Take advantage, St. George Marathon Training Week #11 and a video!!!

I must have missed the memo that we were going in for Eskimo kisses for our post-run picture.  

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I met with an old friend Monday morning… it had been awhile since our last rendezvous.   I was quickly reminded (about 10 minutes into our get-together) about why we don’t see each other very much lately.  I’m way more into outdoor running this training cycle.

20 minutes warm-up (around an 8:00 pace), 10 x 1 minute @ 5:39 pace with 1 minute recoveries after each one, 25 minute cool-down @ 7:50 pace.  8.78 miles (how’s that for a random stopping distance) @ 7:24 average pace.   I am pretty sure my gym had the heater on.  I’ll call them about that later.  

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I have no idea where her shoe addiction came from.  She goes through my shoes daily and tries them all on.  It is always fun to try to get out the knots from the shoelaces afterwards.

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Fast forward until the evening——>  I hit up Megan’s bootcamp.  I am going once a week for a few more weeks, I won’t go during the taper (gotta go into race day truly rested) and then I will pick it back up to a few classes a week after my marathon recovery.  

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Who would have thought that in just forty-five minutes she could make every single muscle exhausted.  Good thing today’s workout includes a short/easy run and that is it.  

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We take birthdays seriously in these parts.  

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The bday girl chose Cafe Rio and I happily attacked my salad.  I don’t think I have ever eaten as fast as I did last night.  

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This Peach Dessert.  I’m telling you.  Take advantage of peach season while it is here and make this peach dessert as much as possible over the next few weeks.  

We kept it classy and we ate it right out of the pan while watching Taylor Swift’s latest music video.  Both Taylor and peach dessert are good for my soul.  

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Just a few random Brooke moments lately:

St. George Marathon Training Week #11

Monday:  11 miles total.  Warm-up, 10 x .5 mile repeats with 2-3 minute jogging recoveries in between each one, cool-down.  Average pace for the .5 mile repeats—>  2:48 (5:36 mile pace).  Definitely a tough workout and one that I wanted to quit many times but—>  I was super happy with end results because it boosted my confidence for the marathon.  

Tuesday:  5 miles.  8:19 average pace.  

Wednesday: 9 miles average pace of 7:06.  .5 mile warm-up, 5 miles @ 7:15, 3 miles @ 6:22, .5 cool-down.   Those fast three miles were extremely tough but peak training weeks are done when your body is pretty exhausted so it didn’t worry me too much.

Thursday: 4 miles.  8:38 pace.  With my sissy for part of it.  

Friday:  Unscheduled rest day but I needed it mentally and physically so I took it.

Saturday:  20 miles!  7:35 average pace.  Love the long steady paced runs.

Sunday:  Off!  

49 miles total.  Less than five weeks until I get to celebrate all of this training on the course.  


Are you a fast eater, a slow eater or somewhere in between?  

Do you always sit down for your meals or do you eat on the run a lot?

What was your best run last week?  Had any confidence booster runs recently?

Happy September——>  Any September birthdays?   Anyone have a race this month?

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It depends on how hungry I am! I try to eat slowly but when I’m rungry I charge through my food.

We always sit down for dinner, but breakfast and lunch are usually on the run!


Oh my that video of Brooke is too cute. I love when she spins in circles :) I eat SO fast. My fiance usually takes twice as long to finish meals and then I sit there and pick at his plate. I always TRY to sit down for meals, but breakfast is on the go 75% of the time!


I haven’t made one peach crumble – so sad! I’m a fast eater and even faster when I eat with my kids, I need to seriously slow down but always manage to forget.


I fall somewhere in between. If I’m super hungry, I’m a fast eater, but most of the time I’m not the first one done, but not the last either. I try to sit for meals, but sometimes that doesn’t happen.

My speed work sessions have gone well this training cycle. Hopefully that translates to the race!

I love the video! How adorable when you ask how fast she is!


I try to sit down for my meals, though breakfast is usually while I’m running around getting ready for the day.

Last week’s best run was definitely my tempo. I have some tough ones this week, but that was a confidence builder for sure! This morning’s mile repeats followed by 800s helped, too!

And I agree: Taylor Swift is definitely good for the soul. :)


I love the pink top your pretty blonde friend has on!

I always sit down for my meals but I eat pretty fast (especially after a long run) so I’m not always sitting for long! I need to slow it down and enjoy the food more!

I can’t believe it’s September already! The chicago marathon is next month!!!!


Best run last week was Saturday 13 miler (21 km I’m in Canada and we go by km?). Everything just felt great, good confidence booster for my half marathon coming up.

We have a 2.5 yr old and 4 month old so I have to say most if my meals are standing up and doing a million other things at the same time. Ha ha what ya gonna do.

Have a great day!


Way to go Lindsey! Love those runs where everything just feels amazing and boosts that confidence. Ummm you must be a busy mama! I can’t imagine two:) Way to rock your runs even when you’ve got a lot going on!


Thank you Janae!


Training is going so well for you! I like to sit down for meals, it helps me feel more satiated. I try to eat slowly but that can be easier said than done. I’m a September birthday – I turn 26 on Friday!


I eat way too fast and need to slow it down!
I do sit down for meals.
Best run: last weekends trail 20 mile race!


I totally woof down my food – I really need to start taking my time because I am always sad when I’m done eating :) My last long run was a big confidence booster – it was the first long run where I didn’t feel like totally dying the entire time.


I was never a slow eater but once my son was born, I think I became a really fast eater just so I could get the food down without being interrupted. he is older now so I should really learn to pace myself better but the fast side of eating has stuck with me, especially when I am ravenous.


I have become the queen of eating standing up.


I did 19 miles in the pouring rain yesterday, I got up and ran at 5.45am so that I could spend the day with my boyfriend and it was worth it. Completed at 8.35 pace- cannot imagine 20 miles at 7.35- you are super speedy!


What a great week of runs! My best one last week was either my hill repeats that I did with a running group, or my long run. Both went surprisingly well and definitely helped my confidence! In September I’m doing two 5ks- one is flat and fast and finishes in the Steelers’ stadium, and the other is a trail race in the country!


My runs last week have not been great. I think I am overtraining. Has this ever happened to you? Any tips on how to get over the hump?


YES YES YES!!! That has most definitely happened to me. If that is the case for you—> step back. Ease back on your intensity, your mileage etc and INCREASE your rest. I promise taking a few days off will be so worth it in the long run. Your runs will feel way better if you do step back for a bit. Good luck!


I just bought 1/2 peck of peaches this weekend! They are amazing and perfect. Saucony? That actually really confused me for a minute. haha.


I was given a few pairs of Sauconys and so I cross train in them to save my running shoes for running:)



Oh my goodness. Brook is the cutest!

I’m somewhere in between on the eating scale. My husband is always really fast. For me it totally depends on who we are eating with. If it’s with any family members from my dads side, you have to eat fast if you want seconds of anything. With almost anyone else, you can eat at a normal pace and probably be ok for getting more or not finishing in last place.


Dang that video of Brooke is CUTE!!!


Thanks Jill:) I’d have to agree!


I always sit down for dinner but I usually eat breakfast while I am getting ready for work. And I usually eat lunch at my desk. Not sure if I’m a slow eater but I definitely eat much slower than my husband!
I have a 12 mile race on Saturday!


No races this month but two months today I’ll be running the NYC Marathon! It’s my first and I’m very nervous but excited!

Good job in your training, it keeps me
Motivated to push through tough days!

Cute Brooke video! Isn’t it a fun age?!

My birthday is next week! :)


Brooke is just the cutest!! I’m the fastest eater, I know it’s probably really bad for me to eat quickly but I just can’t seem to take my time! I’m usually starving and super happy to be eating, so pacing myself is just not an option ;)


Haha, that video of Brooke made my day!
I am a super fast eater to the extent that it can be embarrassing. Especially when I eat faster than all the grown men at the table -yikes!


“How fast are you getting?” OMG! Hahahaha that was so cute!


I am a slow eater… it drives my husband nuts sometimes, haha. I always sit and eat; usually not on the go.
It is my birthday month and I am turning 30!! And I’m embracing it!!


I’m wearing the same jeans as you in the pic you have with the girls! I just got them and I’m obsessseddd.

Also, I inhale my food. It’s something I’m working on.

Also my foot is almost healed! But to help channel some of my passion and pent up energy I started a running blog too! Hopefully I’ll actually be able to do some running soon :)


I always eat fast and standing when I am by myself but if I am out to dinner with other people i am slow because I talk too much. Lol.
I had a run this week that made me feel a little more excited to run but I have been sluggish and unmotivated overall. Working on it.


I am an in between eater. I try to eat slowly to enjoy my food more, but sometimes I’m just too hungry!
For the most part I sit down for my meals, but if I’m at school, it might be sneaking bites here and there while a professor is lecturing.
My best run last week was my 11 mile tempo run. Completing these runs in my goal pace always boosts my confidence.
I have no races this month, as I am preparing for my marathon in October. I don’t want to risk injuring myself!


Brooke is too cute! I would say that I am a fairly slow eater and like to savor my food when I can. That being said, I have my speedy moments (aka → after a workout!).

My husband has a September birthday and we are expecting our first baby any day now – so there will officially be TWO September birthdays in our family. ☺ No races this month – does giving birth count? Haha!


haha, good luck with your upcoming “race.” Crossing the finish line will be the BEST!


I need more peaches in my life!!! Thank you for reminding me of that.
I’m naturally a fast eater, but I know that’s not good for me. Several years ago, in an effort to slow down, I made myself hold my fork in my left hand (I’m right-handed). That helped for a while. Then I got really good at left hand-forking food. Now I’m fast with both hands. So now I have to rely on straight will-power to slow down. Sigh. The trials in my life, right?
Maybe I should see if holding the fork with my toes would help me slow down? ;)


Janae – I have to say, you are killing it with your training this marathon cycle! I followed along for your Boston training too, and from what I can tell, this cycle is way better. Great work, it is going to pay off!

No races planned this month, BUT both my husband and I get to register for Boston on September 18!


Thank you Paige! That makes me excited:) I think it has gone a lot better this training cycle too so I am stoked to see how things go in a few weeks. AHHHHHHHHHH You and your husband are running Boston… best thing ever! Hope you are having a fabulous day Paige!


I usually am a fast eater, but I’ve been trying to slow that down because I know that it isn’t the best for you. Sometimes I’m just so hungry!!!
And seriously, I always think they turn the heat on in the gym, especially when it is 90 degrees outside. Shouldn’t they be blasting the air?!


I love it!! Watching Taylor Swift is the best :)


Brooke is at such a cute age! I wish I could be that carefree.

I try to eat slow, but I find when I’m stress I inhale my food which isn’t good. Definitely helps to pay attention when you’re eating.

I actually think it’s hotter inside the gym than outside. It’s humid and gross. I would rather be outside anyway than inside.


I’m running a marathon in 2 weeks! It’s not a goal race–it’s just to get my body back into marathoning. I haven’t raced one since May 2012!


Love the video! Super cute! Brooke’s little voice is so sweet.

I’m a fast eater, it’s usually at the table.

My long run was awesome last week with 3 miles at tempo. Today’s intervals did not happen – I just couldn’t get my legs to move. That’s the first interval workout that hasn’t gone well this training cycle, so I’m not gonna let it mess with my head too much!


Yay!!! for September!! It is my birthday month and I have two races (10ks) in prep for a half in October.
Love the Brooke Video!
Great training week!!


Brooke makes me literally LOL. She’s a hoot :)


You look so happy in that first picture! <3


I have barely had any peaches this summer. What is wrong with me??!!!!!

Somewhere inbetween…but i guess it depends on what i’m eating and level of hunger!
Had an amazing 20km trail run in the Austrian Alps. Seriously the most beautiful place!
I have 2 races this month. A half marathon on Sept 13th in Tallinn, Estonia and a Marathon on Sept 27th in Warsaw, Poland :) :)


I used to be a fast eater until I realized how much I actually didn’t savor/enjoy my food. Now I make an effort to slow down, savor each bite, and just enjoy the overall experience of being with people…

And Brook’s shoe obsession? I think I might have inkling of where it came from. ;-)


I eat fast. We actually have a joke about it in my family that we all eat fast because whenever we have dinner guests we’re already done when they are two bites in. I eat on the go too much but I’m wanting to start meal planning and sitting down more for meals.

I have my Montreal RnR Half this month and I can’t wait. It’s my first destination race ever.


I did an 8 miler few days ago and felt icky and came down with a bad cold. I think I’m not getting enough sleep.
We try and sit together as fam for dinners. I eat slow unless I’m starving.

Amen girl you don’t need to be friends with er body;) I tell my kids chose your friends wisely.


She is getting so fast.

I think that is how I will answer that question about my half marathon paces.


Today just happens to be my birthday! Yay for me!! :)


Happy Birthday Daisy!!!


Where did you get those yellow shorts? they look super cute and seem extremely comfy…
I have a triathlon in exactly 20 days !!! :)


I eat slow… but I run fast! :D :D :D


Brooke is such a cutie! I do eat my meals while sitting down – and at my desk at work, while working.
12 days until my marathon. I can’t believe it’s coming so soooooon!


yes 9/9.


I have an amazing mood booster!! This past weekend my mom ran her first 5k ever and she got 3rd place in her age division of 60+. She started training in May for a half marathon in November and she has been getting discouraged with training so this 3rd place medal boosted her confidence and it is great to see her so proud of herself!! My mom rocks!!


I’m a pretty fast eater most of the time. I try to slow down because I know you’re supposed to, but I can’t help it!

My best run last week was an 8 mile pace run, I was able to beat my goal pace, which felt amazing! I’m running a half in less than two weeks, so I guess that will let me know how this marathon training situation is coming along! :)


-I eat WAY TOO fast!
-I sit down for most meals, when I am at work and get a moment to eat I stand because work is beyond fast passed!
-My speed workout last Friday was really good.
**side note: I’m in desperate need of a haircut and I am taking the picture of you and the birthday group in and asking my stylist to cut it like the blond with the bob next to you..her hair is super cute!**


Brooke is so cute! Hope she is loving preschool, love her little outfits! I’m a teacher so I eat super fast, esp. at work when kids are coming in all the time for things or I have paper work to do (most teachers can agree…what’s a “lunch break?!”…haha)

When I’m out with friends or at family dinners I’m always the first one done because I eat embarrassingly fast ;) oops!


You guys have the cutest accents.

I love hearing American accents and Brooke is just too cute!

So jealous of all this amazing running weather your having


I LOVE T-SWIZZLE<3 Also, my birthday is September 11th :)


My puppy turns 1 on September 16th and my mom turns 31 (again) on September 16th … Lots to celebrate :)

I’m pacing my first race this weekend!! The Chicago Women’s Mag Mile Half is on Sunday and I’m pacing the 2:00 hour finish group. Very excited about it … Never paced a race before!

Good luck on your 22-miler!!


Mmm, that Cafe Rio salad looks awesome as usual!

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