Sentence per picture and why is IRON so important?!

I told you, the froyo isn’t going anywhere and just $1.79 brings me so much happiness.  

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If you haven’t tried these yet, I highly recommend this flavor… HIGHLY.  

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Got a little one-on-one time watching Cupcake Wars with my niece while Brooke was napping.  

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Late last night Jess and I hit up a yoga class for some much needed stretching and catching up.  

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Brooke’s horse that she painted was finally ready to be picked up yesterday!!

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Just found this instagram account and I am loving it!

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My latest Women’s Running article is about embracing the easy run!!!

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Our iron levels can affect our running performance big time.  If we are not getting in enough iron then our hard workouts, long runs etc are going to definitely suffer. We need to remember that runners lose more iron than non-runners through our feet, through sweat and through our intestines.  Menstruation makes it even harder for female runners to sustain proper iron levels.  (source)

What are some good sources of iron that we can eat—>  dark green leafy vegetables (like spinach), beans, eggs, red meat, pork, poultry, seafood, dried fruit (raisins and apricots:), iron-fortified cereals, breads and pastas.  

I am loving steak lately: 

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Don’t let an iron-deficiency slow you down!  

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Why it affects our running so much:

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Some of the symptoms of an iron-deficiency include fatigue and shortness in breath.  If you think you are dealing with this problem then go on in to your doctor for a blood test.  We are runners so we are bound to be tired but unusual levels of fatigue/exhaustion should definitely be something we work with our doctors on to determine food sources and supplementations that could help!  


Who has had an iron-deficiency before?!

Any yoga lovers?  How often do you go?  What is your favorite yoga benefit?

Made any changes in your nutrition that has really helped out your running?

Tell me something random today… randomness makes me happy!

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I’ve never been iron deficient but lots of greens and red meat means I’m not at much risk. I used to think the same thing about running fast versus easy, in the beginning we think every run is a race! I’ve been practicing yoga at home for a few months now and I absolutely love it, so glad I got started :)


Honey roasted chipotle sounds so good!
I’ve never had an iron deficiency. Pretty proud of that for a vegetarian:)
Eating enough protein to build some muscle has really helped me.
Random: I’m sitting in a coffee shop called The Perch having crepes with my husband right now.


My iron is always low. I take a multivitamin, iron supplement, eat dried apricots like crazy, I get it in steak, cereal and leafy greens and its still low. They told me at Red Cross once that drinking tea can affect your iron, not sure if its true or not since they’ve also recommended that I eat oreos before I give blood because that will help. (I haven’t tried the oreos part, but maybe I should!)

Those Honey Roasted Chipotle almonds are amazing! I keep a can of them in my desk!

I love yoga but I’m terrible about doing it regularly!


Around the time when I graduated from college my doctor saw that my iron levels were really low. At the time I was trying to be “healthy” by not eating any red meat, but as a result I wasn’t getting enough iron, and wasn’t getting it from other sources either! Now I eat alot of dark greens every day, raisins, and I usually have red meat once a week. I feel so much better than I did back when I wasn’t getting enough iron!
In general I just feel like focusing on whole, natural, unprocessed foods has helped my running. I did the Whole30 last month and it felt really good to cut alot of the “junk” out my diet. Now I am working to find a balance that works well for me:)


I had an iron deficiency when I was vegan, and as soon as I started taking an iron supplement I had more energy. It is so important to be careful about this, especially as woman and as runners!
I LOVE yoga (can you tell by my blog name? ;) ) and I do it every day. I love the physical benefits (it is a great stretch after running) but I actually do it more now for the mental/spiritual side of things. I am always so much calmer and more connected after yoga.
Randomness of the day: I ate a profiterole to refuel after my yoga sesh :)


I try and have some sort of red meat at least once a week if not more. I find I perform the best doing that. A lot of woman and athletes don’t realize how important iron is to get.

I also think a lot of athletes think they need to train extremely hard in the beginning but that’s not the case at all. I read that most athletes do about 80% of their training easy!

Great post Janae.


Who has had an iron-deficiency before?!
I was diagnosed with anemia in middle school when I went out for sports. My doctor emphasized red meat and the cast iron skillet. Back then (80s) red meat meant beef and I am allergic, so we worked the cast iron skillet hard. My mom even sent it with me to college! I still use it all the time and introduced lamb to my diet in 2000 and then Buffalo in 2005. No iron deficiency now – yay!

Any yoga lovers? How often do you go? What is your favorite yoga benefit?
I loved pre-natal and momma and me yoga classes, but I struggle to get motivated to attend “regular” yoga.

Made any changes in your nutrition that has really helped out your running?
I don’t know if it helped, but I put Chia in my Oatmeal!!

Tell me something random today… randomness makes me happy!
Tonight we are going to eat at Castillo San de Marino for my birthday!


Random fact: I just applied for grad school and could be moving to UTAH, colorado, seattle, or san diego in the next few months.

I’ve been trying to eliminate pasteurized dairy and processed foods and my stomach thanks me during speed work.

Have a great day!!


Hey, was that a spoiler alert? Cool that you are heading to grad school! Fingers crossed for you :)


I’ve been iron deficient before back when I didn’t eat meat. Recently my doctor found that I was pseudo-anemic, meaning I have healthy ferritin levels but running has increased my blood volume so my iron levels appear low but I don’t have the problems of anemia—weird!
When I started adding more healthy fats to my diet I noticed a big change in my running—less aches and quicker recovery!
Random: I’m extra excited for my upcoming race because I found out they give out frozen custard afterwards!


I take an iron supplement and try to make sure there is plenty of it in my diet. By the way, I love steak, too! And I really love cheeseburgers.

Randomness for you: My favorite froyo place has had the Honey Graham Cracker flavor lately, and it is pure perfection. Also, I have noticed that the earlier you go to a froyo place, the better it tastes. If you go later in the day, the texture isn’t the same.


I’ve had sleep problems and, after a night in a sleep lab, my doctor recommended my iron levels be tested (!?!). Turns out iron affects your sleep quality heavily too!


Lauren I’d not heard that before, but come to think of it when I started taking a good iron supplement my insomnia really evaporated. Crazy!


I’ve struggled with iron deficiency in the past! A few years ago, running all of a sudden became incredibly hard (within a period of a few weeks), and for the life of me I couldn’t figure out why. After resting, stretching, and taking time off, I finally saw the doctor and realized my iron levels had plummeted (my ferritin level was at 5). I had been taking daily iron supplements, but for some reason they weren’t being absorbed into my body. After receiving a series of iron infusions, my running quickly normalized again and I was right back to my pre-iron deficiency level of running. Now I regularly monitor my iron levels every few months, and try to be very in tune with feeling any of the symptoms I felt during that time (fatigued legs, foot & leg cramping, constant ice chewing).


I have had Mediterranean anemia since I was 8 years old. I used to be a competitive cyclist so I have dealt with it my whole life. I will always have iron deficiency. I can tell when it’s kicking in big time because I will be extremely fatigued, cold, and have difficulty maintaining my weight.
Running has definitely made it worse. There are days where I just can’t muster the energy to do with it. I have a terrible diet so I rely on iron supplements which messes with your system. It is what it is.


I have a big time Iron deficiency..I take a lot of iron daily! Before I started taking an iron supplement, I was short of breath, had to stop alot, and just overall felt extremely tired and worn down. I’ve talked before in posts about how taking iron made me a better runner!! :) I think i will do another one soon! :)

Thanks for the reminder! ANd, i love your weekly posts on Women’s running! I catch up with them when i’m planking!

ps Steak is my go to lately!!! YUM!


i want to try that almond flavor. i’ve been so burnt out on almonds recently.


Agree about the iron, though I learned it by experiencing a deficiency. Last year I developed a weird purple splotchy area on one hip that intensified after long runs. The doctor advised about oxygen/iron, I started with a supplement and started eating more veggies, and it lightened up. I also felt stronger, less dizzy. That iron is no joke!


Hi Janae! I’ve been reading your blog for a while, and I have to say that your content has improved drastically recently. I always loved coming and reading about your training and about Brooke, but I’ve been learning so much from you lately! Please keep adding little facts or information runners should know about- I’m loving it :)

Any yoga lovers? How often do you go? What is your favorite yoga benefit?
– I go twice a week. I love how calm it makes me, and it also toned up my stomach!

Tell me something random today… randomness makes me happy!
-I’m going to Europe in 50 days!! That’s making me VERY happy today!!


I actually absorb too much iron, and not enough vitamin D… Go figure! My intestines need to work on that.. ;) I didn’t event realize what a significant vitamin D deficiency could do but it’s crazy!


I’m reading this while sitting in a hospital gown waiting to have my annual physical. That’s random – ha!


Mmmmmm steak!

Post idea: shin splints. As much as it pains (ha ha) me to say, these have come to visit me now. What can I do to recover as fully as quickly as possible? And to not get them again? Both legs, no fun. I’m taking a total break from running for a week now but beyond that, I could use some good advice! :)


Hey Sandy! Thank you for the post idea—> I’ll get it up ASAP!


I haven’t had an iron deficiency thank goodness. But I am a meat eater + all the foods you mentioned above so I think that might help!

Love yoga. I have to totally modify due to my back/hamstring issues (i.e. no forward folds) but I still do it about 2-3 x per week.

Random for today: SNOW and 13 degrees made for a really slow but very beautiful workout this morning (I love watching the snow fall in front of street lights). Can’t wait for spring but just embracing this season as much as I can. The cold/fresh air was good for my soul.

Have a really great Wednesday, Janae!


When I started seeing an internal med. doctor a few years ago (when I found out I was hypo in my thyroid), he mentioned that most women start becoming more iron deficient between 30-40 years old. Interestinnnnnnnnnnnnnnng. I started taking supps at that point, and have noticed a huge difference in energy levels.

I <3 how Yoga makes me a stronger runner! I used to teach Yoga three or four times a week, and that was the most regular practice had ever been. I'm a once to twice a week Yogi now.


It’s like your questions were made for me today! I’ve had iron deficiency off and on, especially during and immediately post-pregnancy. I’m not great about taking supplements, though, so I’m trying to be better about getting iron through my diet.

I also LOVE yoga. I think it’s been great for both strength and stretching, but more than anything else peace of mind. There’s nothing like that complete peacefulness after stretching out, working hard, and finding inner calm.

Right now I’m working on big nutrition changes to help my overall being and my running. I’m seeing a nutritionist who’s helping me with some bad habits and to better balance my nutrients. So far, so good.

Randomness… I got into the NYC Marathon and it’s all I can think about!!!


Up until about a year ago I never really ate much red meat. Since I’ve introduced it back into my diet I’ve strangely started losing weight and I feel SO MUCH BETTER. (I think the losing weight is just because I’m finally getting enough protein to fill me up so I’m not eating myself out of house and home anymore) but I’ve also noticed a significant improvement in my training. I seem to recover much faster and running 5-6 times a week doesn’t wipe me out like it used to.

I’m not big into yoga, but I do a lot of Pilates. I used to do Bikram yoga when I was training for my first marathon and it saved me from succumbing fully to runner’s knee. Definitely loved it back then, but just can’t afford to maintain it now.

Randomness: I walked out of my house today and had a VERY close encounter with a skunk that was lumbering down the sidewalk. We walked side by side (after he crossed the street) for the whole block in which I zipped down a different way! Could’ve made for a stinky day :-)


I love yoga but I’m terrible about doing it regularly! I’m trying to be better about that and practice more–especially while I’m resting and recovering from the marathon! I did some yesterday and feel a ton better already! I’m not iron deficient–having a boyfriend from Texas who insists on weekly red-meat meals has definitely helped that!


So funny – I was just thinking about the iron post I wrote last year! And it’s so weird to think we lose iron through our feet when we run which I learned when putting that post together. I am a vegetarian but pay careful attention to eating enough iron, especially at that time of the month, which so far has kept me free from iron issues. If I feel overly tired though, I make sure to up the iron rich foods.


I’ve been taking an iron supplement because I am ALWAYS cold and I heard that can be a sign of iron deficiency? I don’t know if it’s helping but I guess a little extra iron can’t hurt :)


I’m mostly in a little ball, having an existential crisis. From this and reading about the Fermi Paradox.


Wow. So many readers with iron deficiency. I am ok. No issues.
My random for the day is I had active release for the first time yesterday. Getting my knee fixed. And the doc said keep running. I love him. :)


I have never been a huge yoga fan but know that I need to do it to keep strong while running. Runners World has some great free yoga videos on their site that I use. they have a variety of videos, one that uses a foam roller another that is for just after a run. I usually (I mean try) and do it right after running and just consider it a part of my run!


I’ve never had an iron deficiency that I know of, but the best nutrition thing for me is eating enough carbs and just eating enough before a run and after a run.


I am iron deficient anemic. I was diagnosed the same time my periods disappeared which is the exact opposite of what you would expect. I have been through so many tests and no one has been able to figure it out.


I have been anemic forever, I take a multi with iron to assist, but still cook on cast iron all the time (it’s so much easier!) and each spinach like it’s my job. Seriously Spinach Every. Single. Day.


I don’t have a problem with iron–I get plenty of that through red MeAts!


Both times I’ve been tested, I’ve come up with an iron deficiency. I’ve taken supplements twice, but now I try *really* hard to get it naturally, through food. Back in Canada, we’d be lucky if we ate red meat once a week. Here in Europe, we’ve been having it a lot more often. I think it’s helping with my training, but it’s probably too soon to tell.


It’s my birthday today! (random comment)


Happy Birthday. :-)


Eating more carbs lately and my energy for workouts is definitely way up!!


I love yoga, I am trying a new studio this month and my goal is to go at least four times a week!


Want a free walk-in iron test? Go donate blood! :)


Yes, if you are able to donate, please do. It’s the easist way in the world to possibly save someone’s life. I donate regularly.


I have dangerously low iron levels if I do not take iron supplements. It was actually kind of scary when we first found out I was anemic but luckily my body can absorb iron supplements. Its amazing how much iron can affect running…I feel like a whole other person!


When I was younger doctors that I may have had an iron deficiency, but it actually turned out to be an underactive thyroid. Nonetheless, I still eat lots of iron-rich foods!

My randomness is that I close on my first house tomorrow!


Jumping rope with battle rope this morning. Wiped me out!
I wish I could get in to yoga, to slow for me and I am a real klutz trying to see the poses AND do them at the same time. Lol. I will attempt it again some day.


Never an issue with iron that I know of, but in terms of nutrition I do have to make sure I keep a more steady flow of food instead of waiting long between meals. Whenever I have to go somewhere I make sure I have a granola bar stashed somewhere close by in case I need it. Along with a lip balm (obsessed!).


Iron Deficient / Anemia in the house right here!

I became Anemic (Iron) from donating Red Blood Cells (2 pints to be exact). I highly advise anyone that does not regularly give blood to be VERY careful doing this. It took me almost 2 weeks to recover, get my body and energy back as well as to combat the anemia. I visited multiple doctors and had blood work done that confirmed this. Most people do not have this reaction, but my body did not take losing those red blood cells well!

If you are a runner – DO NOT DONATE RED BLOOD CELLS during training or prior to a race!


Brooke’s horse is too cute! And mmm froyo! It has been too long!


OMG!! I had really low iron levels. It got so bad that now I have to have IV iron injections. They have helped me so much. I felt like a slug. My running was in the dumps and I couldn’t function on a basic level. It is the worst thing I have ever experienced!


I was diagnosed iron deficient when I was vegetarian and again when I was training hard for a 100 km race. I now eat red meat several times a week and lots of dark green leafy stuff and am no longer anemic.

I have participated in yoga classes and think it is so good for your body, mind and soul…unfortunately it’s a time thing for me, do I take a yoga class or run? I know I need to run.


I had an iron deficiency in high school but apparently it’s just gone away. I want to do yoga but for me it seems very slow and slightly boring. The one at our gym class is always full and I don’t want to feel like a weirdo who doesn’t know the poses if I was to just jump in.
Randomness: I went to one of those painting nights last night and had a blast! My friend and I are planning a once a month mom’s night out now!


No, I don’t do yoga. It is too slow for me. I do however stretch.. so at least I have gotten in the habit of at least doing that.

After I was sick for nine months, I started drinking bone broth… it tasted horrible, but I had really strong workouts during that point in time. I was just thinking after about a month sans broth.. maybe I need to start drinking it again. IT JUST TASTES SOOO BAD and costs sooo much… but has crazy health benefits.

My junior classes just started reading Gatsby… yay-kind of (this is my sixth year in a row teaching English III). Regardless, we have 30s and 40s in the forecasts next week! OH MAN, sounds amazing after -20 windchill days.


Interesting information! I don’t think I’ve ever been anemic before but I do recall a time when I had low iron levels. I was playing around with vegetarian & vegan at the time and clearly failed at properly fueling myself. Nowadays, I have a better understanding of my random cravings and trust my body to tell me what it needs more of – meat & fish often pop up the most (one time I craved oysters like a maniac for a few weeks…it was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before). I had no idea that raisins and apricots are good sources of iron! Hmm makes sense now that I’ve been craving them this week (seriously!).


At first I thought you were holding that froyo in your bare hands — didn’t see the cup! I thought, “Atta, girl!” Haha :)
I love your article in Women’s Running. You’re right, easy runs are SO important, for both body and mind.
I have been iron deficient, because I had anorexia and bulimia throughout my teens and twenties. So, I’d say the #1 change to my eating that has improved my running is… I eat! I eat anything and everything I want, and have gained to a healthy weight. I put no restrictions on my food intake and it turns out, I don’t overeat all the time like I thought I would. Recovery was so hard, but so worth it.
Random — I have a headcold and am wearing a red hoodie. My nose color matches my hoodie :(


I’ve been anemic since high school when I would faint all the time when i was on my period. I was stubborn and didn’t take iron like the doctor suggested. After years, it got so bad that i couldn’t even run a mile and i had no idea why. Had to have a physical to begin nursing school last summer and my hemoglobin level was 4. I had to have soooo many tests run but after just a few weeks of taken iron running improved SO MUCH. it was crazy how much it was affecting my oxygen level!


mmm that flavor of almond sounds delicious. i really liked the wasabi ones, too!


Total agree about the iron, thanks for the reminder. I’m a vegetarian and have had iron deficiencies in the past.. I know I haven’t been that great about it lately. So I need the reminder, as a runner, vegetarian, nursing mom and women, I need lots of iron.! haha

1.79 for froyo.!? whattt. it’s not that cheap here. haha.

and loved your latest article, I totally agree, when I first started running I also thought every run should be hard.!! I got so burnt out from running.

Have a greeat Wednesday :) Random : I’m not wearing socks today at work. haha. It was one of those mornings


I love yoga, but I never make it often enough. I do a little bit at home. In my ideal world, I’d do a few minutes of yoga every morning.


Iron changed my running life!! I think I’ve had anemia to some degree for many years but it came to a forefront 2 years ago after an extremely heavy and long period that left me acutely anemic. I got my period problems under control, started on iron, and saw my times drop significantly. After not seeing much improvement in my times in 2 years, I’ve been a PR machine for the last 18 months.!! I <3 iron. I like to call it my performance-enhancing drug.

I'm a yogi too. I love the breathing and calmness it brings me.


I have never had the patience for yoga, but now that I am pregnant I am definitely interested in going to pre-natal yoga classes to help strengthen my core. It also seems like a great way to get to know other women.

I can’t say that I have had an iron deficiency before that I know of, but I have learned to fuel better and keep up with my calories and nutrition during my runs. Salt is something that is important as well, especially during the summer!

Random – I am going house hunting later today with my hubby! Shopping for a new home is both exciting and stressful… more on the exciting side though!!


I recently found out I had iron deficiency. I was tired all the time, feeling lethargic and unwell. I’m not sure when it happened but I’ve always had heavy periods. The doctor put me on iron tablets and I’ve been feeling so much better since. Noticeable difference!


Hello, I’ve loved your blog for years! What I’m not loving is the recent change that when I click on your FB link to take me to your latest post, it automatically starts an audible Suave commercial. Plus, when I clicked to comment, it restarted the commercial! I’m not sure if anyone else is having this same experience. Thanks, AmyD


Amy! I am so sorry about this… it isn’t happening on my computer. I didn’t make any changes but I will contact the ad agency I work with to see how we can fix this. Thanks for letting me know and have a great day!


I want to like yoga, but I can’t stand it. Too slow for me and I don’t want to pay for a 30 minute class where I spend 10 minutes laying on my bike #cheapskate


I suffered with anemia for tons of my life, and part of it was how heavy my period is (sorry for the tmi)! I went on BC, and started eating a diet rich in vegetarian superfoods like spinach and beans, and I’ll be damned if my iron levels haven’t finally come up to where they are supposed to!


I’ve had an iron deficiency since I was a teenager- especially during my time of the month. I’ve actually even passed out twice from it, no fun!
Another change in my nutrition that I believe has helped my running is taking vitamin B12 supplements. For a while I would randomly feel exhausted during the day and after going to the doctor, I found out that my B12 was naturally low. Since taking a morning supplement, this random exhaustion has pretty much disappeared.

LOVE yoga and all kinds of it. Similar to running, I think it is important to value the easy/relaxaing yoga classes just as much as the power strengthening classes.

Random: i’m eating a sweet potato! And it’s delicious!


I seriously thought about writing an entire blog post on those exact almonds! My fave snack!

I practice yoga mostly on my own. I like putting together my own flows and throwing in some ab work too!


I don’t go to yoga enough as I should. But I do love it.

I should look and see if I am deficient in iron. Thanks for the post!


I’ve never had an iron deficiency but I am definitely finding that I am choosing to (mostly) eat better during training as it definitely affects the quality of my workouts. I am an occasional yoga person though I certainly feel the benefits. Randomness: I saw the sunrise out of my bedroom window this morning.


Yoga is one of my favorite workouts! I hope you had fun at class.

I was anemic for awhile and my doctor put me on iron supplements. They weren’t fun to take cause they were such big pills.


I always bruise pretty easily, but all my values come back normal when I go to the doctor so who knows. I have a green smoothie every day, so that helps get the iron pumping (pun intended).

I cut out a majority of dairy and that has helped out a lot. My stomach just isnt a fan. I also limit the amount of grains I have because they also freak out my stomach. It’s not a gluten thing, but I just find that I perform better when I have less of them.


I’ve dealt with anemia for several years now and it’s awful. It affects my running tremendously. I get out of breath just climbing a flight of stairs and I experience chest pains. Once I get on a strict regimen of taking an iron supplement daily, I notice a HUGE difference in my running within about a month or so. It’s a constant battle. My doctor actually told me I will need to take a supplement until I reach menopause. Crazy right??

I WANT THAT FRO YO! I’m on day 3 of no fro-yo. :(


Kate – See my post below…I am just like you but started taking PurAbsorb (no side effects at all)…a little pricey, but works fast and so much better than iron pills. Hope this helps!


Random– I got in to NYC marathon, first try!!!


WAHOOOO!!! Congrats Amy! You are going to love it.


I will say during my time of the month is when I feel horrible running
I am lethargic and just feel crummy! I’ve never had anemia issues but I can just see a difference when Aunt Flo comes to visit.


I usually have pretty healthy iron levels. My doctor attributes it to the massive amounts of spinach I eat! I also learned that combining iron-rich foods like spinach with vitamin C-rich foods like tomatoes can help bolster your absorption of the iron, making it much more worthwhile to eat all that spinach/steak/lentils.

On the nutritional changes: I’m trying to quit drinking coffee. If anyone has helpful hints on making that less painful, much appreciated!


I’ve had an iron deficiency before, probably a combination of vegetarianism + pregnancy. I knew something was up because I didn’t feel well and was chewing tons of ice – a classic anemia symptom.

Iron supplements (pill form) upset my system, but I found that Chloroxogyn (probably not spelled correctly!) helped a lot. They sell it at Whole Foods and it is a plant-based liquid supplement. You can also use a cast-iron skillet when you cook and that helps a ton! Luckily its a pretty easy thing to recover from.


Yes! This^ ! I cook my spinach and most other things in a cast iron skillet and it’s made a big difference.


Nice job going to yoga! I try to go at least once a week and have noticed my mobility and flexibility improve SO much over the year or so I have been doing it! :)


My iron levels fluctuate and I get warnings from my doc periodically. I eat a lot of leafy greens with tomatoes (they help process the iron), beans and take a supplement.

I love yoga, it changed my life when I was turning 30. Running changed my life when I was turning 40. They’re my yin and yang. It keeps me healthy.

I coach on wellness and healthy eating so I know what you eat makes a difference in performance. The more junk I have the less energetic my run is.

Random – I signed up for NYC, didn’t get in and I was relieved. (I’m training for my first full at the moment and the thought of doing the same training again over the summer was putting me on edge. Maybe next year).


I normally am not one to post, but I really want to spread the word to all my runner friends who suffer from low iron. This is going to sound like a sales pitch (but I swear I do not work for this company, (just so happy to find an iron supplement that works quickly and w/out side-effects). I have suffered from low iron most of my adult life (despite eating food rich in iron). I hated taking iron pills due to the horrible side effects. I recently found (on Amazon) a liquid supplement called “Pur-Absorb” and let me tell you this stuff is amazing! My hemoglobin raised 2 points in 1 month which is almost unheard of…it is iron rich water from the UK that comes in a small packet. It is only 5 mg of iron, but because it absorbs so well, that is all you need. Absolutely no side effects and I have so much more energy. It is a little pricey at $20 for a month supply, but well worth it. I mix it with EmergenC (Super Orange) flavor and take it each night (drinking it straight is horrible)…for the first time all my levels are normal. (I took 2 packets for the first 3 weeks, but now I take one per night). You can read the reviews on Amazon and order through them…I get mine at Walgreens. Hope this helps…it has been a life-saver for me! (As a side-note, I was always so winded during runs…since I have been on Pur-Absorb, my pace has improved tremendously and I can breath so much better!)


I donate blood regularly and have been turned away due to iron levels too low to donate, but that only started after I started running. So I beefed up my intake through supplements and even more iron-rich foods, plus I cook in cast-iron every chance I get. Haven’t had any issues in the past six months or so, thank goodness!

Yoga- no, but I want to start

Nutrition – was having stomach issues after longer runs, so I switched from protein-based energy bites before a run to half of a honey stinger waffle and it’s helping a lot!

Randomness – I had baba ghanoush from my favorite vendor at the local farmer’s market and brought some for lunch with grilled veggies… YUM. Happines.


I became severely anemic due to severe bleeding one week after having my twins. It was awful and I got a blood transfusion.
Because of that, my iron level was super low and I went on an iron rice diet. Two surprises on that list: WHITE rice and apricots! Who knew?!
Also, drinking orange juice or eating broccoli will help in your body’s iron absorption.

Yoga – I like it and highly recommend prenatal yoga to everyone I meet who is pregnant. I am waiting for it to get warm again to start doing yoga outside at a nearby class.

Nutrition – I still eat peanut butter like I’m marathon training. Except I am NOT marathon training and haven’t done it since 2011. LOL.

Random – I’m getting myself prepped for a snow day tomorrow here in PA and I’m excited to have my oldest bestest friend come over tonight to hang with me and the twins and eat her excellent guacamole!


Something random? How bout something funny? I totally did the “pay it forward” thing at sbux drive through today… and I was in front of a someone who was buying coffee and breakfast for the office…I’m left the drive through with a $23 bill … doh! =)


My iron levels are normal, but I also take an iron supplement once a day.
Need. Those. Almonds!!
Loving yoga so much right now! Class once a week and more at home.
More protein in my diet and just eating more during marathon training!
Random: My Mom stopped by and brought me a whole pot of homemade chicken soup just because (I’m not even sick!) :)


My iron levels have always been healthy – the low side of it, but still healthy – so I’ve never really been concerned. However I’ve been feeling incredibly exhausted lately, and I just realized that I literally eat NONE of the foods you listed. The things I have access to at university are just so different from home that my iron has probably dropped significantly. Thank you so much for this important reminder!


Who has had an iron-deficiency before?!

*I do. I take an iron supplement each night before bed. I also read once that running actually causes iron breakdown, something about destroying red blood cells with each foot strike. (?) I have no idea if that’s true, but I try to eat lots of broccoli and oranges (and sometimes tuna) to keep my iron up.

Any yoga lovers? How often do you go? What is your favorite yoga benefit?
*I do yoga on my off days, mostly at home since my little guy is with me. Check out Fightmaster Yoga on YouTube. But be warned: You will LOVE it/her. :)

Made any changes in your nutrition that has really helped out your running?
*Hydration and sleep seem to make a night and day difference. Running on meat vs running vegan, I can go for longer if I have been eating meatless but I think that’s because it’s much more carb-heavy. I feel good either way.

Tell me something random today… randomness makes me happy!
*I am staring out the window at our apartment complex swimming pool and praying they will open it early!


The Mav!! Utah’s fro yo pioneers!

I was iron deficient when I was pregnant with Felicity, but other than that, I have been fine.


You’re able to spend only $1.79 on your froyo?!?! mine always comes to about $5! Eeeekkk!

I love yoga but suck at fitting it in regularly. I recently tried Strala yoga which is a quick flowing yoga to fun music so I’m currently addicted to that because it seems more like a party than a workout!


I keep thinking about how I need to start yoga back up. I did it while I was pregnant and liked it then. I had an iron deficiency after having my daughter (I had complications after delivery which lead to needing a blood transfusion) but I’ve been okay for a while now. :)


Hi Janae!! Happy Wednesday :)
I was severely anemic about two years ago and it impacted my running BIG TIME… like MINUTES onto my 5k time, barely able to stay awake, couldn’t even walk up the stairs big. FORTUNATELY I am doing way, way, WAY better now :) I take a 65mg iron supplement every day and it has been doing wonders… this past cross country season I ran 17:48 in the 5k and in indoor track I ran 2:51 for 1000m and 2:10.9 for 800 meters :)

Random things…. yesterday was my birthday! So that was fun! :)


I love yoga! I go once per week usually, and enjoy both vinyasa flow and yin yoga. My favorite benefit is reduced stress :)

One random fact: I’m at the beach in southern Oregon today, and they grow cranberries here. A little known fact, the cranberries grow in large boxed in groves close to the ground, and then they flood the box right before they cut them so that they become buoyant and easy to cut!


Because of my crohn’s disease, I am very prone to iron deficiency. I take iron supplements, and for the first time ever, my last blood work showed I am within the normal range! That is probably one reason my pace has improved!


I had an iron deficiency when I was pregnant, but that is the only time that I am aware of. This makes me want to go and get tested though just to see. I have never been to yoga, but I do like the P90X Yoga that I have tried. Does that even count ha? I find that a nutrient rich meal the night before my run gives me so much energy!


I had no idea shortness of breath was a symptom


Gotta love yoga, as a runner. In fact, I’m a yoga teacher in training in California and I convinced my studio that we needed a class for runners. So I am teaching a 6am Monday class called Yoga on the Run. We focus on stretching and strengthening muscle groups for runners, as well as joint health. Each class has a different focus. We have had 4 classes so far: hips, hamstrings and quads, ankles and calves, and core. Any suggestions for what runners would like to see in a yoga class designed just for them would be welcome.


I’m relatively a new runner compared to others. I started July 2, 2015. It was ugly in the beginning but now I’m at 9.26 per mile and I have 2 10k’s under my belt. My goal in the beginning was just to run & increase the mileage and now with my short runs I increase my speed. I’m always mindful to not injure myself. It’s great to read this information on your blog because tomorrow I have a doctor’s appointment and I’ll have them check out my iron level! Thank you for all the information you provide.


Random?! My pre-race food is carne asada tacos, rice, and beans! It makes me run faster plus I’m Hispanic!


Mmm, I’ve always loved steak. I know it’s not the only reason but I’m pretty sure that’s why I’ve never had iron problems haha.

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