that’s my current focus. I want to set a goal race soon (haven’t raced in almost a year), so I’m excited about that!

The Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays (I love fireworks and summer), but I also really love Thanksgiving because our entire family gets together, and I LOVE being with my fam!


I agree… so much easier to lose than to gain but it sure is fun to gain it back too:) You are doing great Natalie! I hope you have an amazing week and Thanksgiving is soon wahooo!


Ultimate comfort food is my grandpa’s lasagna. Hands down the best lasagna ever.
Running goal this week is to get back to running – between an illness and now a strained meniscus, I’ve had to take some time off. I am ready to get back to it!
Favorite holiday is Thanksgiving – I love all the food, plus it’s time to spend with family and friends and a long weekend from work without the stress of transporting presents or worrying about anything else besides eating and football!
I think any of the Disney Princess themed costumes seem so fun! Makes me want to run a Disney race!


I want to try your grandpa’s lasagna, that sounds perfect! I hope that you are back to running this week too Rhiannon, keep me updated. I can’t wait for Thanksgiving too!! Yep, I need to do a Disney race, it would be amazing. Have a great day girl!


They call them funeral potatoes because that’s what you find at most LDS luncheons after funerals. I think it’s a Utah thing I don’t know what everyone else calls them. And I might find out that I’m completely wrong about that.

My favorite holiday is the Fourth of July! And I think the best costume is the running water. Seems like the easiest one to run in haha and funny.


Your right about the funeral potatoes. They do them here in Texas too. And I have to say they are very comforting after someone passes. I am LDS too….and we have lost my husbands brother and his mother. There was a lot of love put into those luncheons for the family after the funeral. (of course we have lost grandparents too) But losing people young and way too soon is just a lot harder to handle. I have brought funeral potatoes and dropped them off for luncheons before and never thought twice about how much that food would comfort or mean to that hungry grieving family. Sorry i went off there! I just wanted to “second” what you said about the potatoes;)


Thanks girls! They really are the most comforting food! I am so sorry for your losses over the years Amanda, that is so hard! I hope you both have an amazing week! If you are ever in Utah Amanda, let’s go to Cafe Rio or something:)


yes! They are such a great comfort food. Losing someone unexpectedly is always hard! I’m sorry that you lost them so young.


Thanks Jenny:)


These costumes are so good! I would never be able to be that creative for a run ha. Also I need a container of that peanut butter mix from Costco. I will happily mail you a check and pay for you to ship some to me :)
Ultimate comfort food is a bowl of chili over noodles. And my favorite holiday is probably July 4th even though that is months from now lol.


HAHAH I totally will ship you some! Send me your address:) Okay, chili over noodles… I need to try that! Thank you Maureen! Have a beautiful day!


Girl don’t tempt me. I’m so serious about it hahaha. It looks so good (an unhealthy) but like I need this mix in my life.


My goal this week is to run 20 minutes pain free as I am up to 18 minutes so far. Returning to running post injury is quite humbling.

My favorite holiday is actually my birthday. But thanksgiving comes in second.


You’ve got this Sally… 20 minutes pain free here you come! Oh I am a big fan of birthdays too:) Have a beautiful day Sally and keep on recovering well! So excited you are back!


thanksgiving will always be my favorite for the food :)


Good thing it is soon… I cannot wait for Thanksgiving this year either!


I love all of the Halloween costumes! I have never run in a holiday race before but I would love to sometime. We will be out of town for our city’s Halloween race but there is a turkey trot race that we are looking into :) Have a nice week!


Turkey trots are the best!!! I hope you are going somewhere fun when you go out of town next:) Have an amazing day Sam!


Knox’s prayer is adorable! Funny what kids remember. The cheesy comfort food makes me hungry! I’ve never actually dressed in costume for a race, but it looks like a lot of fun! I’ll have to give it a try!! ?


You need some of this comfort food asap:) Thanks Dawn and I hope you have an amazing week!


LOVE all these race costumes – thank you so much for sharing!
I’ve had funeral potatoes before…so yummy. My favorite comfort food is lasagna, alfredo, or mac and cheese. Clearly I’m a huge pasta/carb lover ;)
Christmas is the BEST holiday – no comparison! I bet it will be so fun with the kiddos :))
Enjoy your day!


Oh your favorite comfort foods are mine too… I need some alfredo soon! I hope you have a great week and I LOVED your Christmas crafts that you posted!


You definitely should run Chicago! I’ve run it twice and would again – the crowd support and fairly flat course is just too hard to pass up!


Twice… that is awesome Gen! Yep, it sounds absolutely perfect!!!


Grilled Cheese is hands down my ultimate comfort food. It was the first thing I learned how to cook. At one of my wedding showers, my mom gave be a small skillet with a card that said, “Happy Grilled Cheese Sandwiches!”
I’m hoping to run pain free and get in my workouts this week. My IT band is a little sore…going to see my chiro later today.
I like summer holidays: Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day. I like getting up early, racing and then hanging out by the pool for the rest of the day. Winter holidays wear me out. I feel like I need a day to recover after Thanksgiving and Christmas.
These costumes are AMAZING!! My favorite is one of my friends who dressed as Prefontaine…I wish I had a pic. It was superb!


Oh I love what your mom gave you… grilled cheese really is the best. Do you ever add anything different to yours… if you do, let me know so I can use your secrets;) Lame about your IT band… I hope that chiro is able to really help it out. Oh a Prefontaine costume would be perfect! Have a beautiful day Elizabeth and have a grilled cheese soon!


My favorite grilled cheese has a mix of cheeses and a healthy dose of orange marmalade on a thick crunch bread. I think you should try it and let us know your thoughts. You could also probably add deli meat as well to the sandwich and it would be extra yummy!


Those costumes are all great! Not a costume, but my favorite runner was from my first marathon when I ran by a man in full firefighter gear to support his fallen brothers. It was so inspiring.
I didn’t see many costumes in yesterday’s Chicago marathon- only a Superman – but it was hot so that is probably why. You should definitely run Chicago ! It is so fun and the crowds are the best. Somehow my sister managed to find me twice – don’t know how she did it.
Running this week will be lots of yoga for recovery.
Favorite comfort food – any of my mom’s recipes.
Favorite holiday – thanksgiving all about the food and family!!!


WOW, that is amazing. I can’t even imagine running a mile in full firefighter gear, let alone an entire marathon. What a beautiful story, thank you for sharing! I am so glad your sis found you twice… HUGE CONGRATS on Chicago yesterday Cathy, you are amazing. I want to come either next year or the year after… thank you! I hope you have one of your mom’s recipes soon!


I love rice — it’s my ultimate comfort food! Anything with it will work.. but I usually like some sort of Korean soup — Kimchi Jigae is my fav — but I crave seaweed soup when I’m sick.

Last week I Pr-ed my mile time, so this week I just want to run a few easy runs.

I can’t help but love Christmas — it’s just such a great time of year and the one holiday where I get to see my whole family.


I am a bigger lover of rice too! HUGE CONGRATS on your mile PR… Susie, that is awesome! I hope you have a beautiful week with some great easy runs!


Love the costumes! I like those wonder woman ones with the knee high socks a lot!

This week my goal is to attempt 13 miles on the long run……done 10 the past 2 weeks, but I don’t know if I can hit that 13………… hot and humid here still. (85 degrees)

I absolutely love halloween…………but it goes by so fast!


You’ve got this Loribeth… 13 miles is yours. Come do the miles in Utah:) My run today was 38 degrees!


What is your #1 ultimate favorite comfort food/meal?!? Pizza!!!! Friday night is Pizza night.

What is your running goal this week?!
The marathon! Sofia, Bulgaria, Sunday.

With all of this holiday season stuff coming up… what is your absolute FAVORITE holiday?! Thanksgiving!!! I mean, the food, am i rignt :)

What is your favorite running costume from all of the above amazingness or from one you have seen before at a race? I was Dorothy the year I ran the Flying Monkey Marathon. I had gotten my gingham dress via eBay a month or two prior, and hadn’t worn it yet. I even had red running shoes! I wore a white running skirt and tank underneath so I wasn’t worried about how it felt. But it rained and rained and rained during that marathon (started at about half a mile). Around mile 5 or 6 my dress was really foaming up. I guess whoever had it before washed it before they sent it but used too much detergent. I was sudsy for 6 or 7 miles, but since it kept raining, eventually it all washed away!


TONYA!!!! GOOD LUCK on Sunday!! I’m cheering you on from Utah, I am so excited for you! PLEASE let me know how it goes afterwards! I hope you enjoy plenty of pizza after the race too! Oh I love your Dorothy idea (and during a marathon!?!?)! Glad the suds all washed away ha… that is crazy! Have a beautiful week and taper well!


Comfort food=lasagna!

Those costumes are so incredibly creative!!

Snowing again, so treadmill today, but HOPING to get outside later this week :)


SNOWING AGAIN!?!? No way! I hope your treadmill run was amazing this morning and that you get some outside runs in later this week! Have a great day Leeann!


Those are great costumes! I think my favorite I’ve ever seen was Claudia Deen put a pic of her and her husband Bobby up on her blog of them doing a turkey trot. She was a turkey and he was a chef and he chased her the whole race with a (fake) butcher knife. I think she said they won for the best couple costume. :)

I’m a Christmas girl, for sure. But seeing all the stuff out right now is making me a tiny bit ragey. I do like to have my Thanksgiving season *first*!

My only running goal is to test out a couple of 20-30 second jogs in one or two of my walks this week. I want to start up running again but my body is not bouncing back very well from some health issues. It’s okay though, if it doesn’t work out. I’ll just keep moving to get stronger. ?

Have a great week, Janae!


Oh I LOVE the turkey/chef costume idea, that is brilliant! Thanks for telling me about that Michelle. I agree, I want to celebrate Halloween and Thanksgiving FIRST and then go all out for Christmas. Keep me updated with your jogs this week during your week. I am so sorry about the health issues you have had. You are getting stronger! You’ve got this Michelle!


Those costumes are just the greatest!!

My ultimate comfort food is probably chicken and dumplings :)

Running goal this week is partially about tapering. I’m running a 1/2 this weekend as part of my marathon training plan. I want to focus on running slow so that I can run fast!!

My absolute favorite holiday is Thanksgiving! It’s all about gratitude and spending time with family, and there’s not as much pressure as there is with Christmas!


My aunt Jackie makes those same potatoes, but her recipe is called “Potluck Potatoes” (or Tailgate Potatoes). She would always make it for our large family gatherings and then she started bringing them to tailgate parties when my cousin Eric was playing (football) for Stanford. Love all the costumes!


Hello Janae,
This is a totally unrelated question to this specific blog post. I was wondering if you can tell me what was the name of the children’s subscription box you received for 6+ months (??) for Brooke? It had activities in it that you did with her. Can you let me know what the name of it was and/or a link to the company’s website? Thanks.


Running goal this week is to get my hip flexor happy with me again…(any suggestions) and hopefully, if it is happy by the end of the week, get a solid long run in (aiming for 7-8 miles.)

Favorite holiday is without a doubt, Christmas! I love everything about the season and wish Christmas was longer than 24hours…maybe we could make it like a 48 hour holiday or something?


I am all about Christmas! I am actually shopping for my son Christmas’s outfit in another window now. =)


I ran a 6 mile trail wth another woman dressed up as a taco!!! Cute costume but it made me decide then and there I could not let a taco beat me in a race! Lol!

My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving! I love that it’s about being together with people, eating great food, playing games and napping. Especially super duper looking forward to it this year with our newly adopted 18 mo grandson. I’m ready to bake right now!!


All of the costumes give me a few ideas for this year too. Although, pumpkin is my staple go too. I need to create a new pumpkin costume though.

My favorite holiday is either Halloween or Thanksgiving. I love all of the costumes for Halloween and the fact that it is just a “fun” holiday but I also like Thanksgiving because it celebrates family time. For me, both are equally as good.


My favorite comfort food is my mother’s potato salad that we have every Thanksgiving. Can’t wait for it! I am desperate for resources to put together a Black Widow costume for the Super Heroes or Avengers Half next month in California (I think they changed it to Super Heroes). I love her and would love to dress like her. Do you know of any place where I might find resources to put it together?


Wow, people are far more creative (or maybe brave?) than I am with costume wearing. I love it!! These are all really great ideas.
At my house we just call them “cheesy potatoes”, but they are the same. They are often my go-to for family gatherings. I make mine in a crockpot, so they are super simple.


What is your #1 ultimate favorite comfort food/meal?!?
Korean food (i’m Korean). Cajun or French food comes close.

What is your running goal this week?!
to run 30 miles this week? :)

With all of this holiday season stuff coming up… what is your absolute FAVORITE holiday?!
Christmas hands down

What is your favorite running costume from all of the above amazingness or from one you have seen before at a race?
my favorite is the forrest gump one. i just shout run forrest run when i see that.

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