Friday Favorites, an important day and YOUR Amazingness!!!

I know the kids don’t look thrilled to be pausing eating their snow cones to take a picture with me but that’s because they weren’t thrilled.

These two love snow cones more than pretty much any other treat on the planet even though only about half of the snow cone actually makes it into their mouth.   It’s always fun to have two four year olds covered in stickiness.

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They had quite the random conversation over the course of the 20 minutes it takes to eat one of these and it was fueled by sugar.

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On the drive home we passed by where Andrew and I got married last July.  My favorite memory.

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We spent the rest of the day at home…

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And we finished off by watching Sing (I LOVE this kid’s movie).

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Time for a few of my FRIDAY FAVORITES (with a few affiliate links)!!

*My current favorite running tank… I just got this from Brooks and I’m in love. So soft, I love the colors and plenty long enough!   Perfection for running.

*My five goto running songs right now: There’s Nothing Holding’ Me Back, Whatever It Takes(SO GOOD), TransmissionPerfect Places (just came out and I love it) and Family Tradition.

*I’ve always felt like the hangry definition wasn’t fully complete until I saw this one that included… ‘especially sweet things.’  Now it is complete for me.

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*It’s National DONUT DAY (a very important day)!!!  I really hope you go and celebrate today and grab a donut (if you like them:) or you can make my favorite blueberry fritters if you want:)

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*Did you know there are DONUT PEACHES?!?  It made me really happy to see them… the perfect combination of two foods.

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*An external battery charger that is small and fits right into my bag… I use this ALL OF THE TIME because I forget to charge my phone (and everything else) at home.

*BrooksWOMEN IG account… it’s new and full of stuff for women runners!

*It’s the weekend which means a lot of you have long runs up ahead of you… I LOVE THIS article and have loved it for years.  If your goal race pace freaks you out at times remember—>  “The secret is, you should almost never feel like you could run a full marathon at goal pace in training.  If you do, it’s likely your goal is far too easy.”  This article talks about what it is during a race that helps you to do that pace for the full race!

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*I often get questions about my favorite running headbands—>  THESE are my go to headbands.  I love them.  They don’t even budge during the run and they keep every piece of hair out of my face… the best.

*Cherries.  I’ve never really been that into cherries but this year Andrew keeps buying them and we all can’t stop eating them… this might be a pricey Friday Favorite between the four of us but it is worth it.

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*Important question… Would you rather have cookie dough (without the eggs so it won’t hurt you) or cookies to eat?  I say cookies and Andrew says cookie dough.

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ALSO… a random public service announcement for runners!!! If you have noticed that your feet have started hurting during the run or other times throughout the day, LOOK AT YOUR SANDALS.  The warmer weather = less supportive footwear usually so pay attention!


Please keep sharing your running accomplishments… you inspire us ALL!!!!  Send them to [email protected]  !!


Whitney!!!  “Memorial Day Weekend I completed the Run Across Georgia relay race with 11 other people.  The run benefited the House of Heroes, which supports veterans and their families.  We started in Savannah on Friday night and ended in Columbus Sunday afternoon (260 total miles).  The heat and hills were awful at times, and no one really got any sleep, but it was an experience I will never forget!  When the race got hard, I reminded myself of the people who gave their lives for our country, and it made what I was doing seem so easy.  I went in to the race having never met the other team members, but I can definitely say we were all friends by the end!  Not only was it a physical challenge, but it also challenged me to get out of my comfort zone and put myself in an environment where I knew no one.  I can’t wait to participate next year!”



Elizabeth wrote this about Rainey!!!  “Last March, Rainey was supposed to run her first marathon at the Shamrock Marathon in Virginia Beach.  The morning of the race, she got very sick (likely with norovirus) and had to go to the emergency room.  She missed the race.  She was heartbroken.  Another friend and I decided to put on a virtual marathon just for Rainey, which we called the Rainey Check Marathon.  We had more than 50 local runners come out to support Rainey with water stops, cheering stations and her very own finish line party.  Runners joined her for several miles at a time.  The local news covered it, and the story is HERE!!  A few more details on my blog post, which is HERE!

Rainey finish Rainey group finish line


Megan!!!  “I ran Jeremy’s Run 10k in Maryland on Memorial Day! It’s an annual race I do that is in remembrance of a boy who died of a prescription drug overdose years ago and would have now been my age (31).  His mother has put on the race for the past 9 years to raise money and awareness.  I ran it with my aunt and we both placed first in our age groups!”

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Tammy!!!  “I ran my first half marathon last weekend! I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in December, so returning to running after a relapse has been difficult to say the least!  But when I saw the MS Half in Dallas was donating all proceeds to the National MS society, I knew I had to do it!  It was a slow time, but I’m so beyond thankful these legs got me through 13.1 miles! I couldn’t have done it without these two girlfriends with me (I’m in the middle).  Now to find my next half!;)”



HEATHER!!! Blog and Insta!  “First off, I’m a beginner.  I started running a little over a year ago.  I have run a few 5K’s and a couple of 10K’s and I wanted to try a half marathon but I wasn’t sure if I had it in me. I actually have had a weight problem most of my adult life, fluctuations up and down.  I had lost 80 lbs over the past couple of years and honestly I just lacked the confidence in myself to sing up.  I started doing some research online and found a local half marathon and a beginner training plan (Hal Hidden Novice Half Marathon training plan) and started the plan without even signing up for the race.  It wasn’t until a couple weeks before when I read a post Janae =wrote about how you know if you are a runner that I started to gain the confidence I needed.  Then two weeks before the race when I ran my first double digit run I knew I felt confident enough to actually sign up for the half.  I will NEVER forget that run.  It was the kind of run where everything goes right.  Beautiful cool day, nice breeze, and my body was feeling amazing and energized.  I ran 10 miles of the race course that day and when I was done I immediately went home and signed up for the race.

I ran the Lake George Half Marathon in April 2017. It was a really hilly course that ran along the lake and since I had run on it two weeks prior I felt confident and was beyond ready to go.  I had gotten the perfect fuel that I had tested before the race, I had the perfect breakfast and a good nights sleep.  I was feeling AMAZING and was keeping a pace in the low 9’s (which is speedy for me) without much effort.

Everything was near perfect until mile 6-7 when I stepped down funny on my left leg and felt a pain.  It was a mild pain, I could definitely feel it but it wasn’t too bad.  Then at mile 9.5 on a huge incline I realized my leg was HURTING bad!  I could barely run but there was no way I was going to stop since my main goals were to 1- keep running, 2- finish, and 3- have fun!  I kept going doing kind of a jog limp for the last 3.6 miles and anytime I was feeling down I smiled since I remember Janae mentioning it helps on her blog and it worked!  My pace went from the low 9’s to the high 10’s and I was pretty disappointed.  I knew my pace wasn’t quick enough for a sub 2 hour half which was a dream but I knew it was a huge stretch for it to actually happen anyway.  I figured I would finish around 2:15 and I ended up crossing the finish line at 2:10:21 with a pace of 9:59.  I really wanted my overall pace to be less than a 10 minute mile so I just made it.  I really wonder what my pace would have been if I hadn’t had the shooting/stabbing pain in my leg… I’m proud I finished either way.  This race was one of the biggest accomplishments of my life.



Lara!!! “This past weekend I completed my fourth half marathon and I PR’d!  Two years ago when I did my first half my time was 2:59!  But this past weekend I did it in 2:11!  It truly shows that you can do anything you set your mind to!”

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The winner of my SURVEY!! Thank you everyone for playing:) Email me Kailey!Screen Shot 2017 06 01 at 9 30 04 PM


Married readers—>  Where were you married? 

Have any Friday Favorites to share with me PLEASE!?

Which is better in your opinion… cookie dough or actual cookies?  Is there anybody reading that doesn’t like cookies?

Have a long run or race this weekend?  I want details!

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The hangry sign is perfect for me lol my boyfriend always says I’m hangry if I don’t eat frequently enough.


I love cookie dough but did not realize that raw flour is actually dangerous too eat as well. Who knew???


REALLY!?!? Oh that is crazy… I had no idea!


Yay for snow cone season returning!! I would probably eat one every day if I could.

This cookie vs. cookie dough question is very tough. The dough is SO good, but I also really love some warm freshly baked cookies. I’m going to say a combo, because I actually love cookies that aren’t fully cooked all of way through. :)


I like to sneak some cookie dough when I’m making cookies (I know it’s bad!), but I think I prefer the actual cookie. Cookie dough is OK in small amounts

Some of my Friday Favorites this week are Blue Apron (I just tried my first box and loved it!) and The Keepers on Netflix. It’s a true crime unsolved murder documentary and it’s fascinating and disturbing. In fact, I’ve got some of my own Friday favorites up on my own blog right now:

I’ve got my first of three 5Ks tomorrow morning! It’s part of my town’s big race weekend (5K, 10K, Half and Marathon). I signed up on a whim and haven’t really trained so I didn’t go for any of the longer distances, but I’m excited! Will need to get some good foam rolling in tonight!


We were married outside at Lauritzen Gardens in Omaha.
Dough! I like sugar cookies and oatmeal raisin but otherwise I kind of feel like cookies just aren’t worth the calories, especially chocolate chip. And yes, ao know I’m weird.
I’m on vacation right now and have run more days than I planned and now I’m out of workout clothes! Gonna have to go shopping if a long run is going to happen.


We were married at our church and the reception was at a catering hall. We were married at the end of January 23 years ago. :) it was a cold snowy winter and outdoors was not an option.

While I like cookie dough I find it sickening to eat a lot of it. It takes a while longer to find chocolate chip cookies sickening. I have a vegan version of cookie dough as well as one made with chick peas that you could eat without fear of salmonella.

I want to run tomorrow, I am planning on 6 or 7. It’s supposed to be beautiful out.


Donut peaches? Weird, but count me in. A new favorite has been GHEE!! Adds a lot of flavor to roasted veggies. Oh cookie dough always!


Awe it looks like fun. I haven’t had snow cones in forever. I don’t know where the closest place is now but I’ll have to look around. I’m craving one.

My running accomplishment is actually running. Hahaha this month and week just flew by. I’m glad for some spring weather though.


We have a new dessert place in town that sells freshly baked cookies and edible cookie dough. Because there is a froyo place a few doors down and because I frequently make cookies at home my girls have no interest. Friends of ours tried it and said that initially the cookie dough tasted good and then after a few bites it just felt like they were eating gobs of cookie dough. They said it just sat in their stomachs afterwards. I completely understood. I think there is a difference between licking the spoon and bowl vs eating a bowl full of cookie dough.

We were married in our church and the reception was at a small country club. Nothing fancy! It was small, less then 100 people.

Today is field day at our elementary school and I am the Kindergarten volunteer. School is out for my kindergartener on Tuesday and next Friday for my 3rd grader. My kindergartener is less then thrilled to know that she is moving up to all day school next year!! Actually our district is switching to full day K next year so she just missed it!! She loves her play time.


We were married in Stowe, Vermont. Vermont weather is pretty tempermental in May so it wasn’t real warm, but we were able to have the ceremony outside (we didn’t know until 2 hours before) – The rain held off until after the reception.

Homemade Tollhouse cookies would be my last meal if I ever needed one. We sift the flour so when cooked they a very thin and crisp, the way we all love them. We make 4 dozen cookies out of a 12 oz bag and eat the rest of the dough – bad I know, but I can’t help it. Me and my brother would occasionally make the dough and just eat it :) When I was pregnant it killed me not to eat the dough. Other than that, I will risk salmonella!


Logan temple!!
And definitely cookie dough… that’s why I don’t make cookies haha I eat most the dough.
Just finished my long run for the week. 11.42 miles! 22 days till race day!


Awesome job Natalie on your long run!!! So excited for your race!


Cookies for sure. Eggless cookie dough doesn’t really sound like cookie dough to me.

I was married in the oquirrh mt temple. Speaking of weddings, I’ve had 3 in a week! Can you say wedding season?


Those donut peaches are SO CUTE! I want them. I think cookie dough is way better. I’m not a huge fan of actual cookies, but I could eat way too much of the dough.

My Friday favorite is getting our engagement pictures taken last night! We are not married yet, but we are getting married in October and the place is amazing and somewhere we will be able to go back to for multiple reasons over the course of our lives which I am very happy about :) Have a great weekend!! <3


ok so I’m divorced but I still loved my wedding day so I will answer – I was married at shelter rock jewish center in Roslyn, ny. it was such a beautiful night and a beautiful wedding so I still have fond memories (which I reflect on often since I work in the wedding industry and write about weddings lol). I love cookie dough and I love fresh cookies from the oven that are barely cooked. it’s a tough call between the two!


Married at the church I grew up in, still go to, and now serve as organist for. :)
This year is our 15th anniversary, which doesn’t seem possible, but we were married pretty young (I was 21, Jim 22), and we’ve been together since I was 17.


We were married at a church in the town we live in–I love driving past it and remembering that day. :) I love cookies, but I also love cookie dough. If the choice is between dough and soft cookies, I choose cookies, but if it’s between dough and crispy cookies, I choose dough. :) I have a 50 mile bike ride on Saturday and a 10 mile run on Sunday. This tri training is starting to get crazy! :)


Cookies over cookie dough because cold, hard to chew dough can’t compete with the gooey chocolate chips and the warm yumminess of the rest of the cookie.

New favorite….Claritin. Yes this is boring but when I first moved here (about three weeks ago) I started sneezing almost incessantly and my generic Wal-Mart allergy meds weren’t doing squat. So I got Claritin and it’s saving my life, especially with running outside.

My long run this weekend is 16 miles. Since this is my first marathon training cycle, it will be the farthest I’ve ever run. I’m hoping it goes better than last week’s 15 miles, because everything hurt and I felt like I was dying.


Cookie dough to put on vanilla ice cream…OH YEAH!!! I love cookie dough but I also LOVE actual cookies. Can I pick both?


Cookie dough for the win! Also, I love Brooke’s flamingo shirt, so cute.


I was married in Carmel, CA, just the two of us…well and the officiant and Monterrey Jack , the photographer. It was beautiful and dreamy.

I am definitely a cookie person and the rest of the family is all about the cookie dough.


That hangry sign is perfect! I have had low blood sugar most of my life and often tell my husband, “I have a food headache.” He knows to get me to food immediately!

We were married in my home church in Fresno, CA. 26 years ago last week! I was on the church staff for 10 years before I got married and moved away, so my pastor/boss was kind of emotional.

Warm, gooey cookies are the best! Mine are often just slightly above cookie dough. There should be a cookie rating like how you want your steak cooked. If cookie dough= rare, then mine are medium rare ;)


Snow cones were a big treat for my brother and I as kids too. There’s just something so novel about eating ice that makes it fun.

I totally agree with you on the battery chargers – they’re so handy! My boyfriend got me one a week or two before My dad spent a week in the hospital. It was so great to not have to worry about my phone running out of battery. There’s surprisingly few plug ins in hospitals. I also take mine to school with me because I’m there for 8 hours a couple times a week.


Married in the Church that my husband grew up in. Cookies all the way. Steamboat Springs Marathon!


I was married at a small winery in the Russian River Valley. It was beautiful, and everything my husband and I had hoped for, even though it rained on us!

100% cookie dough over baked cookies. I made a batch of oatmeal, cherry, and chocolate chip cookie dough recently, and I think only about half got baked before it was eaten. I also just go for it and don’t worry about salmonella after reading this article:

YMMV, of course.


Okay… your latest oatmeal cookies sound amazing! Thank you so much for the article, this will make Andrew’s day when he reads it. Oh your wedding sounded perfect!


You spelled the winner’s wrong …. it’s actually Jenny …. LOL! Congrats Kailey!
I don’t remember the name of the place we got married but it was on Lake Union in Seattle during sunset in October. We lucked out and had a random 70 degree weather day so the whole day was spent outside under the sun and it was just perfect!
I think I would need 50-50 with the dough and cookies. Dough doesn’t travel well and it would be too messy for the kids to eat but overall that is my favorite. And you know you can’t eat something without sharing with them!
My race this weekend is the Rainier 2 Ruston Relay. I’m running with 3 other women starting on Mt. Rainier and ending on Ruston Way in Tacoma which is on the Puget sound overlooking some islands! I can’t wait!!
Have a great weekend!


Hahaha when I first read this I thought I really did… hahah I love it! Your wedding sounded perfect and beautiful! Have an amazing time this weekend at the Rainier 2 Ruston Relay! Sounds like so much fun, let me know how it goes!


Just celebrated 20 years of marriage. We were also young, both of us barely 21. Married in an LDS chapel.
Cookie dough all the way!!! I have to stop myself from eating half the bowl. I’ve wanted to try edible cookie dough but it’s expensive so I just make dough, eat some and bake some. I try to get all the cookies in the oven at the same time so I don’t have the bowl sitting on the counter.
This is my new fav greek yogurt yogurt cookie dough recipe. Greek yogurt, 1 t honey, 1 t peanut butter (or more, hee hee), some vanilla extract and choc. chips. This is my late night treat.


CONGRATS on 20 years of marriage Betsy, that is awesome! I hope that you get some cookie dough asap and I need to try your greek yogurt cookie dough recipe asap. That sounds amazing!!!


Thanks for including me in the Running Accomplishments! :)


You are amazing! Thank you for writing me!


I’m a total cookie monster so I probably prefer the actual cookies, but I ALWAYS sneak some of the dough when I’m baking. I live dangerously like that.

How cool is it that Rainey’s friends rallied and put on a marathon for her?? Runners rock!

New favorite is Kombucha – there’s a ginger flavored one that I’m so addicted to right now.


Oooh, both cookie dough AND cookies, but if I have the dough it never makes it to cookie form. LOL

I just got linked to Amazon’s donut day product category and immediately thought of you, Janae:


Oh my goodness….. Bless your heart! I need everything on that link… now. Thank you!!! Have a great weekend Wendy!


I’m totally with Andrew on this one! I would definitely rather have cookie dough instead of cookies :)

The hubs and I got married in my boss’s cousin’s backyard ;) They had recently designed it to hold weddings and we got a killer deal, which was great since we were basically babies when we got married (17 years this month!)

Friday favs: I’m obsessed with Costco’s protein bars and Sparkling ICE pineapple coconut drinks.

I am doing the RRCA course this weekend in Vegas. I’m super excited about the course, eh about Vegas. I’m hoping to get some good running in while we’re there. Any tips on the course??


Oh I am so excited for you to take the RRCA course… it is awesome!!! Hmmm any tips?! Bring lots of snacks and go on a good run before class starts! It really is so fun and there is so much to absorb but you will do amazing! Happy almost 17 years Marissa!


Yay! I’m so excited that I won! I sent you an email, but wasn’t sure if you had received it, thanks, Janae! :)


Just emailed you Kailey… so happy for you!!!


We got married in the church I grew up in :) – it’s beautiful old mountain stone so all you need is simple flowers and the place is STUNNING
And I’m with Andrew – cookie dough!!!!


Jamaica ??
No long run/race
Fresh broccoli from Costco roasted in oven


cookie dough, always and forever!!

Hoping to get a few miles in tomorrow morning, and I’m also hoping to run a 5k on sunday! nothing too long, but lots of running fun.

my friday favorites are both food-centric…fresh pears (i always forget about pears!) and Quest Bars, which are gluten free, have TONS of protein and come in the MOST fabulous flavors!


My hubby and I were married at a beautiful restaurant that is up on a cliff overlooking Colorado Springs. I pass by it on my way to work everyday which always makes me smile.

Cookies are better than cookie dough, but only if you eat them with milk. We made some cranberry and chocolate chip cookies the other night and polished off the whole batch while watching a Harry Potter movie.

I NEED a headband like the ones you use. Hair in my face is the worst.


Married here, our 14 year anniversary is coming up 6/29 and we are celebrating with a cruise to Alaska! I’m running my 4th marathon on Sunday, the San Diego Rock n Roll, I’m hoping for a sub 4 hour marathon and the ultimate goal is a BQ!

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