Let’s talk about sports bras and some random things (of course).

Running sports bras—>  they can either be our best friend or our worst enemy.  For the majority of my running years I have used awful sports bras.  Let’s not even talk about my sports bra selection while I was pregnant (I would wear 2-3 super cheap sports bras at a time to help with support and I chaffed like you wouldn’t believe).  It has been about 2 years since I started wearing better sports bras and it has made the world of difference. My rebound racer has become my best friend.  

PicMonkey Coqllage

What I love about the Rebound Racer—>  I don’t chafe in it.  I think that is mainly because the bottom band self-adjusts making the bra fit perfectly.  I love the adjustable straps in the front (that just makes life easier).  They’ve got some sweet molded cups that help with support and to keep everything in place:)  They are breathable and sweat-wicking.  I’ve used this one for speed workouts, long runs and easy runs and it does the job for all of the paces and distances.  

The Juno is an EXTREMELY popular sports bra and after using it I can see why.  This one also has the adjustable straps in the front to help make sure that it fits your body perfectly.  The interior front yoke ‘prevents vertical breast movement’ (YAY)!  It gives you a nice shape.  The amount of support I get from this bra is better than any others I have tried.  

After many years of chaffing and my sports bras breaking down after just a few washes I now feel like a good sports bra is totally worth the investment. 

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We make sure to get the proper sizing/fit/type of running shoes so make sure you are doing the same for your sports bras!  Get fitted for your correct size!  Here are some tips to help out with finding a good sports bras:

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Something out there for everyone:)



-Homemade popsicles have been our treat of choice so far this week.  Greek yogurt + bananas + strawberries + a little bit of water. 

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-Legzzzz for dayzzzzz.

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-Today’s run—> 7.5 miles (8:08 pace) and I was pretty annoyed 33% of the time.  I was in such a rush to get out for my run that I forgot a headband/bobbi pins and I couldn’t find my running sunglasses anywhere.  I think I ate half of my bangs throughout the run and thank goodness for my fake eyelashes blocking some of the sunlight from my retinas since I didn’t have my sunglasses.    

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-She picks the m&ms out of the trail mix just like I do.

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-Park nights with my main squeezes are my favorite kind of nights.  

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-Marriage tip—>  his and her grapes.

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What sports bras do you love?  Do you stick with one brand or do you have a bunch of different brands of sports bras?

Favorite trail mix ingredients?  

Had any of your pet peeves occur on a run lately?

What has been your treat of choice this week?

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That bra looks awesome! I just got the marathon bra made by Hanes and it is by far my favorite I’ve worn so far.. I usually don’t care about brands or spending a ton of money on them but this one is worth it!


This is great information! No one ever tells you what to look for in a sports bra. I go with Nike bras normally but I’ve been looking into different Moving Comfort bras.

One of my biggest pet peeves occurs daily: I hate when bikers fly past without saying “On your left.” I’m too skiddish I guess.


I love the oiselle strappy bras!
M&m’s arw definitely the best trail mix ingredient.
Treat of choice: vegan chocolate chip cookies from whole foods!


YES. I love their vegan gingersnap cookies also! And actually their vegan scones taste like cookies also…


I’ve never tried their scones. I’ll keep my eyes open for them next time!!!


I’ve heard a lot of good things about the Brooks Moving Comfort sports bras, and now I definitely want to give them a try! Bangs or any loose wisps of hair drive my crazy during a run, especially if I’m sweating a lot. My treat of choice this week is some lavender almond blondies I made – yum!


oh mannnn do i feel you re: headband issues. i took a hot yoga class recently sans headband/bobby pins and i was such a distracted mess. what top are you wearing in that photo? i love it.


My sports bras are currently all old cheapos but, my birthday is coming up so I’m looking into a lot of new running gear.

I hate squinting while I run, and I hate it when I run in the evening and bugs fly into my eyes. So I’m also going to try to swing getting some new sunglasses for running.

I’m trying really hard to lay off the junk food and eat better. It’s a challenge.


Your parents grapes crack me up. That’s awesome! (and brilliant!)

I can’t deal with my hair in my face when I run. A hat or headband is a necessity. And I hate squinting, so I feel your pain!

The Athleta Hullabraloo sports bra is my current favorite! Sports bras are like running shoes, they are an investment but the quality is important and I’m willing to pay extra for that!!

Treat of choice this week, my moms PB rice krispie treats. So good!


I only have the one Juno bra in black and I LOVE IT. I will probably never try another type again. I am spilling out of the right side of it, so I know I need to go up a size. Good thing my running store is tax free this weekend. :)


You might have had the most annoying run ever, but your eyelashes still look fabulous in that picture :) Getting little gnats or bugs in my eyes are my biggest pet peeve, or sweat… If I have eye make up on before I run, I look like an absolute disaster when I’m done!

I love Under Armour sports bras. I don’t have much that needs supporting…ha. I have quite a few Champion ones from Target too, they are cheaper and I think they are comfy.


I think moving comfort has the best bras hand down. I love the rebound racer too. We sell a ton of Juno bras at work but I don’t need all of that. I hope one day Moving Comfort makes a longish bra that athletes can race in.


I generally wear Nike sports bras, but I’ve also found some great Lululemon ones I like, too.

I really hate having hair issues on a run. I have finally found the perfect headbands, but I had a few in the past that kept riding off my head, and it drove me nuts!!

My frozen treat this week has been frozen strawberry all-natural fruit bars I got at Kroger. SO delicious!


I switched to Moving Comfort a few years ago and I can never go back!
I just got my first Juno in the mail yesterday!!


Ever since I found moving cmfort I’ve been loyal to them. I love the Maia and rebound racer.

I love my trail mix blend. It’s almonds, cashews, chocolate chunks, craisins, dried cherries and peanuts. Perfect mix of salty and sweet!


That marriage tip is so cute!


The Target champion bras are awesome. I cut little pockets on the inside layer and put lightly padded inserts to prevent headlights :)


The Fiona is a great bra as well by Moving Comfort! I am wearing that one right now and did not chafe on my run!


That looks like a great sports bra! I’m totally going to make some of those popsicles, they look delicious!

My fave trail mix ingredients are peanuts, M&Ms, and raisins. :) Costco sells the best trail mix!


I love my Old Navy Active line sports bras!


Those bras look and sound great! And now I really want a popsicle! haha


The Juno changed my life. I’m that rare breed of small band and extra large cup and this miraculous bra made it possible for me to finally ditch the double up method. I almost cried happy tears at being able to wear my first racer back tank and not have straps show. They recently had a sale and were $36 so I snagged 4! Talk about doing the happy dance.


The his and her grapes!
My mom was telling me a story the other day and mentioned ‘her’ blueberries and ‘my Dad’s’ blueberries. I stopped her mid-sentence… “Wait, wait, wait…you have separate blueberries from dad?”
I guess this is a thing then and my parents aren’t just plain ol crazy!?!

Phew…Good to know.


I am all about using good sports bras! I have VS Sports Bra that I love! It was amazing when I was nursing and needed some extra support and I still love it! I will have to try out the rebound racer!


I also have been very happy in the rebound racer!!!


I am in love with my new Nike Pro Sport bra. My “girls” are on the large size. The whole molded cup encapsulation look was intimidating. It is fabulous! I love that I can just pull it on and not struggle with straps. No uniboob either! :)


Just wanted to say that your sister’s little boy is ADORABLE. Seriously cute.

I love my Champion Shaped T-back sports bra. It took me a while to figure out what size I was, but once I got that figured out, it became a favorite. I have it in 4 colors.


This is good info – it’s nice to know there’s some good, supportive sports bras out there that aren’t super ugly. I’ve always found the ones that hold the girls in place to be so unflattering looks wise.


I love the rebound racer! Not a big fan of the Juno. I have a lot to wrangle and I don’t feel like I’m getting the squeeze with the Rebound Racer. What I really wish is that my boobs were small and 20 years old. #notthequestion


One pet peeve that happened on my run the other day was my Garmin dying mid-run! Then I just had to guess the distance the rest of the way. No fun! I have been using the same sports bra for like 6 years – not because it’s that great, just because I don’t have a lot to, um, support. My favorite part of trail mix is the M&M’s and raisins. The peanuts are just so I can pretend there are some health benefits!


Oh my gosh, your nephew is the cutest! I have been all about Target sports bras for years. One of these days I will invest in a nice one. Anything chocolate related in a trail mix is my favorite. I had to use different headphones on a run and they kept falling out of my ears, so annoying!


I’ve been jealous of your lashes! What type are they? For some reason I’ve shyed away from fake lashes because I assumed the constant running would make them fall out quicker!


The Rebound Racer, Juno and Fiona are the only sports bras I use anymore! I used to also wear 2-3 sports bras and thought I was doing ok haha. Then I tried on Moving Comfort and said “IS THIS HEAVEN?!” Never looked back after that.


Hahaha! I LOVE that grape idea. Something like that should definitely be deployed in our household.

I love Oiselle bras. They’re the best I’ve ever worn!


Oh my… I love my Moving Comfort Maia bras!!! Seriously the best, and they hold my D cups tight tight tight when I run! And I love that I don’t have to pull it over my head, but I seriously want a racerback, so….. might have to branch into the Rebound Racer, eh?

Your nephew is so adorable! My legs look like his at the moment as I’ve lost 75lbs and the skin hasn’t caught up yet. Yay.. progress! But his is MEANT to be and absolutely adorable!

His and her grapes? Hilarious!


I don’t even know the last time I bought a sports bra. I have had the same ones from Target for years and they still work great. I don’t have much to hold up so that may be why I can get away w any old kind of bra :)


Moving Comfort forever. I have all Fionas and Rebound Racers. I don’t know if the sale is still on but they had great deals! I also feel like they don’t make my boobs look too weird.
We went blueberry picking last weekend so we have been going crazy on those guys all week. Tomorrow I’m making scones.


I want to go blueberry picking! That sounds awesome! So glad that you found the bras that you love! Enjoy your scones:)


I swear, I am following all of the Brooks ambassadors, because you all are posting about sports bras right now! And I am absolutely terrible and have bad sports bras. I mean, I like them, but they’re old and I should definitely get re-fitted. ugh. Hahah


I swear, I am following all of the Brooks ambassadors, because you all are posting about sports bras right now! And I am absolutely terrible and have bad sports bras. I mean, I like them, but they’re old and I should definitely get re-fitted. ugh.


My two favs are the LuLu All sports bra and the Handful sports bra. The Handful bra is so comfortable I could wear it all day, everyday!


Chocolate covered salted pretzels. Yum!


I love the Handful sports bra too – it’s my favorite. I keep trying to branch out and just never grab another one when it’s clean!

My only pet peeve is putting the cups back in all the time. I wish they weren’t removable, I feel like they’d still get clean, and I never run without them!


I wasn’t so sure about the cups at first but now they don’t bother me. I like that they are labelled and I use them in other bras and tops. I have an Athleta swimsuit that I use the Handful cups in. It looks so much better.


I love all of my Champion sports bras, especially the Marathon bra.

My hair was driving me sooo crazy on tonight’s run, I’m surprised I didn’t rip it out.

And lately, I have been loving bananas, chocolate covered almonds, and cherry tomatoes. But, not at the same time! ;)


I wear Moving Comfort, Under Armour and Shock Absorber bras- I have quite a large chest so a good bra is ESSENTIAL!!


Janae, I have a dreaded stress fracture in my foot. Do you have any advice? And what was the time frame for getting back to activity when you had one? Like, when could you do a stationary bike, swim, elliptical, and ultimately swim? Feel free to email me too! julie.verhage328 at gmail dot com.


whoops–“ultimately run” not “ultimately swim”….that’s what I get for posting on here before 6am ;)


Pet peeve – my Economist audio version kept stopping on my run to work on Wednesday. This means digging my phone out my backpack and restarting it. Third time it happened, it was over and I switched to Serial instead. It drives me up the wall!!

I have always used the Shock Absorber bras, and I honestly hadn’t even realised chaffing was an issue for female runners until I read this. I feel very lucky!!!!!!


Thanks for the advice! FYI: chafing/chafed, not chaffing/chaffed


It’s like you read my mind with this post. All my sports bras are the Champion brand from Target but they recently changed to a new style that I don’t like. I’ve been needing to get a few new bras but I hate the ordeal of trying to find one that works for me/haven’t had time. I think I’ll try out the Rebound Racer you suggested.

A peeve this week is that we’re under a heat advisory here in NYC so I’m just slugging a long on my outdoor runs.

As for treats this week I’ve been all about the pb banana smoothies. I’m actually drinking one right now that also has a double shot of espresso in it. Totally perfect for breakfast.


Now you’ve got me worried. I love those bras but mine are getting really worn out!


Trail mix = m&m’s with obstacles.

I love my C9 sports bras from Target. Cheap yet chafe free- except they’re getting worn out and I’m dreading the process of finding new ones.

My favorite treat this week has been vanilla yogurt with 1/2 of a chocolate caramel protein bar chopped up in it.


I like to put chocolate chips in my trail mix.


Thanks for all of the great information about sports bras!


Love me some almonds, honey roasted peanuts, and dried pineapple. I can’t pick just one favorite ingredient!

Biggest pet peeve is spitting.

The park you go to looks amazing!!


OH my, I am embarrassed to even say what my sports bras are like right now. It’s awful. I know that I need a really good one, but I am trying to wait until my baby fully weans. This is such a helpful post for me, thanks!


I also love and use the moving comfort sports bras.
My fave trail mix ingrediant is chocolate covered coffee or espresso beans.
My treat of choice has been Starbucks, from frappachinos to chocolate covered graham crackers.


I am almost completely flat-chested, so I can usually wear most sports bras that don’t have molded cups. That being said, the OLD Target C9 ones (new ones all have molded cups- I’m too small for that nonsense!) and the Lululemon Free to Be Wild are my current favorites!


I JUST got my first “real” sports bra! I just didn’t wanna spend the $$ on a BRA! But after getting the new balance shockingly unshocking bra, I CAN SEE THE NEED!!!!! Holy difference! I now have about 5 of them and that is all I wear for running! Or anything that is high impact. I just wasn’t a fan of the moving comfort ones b/c they were SO hard to get on and off! It was like a workout in the fitting room! haha

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