A fun track workout for you to try and a debate.

Some things came up last night and so I had to skip out on meg’s bootcamp.  Once we got everything taken care of Brooke and I stopped at the track to get in a workout.  Brooke is really into her scooter lately so it was a win-win situation.  We also avoided getting rained on which made it even better… I’m kind of over running in the rain.  

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Here is how it went!  

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For the 400 meter run you can try really pushing the pace to make it more challenging (or bumping it up to 2 times around the track for 800 meters).  I took it easy on the runs because of the half marathon that I did on Saturday.  I also just used half of the track and ran back and forth to make it 400 meters so that I could stay close to Brooke which worked out nicely.  

Here’s the video of how it went:  

PS my life was made at the end when Brooke said, ‘Wow, that’s fast.’

I have a strong feeling that we will be doing this kind of stuff more.  Brooke loved it and got in some scooter practice, I got in a good sweat, we were able to talk during the non-run parts together and I wasn’t on a treadmill so yeah, it was great.  

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We were both pretty tired afterwards.  

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Just a few more notable things from yesterday:

Took the girls to Chick-Fil-A and we ate waffle fries together.  

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We are back at it again:

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Bachelorette and popcorn.  

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Brooke got her turtle-piggy-bank back that she painted a few weeks ago and wanted me to take a picture of her with it to show you guys.  

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Vanilla Chex at 1 a.m. is always a good idea.

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PS a few people have been asking about the hat I have been wearing non-stop.  It is HERE!!!


DEBATE—>  Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy or somewhere in between?  Does it depend on the cereal?

If you could only choose one cereal to have for the rest of your life… what would it be?

How often do you use the track?

Who watched Bachelorette last night?

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No cereal for me and nothing is better than our own children’s admiration!


in almost three years since I’ve been a runner I have never run on the track! For some odd reason we just don’t have a public one near me.

I love my cereal crunchy! When it gets soggy I have to add more on top haha


I like crunchy cereal better, unless it is granola, then I like it a little soggy. I a saving the Bachelorette for my long runs on the weekend, so I usually know what happened already! I’m kind of excited to see what all they change up this season!

I don’t get to use the track often enough! Looks like you got in a good workout!!


I’m not much of attack workout person but that looks like it would be fun to mix things up. I think I would really enjoy switching things up! Do you do a lot of push up? I feel like I dhouldne working that aspect of my body more, it just gets neglected.


Great idea to have Brooke join you! My husband has tried that sort of thing with little success but Brooke was definitely a great sport. Isn’t it funny how the compliments from our kids get us the most? So cute :)


Crunchy all the way, I eat it quickly so it doesn’t go soggy.
I really love muesli, it’s never crunchy but I love it the most.

So glad your sister is getting better. Scary when it’s your back, affects everything and even harder with a baby.

Heading in for surgery tomorrow for my knee and petrified!! Can’t wait until it’s all over.


great demo video! And such a great date for you and Brooke! I hope to incorporate the outdoors and working out as much as you do when I become a mommy :) Happy Tues!


-I like my cereal crunchy! I only put a teeny tiny drop of milk in so that it doesn’t get soggy :)
-One cereal for the rest of my life: Count Chocula…haven’t had it in forever. It’s so bad for you but oh so good.
– I haven’t used the track since I was on the XC team…I always use trails!


I love this track workout! For whatever reason I can’t run outside anymore (24 weeks pregnant today) but I could definitely do this workout, minus the situps, on the treadmill at the gym!


Looks like a killer workout!!


I used the track yesterday for the first time in awhile! I haven’t done 400s since last summer. That looks like a great workout to incorporate other exercises besides just running!


Crunchy cereal, any cereal, loads of it. This is why I don’t buy cereal….I cannot be trusted.

There’s a track near mine I have been meaning to try out, but it looks a bit intimidating!!


I could 100% live on Frosted Mini Wheats. They are beyond. It’s like dessert for breakfast… or dessert. I usually eat them after dinner! Late night cereal snacking is the best. Soggy or crunchy… totally depends on the cereal! And I don’t use a track, but I really should. I live down the street from a high school so there’s really no excuse. Maybe that will be another summer goal!


I hate hate HATE soggy cereal! Soggy anything grosses me out and I have to throw it out immediately. I love the idea of doing a track workout and strength moves as well! I’ll have to try this out next time I have a speed session.

I haven’t watched Bachelorette (no cable) but I’m SO EXCITED!!! Kaitlin’s my favorite contestant of all time :)


That sounds like a great workout! I’m about to go lace up my sneaks right now, but I don’t think mine will be quite so intense!!!!


I am a crunchy over soggy girl for sure! Hmm… That’s tough! Maybe cinnamon toast. Crunch but I’ve been on a mini wheats kick lately!

I have never used a track to run. I usually just stick to the treadmill or go outside. Once I start my training for NYC I plan to take more workouts to the track.

I love that video! Brooke looks so happy to be outside! My little guy is like that too.

I don’t have cable so I’m waiting to watch the Bachelorette (both last night and tonight’s episodes) Friday on Itunes!


Ugh these cereal questions are so hard for me! I think somewhere in between soggy and crunchy (unless it’s Golden Grahams, those I’ll ONLY eat dry). And I think I’d eat Special K Red Berries the rest of my life? It’s so hard, I’m not loyal to any particular one!

I really never use the track! All of my track workouts I’ve done lately have been on the treadmill. For speed workouts in general I prefer tempo runs, but I def need to get some intervals in for my next marathon to get my legs stronger!


I loved that video of you two! So. Cute. I also love how you still get in a great workout when you are a busy working single mom! So inspirational! Have a wonderful Tuesday!


Crunchy cereal and it would be honey nut Cheerios for me!
I run track every Tuesday. Today was 800 repeats…woof!!


I think it depends on the cereal. And I would definitely be Cinnamon Toast Crunch. No question.

I used to go to the track once a week every week, but since coming back from my injury, I’ve done a lot more speed work in different ways and a lot more tempo runs.

LOVE how you get to bond with Brooke while also getting your running in. Spending time with her is so important, and I admire how you make it priority in your life. :)


Crunchy cereal! Never soggy. :)
Love the kid friendly track workout!


Cracklin Bran Oats all day errry day – a littttle bit soggy in some milk = perfection.

I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE WHO IS THE NEXT BACH. Such a guilty addiction, I do admit. I ALMOST googled it and decided to exercise self control.

Have an awesome morning!


OMG. I totally forgot about these. I used to live on them in my sorority house!




My cereal must be crunchy. Pour the milk and then eat it as fast as possible!
I never do the track because it is boooring, but now I think it might be a genius idea. The closest one is an elementary school and the track goes around 2 playgrounds and basketball area – perfect for the kids to play while I work.


Ahhh I missed the bachelorette Last night.!! Darn it. I’m definietly going to watch it though.!!
I sooo like my cereal crunchy. I like nothing soggy, can’t handle it.
And that’s a good idea about the track workout. My daughter is so unwell behaved that it would turn into me chasing her. Lol


That video was hilarious! I especially enjoyed the commentary of your coach in the background. She’s tough but obviously committed.

Hope your sister is feeling better. It must be challenging, and not just physically, to have an active lifestyle so abruptly interrupted. Especially when there’s a newborn. Best wishes!


I like my cereal crunchy. I have a cereal rule: “When the cereal starts to move with the addition of milk, that’s enough milk!” LOL! I am trying to get away from cereal though. I love the taste, texture, and immediate sugar rush–but I always end up having a “crash” about thirty minutes later. Basically, I love it but I feel like it’s calories that are not beneficial to fueling properly.


It SO depends on the cereal! All bran cereal is good soggy, but the crunchy, poppy ones are best soaked for no more than 30 seconds.

If you disagree I WILL FIGHT YOU ON THIS!!


That video is so great and I love the scenery! I used to use the track a lot but now I live in the city and the only one near me is always super crowded.

I like my cereal somewhere in between. I try not to dunk it all in the milk so that some of it stays crunchy and some is soft.


I love that pink zip up sweatshirt you’re wearing. Wide neck sweatshirts are the best. My favorite cereal is cinnamon toast crunch and frosted mini wheats. I don’t like my cereal soggy. I eat it pretty quickly so that it’s still crunchy.

I use the track every once in a blue moon. After talking to some runners this past weekend I’m thinking of using it more and maybe even joining a running track group to focus on speed.


Crunchy cereal! I add only a small amount of milk to mine so it doesn’t get soggy. If I could only eat one cereal, it would be Rice Chex. So simple, but so good and you can add in all sorts of fruits and nuts.
How fun that you and Brooke had a track date! I don’t use a track but I’m hoping to find one in my new city.


Soggy cereal all the way. I used to LOVE Life Cereal slightly soggy with raisins. Oh and cocoa pebbles soggy in milk for the chocolate milk. But only a little milk in the bowl, never a lot, just enough to sog things up!


Depends on the cereal. My favorite is Frosted Mini Wheats that are really soft, but not quite soggy.


YES! Okay so I figured out that this works really well: I bring Katie (my 9 year old) to the track with the baby (Callum is 15 months old) and I set them up on a spot on the field with bubbles and juice and a couple of toys and that way I can do my 800’s NOT on the treadmill. Plus Callum thinks it’s hilarious when I fly past him. And he really likes it that I am never completely out of his sight.


I really want to do some track workouts. We actually almost bought a house here in San Diego that was right next to a school with a beautiful track. Unfortunately it didn’t go through so I am back to square one.


I really hope Caitlin gets the Bachelorette position. I would be friends with her because of her dirty/corny jokes. I loved her the second she opened her mouth on the Bachelor.

I love my cereal in-between. The cereal milk is even better! Reeses Puffs for the win!


I prefer my cereal soggy, and typically let it sit for a few minutes after I put the milk in the bowl so it gets a little mushy. Fave cereal of all time is raisin bran (lame, I know. But true!)

There is a beautiful new track right next to my office that I try to use a few times per week. It is right up against the Hudson river and overlooks the NYC skyline- a morning run there is the perfect way to start the day!


I don’t do track workouts often, but I like this one. I was thinking it’s something my teenage football playing boys and I could do together, since they find long runs boring. And definitely crunchy cereal. I don’t even have time to put the milk away before I start eating or it might get too soggy. :)


This is the debate of all debates. I’m a bit complicated here…

If it is a “flake” cereal (Frosted Flakes, Special K, etc.), it needs to be soggy. Like falling apart. Like basically cold oatmeal.

If it is a “rounded” cereal (think Cocoa Puffs, Reese’s Puffs, Cheerios, etc.), it needs to be somewhere in between.

If it is a “shredded and/or granola” cereal, it needs to be crunchy.

SPECIAL CASE: Lucky Charms. Ideally, the oats would be crunchy while the charms are soggy. So ideally, I’d pick out the marshmallows, soak them in the milk for a bit, then add the oat pieces right before eating… but I’m not (that) crazy, so I don’t do this ;)


I’m an in the middle girl when it comes to cereal- a little crunchy, a little soggy. Especially with Frosted Mini What’s- this would be my all time favorite!


Team Kaitlyn! The Bachelorette/The Bachelor is my favorite time of year.

I usually eat cereal plain or when it’s on top of froyo (in that case, Cinnamon Toast Crunch is the bomb) … That said, I used to love soggy Honeycomb.

And that sky looks crazy!


I really need to try the Vanilla Chex! I like my cereal in between crunchy and soggy so I gotta really stay on task to find that “sweet spot”. I always run outside but never on the track. The only track I use is the indoor track when the weather is snowy.


I’m just watching the bachelorette now! I can’t wait to see how this one ends!


Love that you combined fun time with Brooke with your workout! I’m thinking me and my little guy might need to try an evening at the track :)

I like my cereal right in-between. Not too crunch, not too soggy.

I’m not sure I can choose just one cereal for the rest of my life! Maybe fruity pebbles?

I never go to the track, but it’s definitely on my must-do list for marathon training this summer.

I’m saving the bachelorette to watch on the treadmill later this week. Nobody better tell me what happened!


I hate soggy cereal–and granola for that matter. When adding granola to yogurt, I’ll just do it a little at a time to be sure that it stays crunchy.


I like my cereal completely coated with milk but not soggy, if that makes any sense at all.

I would choose Honey Nut Cheerios for the rest of my life. Simply enough but not boring.

Is this a high school track? That is all we have in my town and it makes it difficult to run on it sometimes.


I’m always amazed that you can get a workout done with Brooke alongside you. She must be really well behaved. You’ve got her trained!


oooooh! The crunch vs. soggy cereal debate is tough! It totally depends on the type of cereal and my mood. I think I would go with nature path flax cereal for life. I’ve been eating it for years, and I never get sick of it!!


Brooke looks like she had a blast on her scooter! Mmm Chik Fil A <3 <3 <3


I use the track all the time – mostly because I’m always there. But last year, it was more for drills and that sort of thing since speed work was not in my marathon training plans. This year it is!

Crunchy cereal all the way!


That was the best workout video I’ve ever seen! I think more of them should incorporate a toddler in the background ;)
I like cereal mostly soggy. I can eat more before my jaw starts to hurt!
If I could only have one cereal, it’d be Peanut Butter Captn Crunch. I’d be a happy camper.
I used to do track workouts once a week, and I need to start again!
Bachelorette: the two women thing was really awkward for everyone involved. I sincerely hope it is Kaitlyn. Although Britt was much more likeable this time around.


I don’t put milk in my cereal – I eat it dry – because I hate eating soggy things. There’s something about the texture of it that drives me crazy.


It really depends on the cereal, but mostly crunchy. Soggy cereal is the worst.

One cereal for the rest of my life? Shreddies. I know, boring, but I hate the uber sugary cereals so Shreddies is a treat!

Ahhhh, I should use the track more and your workout made me want to go there and do a workout!! TOMORROW I’M GOING!! :D


chex I guess, I’m Celiac, right? so no gluten. And so not soggy. yuck.

Your workout is great and I loved watching Brooke just fly past you the whole time you’re doing push ups and sit ups and what have you. She’s just toolin’ along…LOL


Quaker oatmeal sqares FTW! a little soggy. I can’t eat them anymore but I sure do miss them sometimes. I’ll be SO glad when the new GF cheerios come out this fall.


I love your track workout with Brooke. I have never done one but may try one when I go up north this summer. We model so much for our children and you are leading her by example. She will develop (she probably already has) a love of the outdoors and exercise too. I love how she shows everyone her piggy bank :) She is such a cutie!!

I was wondering where the capris are from that you are wearing in the track workout. I have IT band issues and they looked like they would be good for the knee area. It was doing so well and I pushed it last week :(

I did see some of the Bachelorette last night.


I only started running 3 1/2 years ago and haven’t done the track yet…looks like win win being a mommy….so my whole family was asleep and I happen to have tv to myself and caught last 45 min of bachelorette. I had no idea we wouldn’t find out til next episode who they chose?? Both girls seem sweet. Crazy cliff hanger!
Video was adorable!


Cereal for the rest of my life def Original Frosted Mini wheats – eat from the bottom first to get the ones that have been sitting in the milk to just lose a bit of their crunch :) Any other cereal has to be crunchy. Lately though I’ve been loving the Kashi Quinoa Multigrain flakes and raisins

Will have to try your track workout soon! I’ve been trying to integrate more than just running and a few classes into training.


One cereal for the rest of my life?! Hardest question ever. I’d probably pick something boring like Cornflakes (which I actually love) because I’d get sick of my other favorite (Captain Crunch).

I used to be a weekly track user, but in the warmer Texas months I just hate it! So speed work gets put on the back burner until the fall.


What a great way to include Brooke in your workouts! My son used to ride his bike on a bike path while I got my run in…he loved it. It is always more trouble to include my kids when I’m trying to get a real workout done (it’s frustrating to get interrupted or have to listen to whining), but you reminded me today what a good experience it is for them and that they’ll have memories of those times later on in life–hopefully, they will follow our examples and live healthy lifestyles.


Are you #teamkaitlyn or #teambritt? I’m all for Kaitlyn! I have a feeling the vote is going to end up a “tie” and they will both stick around for awhile. Why else would they have asked that one bachelor to leave? They needed to even out the numbers ;)


That video is the cutest! How am I supposed to pay attention to the workout, though? Brooke is so cute!

I’m Team Kaitlyn all the way, but I hate that this decision is being made by a bunch of dumb dudes. I feel like they will all pick the wide-eyed bombshell over the beautiful, witty one just because dudes are dumb.


Such a cool way to get in a work out while spending time with Brooke and keeping Her active! Can’t wait to try things like this wheny boy’s older


Soggy cereal all the way. My new obsession is vanilla Chex but I think if I could only eat one cereal for the rest of my life I’d choose Rice Crispies. Soggy french fries are even better than soggy cereal.


I did your workout this morning. Had to modify a bit bc i’m 30 weeks prego, but I felt pretty good after! Cereal needs to be in between. I’d choose frosted mini wheats for sure.


WAY TO GO JESSICA! That is awesome:) PS you are getting so close! PPS frosted mini wheats are the best.


Brooke is so good at entertaining herself!

BTW, that’s a great workout!


I do not like soggy cereal! And, I coukd eat Lucky Charms everyday for the rest of my life. What can I say?! I’m healthy! ;)

That’s nice that you guys were able to use the track, and even better that it may be a suitable alternative to the treadmill.


it HAS to be crunchy….soggy is just yucky!
That is a terrific workout! I adore the track so I will have to give that workout a try sometime soon!:)


One Cereal – Honey Bunches of Oats. For sure.
Since I graduated high school I have been afraid of the track for some reason (and I used to be on the track team), but that track workout looks like fun! Maybe I’ll make a track come back! Thanks for sharing!


SO cool that Brooke enjoyed being at the track with you! I vividly remember when I was age 2 – 4 and regularly went to a track in Montreal with my dad. I rode my tiny bike with training wheels round and round as I watched him do his work-out. I loved it. You are creating great memories :)


I just want to thank you for not giving anything about The Bachelorette away for those of us who DVR it. So many blogs ruin spoilers for others when discuss shows! Thank you for not doing that! Can’t wait to watch :)


Good for you for coming up with an awesome idea to use the track! I kinda just like the idea of letting kids play with their riding toys away from cars. The girls I nanny for live on a very busy street with bumpy sidewalks so I’m definitely going to use this idea this summer and maybe get in a workout too! Awesome that Brooke gets to watch you be healthy and have fun!


I watched! #teamkaitlyn all the way. I was not a fan of Britt last season and I am impatiently waiting for part 2 tonight so we can find out what happens.

I like certain cereals soggy and others crunchy – it depends on both the cereal ad my mood for the day :)


Brooke is too cute on that scooter… I love that you spend time with her even during a workout!


Definitely prefer my cereal crunchy–or just straight from the box:) if I could only eat one type for the rest of my life it would probably be Team Cheerios but sadly they discontinued those :(

I despise using the track because I find it boring but I like that I can measure my distance easily!


-i love a crunchy cereal, a splash of milk that’s all i like.
-i would live on cinnamon chex if it was appropriate.


Thanks I will try that workout in a few weeks when I make my return to the track. Haven’t been on one since I left school…. A long, long time ago…


J, is there any break between sets?


HEY!!! I didn’t take any breaks (unless Brooke needed something) but if I was going full out for the 400m then I totally would! Hope you are having a great day!


Nice! I used to run 400’s in high school…the worst. I actually faked an injury so I didn’t have to run a 4 in a relay invitational! =)…. But I am older and a little bit wiser now, challenge accepted…thanks!


I posted on IG today… because it was close to what you did =). We did 400s x 3 X 5. So, 3, 400s, 5 sets for a total of 15, 400s. After every 400 we did a cardio or core exercise ( 3 minutes to do your 400 plus exercise)… it was tough!


I love the video!!


She’s cute! I’m going to work on getting to the track more now that High school track is over and I wont be worrying about interrupting track meets.

Cereal debate: depends on the cereal, Captn’ crunch needs to be a little soggy to not have it rip up my mouth, but not too soggy.


Oh how I missed our Bachelor nights. I am so glad they (and Megan’s popcorn) are back in my life.

Vanilla Chex are so delicious. They are good dumped into a jar of pb and eaten with a spoon. It’s true. Don’t knock it until you try it. And clearly I need a pb intervention. I could never pick ONE favorite cereal. Favorite cereal to eat dry: cinnamon Life. Favorite ‘healthy’ cereal: Wheat Chex. Favorite sugar cereal that is trying to trick people into being healthy: Raisin Bran Crunch. Favorite sugary cereal: Reese’s puffs.


Oh and that video is absolutely adorable. She is the cutest sidekick there ever was.


I had a track party with my kiddos last summer and it was a blast!!
Love this!!
Crunchy cereal. Granola. All the time. For life
Track once a week or every other during marathon training.
Didn’t watch it – heard it was good!!


Crunchy!! Definitely always crunchy! And Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Terrible for you but oh so delicious (don’t judge )
I love the track! Just for speed workouts none of that around and around and around business for this girl!! Ha! Thank you for sharing your workout, putting it on my to do list!!


Cereal should be crunchy, unless it’s frosted mini wheats, then I need them to be somewhere in between.

Only one cereal? FMW for sure.

I haven’t run on a track in over a year. I ran round and round so many times in high school that I just don’t like it.


Ok that video made my day only bc I loved watching Brooke in the background :). She is so dang cute!!!


I’m not a fan of the idea of the bachelorette this year, and I think a lot of the guys are pretty lousy. I hope there are a few good ones in there!


Crunchy cereall…. All the way. :-)

That track workout looks… um. painful, and fun. I haven’t been on the track in a while, but I’m hoping to break my 5k PR this year, so I’m sure the track will see me more often this year.


Oh my word, Brooke is too cute in the video! Love real life videos :)
Crunchy cereal for sure and I’d have to go with grape nuts, ultimate crunch!
I’ve gotten out of watching the Bachelor/Bachelorette, but a friend sent me this link that I thought was pretty funny.


When I was Brooke’s age, I was ALL about my scooter! I thought about bringing it to college with me, but decided not to in order to be an adult. ;)

That video was great! Brooke is adorable, but what is new?

I like cereal somewhere in the middle, and my cereal of choice is 100% Life. It is the best and I refuse to believe otherwise. :)


For years I ate my cereal dry so I just discovered the joy of somewhat soggy cereal. I love cocoa pebbles ❤️


I love Trader Joe’s Joes Os and I eat them every day. I gave up cereal for Lent this year and it was my hardest one. I never felt full enough throughout the day!

I like to do my speed work on the track but the best time for me to go is after school and it is all track kids and lacrosse and whatever else. I’m hoping I can do early mornings there in the summer!


For me, it depends on the cereal. And I would choose Honey Nut Cheerios if I had to only have one.

I don’t have easy access to a track, but our riverwalk has mile and half mile markers I can use for shorter workouts.

And I am not into the reality TV. Give me NCIS anyday. Or Friends, Psych, and Full House on DVD.


YESSSSS. Chex cereal is amazing! BUT you have to mix the vanilla and the chocolate together- it is literally epic!


The drunk jerk is from my city (Kansas City) so everyone is talking about how he embarrassed us… I’m watching the second half now, they sure now how to drag things on and on and on.


Spot on with this write-up, I absolutely feel this website needs a
great deal more attention. I’ll probably be returning to read through
more, thanks for the info!


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