Stuff Runners NEVER Want to Hear + Our Labor Day!

I hope your long weekend was a great one!

7 miles (of course… my body just really loves that distance right now and that is why I do it so often) @ 9:17 average pace!

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Came home to some cereal, a huge peach and some sticker book fun.

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After lunch (tuna fish sandwich… something that always sounds good right now) I got busy making something for a bbq that we were going to later on!

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My Brothers’ S’mores Bars.  Always a crowd pleaser.

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Brooke wanted to help Andrew mow the lawn…

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After we were done with the yard, we made it out to probably our last day at the splash pad this year.

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Brooke’s favorite apple eating method;)

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We also played an intense game of tag while at the park.  It felt good to get some barefoot strides in on the grass:)

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For dinner a friend of ours invited us to his bbq.  Plate one of two… everything was so good.

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Brooke found her new best friend while we were there too:)

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And then I had some more peaches in the form of pie.  It was the perfect way to end the night.

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I have a list of things that I don’t personally like to hear as a runner!  I would love to hear your additions to the list in the comments:)

1.   The low battery beep that accompanies your garmin and/or wireless headphones about to turn off while you are out on a run where you REALLY NEED to know your distance/pace or when you really need your music.  I do not like hearing this.

2.  ‘You have a stress fracture (or any other serious injury) and you absolutely cannot run for x amount of time’ -Your doctor.  Definitely something that stings hearing and something I absolutely hate hearing.  Although, I will say… having a diagnosis and a period of time that I’m told not to run is a whole lot nicer than not knowing what the heck is going on with my body and wondering how long I should stop running for.

Why can’t this ever be the answer… run more and the injury will get better!!

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Or maybe you view injuries this way so if someone tells you that you are injured it doesn’t bother you;)

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3.  Someone honking at me.  Nope, never once have I enjoyed that unless it is from someone that I know… otherwise it freaks me out.

4.  Another thing I don’t love hearing—>  The forecast before a big race if the forecast involves rain, wind or heat…. nope, I don’t wanna hear it.  Let me just experience it without thinking/stressing about it every second leading up to the race:)

5.  ‘You should run a bit less and focus more on strength training and/or cross-training.’  I’ve heard this one before and while they were 100% right… it hurt to hear.  I run because I love it… the other stuff is not nearly as fun for me:)

6.  ‘You’re almost there’ from a spectator along the course of your race when in fact, you are NOWHERE NEAR finished even though every muscle in your body wishes so badly that you could be finished.

7.  Yes, in fact… I do need another pair.  I am very happy that Andrew understands my need for so many pairs but hearing this question below would not be a fun one to hear as a runner:)

Shoes 2

8.  That your favorite trail has had a bear or other scary animal or creepy person sighting recently… NOOOOOOOO but I need that trail for my 20 on Saturday… time to reroute.

9.  ‘There is only one porta potty stop along the race course.’  -From the race director… I’ve heard this before.  Ummmm that is stressful for everyone there waiting to start the race!  Or I really don’t like hearing, ‘the next aid station is 2 miles away’ during a race when I NEED IT RIGHT THAT SECOND

10.   When you tell someone about a race you are about to sign up for and they respond by informing you that it is already full this year… This has happened to me once before for a race and I was so bummed about it!


What is something that you as a runner do not like hearing?!

What was the last dessert that you made… on a scale from 1-10, how good was it?

Have any September running (or life) goals?  I’d love to hear them!  

Deviled eggs/hardboiled eggs… YES or NO?  Andrew can’t stand them and I LOVE them so I want to hear your opinion!

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When I’m running, I hate it when I suddenly am in the mood to hear a song I haven’t listened to in a long time, but my phone beeps to tell me it isn’t downloaded. I try to make sure all the songs I want are on my phone, and not just my computer or in space or whatever, before I go for a run, but who knows what mood I’ll be in at mile 4?

The last desert I made was peach pie! It was a 10. I make really good pie, but the peaches were perfect and I can’t take credit for that.


Oh yes, I totally forgot about that… drives me crazy when I don’t have a specific song or playlist downloaded. At my last half my friend didn’t have any of her music downloaded on accident and we didn’t have cell phone service because we were in the canyon, she was so bummed!

I need your peach pie. Asap!

Enjoy your day Lynn!


Haha, those things are never fun to hear! I also don’t like it when I hear, “Run, Forrest, run!” It’s not even original. Question: Which wireless headphones do you use?? I know you’ve posted about them before, but I’m thinking about getting some!

September goal: Find a solid church and make new friends when I move to California in a couple of weeks. Oh, and also build my running back up so that I can actually make running goals and sign up for races again! :)


HEY GIRL!! Here are the headphones I have and love:

I love your September goals!! You’ve got this Natalie!


THANK YOU, Janae!! :)


When I first developed plantar fasciitis I had a doctor tell me that I might not be built to be a runner and that I might just need to stop running altogether. This was after he had listed some stretches and icing and stuff, so he said it like it was the answer to my injury. I was so mad. I walked out of his office and haven’t been back since. When I told my physical therapist that story he and the other PT laughed and rolled their eyes, so I knew I was in good hands.

I might be doing the Salt Lake Haunted Half in October (trying to decide because it’s the same day as USU’s Homecoming and I would have to miss a leadership reunion and just make it to Logan for the football game). So in September I might be working on incorporating more speed work and keeping up the long runs.


NOOOOO I would be LIVID. I am so glad you found a good PT and someone that knows what they are talking bout. Oh I have heard that half is so so fun! Keep me updated on what you decide. Have a wonderful day Alyssa!


At the half I did over the weekend, there was a person in the first mile screaming, ‘you’re almost there!’ Lol. That one was funny, but I really don’t like that one either. Especially when people are yelling, it’s just around the corner and then you have a .75 mile straightaway to the finish.


THE FIRST MILE… hahaha!!! Congrats on your half this last weekend!! I hope it was a great one Mollie!


The battery running out on my garmin/phone while running is the absolute WORST!
I hate to hear about how windy or humid it is outside…for some reason wind makes it so much harder to run!
My September goal is to finally work up to double digit runs again!
And I am a huge hard boiled eggs fan but I can’t stand the smell :/


Yep, hearing about how awful the weather is just plants it into our brains that we are going to have a miserable time and then we do:) I agree! Can’t wait to see you rock the double digit run this month!


One thing I hate hearing when running is someone I don’t know yelling at me in their car. It drives me nuts, just mind you’re own business! I’m not doing anything harmful and not in your way so leave me be.
I like deviled eggs but not hard boiled eggs! Sounds weird I know, but I’m picky so it’s not that surprising to people that know me, although they do think I’m weird for it ;)

Have a great day Janae!!


Yep, just leave us alone… we just want to run! I hope you have a great day Maureen too!!


The beep on the Garmin is the WORST! Especially when you’re out on a long run, like 20 miles, and it starts beeping at mile 6! :( That has in fact happened to me a couple of times. And you totally hit all the other things runners hate to hear! Great list!
I haven’t made a dessert in a while, but those s’mores bars look amazing! The last thing I did bake were chocolate chip cookies… everyone’s favorite in our house!
My running goal for September is to hit my work-outs and be ready for my half marathon at the beginning of October. I haven’t had a good race/goal since my marathon in March, so it has been nice to have that to keep me focused! Also, to gain my mental toughness back! This is something I have been struggling with this summer…
And hard boiled eggs are really good, just not too many at a time ;)
Have a great week everyone!


YES… a dead garmin during a long run is the worst. It stresses me out haha! I am SO excited for your half marathon coming up next month! You’ve got this Wendy!


I don’t like non-runners telling me I shouldn’t run because it’s bad for my knees, or joints, etc. And people randomly shouting things at us?! Unless they are race spectators and saying nice things (I once heard a spectator shouting to a marathon runner: come on I can walk faster than that!). Not cool!


YES and YES…. it’s good for our joints:) I agree, that is not okay for what that spectator said… I don’t like that one bit. I hope you are having an amazing day Mel!


I absolutely hate getting cat-called when I’m out running/biking/walking. It’s rude, it’s creepy, and it’s annoying.
I don’t like when I forget to turn on do not disturb on my run and my friends start going crazy in the group text conversations and my music keeps cutting out for my text alerts.
The last dessert I made was salted caramel chocolate chip cookie cheesecake bars. TOTALLY A TEN! Way too good and definitely not a health food! :)
My September running goals are to get in as many miles before it gets cold that I can, but to do them without any pressure and to just enjoy it. My life goal is stay consistent with getting more and/or better sleep. I’ve been pretty good about it lately but I want to stick with it because of how much better I feel!
Yes to hardboiled eggs, and a definitely yes to deviled, although I can be picky about how those are made! So yummy!


I totally agree… that cat-calling makes me so angry. Oh and the group text alerts haha… that happens to me too! Okay, those cheesecake bars sound incredible. I need! I hope this month is full of many miles and a lot of great sleep! Enjoy your day Rhiannon!


When you’re talking about runnin and someone asks “on purpose?”


BAHAHAH YES… I don’t like hearing that one either:) I hope your day is an amazing one Jenny!


After I posted about my first marathon, my surrogate uncle told me I was wasting heartbeats. Not cool.


Oh yeah… I totally agree! Not sure when your first marathon was but congrats! I hope you are having an amazing day Elizabeth!


This list or things runners don’t want to hear cracked me up! Mainly the one about needing another pair of running shoes because my husband JUST asked me this when a new pair showed up in the mail. He has learned that there is no logical answer to the question and tries to compare it to a drug addiction. Dramatic, huh?


HAHAHA!!! Enjoy your new pair of shoes Madeline… the best. Maybe your husband needs to just become hooked on running too and he will understand!


I love deviled/hard-boiled eggs. It’s one of my favorite foods!

The last dessert I made was banana bread, and it was delicious. I’m actually making more today – it’s my pregnancy craving. We’re actually due right around the same time – my due date is December 16. And seeing that watermelon on your plate really made me want some of that, too.

Have a great week! Love reading your posts!


I hope you get some deviled or hard-boiled eggs asap! Oh I LOVE banana bread, enjoy it today too. It makes me so happy that we are due so close to each other. PLEASE keep me updated on how you and your little one are doing (ps do you know if you are having a boy or a girl?)!! Thanks Ginger!


We are having a girl! And we already have a 2-year-old boy, so the whole family is getting really excited. :) I’m excited that our due dates are so close together, too!


Oh Ginger, that is SO awesome! I’m so so happy for you and your family!


I love deviled eggs…warm memories of Grandma bringing them to family gatherings.
My September running goal: to register for Boston next Monday!


TAM… I am SO SO excited for you to run Boston!! Wahooo! Keep me updated on how all of your training is going etc!


I hate hearing thunder when I wake up for my early runs on the weekend.

One of my running friends likes to say “Are we there yet?” when we run. I told her she is NOT allowed to say that until we have less than two miles left.

I’m really looking forward to some cooler weather in September and getting in some quality workouts. Hopefully, I will have some good races before the end of the year and all the holiday craziness. Also, I want to get serious about pull ups/chin ups again. I’ve been slacking lately :)

Not a fan of hard boiled eggs. The only way I like my eggs are scrambled.


HAHA YES… I agree, no asking if we are there yet while on a run unless we are really close:) You are going to rock your September workouts after a hot summer especially! I don’t think I’ve ever done a pull up in my life. Teach me. Andrew is just like you, he only likes eggs scrambled!


It looks like you had a lovely weekend :) Number 2 resonates with me just now – I had a sharp pain while running last weekend and the doc thinks it’s a stress fracture :( (which busts my plan for my first marathon in October :( ) Another doc I saw thinks it might just be a bruise though so I’m sort of in a grumpy, resting limbo!

Apart from that, yep I’m with you on the Garmin battery beep! Also finding my planned trail route is covered with puddles – or that my water bottle is leaking! Is that a devilled egg on your plate? I like hard boiled ones but never tried anything more fancy. My little boy loves them too and we have a little mould that shapes them like a bear. This is now a mandatory part of every single picnic we go on :) As to September goals, well mine is just to try and heal so that I can start to get back to running – and plan for a spring marathon instead! I have a couple to choose between. The last dessert I made was a plum cake as my dad gifted us a lot of plum from their tree. My other half ate most of it but I think it was tasty!


MAYBE A STRESS FRACTURE!?!? NOOOO LYS… I am so so sorry. Let me know when you find out more about what is going on. I hate that limbo! I need one of those egg molds… the kids would love that. Focus on those spring marathons, I always sign up for another race for when I am healed when I find out I have to miss a race. I am so sorry! I have never had a plum cake, that sounds awesome!


I’m in Nothern California near all the forest fires and they’ve been telling us to limit our time outdoors aka don’t run outside!! :-( I hate hearing that!!


Oh no Rebekah, that is awful! I hope that the fires are stopped soon and that you have a good treadmill to use until then.


This post is so full of truth!!! I hate hearing that an injury is actually serious, and the weather can definitely make or break a race. I ran one half last year in extreme heat and another in torrential rain- not my fave!!
I haven’t made dessert in a while, but I went out for froyo to celebrate the last night before school starts yesterday and it was amazing!!
First 5k post stress fracture is in 2 weeks for me!! So excited!!
I don’t love hard boiled eggs, but sometimes they’re a really good protein option so I eat them when I have to. Deviled eggs are only a sometimes food for me, as well.


I hate hearing the weather forecast of Santa Ana Winds in So Cal. Those winds are nuts (25-50 mph) and typically warm and dry. I was on my bike the other day when a car went by and the dog in the back barked! That sound about gave me a heart attack!

I made homemade ice cream last month that was amazing! I usually cheat and start with a mix, but this time I did it all from scratch. Definitely a 10!

September is all about Les – he and his brother are getting ready to ride their bikes (bicycles, not motorcycles) across the country. They will leave LA on September 30th and expect it to take about 4 weeks to go 2800 miles. The planning is almost complete, then the packing begins. Their dad is driving the support vehicle, so the 3 amigos are going on an adventure! I’m flying to Georgia to be there at the end. This is been something they’ve wanted to do forever and it’s finally becoming a reality!

Deviled eggs/hardboiled eggs… I like them both, but rarely eat them.


“I bet you can just eat all you want!” <— I've never wanted to stab someone with a spoon more! I really struggle with my weight/eating and trying to find balance in it all. A really lazy girl I know, who eats terribly and literally does NOTHING for her health, was in the middle of a full on rant all about me for "not loving myself" when she said this about me and my running/training for a marathon. I'm no size 2 mind you.. I'm a full size 12/14 and a self proclaimed "chubby girl". So I was

The last dessert I made was mini vanilla pudding pies with fresh berries and whipped cream on top. They were 10 out of 10 a definite win and a repeat in this house.

I have a few September life goals — but I stumbled on this "Seasonal Living" list — and I have totally decided to steal the idea and make a monthly Bucket list!

I'm a huge fan of both hard boiled and deviled eggs! Can't get enough of them — going to go make some now! LOL!


Yep, that list sounds about right! I also don’t like when someone asks if I’ve been “jogging” – I may not be super speedy, but I still insist that it’s “running”!


I made funfetti cake yesterday for the first Tennessee’s first football game of the season. It’s from a box but so yummy!
My September goal is hopefully I’m able to start running again after some nerve issues I’ve had in my foot and not been able to run for a few months.
No deviled eggs but like hard boiled!


I agree about honking – I hate when people honk at me when I’m running! It makes me jump out of my skin, like are they warning me that I am about to get hit by a car?!?! I also can’t stand when guys whistle at me. Let me run in peace!!

I love eating deviled eggs, but don’t love the way they smell. Weird, I know!!


I hate catcalls or whistles when running……and my hubby and I love eggs in all forms!


Love Brooke’s apple-it looks like a soccer ball!

I really dislike hearing the finish line announcer when you’re over a mile away (or worse, you have to go BY the finish line to a turnaround). Also, I hear this a lot “I wish I ran like you.” It always makes me sad that people think running is such a chore and that many of us actually enjoy it.

BUT……I do NOT want to hear that it’s going to be a bazillion degrees on race day. I don’t even like hearing that on a rest day!

Those s’mores bars look awesome! I will have to make those and the snickerdoodles…..we still love your hot chocolate cookie recipe so I trust you ;)


I hate hearing people tell me running is bad for my knees.

I made brown butter cookie bars. They were ok but not fabulous. Considering a whole stick of butter in the recipe I was surprised they were a bit dry.

I’m hoping to get back to running by the end of the month. Fingers and toes crossed!

Love both deviled and hard boiled eggs! I just had a deviled egg yesterday at a BBQ too.


What I hate hearing is that I have classes or important appointments early in the morning, so I have to get up really early to run. Also don’t like hearing that a category 5 hurricane is headed in my direction…

I love to bake, and last week I made a peanut butter and jelly bundt cake. It was good, but definitely not among the best cakes I’ve ever made.

I love hard-boiled eggs, it’s my favorite way to eat them! I like the whites more than the yolks though, so I’m not as much of a fan of deviled eggs.


Oh I can tell you about the last dessert I made :-) I work at a yoga studio, and I’ve been in charge of revamping the juice and smoothie menu! We’ve decided to start offering chia seed pudding bowls, so I made a batch for my family’s Labor Day party yesterday. Oh my gosh – so delicious! Your smore’s dessert looked!


oh my gosh, that dessert looks unreal!

i was planning to run the New Haven 20K yesterday but at the last minute decided not to because of a tweak in my calf. Instead, i slept in and lounged around in bed all morning. :)


I really like deviled eggs. I don’t mind hardboiled eggs (the are convenient) but I honestly don’t really love the taste of the yolk.

Fitness wise, I really want to try out some free opportunities in my area. Our local breweries now have free yoga, running clubs, etc. and the fall is a great time to be outside and enjoy those!


I have been running since high school but more faithfully since my mid 20’s and just now at age 33 experienced my 1st real injury where I was forced to take off 5 days, started back slow and back in pain again. I got new running shoes this past weekend so hoping as I try to ease back in again I will see a difference. Had my foot x-rayed but no broken bones or fractures were found. Just a lot of swelling and bruising so my Dr is thinking a strain. But I have been getting Chiro/acupuncture on it and seeing a difference!!
LOVE hard boiled eggs and deviled eggs, they are ALWAYS required at all picnics!
Made a zucchini chocolate chip bread for a girls brunch a couple weeks ago and it was a hit!


I do not like my hippy massage therapist telling me that my ‘energy’ is not suited for running and that I should choose other activities instead.
Goals…continued daily yoga, getting into running shape again without getting injured, and probably/hopefully strength training to help with #2 ha. I’m also taking an online Courage Council class in Sept so hopefully I will become more courageous by the end of the month!
I love deviled eggs!
What are your goals Janae?!


My September running goal is 50 miles which would be a 9 mile increase from my highest mileage month but as practically my entire state is on fire and there is ash falling from the sky and I don’t have a gym membership this may be a bit hard to reach for me. Oddly enough I leave for a cruise vacation in about 9 days so ill be able to run every night on the cruise. I might get more exercise on my vacation than at home right now hahahaha.

I am with Andrew on the deviled eggs, yuck!


ugh electronics dying is terrible! hate that for sure. definitely do not like being told to dial it back (if i’m feeling really good), or to take time off for an injury. it just plain sucks.
goal: to get my running back to where it was. i have no idea what is going on w/ me right now, but my pace has slowed a lot, breathing is difficult, legs feel like lead, tons of breaks just to get through the miles…its SO frustrating! i was running so much easier 3+ months ago. something is up and i just want to be back to normal :/


I hate hearing my 4 year old daughter asking me if I am running or walking as I am “running” up a hill pushing her and my 2 year old in the double BOB! It’s always just when I start feeling like I’m doing great too! ?
And yes to hard boiled eggs. No to deviled eggs.


Honking!!! Why?!? Even if I know the person…I often don’t know their car…unless they are a neighbor. It’s always alarming!
Of course, I listen to the weather obsessively…most often it’s just to plan…but there is nothing I hate more than hearing a forecast for t-storms and snow/ice. I’ll run in just about anything else.
I also hate hearing people who (still!!!!!) tell me…it’s bad for my knees. Ugh.

I’m with Andrew on the egg debate! I used to love eggs! But after years and years of baking…I can’t tolerate the smell and don’t eat them at all.

Enjoy your day, Janae!


“Run, Forrest, run!”

Haha okay, I don’t really mind hearing that that much.


I just had to laugh when I read your list of things runners don’t want to hear as most of them hit home with me. Mine is “You don’t look like a runner to me”

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