I’m back. Journey of the injury that will not die.

Happy Wednesday!

On the drive to California when I asked Brooke what Andrew and I should do while she was away she said, “go running and go to the movies.”   We have followed her plans for us perfectly and went and saw Star Wars last night (Andrew appreciated my shirt).  I thought today would be a fabulous day to be entertained by Megan D on the blog so I’m going to have her take over now!

Hey guys! It’s Megan D again.  Remember me?  Sick of hearing about me on a blog that is not my own?  You wonder what I have to contribute to this blog when I am not related to Janae and not even running?  Ya.  Me too.


But too bad.  I’m back.  And, as per your request, I am keeping you updated on my running and the journey of the injury that will not die.

First, let’s recap for those readers that are new to the blog and have never read my post; those who read the title of my post and decided to skip the rest (rude!); or those who actually read it (thanks guys!) but have a life and don’t store specific details of some rando from the internet who is friends with a girl who runs way fast and likes sugar… I talk a lot (this intro is already too lengthy) I eat a lot, I’m super awkward in pictures, I misuse and overuse hashtags and I took a long break from running because of a running injury that would not get better.

Please note the past tense usage of the word ‘take’.  Yes people, it’s true.  I have started running again.


Maybe it was because I wrote a post about being okay with NOT running again and the universe decided to throw me a bone.  Or maybe it is because, like I mentioned before, I use running as a way to deal with emotions and one day this last July, I had some emotions to deal with.

Time Out.


Rewind to July.  I was in the kitchen doing the dishes after dinner while my family was out front playing. Earlier in the week my husband had finished building a bike ramp to practice jumps (you know, so he can impress Andrew when they go mountain biking #boys) and he had it set up in our yard.  That was the only knowledge I had while I was in my kitchen scrubbing away.  Then I heard the door open and my son came in crying.  Hard.  I ran to see what the problem was and he and my husband were in the bathroom washing blood off my son’s face.  So what happened?  Oh. Ya know.  Apparently, my son told my husband that he also wanted to jump off the ramp.  My husband agreed #eyerollemoji, gave him no tips or tricks on how to go off a jump he has never done and DIDN’T HAVE HIM PUT ON HIS HELMET!! But don’t worry cause we live in 2016 and of course my husband got a picture.


So now I am furious with my husband and with the situation.  My son’s mouth won’t stop bleeding and his 2 front teeth were knocked loose.  Luckily, they were his baby teeth, but still.  I looked at my husband and said, ‘This is why I miss running.  I want to either punch you in the face, or go for a run.’  I tended to my son, got him calmed down and cleaned up.  I gave him an ice pack and made an appointment with a dentist.  After my son calmed down, I looked at my husband and said, “Yep, I think I need to go for a run.”

I laced up my shoes and ran my 3 mile route that I used to do all the time.  It was hard.  It was so gloriously hard.  I came back paranoid though that I was going to hurt my leg.  I stretched.  I foam rolled.  I took an ice bath.  I took some ibuprofen.  You would have thought I had run a marathon.  Nope.  It was a short 3 miles.  Ha!  I was grateful for that run.  It felt good.  Plus I didn’t have to call the dentist to make an appointment for my husband’s teeth being knocked out as well.

I was satisfied with my run.  I was grateful for my run.  I didn’t expect any more.

Then, one week later my husband suggested we go for a run together.  I hadn’t had any repercussions from the first run.  Maybe I could run another time?  Running with my husband would be nice, plus his pace would keep me from running too fast which could increase the risk of the injury flaring up (yes, I just bragged about how I am faster than my husband.  On the internet.  He is lucky to have me).  We ran a 3 mile loop together and it was awesome.  I know I sound super cheesy, but I truly felt like I was frolicking because I was so happy to be going for a run.


The next week, same thing.  I was enjoying our run and I was loving this time together with my husband.  I was ecstatic that my body at least seemed to be cooperating, but I was also skeptical.  I knew that with each run I went on, the pain could return and I would be sidelined again.  But because of that, I was OKAY if it did.  Does that make sense?

I continued to run 1x a week for the first 2 months.  Anywhere from 3-4 miles.  I was obviously afraid to increase my training and since I was running for enjoyment (and not to train for a race) there was no rush.  I also ran without a watch and without any music for the first 3 months.  I wanted to really just soak up every minute I was pounding the pavement #ISoundPathetic #IAmOkayWithIt

After about 3 months I decided to test out a second run during my week.  The run is usually done at home on my treadmill while 2 kids sleep, 2 are at school and 1 does online preschool (I watch my SIL kid’s 3 x a week) so this works for me.  I used this new weekly run to test out some speed work.  Never anything crazy, but just some quick intervals to improve my turnover.  I am hesitant to push it #BecauseInjuries #OhMyGoshMeganWeGetIt but, like any of you, we stupidly? like to see what we can ‘get away with’ #AmIRite


It has now been just over 5 months since my first run.  I still haven’t increased to 3 x a week.  Maybe I never will.  There are some weeks when I run that I can feel that dull ache of my hamstring/glute so I only run 1x a week instead of 2.  I’m not training for any races and I don’t plan on signing up for any either so there is no need to panic and think, I missed a run this week.  I don’t want that pressure to train.  I have no problems getting my workout in each day so I am not using a race as motivation.  I have been getting sports massages, which I think have helped keep the injury from flaring up, and will continue to be proactive in that area.  But mostly I think I have FINALLY learned to listen to my body.  I back off or stop if I need to.  I can’t run far so I am not doing it to burn #allthecalories.  I have learned that running doesn’t have to have a purpose to enjoy it.  Running JUST to run is okay.  It kind of HAS to be for me;)  And I can still call myself a runner if I don’t take it seriously.  We can all call ourselves runners.  No matter how often we run, how fast we run, if we follow a super detailed training plan or just run so we don’t punch our S.O. in the face.  I love seeing the different ages, sizes and shapes of people who are out running. No one is the same.  But we are all trying to make ourselves better, through running.  Running brings us all together and usually makes us more tolerable humans… after our run is done, anyway:)

Do you use races to motivate you to run each week?  Or to motivate you to work on speed or distance?

Is there anyone out there, like me, who won’t be running a race anytime soon? 

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Yay for being able to run for FUN again! So happy to hear that for you! And thank you for sharing. I still race, but thankfully I’ve stopped putting as much pressure on myself always to PR. I do the speed workouts and whatnot, and I definitely have goals I want to accomplish, but I don’t take it as seriously as I used to, which has actually made me enjoy running so much more than I did years ago. :)

You’re hilarious, by the way.


Thank you :) I am glad you have found a good balance and enjoy what you are doing. That is what matters and will differ from person to person. I hope you reach the goals you set in 2017!


What a great post! Listening to our body is so important but so though in this world that is so much focused on performance. I totally get the running away from husband’s stupidity sometimes haha running is an integral part of a happy mariage ;-)


Thank you for your comment. It definitely is easy to get caught up on pushing yourself for a good IG post (please refer to my Garmin picture I included in this blog post. Ha!) but so worth it in the long run.


Yes me! After over a year of injuries and debilitating migraines I am just now able to run again on a regular basis without headaches and I’m not willing to push it for a race. It’s not worth it. That being said I am working on my speed a little at a time and some hills here and there. At this point it’s all about what’s right for me and makes me stronger?


Oh man! I am sorry your injuries and migraines that have kept you from running. I am glad you are able to run again and have found what works for you. Hills definitely make you stronger! Hello glute work in disguise. Hope you have a great day!


I took 20-6 off from full marathons thinking I would feel great only training for halfs. Well that backfired. I’ve been plagued with chronic muscle tightness mostly in my hamstrings/glutes and lower back. Oh and that gives me some knee pain too. So I have been slogging through the slowest 3-5 mile runs each week swearing I need to eat better and stretch and strengthen more. Meanwhile. I’m all talk and no action.


Oh girl. All talk and no action is all too familiar. When I ran a marathon (yes, only 1 full) I foam rolled 30min every morning and 30min every night. I swear it is the only way I trained and stayed injury free. After my race I was so burned out from foam rolling that still, years later, I have a hard time doing it. It’s crazy how all those muscles (hamstrings, glutes and lower back) are all intertwined and if one gets ‘off/tight’ it can trigger them all. At least, that is how it has been for me. I hope 2017 is a better year for you!


That’s exciting you are running again. I can’t imagine having it taken away from you but glad you are able to run for fun. I run with my husband as well and I enjoy doing that. Hope to see you pop back up on Janae’s blog again!


But do you hold hands and skip with your husband as you run? I think you should. It would probably make everyone’s day who saw your guys out running together. Think about it.


Great Post….kind of nice to hear the other perspective of running less, taking it easy, and simply laughing at life….I am assuming of course, that you laugh a lot. ;-)


I do laugh a lot ;) It helps that I think my husband is randomly hilarious, you know, when he isn’t encouraging idiotic behavior from our children. Running less is helped me realize that there are other things I enjoy doing too. I hike a lot more these days and love it so so much! Hope you have a great day Kathy!


Megan, you’re fast becoming one of my favorite people I’ve never met. :) We’re going to change that in the next few months, when we go running!


Oh Lily. I feel like we could go for a run and bake/eat cookies and be weirdos together and it would basically be the best day. Can we make this happen? Pretty please :)


I’m pretty sure I’ve used that line before..if I don’t go for a run I’m going to punch you in the face! Maybe I should pick up kickboxing ;)

I’m so happy to hear that you’re back to running (and already so speedy!!). It’s never easy to take time off running but you made it through. I know you’ve only written on here twice but I already feel like I know you! Your writing style / memes are amazing and inviting…you have a gift! Plus, you’re pretty dang funny. This should be a weekly feature!


We have a punching bag in our home gym. You’d be surprised at how therapeutic it is sometimes to go downstairs and punch it real hard a few times ;) Thank you for your kind comment. You pretty much made my day!


Loved hearing your story about getting back into running. I definitely appreciate my runs each week to clear my head and just be alone. I don’t have any races coming up and I am okay with that. I have back problems so I am always afraid of over-doing it too so I just take it day by day and do what feels right to my body.


What is it about running that helps us clear our heads better than anything else? Are you able to do other activities with your back problems? Taking it day by day is pretty much my motto these days too. Makes me feel a lot older than I am. lol.


THIS is what I need to hear this morning. I have been dealing with an illness/injury for nine months. Thank you.


I am glad this article helped you this morning, but I am not glad you have been dealing with an injury for so long. What happened? Are you able to do other activities that don’t aggravate your injury? There is more to life than running and sports, but I hope you are able to find something that makes you happy…whatever that may be :)


I took an antibiotic (Cipro) last April for a UTI . The antibiotic gave me Cipro Toxicity which damaged MANY of my tendons and caused nerve damage. It has been a hard year. I went from running 2 marathons and an ultra a year to barely being able to walk. I want people to know that antibiotics can be dangerous. Runners should NOT take Cipro. They are more likely to have tendon rupture. I am running again, but I do not have the same body. Just when I think that I need to let go of running, I read your blog and I am hopeful.


Hey Megan D! This was an amazing post. I seriously think you should start your own blog (if you haven’t already) I will read you every day just as I read HRG:)

BTW, congratulations on being back to running.

I use races to connect with myself and my body. It is very easy to push myself hard when I’m surrounded by people running. I get very competitive. That is why I try to focus on my body and my capacity (no matter if other runners start to pass me), to accomplish my personal goal.


Haha. Thanks for the super nice comment. I don’t have a blog, but you can just continue to read HRG every day. That is what I do too ;)

Sounds like you use races perfectly. Using it to reach your own goals and not worry about your surroundings is awesome….and not always easy #IAmCompetitive Being competitive with YOURSELF is a much better way to go. Hope you have a great day Nathaly!


I definitely use races to motivate me – I think without them, it would be too easy to slip into laziness. Running, for me, is always hard work and sometimes defeating, but it WORKS, and races keep me DOING it!


I am glad that you use races to motivate you! We are all motivated differently and finding what works for you is what matters and what motivates you might change over time and that is okay too! I hope 2017 is a great race year for you!


So I think I may have the same injury and it’s so frustrating because ive never gotten a diagnosis but I’ve also learned to just live with it. It started in my hamstring a couple years ago and it would
Just flare up occasionally or on long runs but foam rolling and massage kept it at bay. It never got better but it didn’t get worse until it did and now I have a worse pain in my glute. Physical therapy, massage, trying to take it easy hasn’t helped. It doesn’t seem to get worse but it definitely doesn’t get better. I’ve learned speed aggravates it more so I don’t do much speed. If I take Aleve before a long run or race, I can get through it and it’ll just be extra sore for a few days. I’ve done very little running since stg marathon but have neglected rolling and massage. My next training cycle for mt charleston and my first full ironman starts jan 1. I’ve decided I’m muscling through it and hoping for the best. I just wish I knew what the problem was and how best to fix it (fix my wonky form, massgae, pt, stem cell injections).


I am so sorry that you have been experiencing the same thing! I wouldn’t wish this one on anyone. Okay. Maybe a few people…but you aren’t one of them ;) Awesome that you were still able to run St George. I have tried allthethings too. The only thing I haven’t that you listed was stem cell injections. I talked to my dr about it and he was hesitant to recommend it and my insurance wouldn’t cover its, so $$$$$ I decided to hold off on that option.

Good luck on your next race – and Ironman?! I can’t even imagine. I applaud you!


Megan D you are a crack up! My husband thinks I’m crazy for running all the time but every once and a while I have to remind him if I didn’t run, I would be a full on crazy person (instead of just a regular crazy person :)). Welcome back to the running world and I hear ya about injuries and pushing it. Long story short, about 4 years ago I found out I have a pinched nerve in my back and with regular chiro it got better and the symptoms went away so I ramped up exercise. About 2 weeks ago the symptoms started coming back so off to the chiro I went. I should stop running but I have a half next week. And. Well … I’m addicted to it now. Still, every single time I start my run I beg by body to hold up and so far so good. I’ve compromised with myself that I’ll take a couple weeks off after my half as long as my body can get me through it. See – crazy person :)
Oh, and by the way – your pace on your watch is amazing for only running 1-2 times a week!


#CraziesUnite Sounds like your begging is working. If you wouldn’t mind adding my name to your list when you start your begging, I would appreciate it ;) I think all the stepmilling has helped maintain my cardio/speed. Good luck on your half next week! I hope your body holds out and that you take some time off after to rest :)


I was laughing so hard at the beginning of this! I bet you’re soosss glad your husband got a picture :)

Thanks for sharing Megan D!


He may have gotten a video too. But I can barely watch it. Poor kid.


I could have written this post, I am almost exactly where you are with an injury. A few years ago I had knee pain off and on while running. I am a racewalker really (used to compete) but do enjoy running. I wanted to run part of a half marathon I was training for but gave that idea up when my knee started throbbing. Fast forward to post race. I was on the floor playing Legos with my oldest, got up and my husband in the next room heard the pop that I did. I could not walk and the swelling was immediate. My knee cap had come out of the socket. I saw a doctor, had MRI to rule out a meniscus tear and found out I had avascular necrosis, a patella tilt, and a small amount of missing cartilage. But… Of the 2 orthopedics I saw neither thought any of those were the cause of my pain. They agreed the initial knee cap injury was a problem and restricted me for awhile and sent me to PT. The general suggestion was no running basically ever. When I complained, both said, give it a year and then maybe 5ks at best. So it has been 3 years and I am testing things out and want to get another opinion from a doctor at some point. Right now 1x a week running with backing off if there is slight pain works. I hit the gym on other days. It stinks when your body won’t let you do what you want to do!!


My knee just started aching reading your comment. OUCH! That sounds awful. I am glad you are listening to your body and only running 1x a week. Still, like you said, it is lame when you just want to do something and the body you are trying to take care of, won’t cooperate! I have learned to appreciate my body for what it can do and have found other forms of exercise that I enjoy, like you. But it would be nice to not have to be so careful when it came to running. But I guess if everything were easy, we would never learn from our experiences. Hope you have a great day Carrie. Keep me posted if you get another opinion from a Dr and if you are ever able to add some more runs to your weekly schedule.


Ha ha! Megan you’re hilarious. I used to run 80-100 mile weeks with tonnes of speed work, temp runs and long runs, until last Christmas when my body broke. I bent over to pick up my toddler and hurt my back something FIERCE. I ignored it, kept running hard (once it settled down) and then it all happened again in Mexico in June. So since then I have capped out my weekly mileage at 60, but now I’m down to 50 and I feel a lot healthier. No races on tap for me! That sub-3 is NOT WORTH IT.


100 miles a week?? Like, I know people run that many miles, but my brain cant comprehend it. At all. 50 miles is still way more than I have ever run in a week so I am still way impressed with your hard work. That is great that you have been able to listen to your body and find what has worked for you. You’re right. No sub 3 is worth a broken body. Not when we want to be running when we are 80 ;)


Awesome post, Megan! Had me laughing out loud and saying “Amen” to your not running for calories, running just to run, listening to your body!! Thank you!!!


When I go for a run and am just in the moment, I enjoy it a whole lot more than if I am punishing myself for eating too much. That goes for any exercise too. Thanks for your comment. Hope you are having a great day :)


Megan, you are a riot! I can totally relate. Right now, I’m fighting a hip flexor issue and just blogged about taking it easy and how it’s OKAY. Thanks for sharing and so happy you are back to running! Yay!


My right hip flexor is sooooo tight. My last massage she spent a lot of time on it. It was painful. And slightly awkward. It isn’t an easy muscle to get to. I hope you are able to get yours under control. Thanks for the well wishes ;) Have a great day Bethany!


Aha, the hip flexor; ok, did you try releasing your psoas? aka illiopsoas? I hope you didn’t and I hope you do and let us know.


You are hilarious, thank you for writing! I can deeply resonate with ‘do I punch him in the face, or go for a run?’ So far his face is undamaged and I am an ultra runner. :D


Hahaha. His face is undamaged and I am an ultra runner. That should be on a t – shirt! ;)


Love this post. Congrats on being able to run again. I sometimes use races to motivate me but I enjoy running much more when I run for myself. I have trouble motivating myself to run distance so signing up for a marathon helps with that. My best motivation is my dog because he goes insane if he doesn’t get out for a run/hike every day #vizslalife . Thanks for the awesome post.


Oh ya. There is no way I would go out for a 20mile ‘run for myself’. The only thing that would make me want to do that is if I was training for a marathon. It feels good to set goals, push yourself and be able to cross goals off your list. Races definitely have their place. I just don’t use them in my life right now. My husband wants a dog real bad and tried to sell the idea to me that I will have a companion to run and hike with too. Which will be way nice. I’m just not ready for a dog right now. Thanks for your comment and for including a hashtag in it #word


?? Im with you. I don’t race but mostly for mental health. For some reason my race is always the worst run I have. And I’m always anxious (not excited) and upset at the end because it never feels like I did my best. The races I have run somehow end up being the slowest run I do. It’s all mental I’m sure. So I stopped and now I’m happier.


That is one thing that can make running a race so maddening and yet so addicting. You could have trained perfectly and yet still have a crappy race day. It could be due to weather, the course, our physical self (getting sick) or even our mental game (like you said). It can ruin a race or it can make you even more determined to try it again and do it better. Either way, running should be something that makes us happy so I am glad that you found a way to be happier :)


You are hilarious! Congrats on being back to running and good for you for listening to your body. I have been injured before (not from running – bike fall / broken leg) and it was a slow road back. BUT it did make me realize how much I enjoy running. I think for me it’s a lot about endorphins – it definitely keeps me mentally healthy. Most any exercise does that for me but runnigng is so convenient! I like racing but mostly because I like the structure of a training plan #typeA #uptightfirstchild
but I run or exercise regardless of whether I have a race on the calendar!

Hope to see you on the blog again soon :)


I completely agree – exercising for endorphins is crucial and running is always a convenient option. Especially when traveling! I am glad you are back to running after your fall. Thanks for your comment :)


Oh my gosh we are the same person. I was sidelined for 4 months due to a back injury. And now I only run 3 miles but I’m ok if the pain comes back. Taking a break from running let me explore new exercises like spinning and Pilates. I used to use running as an emotional outlet and without it I felt so lost! This injury taught me that I need to find other ways to believe in myself and feel confident. Thank you for this post!


Same person indeed! I spent a lot more time this Summer hiking with my kids as ‘exercise’ and found other programs I enjoyed. I should do pilates. Those small movements are no joke and the core work would help me, no doubt. I am happy you found other ways to feel confident. Have a good evening, Kiara!


Both times I trained for a full marathon I was injured and had to stop. Once my hip flared and the second my plantar fascia decided to cure itself and I tore my fascia. I’m starting to run again but not a ton. I’m not ready to train for anything else right now and I’m not sure I really want to. When my foot flares I stop running. When my hip aches I see what I can do, some days it’s 2 miles, some days it’s 4.

Other days I do spin, strength training, pilates or whatever else I feel like doing and that works out just fine for me.


I signed up for a full and had to drop out because of ITband issues. That was $100 down the drain. I learned next time to find a race that lets you sign up really close to race day so I could get all the way through my training cycle and start to taper before signing up and making it official. Sorry to hear that you have also been batteling injuries. But it sounds like you aren’t letting that hold you back and are still super active. That is awesome.


Injuries do stink. Some races sell insurance for $7 and you get the money back. I was able to do that with the first race, happily. I badgered my doc until we found some activity that I could do while in the boot. Deep water pool running as long as I stayed in the deep end, seated cardio workouts (thanks YouTube) and strength as long as I wore the boot and didn’t put pressure on the foot.


Hey Megan!
What do you do for your workout the days you don’t run? I’m sidelined right now with and injury so always looking for some inspiration :-) Thanks!


It depends on the day and my schedule. Sometimes I have more time and I can get to the gym and use their stepmill (best cardio out there I tell ya) Other days I do a quick HIIT workout at home (I get ideas from IG accounts – muncher cruncher, purefitpurefood are my top 2 favorites) and between my husband and I we have a lot of workout programs/dvds, so I can always grab one of those (Jillian Michaels, Jackie Warner, p90x, p90x3, rushfit, insanity, insanity max 30, turbo fire, hammer and chisel). If you have any questions about them, feel free to ask :) Have a great night Jackie!


Wow! Your post could not have come at a better time! For the past several months, I have been dealing with pain in my hips, hamstrings, and glutes. I ran a marathon in November and was hoping it would eventually go away. I got a deep tissue massage and she said my hips were out of alignment. So, after a couple trips to the chiro, I was good to go! Well, that relief only lasted for a couple of weeks. I have cut back on my mileage considerably and it has gotten somewhat better, but it is still there. I would love to hear more about what your specific injury was and how you went about finding out what it was!! I just need to know…will it help it I take time off or is this just something I need to learn to live with???


I was diagnosed with proximal high hamstring tendonapathy. However, after LOTS of physical therapy, dry needling, different chiros, ASTYM, steroid shots, etc and it not getting better, I had a therapist think it stemmed from my back. But after and MRI of my back and hips there were definite issues, but none that ‘should’ be causing the pain that I had. So I am not sure if that is even the correct diagnosis. I have been dealing with this injury for more than 3 years now and I took one complete year off from running during that. I hope you are able to get answers and find some relief, but not knowing what the problem is is the worst problem of all. I’m sorry! Keep me posted!


Great post Megan! You are hilarious! Merry Christmas from Michigan.


Awww thank you :) Merry Christmas to you too! I can’t believe it is almost here!!


Yay for running!!!! I took a long time off too because of the emergency umbilical hernia surgery- was out from October until mid November! And I am FINALLY starting to run again. The runs are definitely harder, heavier (I feel heavier), and just slower! I am trying not to go nuts by comparing these runs to the old runs. But yay for running just to run for fun!!!!
I love this mentality. We all need to hear it sometimes.

How is your son?
Reading your post- I was like phew, I’m glad I have two girls! (They are definitely not brave like your son- jumping off a ramp.)
Happy Holidays! Hope to see your post again soon!


Sorry to hear about your surgery! I am glad you are able to run again though.

My son is okay, thankfully. His teeth got knocked loose and bothered him for about 24hrs after and then he was fine. The dentist took xrays and everything looked good. He said they would fall out soon anyway. But they actually went ‘dead’ for a little while before they got loose enough that my son wanted to pull them out. He currently is missing his 2 front teeth and I tease him all the time that I don’t have to get him anything for Christmas ;)

And yes. My oldest is a girl and she wanted nothing to do with the bike ramp. My youngest is also a girl, and while she is too young for bike ramps, she doesn’t even like to be tossed up in the air playfully….so I probably won’t have to worry about her either ;)


Sometimes I like to call myself a “runner” and most turtles with serious leg injuries WALK faster than I run-but when I am moving and listening to ma tunes I feel as fast as you on your super slow days! I am so glad you can run again. Cheers to you and your hilariousness and that freaking injury staying away for good!!!!


Hi!! I think we had a convo last time you posted about glute issues (yes?). Anyhow, I was actually thinking about you just the other day and wondering how your issue was doing. My pain has diminished because I’m not marathon training (ie, running far, running hard, or running a ton!). But I am totally afraid to do speed work. And dang, 7:17 pace for your speedwork?? I bow down to you. Great job!! I’m glad to hear you are getting a few miles in, but wish you could do it as much as you’d like. OMG, that picture of your son. Sounds like something my husband would do too. And then I would punch him in the face! hahahah!!


Oh Megan you are my spirt animal! I’ve trained for a few events this year and to be honest I lost why I was running. Running cause I can and with awesome people makes me happy and less likely to strangle my husband too!!
Love ya post thank you!!


I injured my hamstring two years ago this upcoming February while training for a half. I took a year off for rest, recovery, physical therapy, prp therapy. You name it, I’ve probably done it.
I slowly began again in July 2016, and I can mostly run up to four miles three times a week. My problem is that whenever I want to increase mileage, I end up taking five to seven days off afterwards because of pain, and then what have I gained?

What kinds of treatment are you doing to help combat your injury?


Megan, this is exactly the post I needed to read! I’ve saved it for future re-reading. :) I spent much of this fall injured – with a mid-January half on the calendar. I’m running 3X a week, and that seems to be my max. I walk a couple miles other days and need to stay good about stretching and rolling. 3X = 2 3-5 milers and a weekend long run. Here’s to staying injury-free!


Thank you for writing this. It’s exactly what I needed to read, as well. I need to run – I love to run – but I have a tendency to (ahem) overdo it, then get injured and I CAN’T run when I want to. I run for me – to help me stay calm and on top of things – and I don’t need to race, compete, or otherwise overstretch myself. I’ll be saving this and coming back to it for further reading… I don’t suppose you have your own blog, do you? :) Thanks!

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