The good and the bad. An experiment. Why have I waited so long.

From my run yesterday:

The good- It felt so so good to run in the dry and cold climate that I am used to.  While the views from my Hawaii runs were unreal… I’m just not so great with humidity it turns out.  I’m sure I would adapt to it with more time and work but while we were there I just felt like I could not get my pace down (or avoid sweating to death;).  It felt strangely refreshing to run when half of the time it was snowing and in the 28-30 degree range.  I missed that ocean scene but fresh snow is pretty beautiful to look at too.  Long story short, if I ever do a race in Hawaii… I’ll just be going for fun and not trying to PR because it would take a lot of training in humidity for me to hold race pace for more than a mile there.

The bad- While I was running I had unzipped my jacket a little bit because I was feeling hot (always strange to feel hot while running in snow) and boom.  Snow fell from a tree right above me and landed on my face and also down my jacket and shirt.  It was cold.  But kind of funny.

I was worried about falling on the snow while I was out because the way I went it was all fresh snow and nothing had been plowed or shoveled yet so I did an experiment.  I decided to wear my trail shoes for some extra traction.  The Mazama Trail shoes are much lighter than my other trail shoes but the bottoms are crazy grippy.  I never wear trail shoes for my road running but since I was running on snow for about 98% of the run, trail shoes worked out perfect  to help me to avoid slipping.

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I don’t do speed work in these conditions but an easy trail run on the snow worked really well for me.  I know, I need to try out yaktrax or something but for some reason I haven’t yet.

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I prefer winter to be cloudy and/or snowing because it feels warmer that way usually.  The clear days during a Utah winter seem like the windiest and coldest days to me.

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Nine miles yesterday and a tempo today.  Do you stop right on the mile or do you stop on random miles lately?  I usually try to hit the exact mile but my obsessiveness with ending right on the mile has tamed down with each year of running.  I’ve got some speed work to do today!

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Beretta is happy to be home and running around in the snow too.

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Ketchup on the eggs but berry syrup on the pancake (didn’t want you to think I was putting ketchup on a blueberry pancake but if you have read my blog for a few years you wouldn’t be surprised by another weird food combination).

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We went over to visit my parents yesterday and the snow at their house was up to the kids’ shoulders.  Just a little bit different than the last week of their life.

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It is almost my birthday month which I think is perfect timing for my shoe arrival.  I have been wearing the Launch 3s for over a year now and they have become my go-to shoe.  I used to wear the PureFlows pretty much exclusively but needed a little more support over the years but I still wanted a lightweight shoe.  I’m going to put 50-100 miles on these beauties and write a full review on them.  I think I’m already in love with them.

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My dad was showing us his painting that he has been doing (he still can’t look at screens ((aka work for him)) so a lot of the day he spends painting.  He pulled out this picture that his friend painted of me when I was a little girl.  I lost my front teeth from running at top speed and tripping and knocking them out.  Clumsy from day #1.

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This picture was also shown of my mom and I one time in Florida.  You can tell she is wondering what in the world I am doing.

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Snacked on these with my mom.

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Hung out with my dad.

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And we went to Costco to get some food for our house because we were down to nothing after being gone for so long.

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My sister-in-law had these at her house and hooked me on them.  How have I waited so long to try these.  Thanks to bulk shopping, I’ve got quite a few of these to enjoy.  Anyone else like these?

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Last night I went to do some things for church (I work with the youth and we did some genealogy and family history) followed by painting.  The only time we can paint is when the kids are asleep…

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Oh and two random pictures from Tuesday night.  Neither of the kids slept on the plane at all and by the time we were in Salt Lake City they were nuts.  From Andrew’s brother’s door to our door it took 13.75 hours and we had no idea what to expect;)

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Andrew’s parents met us at the airport with Beretta and I’ve never seen them so excited to see somebody/something before… they hugged her as much as possible and Knox exclaimed it was the best day of his life.

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People with dogs… what do you do with your pup when you go out of town?

-We are lucky and one of Andrew’s brothers watches Beretta for us.

Any other La Croix lovers?  Favorite flavor?  Besides water… what is your goto drink?

Running on the snow… what do you do?  Wear yaktrax?  Run in areas that are clear?  Treadmill?  Anyone do speed work on the snow?

Ketchup on your eggs… yay or nay?  Salsa?  Hot sauce?  Plain?  Or other?

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Ooh you need to try the berry flavored la croix! so good! I run in the snow without yak trax and just run on grass when it seems icy on the pavement! I should probably look at yak trax too but I haven’t had too big of a tumble yet. Have a great Thursday Janae!! :)


I love my yak trax! We get a minimal amount of snow (sometimes nightly depending on the winter), but it can be enough for a loss of traction. I have had issues with my hamstrings and am hesitant to do any running without them when I can’t see the asphalt. I like to think of my trax as “snow tires”. They are great for about 1-2 inches of snow, but with more than that it is still a traction issue.


Yesterday when I was in the car on my way to run, I went to take a drink from a water bottle I kown leaks from time to time. I had tested it before we left the house but it had come lose in those few minutes and I ended up with water all down the front of me. Not fair lol. Coconut La Croix drinks are really good!


We have family watch the dogs too. I would feel so guilty boarding them, even though I know they would probably have fun playing with other dogs.

A1 sauce or hot sauce on eggs. A1 on everything. Especially green beans. But hardly ever on steak.


The Coconut LaCroix is amazing!!!!!! It helped me end my Diet Coke “problem”!


I had to Google yaktrax. This southern girl will never have a use for such a thing! Lol!


You’re lucky..I’m very jealous ;)


We have a brand of seltzer called Polar. My favorite! I feel the lacroix isn’t bubbly enough.
Hot sauce for the win!!


I don’t really run in the snow (and pray we don’t get any snow for the rest of the winter!Lol ) but I have heard great things about yaktrax! My son likes ketchup on his eggs. I think I used to as a kid, I don’t really ate eggs that much anymore.


I love your ear warmer! Where did you find that?


best Lacriox is the Coconut–they usually have that flavor at Target!


Luckily we don’t have snow at the moment but we do have ice and frozen fog which is making running really difficult – if it’s really icy, I tend to stick to the treadmill. The forecast for the next 7 days is rain with freezing temperatures so I reckon I’ll be doing lots of treadmill work next week!

I’m really strange when it comes to eggs – I don’t like them. The only way I like eggs is if they are in an omelette with lots and lots and lots of cheese so I can’t actually taste that they are eggs. OR if they are in a cake, I’ll happily have them then :)

Your blueberry pancake looked amazing though! Do you follow a recipe for it? If you do, please could you share :)


I’m not big on La Croix. It always looks better than it tastes to me. If I’m going to drink something other than water, my first choice is going to be black cherry Propel. I LOVE that stuff!

Ketchup on eggs is an absolute must!! I can eat ketchup on almost anything. And where did you find that berry syrup?? It looks absolutely delicious (and so do those pancakes)!


Cherry Lime La Croix is my absolute favorite go-to non-alcoholic beverage. Nobody else in my family likes them, so they’re all mine!
I’m just getting into running and am very nervous about trying to run in the snow. I live in Iowa right along the Mississippi River, so I really need to get over it and figure it out. I definitely enjoy cooler, no humidity days. When it gets to be 85* with 90% humidity, I am a sweaty, red faced turtle.


la Croix is the best!!! I love the lime, lemon, orange, can-raspberry… actually the only flavor I DON”T like so far is coconut. I would recommend it to anyone who’s trying to get off soda- you can develop a taste for this instead and eventually love it.


I read “genealogy” as “Scientology” and for a second was VERY confused. Luckily I re-read the sentence and it made much more sense the second time around :D

As much as the beat isn’t always fun to run in, I don’t know if I could run in super cold weather either. I just don’t think I could force myself out the door in the first place! I am in awe of you northern runners who run in the winter! I’m sure I’d be on the treadmill or just totally hibernating!


Snow on the ground = Treadmill for me! I don’t mess around with ice/the risk of falling and hurting myself! I’ve tweaked my knee pretty bad running on ice when I was living in DC and I vowed never to do that again.

My mom lives 0.5 miles away from me so always watches my dog when I travel for work or for fun. I get free daycare and peace of mind knowing that Eve is with someone I trust and she gets quality time with her granddaughter. It’s the BEST setup!


I love LaCroix! Some of my favorite flavors are: Peach Pear, Passionfruit, Grapefruit, and Cherry Limeade.


Usually Duncan, my labradoodle goes to my brother and sister in laws house when I travel. But this weekend I’m going skiing up in Vermont and my friend who lives along the route up is going to take him. She has 2 dogs and Duncan will be thrilled to run around their yard in the snow.


We are big fans of La Croix at my house: lemon, lime and grapefruit are our favorties. And hot sauce on eggs is a MUST and our fridge has quite the assortment of which to choose from.


Love LaCroix. I love the coconut flavor!!


You know my favorite drink! Still is. I like LaCroix for the bubbles and such, but since I give it way too much responsibility (quitting diet soda) I never can love it because it is there for that reason.
Eggs: favorite topper. Wings sauce from BW3’s .
That is the great thing about travel. Happy to be away, and Happy to be home………happy happy happy. Have a great day, friend.


We are shoe-twins! I just got the exact same pair of Launch 4s! I really like the Launch shoes. I had the 3s and loved them. I used to wear more supportive shoes but have made the change to neutral.


My mom absolutely loves our dog (and wants to steal her) so she’s always open to watching her. In June we’re going on a trip with her to Mexico so we need to find a back up! I’m not comfortable with boarding her because I’ve seen/heard horror stories. We usually try to bring her with us when it’s possible though :)

I love yak trax and running in the snow. They seriously work SO well and I can run in any conditions now! I’ll have to try out trail shoes as well.


For our dog we do have a boarding place that we really love, but we also have a friend who loves our dog and will doggy sit her for a few days! I actually don’t drink anything carbonated (hate it), but I know a lot of people are OBSESSED with La Croix.

When it snows in the Mid-Atlantic area, it gets pretty sludgy, then turns into ice, so I kind of have to go to the treadmill.

And I love ketchup or salsa on eggs!


I know everyone loves La Croix, but I prefer Spindrift. The blackberry flavor is so, so good. I also like the raspberry lime flavor.
The new shoes are gorgeous!


I love LaCroix! Nice break from plain water, which I drink all the time. My favorites are the raspberry and coconut.

I am living vicariously through you right now, I have had my sciatica flare up again so running has been a no go the past few weeks. It is starting to feel a little bit better so I am hoping to get a couple runs in this weekend if I feel ok.

Ketchup and cheese on eggs… Lately I make pancakes or eggs on weekends. Love the egg avacado combo.


I love that your parents are so creative, with your mom’s involvement with gem-stones and your dad’s painting. That is super awesome.

I have the pink and purple Launch 4s, but I haven’t worn them yet! It’s been rainy, and I don’t want to get them wet! lol


Mango, coconut, peach, cucumber and berries.
I am a just water kind of woman. No alcohol and absolutely no sodas. I haven’t had a diet soda in probably 18 years


I’ve been in the Launch for about 100 miles. I don’t love or hate it…it’s a good shoe, I just love the cushion in the Ghost a bit more.

Since moving to Alabama, I’ve been drinking a ton more soda, I think it’s because it’s so easily accessible.


For days when it is pure snow and/or solid ice I wear Merrell all out Terra ice waterproof shoes, which have spikes. For days when it is slippery in places but not everywhere (subdivisions always seem to take time to clear), I use my trail shoes – currently have the Pearl Izumi EM N3. But really want to try the Yaktrax so they I can use my go to running shoes!


There’s nothing better than going to Costco after a vacation and stocking up on all your favorite things! I LOVE La Croix – my favorite flavors are lemon, coconut, and grapefruit. They also have like “mixed flavors” in taller, skinnier cans and I think there’s a lime/cherry one that is really good. Ketchup on my eggs is the only way to go. Glad you are all home safe! Have a great day. :)


Definitely ketchup or salsa on eggs – depends on the mood. Your new Brooks are making me want new Brooks I know what I want for my birthday!


Ketchup on eggs is totally a yay for me. There’s something weird about eggs and tomatoes that makes their combination out of this world. Sometimes I sauté some onions, tomatoes and scrambled eggs together. Absolutely delicious.

I wish I could give you my opinion on running in snow but I have no idea what it is like. The hardest weather conditions I run in is high humidity, heat, winds, and rain. I guess that if I had to run in snow, I’ll chose to go to clear areas or just hit the treadmill (because this Floridian runner right here is sensitive to extreme cold temperatures! haha )

I really admire you for running in snow!!


What winter jacket is that, that you’re wearing? I’m always searching for the perfect winter running jacket.

We have cosmo’s puff corn here in upstate new york too! But at our grocery store it’s Coconut flavored – SOOOOO AMAZING.

As for eggs… lately I can’t have ketchup on them, I just have 1/2 slice of swiss cheese and eat them with toast. I used to only put ketchup or hot sauce on them tho. I guess I grew out of that.


I love Polar seltzer and they come up with different flavors each season. My husband laughs over my weirdo obsession.

I despise ketchup on eggs. (I’m not a big fan of ketchup period). I like salsa, hot sauce, or avocado.

Missy either comes along with us or we board her at a place that transformed their farm for dog boarding. Big and small dogs are separated out, which is nice. They can play in the yard or, when the weather is foul, there’s a barn set up for them to run around in. They take videos and pictures so I can see what she’s up to. It’s pretty cute and she has a good time.

I have something similar to Yax Traxx that I use for snow. If it’s too icy I go on the treadmill. I’m too clumsy to speed work in the snow.


Wow those new shoes are fantastic! I wear very light shoes in the summer but I recently discovered the Ghosts 9 and love them in the winter weather. They keep my feet dry and although they are not trails they have a very good grip.


I need to learn how to run in the snow, but currently run on the treadmill when it’s slick. I run in the country and the roads are a disaster when it snows.

I don’t care for flavored water… if I’m going to drink something bubbly it’s Diet Coke every time. I drink at least 100 oz of water everyday, so I don’t feel too bad about a can of DC. Sometimes I’ll splurge and get a diet coke with coconut in it thanks to your recommendation. :-)

I like ketchup or salsa with eggs. I don’t eat a lot of eggs, but should probably change that!


You had never had la croix?! Who are you?!?! ;-) grapefruit is my favorite flavor. So. Good. And coconut!


I am so jealous of your snow…here in Toronto we are having such a mild January. You would think in Canada it would be so cold and snowy but instead it’s hit the 50s and it’s raining all the time!!! I hate running in rain :(
I don’t eat sauces, they are so highly processed and filled with preservatives, salt and tons of sugar. Ketchup in particular has high fructrose corn syrup which is so bad. I make my own salsa, hummus, salad dressing etc. A food processor gets the job done fast and the end result is so tasty and healthy :)

I have a kitty…would love a dog but city living and big dogs don’t go well together. I leave my kitty with my dad when we go away. I hear boarding is generally very hard on animals!


Our dogs travel everywhere with us and if they can’t our mother’s watch them but that very rarely happens. In fact, they love to travel and our dachshund even has special beds for for certain trips. He has an airplane bed, a car cave, the cabin bed. OMG, I just realized, I’m one of THOSE people! Kill me now.


We are also very lucky…my parents live an hour north and my husband’s parents live an hour south, so depending on where we are going, we just drop the dog off at one of their houses. I usually just run in normal running shoes in the snow, but the trail I run on most frequently gets cleared off really fast, so it’s usually not an issue. I am not a ketchup fan. Once in awhile I’ll eat some with french fries, but usually I just eat them plain.


Ketchup on eggs is a MUST. My husband doesn’t understand.
We have an amazing one year old Goldendoodle named Easton. We’re completely obsessed…he goes with us as much as possible but we have an awesome dog walker who will take him when he has to stay behind. We miss him when he’s not with us but we think it’s good for him to know that we leave but will always return for him!


Been running in the Launch 4’s for about a month now, and they’re great! I put a carbon Superfeet in them because my feet haven’t been as resilient since I had my son in 2014, and it adds the perfect amount of need structure to the shoe for me.


I love love La Criox. I could drink that stuff all day long. My favorite flavors are probably lime, grapefruit, passion fruit, and cranberry.

I don’t mind running in the snow, I just prefer not to do speed work in it, unless the sidewalks are clear and salted. Last winter, I was pregnant, which meant if it was icy out I hit up the treadmill.


I don’t know if I could run in snow or even live in a place where I have to function when it snows. I live in Georgia where it rarely snows and when it does (usually no more than a couple inches) everything shuts down. I loooove ketchup on eggs or heinz 57 (weird, I know).


I have zero experience running in snow. I think I’d probably enjoy it for one day then be completely over it!

I use mild Tabasco sauce on my eggs, salsa would be my second choice and ketchup in a pinch. My Tennessee raised husband puts gravy on them.


We’ve done a bunch of different things with our pup when we go out of town. Sometimes we have family or friends watch him, sometimes we board him, or sometimes we take him back to our dog trainer and she boards and trains him!

La Croix is 100% my go-to drink besides water. The grapefruit La Croix is the bestttt. I also really like Lime and Lemon though too!

Snow runs, it just kind of depends. If I’m due for my long run, I’ll still go outside and just wear trail shoes. If it’s just a middle of the week run or speed work I’ll take it inside to the treadmill! I usually just play it by ear!

I don’t put anything on my eggs. It’s weird. I LOVE ketchup, but I hate it on my eggs and on my french fries. Burgers/brats/hot dogs only!


I LOVE La Croix! Pamplemousse is my favorite flavor.

My boyfriend and I have two dogs – a boxer and an alaskan husky. We don’t have anyone to watch them as we are paranoid and don’t trust anyone enough to do it. My little brother is my exception, but he is three hours away in Portland. I have already enlisted him for October when we go to CHICAGO for the marathon!! I am so excited and happy he said that he would watch them. ;)


I’d much rather run in cold weather than humid weather! However, it’s so much harder for me to get out the door, but once i’m out there, the cold gives you motivation to run faster! I’ve ran in yaktrax and I have only great things to say, especially if it’s icy out! Once i put them on, you can’t really feel them on your feet and your running is normal.
Our dog, Lola, has lots of places she stays at when we are out of town and can’t bring her. If we are flying out, there’s a place that we take her that we can also park there and they will drop us off and pick us up! However, if friends are able to watch her, then we will always take her there first. I wish we lived closer to family since when we drive home for the holidays, my dad loves playing with her and taking her out on walks.
My husband loves eggs with ketchup, but i don’t like doing that… but i do love eggs with salsa or hot sauce!


I don’t have pets, but I pet sit for folks at their house when they go out of town. No snow here in TN………..only like twice a year does it snow! I haven’t tried many La Croix flavors, but I want to! And I prefer jam for my eggs (strawberry) or I put them on the plate with the French toast/pancakes/waffles and get syrup on them.


Those are some cool looking shoes !!! Can’t wait for the review but love the looks ! We don’t have anyone convenient to leave our 2 dogs with, and the 1 is not real friendly to people he doesn’t know well when we are gone. So they are boarded at the vet, which they hate but we know they are safe. And part of the deal is a bath and blow dry before coming home, so I love that part. They are so soft and fluffy and smell good at pick up. I have never heard of La Croix before ! Um, no running in snow for me. Although I have on completely calm days and don’t mind it, but when it’s at all windy, no thanks. I’m too big a whimp. I live sorta near Chicago, the windy city, and that’s no joke. It always seems windy until the summer, when it’s 95+ and humid and you are begging for a small breeze. haha I do ketchup on scrambled eggs. Someone just told me about salsa with eggs, who knew ! Trying that next week.


Eggs are best topped with cheese if they are plain but I am a huge sucker for breakfast burritos with lots of salsa.
My go to drink beside water is EmerenC. I swear it keeps the middle school and elementary school germs at bay (even if it’s all psychological I’m good with it). I’m not picky about flavor but raspberry is the best.
Your dad is a champ for simply going this long without a screen! That might be my generation talking though. I hope he is still enjoying his painting.


Hi! I love your blog but have never commented before. I live in CO (Denver) and agree with you – cloudy mornings in the winter are the warmest and my favorite to run, and the clear mornings are frigid! It’s because the clouds kind of hold the heat in – insulate if you will. Once I acclimate to winter running, 25-30 degrees is my favorite running temp too!

If I may ask a question – are your eyelashes real? Are you just that lucky, or is there something you are doing / using to have such gorgeous lashes? Please share!


Usually eat my eggs with hot sauce of some sort but have used ketchup if I have hashbrowns or potatoes of some sort. I usually have someone come to our house and house/dog sit but the last time my friend offered to keep my 100 lb. dog at her house along with her 2 golden retrievers–can’t imagine but appreciated it! Don’t run in the snow, live in Florida and boy is it humid! and HOT!! We have only had at most 5 cold mornings to run in long sleeves!


We have to board our dogs at the vet when we’re out of town. Even though I know they take really good care of them, I hate leaving them there.
I have to disagree-in the winter, I’ll take the sunshine over cloudy days! The temperature can be freezing but if the sun’s out, I warm up quickly.
I’m excited to hear what you have to say about those shoes. I almost bought them because of the colors (blue and pink=miscarriage awareness) but am hesitant because I’m pretty attached to my Ghosts.


We have some family that looks after our dog for short trips and an excellent kennel for longer trips. I don’t care for sparking water myself but my good friend in Miami loves those! Living in Ontario we run in ice and snow a lot so, we use Ice Spikes and love them (they have to go on an older pair of shoes though because they make holes). Definite yay to ketchup on eggs!!


We are lucky to live a mile away from my mom in law, so she usually comes over to check on our pup and kitty while we’re away. They also have a doggy door so they can go in and out as they please.

Coffee is definitely my next go to drink besides water, especially because it is cold and a hot drink just hits the spot.

It hasn’t snowed here since 1999 so I haven’t had any experience in snow. Rain, yes but not snow :)

I really love syrup or salsa/sriarcha on my eggs.


I live in Alaska, so we have snow for a looongg time.. I wear ice bugs when I run outside. I used to wear yak trax but inevitably I would always lose one. I also have spikes that I wear over my trail shoes.


My favorite la cruix are the grapefruit and the coconut… soooo good!


I’m so nervous to even try walking in yaktrax, and I OWN a pair! Hah, it’s so sad, I need to just test them out, but I laughed because at least I’m not the only one who has hesitated! I’m just so clumsy, and I’ve heard some people say that they’re not the safest to wear when it isn’t icy? So in conditions where there’s only some ice in spots? If anyone has experience with this please let me know what you think!

When we go out of town, we drop our pup at a doggy daycare/boarding place that he LOVES! He practically knocks me down trying to run through the front door when we drop him off. Our spot is local, but as someone who was VERY skeptical of these sorts of places in past, if anyone else is afraid to try them I’d encourage you to ask around, do some research, and go for it! He loves playing with the other dogs & the people there are amazing.


I CAN’T WAIT FOR YOUR LAUNCH 4 REVIEW!!! I just bought 2 more pairs of the launch 3’s because they are my favorite shoe from Brooks yet!! I am running Boston and I wanted to stick with the 3’s until after Boston then go for the 4’s! Ill be on the lookout :) Praying they are even better than the 3’s.


I love to hear from other Launch lovers:) SO STOKED for you to run Boston this year! I ran today in them for a few miles and they were heavenly… so far so good:)


La Croix coconut is the best!! Just add a splash of lime juice and it’s amazing:)


Okay, that sounds like heaven. Thank you!!!!!


Is your birthday month February? Mine is on the 4th!

LaCroix is good, but I actually like a brand called Polar more (and I can usually find it much cheaper). Their grapefruit flavor is wonderful.

I am so not a fan of ketchup on eggs… or like, anything except fries. My go-to condiments are sriracha, Tabasco, or Worcestershire sauce.


IT IS!! 2/13!!! It is almost your bday! Happy early bday:) I am going to have to try Polar, thanks!


Is the La Croix thing an acquired taste? Or did you like it the first time you tried it? I really wish I could like it because it seems a little healthier than other soda, but I just don’t! I’d much prefer a Fresca or Ginger Ale.


Hey Marie! I actually liked it the first time I tried one at her house… I will say that I think diet coke is better but La Croix is great for me when I am craving DC (I don’t drink it at home… I will occasionally on trips etc though). Oh Fresca… I forgot how good that stuff is! I hope you are having an amazing day!


With my eggs, it depends on my mood! One of my favorite breakfasts in a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich on toasted bread with strawberry jelly. Talk about a weird food combination. Not a lot of jelly! Just a thin layer on one piece of the toast. Otherwise I’ll do cheese or ketchup or salsa.


Kristin, that sounds amazing to me. I will be trying this. My family adds jam on our grilled cheese sandwiches so I’m sure I will love this!


On finishing exactly on the mile or some random distance: a few years ago I ran on Pi day (March 14) and thought it would be fun to run 3.14 miles instead of a standard 5k. Ever since then, if I’m feeling good at the end of run I end the run with the last 2 digits of the year (e.g 3.17 miles for this year). If I get to the end of planned distance (say 12 mile run) and I have nothing left, I end at 12.00 miles. This lets me scroll through runs and I can tell from the distance how I was feeling. This won’t work so well if I run in the next century, but I have some time to plan for that :-)


Oh that is awesome Jon. Thanks for sharing, I might have to copy you on this sometimes! Such a good idea and a perfect way to remember how you felt for that run! Have a great day!


Definitely ketchup on eggs, and a lot of other foods that might seem strange. I love drinking Nuun when I need something besides water, or the Clear sparkling water from Walmart when I want the bubbles. I will have to try LA Croix, now I’m curious! I love reading your posts, thank you!


I live in Canada and where I am the winters can be brutal…a few years ago my winter running life changed when I found Salomon’s Speedcross GTX trail runners…they have the grip AND waterproof protection of GORE-TEX. They are super lightweight and my feet have never been so warm and there is little fear of slipping and falling. Life changer.


When we were in Hawaii last year, I ran the Kona Half Marathon in June! Talk about humidity – even at 5am! I decided I was running that one for fun – it was rough. When we go back in March, I will be training, so some long runs will be happening. You would think with the Indiana summers, I should be used to it.


your dad is really talented!!


I have been running on snow (and straight up ice) all winter. My tolerance for the treadmill is low. I will choose 8 degrees and blowing snow anytime! If there is a decent amount of snow, I will wear just my Cascadias, but it the plow has done our road (which is dirt normally) and it is icy, I run in my Cascadias with Snow Trax (I got them from Costco for like $8 or something). Yax trax are a bit too much “stuff” on the bottom of my foot for me. The snow trax are simply little spikes on the bottom of my shoes and I barely notice them. They have killed it all winter and I have yet to go down. (Im sure it is coming). I love them!


Love La Croix, my favorite at the moment is the coconut. If I’m feeling extra fancy, I put in a lime wedge. SO good!


I am ADDICTED to that seltzer!!!!! I buy it in bulk at Costco too!!!! the only thing I wish is that they were more flavors. If you go to Target, or should I say WHEN you go try a few of the other flavors. Passion fruit is my fave but its cheaper to buy in bulk so I just drink whats in the box I get from Costco!!! But try some of the other ones!! they are delicious! That is all I drink besides water. And you know water can get boring at times!!!

I do love ketchup on my eggs but I have been using salsa more and more!!!! Gives it such good flavor. Unless I do a quiche or something then I feel like ketchup or salsa takes away from all the veggies and spices I put in my eggs.


Those shoes are so freaking cute! ?

I love the blackberry flavor Spindrift. Same idea as La Croix but more flavor.


La Croix is so good! Luckily on our international flights they have it. I think that’s the first place I had it-on an airplane!

Ketchup on eggs is a yes indeed! Fresh tomato works too, especially with avocado.

My trail shoes that are *not* gortex are super grippy so I”ll wear those as long as the snow isn’t deep or it is not snowing out. Otherwise I wear my other trail shoes. I have some yak trax like slip on things that are more spiky than coily. I love them-they grip the snow. It is definitely a workout to run in the snow. I kind of feel like 10-15km is my limit. I can’t believe you ran 20miles in the snow one time!

Two of my kiddos are February birthdays. 15th and 25th.


I hope that amazing lace collar you are wearing in your picture comes back in style. I remember wearing doilies around the collar of my dresses. lol.

Maybe I am trying the wrong flavor of La Croux, because when I had it, it tastes like sadness. Which is the opposite of that salted caramel corn. I could eat that whole bag.

Running in humidity is soooo hard. It feels like someone is sitting in you chest and you can’t ever get a full breath in.

Ketchup on eggs = yes. Salsa on eggs = yes. Maple syrup on eggs = yes. Eggs on sweet potatoes = yes. Avocados on eggs = yes. Basically I love it all.


I LOVE salsa on my eggs!

And I know what you mean about finishing exactly on the mile. Used to be that way….but now as long as I hit my goal I’m good. and usually i’m a little off and just want to get home (instead of walking), so I run a little longer.


I wear my Saucony Peregrine trail shoes when I run in the snow. I have Yaktrax, but my trail shoes work almost as well unless it’s icy. Sadly, we’ve only had about a half inch of snow here so far. Last year at this time we were cleaning up from 34 inches of snow.

My daughter-in-law loves La Croix and while visiting during Christmas she brought some to our house. :-)


Ugh La Croix is so good but I can’t have it anymore because carbonation causes too many issues for me. But, I recommend the grapefruit flavor because that one was amazing!


When we are out of town, my daughter’s ex-boyfriend (still good friends) comes over three times a day to hang out with our dog. He exercises and feeds her. I think he misses the dog more than he misses us! ;-)

I just bought a pair of Yaktrax last month at Costco. I haven’t had a chance to try them out yet!


Hi there, can you tell me where you got your headband? I’m always looking for cute ones for my ears in winter. Thanks!

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