Goodbye old car AND MY LAST YASSOS (before the marathon)!!!!!

9 years with my red jeep.  I bought it back in college and we have spent 92k miles together.  It loves to do this thing where it stops and you have to pull over for awhile anytime that I drive for about 90 minutes straight (nothing you can do to fix it…just what this model does) and so it was finally time to part ways.  Brooke had a hard time saying goodbye because she is a big fan of ‘mama’s red car’ and we no longer have a red car.  

I have a feeling we will have some really really great memories together in our new car though and she will grow to love it.  

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So far the new car has already had two selfies go down inside.   

Megan and I took it for a spin…

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And Lindsey accompanied Brooke and I for a very very very special event (we will get to that soon)…

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Let’s start with Wednesday morning.  I had my last Yasso 800 workout.  

I chose to do it on the road for a few reasons:

-When I started it was still dark and so I stuck to a busy road rather than a track by myself.

-My IT Band acts up lately when I run around a track a bunch (the curves do it to me… it even happens when I switch up the direction throughout the workout).  

I did run by this tree ripe peaches sign close to a million times and it was quite tempting for me…  run at a pace that makes me want to pass out or stop for a fresh peach?  I chose the run option.

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1 mile warm-up, 10 x .5 miles with 2:45-2:55ish recovery jogs after each one, 1 mile cool-down.  9.57 miles total. 

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I averaged a 2:45 for the .5 mile intervals.  A few weeks ago I averaged a 2:48.   Who knows how this workout transfers over to what my marathon time will be but improvement is improvement.  

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Back to the really important event (wow, this blog post is ridiculously long).  

Brooke had her first day of gymnastics.   

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I think her two favorite parts of class were:

1.  Chasing the hula hoops around the gym.  

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2-  Doing downward dog during the parachute time. 

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We celebrated the first day of gymnastics over a cold bowl of goodness and sprinkles.  

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I am so sorry that I forgot to post the winner of the Ray-Ban giveaway!  Allison won!

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How long have you had your current car?  

Ever had IT Band problems?  What did you do to help it?

What is the best part of your Thursday going to be?

What type of lessons/classes/sports teams did you do as a kid?

-Soccer, gymnastics for a year and tennis.

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I’ve had my car for 8 years! I’m hoping to hold onto it for about 2 more before I buy a brand new one!

I’m hoping to run a Yasso workout today and I’m motivated by yours!


I loved gymnastics and now my daughter Emily loves it too! Beam was the best. I think you’re well on your way to an awesome marathon :)


I’ve only had my current car for about a year. I had my last car for probably 8 years though and I really loved it and was sad to trade it in.

My IT bands are always tight, I spent alot of time foam rolling them.

I have always been a runner. I started running track in second grade and I’m still running today (I’m 30). I am the least coordinated person ever, so other sports never worked out well for me!


I have had my car now for 15 years!! I got it right when I started driving. Now my husband and I share it so we are thinking sometime soon we will need a second car, especially since this one is getting kind of old!
Growing up I did a lot of dance, starting at age 3. I also played soccer but there was no girls team for middle school/high school so I switched to field hockey. Which is what led me to running!


I just bought a new car for the first time since my first car this Spring. It was hard to let my old car go but I know it’s necessary. I haven’t looked back yet since.

The sports doctor I went too talked a lot about IT bands acting up with track workouts. I’m glad you got your last workout in though!


Current car only 2 years, but my old Saturn and I spent around 10 years together. My current car is an all-wheel drive, which is absolutely necessary in Michigan winters. I’m still amazed I lived through driving my tiny two-wheel drive Saturn for that many winters.

My daughter has been doing gymnastics for around 6 months. It is so much fun!


I’ve had my car almost six years and already have 123,000 miles. I pay it off in two months, so I hope it lasts much longer!!

The best part of my Thursday is going to be my phone date with my sister tonight!!


I’m hoping to get a new ( to me) car this weekend! Still plan to stay in the Honda family (can’t go wrong) but my current one is driving me bonkers… problem after problem (its ooooold with lotsa miles) and I have zero patience for car trouble- ha!

I did dance, soccer, and volleyball!


My current car is also my first car (always lived within walking distance of stuff, or in big cities with great public transport). Coming up on six years, and almost 380,000 km.

No IT band problems, but friends have suffered from it and it’s horrible!!

The best part of Thursday is going to be grocery shopping with my little man after work/daycare, and then heading home to play together.

Ballet (not good – zero grace or coordination), swimming (not good – terrible eyesight meant it was really hard to see in the pool without my glasses!), and piano (decent! Except I hated practicing).


So much happening! Congrats on your last yasso! I did my speed workout yesterday and it kicked… My… Butt…


i’ve had my car for 15 years and we are very close….. been through soooooooo much together. her name is ravarolli. i can’t think of getting a new car. i know…. not normal but whatever :)
so what kind of car did you get?


I have had my current car for 9 years now and I’m hoping to make it last for many more! Hondas seem to last a really long time sp I’ve got my fingers crossed.
Great times on those Yassos! You are definitely on your way to a super speedy marathon.


I got a new car last June and time is flying by! I like to keep getting the same car over and over but it’s still fun when it’s a new one with the new car smell :) I did tap and ballet when I was little and tennis as well. Feels like yesterday!


I have had my Jeep Patriot for 4.5 years now. I am getting ready to trade it in, but I haven’t decided what I want.

My favorite part of today is that I get to go home at lunch to eat and hang out with my dog… Only because I have a dentist appointment. The dentist part sucks, and the fact that I have to go back to work after the appointment is over sucks.

I played basketball, volleyball, & soccer. My high school gym teacher tried to get me to try out for soft ball… I should have!


I did gymnastics as a kid for 12 years, then I went on to diving and eventually cheered in college. Now I stick to running ;) My 4-year-old daughter started gymnastics when she was 4 and I love watching her. She’s always doing cartwheels from room to room. It’s such a fun activity for kids!


I played soccer, softball, track, x-country, and I danced. Oh and when I have side knee pains it is usually due to my IT band. Crazy right?


I’ve had my car (a Ford Escape) for 5 years and I love it! It’s not super fancy but it just fits me. I almost cried when my mom suggested trading it in. I loved gymnastics when I was little!


I have had my current car for 3.5 years- looking to trade it in now tho- I have a Jeep Grand Cherokee love it and will get another!

I have been batteling ITBS for 11 months- been to ortho, several PT’s, Chiropractor, been doing the exercises and nothing is helping – I can only go about 5 miles. It started after I ran my marathon last October :(


I’ve had my car for 4 years.
No IT band problem.
Thursday highlight: run with the Brentwood breakfast club and then lunch with my dad!
I cheered growing up. :)


Sorry to hear about your Jeep! Did they call it the death wobble? My mom had a wrangler and anytime she went over 60 it would rattle and shake so bad and they said it was called the Jeep Death Wobble. Sounds nice huh?

Best part of my Thursday will be getting my car back! It had transmission issues so I’ve been without a car for almost a week!


What’s the new car?
I wasn’t allowed to do gymnastics or ballet, which was my dream. I’m emotionally traumatized by that.
I just lost my black RayBan Wayfarers last week. Had my fingers crossed that I was gonna win. But congrats to the winner.


Oh man I’ve had my current car for 8 years, and it’s currently being shipped to Alaska!


I’ve had my car for 8 years now. I’m hoping to get a new one the beginning of next year. That’s the goal! Especially since my poor car is a 94 (though she still runs like a charm! Good old Camry)
How cute! I did gymnastics when I was little. So fun!


I’ve had my car since I turned 16. I’ll be 36 in May so yup TWENTY years! Kind of sad lol. My husband drives it now and has since I had kid #3 four years ago and got a hand me down minivan. I did cheerleading, gymnastics, softball, and basketball as a kid and cross country and track in high school.


Gymnastics–she’s growing up!

I used to get a lot of IT band problems in high school. Stretching and strengthening hips/glutes/quads helped. So did sticking to well paved roads and side walks. I found that unevenness of running surface–we did a lot of trail running back then–made it worse, as did the track. Oh, changing running shoes helped too.


What kind of new car did you get? I’ve had my little Ford Focus for about 6 years. It was great for me when it was just my husband and myself but now that we have a 7 month old, I see our time together fading fast. What a great car it has been, though!


I have only had my car for 3 years, but prior to this one, I was driving my car from high school/college. It was a very sad day when I had to part with it!

I also have IT issues that sometimes radiate to my lower back! I started stretching my IT band with a exercise band like this:

I have been doing that for about a week and already feel relief!


Thanks for sharing. I will try it today.


i’ve had my current car for 8 years, it has 108K miles on it and i’m gonna ride it into the ground and then get my dream Jeep! :)


We always buy a used car..our last car was a Sante Fe and we got 194,000 miles out of that car! I don’t know why we didn’t get another one, but I kind of wish we had.
For my IT band I roll, roll, roll! I use a stick and R8 Recovery and love them both.
I took gymnastics lessons as a kid and did volleyball for a few years, basketball, cross country and track. I also had a short go with softball, but that was my least favorite.
I remember bringing a mattress into my basement and doing back flips on it like I was in the Olympics and my sister would judge :)


I’ve had my car for just a few weeks! I’ve never had car love before but my bright yellow beetle is so awesome<3 My daughter had a hard time getting rid of the old car too. We'd only had it a few years, it was always kinda temporary in my mind, but to her it wasn't. She got over it pretty quick though.

My Girlie loves gymnastics! She just had her first class of the season (she took the summer off) and the coach said she didn't lose much over the summer. I didn't participate in sports etc as a kid, which I think left me behind my peers in a lot of ways. That's why I've really encouraged Girlie to participate.


Those 800s are incredible. You’ve always been fast but man, I cannot believe how much faster you’ve got this training cycle! So cool to see.


I’d only had my old car, a 2006 Kia Optima EX, for almost four years, but it was a piece of crap. I went with my sister to see about HER getting a new car, and got one myself, and I AM IN LOVE. It’s not just the big features like remote start, Blu-tooth and WiFi (Yes, Wi-FI!), but it has air conditioning! It only had six miles on it! Everything works! Yeah. I’m a happy camper right now. :)


I had a Jeep Liberty for 12 years that I had to part with last year for the same reason! Crazy. It would just stop running. Nothing was ever found to be wrong. It even died on the way to the dealership when I was trading it in.
I ended up buying a Subaru Forester turbo. I Love it. But I miss my jeep. The jeep was more my style.


Hahahah I’m definitely lol’ing over the down dog during parachute. My parents have so many pictures of me doing something random while I’m supposed to be doing group activities.


I played soccer growing up.
I recently got my SUV the beginning of this year. We needed a vehicle with more room and I love it!
Its my Friday so that makes me happy!


I got a “new to me” car last year, it’s a ’13 and so in ’14 that was the closest I’d ever been to owning a NEW car :) It was a big deal to me, and a big step up from the little car I had. I had it about 3 months and then we had baseball sized hail… I cried a lot that day! It was close to being totaled, but I ended up getting it fixed, but it took over 3 months in the shop! So, I’m pretty attached to this car because we’ve been through a lot in our short time together :)

I had my IT band scraped, and it hurt SO BAD, but with rest, it seemed to heal. I still have issues with it from time to time. I find that hills make it worse if I haven’t eased into hill running.


IT band advice! I had an awful IT band injury – it hurt in my knee (some people get the IT band in their hip I think). The key to getting rid of it for me was to lay on a baseball into the hip muscle. Even though the pain is in the knee, it’s usually because the IT band is “stuck” on the hip area and you need to loosen that up to get the tension out. Good luck!


You are KILLING those Yassos!!!!!

I actually don’t have a car right now, since I don’t really need one in Boston. But lately I’ve been thinking of a RAV4. What’d you get??

IT band issues all the time. I just stretch it every day and foam roll when I have the courage to suffer through the pain.

I played soccer as a kid and I was a gymnastics drop out. As soon as they made me do a backward somersault I quit (I was for some reason really terrified them as a kid—I still feel a little nervous about the idea at 28 years old). I get the feeling you won’t have that problem with Brooke ;)


I LOVED gymnastics when I was younger, along with dance. I tried organized sports, but it wasn’t really my jam- I did play tennis in high school, but that’s about it.


Downward dog. My favorite part of this post :)


I get IT band issues pretty frequently when my mileage increases. Rest is really the best and knowing how many miles/week are too many for me!

I need to get a new car- what kind did you get?


I had to get a new car after 13 years together with my old one. But when it lurches like a zombie down the street and doesn’t get over 45, it’s time for a change.

Congrats on the Yasso’s and new car!


I have a brand new car but my former one had over 125,000 mi on it. It’s good to know mine won’t break down any time soon God willing!

I was a cheerleader and our coach made us run run run. Maybe why I enjoy now.
My kids play soccer, my middle son did gymnastics for a year and helps him in all sports. He may do again after soccer season. My daughter started dance.


I have a 10 miler today and pizza with the hubby-great night!

I don’t have a car…we live downtown and have been car less for 2 months now-we bike everywhere….everything we need is within a few miles.

I took swim lessons, ballet, tap, jazz, and even clogging lessons!


I’ve had my current car for almost 2 years. I had to part ways with my beloved convertible Mustang as I was expecting a baby and that wasn’t very family friendly.

Oh my they are so cute doing gymnastics (or any sport) at that age. My 19 month old starts Sportball Junior this weekend. So excited for him to try all different sports and hopefully burn some of his endless energy.


Traded in my 18 year old 4Runner a month ago….broke my heart…yes I cried. But I do love my new 4Runner. :) Good luck with your new car!


We have our current car 7 months, our last car got totaled in an ice related accident in January. (I was on my way to church and we were going slowly, so unfair). We had that last car about 12 years and my husband loved it.

Acupuncture, rest and foam rolling helped my IT band issues. Doing Barre and yoga regularly help prevent it now.

I got my recovery run in and I see the chiro today. My hip needs it.

I took years of dance lessons. Even in high school my daily gym class was Modern Dance. I still like to periodically take classes as an adult, belly dancing was a ton of fun.


I’ve had my current car since I bought it new in 2007. 8 years…. wow. And I grew up dancing ballet and playing tennis! I wish I did gymnastics though, I was always jealous of people doing Cartwheels. haha.


Yeah on a new ride!! As a kid I played clarinet and took ballet. Not super athletic, or actually graceful for that matter! But I enjoyed it.


I have a lot to say in regards to this post. I know. This probably surprises you so much.

First, Brooke at gymnastics = amazing.

Second, I am excited to see the new car. I hope that you spin with Megan involved The Mav. Considering Ross still drives my first ever car purchase (I bought it over 13 years ago), I would say we have a history together. It is falling part on the inside though so I am not sure how much longer it will be with our Family.

I played softball and by ‘played’ I mean I was the kid in right field doing hand stands. I made my dad so proud, I am sure. I did dance from age 3-18 though.

Lastly, way to freaking go on your run. You are getting stronger and I am sure seeing those times helps with your confidence going into your marathon. Frozen yogurt is the best way to celebrate. However, if you are ever that close to my house getting fro yo again and I don’t know about it #IWillCutYou #CrossPromotionKiller


Hi Janae!
Im sorry about the IT band issues. I struggled with ITband pain for months last year. I would just run through the pain and so it ended up lasting a loong time. I went to a sports medicine doctor and he gave me exercises to do (mostly stretches) and told me to foam roll my heart out. After doing this for a month with no results I got discouraged & did my own research. I learned weak glutes, hips, core can be a cause so started incorporating pilates/strength a couple days a week. I also changed from the pure flows to a shoe with some more support. I ran on treadmill instead of the road a couple days a week. And I ran flat routes outside (hills can make IT band issues worse). I stopped foam rolling because I just hadnt seen resilts with it for my problem. Because i changed all of these things at once im not sure which had the biggest role in my recovery but i think they all played a part. The problem went away! I hope this helps! Sorry its wordy.

Also, you convinced me to buy a few pairs of bombas yesterday! Cant wait to get them in the mail; theres nothing better than buying new running stuff!


Oh man, I’m a jeep girl. I had my jeep wrangler from 2005-2010, a jeep liberty for the next 4 months before i totalled it (stupid black ice, stupid minnesota!), and then got my red jeep grand cherokee laredo that i’ve had since then! My dream car is a jeep wrangler with good gas mileage. never going to happen, but I want it!


I’ve had my current car going on 3 years. But my car before that I had for over 10 years!
I use to have horrible IT band problems. Two things: (1) I use a lacrosse ball every few days to and work it into my IT band. (2) Squats – doing Crossfit has made me do LOTS of squats so I’ve strengthened those muscles which really help my IT band.


I just bought a new car too. My old one was giving me too many issues and as much as I love it, I just had to let it go. I can’t say I love my new car as much, but perhaps it will grow on me.


We have a 1992 Saturn that we bought brand new. The odometer quit at just over 292k miles about 5 years ago, so we’re pretty sure it’s well over 350k! It just keeps running!


Wow! Just wanted to say that’s pretty awesome!


Hi J! Congrats on the new car, and that’s great Brooke is in gymnastics. I also did gymnastics for a year or so when I was little and a lot of dance. As far as cars — I just got a car a few months ago after moving out of San Francisco. It was glorious to hop in my ride and get places when I first got it … not it’s standard, of course. :) Happy Thursday!


A friend and yoga instructor recently introduced me to MELT therapy. She swears it allowed her to start running again. It’s similar to foam rolling and like using a golf ball/tennis ball on your arches, except the balls and rollers are much softer. Supposedly it’s better for our muscles than using the harder materials. Maybe that would help with your IT band?? I’ve only tried it once, so not sure how much it helps long term!

As a kid, I did a little bit of gymnastics, a lot of swimming, and eventually, running! :)


I loved my two Jeeps but they just got to be too expensive to maintain. They were always breaking! So excited Brooke gets to do gymnastics…I did it when I was younger and it was my favorite thing ever!


I bought my car used in ’09. So I guess my baby (well it’s not really a baby since it’s an H3) is almost 10yo. I loved it when I had 3 goldens but now it’s just too big for my 2yo and myself. It’s quite the gas guzzler when you hear cars can go like 30+mi/gal now. It is an SUV and that’s what I need for winter driving. For my next car I’m going back the a Subaru! I can’t wait to hear what you got! Have fun driving it!


I bought my car in March of 2013, am hoping to trade it in later this year or next year.

My IT band can get cranky. It almost ruined my first marathon this past January. I am pretty diligent about foam rolling now and that helps a lot.


I still have the Subaru wagon that I bought after college 17 years ago. We just drive it around town now since it’s not super reliable for a long trip. It’s great for hauling the dogs and my husband even hauls wood in it. Plus it’s still the best car I’ve ever driven in the snow and it doesn’t matter if I slide into a snow bank here and there… I’m not the best winter driver :)

Great job on the yassos!!


The drama over my IT bands put me on the sidelines for over two years. I’m finally on a comeback, and I’m sticking to the treadmill a lot.


seems like everyone is getting new cars right now! Ive had mine for about 10 years and she has over 170k on it. She is still plugging along just fine but everytime I drive a car with a back up cam I am more and more tempted to get a new car.


Saying good-bye to an old car is bittersweet but congrats!


I have had my car for 12 years! It hasn’t given me one problem and all I’ve done is changed the oil, new tires and brake pads. Yahoo! For my IT band issues, the chiropractor showed me a way to help loosen them. As you foam roll it, while you are on the most painful part, bend your length a few times. Hurts like the dickens but always feels better after. Also, I stretch the IT band before and after I run. By the way, I tried gymnastics, but I get seasick doing a somersault!


Love Brooke’s leotard!! When I did dance and gymnastics as a kid we were stuck wearing pretty plain black or blue leotards so I’m jealous!;)
I just recently bought a new car too! It’s so exciting but it’s so sad to leave your old car! So many memories. Cars really do become like old friends! I hope you enjoy your new car:)


-I’ve had my Jeep for 5 years!
-Yes ITB left knee, I roll the daylights out of it!! And roll on my off days too
-Picking my daughter up from her 3rd day at Kindergarten, she has the best stories about her day :)
-I rode horses :)


Wait, so did I miss it? What kind of car did you get??



Congrats on the new car, I hope it’s working out well for you so far!


This is sure to make you laugh—–My car is currently at 199,600 miles!!!! Still going..Why yes I do plan on celebating the big 200,000 mile mark with her and yes she is a her. She does not have a name but because she is still kicking ass at almost 200,000 miles she has to be a girl. I plan on getting the car chalk and decorating her and everything because that is quite an accomplishment. I played basketball in school. Have a great day


That’s awesome! I had a car that I drove past 200,000 miles! It was awesome! Congrats on your car kicking butt! ?


I played soccer for a few years when I was younger. Then in HS I was on the swim team for a season. It was a lot of fun!

We’ve had our car for 2 years now. Will drive it to the ground.


I had my car forever before the transmission went out and I had to finally buy a new one like two years ago. I never really got super attached to that second car, so I was sort of sad when I totaled it, but not really. Now I have a really really cute Kia Soul and I really really love that car!


I recently sold the car I’ve had since I was a junior in high school. We spent a good 10 years together; together, she and I almost made it to 200K! My mom got a new car so she and my dad gave me her old car. Although not a new car, definitely new to me and such a blessing! My parents are the bee’s knees and I’m so blessed to have them!

Best part of today? A promotional event for Strut Your Mutt Austin! SYM is hosted by Best Friends Animal Society across the country; their sanctuary is in Kanab, UT!

I was cheerleader in middle school and high school. I dabbled in basketball and tennis.


Yay for getting a new car! I have had a couple of new to me cars, but never have purchased a brand new car. Maybe one day ;) Brooke looks so cute in gymnastics. I can’t wait until my little girl is a bit older (she is 19 months), so I can take her to gymnastics, dance, and all of those fun things :)


From what Ive read, Yasso 800’s havent been shown to be accurate race predictors, nor is there any reason why they should be. The type of workout’s focus is different and doesnt really overlap a ton with the skills required for the marathon. Of course it is hugely beneficial in terms of speed and fitness, but as a predictor it is more coincidence based on the time measurement for 800s (saying 2:45 if youre aiming for a 2:50 marathon) being stated in minutes:seconds like a marathon would be hours:minutes. If 800s were measure in seconds (say 165 seconds) or pace per mile the mistaken correlation would never have been made. Fast finish long runs are better predictors–and youve been rocking those :)

Youre going to kill this marathon!! Between the years and years running base, a lifetime of participation in competitive sports, and a great training cycle you will do awesome! I am living vicariously through you a bit since Ive been injured since january and we usually hit around the same paces for workouts and fun runs (I never race)…maybe when I get back out there I will give racing a try–though I have nowhere near your competitive mindset or mental toughness. Your training cycle has some cool workouts I want to try.


I have had my current car for almost years and I have put over 81,000 miles on it since I purchased it. It currently has over 177,000 miles. I am hoping to get about 5 more years out of it. It is a Honda, and they are suppose to last a while.

I have never had IT band problems. I love getting ART done to injuries as well as a new technique that I have fallen in love with is called Bowen. It really helps me with my injuries.

The best part of Thursday is just relaxing waiting for my grad school class to start.

As a kid I did soccer, gymnastics, ballet, tap, jazz, and various other dance classes, The question is can i dance…. NOPE. I took many dance classes for years and to this day I cant carry a rhythm.


Way to kick butt on those 800s!!!! Those times are wayyy under 3 min!! Woo hoo!! You are so ready for this marathon!! I am so, so excited for you!!!
Growing up I took ballet and my Mom got me into a really awesome serious ballet studio. Too bad it wasn’t my passion, but it was so fun!
I also did gymnastics, but I ran cross country and track in HS and College. I’ve always been a runner.
Yes, I love running on trails much better than the track.
Have an awesome day!!


I just paid off my car last month! I’ve had it for almost 5 years now and it better last another 10…at least :) I love my little mazda and I’ll be really sad when I finally have to replace it.

I did a lot when I was a kid…t-ball, gymnastics, piano lessons, swim lessons…


Yay for Brooke starting gymnastics! I hope she loves it!


I’ve had my Nissan Quest for 3.5 years and love it (as much as I can love a mini van).

The best part of my Thursday was my run this morning (speed work!) and taking my daughter to her 2nd day of kindergarten. So cute. :-)

I did gymnastics, soccer, volleyball, basketball, squash, cross-country, track and field, tennis…. can you tell I was a tomboy? Loved it all!

As for the IT band stuff. I had crippling pain just over 10 years ago that went on for year or two. I got better with stretching and the stretching has kept it at bay this whole time. I stretch my hamstrings religiously and while I’m doing them I can angle my body and my foot to get a deep, effective IT band stretch. I also have a yoga pose that I find really intense/effective as well. Revolved triangle pose. If you want more info on the other IT band stretch let me know. It’s hard to explain without pictures! Good luck with it!!!


You have to try Pumpkin Spice Frosted Mini Wheats!!! Found at Target – had to go back & buy 2 more boxes!


I like the gymnastics pictures! My mom (Chris) runs that gym and most of my family coaches there. Looks like she’s going to be quite the little gymnast!
I’ve been meaning to comment on here for a while. We went to high school together. I was good friends with Paige and Megan Myers. It’s fun to see people I know on here. ?


I upgraded to a “mommy car” a couple of years ago. I love my pilot!


I have had my current car, a 2015 rav4 less then a year. Before that I had a different rav4 for about 4-5 years. I like the size and I love Toyotas!
I had a severe IT band problem in February that forced me to drop out of a marathon, take a few weeks off and then slowly (oh so slowly) rebuild my mileage. In hindsight I ignored some tight hamstrings, that soon became an achey knee and before I knew IT band pain so severe I thought I had a stress fracture (I did not). ART and acupuncture helped with an emphasis on acupuncture. Now I try to prevent IT band problems rather then “treat” them. I cross train, stretch and stretch some more. Barre3 is keeping me flexible, stretched and problem free at the moment :)


I’ve had my Tahoe for 9 years and love love love it!!!!

Training for my first marathon a two years ago my right IT band got really angry and even though I don’t run so much anymore, it is still angry. They sure do hold a grudge!


READY FOR THIS?!?! I bought my tahoe Dec 2006…. I still have it and it has 403,000 miles on it!!!!! Yep, you are reading that correct!!! Over 400,000 miles!!!!!! It is literally built like a ROCK!!!!! I am looking to buy a car, hoping for better gas mileage. What kind of car did you get? Still loving it? I need options! Car buying is oh so stressful to me! That is why I run cars into the dirt!! LOL!

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