Interview with the kids, family night and YOUR running accomplishments!

Thursday night is family night at our house…

The kids pretty much ask us every day of the week if we are doing Family night that night so when Thursday comes around, it is a big deal for them.  Family Night for us is basically—>  a song from primary (church), prayer, an activity, a lesson/stories and a treat.  I think they probably look forward to the treat part the most but I’m going to keep pretending it is the quality time together part that they love the most.  Our lesson this week was about listening to your parents… I bet you can guess why we picked that lesson ha.  

For our activity we made chocolate chip cookies together, followed by some hide and seek before the lesson and then we ate the chocolate chip cookies and read a book.  





Just a few random things to chat about:

1.  The kids got a special delivery yesterday from a blog reader and I think it made their month (especially because they had just learned all about penguins at school too).


They received art done by penguins!  The penguins walk through washable (safe) paint and leave their footprints and sometimes their tails drag thru too, onto the canvases!  Loribeth even asked for the kids’ favorite colors for their artwork… they went straight to their rooms to figure out the best spot for their pictures.


2. Emily posted this and I had to repost it because I think this is

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3.  Andrew and I had a little Q & A with the kids:)  We saw some questions that a friend posted on Facebook and wanted to ask the same ones to our kids!  Brooke wants to be Elsa when she grows up and Knox wants to be a scientist/police officer/banker.   The other answers are on this little video:

4.  Andrew saw these at the store and picked them up for me because he knew I had never tried the tropical variety yet.  He just gets me.  I’m saving these to eat for when I catch up on This Is Us this weekend.

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5.  Beretta turns 5 on Tuesday.



I LOVE reading your race accomplishments.  Love.  Thank you for sharing and if you want to be included next week, just send me an email at [email protected]


Abbi!!!  “I’ve been wanting to run a 10k for years!  This summer I ran my first 10k- a road race around my town, in 1 hr 24 mins.  Last weekend I did the dirty double and completed two 10k trail races… one on Saturday in 1 hr 18 mins and one on Sunday in 1 hr 14 mins!  I’m so happy I’ve finally done it!”



Libbie!!!  “On Sunday, January 15, I ran my first ever half marathon at the Rock ’n’ Roll Arizona race.  Up until that morning, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to finish the race.  The longest training run I had was 11 miles, and that was rough.  My fiancé purchased the VIP pre-race experience for my birthday (I turned 25 two days after the race), so I had a little over an hour to hang out and prepare myself.  The entire experience was amazing.  Experienced runners were so kind and offered me great advice.  I even wrote myself a letter to read after the race regardless of the outcome… I am super cheesy.

Well, I am proud to say I did finish, and faster than I had planned on!  My final time was 2:30:30, when I had expected to finish in 3:07.  I am not a fast runner by any means, but just being able to finish was one of the proudest moments of my life.  I worked hard all of last year to be able to make it to that finish line, and it was such a great feeling to see all of my hard work pay off.  Can’t wait to train for my next one!”



Courtney!!!  “I ran the ABB 5k on Saturday and the Aramco Houston Half on Sunday for the third time, but this year we got to run in 100% humidity.  While the weather was not ideal (70 degrees is ok until the humidity hits 100%) I finished and I’m super proud of that.  I ended up going slower than I trained for and even had to take a small walk break but I did it and it is still my favorite race.  I’m already registered next year to run the full.  Added bonus since I ran both days I got the Houston Double to go along with my 5k and half medals!”

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Traci!!! “At 43 years old I ran my fist Marathon Sunday in Baton Rouge at the Louisiana Marathon.  My official time was 5:21.  Very slow but done nonetheless!  I was never a runner or any type of athlete.  5 years ago I did the Couch to 5K app & never looked back!”



Brittany!!!  “Last year, my friend Kelsey and I decided that for our 2016 New Year’s Resolution we would do one 5K race a month.  I ended up finding out I was pregnant with my first child in February 2016 but that did not stop us!  We accomplished our goal!  We finished 12 races together (13 total for me, 14 total for Kelsey). Having a friend to share a goal with made this so fun and easy to accomplish.  It also really helped me have a healthy pregnancy.  Kelsey is the best running partner/best friend a girl could have and without her this wouldn’t have been possible for me!  This year we plan to do one race a month, including a 10k and a half marathon!”




What is your weekend running looking like… a long run?  A race?  Outside or on the treadmill?

Who else ran and did races while pregnant?

At what age did you catch the running bug?

Parents reading… what do your kids say they want to be when they grow up?

-I have a brother that said he wanted to be a restaurant when he grew up.  

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Brooke and Knox are so adorable! And please let me know how those tropical Sour Patch Kids taste–they sound wonderful.

I’ll try out a long run tomorrow (hopefully), as long as I’m feeling alright. I’m still dealing with kidney stone issues and will find out today if I have to have surgery or an electroshock procedure done to get rid of them. But I’m hoping I’ll feel good enough to run tomorrow!


On my schedule is a 10k race, but there aren’t any in the area this weekend, so I guess I’ll just go out for a fast 10k. It’s my birthday on Monday, so we’re going to my parents for the weekend–I’m excited for lots of homemade meals, watching movies, running, biking, and cake! :)


So glad they liked the artwork! This weekend I will run outside, although it is back in the 40’s after a little more than a week in the high 60’s……………I got spoiled running in that perfect weather! And I ran starting in middle school on the cross country team, but didn’t really get into it until about 9 years ago when I ran my first half marathon. Have a great weekend!


Seriously, thank you so much Loribeth! They absolutely love it and it makes us so happy! Oh how 60 degrees sounds wonderful right about now! I hope you have an amazing weekend and thanks again!


Running a 5k every month is such an awesome idea, and it’s great that she kept going through pregnancy! So inspiring.

My seven-year-old wants to be an ice cream truck driver when she grows up. I applaud her ambition.


The kids look adorable. I think it’s so important to have family time once a week. Even though we don’t have kids, my husband and I try to choose a day each week to share with each other.


I caught the running bug at 43 years old (I’m 47 now) But….ever since the NYC marathon 2 months ago I seem to have lost my love of running! I don’t know why??


Cheryl!!! Congrats on the NYC Marathon in November… that is awesome. So, I have that happen to me after EVERY MARATHON. Every time. I lose my love for running just because I’m so burned out (marathons and all of the training is NO joke). I take a few weeks and scale way back, sleep in some more and focus on a different passion and before I know it, I’m back to loving running.


I ran two pregnancy races, a 10k and a 5k, and really found the hardest part was not actually RACING. Haha. I kept wanting to go faster! (I was pleased with my 5k, 8:53 pace at 37 weeks pregnant!). My family and I need to start doing some sort of FHE. Our kids are so little that they wouldn’t get it, but I feel like we never spend any quality time together! It’s so important! This is my last week of pre-marathon marathon training, and I have hill repeats tomorrow and a long run Sunday–right now it’s sunny out…so pray it stays that way! I’m so tired of the rain. Yesterday it was sunny literally until the minute I went out on lunch to do my one runstreak mile, it poured on me, then it went back to being sunny. Typical. :) Happy Friday!


Happy Friday! I love your idea of family time – I don’t have children but this is such a good idea and one I’ll definitely be using if the time comes!

This weekend is a chilled weekend – my partner is coming down to me and he’s bringing his dog (a husky) so we’ll be doing lots of walking which is good because my legs are feeling pretty sore at the moment! I’ll get a little run in on Sunday but that’s about it :)

Hope you have a lovely weekend!


The how to fill a bucket books are great for your kids age. That would be a great family lesson book. I love it with my preschool students!
My oldest is 9 but when she was 4 she wanted to be a pirate. That lasted for a good year, she even told me it would be so cheap too because I would not have to send her to college. Sadly, she has moved on to other ideas and college is involved, ha!!! My youngest wants to go into business with me and bake things so that we always stay together. Bless her. She is the only 6 year old I know that can measure out flour perfectly and crack an egg with no shell in the bowl. I think she might just be a baker one day.


Ran a 5k at 35 weeks pregg with my mom. We wore pink and blue running outfits because I did not know the sex. It was fun and a great memory. I loved running with little Hope in my belly.


when my son was little, he wanted to be a “pet dentist”. it was the cutest thing ever. now he wants to be a lawyer or sports broadcaster.


Those penguin prints are so sweet! I let my cat use the Paint for Cats app on the iPad where a mouse runs across the screen and every time my cat paws the screen it drops paint on the “canvass.” At the end of a minute or so you have a painting that you can print! I have one of his masterpieces up on the fridge :)


Must find those tropical Sour Patch Kids!!

Weekend long run includes an unofficial half marathon! There is a big half marathon going on tomorrow in the city and some girls from my running club decided not to pay the fee and just run their own half! My friend asked me to join and I couldn’t pass up the offer!

Happy Friday!!


Those family nights are so sweet!! And those penguin paints…oh my God I’m dying for one!

I’ll be running in hills and trail this weekend instead of doing my usual long run. I think is nice to switch long runs for hill or speed runs every other week.

I’ve always been interested in running because my Father has been a runner since I was born. However, I became a runner when I was 23 years old.

I haven’t been pregnant yet, but whenever that happens I expect to run as much as my body feels comfortable doing it. Running at least one race being pregnant would be really cool.


Your family night activities are such a great idea. That’s so sweet that you do that with the kids on a regular basis and that they look forward to it so much!

I don’t have any kids, but when my little sister was younger she wanted to be a secretary when she grew up. She would play “office” all the time and pretend to answer the phone and just write random things down. Adorable.

Have a great weekend!


great accomplishments every body!!

i tried surfing recently!! that’s my recent accomplishment:


Weekend will hopefully be a long run tomorrow and then the kids’ basketball games and LOTS of laundry ;) Sunday is our rest day, so it’s church and family dinner (my fav!)

I actually didn’t start running at all until I was done with babies, so it’s been about 7 years now, since I was around 27.

My youngest isn’t really sure at this point. I told him I thought maybe he would be a pastor or a missionary and he said “You want me to die?” I guess our church had recently talked about missionaries that had sacrificed their lives. He’s thinking a ninja. The middle wants to be a math teacher because he loves math, and summers off :) And the oldest wants to be a librarian, English teacher, author, and possibly a lawyer. I love how our kids are so incredibly different.


I’m planning a long run on saturday, if weather permits!

I caught the running bug when I entered high school and joined the track team in grade 9 :)


Hi Janae! This weekend is a big one for me. It ‘s my birthday! ?. So I’ll be eating a lot of cake for sure and there will be time for a run too. It’s also my dog’s birthday (she’s turning 9).
Have a great weekend!


AHHHHH PATRICIA!!! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you have a beautiful weekend full of LOTS of cake and tell your pup happy birthday from me too:)


Is Andrew wearing PANTS not shorts in that video???
I hit a running burnout and am trying to talk myself into getting back in the game while it is still nice running weather here in Texas. Summer running is just plain hard down here…


He is… it is a miracle haha! I think it finally is cold enough for him to wear pants. Oh I cannot even imagine summer running in Texas… come move to Utah for the summers;) Running burnouts are COMPLETELY normal. I have at least 2 a year! Give your body some extra TLC and rest and Running will always be there for you when you are ready again and it will feel better than ever! Have an awesome weekend Jennifer!


This weekend I will complete Week 1, Day 2 (today) & Day 3 (Sunday) of C25K. Slow and steady healing to hopefully a full recovery!

I didn’t start running until my youngest was 6 years old. No pg running for me!

My oldest daughter is a college sophomore studying early childhood education. She wants to teach K-2. She also wants to continue her writing. She had two pieces published last year!

My youngest daughter has always wanted to be a pharmacist and is currently taking high schools courses in science/medical. Though she has really been thinking lately about something more along the lines of public speaking/motivational speaker. People are drawn to her positive energy and she is also a great writer. It will be exciting to see what happens for her over the next few years.


The kids ‘interviews’ were so adorable, and as always the accomplishments, oh my gosh..ALL of you girls are an inspiration to me!

My son wanted to be a goalie in the NHL, and is now a ski instructor/ski guide. My daughter wanted to be a veterinarian and is now in med school.


This goes out to Courtney on her racing achievement. I also live in Houston and run. Congrats on your races and best of luck next year on your full. I have run the half a bunch and did my first half and first full with that race!! It is awesome!


Your kid interviews were so cute! I might have to steal your idea. My kids want to be a lumberjack and an archaeologist.

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