First run back, a VLOG from us and I’ve converted him.

Post marathon—>  I usually have to take about a week off from running (mentally and physically) but for some reason after this marathon I was mentally more than ready to run again.  I just promised myself to keep it slow and short because I knew once I got going I would want to go farther.   It felt really good to get out and move.  I try to get into doing other forms of exercise but running always just pulls me back in.  I don’t get bored with it like I do everything else.   Even just a few miles is all I need.

4.3 miles @ 9:04 pace.  I was definitely tired by the end of this and wondered how in the world 26.2 miles happened just a few days ago… just like when I ran 4ish miles right before the marathon during taper time and wondered how in the world I was going to run 26.2 miles.  Race day adrenaline, support, energy just helps us run farther and faster.

We have entered running vest weather.  I LOVE running with a vest because it keeps my arms from feeling restricted and it is just the right amount of warmth for these fall months in Utah.  Be prepared to see this vest daily for a month or two.

Still plenty warm enough for running shorts though.  I usually wait until snow falls to switch over to running tights.

I tried to see how many different shades of purple I could sport for the run.

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My hip flexors are just a tiny bit tight after the race so I’ve been stretching them out a lot and Beretta asked for a selfie together while I was stretching.

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PS this is my favorite hip flexor stretch ever (you can also try this up against a wall):


Other highlights of the day involved seeing my parents!

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Who knows what in the world they were laughing about but I’m sure it was hilarious.

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My mom sent me home with a million apples from the orchards.  I think this means I need to make apple crisp today.

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I converted Andrew over to the beauty of a Hydro Flask.  I don’t remember the last time I used a glass or different water bottle.  Now we look even extra cool matching everywhere we go.

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Last night we decided to take the kids to a movie… even better because we had a gift card.

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Storks was absolutely adorable.  I even got a little teary eyed at the end.

Movie theater popcorn speaks to my soul.

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And then we cleaned up the garage while listening to Jimmy Eat World to prepare us for the concert this weekend.

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She found her winter jacket from last year and put it on.

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When your husband comes back from Target and tells you he found the perfect bowls for our salads at home.

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We’ve got a long vlog for you today!  Sometimes I just don’t know how to stop talking.  We are talking about a lot of randomness with everything from Andrew’s running to how long we dated (spoiler: it was really short;) to being vulnerable to anything surprising we’ve learned about each other.


Messiest space/area in your house?  

-Garage.  Somebody come help us.

How long do you usually take off from running after a big race?  Does it just depend on how you feel or do you stick to a certain amount of recovery?

Do you cry easily during movies/shows/books?  Last one that made you cry?

Are you good at getting in enough water each day?  Have anything that helps you to get in enough water?

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I cry soooo easily at literally everything. Books (yesterday it was The 13th Gift: A True Story of a Christmas Miracle), commercials, movies… you name it. I think the medical term is “Basketcase”.


Janae, I love love love the vlogs but it is soooooo hard to hear Andrew, his voice/volume goes up and down. He trails in volume at the end of his sentences and it is so hard to hear and I have the volume on full blast. Your voice is fine and you speak loud enough and a consistent volume. I just hate missing what he is saying!! And congrats on another stellar marathon!! You are a rockstar!


Messiest space in my house: The living room, because the kids always bring their toys their from the bedroom.

P.S. Sometimes I catch my daughters laughing hysterically, and it almost always has to do with butts. Potty humor is not just a boy thing, unfortunately.


YES YES YES… it is definitely not just a boy thing. I’m learning that with Brooke too ha!


messiest area is the laundry room. It’s just a constant ebb and flow of more and more and more clothes. I can’t win haha.

loved the vlog!! these are always so fun, keep at em! also, I usually try and take a couple of days off after a big race to recoup, but I’m not the best at it. sometimes I just want to keep going and going even though I know it’s not what’s best for me. why is it so hard just to not run haha!


Garage is definitely our messiest area too! We’re currently building a shed which should help move some of the yard stuff out of there, and I need some shelves!

I usually take at least a week off of running. I always want to jump right back into it, so I tell myself to take the entire week off and it’s always worth it!


I always play it by ear on the days off after a race. After my first marathon, I had to take several days, but after that I usually only need a day or two off completely. Then I just stick to very easy runs for at least two weeks. I cried like a baby watching Lion King at 31 years old. I don’t remember it being so emotional when I was what, like 8 (ish)?! If I didn’t have Nuun tablets, I would not get enough water in, but if I add a little bit of flavor to it I am happy to drink it!


We have a large closet in our hallway which anything and everything gets thrown in. I’m always afraid to even open it. Definitely the messiest place in our house!

I carry a water bottle with me everywhere. That really helps me to drink enough water throughout the day.


Oh my goodness–y’all are seriously so adorable together. It makes my heart smile to see how happy you make each other. :)

I usually only take a day or two off after a big race, but the longest I race is a half marathon, so I would probably take at least a week or two off after a marathon. I guess it all depends on how your body feels, and everyone is different and will have different recovery times. The most important thing is to make sure you get enough recovery, though. Our bodies need rest periods after putting them through so much for such long training seasons.


My boyfriend and I also have matching water bottles :)


Hallway closet is the most unorganized.

I typically just go with how my body feels after racing.

I cried last night watching Parenthood!

My water bottle travels everywhere with me.

Have the best day!


What vest is that?


Hey Erin!! I got it at Lululemon two years ago. It is the best (and worth the investment because I wear it so much). Thanks and have a great day!


Thank you! :)


I too loved the running vest and went hunting for one. Found this one that seems similar –


MY spare bedroom is my home office and it becomes the catch-all room. Not dirty….just cluttered.
I made apple crisp Tuesday night and have been eating it ever since. I think I over cooked it so the apples are practically applesauce but it really does make the best breakfast. (I put chopped walnuts on top for some extra omega 3 health benefit :)


I love y’all VLOGs — they make me smile :)

And yes for apple crisp!!! I found a recipe for mini apple crisp and I’ve made it two nights in a row…probably should just make a big one :)

And I cry at commercials — so pretty much any movie that has a sad part! I had to watch My Sister’s Keeper for grad school and I was a mess.

Have a great weekend!


right now my kitchen junk drawer and hall closet need to both be cleaned out! I feel like I am always doing it yet after a few weeks, the clutter returns.


How cute! I don’t want our garage to turn into chaos so I’m very picky with what goes in there and whatnot. We just moved into our first home this summer so we have a spare bedroom with closet that is basically tubs of holiday stuff lol. I took a big break after my half marathon because I was just not happy and life was meh. I think I’ll probably be off a week after the marathon to just learn to walk again lol. I have a S’well so it goes everywhere with me! My husband sneaks some drinks from it. And my hubby and I are such babies. Depending on the movie, we can be bawling in the theater and gulping water to hide it, haha!


I adore you two! Haha Thanks for taking my questions. I am definitely trying to travel and do adventures (booked a trip to Disneyland last night for this weekend..tomorrow! Ah!) And I love Brene Brown! I’ve been meaning to listen to her Ted Talk again but I should read her book too. I’m also reading Sister Oaks’s book “A Single Voice” and so far it’s amazing. I’m really loving it. Just trying to live the best life I can :)
Oh my I cry SO easily. It’s insane. Haha I finished up Private Practice again a couple of weeks ago and that was definitely a tear jerker. Conference always does it to me too ;)
Love ya!


Thank you so much for answering my questions! I feel special. Hee :)

I do not cry easily at movies or shows. That said, I cried during EVERY episode of Parenthood. I watched every episode of that series :)

Have a great day!


Interesting to hear that Andrew doesn’t like running at night. Neither do I (anything after 8 am is too late!). i could have sworn in some previous post you mentioned he loved running at midnight or something crazy.


i have a fancy s’well bottle that i LOVE and carry everywhere.

also, i’ve been known to cry at cheesey commericals occasionally. :)


I cry easily if a movie is sad! Just thinking about The Notebook and It’s a Wonderful Life can make me cry! I also will cry when they are coming on even though I love to watch them!!!!

Our master bedroom is a mess! I want to redecorate and make it more functional so it is not so cluttered. Maybe soon! Paint the walls and floor (there is a special paint for the floors) in your garage. That helps with keeping it less messy. Also, put your cars in it every day. If you have to put the cars in, you won’t leave a mess around. We have a three car garage and put in three cars every day. The shelves may be messy, but there is nothing on the floor.

You didn’t ask, but, I married my husband 10 months after meeting him, and I would have done it sooner! You KNOW when you know!!!!


I’m so emotional and definitely cry about a lot of things. For me, the messiest room in my house is our downstairs living space. I feel like we are in there the most so coming in and out makes it super messy quickly. I find spend 15 minutes daily, just cleaning makes it easy.


Wahoo, my comment Ruth through ;)!


And then autocorrect changed went to Ruth LOL…so wahoo, my comment WENT through and now you have three hahaha.


I finally am letting you back in to commenting;) You proved yourself haha! But really, so sorry about that Ruth:)


I watched until the end Andrew! ? And you two are so adorable together! I’ve known people who dated for years only to have it not work out once they got married so the days on a calendar don’t mean a thing! There’s is no timetable for love. It’s evident to anyone watching how much you love each other – you both make me smile! Congrats on an awesome race.


HAHAH thank you for watching until the end… we was sure that no one could handle us for that long. Thank you Elisia… I really appreciate your sweet comment!


Really enjoyed ya’ll’s Volg. . thanks for being such an open book!! I love the part about how short ya’ll dated and were engaged. I totally agree, you just know when it is the right guy or girl. My husband and I only dated 2 wks before getting engaged and married 1 yr later! We will celebrate 10yrs in February! Ya’ll are so awesome and such an inspiration. Please keep the updates coming!!


OH I LOVE THAT CANDIS…. I completely agree. When you know, you know. Love it!


I married my husband 5 months after our first date. We celebrated our 10 year anniversary this year too. Also expecting our 4th baby literally any second! You’re right…When you know, you know!


LOVE your vlogs! & I absolutely watched til the end while feeding my week old son! : ) & that running vest is super cute!


Oh thanks Kait!! We will be doing this once a week so thanks for tuning in!


I love bowls shaped like that! Not sure if you’re near an IKEA but they sell bowls similar to that but they are circles rather than squared at the end. Perfect for salads!

I’ve never tried a running vest but I may need to invest in one this winter :)


I wish water was diet mountain dew because then I would have no problem getting enough.
Gosh, it shouldn’t be as difficult as I make it, right?


Hi Janae! Love the vlog :). Where did you get your super cute plaid shirt? I love it! Have a great day!


HEY ERIN!!! Okay, so I got it at this store: and the brand is Volcom but I am not finding it online anywhere. I will keep searching though!!


My closet is the messiest, but it’s only because it’s so small. We have a nice size apartment, but small closets.
I just listen to my body. Usually after 3 days I am itching to run.
We watched E.T. Tuesday night………..I bawled like a baby!
And I am not good at drinking enough water, my husband goes thru a lot every day though. I am hoping his good habit will rub off on me.


Love the vest! My favorite weather is “long sleeve but can still wear shorts” weather. Aka fall…
Anyway, I tend to cry at inspiring things, like the ESPYs or those inspirational Nike ads…gets me every time!


Kids movies get me every time. Inside Out? I was a mess.

I am picking green apples off my tree today to make apple streusel bars. I think I should make a crisp too. Because when you make crisps ice cream is involved. Any excuse to eat ice cream….

Whenever people come to my house, I make sure my garage is closed so no one sees in there. Ross can’t even fit his car in it most days because it is so bad. I will say it is mostly his stuff, but I certainly am not helping the situation.


I’m going in your garage today.


i have the same bowls!


You two are so precious!! I would not do the full contact haunted house either!!! lol I take my water bottle everywhere with me. My garage is definitely the messiest place of my house too.


How did I miss your sister having a baby?

Loved the honesty.

Messiest is my closets ahh


Thank you so much Amy!!! My closet is pretty messy too haha. Yep, my sister has two little ones now just about 14 months apart. She is busy (and tired:)!! Enjoy your day!!!


I love that you had a whirlwind romance. I Have commented here before but I went through a hard divorce about 6 years ago. I had dated my ex for 6 years before we got married and the marriage imploded. I took time away from dating after the divorce but on January 20, 2012 I met Patrick and by Valentine”s Day just a few weeks later- we were engaged and then we got married in August 2012 in our backyard. We are now 4 years into our marriage, have a 2.5 year old toddler, and we are going strong. I find that there is no correlation between length of dating and the success of a marriage.


YES YES YES You are so right Nadya! I am so glad you are in such a wonderful marriage now with a little one too:) I completely agree… I dated my ex for awhile too and we all know how that ended up ha. Andrew and I were only together for a short time and it is already a trillion times better than anything I have experience before.


I LOVE your vlogs! Thank you for posting those. It’s fun to learn more about you two in that conversational format. I appreciate your attitudes and how you’ve handled your “whirlwind romance” ;) Everyone has an opinion but it is so great that you all were able to recognize and listen to your heart and follow that. You can never go wrong following your heart. I’m in a similar situation with my boyfriend in that we haven’t been together super long but we’ve pretty much known from day one we are meant to be. I believe that it can happen and I’ve always been on the other side saying “I would never”…funny how that changes. :)


Oh thanks Sara!!! You are right… we can never go wrong following our hearts! I am so happy you are in such an amazing relationship right now and things are going so well.. so happy you found each other!


Movies, tv shows, and books usually don’t make me cry, though there’s a few exceptions. The movie that gets me every. single. time is the 90’s version of Little Women when Beth dies. I’ve read the book a million times and I’ve watched the movie just as much, but it’s always so sad!


Oh my gosh! This true for me too! No matter how many times I watch Little Women, when Beth dies I just cry.


I became jealous for many reasons while reading this post. 1. You can run a marathon as fast as you can. 2. Those apples, my favorite fall fruit and straight from the orchard. 3. You’re going to the Jimmy Eat World concert. Amazing!


You have GOT to go to the castle of chaos!! It’s one where you can choose how much contact the actors have with you. I am the biggest wuss in the world but I was somehow talked into getting the medium level of contact and it was sooooooo awesome. I regret not doing the top level. the one we had the actors were allowed to touch you and mess with you but they couldn’t pick you up… the top level they can pick you up and carry you away from your group (they will bring you back together) but it seriously was so thrilling!! Walking through a regular haunted house after that is just boring! Now keep in mind I am the person that is out in the line crying with anxiety before I even go in… so DO IT, you won’t regret it!


Okay that is the one we were thinking about going to!!! Okay, that seriously sounds so freaky! Andrew will probably want the top level haha! Thanks for letting us know and I’m glad you had a blast (I’ll probably cry in line too haha)!


I’m surprised how short you guys were dating. When you know, you know obviously!


Messiest place in our house? The basement. We don’t go down there very often, so it tends to collect all of the stuff we want out of sight, but don’t quite know what to do with.

In the picture where you’re doing the hip flexor stretch – is that your couch? It looks so comfy. I have couch envy.


Definitely the right water bottle helps me get in enough water! If it’s too heavy or too little, I just don’t carry it around with me. Listen to my body after a race of when to run again, but absolutely I keep it easy for a few weeks. Cute! I love that Brooke put on her old jacket and her arms were a little long for it!! I don’t know why but when my son grows out of a piece of clothing I get sad but laugh at how funny he looks in it…..the tight ones that make him pudge out really crack me up!!! Our hall closet is the messiest as it is our acting storage in our small apartment!


Haha, you guys are awesome, love your videos. I feel for you and your garage clean up. I just did that last month. My whole garage, 2 long days. Now it’s fantas-terrific ! I even labels all the boxes & totes. Now my next messiest room is my daughters. But that’s for another weekend. Oh the older I get, the more easily I cry. 42 yrs old now. My 8 yr old knows about strangers & the dangers, but I don’t think she thought kidnappings were for real. Like “Mom tells me these stories but it never happens.” Well, the book and movie, Deep End of the Ocean is an awesome book & movie. About a boy getting kidnapped, but it ends well, he’s alive and they get him back. But it shows the hell the family goes through. Based near the Chicago area which not far from us….so my point, it was an excellent movie for her to watch, but I cried like 10 separate times during it. Great movie. And I love water so it’s not hard for me to get lots of water in. But when I’m in a water rut, I add those Propel powder packets to it. Then I’m able to suck it down, almost too quickly.


With the years I’ve become really good with my water intake. I just bring a huge water of bottle with me everywhere I go and make sure to drink it and then fill it up again. If I’m preparing myself for a speed/long run or a race, I’ll make sure to double up the quantity.


You get bored with other exercise–does that include HIIT? I find it to be so quick and firey that it requires a lot of focus!


HIIT is a little bit better but running will just always be my favorite:) Enjoy your day Linda!


Messiest space in my house is definitely my junk closet, haha! It’s got all of our camping gear, boxes of things I never unpacked when we moved a couple of years ago (lol, oops) and who knows what else! We are closing on our first house next week, so I need to start packing and I think I’m just going to donate and get rid of everything in the junk closet since I haven’t looked at it in years!


Right now we are driving to Atlanta to escape Hurricane Matthew. We are from Amelia Island, Florida and have been ordered to evacuate. Please pray that when we go back home everything will still be there. 0lease and thank you!!


Oh Becky, I am so so so sorry! Please keep me updated with how you are doing and how your home is. You will most definitely be in my prayers!


Love the vlog. The chocolate lab story was hilarious and the hamburger after your marathon sounds like something I would want. Andrew is such a good sport!

After 25 years of marriage, our answer to date night is you don’t have to go anywhere fancy or do anything spectacular, just turn the phones off and focus on each other. We’re super happy when neither of us have a long run or ride the next day because we can choose something besides pizza ;)

And who plays the trumpet in your household? My husband has played for over 40 years.


LOVE LOVE LOVE your answer Kathy… yep, phone away and time together… all that matters! That is so cool your husband has played over 40 years! Knox got that trumpet for a toy but my dad has played for decades too! Love it!


I usually wait a few days after a half marathon – but nothing crazy.

Since becoming a Mom I cry alot easier! I started watching the new series “This is Us” last week and I cried 5 TIMES watching the first episode! For a second I thought, could I be pregnant!? But I’m not, haha

I’m horrible at drinking water, I don’t like it very much to begin with. I try to make it up by drinking coffee and tea too


I’m all cold/prickly on the outside but totally a warm/fuzzy on the inside. So I’m a sucker for sad songs/books/movies. I got gushy over the Pete’s Dragon trailer….and the movie itself is a 17 hankie film.

Echo the earlier poster on Inside Out. Actually, I think every Pixar film is purposely designed to make adults bawl. If one is married or seriously dating, I defy you to make it through the first 10 minutes of Up without choking up.


The messiest place in our house is our playroom.
I’ve only done one big race which was my first half-marathon on September 25th – I tried to do a 5K yesterday and it felt awful. But I’ve been doing lots of CrossFit since the half.
I cried at Storks, too! It caught me totally off guard. But it was the scene near the end of her growing up and all her stages and I had my 4 and 6 year old beside it me…it was just too much. But I loved the movie.
Water is hit or miss for me. I try to get 64oz in. I use my FitBit app to track.


You guys are the cutest couple ever! Thanks for sharing your lives with us.

Our 3rd car garage is definitely is our messiest space. We do a major donation every year just to clean it out but then a year later it’s back to being packed! I need to clean it out so I can start my next DIY project- sand and paint my daughter’s bed frame.

I love my hydroflask! I got the bigger 40oz bottle just so I would drink more. It sits on my desk and my goal is to finish 2 bottles in 8hrs.


You guys are seriously so cute! As for short dating… my husband and I started dating in August and we had a ring bought by November of that year. We waited a while to get engaged because we were worried about what people would think, but as cliché as it is, when something is right, you just know!


House full of boys (aged 10, 13 and 15) + 2 dogs + 1 cat = entire house upside down every day like a tornado swept through every time it gets cleaned up. Doesn’t help that the dogs are shedding nonstop right now either?
Dug out a golden oldie ‘The Fox and The Hound’ and watched it with my 10 year old. I cry EVERY single time!
I don’t usually comment, but what an inspiration you are, Janae! I think you are an absolutely AMAZING athelete and an even more incredible Mom. Your little ones and Andrew are blessed to have you!


Nova Scotia?! I’m in New Brunswick :)


Hello neighbour!! Happy Thanksgiving ?


Saw this just not because it went to junk mail, but back at ya!


Congratulations on your marathon and pace! Wow! I usually run an 11 minute mile and for me that is pretty good. What is the messiest room in my house? Probably the girls’ room. I have two daughers ages 10 and 19 and they share a room. They are both very messy and disorganized. Have a fantastic day!


Ever since I’ve become a mom, I cry at the drop of a hat. It’s mostly acts of kindness that I witness between others or to me and my family. Loved your video. I get what you’re both saying about how when you know, you just know about each other. It’s hard to understand certain things until we’ve been through it ourselves. I think that’s just human nature. But I get it; that’s how my husband and I were. We just clicked instantly. We’ve always said that we click so well that he’s the male version of me and I’m the female version of him. We always used to get weird comments or judgments but they totally died down and just turned into compliments. So happy for you both! ;) Two things you said recently that I totally agree with, (1) marriage being different from the definition you had of it before, and (2) the wait was worth it to get to each other. I’d definitely redo my bad years too, to get to my husband and our kids. ;) It makes you appreciate life and focus on the good always.


I was cracking up at the “chocolate lab” story… that is so hilarious!!!


I love Brooke serenading you as you stretch with Knox and Beretta just hanging out watching.

I dated my husband for 7 years before we got married. We were 18 and it would have been weird to get married that young, especially when we were both in college. When you’re older you know what you want, need, and what you will/won’t put up with.

Tables seem to be the messiest in our house and the clutter bugs me. (although, to be clear – it’s not just his clutter).

I drink a ton of water. I always have a big bottle of it with me and I fill it regularly. I don’t like my water very cold either, unless it’s crazy hot out.


Hi Janae,

Loved the VLOG!

My husband and I dated for 11 years before we got married (but like the post above we started dating when we 18) and our 2 year (wedding) anniversary is this month! Although we dated FOREVER I don’t think that equals a stable/happy/health relationship. I think people use the excuse of length of relationship to show how “solid” they, when in reality, every relationship takes work each and every day whether you have been together for 6 months or 6 years! You guys seem very happy!

The messiest place in our condo is our entire condo. We live in a loft space (all we could afford in Boston!) and my husband is an architect so he has is finishing up a huge house project so our living room/kitchen/hallway area is a giant obstacle course for us (and our dog – who seems to enjoy it!).

Happy Friday eve!


It’s fun to listen to you guys. My husband and I met at BYU Idaho – it had just transitioned from ricks college. We met Super Bowl weekend end of January and were married in June. We are both of the same faith with the same goals and values. We had family that didn’t understand how we could be so young and date for so little time and get hitched. But we both knew it was right and here we are over a 13 years and 3 kids later going strong. When you know, you know. Why wait?


HAHAHA i love that your sister thought Andrew literally had a chocolate lab!! that is so hilarious! i can almost ALWAYS cry from watching those youtube films of people’s weddings!


Yay! So cute you both are!


Almost forgot to say I was laughing hysterically at what your sis said about him owning a chocolate lab! Lol!! I would SO think the same thing especially after having a baby and food on the mind 24/7. Hilarious!


Where is that blue/purplish top from in your first few photos!? I love it!


HEY KATIE!!! I got it at Gap Fit a few years ago… they have great stuff! Hope you are having an awesome evening!


I hope you both don’t ever feel like you have to defend your relationship or the amount of time you dated. People will always have strong opinions, but you two are clearly so happy and that’s all that matters!


You guys are the cutest! Watching your VLOG and reading your Blog gives me hope for the future. I just hit my 1 year mark of being divorced and I recently lost my job so I am Definitely feeling the pain but I have hope the future will be better! Thanks for sharing your story! How did you guys meet?


I can’t believe you’re back to running already! You know your body best, and I know you’re more than a little exercise-obsessed (believe me, I’ve known the feeling) but please take it easy and be gentle with your 3:15 marathon bod. I love living vicariously through your running and racing, and would hate to see you injured again. It’s perfectly ok to sit on your butt for a week (or three!) following a marathon).


I love your vlogs. Don’t worry about them being to long at all. :)


I cried too at the end of the Stork movie too. It was too cute.


You two are so stinkin adorable and I’m so happy for you!

I seriously lol at “I set my alarm clock at that time for a reason” and almost woke up my baby. Haha! I’m the same way though. If I wake up because my alarm clock went off, there is no going back to sleep!


I love that it’s apple season!!


The news is very interesting thank you very much for the information ..


I finally got a chance to watch your vlog and you guys are so cute! I cracked up at the chocolate lab story. I’m going to think of Willy Wonka every time I see Andrew :) And I have a few friends/family who have gotten engaged and married in even shorter time frames and have long happy marriages. Love is surprising and magical.


Y’all may just be the cutest. Loved your Vlog. You two are clearly supportive of each other and love each other and that is so cool to see! I don’t comment too often, so I’ll get in lots of comments here: Congrats on running an awesome marathon and for putting in an awesome training season! Thank you for always being positive and happy and for just being such a fun person (and family!) to follow!


What is the name of the book you guys were talking about in the VLOG?


What’s your apple crisp recipe? I’d be interested in it!


Where are your purple shirt and vest from in the first pictures. Need some good clothes for fall/winter running. Suggestions? Thanks!


Finally playing catch-up. You two are so cute! I love the VLOGS!


Seriously! You two! :) I enjoy you sharing so many things!

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