How Kit’s Organic Keeps Me Fueled and A GIVEAWAY!!!

I’ve got an awesome giveaway for you today—>  make sure to enter at the end of this post!  

First, I wanted to tell you a little bit about how CLIF Kit’s Organic Fruit + Nut Bars have saved the day and made our bellies happy many many times.

1.  On the days that I actually get ready.  It means that I am running really late and thank goodness I can just grab one and go and snack on it while Brooke is gymnasticising.  

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2 a.  Once upon a time Brooke and I were stuck at the smallest airport you’ve ever seen for over 6.5 hours while waiting for our flight.  I was beyond grateful that my purse was loaded with these bars to eat while we waited.  A bar that I love is kind of a big deal (I’m really picky with bars because I dislike the ones full of ‘who knows what’ ingredients—>  they taste so off to me).  With Kit’s Organic they ONLY use delicious 100% USDA organic fruits, nuts and seeds in their bars.  

2 b.  While we were waiting for our plane there was a lady there really struggling with hypoglycemia (she was just expecting a quick flight and not a long wait so she didn’t bring any food with her and the airport only had a vending machine).  She was also gluten intolerant and I overheard her talking to the gate attendant (I am an eavesdropper… I can’t help it) about how awful/shakey she was feeling and I offered her two of my Kit’s Organic.  She came up to me after eating them and told me she loved the flavors, she felt so much better after and how great it was that they are gluten/soy/dairy free!  It was the perfect option for her… I think she is now hooked too!

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3.  Legoland.  Brooke wanted to dig up fossils for a solid hour and I was getting quite hungry (and bored.. let’s be honest;) and my dark chocolate Kit’s Organic saved the day when my stomach was grumbling while I was sitting in a big pile of sand.

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4.  They make for my favorite church snack.  I probably shouldn’t be taking pictures during church… oops.

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 5.  Post workout.  I try really hard to get in some good carbs and protein within 30-60 minutes of finishing a workout to help my body to recover fast so that I can do a hard workout again soon.  I love that these are the perfect post workout option ANY time of day—>  whether it is after an early morning run or at night after a bootcamp class.  

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6.  I have a few of them in my car at all times because when hunger strikes it makes it so much easier for me to make a good snack choice if I already have them there waiting for me rather than pulling over at a gas station to get something.

7.   Whenever I am craving chocolate or peanut butter (which is more than I would like to admit) these save the day.  Craving satisfied.

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I love the reason why these bars were created:  “During my childhood, my parents shared their delight of simple food with me.  Today I’d like to share it with you.  With just a handful of ingredients, Kit’s Organic Fruit + Nut Bar is an honest, great-tasting celebration of simplicity.”  -Kit Crawford, Co-Ownder of Clif Bar & Company.  

Keeping it simple, we definitely need that in a lot of areas of life!

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****3 winners will receive 2 caddies of CLIF Kit’s Organic Fruit & Nut Flavors!!!****  And if you don’t win… don’t worry because you can get your own at natural grocery stores across the country!

To enter the giveaway just go HERE and pick out what flavors you would love to try and leave a comment on this post telling me which ones are calling your name!

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Oh man, those Dark Chocolate Almond Coconut bars are calling my name!!


I’d choose dark almond chocolate coconut and dark chocolate peanut FOR SURE. :)


Peanut Butter so both of those and the Dark Chocolate Almond sounds delicious!!


Yum! I am normally all about the peanut butter, but I’m thinking I would love to try the dark chocolate almond coconut. Sounds delicious!


Cherry and Pumpkin seed sounds delish!


I am about to have my second baby and these would be perfect to have on hand! The dark chocolate peanut and dark chocolate almond coconut both look AMAZING to me!!


This is an awesome choice for healthy eating on the go!! After I train myself in the morning, I still have to give my pup his workout with a long walk and I start to crash and cut his short. So I’m always looking for a new alternative!!! The Dark chocolate/coconut looks delicious and so does the dark chocolate chili almond!!


As a crazy busy college student juggling class, volunteering, and research as well as trying to train for my first half marathon I am always on the go and I am always hungry. I am going to be on the look out for there bars because they sound perfect! The dark chocolate almond coconut sounds delicious (because who can go wrong with that combination!)

Thanks for sharing :)


YUM, these sound delicious! I would love to try the peanut butter and the dark chocolate peanut!!


Mmm… Dark Chocolate Peanut AND the Peanut Butter bars!


Dark Chocolate CHILI Almond?! Sounds amazing. As does the Dark Chocolate Walnut and the Dark Chocolate Almond Coconut…I guess my theme is chocolate :)


Dark Chocolate peanut and dark chocolate coconut for sure!! I’m always on the hunt for a healthy snack that doesn’t have tons of added sugar and other mystery ingredients!


Chili Almond and Walnut sound awesome! Sweet and savory!


I haven’t tried to dark chocolate walnut or the dark chocolate chili almond yet so I’d love to try those! I like all the other flavors, too, but I think dark chocolate almond coconut is my favorite.


I’d love to try the dark chocolate peanut and peanut butter flavors! I also love to have bars on hand for whenever i’m hungry. I always have granola bars in the car in case we get stuck in traffic coming back from the mountains. You don’t want to be hangry while stuck in traffic!


I would LOVE to try the dark chocolate almond coconut one :)
Sounds DELISH!


Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate!!


Cashew and peanut butter!!!


Dark chocolate walnut sounds divine! I’m a fan of coconut too!


All of them?!? No, seriously… I can’t pick, I want to try them all.


Dark Chocolate Peanut and Dark Chocolate WALNUT. And cashew. They all sound so good!!


Oh man these look delicious! The dark chocolate almond coconut or the peanut butter dark chocolate look sooooooo good!


Dark chocolate almond coconut because I love Almond Joys and I think this would curb my craving for one!


The Dark Chocolate Chili Almond and Dark Chocolate Almond Coconut flavors sound amazing! These would definitely be the kind of treats I’d be hiding from my kids so I can enjoy more myself. :-)


the cashew and peanut butter flavors are the best! i had a pb bar yesterday :)


Dark chocolate and peanut butter!


We had sweet baby number 4 in October so running and nursing give me sudden hunger syndrome. The dark chocolate walnut and peanut butter are calling my name!


dark chocolate almond coconut!


I’ve never tried these. Dark Chocolate Walnut and Cashew would be my top 2 choices.


YUM!! I’d love to try any but the peanut butter dark chocolate and dark chocolate almond coconut sound too good to be true!


Dark chocolate peanut, cashew, and peanut butter. WOW!


dark chocolate almond coconut?! YUM


Dark chocolate peanut and dark chocolate coconut almond


Anything Dark chocolate!! But if I were to pick two, I’d pick Dark Chocolate Almond Coconut and Dark Chocolate Walnut.


As someone who is hungry ALL THE TIME, I can totally appreciate a good bar! I always have snacks with me and my friends always joke about how I’m prepared, but no one likes a hangry runner! The Chili Almond and Almond Coconut sound AMAZING!!


Dark chocolate coconut sounds really good!


They all look delicious, especially the dark chocolate walnut!


The dark chocolate peanut and dark chocolate chili almond look good! And, I love your story about helping the lady out at the airport! You’re a good egg!


The dark chocolate sounds awesome! I want to try them all!


Also, you must try mixing some honey into your jar of almond butter. I usually wait until the jar is half empty and then add honey right into the jar of TJ’s salted almond butter. So freaking good!! I’m obsessed!


Dark Chocolate Peanut and Peanut Butter!


All the dark chocolate and PB ones!


Dark chocolate Almond Coconut and the Dark Chocolate peanut both sound like the perfect solution to a sweets craving!


Those Dark Chocolate Chili Almonds…. Wow, those totally calls my name. And some of the Cashews. And, and, and …. :-)


Dark chocolate peanut and dark chocolate almond Coconut are calling out my name. I’m excited about these.


The Dark Chocolate Almond Coconut is calling my name! These look so yummy!


The dark chocolate chili almond and dark chocolate walnut sound good and healthy. I’d love to try them out.


I would like to try the peanut butter bar. I am always on the lookout for dairy free on the go options. My little nursling does not tolerate dairy and I’m always staying out yo long and getting hungry.




Dark chocolate peanut! Already a huge Clif bar fan, but haven’t tried these yet.


I would love to try the cashew!!


Dark Chocolate Almond Coconut! All my favorite things in ONE bar! Sold!


Peanut Butter – My favorite food :)


Dark Chocolate Peanut–hot diggity! That combines my two of favorite snacks.


Mmmm! The dark chocolate peanut & dark chocolate almost coconut are calling my name!


Peanut butter sounds amazing!


Dark Chocolate Peanut… Yum!

Also: Didn’t realize they have Clif Bars for KIDS! Love that. Those would be perfect for those moments between school and extracurricular activities when you don’t have time to cook supper quite yet but still need to get a little somethin’ somethin’ in your blood stream so ya don’t get hangry.


I have looking for a good bar! They all sound delicious but if I had to choose I would go with dark chocolate peanut or peanut butter!


Peanut butter! I’ve been in a bar- rut lately and these would be great to try. Plus I heart clif!!


Definitely Dark Chocolate Almond Coconut and Dark Chocolate Peanut! Making me SO hungry right now. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!


Those look delish! I’d try the dark chocolate coconut and the dark chocolate chili.


With the vast variety of bars on the marketing – it’s nice to find one that is organic and clean! I’d love to try the Dark Chocolate Almond Coconut – it is calling my name!


Dark chocolate chili almond?!?! Yes, please! I’d also love to try cashew and chocolate almond coconut.


Dark chocolate walnut bar sounds amazing :)


Thanks for doing this giveaway! They all look yummy! I went to their website and honestly, can’t pick just one flavor… I’d be happy with any on of them! :)


Dark choclate walnut and peanut butter!!


YUM! peanut butter & dark chocolate peanut! YUM YUM! i love how there are only recognizable ingredients! definitely will be buying these!


dark chocolate almond coconut!
and PB anything!


Dark chocolate, almond coconut sounds fabulous! As well as the peanut butter one, but I just love anything coconut!!! :)


The dark chocolate almond coconut is calling my name!!!!!!


These bars look delish!! Both the plain peanut butter and cashew are calling out to me ;) By the way, Brooke is such a cutie. She reminds me so much of my own daughter, who’s about to turn 5. She is always either a cat, dog, or horse! Ha!


Cashew and Dark Chocolate Peanut both sound so good.


Okay, if these were for me, I’d choose the dark chocolate almond coconut and the dark chocolate chili almond. However, my kids will want to share, and I’m pretty sure they’d pick peanut butter and dark chocolate peanut. :)
Honestly, all of them sound delicious. Thanks for the giveaway!


Dark Chocolate Peanut and Peanut Butter!


I love the story of the woman you helped at the airport…that would definitely be me. I always suffer from low blood sugar when I do not eat regularly, but always forget to pack snacks when I am traveling. Not only would these be great for my personal travels, but I travel a lot for work as well. I would have to try the Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter and regular Peanut Butter…because peanut butter!


ALL OF THEM!! top 2—- Peanut Butter cause peanut butter anything.. seriously :) and Dark Chocolate Almond Coconut!


Dark chocolate peanut. Yum!


Dark Chocolate Peanut and Dark Chocolate Almond Coconut sound AMAZING!
Never seen these bars before- they look so yummy :)


Dark chocolate peanut for the win!! And then I’d probably put peanut butter all over it before eating it. Or just dip it into the PB jar!


anything dark chocolate – I’m there!


Cherry and pumpkin seed, please! :)


I usually eat Lara Bars because it is so hard to find bars w/o added sweeteners as well as gluten free! I’m so excited to try these! Dark Chocolate Almond Coconut and the Dark Chocolate Walnut FTW!!


I want to eat some Dark Chocolate Chili right now!!! AND the Dark Chocolate Almond Coconut looks awesome too!


I love Kits! Eat them all the time. I’ve never branched out from my trusty cashew so I’d love to try the peanut butter!


Cherry & Pumpkin Seeds and also the Peanut Butter one! I never knew these existed. I have only seen the normal Clif Bars!!! Thanks for telling us about them!


How have I not seen these yet?! I am so excited to try Dark Chocolate Chili almond and the Dark Chocolate Almond coconut!


I would love to try dark chocolate walnut or dark chocolate almond coconut. YUM!!


The dark chocolate chili almond flavor sounds amazing!! I’ve never heard of these but will definitely be looking for them near me!


Peanut Butter and Cashew both sound delicious!


Dark chocolate peanut! Oh, and cashew, looooove me some cashews! Peanut butter sounds really good right now too..


Peanut butter!


Dark chocolate almond coconut sounds amazing!


Dark chocolate walnut and dark chocolate peanut- and I thought I was the only one that snacked in church!


Oooooh, dark chocolate walnut and dark chocolate almond coconut!


Dark chocolate peanut butter….. sounds incredible!


Hands down the dark chocolate coconut almond! I’ll definitely have to check these out!


Peanut butter and dark chocolate almond coconut. Love Larabars, but I’m excited to try these, hadn’t heard of them before!


Thank you for the opportunity to enter…I’d pick the Dark Chocolate Almond Coconut and the Dark Chocolate Walnut….or to be frank, anything Dark Chocolate :)


dark chocolate almond coconut!!!


Oh the dark chocolate coconut almond and PB bars are calling my name!


Dark chocolate peanut, yes!


You had me at chocolate and peanut butter.


Definitely the dark chocolate peanut!!!! :)


I would love to try the peanut butter and cashew!


I’ve had the Kit’s Fruit and Seed before and loved them, but I haven’t tried the Fruit and Nut yet. They almost all sound good (except for Dark Chocolate Coconut because coconut is to me as Whoppers are to you), but the first ones I would try would be Dark Chocolate Chili Almond and Peanut Butter.


Dark chocolate peanut sounds delicious!!


Dark chocolate coconut almond!


Dark chocolate almond coconut! I am adding these to my grocery list ASAP! my husband insists we bring snacks for me (can’t imagine why….) and these would be PERFECT!


Dark Chocolate Almond Coconut bars!!!


Cashew…. And peanut butter! They look delicious!!!


I want to try all of the flavours!!


All the peanut butter flavors sound delish!!


I love peanut butter but still havent found a peanut butter bar that i love so im hoping this one will be it! :)


Dark chocolate walnut sounds perfect! And peanut butter of course :)


Peanut butter has always been my favorite!


Dark chocolate almond coconut are calling me name! Yumm-o!!!


The dark chocolate almond coconut sounds awesome!


Dark chocolate WALNUT (yummm) or peanut butter for sure!


Oh my! So many great chocolate-y choices! My top two picks would be the dark chocolate almond Coconut and the dark chocolate walnut.


The peanut butter sounds super good to me! :)


Cashew please!


Hi! As a woman who is vegan I’m always looking for healthy snacks to eat. And as a woman who is almost 48yr old and still running marathons – I definitely need healthy snacks to eat!! I love the dark chocolate- nut combos


If I have to pick only one flavor I’d say the Dark Chocolate Peanut. But they all look amazing!


The dark chocolate walnut bar sounds delicious! I’m very picky about the texture and taste of bars that I eat so I will definitely have to try these out soon.


Dark chocolate peanut and cashew!! yum!!


They all look delicious! But, the ones calling my name the most are: Dark Chocolate Almond Coconut and Dark Chocolate Peanut..YUM!!!


Peanut Butter & Dark Chocolate Almond


Dark chocolate coconut and Dark Chocolate Almond both sound awesome!


I want to try the dark chocolate walnut and peanut butter.


I’m already a huge fan (HUGE!) of the Mojo peanut butter pretzel bar and would love to try the new dark chocolate almond sea salt one!


Anything with peanut butter.


Mmm! The dark chocolate walnut and the dark chocolate peanut both sound ridiculously good. :)


Oh my gosh. Dark Chocolate Almond Coconut sound and look AMAZING!


Dark Chocolate Almond Coconut!


I had no idea these even existed!!! I’ve loved Clif products for the exact same reason you state…the natural ingredients! And they never melted like other chocolate coated “bars” so I could stash them during long, hot, sweaty runs and hikes.

I’d love to try dark chocolate chili almond. As if dark chocolate and nuts aren’t a good enough combo…adding some spice!?!? Brilliant!


Dark Chocolate Almond Coconut and Cherry Pumpkin Seed. Yum! :)


Dark chocolate almond coconut. YES.


Dark Chocolate Almond Coconut for the win!


Dark chocolate almond coconut please! :-)


I would love to try the dark chocolate coconut almond and the peanut butter :)


I am in serious need of the Dark Chocolate Coconut Almond & the Cherry + Pumpkin seeds flavored bars.

Thanks for the giveaway! These look so good!


They all look good (and dairy free is key for me!) I’d love to try the Dark Chocolate Coconut Almond.


Dark Chocolate Almond Coconut!


Dark chocolate and peanut all the way!


Dark chocolate almond coconut and dark chocolate chili almond – yes please! I’m a sucker for dark chocolate anything. :)


I would love to try the peanut butter or dark chocolate peanut! YUM!


Dark chocolate almond all the way! I need chocolate!


I would love the dark chocolate almond coconut and dark chocolate peanut.


Definitely dark chocolate peanut! It would be amazing if I could get my 2 boys to eat them as well!!


Yummy! These sound perfect. I would try the Dark Chocolate Coconut Almond and Dark Chocolate Chili Almond.


I would love to try Cashew and dark chocolate peanut!


Dark chocolate almond coconut sounds amazing!

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