9 ways running teaches us patience + feelin’ lucky + double date.

I convinced myself to only try out one mile yesterday.  My right leg was feeling so much better but I decided to just try out one mile.  I wanted to make sure that running wasn’t going to make my leg hurt again later in the day.  I first did an arm workout, the Jacobs ladder (FOR 10 MINUTES and I was dying), the rowing machine for 10 minutes and then my one mile.  It took a whole lot of self-restraint to stop at one mile but I kept reminding myself I’d rather be safe than sorry.

While I was doing my workout I started thinking about the 3 trillion lessons that running teaches us about being patient.

1.  Patience is learned through trying thing after thing after thing.  Whether you are trying to figure out the right fuel for you, the right shoes to make your feet happy or the right coach to really help you reach your goal, it takes patience but the answers do come.

2.  Running forces you to be patient with injuries because if you aren’t… your medical/physical therapy bill is going to be a lot higher and you’re going to be away from your running shoes even longer.

3.  After those really awful races or workouts that flopped, it is easy to throw in the towel… but by practicing patience we learn to be okay with the setbacks and move forward when we are ready again.

4.  I have to be patient during the first 3ish miles of my run and wait for my body to not feel like heck and finally warm up to the idea of running and feel good again:)

5.   We nail a killer workout and we are itching to get back out there again to do another because it felt so good to hit the paces we’ve been dreaming about… but patience will keep us healthy by holding back to recover before going out for another killer workout.

6.  To be patient with food.  Because if you eat the wrong things the night before a race or the morning of a race, you will pay for it.  I’ve had to learn to be patient and eat my favorite foods after the race, not before.  Definitely not before.

7.  We don’t hit huge PRs out of nowhere… it’s all about the patience.  It takes so much work and consistency and then the progress comes with time.  We learn to have patience with the little gains along the way in our training until the huge ones come.  Results aren’t seen overnight but after weeks, months and years, the results come.

8.   Running has taught me patience on race day.  I learned this fun fact from a few marathons where I would go out too fast so then the last 10 miles (which can feel like eternity) felt like death.  I’ve learned to be patient for the first half of a marathon and then at 13.1 miles the race starts.

9.  Running taught me to be patient when things feel extremely hard.  I’ve learned through my workouts/races that it always gets better.  Either a second wind will kick in or your body will start feeling good again or your workout/race will end at the finish line.  It teaches me to hold on through the tough stuff because it always gets better.

I bet you’ve learned a thing or two about patience through your running too… running is a pretty great teacher.

And back to our day:)

Just the Tuesday crew out and about doing some things.

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One of those things included getting my back scraped out some more.  The mole they removed was abnormal (not cancerous but they just wanted it all out) so they kept digging.  I am so beyond queasy around needles and everything else in the doctors office but Andrew loved watching the whole thing.  I would have passed out if I watched it.  I was very grateful for the numbing shots but it definitely started hurting big time a few hours later.

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Luckily, we had our favorite lunch date to look forward to with Mer at Kneader’s.  She treated us to an amazing lunch.  Her and I love the bbq chicken salad there.


And Brooke loves the grilled cheese there.


Oh and I also had this strawberry cream cheese pie that I might need to get again today.  We had so much fun talking with Mer and I feel so lucky to live so close to her.


These two tease each other all day long. Brooke usually starts it and Andrew usually finishes it.


We got in some afternoon bike riding before I got to work on some things and Andrew did school.


Welp, I am ALL set for St. Patrick’s Day now:)  The Launch 4s from Brooks.  Can’t wait to hit the roads wearing these.  I will not be pinched on St. Patrick’s Day.


Pretty lucky soles on these:


Well, we found the world’s best babysitter.  She came over for a few hours and does such a great job playing with Brooke.  She even brings toys for Brooke to play with because somebody else’s toys are always a million times better than your own toys in a kid’s brain:)

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We snuck out for a double date with my parents.

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We all went to go see this movie and it was amazing.  Amazing.  I had goose bumps for the majority of the film.  Go see it.  Also, random but Kirsten Dunst is in Hidden Figures and it reminded me that I MET HER a while back.  I also met Lindsay Lohan and asked for a picture with her and she said no.  This was about 11 years ago but the movie reminded me of this.

Oh and this was my parent’s first time having the recliner chairs at the theater and they were very impressed:)

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Brooke is obsessed with stealing Andrew’s hats.  Any chance she has, she takes it and puts it on thinking she is so cool.


Brooke and I finished off her night by reading about Grace while she held Grace.

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Ever met anyone famous?  WHO?  I want to hear all about it.

Blood/needles/all that stuff—>  you okay with seeing that or does it make you sick?

How have you learned patience from running?

Last really great movie that you saw in the theaters?

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I met Harry Connick Jr and interviewed him, he was wonderful and so handsome.

Oddly, I don’t really mind needles but I don’t like them either.

I do however, LOVE those shoes!


I have met someone famous! I met Vance Joy a year or two ago, when he was in DC to open for Taylor Swift. I really like his music, so when I heard he was doing a free show at the radio station and only 50 people could come, I ran down there and was first in line. Front row, and then I got a picture with him afterward and talked to him a (very) little bit. He’s ginormously tall and very nice.


Oh that is awesome Lynn!!! I love that he was so nice and took a picture with you too:)


I have learned from running that it is good to have a plan but it is also important to be flexible and adapt to the journey. They are so many things we can control but I usually learn more about myself when I accept the unexpected and just go with it instead of fighting it.


I meant to say there are so many things we can’t control of course ;-)


YES YES YES… a lesson I have needed to learn big time too! Thanks for sharing Mel and I hope you are having a beautiful day!


I love Kirsten Dunst! Get Over It has always been one of my favorite movies. It’s kind of cheesy, but I love it :)

I’ve definitely learned patience in running in that, like many things in life, it’s a process. You can’t simply achieve all of the success you want overnight. You have to set goals and work HARD toward them. It takes a lot of pain and dedication, but it’s usually worth it. I try to remind myself of that in many other areas of my life, too, because life certainly is full of so many hills, tears, moments of frustration and setbacks–just like in running. But making sure you smile at least once per mile sure does help through the struggles.


Oh man, I do not like needles/blood/doctor stuff either. I hate getting blood drawn. I find it hard to look away but I also find it hard to look at! I’d rather run 10 miles in 85 degree weather then get blood drawn!

I met Joey Fatone once, and it was during the height of when NSYNC was popular and I was obsessed so that was like a dream come true haha!


do you know I can’t remember the last movie I saw in the theater? My son and I stopped going out of nowhere!


Last great movies: John Wick 2 and Patriot’s Day. So good!
I have to be patient with running because I want to be faster now…………..I realize it takes time though.
I don’t like needles, but I don’t get sick looking at them, I just don’t like them.
I have met several celebrities: Brad Paisley and his wife Kim (father of the bride movies) have come my workplace several times with their kids………….I had to act all professional though, also Sheryl Crow, Scott Hamilton (ice skater who can backflip) and Connie Britton (Nashville tv show) have all come to my work. I met Elijah Wood and Clint Howard (Ron Howard’s brother) after a film festival. I saw Naomi Judd in Franklin, TN, met a few country singers after shows, and Tim McGraw at a Nashville movie theater………..I was such a dork but even though he was late for a movie he took a photo with me! He was so buff…………..like 2% body fat and all muscle! Ha! My favorite was Martin and Chris Kratt…………the Wild Kratts/Kratt’s Creatures/Zooboomafoo guys………….we got to film a show with them and our penguins! I hung out with them for like 6 hours!!
And my sister and brother in laws live in Nashville, so they see country stars all the time at restaurants or the mall or Starbucks……………once my sister in law saw Kristen Schaal (Valentine’s Day, Last man on Earth, Flight of the Conchords, and the voice of Trixie in Toy story 3) where she worked and got to personally show her around the store! I love celeb encounters!


WOW… you have met a ton of famous people Loribeth!! So amazing! Take me with you on the next film with your penguins with some famous people too;)


It’s a hot spot in Tennessee for musicians! I have probably also passed by lots of folks I didn’t even recognize………….Nashville is becoming the “it” spot! And that is kinda rude for her to turn down a photo…if I was famous I would take all the photos and sign all the autographs I got asked to (provided the fans were being polite, of course)………….it comes with being famous!


I met Mark Wahlberg at a restaurant in NYC. He was having dinner with some friends and my boyfriend and I were enjoying some of the most amazing sushi. He got up to leave and I convinced my bf to go over with me to talk to him. He was a nice guy and took a picture with us and shook our hands and thanked us for being fans. :)
Ever met anyone famous? WHO? I want to hear all about it.

Blood doesn’t bother me too much, but I definitely do not do well with traumatic injuries.

Treadmill running has definitely taught me patience…sometimes I just want to jump off right after starting but I have to be patient and convince myself to put the miles in.

The last good movie I saw in theaters, ironically, was Patriot’s Day with Mark Wahlberg…I think my bf and I just like to pretend we are actually friends with him :)


I WANT TO MEET MARK WAHLBERG… that is so awesome Jennifer! You guys are friends with him and I want to see this picture!!!


Lucky! He is super cool!


So happy you found a good babysitter! From nannying for so many years, I know how important it is to have the right fit with a babysitter/nanny and a family.

I met Ellen Degeneres a few years ago when I went to see her show and cried so hard in the audience because I was so excited. I was so embarrassed at the time, but it’s a funny story to tell now. If you have two minutes and want a good laugh here it is….. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNjojAz1doQ

Blood/needles do not bother me at all. I wanted to be a doctor for a while actually. From running I learned that the only real option is to be patient. Rushing through a run (when you’re not training for speed) will do no good and only make you more frustrated. I haven’t seen in yet, but Chris and I are going to go see Get Out this weekend. I didn’t really want to, but I’ve heard from so many people (my mom included who never likes any movies) that it was the best movie they’ve seen – my best friend and her boyfriend even went to go see it twice! I really do want to see Hidden Figures though.


WOW how amazing Allison. This must have been such a memorable moment for you!!! Ellen ROCKS!!!!


I LOVED that Ellen clip Allison, you’re adorable, thank you :)


NOOOOO WAY!!!! Okay, I just watched your clip and that made me smile so big. What an amazing experience, Ellen is seriously the best!


Get Out is awesome!!!!


Hidden Figures was AWESOME! I loved it and went out and bought the book right after seeing it.
I recently also saw Lion and that was pretty good.

All medical things make me queezy. I recently got X-Rays on my hip because I thought I might have a stress fracture and I couldn’t even look at the images (luckily no fracture showed and I was diagnosed with just a strain).

I have met two big name Steeler players: Jerome Bettis, flew on the same airplane as him from ATL —> PIT and Brett Keisel while shopping at Dick’s. I got pictures with both.


HOW did you meet Kirsten Dunst!?! You just left out the most important part of the story! That’s so cool though and I’ve never met anyone famous. On my birthday 2 years ago I ran a race in NYC and Jon Stewart was the race marshall. My husband was there to cheer me on and after the race started he went up and got a picture with him and talked to him for a while! I also see a lot of Pittsburgh and visiting athletes around the city during football, baseball or hockey season, but I’m not sure if that counts ;)


So I’ll just say that there is a drug rehab center that is very well-known near my parents’ house:) There is a gym right there too that I went to and they would too!

That totally counts and I love that your husband met Jon Steward!!


I didn’t exactly meet Amy Grant, but I did watch her workout on an elliptical at the gym I worked out in high school. Does Amy Grant count a as a famous person now and does this count as meeting her? I don’t know the answer to either of these questions but this is as close as it gets for me.

As far as patience goes, I figure that if I can run for 26 miles I can wait for just about anything else.

My hubby and I LOVED passengers. Not Oscar worthy but still great in my book.


I think it counts!!!! That is awesome:) I still need to see passengers! I love what you said about patience!


OMG love those shoes! Such a funky and untraditinal color! GET IT. I am not good with blood- I have fainted quite a few times around it in big amounts, so yeah, NOT MAH THANG!


I love watching surgeries….like REALLY love it…..I am amazed at everything inside our bodies and being able to SEE it and then think about what it actually does to make us be able to run, walk, talk, write, eat, poop, pee, vomit …I mean EVERY part of our bodies are amazing. (And the fact it all starts from an egg and a sperm!)

So funny that you mentioned meeting famous people……often times when you show pictures from inside restaurants and I see other random people in your photos; I always wonder why they aren’t looking more in awe at you. Or pointing to their friends or something. I mean if I saw you guys at a restaurant I may think I just ran into a blog celebrity. ha!


Oh you are so nice Kathy:)

Okay, you and Andrew should talk… he LOVES watching surgeries too! Our bodies really are so incredible… I just need to stop being a wuss about blood ha.


I totally hear you with the patience thing! Great post!
Last year at Shamrock, I was warming up and ran by someone that looked a lot like Desi Linden…it was her! I nearly passed out- never said hi, because I am a wimp, but it was so cool to see her!


When in Costa Rica we were at the same resort as Don Cheadle.
Blood, needles, any of that 100% fine. Vomit…..I want to run away.
I have learned that my body and my mind need to be patient with each other in running. Proving my mental toughness, and ability to endure pain is not smart when my body is really telling me something.


I’m not even sure this counts–ha ha–but I saw Regis and Kathi Lee in concert when I was in high school with my parents! Kathi Lee came over and sang right in front of me. I’m kind of not proud of that celebrity meeting. ha ha

I’m okay with blood/needles/bugs/snakes. It’s MICE and RODENTS that freak me out. Badly. BUT, I do NOT understand why people put pictures of their bloody injuries up on Instagram. WHY, WHY, WHY?!?! The other day a man put up a picture of his son throwing up. WHYYYYYYY???? Way too much information.

Patience. I’m not so good with it. And, definitely injuries make us dig deep to find it :(


I totally think that counts Jen… so awesome!!! Oh I do not understand bloody pics on social media either… I black out a little when I see them. Throwing up?!? Yeah, no.


Last movie I saw in Theater’s was Trolls, going to see Beauty & the Beast soon. The Shack is on my want to see list. And so is Wonder when it comes out in a few months, if it’s going to be called that, but it’s from the book Wonder. I used to be horrified and queasy over needles & blood. But after we went through 8 years of artificial insemination and 2 rounds of IVF, you get real used to it real fast. Hundreds and hundreds of shots and procedures. And I’d have done hundreds more, but round 2 worked !! She’s 9 now. So they were all worth it. The kind of patience I’ve learned from running is to allow myself to have and enjoy that hour to myself. I used to rush through it to get home to do a million more things, an d it started to be a To Do list item. When I let that hour be casual, listen to music, think of nothing else, and ‘run slowly’ and enjoy things around me…..that’s when it became something I love, want and need for myself.


Oh Michele, you have been through so much! Yeah, that is A LOT of needles. So glad that round 2 worked! I need to work on just staying in the present while I’m out running and not thinking about the million things to do at home! Thanks for the reminder!!!!


How cute! I really want to see Hidden Figures too. I’ve met a few athletes and just people in rock bands. Nobody too famous. Getting blood drawn and getting shots doesn’t make me sick. It’s the videos with the poking and prodding that does it for me lol.


Blood and needles make me feel like I’m literally going to faint. Blood specially.

Running has taught me patience in two different ways: 1. It takes time and effort for you to accomplish big running goals. 2. It takes time and rest for your body to fully recover from an injury, which is my case right now. Hopefully by Monday I’ll be able to get back to run!

But I also feel so related with your personal lessons, Janae:)


I met Will Smith who was just so nice, I have also met Susan Sarandon, Grace Slick, and Bruce Springsteen (who definitely likes his fans).

I don’t mind needles and my own blood but I hate when my husband is bleeding.

I saw Inferno with Tom Hanks and that was really good.


WILL SMITH!!! Oh I love him… so cool you have met all of those people! I want to see Inferno!! Oh I bet you hate that big time!!!


Those shoes!!!

The restaurant I worked at while in University was popular with celebrities who were in town to shoot movies. I met Anna Paquin and Virginia Madsen. My husband met Dennis Quaid (he worked there too!). Lots of other celebrities ate there but I don’t think I met any others. What was Kirsten Dunst like?

I think the last movie I saw was Moana with my daughter. Hoping to take her to see Ballerina his weekend!


Agreed about Running teaches us patience especially through injury. I think we have been guilty if pushing the envelope, only to have it bite us back in the butt.


Living in Boulder, I bump into elite runners all the time! Emma Coburn & Jenny Simpson frequent the track in my neighborhood. I try to act cool. But dang, those ladies are FAST. And so freaking nice.


That is awesome Aimee!!! I would love to see them out and about running… you are cool:)


My parents are in the Motion Picture Industry. When I was younger, I met Sylvester Stallone, Jim Carey, Danny Devito, Morgan Freeman…..Most of them were super nice, a couple…not so much :P


Leann, that is awesome!! Morgan Freeman is one of my absolute favorite actors!!!


I will make you love him even more- he was one of the nicest people I have ever met!!


Ugh, I am learning about patience this week. I think that I strained my calf muscle during my long run on Saturday. I ran on Monday and it didn’t feel great. But, it felt fine walking around on Monday and Tuesday. So, I went to track today which didn’t go well. It was achy and throbbing so I just jogged through my workout. Worst part is that I am training for the Boston Marathon and it’s less than 6 weeks away. I assume that I need to rest my leg but I am beyond disappointed.

I just saw Moonlight this past weekend which was really good. I will have to check out Hidden Figures soon!


NOOO Jessica, I am so sorry about your calf muscle. Please keep me updated with how it is feeling and this post might help you… http://hungryrunnergirl.com/2013/03/how-long-does-it-take-to-lose-your-running-fitness.html

It takes longer than I thought to start losing running fitness. Take the time off so that you can enjoy and love your Boston experience this year. I want to hear how you are doing!


Thanks, Janae! I will keep you posted. Hopefully rest will do the trick!!


Perhaps I ought to start running more because I do NOT feel patient after not being picked for the NYCM lottery selection for the FOURTH year in a row! Maybe I ought to just go for my other bucket list races instead! Big sur & Paris are on that list!


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BROOKE!!! I am so so sorry that you didn’t get in this year again. Boooooo. I say go for Paris now:) Go big!!! Keep me updated on what you decide!


This post came at the perfect time for
Me. My son and I are fighting off the flu and I simultaneously feel a little tendinitis. So a more restful day it is.

I really really want those Brooks!! ?


Tendinitis and a sick kid this week… I am SO sorry Maggie. I hope things are better by the weekend and you get a great run in!


I really liked Hidden Figures too. I’m a big fan of Octavia Spencer, so I was expecting to like it.

I’m totally fine with needles, but I hate going to the dentist. I don’t even like cleanings where nothing “bad” happens.


I saw the movie Lion recently. It was beautiful. Such an emotionally tugging story and it’s based on a true story too.


I met Sean Rosenthal (professional beach volleyball player) and yes, he is as hot in real life as he is on TV. ;)

I didn’t actually meet Justin Timberlake, but my girl friends and I stalked him when he was in town several years ago for the Justified/Stripped tour, and he walked out of his hotel, literally 2 feet away from us, smiled at us, and we could have died right there.


Katie, that is HUGE. You are practically friends with Justin at this point… I LOVE that he smiled at you! So cool that you met Sean Rosenthal too!!!


Justin and Jessica recently bought a house outside Nashville……………when I was racing there last summer, my husband and brother in law were driving the course (thru nothing but farmland and long gated driveways) to get me pumped up the day before and all they talked about was whether or not they would see Justin Timberlake! Not Jessica Biel, just Justin!! Hilarious!


We live in LA so we see lots of famous people (Tom Selleck, Arnold Schwarzenegger, etc.) but try not to bug them. We were on a flight from D.C. with baseball great Tommy Lasorda and he was the nicest person to everyone! Another time we flew home from Nashville – Dolly Parton (she was sugar sweet!) was on the flight and Lily Tomlin was waiting at the gate, I looked for Jane Fonda so we could have a Nine to Five reunion.

My brother was a hemophiliac who gave himself daily infusions when he was about 12, so needles don’t really bother me. Blood is another story ;)

I am having to practice patience this week with running – I have a cold/sinus infection. I tried running yesterday and it turned into a walk. Breathing is kind of important to running. I know it’ll clear up eventually but my legs really want to go!


WOW KATHY… you have seen all sorts of famous people. I love it! Good to hear they were all so nice. I hope you get feeling better asap so you can breathe again!! Keep me updated with how you are doing!


I want to meet Dolly! I have seen her at a parade, but I bet she is sooooo nice.


I met you one time in Target and felt like I was meeting someone famous!! :) Also, I saw Pamela Anderson at Sundance a few months ago but was to nervous to approach her. Running has also taught me to be patient. Never judge a run by the first mile. For me, the first mile is usually the most painful and my body is trying to figure out a nice rhythm. Kneaders has the best salads! BBQ chicken and the Chicken ala monde!


I REMEMBER THAT!!! I was so happy that you said hi:) I want to see you again!!! Oh you saw Pamela Anderson… that is awesome. I’m always tempted to go find movie stars during the film festival here ha. I haven’t tried the chicken ala monde… guess I need to go today:) I hope you are having a great day Ashley!


I met Kareem Abdul Jabbar many, many years ago walking on the sunset strip in Beverly Hills. He was nice.
My daughter and i met Queen Sophia of Spain. She was so gracious and elegant, she talked to us and asked us question. And she let me take a picture of her with my daughter. You know what I also noticed? She had bunions.


Oh that is AWESOME!!!! I love that both Kareem and Queen Sophia were so kind and nice to you guys!


Blood/needles/gore is all fine as long as it’s someone else. The second it is my own blood, everything changes. :)

I saw Hidden Figures back in January, but that was the last movie I saw in theaters. It was so good! I’m an engineering graduate student, and we went went with a big group of female engineering graduate students, which was very fun!


Oh Denise, I LOVE that you went with your female engineer grad student group! You are amazing and I bet that movie was especially great for you! HAHA yeah, I agree… seeing my blood is even worse than seeing other’s blood (unless it is the kids then I want to pass out).


Ohmygosh, I’m totally one of those sappy moms that I never thought I would be! Seeing your sweet Brooke with her Grace doll and book made me tear up. My girl is 13 today and just 3 years ago we went to the American Girl Doll store for her birthday and now she wants nothing to do with dolls ;( It sure is bittersweet!

I’m dying over those shoes, so cool!

I tend to pass out when any needle/blood is involved. I even passed out when they took off my cast.

Haha, 90% of movies that I see in the theater are for the kiddos! We’re taking them to see Kong this weekend and the hubs and I are planning on watching Logan while we’re at a work conference next weekend.


I haven’t seen a grown up movie in the theaters since I was pregnant. And even then I had to leave three times to pee <before that I can't even remember.
I almost became and RN but I just felt a prompting to not too. I was a CNA and a phlebotomist and did all kinds of nasty things. After my first daughter I started puking around bodily fluids. It's now to the point that I pass out around blood. So there's that.
I think your st Patrick day shoes are super fun!
I've never met someone famous even though I live in LA. I can't even claim to have seen one lurking around.
Running has taught me patiences but not as much as marriage.


Miss America 2010 (I think) went to my high school. That’s the closest I’ve come to meeting someone famous. Does it count if I knew her before she was famous?
Ugh I cannot handle blood or needles or any medical stuff! The first time I had my blood drawn, I puked in a trash can. Even just thinking about it makes my skin crawl.
I don’t know about patience but running has definitely taught me that there are different seasons to our lives. Sometimes, I’m running a lot, training for a half, hitting all my runs, and doing really well. Other times, there’s just so many other things that take priority and I can’t train for a half or run as fast and that’s okay.


I haven’t met anyone famous but my dad used to helicopter ski with John Denver.

I LOVE your green shoes!! So great to see Mer, I was super worried about her when you went through your family issue. <3


Running has definitely taught me patience. I have a long term foot injury that I’m pretty sure wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t ignored some nagging pain. I can finally run once or twice a week, but I make sure to skip it if it’s hurting at all. Hopefully some day I can run another marathon or half, but right now I’m appreciating each and every run I get to go on.


Christina, I am truly so so sorry about your long term foot injury! Keep me updated with how it is feeling and I’m glad you can get out once or twice a week right now!


I LOVE that movie!! Seriously so good and inspiring. I’m totally gonna buy it. I never buy movies because I feel it’s a waste of money, but I’m making an exception for this! Girl power!

Still working on the patience thing. I never feel like I’ve done good enough…


I seriously love those green shoes! I want a pair! Oh man I can’t wait to see Hidden Figures! I was so upset that it came out two days after I left the USA! I was really hoping to see it the day it came to theaters in Philly. I like blood and needles.. as long as its in a normal way, as in I like shots and giving blood, but if someone gets hurt and is bleeding badly that freaks me out a bit, or things like thoracic surgery which is really gore-y, I don’t like that.


The only famous people I’ve met are local sports heroes, probably not as exciting!

I saw Lion (incredible movie) and Get Out (also really good!) recently. I saw Lion in the recliner chair theater too and now I only want to see movies with that but our area doesn’t have any!!! I think all movie theaters need to switch to this.


I’ve worked out next to Jane Krawkowski (30 Rock) and Dylan McDermott (American Horror Story) at Barry’s Bootcamp in NYC. I’ve also met Cameron Monohagan (Shameless) at Overthrow Boxing and he was super nice to me when I said Hi and we were both super sweaty. I’ve met the Goo Goo Dolls in the LAX airport and even got a pic with them! Chris Carraba from Dashboard Confessional and Britney Murphy (Clueless, Uptown Girls) outside of David Letterman. I saw Victoria and David Beckham at Nobu. I actually ran into Victoria in the bathroom! Julianne Moore and Ethan Hawke walking in Noho. I saw Kristen Stewart (Twilight) boarding a flight I got bumped off of in LA.


Very random, but I saw the gap has kids pjs with donuts all over them and thought you may need to get them for little Brookie!!! So, so, so jealous of those shoes! Green is my favorite color and those are beyond amazing! You will run magical times with them!


When I was in college I met George Clooney at this dive bar while he was in town filming a movie (O Brother Where Art Thou – I live in Mississippi). It was really funny because it was a dark place and he was wearing a ball cap and not drawing attention to himself, but I ended up standing right next to him and one of the guys in his crew introduced us. The dude struck up a conversation and then was like, “This is my friend George by the way.” Like NBD. Then George shook my hand and said “Nice to meet you, Lindsay” and I FREAKED OUT!! I (probably not so) secretly motioned all my friends over and he chatted with us for a while. He was super nice!


Choosing not to run is such a hard decision to make. Your heart says go, but your brain says no! ;)

Hubs and I just watched the Batman Lego Movie, which was pretty funny.


How is your dad doing? Full recovery from his injury or still recuperating? The photo of you two with your parents looks great! Take care.


I met Jerry Springer. Seriously. lol!!
Blood and needles…doesn’t bother me!
I have learned (from being with other runners) that I am ALREADY patient!
I saw Manchester by the Sea…such a good movie but a not a “feel good” one!


I met Robert Downey Jr. on my thirteenth birthday. We went out to breakfast and he and his ensemble sat at the table next to ours. I was the only one who did not find this cool since I had never seen anything with him in it and didn’t even know which person they were taking about. Ironically, since it was my birthday, I was the only one he would take a picture with. (I appreciate it now haha!)


I can’t imagine doing the Jacob’s Ladder for TEN MINUTES. I did it for 4 this morning and I was completely exhausted. Way to go!


I was a ball girl for a tennis tournament when I was younger and managed to trip over my feet and landed right in the lap of Pete Sampras. That’s my only celebrity claim to fame.


And now I want to see that movie. The last movie I saw in theaters was Arrival. And we discussed my thoughts on that one ;)

I love those St Patty’s Day shoes. So fun! Your Americana ones are still my fave though.

How is your back feeling? I hope it doesn’t hurt for much longer. And I am glad your run felt good, but that you played it safe. It has only taken us a decade to finally be smart with running and not pushing it ;) Blood and needles don’t bother me.

Ummm I have met and taken dance classes from famous dancers, but I think that is my only claim to fame….and that is a stretch.


is your Mer as sweet as she is cute? :-)
I wish my Grandmother was still here. Miss her. :_(


Love those shoes! I have met a few famous people. My first date with my husband was a private Gavin DeGraw concert with maybe 100 people in the room. Afterwards we chatted with him in the parking lot. Super nice guy and our first dance as husband and wife was to one of his songs at our wedding. Also met The Bachelor Sean Lowe while in Vegas. He was newly engaged and we took a picture with him and Catherine. Also met and see Chip and Joanna Gaines all the time since I live in Waco.


I love your new Brooks – so festive!

I am fascinated by medical stuff so I would have watched, too. When I had an early-stage melanoma removed from my leg I kept asking so many questions that the doctor eventually held up the quarter-sized piece of skin he’d removed from my shin to show me. He then tilted the bed up so I could see my shin with the hole and he explained the various things we could see beneath all those layers of removed skin (before he bandaged it up). He said he usually didn’t do that…

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