9 Things to LET GO OF (as a runner and as a person) + Monday Matters!

Another Sunday!  The craziest thing happened… on Saturday night Brooke was listening to a bunch of church talks (while she colored) with me and then at church the next day one of the speakers included a quote from the talk I had listened to.  Brooke looked up at me and told me that she remembered hearing that same thing the night before.  I was blown away that she could remember (or that she was even paying attention)!  This girl can focus!

We started off the morning with some hot chocolate of course.  Andrew is convinced that hot chocolate should be made with water and I am fully 100% all about using milk to make hot chocolate.  You?  PS this week I am going to get a Cocomotion (unless you have a better recommendation for a hot chocolate maker)… my previous Cocomotion got me through many Utah winters.  Add in some protein power or Vital proteins and boom… perfect recovery fuel after a run:)

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It rained for most of the day so our only running was the sprint to and from the car in the parking lot.

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Knox’s birthday is on Wednesday so we started getting everything ready for the big day:)

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These two could look at puppies for HOURS.

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Our day included a movie, spaghetti, a nap and then Andrew’s parents came over!

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Andrew had his favorite cookies ready for everyone.  Don’t mind the .8 cookie on the side;)

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I’ve got a few Monday Matters to discuss with you today!

*My mom’s perception of temperature vs Andrew’s… quite the difference.

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*Andrew sent this to me and I have no idea why.

PS Andrew’s least favorite reply back via text is:  ‘K’

He knows that is not good news;)

So don’t leave that as a comment on his next guest post ha!

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*Andrew found these in our cupboard and I brought them to church.  These are even better than chocolate covered raisins.  They were the perfect snack.

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*My absolute favorite part of my car:

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*I was missing my runs the other day with Josse (we’ll start back up together next February) and remembered this picture of us.   She is sure good at getting me out in the crazy weather or doing crazy workouts.  I can’t wait to push myself like that again!

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*As if I didn’t already spend too much time and money at Target… I just heard that Chip & Jo have a new line coming out in November to Target!!!

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*A picture from a few weeks ago of a donut we all shared… You would think of all the donuts I have tried in my life that I would have tried a Dunkin’ Donut.  Nope, I never have.  Am I missing out or what?

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The other day on my treadmill run I was thinking about how often I think about the things I need to do more of/start/work towards to become the person I want to be.  From there my brain started thinking about not only the things that I want to begin but the things that I want to LET GO OF to work towards the person I want to be.  The things that help me progress the most and the things that instantly make me feel better the second I let go of them.

Here are the things that I have either let go of in the past or things I try to let go of whenever they creep back in!  Most of these have to do with running but of course they can go along with anything!

*FOR ME… letting go of the need to eat ‘perfectly’ was one of the best things I could do for my brain and body.  Obsessing over calories was miserable for me (I am positive I had a running list of calories going on in my brain at all times) and my body was not in a healthy spot (amenorrhea and osteopenia).  Eating more intuitively and letting go of my ‘food rules’ made all the difference for me.

*To LET GO of my fear of being uncomfortable during a race or hard workout and to accept that it is going to happen and I’m going to be able to handle it like a champ!  Being uncomfortable is bound to happen at some point (ehhh many points) along the way in a hard workout or race but there is NO REASON to be afraid of it.  Embrace it, welcome it, acknowledge it and remind yourself you’ve been through it in the past and you’ll be able to do it again!

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*To let a race or a workout define me.  I can’t tell you how many years I let a bad race make me feel badly about myself and my running.  Having a coach really helped me to learn all about looking at the big picture of running.  Not just the little steps along the way to get you to your goals.  When I constantly let a run or race make me feel certain ways… it takes the fun out of running for me.  Letting go of defining myself based off a number on a race clock made a huge difference in my run love.

*To let go of stressing out over a hard workout!  Sometimes when I see my training schedule and I see a workout pop up that looks hard… I’ve learned to let go of worrying about it.  Show up, do your best and learn something from the miles—>  that is all I can do and worrying about it leading up to the workout is not going to help me to do any better!

*Thinking that you are not enough.  You are enough.  This quote first really hit me when breastfeeding wasn’t working with Brooke and I felt like I was failing motherhood… I saw this quote and it gave me goosebumps and helped me to realize that I am enough.  Use this with your running, see how much this positive statement will help you to hit your goals because constantly getting down on yourself for not being enough is going to take you in the opposite direction.

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*To let go of perfectionism with my running.  Perfect training is just not going to happen:)  Hitting every pace, run and workout perfectly and exactly how we think it should happen just isn’t possible.  Realizing this and accepting it makes running all so much more fun and we will bounce back faster and stronger after a set-back in our running.  “By recognizing our imperfect human condition, we can feel more secure and alive, and more able to rebound from failure.” -Survive To Thrive

*To let go the need for approval from others with your running and/or life!  Do it for YOU and not for others to approve—>  Don’t let others have control over the way you feel or think!  “Why should you surrender your happiness to someone or group of someones who cares very little about you or your happiness?  If you find yourself worrying about what other people say about you, may I suggest this antidote-  Remember WHO You Are…” (you can see the rest of this talk/quote here! .. it is so good)  -Dieter F. Uchtdorf

*Let go of some of the control that we might feel over running injuries.  We can do everything under the sun right with our training and still get injured.  It happens and a lot of times it happens right before a race or right at a time we do not want it to happen.  It happens to the elites even.  One of my biggest injury lessons has been to let go of worrying about it.  Focus on some other passion, let your body heal and start running again once your body is injury free again!

*To let go of the thought that every race should be a PR.  When I first started running, each and every marathon I did was a new PR and then boom… it’s been 7 years since my last marathon PR.  Life happens, the weather is crazy and injuries pop up… PRs aren’t always going to happen (I’m still chasing after mine) so I’ve learned to not take running quite so seriously.

(And a random picture of my sweatshirt from yesterday… the Phoenix Marathon gave these out a few years ago)

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Just in case you missed out last week… the top three posts were:

1.  Spin Workouts for YOU!

2.  What’s out of Your Comfort Zone?

3.  28 Weeks + Postpartum Depression/Anxiety (thank you to all of you that shared your stories with us… it makes us all feel a lot less alone, thank you)!


Those of you that have had Dunkin’ Donuts… what are your thoughts?  Do I need to find a way to get one of these or am I not missing out on much?

Hot chocolate made with water or milk?

What are some things that you have LET GO OF in either your running or life that has helped you a lot? 

What is your Monday run plan?! 

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We have a Dunkin’ Donuts within walking distance from my house and it’s our family Sunday morning stop on the way to church! They are my 2nd favorite donuts and we have Krispy Kreme, fractured prune and a duck donuts around where I live. If you are ever able to have Duck Donuts they are the absolute BEST!

Today’s workout is a 2 mile run/jog warmup before some sort of weight workout I Pinterest ha!

Have a great day!


Within walking distance… I would be in BIG TROUBLE if I had that! I love that you guys stop their on the way to church… perfect weekly tradition! I hope your workout felt amazing Brianne and enjoy your week!


I hadn’t had a donut from Dunkin until this past February! I wasn’t too impressed — I felt like they needed more frosting :)


Love all of your points (and also live what Andrew sent you—so true :) ) For me, long ago I had to stop caring what people think about me and just do what I know is right for me. Also, I’ve been trying to be bolder both in my running and in my life—simply going for whatever it is I feel I need to go for, whether it’s pushing myself beyond limits I thought I had in a race or workout or telling someone how I feel about him.


I’m with Andrew on the “K” – worst text message ever. I’m not a huge Dunkin Donuts fan..I used to work there in college and I guess I’m just burned out!
Hot chocolate with milk all the way, to me there’s no point in making it with water! And we only buy whole milk ;)
Loved your points about letting go! Something I have let go of in the last few months is obsessively weighing myself multiple times a day. My mood has improved immensely!
Enjoy your day :)


Dunkin’ Donuts are bad but there’s better ones out there for sure. I love the picture Andrew sent you, it’s very true lol.
Today’s run is just 3 miles before a speed workout that I have tomorrow. I need to work on letting go of negative thoughts during hard workouts. It doesn’t help and won’t do anything to make the run better. I try to turn the negative into a positive but I’m not perfect at it yet.

Have a great day!


I laughed when I saw that picture of Andrew and your mom. Too funny!


HAHAH yeah, Andrew doesn’t understand feeling cold;) It is funny because Knox is JUST LIKE HIM and he thinks that shorts and sandals are a year round thing too!?! I hope you have a great week Rosie!


Happy Monday Janae! First of all, total God thing that Brooke remembered that. He works in wonderful ways, doesn’t he? :)
Dunkin’ – yes definitely missing out!
Hot chocolate – 100% milk
Let go of…..needing to be the perfect runner, lifter, eater, anything. I have come a long way!
Not having a plan has really helped me. I get obsessed with either running or Orange Theory Fitness or lifting or whatever it is and that is all I do = burnout. So i’m trying to enjoy all of it when my body wants to!


I totally agree! I was amazed that she remembered it… God thing for sure! I love what you are letting go of and that you have figured out what works best for you! Keep enjoying Ashley! Have a beautiful day!


Yes! Nice post, such a good sentiment of “letting go” to grow!


Dunkin’ is pretty basic. I do enjoy when people bring the Munchkins to work. Those are good.

50-50 milk and water in the hot chocolate.

I had a dream I went hiking in Utah with you and your family. It was great. And we found a cave that had one of those “pick the duck” carnival games in it. The kids won stuffed animals. You won a coffee but said you have never had coffee and wanted to trade it for Diet Coke but they wouldn’t let you, so you just carried it around to keep your hands warm. But it was summer time, I don’t know why your hands were cold. Andrew was looking everywhere for his bike.
I’m not sure if this means I have been reading your blog for too long (since the beginning) or if I need to come to Utah and go for a hike.


Oh Amanda… come hike in Utah with us:) HAHAH that actually sounds like something I would do with the coffee/dc situation, I love it! Your dream made my morning! COME TO UTAH! Seriously. Come out and I’ll take you to all of our favorites and hopefully Andrew can find his bike ha!


I am from Massachusetts (where Dunkin’ Donuts started) so I may be biased but you are definitely missing out! The Strawberry Frosted Donut is my all time favorite ! Even over bakery donuts. It can fix even the worst day lol!


Okay, now I seriously need a strawberry frosted donut (with a hot chocolate)… that sounds so good right now! I hope your week is a great one Ashely and I need to make it to Dunkin’ asap!


I don’t think you’re missing a thing by not having a Dunkin Donut. lol I love doughnuts, but I’m not a huge fan of theirs……….Did you hear that they’re in the process of changing their name to just “Dunkin” anyway?! I don’t like that slight on the doughnut. ha ha

I loved your “Letting Go” list. So much. I can definitely connect to the “Every race won’t be a PR” one and the one about how you can do everything right with training, and injuries can still happen. A good one for me is to try not to let running define me. When I’m injured or not running, I still have value and still have plenty of interesting things to, say, post on Instagram. lol You know–the important things in life. Seriously though, it’s all too easy to put all of our eggs in that running basket.


Oh I LOVE what you said about not letting running define you. Yes. Yes. Yes. I could not agree more with you… thank you for sharing Jen! I hope you have a beautiful day and WHY WOULD THEY TAKE the best part out of their name!?!


hot cocoa with water, I’m boring. Those cookies look amazing!


I like dunkin donuts – mostly their iced coffees, but they have a blueberry donut that is amazing.
hot chocolate with water.
Monday run was 2 miles in the early morning. Great run and the best way to start today. My husband and I do “perfect mondays” where whatever happens is just perfect (we say it so it must be so). So I wish you a perfect monday.
Post request: intuition! You often talk about listening to your body while you run while pregnant, and you referenced here about eating intuitively. I have the hardest time listening to myself. How do you do hear what your body is asking for?


I needed to read this today:) Letting go has been a theme for me this year! Perfect eating, perfect training/no listening to my body, and PRing allllll the time have been the three top things I’ve had to let go of. In some ways I am thankful for my injury because it forced me to learn a lot of lessons.
Dunkin Donuts are no great shakes. I live in the land of Dunkins and honestly… my local shops have tastier treats and better coffee, plus shorter lines!
Milk for hot chocolate, all the way! It’s been so hot here and I am so jealous of your hot chocolate weather.
No run for me today, but I’m hitting up a yoga class after work and I’m pretty excited to stretch out!
Happy monday!


Dunkin Donuts are okay, but not my favorite. I do like that they usually have a variety of flavors!
I always make my hot chocolate with a 3:1 ratio of milk (almond milk) and water. Not sure how that got started though!
I never really put a lot of pressure on myself when it comes to running… I think running was one area of life that I felt like I could just let go of all the other things that drive me crazy and just RUN. Sometimes during race training, I have to remind myself that it’s okay if I don’t hit a certain pace, but running is my relief from the other parts of life that stress me out. In life, I learned to let go of the idea that I could always please everyone. Not to sound selfish, but I learned to put myself first instead of bending over backwards to make everyone else happy.
Monday run plan is no run because it’s going to be another 90 degree day… UGH! I’ll be doing a strength workout instead.


I say pass on Dunkin Donuts…they always give me heartburn! Now there coffee with extra cream and sugar is amazing. And I agree hot chocolate should always be made with milk!


Heartburn… nooooo!! I am glad you love their coffee though and good to know you are a milk hot chocolate person too:) Have an awesome week Corrinne!


Hot chocolate has to be made with milk, 100%!! It’s so much creamier and comforting:)

I love love that quote, I saw it a few years ago and put in a small frame on my bedside table so I see it every day! Starting my day off with the thought that I am enough helps me to not beat myself up over the littles things that may happen.

I’ve been learning to let go of the guilt that comes with having a chronic illness. I would beat myself up for days for cancelling plans, not working out or calling in sick to work. Now I know it’s a part of my life that I can’t change, I’ve changed my attitudes towards it and it’s amazing how just being okay with something can make it feel like less of a burden. Also letting go of being perfect!! I am always striving to do everything so perfectly that I forget what really matters. No one is perfect and I have to keep reminding myself that perfection doesn’t really exist!


I agree – “food rules” are really tough to break. I have struggled with this for a long time, too. Also, I love that quote about being enough. You should listen to the song called “You Are Enough” by Sleeping At Last :)

That picture of your mom and Andrew and their weather-appropriate clothes is JUST like Chris and I. I can be in my winter coat and he will be wearing flip flops. I do not understand. I also use “k” sometimes with Chris, and he really does not appreciate that, but I think it gets my point across more effectively than just about anything else does haha

Those acai blueberries are the best! I could eat like, an embarrassing amount of the Costco sized bag in one sitting. And I am also so excited for Chip and Joanna’s line at Target! But it is not going to be good for my credit card.

Have a great day!!


I’m pretty ambivalent about Dunkin Donuts — *braces for impact* Although they totally saved the weekend! We went to an apple orchard to pick apples and get cider donuts. When we got there, they were OUT Of apples to pick and their donut machine was BROKEN! It would’ve all been a waste, but hubby spotted a dunkin donuts and we stopped for a cinnamon apple donut that was SOO GOOD!

Milk or water, Why choose one? I boil the hot water and then add a splash of milk to make it creamier and to cool the hot cocoa down enough to start enjoying sooner!


Look at you with your milk and water compromise;) I love it! NO APPLES OR CIDER DONUTS… thank goodness for DD! I need to try that cinnamon apple donut, it sounds amazing! I hope you have a great week Susie!


Love your second point about letting go, it reminded me of something I highlighted in a book I’m reading just this morning! “She runs because she loves her body, the power of it, how it has always saved her when she most needed saving.” Last weekend I had a rough day, anxiety wise, and all I wanted to do was go for a run (unfortunately I couldn’t at the time, which made everything seem even worse!).

During my long run yesterday I couldn’t stop with the negative thoughts, about how my upcoming half (this Sunday!) is going to be a disaster, etc. Then I read this, and it just made so much sense. I’m going to memorize it and repeat it to myself during my race!


Oh Tara, that is a beautiful quote… thank you so much for sharing! What book is this from? I want to read it!! I am so sorry about your bad day last weekend… runs really do help those days big time for me too but bummer you couldn’t get out that day! You are going to ROCK your half marathon… You’ve done the training, now it is time to celebrate all of your hard work!


Dunkin’ Donuts…eh. I used to think they were the bomb.com but then I had others and realized they’re only slightly better than average. That said, if you come across one while traveling, definitely try it. They are worth trying. :)

So, for cocoa, I make mixes with water by default, and from scratch with milk. But, I do like to add some milk to the water/mix combo to make it creamier. Milk probably tastes better though.

Loved that talk by Uchtdorf. I needed that one SO much. Lately I’m learning to let go of my need to please other people (one reason why that quote was so powerful to me when I heard it). If I find I am turning myself inside-out for someone, even a loved one, I’m coming from the wrong angle. I can only do what I can do and the rest I have to let go or else I’d go crazy.

Also, I love Andrew’s meme to you. It’s so accurate. “Fine” is really dangerous when it comes from me. Some people in my family have caught on but others…not so much. :) And “K” is a HUGE texting pet peeve of mine. I do it sometimes but I try not to. I absolutely hate it when I’ve sent a huge, long, intricate text and that’s what I get back. Ugh!

I love your story about Brooke. Isn’t it amazing what those little ears pick up when we think they’re occupied? Have a great Monday!


Milk! Always always milk. With a scoop of vanilla ice cream in it instead of marshmallows. Trust me on this. My grandma used to make this for me any time of the year and I can’t drink hot chocolate any other way. And I drink a lot of hot chocolate.

My husband hates the response “sure”.

And my running thing I need to let go of is fear that I’ll be disappointed if my race results. I just need to know I did my best and whatever happens happens.


Hot chocolate made DEFINITELY with milk:)

One of the things I had to let go of was comparing myself to other people, in running and in life. I still struggle with that a little bit. However, it is a huge step to admit that I need to let go of that already.

There’s no run for me today. Just strength training:)


Cocoa should be made with milk, possibly cream for a special occasion. You didn’t ask but here’s my recipe for from scratch hot cocoa which is SO much better than any packet or pre made mix!
1. Put 1 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder and 2 tbsp sugar in a microwave safe mug. (double for a big mug) Add a splash of water (maybe 2 tbsp?)
2. Microwave for 10 seconds. Stir well.
3. Add about 3/4 cup milk or cream.
4. Microwave for 1 minute. Stir well.


THANK YOU KRISTEN FOR YOUR RECIPE!! That sounds perfect and great idea on the cream!! I hope you have a wonderful day!


Whoa! This is amazing! I’ve used recipes before but they were for a huge mix. I stopped making it since it was a hassle to store. Can’t wait to try this one! Thanks for sharing!


I haven’t had Dunkin Donuts but I love Krispie Kreme and one is being built across the street from our neighborhood. :) I can’t have milk but my kids prefer milk in their hot chocolate. I had no idea a hot chocolate maker even existed! Ahh, so many things to let go of and it’s always a learning process through the years. I find that the closer I become to Jesus, the more I can let go. One thing I am learning to do is not worrying what others think, to be more confident, and as you said to realize I’m enough. Grateful for a beyond wonderful husband (if only I could see myself through his eyes!) and kids but I tend to worry about outside sources. Biking and some weights today for me. Have a great Monday, Janae!


Dunkin’ Donut apple fritters are basically a meal since they’re the size of your face and perfectly apple-y! Bonus points for DD hot chocolate + apple fritter after a cold run (which is finally starting to be a possibility here in Arizona! Fall just showed up all of a sudden HELLO chilly mornings!).


That sounds so beyond amazing right now… I might have to drive up to SLC today to get it:) Thanks Beth and I hope you get a DD hot chocolate and apple fritter after a chilly run (GO ARIZONA) asap! PS are there any Bosa donuts by you?


Never heard of them…Google tells me the closest one is up in Phoenix :( We did, however, just get Amy’s Donuts – I think they’re just a local Tucson thing – and they’ve got all kinds of crazy flavors and the most beautiful frosting designs!


The picture of Andrew and your mom made me laugh. It reminds me of me and my husband right now because pregnancy makes me so hot! He sleeps huddled under two blankets at night because I still have the fan on.
Hot chocolate with milk of course. It makes it so much more satisfying.
I only go to Dunkin Donuts when I’m traveling because there’s one at the airport. Otherwise, I’m not sure if there’s any around here. But when I visited my brother in Chicago, there was one on every corner and apparently was the popular coffee chain. It’s weird how different things how depending on where you live.


We are from New England so there are Dunkin Donuts every 2 feet – I like them okay, but donuts aren’t generally where I will go if I want something unhealthy :)

My husband can’t stand “SURE” – He thinks it is disrespectful, but also he can never tell really how the person thinks – he thinks if I say SURE it means “Yeah, I am not very happy about it, but go ahead” – it is close to “whatever” which he often uses as well. So yes, if i am trying to piss him off, I answer sure :)


-We moved to Texas last year and there are SO MANY DONUT STORES. In AZ they mainly have Dunkin Donuts, Bosa, and Krispy Kreme (and a few mom/pop ones). I swear there is one on every corner here (ok, a little exaggeration), and they are all mom and pop stores (not chain- there are hardly any chain ones around). Thankfully, I am not a huge donut person or I would be in trouble. Dunkin is alright but not my favorite.
-Milk for cocoa all the way.
– I’ve had to let go of expectations of myself since moving. As soon as we moved I became pregnant and that (and now a newborn)+being away from all friends and family has been hard on me. I focus on my kiddos and doing the best I can with them and if they are dressed, fed, groomed, and make it through the day then it’s a good day lol. If I can do more (like make dinner, clean around the house or take them out of the house) then I give myself a huge pat on the back. Totally different than how I used to be but I’m learning to let go… and that it’s ok :).


Hot chocolate either way but it tastes better with milk… ;)
I ran 3 miles this morning! Woot! It was 68 degrees F, but felt way cooler due to this whole weekend being in the 90s here!!! (What is this, July?) I ran each mile faster than the last which is always a boost. I like to start my day with a good run. Then I did some strength training (aka 10 pushups, 25 crunches (center, rt side, lf side), supermans (for my back), and sumo squats. I resolve to try more strength training throughout October. Any advice on how to make strength training a set part of my running routine?


Janae – I saw this link of the best doughnut shops in every state and thought you’d appreciate it: https://now.ruelala.com/best-doughnut-shop-in-every-state/


Okay, I seriously drooled over each picture. Thank you for sending this! I have been to three and now it is my life goal to make it to all of the rest:) I hope you have a wonderful day!


Do you have any books for runners that are must-reads?


HEY STACEY!!! Yes, they are on my gear page under books:

Let me know if you read any of them and what you think! Have a fabulous day!


Dunkin is eh…….I like their cake donuts, but I really prefer Krispy Kreme or a local donut shop.
Hot chocolate with water is what I am used to. I am not confident enough to make it with milk. My mom always makes a hot chocolate mix that they hand out at Christmas time when they go caroling……..she mixeds ovaltine, powdered sugar, and creamer then fills fun shaped containers and gives it away!

I agree with your list………….sometimes we stress over things we can’t control and it does nothing good for us. Do your best, go home and let the other things go. The world will turn and you will be fine. I am learning that now and it’s made stuff so much easier.

Today is my Friday, so I am going to binge watch NCIS tonight, wrap gifts for my youngest brother’s birthday tomorrow (16, and he wants Chuck E Cheese?!) and tomorrow will be an hour run (hopefully) before we hit the high of 90 tomorrow! The cooler weather promises to come this weekend……….we’ll see………one year in late October we played mini golf with a vulture on the course who perched above us and who acted like he was waiting for us to die because it was almost 90 degrees the week before Halloween!


You haven’t lived until you have had a jelly filled donut from Dunkin Donuts! In some states they are covered with sugar, in others with powdered sugar, but both are equally delicious.

Hot chocolate with milk for a recovery drink, with water when it is not the only dessert you are having that day…

I felt so much better when I let go of my excess stuff (Japanese magic of Tidying Up)! Now every time I go for a run I am in shorts I LOVE because only shorts I LOVE made the cut! Same for socks, Tees, etc. a big time saver too.

Monday run was an easy 4 miles. This week is my 20 miler leading up to the October 15 Sofia Marathon. Training is going PERFECTLY knock on wood! Glad to hear about your high mileage week last week too :)


I like my hot cocoa made with 1/3 water and 2/3 milk. Or better yet, 1/3 water, 1/3 milk, 1/3 whipped cream, if I am being decadent. The reason I don’t do 100% milk is because I feel like you can’t get it hot enough without scalding the milk, but I prefer the milk flavor. Starting with a good base of boiling hot water helps make the temperature perfect for me when the milk is added.

One of my “Let Go” things is letting go of comparisons. Not me with other people but me with myself. As in the frustration of not being physically able to do things that were once easy and comparing those fitness levels all while straining to work out at a fitness level I no longer have. I’ve had to look at myself and say, “This is where I am NOW, this is the work that I need to do NOW.” and not “Oh, I should be able to lift this much and run this far and work out x amount of days because that is what I did in the past.”


Yes! Hot chocolate with milk always and protein with hot chocolate as the perfect recovery drink is brilliant!! Thanks for that :)

Another mantra I have found helpful is simple and helps me when I feel “less than” or “not enough”, especially when I feel anxious due to these thoughts and others perceptions of me (and when referring to beauty I mean in all the ways, not just aesthetics)

“I am beautiful and everyone loves me”


A few things had to let go of for running: setting limits for myself based on things not in my control, Let go of allowing myself to be defined by others (people or organizations) standards, let go of some people who were not supportive or contributing to my life in a positive way

Monday run plan is short late evening run when it cools down or a potential treadmill run at the gym in AC (90+ here today!)


I love this post so much! Just what I needed to read today. Thank you!

Hot chocolate made with MILK is the only way to go! SO MUCH BETTER. I like to put whipped cream in the bottom of my cup for extra creamy hot chocolate :)

I struggle sometimes with a need for approval. Maybe it’s a middle child thing and wanting to make everyone happy. I try to focus on things that I can control instead of worrying about things I can’t. It’s a waste of time. I agree with you about injuries too. Just let it be. Do what you can to heal, but don’t dwell on it and don’t drag everyone else down by talking about how awful it is.

I’m loving all these hot chocolate suggestions!! YAYY!!


I live in Canada so I’m a Tim Horton’s girl but I’ve had Dunkin and wasn’t all that impressed. I totally agree with Andrew about hot chocolate made with water!! Unfortunately, I’m outnumbered at my house because my husband and kids like it with milk ?. One thing I’ve tried to let go of in my running is anxiety over a bad or missed run. Life happens and there’s always tomorrow. Monday is cross training day for me so it will be a couple miles on the treadmill before kick boxing at the gym! Have a great day!


My mom loves Dunkin’ Donuts but I think it’s just ok! Definitely milk in hot chocolate. I need to let go of stress/worry/anxiety about not being where I want to be in life, not being good enough, and feeling like I’m not doing enough. I think I need a vacation reset!


Dunkin Donuts are goodbut I live in Canada – and I like the donuts from Tim Hortons, or Cartems (a specialty – read expensive donut shop haha).

I’m still learning on the letting go thing but would say expectations. I had to learn to stop expecting people/ (i.e. friends to behave a certain way just because I would react or behave a certain way in a situation) doesn’t mean anyone/everyone else would or should.

I make hot chocolate with water (and sometimes add milk) while my partner insists that it should be made with milk.

Monday run plans -a short run I did this am (read 5km) as I am still recovering from my last race


I love Dunkin Donuts but that’s probably because I’m a Bostonian ;) we are all obsessed!

This morning I did my first run in THREE MONTHS!!! I had a broken foot and then a possible stress fracture but now things are finally pain-free! I did a pretty slow five miles but it just felt so great to get back out there again!


Hot chocolate – has to be with milk Janae! X


Yes to hot chocolate with milk! My husband picks with water too and i don’t get that. Needs to be creamy!


I am not really a donut person ;) I do like Top Pot in Seattle but I much prefer ice cream over baked goods!

I usually use my Keurig for hot chocolate – there’s a peppermint chocolate one and it’s awesomesauce, so I guess I use water more often.

I have learned to just let go of the bad runs. They happen to everyone and they don’t define me or how my racing will go.

Today was an uptempo run, 5 miles on the treadmill and then 5 outside with the hubs.


We have a Dunkin Donuts around the corner but I honestly don’t buy my donuts from there. I prefer Shipley’s donuts but I do like Dunkin’s coffee! Hot chocolate has to be made with milk! Obviously I’ll settle for the water ones at sports events and stuff like that lol.
Also, the picture of your mom and Andrew is my husband and I to a T!

With Purpose and Kindness


All good points, but the one that hit home for me was letting go of the fear of being uncomfortable during a workout. I stress over an upcoming workout that I think will be difficult and then I pull back during the workout when it starts to feel uncomfortable. Time to change that. Thanks for the inspiration!


Dunkin’ Donuts… meh. My area had the best donut store when I was growing up, but they went out of business after a fire in their main distribution store. I still miss their coconut donuts. Dunkin’s chocolate cake glazed donut holes are pretty worthwhile.

Hot chocolate made with water only in a pinch–milk is better!

My latest “let it go” mantra: “Comparison is the thief of joy.” Whether it’s someone else or my “old” self, I’m better off taking pride in doing my best in the moment, not comparing to someone or sometime that isn’t me.

Mile time trial today! Spoiler alert: I’m not in PR shape. But I’m planning to fly as best I can today, knowing I’ll end up breathless and sweaty, which is worth it!


Dunkin ALL THE WAY! I grew up in Maine and came out to Colorado for college. The closest Dunkin was 3 hours away. When I couldn’t handle it anymore I would pile in the car with my girlfriends (who thought I was nuts but went along for the ride) and drive 6 hours round trip for Dunkin. We had one open up in my current town last year and I waited in line for two hours on opening day. I am headed to Maine next weekend for a marathon and plan to refuel at a Dunkin straight after the race. I realize it may be a problem! LOL My faves are the Boston Cream, Strawberry Frosted, and Glazed.


I LOVE this post.

Also, I am on your mom’s temperature plan.


I would definitely pick milk over water in my hot chocolate. It’s so much more creamy!


I let go (in life) that I was responsible for other people’s happiness.


Dunkin’ Donuts is just ok. Next time you are in Arizona, visit a Bashas’ grocery store. Their bakery has the VERY BEST donuts ever.


I can’t tell you how much I needed to read this post today about letting the fear of tough workout/ race go- just go do it! YOU HAVE NO IDEA how often I do this.. I need to accept that yes, there will be times ( more than few) where it is going to hurt, I’m going to feel tired, I’m going to be frustrated with my speed.. but it’s all part of it and I will see the other side- and find something to learn from it and something I did better than I had planned and something to try differently next time.
So as I approach my 45th birthday this week and enter into my 5th year of running- my body is amazing to carry me so far and is able to do so many things… apparently you can teach an old dog new tricks :)

I love reading your blog! I wake up – grab my coffee and see what you’ve got shakin’ -then I head out for my early morning run- If you’re ever in Denver…


No, you are not missing out! Former New Englander here and Dunkin’ Donuts is most known and poplar for their coffee and iced coffee … the donuts are nothing special


Always with milk!! My favorite recovery drink after cold workouts…with whipped cream ;)

3 easy miles. 38 Degrees. Busted out the long sleeves and pants. The perception of easy/hard is so weather dependent! When it is cold, I have a hard time running at what my easy pace would typically be. I think the body just wants to go whatever speed will keep it warm!


This is one of my favorite posts EVER! I’ve read your blog for quite awhile, and while I always enjoy it, this post just really hit home with some messages I needed. Thank you ?


Janae, I know this is yesterday’s post (today is Tuesday) but I have to comment on Andrew’s cookie recipe. Holy wow. I’ve been using my own recipe for over 10 years now. That’s a long time to never try another recipe. Last night, I made the monumental decision to *gasp* try his. I might have cried while eating the cookies. They’re perfect in every way…chewy, moist, chocolatey goodness. I might have officially been converted after I ate at least a dozen cookies. Don’t tell anyone.


That is SO amazing that Brooke remembered that quote – it’s great that Brooke and Knox see you and Andrew going to church, reach into the youth and your friends’ lives, and watch and join in with running and biking! I worked out with my friend this morning and her son came outside to “work out ” with us. It’s so important that they see us doing good work, either with God or staying active or just leading productive, beneficial lives!
I split the difference between you and Andrew – I use almond milk AND water, haha! I had NO idea they made hot cocoa machines… What?!?
I have a tough workout today, so I appreciate the letting go aspect of your post! It’s going to be hard, but I’m going to let go of any expectations and just RUN! :)


Those of you that have had Dunkin’ Donuts… what are your thoughts? Do I need to find a way to get one of these or am I not missing out on much?

its good, but you don’t need to go out of your way to get one. not missing much i would say. esp. if you french press, pour-over or make turkish coffee.

Hot chocolate made with water or milk?


What are some things that you have LET GO OF in either your running or life that has helped you a lot?

good question. possibly time goal. train with a time goal in mind, and do my darndest to get there – but avoid injury first.

What is your Monday run plan?!

did light trackwork as Sun was long run! Tue will be easy run and Wed will be hard trackwork.


Hot chocolate with water! I’m lactose intolerant, so the milk makes me sick and got chocolate mix already has a milk component, so I try to take it as easy as possible.
I’m with Andrew, “k” is THE WORST text response. Few things annoy me as quickly as that text. How hard is it to add an “o”!


yesss you need to try dunkin donuts, they are my fav. nothing beats the chocolate munchkins. ALSO, loved that quote from Utchdorf’s talk so so much. what a great session that was!


I actually got tatooed You are Enough in latin on my ribcage as an every day reminder that we are MORE than enough no matter what we do.

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