FIRST TRIMESTER TALK and how we found out we were pregnant!!!!

Above is a picture from our very first doctor’s appointment.  It really did feel so surreal to be sitting there with Andrew as we started this new chapter for us.  Yes, we move in fast motion but we felt like it was the time to start trying!

PS this is how we found out we were expecting:

Andrew and I found out we were pregnant on 4/10.  I had my IUD taken out (I hated that thing… don’t even get me started on that, but you can if you want me to write a post about it) not that long before and so my cycles were completely off and I had no idea where I was at.  The week before 4/10 I had been to the doctor for something else and he tested me to see what antibiotics to give me and told me that I wasn’t pregnant.  That weekend I went to my coaching class and on the drive up to Idaho we pulled over for some snacks at a gas station.  I went inside and came out with a thing of pringles (in which I ate the entire can over the 6 hour drive) and a large bag of salt and vinegar chips.  Andrew asked me where the sour patch kids and other sour candies that I usually buy were and I told him the idea of those made me want to pass out.  Come to think of it, I hadn’t had candy in week or two at that point, not normal for me.  But the doctor told me I wasn’t pregnant, so I just thought it was the antibiotics making me weird.  I got what I wanted and we drove to my coaching course.

The next morning I jumped on the treadmill for 5 miles and felt like all of my fitness had vanished… I was panting like crazy and felt like death so I stopped at 5 miles and went to my classes.  About half-way through the class, my eyes started going blurry.  This same exact thing happened with Brooke.  I called Andrew freaking out and we both concluded that it must have been from staring at the board/books for so many hours in a row (I mean 2 days before this the dr told me I wasn’t pregnant when according to my last period I would have most definitely have had a positive test at that point if I was really pregnant).  I continued on.  Sunday came and Andrew picked me up from the class and we made the drive home.  I had so much work that I was supposed to do but sleep won the battle and I slept for 3 hours straight.  We got home and I went to bed at 10 and woke up at EIGHT.   So 13 hours of sleep… weird.  Must be the antibiotics.

That evening we went to dinner with Mer at Outback and I was talking about something and remember panicking because I felt like I was going to fall asleep at the table.  I practically had to splash water on my face in the restroom to stay awake (it was 6 p.m.).  We took Mer home and then Andrew went to pick up a test.   We both were thinking there is no way I’m NOT pregnant.  We took the test and sure enough, the test was positive.  So we took another and another.  Yep, definitely pregnant.  We were both so beyond thrilled.  Both Andrew and I have been through some pretty crazy stuff in the past and we have just felt so lucky to have started our family together so quickly and to now be having a baby together.  That’s the story, and now I have some first trimester thoughts to share with you.


*Sleep.  I love being active and trying to do as much as humanly possible in a day.  Pregnancy humbles me really quickly and makes me slow down, be at home way more and fall asleep within 2 seconds of laying down.  I still take naps (when is that second trimester energy supposed to kick in?) and if I am laying down, falling asleep is just going to happen no matter how many hours of sleep I get at night.  Thank you Andrew for dealing with me falling asleep mid-sentence randomly.

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*Citrus helped me a lot.  I could not handle smells for a few weeks and whenever I was around the smell of food, I would just cut up a lemon or grapefruit and keep it next to my nose.

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*Ginger tea helped me for about two weeks a TON.  I would drink it slowly and it helped me to fight nausea a lot.  After two weeks though my body decided that it hated it and every time I tried to drink it, I would throw up.  But it did really help me for a bit!

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Lots of ginger tea.

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Other things that helped me a bit with nausea.  PS I talked to my doctor about EACH and every one of these things so please do the same!!!

*Every time I tried to take a prenatal vitamin, I would throw up.  Every time.  I found some chewable prenatals at the grocery store and they are amazing.

*My mom brought over some REALLY sour candy one day.  I told her I didn’t want anything to do with candy but she said that really sour candy helped with pregnancy nausea.  She even brought over a pack that was made specifically for pregnancy nausea.  It would help too (my mom is always right).

*My doctor had me take the unisom and vitamin B6 combo and it really helped me at night.  I’m not sure if it actually helped me or if it just put me right to sleep but either way, it helped.  I couldn’t take it for help during the day though because it knocked me out… aka I need to drive, work and take care of 2 four year olds.

*Right now (I just started taking this) my doctor recommended Zantac for me.  I was having ridiculous acid problems and throwing up acid often (ouch… PS TMI isn’t a thing on this part of my blog;) and I haven’t thrown up ONCE since taking this.  Hallelujah.

Here’s the thing that I think about often… sure being sick for an extended amount of time is lame BUT it’s not like the stomach flu where you are just sick for no reason.  I take it during this time as 1000% worth it because we have the best reward at the end.  I’m not sure if it is true or not but I’ve heard that a sick pregnancy = a healthy pregnancy so I’m just going to keep telling myself that.

While I don’t feel like I’ve had HUGE cravings, it’s been more like… ‘Hmmm, that doesn’t sound as awful as everything else on the planet.  Food since I started using Zantac has tasted better and better but I have had some things that I enjoyed over the past few months.  PS most things I would eat a few times and then never want to come near again (especially when it came to eating at certain restaurants).

1.  Pringles.  Sour cream and onion.  I went through a solid 5 cans of those on my own but now I never want to see a can of them again.

2.  Sandwiches with lots of mustard.  I am still enjoying those.  A half-sandwich like this below was a common snack for me:

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3.  Fruit x 1,000,000.  Still is amazing for me.

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4.  The combination of fruit with cereal just would take it to the next level.  PS what is it with pregnancy and frosted mini wheats and me?!

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5.  Chips.  Never once in my life have I thought about that ranch dip you get at the store for chips but pregnancy has made me think about it most especially with original potato chips.  Eaten in bed= even better.  I’ve eaten a lot of chips the last few months. Sometimes I want to add even more salt to them but I refrain;)

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6.  I went through a few week stint where salad bars were the only things that sounded even partly delicious.  Enter in huge salads eaten in the parking lot.

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7.  I haven’t had a lot of sweets (I’ve tried to eat chocolate but this baby wants nothing to do with chocolate… Brooke was the same way) but cinnamon rolls (the Pillsbury ones especially), rice krispie treats and anything that has fruit in it has sounded good at times.  For 2.1 days I really liked Now ’n Laters but that passed quickly.

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8.  Mac and cheese (from the blue box:) has been something I’ve been able to eat the entire first trimester.  No smell + delicious.

Foods I’ve had no desire to eat:

*NO EGGS.  Please don’t talk about eggs to me.  For a while.

*Gum… this isn’t a food but pre-pregnancy = I AM OBSESSED WITH GUM.  Pregnant = the idea of chewing gum makes me queasy.

*Water.  This one was really hard but for a few weeks I really struggled with the thought of plain water.  I couldn’t even look at my water bottle.  I used Crystal Lite there for a few days to help me to stay hydrated because I was really having a hard time drinking it.

*In-n-out for a few weeks there.  Poor Andrew.  Really any fast food.  One day Andrew picked up Wendy’s for me because I thought it sounded good.  He came home and I quickly realized I couldn’t come near it.

*I couldn’t eat sweet potatoes for a while or avocados but I’m very happy to report they are back in my life again.

*Lasagna… Andrew made my mom’s homemade lasagna because it sounded SOOO good to me one day.  I ate it that night and then we had a huge casserole leftover and I couldn’t even think of eating it again.  Sorry Andrew.

Emotions:  It is really hard for anyone to feel sick for an extended period of time.  Maybe it was hormones and maybe it was just being sick but I swear I got frustrated/annoyed 4,000 times easier than I normally do.   I haven’t cried a ton during the first trimester BUT the times I have been, I was REALLY crying which isn’t normal for me either.  I am feeling more normal with emotions now that I’m in the second trimester though!


Moms reading—>  What were your experiences with the first trimester?  What helped you?  

What food cravings did you have and what aversions did you have?

What were your emotions like during the first trimester?

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This is interesting. Although I can’t relate, I know when my mom was pregnant she craved oranges and citrus. She said she would wake up in the middle of the night craving them. I think this is partially why I like them so much. ;)


YES YES YES… oranges and citrus = so good! HAHAH maybe that is why you love them… I swear that is why Brooke loves frosted mini wheats!


I’m obsessed with chips, fruit , Cereal and soup! No eggs for me either, I can’t even think about them. I’m not a huge fan of any veggie right now, I’m hoping that changes!


Okay, we are SO alike! I ate a ton of soup too for a few weeks there. Yeah, can we just get rid of eggs altogether until you and I are done being pregnant ha! I hope you are feeling great today Jordan!


Yes!!! Keep allllll the eggs away.


You’re having a boy!
I love all sweets especially ice cream, I developed an aversion to them when pregnant with my son.
I craved bean burritos, and cheddar goldfish with mustard. Not letting myself get hungry prevented nausea, and only eating small amounts.
I too ran all through my pregnancy and also swear by the belly band!!! I had friends think I was crazy to keep running, but it was a lifesaver even when I didn’t feel like it.
My emotions weren’t crazy, my husband may say otherwise.
Congratulations! Btw I enjoy your blog, have read for about 3 years, and my first time to actually comment.


HEY BRE… LOVED your comment:) I’m not alone with this weird sweets aversion! I loved that you were able to run your entire pregnancy! I was wondering which belly band you had because my favorite from when running with Brooke pregnant is no longer available and I’m not sure I love my new one! Thank you so much for reading and commenting, it means a lot to me!


I only remember it came from Target!


Can I ask how long it took after you had your IUD removed to get pregnant? I just had mine removed, and am wondering how long it took for others to get pregnant. Congrats!!


Sure… if I do my math right, 4-5 weeks! It was FAST! I never really had a real period either after (it just lasted 2 days)… weird and probably TMI!


Not TMI – I so appreciate it!! This was my first IUD, so I have no idea what to expect. Thank you for sharing your experience. So excited for you guys!


You are welcome! Keep me updated with how you are doing!!!


I love reading your blog and I know you mentioned you would write a post about hating your IUD. I was hoping you might write a post about why you didn’t like it. I’ve had mine in for a year and I don’t like it at all but I’m not in a place in my life to have it taken out.


I would also like a post about this… Considering getting one but I’ve heard both good and bad things. I’d love to hear another experience!


I will have this post ready next week for you Mary! I hope you are having a great day!


I totally will write it! Expect it next week Amy! I am so sorry that you don’t like it!


Thanks Janae, can’t wait to read about your experiences with the IUD. More importantly, congratulations to you and Andrew!! This is such an exciting time. Although I can’t relate to the pregnancy part, I still love reading about your experiences.


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I have one too and I hate mine as well. I like that it gives me reliable birth control that I don’t have to think about, but I still get spotting, super long periods and only a slight reduction in flow. For now it stays because I seem to be sensitive to hormonal options and don’t really like using barrier methods.


I would love you to post all about the IUD… I’ve been wondering if I should get one. The pill scares me because I got pregnant on the pill so I’m looking for other options!


I’m in the final month of my second pregnancy and during my first trimester I had a thing with water too. It tasted really metallic and I had a hard time drinking it. Buying bottled water helped, instead of getting it from the fridge, but what really helped me get back into drinking it was my RTIC tumbler. It keeps the water super cold all day long. My husband bought one for himself and me for Christmas and I have taken his hostage so I have two.


MEGAN… you are almost there! I am so excited for you! YES YES YES… that is exactly what it tasted like to me too! Hahaha I’m going to have to get one of those tumblers too! Thank you!


I had the water thing too! I had to have it flavored!


Congrats Janea & Family! So exciting. And Yes, I am currently in my second trimester, 25 weeks, of my second pregnancy and the purchase of a RTIC tumbler has helped with my water intake too. I NEEDED it ice cold in order to drink any water earlier in my pregnancy. The tumbler helps tremedously.


With my two pregnancies all I wanted was meaty, greasy, fried food lol. I never had beef before that and I was more of a salad person than an onion rings person, but I remember calling my husband crying because I HAD TO HAVE A BURGER!!! Lol pregnancy is so weird, but worth it! :)


HAHAH I love it… the changes are so weird! Hahaha glad I’m not the only one that has cried over needing a particular food! Enjoy your evening Dottie!


I could not be near chicken with my daughter and seafood with my son.

We knew I was pregnant the second time around because of the super human smelling. My husband took his shoes off two rooms away and I yelled at him.

And I passed out any time I sat on the couch

Congratulations and I hope you’re feeling less sick soon. I suffered my second pregnancy till about 20 weeks


HAHAHAH I loved your super human smelling story! It’s so real! Thank you so much Mary and super sick until 20 weeks… not fun!


Congrats Janae!! I have been reading your blog for years and have never commented before but I had to let you know that the eggs thing is real. I used to LOVE eggs….until I got pregnant with my second (she’ll be 18 YEARS in August- yikes!) Anyway, it took a good 2-3 years to be able to eat eggs again but I have never liked them as much as before- go figure.


Thank you for letting me know I’m not crazy!! What is it about eggs that kills off pregnant women?!?! I hope you are having a beautiful day LJ and thank you for reading and for your comment!


At one time in my pregnancy I craved lobster (a whole lobster), something I had not eaten pre-pregnancy. My amazing hubby trekked me 50 miles one night to the closest seafood place, where I ate (with great relish) an entire lobster.

I could not be anywhere near Chinese food, and we tried several times throughout my pregnancy. We’d have to leave moments after walking in the door of a Chinese restaurant, the nausea was overwhelming!


So sorry that you have been sick – I feel very lucky I never actually got sick – I am a huge throw-up-aphobe. I came so close to getting sick while strapped on the operating table with my first (after 21 hours of labor and 2 1/2 hours of pushing) – I kept thinking to myself “I’ve made it this far, no way you are throwing up now!” And 2nd time around I had them give me an anti-nausea medicine in my IV (elective C-section).

But with each kid I feel like I gained 10 lbs in the first trimester, nothing (besides baby) in the 2nd and then with my daughter (who was born in August) I gained another 10 in the third because all I wanted was ice cream. But with each, all I could eat the 1st trimester was bland colorless food.

The major smell aversion I had with my daughter was chicken. I walked into the cafeteria at work where they were cooking chicken and I couldn’t eat it for the rest of the pregnancy. I don’t think I had actually food aversions with my son, just the heightened sense of smell – That time I knew I was pregnant before I even took the test because the smells were so strong so early. But with him I was on modified bedrest from 22 weeks on so except for doctor’s visits, I was home (thankfully able to work) the whole time so I didn’t get the weird smells at work.


My biggest pregnancy symptom with my first three was fatigue, but with my 4th, I wasn’t so tired but


Congratulations!!! Oh my goodness, pregnancy is hard work! I was the exact same with many of those cravings/aversions. Mustard (whole grain) with carrots was a ridiculous craving for me with Cora (and now I could never see mustard again and be happy!). I couldn’t stand the thought of gum with either pregnancy as well! I would say I craved more citrus and salty foods with Gavin, so maybe it is a boy! I’m just so excited for you & thanks to you, I officially have baby fever again. Ha! Sure do love you!


I totally am with you on the gum thing!! I am 19 weeks along now but earlier in my pregnancy I would gag every time I would try chew gum haha. I basically survived on preggie pop drops and ginger chews for a couple weeks as well. I’m still waiting for the 2nd tri energy to kick in!!


With baby #1 it was all the milk shakes and smoothies with both #2 and #3 it wa s only salty spice hearty meals. I never could pin point exactly what it was for those two but it was always big meals.

Sleep, pregnancy is one of the only times naps would happen.
And acid reflux is murder. Oh my word! I took Previcid the whole time.


Oh the pregnancy exhaustion!!!! That is so hard. I remember I couldn’t stay awake at all when I was pregnant. It’s weird though because reading this makes me miss being pregnant… my baby is Only three months old but you are making me baby hungry! Haha


Can you please do a post on your IUD…. I have one and seriously think it’s making me crazy and giving all sorts
of side effects?!…please tell me your experience! If you’d rather email me my email address is [email protected]

Congratulations my the baby by the way! I have a 6 year old, 3 year old and 9 month old. Biggest blessings ever. Our 9 month old is our last baby (we think) so I’ll have to get my baby fixes through friends ( I feel like we are friends, although we never met… creepy? Sorry ?) anyways I want to know your IUD story girl!!



Yes, I would love to hear about your IUD experience too! I’ve had one for 6 months now and am not sure what to think of it. I don’t even know if I am thinking straight enough to judge it hahaha. Or copy me in the email with Breanna, mine is [email protected]. Thanks Janae, and CONGRATS!


Yay! I think we’re due maybe on or near same day?! I found out I was pregnant 4/7, my older daughter’s birthday! I’m so excited to have a December little one! I’ve been craving all the fruit all the time. My emotions have been pretty even, although I’m SO so tired and get anxiety thinking about all of the stuff (mainly around the house) that isn’t getting done. I also feel bad for my older kiddos because I’m just not up for going to the pool every day.


First of all, congratulations! So happy for you and your family. I am 6 1/2 weeks pregnant right now (first pregnancy) and am waiting for all of this to begin. Except for the fatigue. If I sit down, I can fall asleep in less than 30 seconds. When did it start for you? I would be totally ok with skipping the whole morning sickness thing…but will accept it if it does happen :) Thank you for the pregnancy posts! Have loved reading them and having an idea of what I have to look forward to being a pregnant runner.


My two boys are just turning 6 and 3, and I remember how those first trimester days would just drag on and on from the nausea. The first trimester felt soooo long because of that! I also threw up every time I would try to take a prenatal vitamin. Tried chewables and those worked for awhile but then I couldn’t stand the smell anymore. The exhaustion is so real, too!! I remember feeling so sad with my second pregnancy, because I felt like I was being an awful mom to my first. But you get through it and the kids don’t notice as much as you think they do!

I have a Mirena IUD now and don’t have any issues! I love it. So I would also be interested in an IUD post!


I had my little guy in January and was on Zantac and Prilosec daily. I was sure he’d have a ton of hair thanks to how bad my reflux/heartburn was but nope…bald! At 5 months, still bald and still on the meds.


Water was rough for me during both of my pregnancies. I did find that I could drink it and not feel nauseous if it was ice cold. Now I still drink everything with tons of ice.


With my son, all I wanted was Steak & Cheese subs??!! I had NEVER had one before being pregnant. With my daughter, it was strawberry poptarts…unfrosted. My sister couldn’t be NEAR bacon when she was pregnant with her daughter. Pregnancy is some pretty funny stuff. Can’t wait to follow you along on this SUPER EXCITING journey, Janae! Congratulations!!


PS- Did you contact your doctor and ask why the test came back negative?


This pregnancy and with my son, I would eat cheeseburgers day and night if I could!! And pineapple. All of the pineapple, please!

I have been super emotional- I cried at least once during every grey’s anatomy episode!

The really tough stuff for me was feeling nauseous all of the time. I didn’t throw up a ton, maybe once a day, but felt nauseous for hours. Makes it hard to be a fun mama to a 3 year old. Which made me feel guilty. Which made me me cry lol!

I totally agree about not being bothered by all of this like you said- it’s so worth it. I was very uncomfortable with my first pregnancy and this one, pretty much the same. Short of breath very early on, painful hip flexors almost immediately if I do anything quicker than a stroll… I’m not the woman that glows and loves being pregnant BUT I am SO thankful that I am. I’ve had a miscarriage and I worry a ton and I don’t want to seem at all burdened by being pregnant- but it is tough work growing a little adorable person!!! It’s pretty remarkable really.

One more thing, with it being my second baby- I think so much about how sweet of a big brother my son will be. I’m just as excited to see him in that role as I am to meet her. I also really appreciate that I know what to expect this time. The sleepless nights DO get better. The baby blues shouldn’t last so long. So many things I got caught up in and felt like I was coming up short and it made me feel bad and kept me from fully enjoying my son because I was so focused on this other stuff (can’t breastfeed, he won’t fall asleep unless I’m holding him, whatever!). I’m sure it’s different for everyone, but I feel like I now have my confidence as a parent. I’ll ask opinions if I want them, but won’t absorb the ones thrown at me.

Anyway that was long winded!! Good luck with the food aversions- mine just keep piling on!! But I’m pretty sure baby girl loves Heath Klondike bars so I’m off to have one of those ;)


Gosh, what a huge change from your normal cravings! The first trimester sounds so challenging emotionally and physically, but you’re so strong, and we are lucky to have learned so much from running about how to deal with those types of challenges! Either way, I hope things start to get easier for you now that you’re in your second trimester! :)

I love love love to read about your precious family and your post-divorce life, because I feel like I can relate so much!! I’ve been a reader of your blog for years, and I went through a divorce shortly after you did. Your blog was such a blessing to me at the time because even though it didn’t feel like I would ever get to a happier place, I could read about how you made it through all that and it gave me hope. Then last year after some challenges in the dating world I finally also met an AMAZING guy, who I knew right away I want to spend forever with. :) We’re talking about starting a family – something I used to be certain I NEVER wanted, but now it just feels right. And so seeing you and Andrew grow yours gives me so much happiness and excitement for you, and also just the joy of looking forward to all the wonderful things he and I will hopefully get to experience together! Even the hormones and the cravings! Ha. :) Once we talked about it we almost couldn’t wait to start trying, but I’m training for the NYC marathon this fall so we decided to wait until after that. Woohoo, marathons and second chances and babies! Hehe

As a side note, I am also curious to hear about your experience with the IUD! I had a Mirena as well, which I got out in January. Sorry for my TMI too, but we’re among friends right? :) I almost had it the whole five years, but towards the end of last year I started back on BC pills (because of randomly developing acne at the age of 27…! Why!!) The doctor I was going to at the time didn’t seem to think it was an issue to be using both, but then I started feeling nauseated all the time, and a new doctor thought I was probably getting too much hormones. So the IUD came out. I’m still taking the pills, and haven’t had a period since then…I do worry a bit about that, but my current doctor thinks it’s just because I had both at the same time for awhile and my cycles will come back whenever I go off the pill. I sure hope she’s right!!


Yay!! You’re pregnant!!! Congrats!!

I was nauseous every waking moment, but it was at its worst when I’d get really hungry. I remember dry heaving while I was ordering food in a drive through ha! Strangely, running helped with the sickies.

I craved salt, and I couldn’t stand bananas, coffee, or especially sweets. I had horrible reflux which was new, and I gave birth to a baby girl with a full head of hair . Just sayin ?


We went through 9 years of fertility treatments, and I’m happy to say my pregnancy was mostly a breeze. Which I think I deserved after all it took to get there. No queasiness, no vomiting, 1 problem half way through that required a little bed rest, but otherwise, it was a perfect pregnancy. Weirdly, I was disappointed, I tried so hard to get that far, I wanted ALL the things to happen to me. But in the end, was glad they didn’t. lol I’m not a milk drinker at all, I drink very little. My one and only craving that lasted the whole 9 months was gallons of fat free milk. I could not get enough. There were days I’d drink a gallon a day !! You know the movie Elf, where he chugs that 2 liter pop at the table….that was me with the milk. Believe it or not, my baby was allergic to milk. Yep, allergic to the protein in milk, a true allergy. She’s 9 and still can’t have it. Look what I did to her !!! After she was born, I immediately went back to not drinking it again. I hate to say it, I don’t want to be rude, but my aversion was to people who were sweating. Now that would nauseate me right away. I love hearing about everyone’s cravings.


Loved reading about your pregnancy so far! In my 3 pregnancies one of the first symptoms was always that insane over-the-top tiredness. It is so crazy! With my last baby I had a total aversion to sugar and it was awesome! I totally thought I was just never going to crazy sugar again… then my second trimester started around the holidays and all my love for sweets came back. :) at the beginning though, I found that something with protein really helped with nausea – so like a kids Greek yogurt tube first thing in the morning :) string cheese as snacks etc (Haha could you tell my other kids were 4 and 2 at the time?)
Keep sleeping and resting and giving the baby whatever food he/she wants!


This is so wonderful!!! You are a wonderful mama and what another lucky little to have a mother like you. You are amazing!!


I’ve never been pregnant (I’m only 21) so I can’t relate to what you’re experiencing. I knew heard of citrus helping with nausea! It’s definitely something I will have to keep in the back of my mind for the future :)


The way I knew I was pregnant with my second was I couldn’t run anymore – I get really crazy muscle fatigue in my butt and thighs when I’m pregnant. I went out for two runs over the 4th of July weekend last year and couldn’t make it more than a mile for either of them. That’s when it clicked! I couldn’t run throughout my pregnancy because I had complete placenta previa (and ended up having my guy six weeks early!) but walking and weights were a huge help mentally and physically. I love strength training because I have to concentrate on counting reps and it really helps to quiet down my overactive, anxious pregnancy brain.

Throughout both my pregnancies, I could have lived off of Gatorade and juice.


I swore by the unison/b6 combo with my second! I would take some at night, then set an alarm for 4am to take more so I could sleep off the drowsy…helped me get through the day. I don’t think I could have survived teaching that first trimester without it! My baby turned out strong and healthy, but I was still worried about telling people I was taking it. I’ll do it again in a heartbeat!


My youngest is 5 weeks old. During pregnancy with him I had the stomach flu 3 times. 3 TIMES! The last time I was 39 weeks. Had to stay at the hospital and get fluids for a night and the next day I went into labor. Not the most fun start to his life but he is fantastic now! I would eat 2-3 oranges a day while pregnant with him. Also salads were and still are amazing. My first baby it was all McDonald’s​and Wendy’s all the time. Gross!


Sparkling water (plain) was the only thing that really helped my nausea. Bonus is that it helps you hydrate. I feel ya on the tired thing….I remember a couple weeks into my second trimester it was like a switch flipped and I all of a sudden felt more energized. Pregnancy is so weird – but awesome! Congrats!!


I had some weird cravings, but the strangest was teriyaki TOFU. Haha. They sell it prepackaged at Trader Joes and I would go get one at lunch like everyday and eat it with the sriracha ranch dressing. Meat and pregnancy never sat well with me, but of course I craved ALL seafood and sushi.
I had bad nausea as well, and one thing that really helped was homemade ginger soda. It has a lot less sugar (which made me feel sick), and all you do is boil some pieces of ginger in water until it’s thick, add the ginger water to soda water and add some agave or honey. I always added lemon. It REALLY helped.
One thing that I couldn’t do was Mac n cheese. It’s my favorite food, but I had it one time, then got super sick….you can’t undo that. Thank goodness it’s back in my life now.


The negative pregnancy test happened to me too! I had had a positive test at home, it was like exactly 4 weeks from my last period so super early. A couple of days later I went to urgent care because I was worried about a kidney infection. They did a test and it came back negative. I was devastated. I went home and took like 3 more and all were positive. Dr Google said that they tests dr’s offices use are much less sensitive than the ones we buy in the store, so that must be the reason why?

I had terrible nausea and fatigue too, they’re still lingering but not as terrible as they were. I had the same thing where I would want something one day and then maybe a second time but then never wanted to eat it again. I’m impressed you could eat salads, they still gross me out! I can’t wait until that passes!

I don’t know about you but jolly ranchers have helped me a ton with settling my stomach, which surprised me because the thought of them grosses me out but they really do help me!


One thing I loved about early pregnancy especially was how well I would sleep. Not pregnant I am the worst insomniac you’ve ever encountered and pregnancy was the only time that went away. Of course when I wasn’t sleeping I was wishing I was asleep, haha.

I definitely had more savory cravings with my boys. With my first I was obsessed with chicken salad sandwiches from jasons deli… when I got pregnant with my second boy I went to get one and it was just the grossest thing ever, I legit haven’t eaten one since and that was almost nine years ago! My candy and chocolate cravings also disappeared with my daughter for a while and all I could eat was bags and bags of cherries. Ordinarily I do not like fruit (I know, weird, but I have very sensitive teeth and fruit really bothers them… give me all the veggies though), so this was odd. Also with my first boy I drank milk all the time, and he is obsessed with milk! I thought this was funny.

I am always quite emotional/a cryer so this didn’t change much for me. ?


I craved chocolate chip cookies and either Doritos or Fritos in one sitting; the sweet and salty combo together was amazing! For a couple weeks during first trimester the thought of eating meat was appalling and I am a big meat eater. Thankfully that didn’t last too long. My emotions were actually pretty even throughout my pregnancy thank goodness. And yes to the belly band! I started using at about 20 weeks and ran up until 2 days before my daughter was born.


Congratulations! I can’t wait to read all of the updates on the newest HRG Baby!

I only have one pregnancy to go off of so far, but when I was pregnant with my son I craved ALLLLLL the salt. My number one craving was Ramen Noodles (which I hadn’t eaten since college)… I think because of all the sodium in the seasoning. I could’ve lived off of chips, bread, and any other carbs.

Sour candies definitely helped me with the nausea (I had a bag of sour patch kids in my desk at work and one in my car) along with “Quease Ease” which is a minty smelling thing (kind of looks like pepper spray) which I kept in my purse and would discretely smell and the peppermint scent helped a bit too.

My poor husband ordered me a custom made pumpkin cake for my birthday (normally, I love pumpkin) and I felt horrible, but I couldn’t even look at it. Both the idea of pumpkin and eating anything sweet at all made me gag. Normally I have the biggest sweet tooth so it was totally crazy to me that I wanted NOTHING to do with sweets the entire first half of my pregnancy. Don’t worry–that changed toward the 3rd trimester when donuts and ice cream (specifically chik fila ice cream cones) became my go-to foods. I would literally stop every day on my way home from work for an ice cream cone, followed by a donut (or three) and I would eat them in the parking lot before I could even drive home.

Best of luck for a happy and healthy pregnancy!


When I was pregnant with my second I constantly sucked on lemon drops and ate saltines. I was teaching 5th grade and when I finally announced it they were like we knew it with the saltines and lemon drops! A few times I had to leave the room and lay down in the nurse’s office, I had to tell my principal and staff at 9 weeks, earlier than I wanted because of it. At least I never threw up. Congratulations. I don’t know hoe people handle pregnancy with large families. The tiredness just kicked my butt and it was hard to keep up with my first boy.


Congratulations!!! On the baby, not all these reactions.

Hmmm, mustard has turmeric and vinegar. The potato chips had vinegar. Turmeric is amazing for the body. What would happen if you added turmeric to a lot of meals, or curry? I wonder….


Congrats on your pregnancy! I’d also really like to hear more about your IUD experience if you’re open to sharing….


I will start writing that today!! THANKs Emily:)


I was pretty sick for about 4 weeks (week 7-11) and even threw up in my garbage can at my desk. Luckily the office was deserted that day because I was NOT making it all the way to the bathroom.
We eat paleo in our house and during that time the idea of meat made me sick. So my husband ate meat and I ate sweet potatoes and veggies, and drank protein shakes that my doctor recommended.
Now at 24 weeks I’m good. I crave fruit and veggies mostly. And carbs in the afternoon. So I’ve found paleo friendly carbs to eat.
I suggest trying apricots. They are my new obsession. The doctor told me to eat them to fight off muscle cramps and now I can’t get enough of them.


Ahh so cool! I just hit 32 weeks today :) I lucked out with an easy 1st trimester. We traveled out west and did a cross country road trip when I was about 7-8 weeks, and I started getting sick within 15 mins after taking my prenatal so I switched to the gummy kind :) My running also slowed waaay down and I was tired all the time (was working a full & part time job too). Did have to give up running completely about halfway through due to the intense back pain and concerns about SPD/tearing ligaments.

As for cravings…I really had “food swings” more than cravings (I could wait it out and whatever I was craving would go away). But I’m usually a sweet tooth person and since first tri I’ve been leaning more towards savory- definitely mac & cheese, chips (I love veggie chips, pretzels, that sorta thing), cheese, and even had a craving for spaghettios (which I didn’t act on haha).

What were your emotions like during the first trimester? ALL over the place emotions. The week or two before I took a test, I started crying because I was doing laundry and had a long to do list/was working 60 hours a week and all I wanted to do was take a nap. Fortunately the tiredness (which totally came back a few weeks ago) and emotional craziness went away around 15 or 16 weeks and things have been pretty level :) Best of luck and hope you get your energy back soon!


Okay, I’M DYING over reading your comment because I completely forgot about SPAGHETTIOS. I forgot those even existed and then one day I went and bought 6 cans because they sounded so good! We sound so alike with our food! Congrats on 32 weeks! I am so sorry about your back pain, that is NOT fun! Thank you for sharing with me, I love being able to relate with people on this… Have an awesome day Kassie!


Yay!!! Congratulations!!! I’m less than two weeks from my due date with our first little boy, we already have two girls. Your food cravings are so similar to what I had this time around. Except I would do just about anything for a steak and French fries during the first trimester and I hardly eat red meat. LOL.


You are so CLOSE!!! AHHH congrats:) Pregnancy sure does the craziest things to us!!! Thanks Emily:)


Where did you get the blue shirt in the top photo? I LOVE it! Also, congrats on your new little one :)


Thank you!!! I got it at Madewell:) Here is the link!

Have a great day!


I’m so glad you’re doing this page-it’ll be so fun to read and follow along! I was really lucky that I didn’t struggle much with morning sickness; just nausea if I didn’t eat often enough. Our cravings and aversions are almost exact opposite ha! I’ll take gummy candy and fast food, especially chicken nuggets. My poor husband-one week we ate Wendy’s for dinner every other night because all I wanted was their chicken nuggets. Aversions haven’t been too bad-for awhile I couldn’t even look at salmon and now chicken makes me want to gag (I guess unless it’s breaded and in the shape of a nugget).


Congratulations! I am due with my first in just a few weeks. Sweet/Salty predictions aren’t true for me. I’ve wanted nothing but sweet for most of this pregnancy and we are having a boy. Your doing amazing with running. I had visions of running all the way up to my due date but exhaustion and lack of motivation has killed me. I stopped running around 30 weeks but I still try to walk 2-3 miles most days.


Congratulations on your pregnancy–so exciting for all of you!

Exhaustion was definitely a first trimester standard, and sleeping whenever possible was essential (so much tougher with older kids to take care of). But being better rested also helped with the morning sickness–it was always worse when I was overtired.

Aversions, mostly to smells/scents: garlic (sadly, still an aversion 19 years after my first pregnancy), onions, and fresh mulch.

Cravings, different with each pregnancy: deep dish pizza or burritos with one; fresh, salted tomatoes with another; squash–any kinds/all kinds; certain breakfast food that I won’t mention, on top of an original English muffin.

Help with nausea: sometimes nothing helped :( Other times, oyster crackers, diet ginger ale, Propel (blueberry flavor).

Also, I just tried to make the most of anytime I felt like eating a certain something–made sure to get it quickly, and those were the times it usually stayed down.

Hope you’re starting to feel better and more energetic soon!


I was originally pregnant with twins, so my morning sickness started early (5 weeks) and went hard. I am in grad school during the day, and work nights as a nurse, so exhaustion certainly didn’t help. It’s funny that you are turned off by sour candy because there were some days that they were the only thing getting me through! I did the B6, and took unisom before going to bed in the morning after a night shift. Those took the edge off. I’m also usually a “sweets girl,” but have been liking salty foods since becoming pregnant. I couldn’t eat sweet potatoes, greek yogurt, or pork, but eggs was one of my favorites as long as they were smothered in cheese. Mmmm…. cheese… :)


I couldn’t do water with my third pregnancy! Just like you-the thought of water would make me get super queasy. Even now, very not pregnant, I can get a quick wave of nausea if I drink it on an empty stomach. Normal.

Did you know that water is actually one of the most chokey beverages? yep.


Interesting! I had the exact same cravings of sour cream and onion Lays chips with BOTH my boys and that’s how I found out I was pregnant!!!! I was extremely nauseous and threw up too. I learned if I let myself get the slightest hungry the nauseous was even worse. So the old saltine crackers did the trick for a time being. I made up for all the lost nutrients in my 2nd trimester though.
I remember standing at the entrance of the grocery store debating if I could walk in or not (I wanted and needed to get groceries SO bad) then I realized I was going to vomit so I ran away crying and threw up in my car thinking I was a failure. Lol!!! I laugh about it now.


Your symptoms sounds SO similar to mine when I was pregnant – fyi… I had a boy! Savory preferences = boy. The rumors are true! :-) I felt like I had aversions to Everything during my first trimester. Lol! The smell aversions were the Worst – the smell of coffee, any cooked meat and sadly, the smell of any cologne or lotion that my husband used made me want to pass out. I would literally lock myself in our bedroom and put a towel under the door, at times, because my nausea was so bad. Thankfully, the hubs was sympathetic and wouldn’t wear any cologne/lotions around me. I also had a severe water aversion – got to the point where I was dehydrated and lost a bit of weight. Fortunately, my love for ice cold water came back Strong in the 2nd and especially the 3rd trimester. All in all, would not trade my experience for the world. We love our now 3 year old boy (Ethan).
Hang in there & thank God for 2nd trimester energy!


I had sooo many of the same symptoms in my first trimester except instead of getting super nauseous everything tasted metallic to me, even water. 1000% agree that citrus and sour candy helped. Thankfully that’s gone now in my 2nd tri. I will say that I craved both sugar and salt and I’m having a girl :) so you could really go either way!!


I can totally identify with the sleepiness and the sickness! I’m normally full of energy, but I started falling asleep so early (and whenever I sat down) as soon as I got pregnant. I did get more energy in the second trimester and about halfway through the third which was great!

Unfortunately for me, I was sick the entire 40 weeks. I kept waiting for that magic week everyone told me about when I’d feel better, but it didn’t come. Everything was great with the health of both the baby and me, I was just extremely nauseous all day, every day, and threw up almost every day of my pregnancy. Even though I had a rough pregnancy as far as sickness goes, I had a really smooth and easy delivery and recovery. And we have a very healthy, happy baby boy!

I started with the Unisom B6 combo at about 6 weeks (my extreme nausea started only a few days after I found out). It didn’t seem to help me much, even though I took it three times per day. Around 11 weeks, I started taking a small dosage of Zofran. I don’t like to take medicine much anyway, and was really leary of it during pregnancy, but at that point, I needed something to function. I took it daily up until the day before the baby was born. I also had to get IV fluids a few times which helped me feel better for a few days at a time. I remember asking my husband what if I didn’t ever feel better again. I was really scared I’d have the baby and still be bad! It was incredible to me that as soon as he was born, I felt like myself. As rough as it was, I’d go through it over and over again to have our sweet baby!

I had a huge aversion to meat during most of my pregnancy. And Chickfila, which is – by far – my favorite fast food. I’ve made up for nine months of no Chickfila in the past five months! I was the same way with water and gum, too. I started drinking caffeine free tea to stay hydrated once lemonade stopped working.

So excited for you!


I am loving popcorn right now. I’ve never really cared for popcorn until I got pregnant and now I eat it almost every day. Boom chicka pop sweet and salty… heaven. I’ve definitely had the salty cravings and I’m usually totally a sweets girl and we are having a boy so I’m not sure if the old saying is true or not. We are due October 25th, first baby. Super excited/nervous/happy/all the emotions rolled into one.


My first pregnancy, I could have been on I didn’t know I was pregnant, aside from a coffee aversion. My second, I had a crazy sweets aversion and I also have a big sweet tooth. I couldn’t even touch the cupcakes at my older son’s first birthday party (I was 8 weeks)! Salt and vinegar chips all the way. Everyone swore I must be having a girl bc my pregnancies were so different but they were wrong! My emotions were mainly major anxiety about ruining my older son’s life by giving him a sibling but luckily my boys are the best of friends. Hope you feel better soon! It’s rough, especially as a mom with young kids already!


Congratulations!!!! I am right with you mama again (my daughter is 5) and this first trimester nausea and acid is horrible!!!! I’m so impressed that you are still so active…. but you were super active with Brooke too! Countdown until second trimester is in full swing. I’m at 10 wks. Cantaloupe/watermelon/oranges & honey crisp apples are amazing… French fries w/lots of ketchup… and red twizzlers.


I’m 8 weeks along with my second and so freaking sick too! Just started taking unisom and b6 and that’s starting to help but things have been soooo rough. I don’t remember my first pregnancy being this bad, but I also think all I did was sleep the first time I was pregnant and I didn’t have a toddler to chase around :) I think another problem is trying to eat full meals — I’ve had more luck eating like half of a meal at once, which is hard for me!!


I was very much like you with my first trimester symptoms! I was nauseous all the time and could basically only stomach carbs and fresh fruit. I also didn’t really experience cravings (aside from ice cream, but let’s be real – that’s a craving whether I’m pregnant or not!), but the aversions we no joke!!!! I especially couldn’t stomach eggs, chicken (or really any other forms of meat but chicken was the worst), or even most vegetables. For some reason, though, I did love celery with whiz! Basically, my diet consisted of anything that didn’t sound 100% disgusting! I’m 33 weeks today and happy to say the aversions have mostly subsided, but sadly the nausea has returned (though not nearly as bad) due to all the organs in my digestive tract being cramped, I think!

Anyway, regardless of the difficult symptoms it’s such an amazing journey! I love reading your pregnancy updates :)


I loved reading this. Being pregnant is such a roller coaster. I would say I was a freaking beeyatch in my first trimester and then just plain crazy after that. SO just let Andrew know he is lucky you aren’t as bad as Ross’ wife. Hahaha. I am glad you are feeling better these days. I am so excited for you both!


Congrats! I love reading your blog. Not sure anyone mentioned this yet but I wanted to warn you of a side effect of Zantac…major constipation! Hope it doesn’t happen for you but it was horrible for me after a while. It was the lesser of two evils so I totally get it…just drink lots of fluids!


Congrats, Janae! I had a baby in January. I was never sick, but had serious food cravings and aversions. I could not even think about tacos. Specifically ground beef tacos. The thought made me queasy. I couldn’t eat salads, either. I had major indigestion/heart burn/reflux (Zantac was my life saver, too), and all that roughage was just too difficult for my system. On the cravings side, an early one was pretzels (the little sourdough nuggests) dipped in yogurt! Mmm! I also LOVED frosted mini wheats, as well as peanut butter-flavored cereals. Really anything heavy on carbs was good. Donuts, cookies, bread, muffins. I wanted all the carbs! Toward the end, I got most of my nutrition from cheese. I bought huge blocks of cheddar, swiss, Havarti, etc. and had cheese and crackers for dinner almost every night. I need to write all this in my daughter’s baby book before I forget! It slips away so quickly. Enjoy your pregnancy, and I hope you’re happy, healthy bundle brings you much joy!


First … CONGRATS!!!!
Next … I was moved to comment re: your aversion to gum. When I was pregnant with my little guy (back in 2012), an aversion to sugar alcohol was the one thing that remained through my pregnancy, and that’s the primary sweetener in sugar-free gum.
My own pregnancy was also a surprise, after years of infertility (we’d given up). In retrospect, the initial signs were an aversion to coffee (which I LOVE and was able to tolerate again in small amounts by the second trimester) and you-have-to-scrape-me-off-the-couch exhaustion. And the day I got an overwhelming craving for … bran flakes. I HAD to have bran flakes, which is normally a food that just doesn’t occur to me!
Unlike you, I did love eggs in the first tri; at least, egg and cheese sandwiches. Mostly the cheese, though. And avocado. And peanut butter and banana sandwiches.


how did u manage to run while sick? I was so sick working out was not even a question! And the foods youlisted- SPOT ON. I couldn’t stand sweets and leftovers or if I ate it frequently


Up until 20 weeks or so, I couldn’t go anywhere near chicken. It wasn’t the smell, but something about it gave me the worst nausea and upset stomach. My husband thought it was awesome, because we ended up eating tons of steak for 15 weeks! Our bank account was fairly relieved when I could finally handle chicken again. I also couldn’t go into certain grocery stores for a long time, because the smells as I walked in the door were too much to handle.


first of all congratulations!!
then random question for you ~ when the doctor told you, you weren’t pregnant but in fact were, how far along were you? I only ask because I was having crazy symptoms like I had when I was pregnant with my second daughter. So I went in to the doctor and they told me I wasn’t pregnant. Fast forward three weeks, I finally had had enough of the round abouts with doctors, and decided to take an at home test because of what had happened to you and well mine came back positive.. I have now taken three tests on different days and times and they are all positive. Now I don’t go to the doctor for another week or so, but I am dying to try and figure out how far along I am. I also can’t go off of my last period because I haven’t had one in ten years and had to do fertility for my first two girls. Wasn’t planning on anymore kids and never thought I could get pregnant on my own.

Anyway.. love reading your blog. Hope to meet you someday at a race as I live in northern utah and do races all over utah.
hope your pregnancy nausea gets better soon. That is the worst!


Ok this sounds really weird, but try salt & vinegar Lays chips in ranch dip. Sounds gross, but it is so yummy! I’m not even pregnant and it’s a longtime fave!!


I know this first trimester stuff is long gone for you now, but it was so great to read. I’m early in the first trimester with my second pregnancy. I remember being tired with my first, but not this bad (maybe because I didn’t have a toddler to care for). It was great to read your post and everybody’s comments to remind myself that being dead tired is totally normal at this point in time! Also – my stomach is all sorts of unhappy. I’m pretty much living off simple carbs and some fruit here and there. I’m already counting the days to the second trimester. Fingers crossed it brings some relief and energy! PS – also had an iud and I think we literally got pregnant within a week of having it removed – it can happen fast!!


I can relate! Hope you are well now!


So happy I found this old post! I am in the first trimester of my first baby and I feel definitely awful.
Everyone says about morning sickness but for me it’s an all day all night nausea.
I really crave salty (super salty food) so I’m eating only boiled rice, crackers and chips.
Usually I’m full of energy and things to do but right now the only thing that matter is SLEEP!
Can’t wait to enter the second trimester. Thank you for sharing your tips and emotions cause sometimes I start thinking I’m crazy! ahahah


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