6 words per picture and JAYBIRD FREEDOM GIVEAWAY!!!

These kids have zero fun together;)

Somehow my snack becomes ‘our’ snack.

IMG 9369

“We definitely need one of these.”

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Dark chocolate almond and coconut—> shemakesmesharethesetoo.

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Just sound asleep in my arms:

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My arms tired= he takes over.

IMG 9470

This salad from Corner Bakery = heaven.

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How we celebrate—> candy + The Office.

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And to finish things off for the morning—>  I’ve got a sweet (and sweat-proof hahaha) giveaway for you!!!

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Wireless headphones will change your running life.  I was using normal headphones for a few months and then got the new Freedom Bluetooth Headphones from Jaybird and I’m hooked.

IMG 8987

“The smallest wireless buds ever with insanely big sound in a stunning patented secure-fit sweat-proof, ultra-comfort metal design.”  These have incredible sound, stay in place perfectly (even during speed/tempo runs) and NO MORE CORDS getting tangled while I run.

IMG 9477

To enter giveaway (giveaway ends on 6/10/16):

 *Leave a comment telling me anything that you would like… how your day is going?  Why you run?  What you last ate?  Anything at all!!! 

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These headphones look awesome! Last thing I ate was some pistachios, but I’m planning to have a giant lunch salad soon and cannnn’t wait! :)


Awesome giveaway…Thanks! I just drove by the “run park” where I started running 5 years ago by doing the C2K program and got all nostalgic!


Would love to win these! Would make running with my pup easier!!


Awesome!!!! ?


oh my goodness i have been wanting a pair of these forever!!! please pick me. but on my lots of entries! would love these for summer runs! thanks


Awesome day today – ended up not having to go into the office and got an extra work from home day :)


I love your blog and the picture of Brooke sleeping on your fiance’s should is PRECIOUS!


Just landed my dream job so I’m currently riding the high of that. Eating cottage cheese and pineapple!


The picture of Brooke sleeping on your fiance’s should is PRECIOUS!


You 4 are going to make the cutest little family! Congrats again!

I just had to restock my snack foods as my girls have discovered how yummy they all are!

I have a pair of wireless headphones that I don’t love. So I would love to win a pair of excellent ones that I will love!


Love music while running!!


The rains have let up in Texas so I finally got to start my day with a run outside! I’d love those headphones for my outdoor runs (when I’m at the gym I have to be able to hear them calling me back to the nursery…).


These look so cool!! Last I ate was some Greek yogurt this morning, I have to fast for blood work this afternoon and it sucks! I love food too much haha started back up running after taking a significant amount of time off but it feels awesome to be back at it again! Love your blog and all of your tips!!


These look great!!! They would be useful to help defeat the boredom that sometimes happen during those longer runs


I’m so happy you found a great guy. He looks like he’ll be such a good dad to brooke too.


I live in Alaska so I always carry bear spray on my runs! This makes my hands full and I can’t be messing around with no cords! Send help. Send headphones.


Those headphones would be SO awesome for my runs!!


I’m expecting baby #3 in December and hope to run throughout my pregnancy like I did my other 2. These would make running THAT much easier!!!


I’ve never been able to wear head phones when I run… they always fall out every 5 seconds! BUT I have talked to a few people that swear by these. Music would be a game changer! If they are Janae approved, they must be good! I run to feel fit, accomplished, and to not feel guilty eating an extra cookie!


I run because when I got diagnosed with severe asthma back in 2006 my doctor told me that I would just have to adjust and not run anymore. It was a very sad thing to hear since I was training for my first marathon but that was when I decided that I could push through and learn to control my asthma and keep on running. The last thing I ate was my favorite snack, a banana and peanut butter<3


Oh boy I would love to win! My Jaybird headphones died awhile back after running a half in super intense rain. I miss them, they are legit awesome.


Pick me pick me! I would LOVE these.


I am so happy to see pictures of your now bigger family!!!!!! The headphones are beautiful!!?


I had the Bluebird Jaybuds but I killed them. I’ve borrowed my husbands earphones. I would love the free bird earphones !


Love all the pictures of Andrew, the kids and U!!!! You guys are going to be a beutiful family! God is good ?. I run bc helps me to be a better person!!!


I would LOVE the headphones!!! Please oh please pick me :)


Such a sweet post, so happy for you! The Jaybirds look awesome, I’m going to look at a dog to adopt today so wireless headphones would be great for our runs together :)


Today is a rest day and my parents are driving up from TN to KS to baby sit for my hubby and I while we head to a wedding in CO. Going to miss my little kiddo and my dogs but will have fun just the hubby and I .


Hi! I need wireless headphones get knocking my others out when I run!


I’m pregnant with #4 and after 3 little girls (ages 1, 2, and 3) we’re excited to welcome a baby boy! The headphones would make a nice gift to myself! ;-)


Love the gold!!


I LOVE your blog! I read your page every day over my lunch break at my desk and then I head for a quick walk. I’m sure you hear it all the time, but you are very inspiring {and funny} to read. I am newly married, newly-turned runner, and hopefully a soon-to-be mom. :)
I’m training for a 10k PR at the end of June and my 3rd half marathon–also a PR hopefully–in August! I would love the chance to win these headphones! Thanks for listening…lol


I run because it reminds me how strong I am!


HRG!! Your blog feed in my inbox is my FAVORITE afternoon snack break. I’m constantly forwarding your posts to my fiancé Jay with quotes like, “Isn’t Brooke growing up so fast?!?!” (yes, he agrees, though he thinks its crazy that my friend Megan and I act like we know you both). I completely admire you for sharing so much of your life online, and I’m so impressed with your strength and positive attitude both on and off the roads! Love, a fellow marathoner, life-lover, its-not-a-day-without-dessert kindred spirit.

P.S. Congrats on your engagement!! I’m also getting married in August…its pretty much the best ever.


Would love to win these, I’ve been looking into getting wireless headphones! I’ll be running tonight after taking two weeks off thanks to a shin splint:( I have ten weeks before my half marathon, so every run counts, I’m running the Sea Wheeze in Vancouver!


Ahhh! My cheap-o wireless headphones JUST died on my run today. I had to run music-less for the last two miles… the horror!!


I just had an awesome buffalo chicken flatbread for lunch!


Currently eating Chocolate Chex with yogurt… delicious! I would LOVE to win those headphones :)


I’ve been wanting to try out wireless head phones. Happy wedding planning…. Im in the process of planning my for December 4th =)


I run for many a reason, but the accomplishment and joy of completing goals tops the list. As I am now 29.5 weeks pregnant, I miss it like crazy, and cannot wait to be back at it again post baby! Also, wireless headphones top my birthday list currently.


Oh those headphones look amazing. Um, last thing I ate was a fudgsicle because it’s super hot here in California!


I have been meaning to get wireless headphones for quite some time (think years, now :) ). I run…well, I run because I can! I love this movement/reason -I am so blessed with working legs, a functioning and healthy heart and two full lungs.

Last thing I ate: half of a pink lady apple (so crisp and so clean, clean), but I’m about to dive into my purse to retrieve a snickers bar I conveniently “forgot” to take out last night :) -runger is real, especially during marathon training!!

Love your blog and love how happy you all are!!!!


You all are such a sweet family! My sister and I really bond over how much we love your blog and how adorable Brooke is!


My first comment! I love your blog :)


I run because I recently realized that my body is capable of running more than 3 miles at a time! I’m gearing up for my first half marathon and I’d love to have to stop holding my headphone wires!


I’ve been browsing wireless headphones has a pick me up before a half marathon training cycle starts for me in 2 weeks!
Also having a really good day because I’m starting to feel in the swing of things at my new job, 2 months in!


I would love a pair of these! Running without fighting with wires would be wonderful;)!


I’m totally revamping my bedroom today for a fresh start after a breakup….at least the sun is shining and the birds are chirping and I’m working from home today! Those headphones look ah-mazing.


I went hiking with my mom and sister today! wohooo


Oh my I NEED these!! Having a great day after doing a fun hike with my kiddos. These would be perfect for summer running!


I need to try these headphones in my life!! :) :)


Ahhhh, those headphones look awesome. I love listening to podcasts on my runs, but headphone cords drive me crazy so these would be great :). Anyways, I have to say how much I love the “Sorry for what I Said..” tank top from Teespring you made recently. I love wearing it on my runs now, and it’s surprisingly breathable for humid runs! I need a donut one now in that bella flowy style :P!


I am hooked on being unhooked from wires ? Love the freedom that wireless brings and would love to have that in a quality pair like Jaybird!!
Yesterday I made BIG BIG breakthroughs at form clinic. Pace was stuck for a year and then BAM I am 20-40 seconds/km faster!! When your teacher has your best at heart magic happens ❤️


These headphones look AMAZING, I fall victim to being a runner that is constantly pushing my earbuds back into place during a run. Especially during a hot run! What I last ate, watermelon! I can sit and eat a whole one on my own because they are perfect this time of year.


I can’t wait to exercise, I just had a baby 3 weeks ago and am eager to start running.


I’m finally consistent/obsessive with my running again post-pregnancy. :) These earbuds would be wonderful when I’m out pounding the pavement!


So hot out so I ate a strawberry smoothie!!!


These look amazing! I would love a pair. I’m so over wires.


I just need something to make me smile


I was just thinking I needed some of these! After a long break, I’m starting back into running, and since I’ve been running outside instead of the treadmill, these would be so much less annoying! I’ve read your blog for years, even when I stopped running, and your weekly accomplishment showcasing other runners has inspired me back! ?


my headphones get SOOO TANGLED to my hair, necklace and themselves that it takes me HOURS to untangle them in a very awkward position (imagine twister game!! lol)


I have never tried wireless earbuds, but I would love to. I am in the final week of training for the Bear Lake Half-marathon–my first in three years. I’m a bit nervous because Saturday’s 10-miler didn’t go so well. I finished, but didn’t feel great. Maybe that just means this Saturday’s race will feel awesome! Right?!?


these look awesome! I just ran the RnR SD on Sunday and i wanted to run today but my lower legs are sore-I am hoping to be able to run tomorrow though!


The headphones look awesome! Just waiting for Tropical Storm Colin to finish so I can clean up the mess it made in my yard!


Oooh I want these!! I have such a problem finding headphones that stay in my ear when running, ont he elliptical, etc.
Last thing I ate was a mini reese’s pb cup :) YUM!


I just found out I got into the school of my dreams so my days fantastic!!


Woah, those headphones are stunning! Hmmm. I just had a tofu spring roll from Trader Joe’s and it was amazing as usual. I run because it gives me purpose, and keeps me healthy. I went through my college years living largely inactively (after being a 3 sport athlete in HS), and running came to me in my late 20’s. Now I feel like I’ve not only found a source of fitness, but also a community that has welcomed me with open arms. <3


I just went on the most amazing and beautiful hike in Durango with my family. So awesome!


My hubby has these – I’d love a pair too!


I’ve been wanting to try out wireless headphones!!!! And I had some delicious strawberry lemonade last night!


My day has been pretty boring so far, sitting at the office I am doing an internship at and today noone wants to give me a task – so I spent the day onlineshopping – VS sale started today, yaay!

Other than that I am happy to be in the States for a few months (I am from Germany) so I can enter all your giveaways. Fingers crossed! :)



The kids have so much fun together!!! I would love to win those headphones :)


Sometimes you just need waffles for lunch.


I love these earbuds! I just ran with my sister for her first 10K this weekend!


I have been on the hunt for great wireless headphones! Also I run for my fitness, I don’t really race or anything. :)


I’m brewing a cup of coffee whilst posting this!


These look awesome, i always have to have two sets of headphones. One for normal and one for exercise, for some reason wearing the sweaty ones when i am not sweaty grosses me out. I also cannot share headphones with anyone, not even my husband!


I ran five miles this morning – hadn’t run outside in awhile so it felt GREAT.


Hate headphones with cords! These look awesome! Would love to win!


Headphones with cords are the worst so thanks for this great giveaway!
PS….CoNgRaTs on the ENGAGEMENT : )


Those looks awesome! I’m hanging out with my two little ones eating fruit gushers (little kid candy I know), we just got back from eastern Idaho where my husband ran his second half marathon, the grand Teton half. He got 53/2700 runners, 6th for his age group and a time of 1:38:27. I was proud! Congrats on your engagement!


Last thing I ate… homemade brownies! So good! Haven’t had one in forever and was having a craving! Added Heath toffee bits, highly recommend!


Eating rice crackers while contemplating a 7K run. These headphones would get me out the door for SURE!


Running is my favorite!


You inspire me. My daughter is about the same age as your daughter was during your divorce and i pray to have your strength & courage…one day soon. The headphones would be an added bonus!


I need these headphones in my life!


I am SUPER EXCITED to watch OLYMIPC SWIM TRIALS in 3 weeks!!! My daughter swims (she is 12) and there are several older swimmers that she swims with that will be at the trials in Omaha. The dedication, commitment and years of perseverance that these athletes give for the pure joy of competing is so amazing!!! I hope that you will be tuning in!!!!


That’s perfect timing because my running headphones just broke! Other than that, I’ve had a good day with a morning run and a good yoga session! :)


I’m starving, and anything sounds good to eat….


You have inspired me to go after my next big running goal – a full marathon! I’m all registered and two weeks into training! :) THANK YOU!


My headphones just died! These look awesome. I am eating pretzels currently.


Your snacks look delish! Now I am hungry!


I’m starving and I have to make cupcakes tonight to send to school tomorrow with my youngest- how many of them will I eat? :) But I am also planning to do yoga- so the two should totally balance each other out, right?!


I just wanted to share that I pulled off my first trail 30K this past Sunday and, while, of course, it was killer, the scenery was beautiful and I can totally see why people fall in love with trail running. It was exhausting but so empowering at the same time!


I am doing my fist trail race at the end of the month!


oh my gosh!!!! I have been wanting Jaybirds for so long now but havent been able to pull the trigger on the purchase just yet! Glad you support them–they seem like an awesome company.

Just went for a sweaty 9.5 lunch run so now I am currently sitting at my desk in my wet clothes. Cute, i know. But stoked that i was able to squeeze in so many miles for RUNCH!!

Have a good one and congrats on the engagement! =)


Would love to win !!!


Those headphones look awesome! My day is going pretty well…currently regret not running this morning because it’s currently 85 and SO HUMID in North Carolina. Have to wait till the sun goes down.


I would love some new headphones!


I’m so sick of cords..these sound great!


Ran this morning with a new training plan and decided I need to have some new earbuds that will stay in my ears. What perfect timing! Sounds like you like these.


I ran the Rock and Roll San Diego Marathon Sunday, so I’m spending my days eating tons of junk food and lots of liquor! Lol


I have a half marathon next weekend and Im so nervous (because I’m under-trained)!


my birthday is Friday 6/10!!!


Those headphones looks amazing! I ate an apple. And Reese’s. And had tons of water. A long workday before a long run calls for a sugar rush!


I’m so happy for you and your engagement! Congrats


My husband had to travel to Chattanooga for business this week so I’m tagging along! I had the most gorgeous five mile run this morning. I even found a snow cone truck along the way and I had to have a coconut! score!!! I need to ditch my cords. I need these!


I would love to win these! Father of 7 kiddos training for triathlons…anything to make the process more enjoyable – and possible.


Running is my me time. Time with my friends, time with myself. I have some amazing memories due to my running friends. They always know how to make my day brighter.


I would love to have a pair of wireless headphones for running! These ones look amazing!!!


Just had a grilled cheese sandwich, because I’m a good adult like that. Thanks for having a giveaway :)


I would LOVE me some headphones that have no cord!!! So, I just signed up for my first relay! It’s called the Spokane to Sandpoint (or S2S) and is a beautiful course with a huge party at the end! I really want to increase my pace as my whole team is super fast!! Speed work, here I come!!


I have been reading your blog for years and don’t think I’ve ever posted a comment….but I would certainly love to have a pair of those headphones….I’ve never been able to afford something that nice! Congratulations on your recent engagement…..you have certainly been blessed!


I was just telling my husband the other day that I wanted a pair of wireless headphones! So, that is what I’m wanting today (oh and I would love a cheeseburger, fries, and vanilla shake from Steak and Shake [about to eat lunch ;) ].


your snacks look delicious – I’d want to share them too!! and I’d love to win those headphones!


I last ate a apple! Yummy


My 6 words for the day:
Nursing my son = HRG reading time!


I have had jaybird wireless headphones in my Amazon wishlist for at least 2 years but am too cheap to order them yet…
I am very excited for your engagement!! Congratulations!


Oh man, I bought a cheap pair of wireless earbuds and hate them. I’d so love to win a pair of these!


Just ate an apple, traveling to Portland, Oregon.


I just had a Flap Jacked protein muffin for a snack! Now time to go workout :)


I NEED these! I have been so unmotivated to run lately… Maybe a new playlist and ear buds would get me moving!


I’ve been wanting wireless headphones for forever and these look super nice! Hope you’re having a great day!


I last ate a sweet potato!


I would love to enter your give away although I am from Austria!
I follow your blog for about 2 months now and you inspired me to start running again. So after 3 years not running I finaly got motivated by following your blog and I am hooked again. For about 1 month I am running 2-3 times a week and I love it! Those headphones would be great since I am now using my old and almost broken ones!!


I’m currently in Austria hiking some amazing mountains and some tunes would be the perfect partner to that


Amazing giveaway. I am currently wishing I was eating an otter pop!


I WANT THESE SO BAD!!!!! And I love your blog :)


I’ve always wanted a pair of these but I’m on that college kid budget :)


Giveaway looks great–love the white.

Last ate/DRANK—Smoothie (Blueberry, Kale, Banana, Spirulina, Chlorella)
I run to have that detox feeling of sweating without the 90 minutes of BIKRAM!


I would like a vacation with my kiddos. Easy, no stress, laying around vacation.


I love seeing all of the pictures of you and your new man. Your blog has always been my favorite. I look forward to seeing what you are up to.


Back to getting up extra early to run. Summer hit this week! I do not run well in the heat! I would love wireless headphones!


It’s the worst getting tangled with cords while running!


I need those headphones!!! wohooooo. and i love your blog.


I would LOVE wireless headphones


Tell me how to follow your heart when your head makes more sense! But you know it’s wrong :(


Those earphones would be amazing!


last thing I ate was a half melted milk chocolate Lindt truffle….amazing! great giveaway!


I just signed up for my first MARATHON!!! Ahhh!!! I’m scared, nervous, but sooo excited! I’m doing the Donna Breast Cancer run in Jacksonville in February. So I have some time to train! These head phones would be amazing! ??


I’m reading your blog from Florence, Italy! Visiting with my sweet daughter. I’m hoping I get picked because I’ve been eyeing these headphones. (I also read your blog everyday, not just when you have a give away;))


My day has been great! I run because it makes me happy, and keeps me from getting too stressed!
Congrats, congrats, congrats on the engagement!!! I just found your blog a few months ago and I LOVE it! I am so so happy for you and Andrew!
Those headphones look great!!! :) Have a wonderful day!!!


I would cry happy tears if I won these!


Those headphones look awesome!


I would love to win these.
They are a bit too pricey for me to buy…


I NEED these headphones! I just moved 7 hours away from my best friend/running soulmate and we need to be able to talk to each other while running. Need. :)


I definitely need a pair of those in my life! Oh and I miss you! Honeymoon in Alaska?? ?


I absolutely love following you and I could not be happier for your upcoming wedding! You are truly an inspiration to me – I have never been a “runner,” despite having run marathons, I’ve never been fast and I have a love/hate relationship with it. But I love that you incorporate your every day life into the blog because it makes me feel like, hey, if you can get out there, run, and take care of the kiddo, I can too! Keep it up! And I really hope to meet you someday, I promise not to be too fangirl-y. :-P


I’m glad to hear these are water proof. I’ve been nervous about trying these because normal ear buds seem to pop out of my ears. I love how much you love salads – everyone here thinks I’m a weirdo for my ? For salads


Heading to Zumba!

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