3 Things We Did Last Night:

1.  Went and saw Les Mis with a group of friends.  This was my second time seeing this play and I cried just as much as I did the first time.  Amazing.  

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2.  Ate some delicious candy during above mentioned play.  

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3.  Set my alarm clock for a ridiculously early hour, laid out all of my running gear and charged the good ol’ electronics.  Just part of the long run rituals.    

Bonus:  Kissed Brooke close to 400 times in preparation for her being gone this weekend.

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My 3 Spring MUSTS:

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1.  Baseball tees.  I adore them.  They are light and comfy and come in a million different colors.  I love THIS and THIS one.  

2.  Sneakers.  Always in them.  I have the white ones and I really want the grey ones too!

3.  Button up plain/striped/whatever.  I am wearing this one in the picture and currently wanting this one and this one.  


3 foods that I eat everyday of my life lately.

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1.  This squaw bread from Costco.  In the mornings I wake up and walk straight to the kitchen to put it in the toaster so that I can demolish it.

2.  Avocado/guacamole

3.  Sweet potatoes     

3 Books that I am reading right now.  

1.  It Was Me All Along (almost done, loved this one so much).

2.  Mile Markers.  I have read this before but I have been reading through it again because I love it so much.  

3.  Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.  Every single day.  


My 3 favorite smells lately:

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1.  My favorite candle on the entire planet.  

2.  Brooke’s hair right after a bath.  

3.  A bakery that has made apple fritters within the last 12 hours.


3 things that I am excited for this weekend:

1.  To go along with the above #3… A trip to Bob’s donuts (in San Francisco) with my best friends in the middle of the night.  


2.  Lots of dancing at the reception.

3.  Seeing Jess so incredibly happy marrying her man.  


3 Ways I am going to make it through my 22 miler today.

1.  Lots of talking with Rachelle and Josse… I don’t actually think I could do a long run all by myself anymore.

2.  Splitting up the miles in my head… aka I am doing a 7 miler + a 7 miler + an 8 miler.  

3.  I am going to fuel and hydrate like a champ along the way.  Practice makes perfect which means Boston will be perfect.    


Favorite play that you have ever been to?

3 things that you eat every single day?

What is your run today???

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Les Mis is my all time favorite, I’m still obsessed with the soundtrack and even run to a few songs! Wicked is a close second, so amazing, and Defying Gravity is an awesome song.


Love Wicked! (Also, I love your blog too :)! ) Thanks for sharing the free yoga links =)


Of course! And thanks :)


Oh what I wouldn’t give to see Les Mis! I had the soundtrack in middle school and it was my auditory bible.


Les Mis is so good. Love it. I cry every time!

No run for me today, spending part of the day at work, then part of the day in the car on my way to Colorado! Vacation time!

Good luck with your 22 miler!!


Have fun in Colorado! That is where I live. We are having some really beautiful spring weather. Enjoy.


Ezekiel bread, strawberries and oatmeal!!

Loved Phantom of the Opera!

Biking today!

You are going to have so much fun at the wedding and you will ROCK the 22 miler today!!! :)


I eat Wheat Thins, bagels and avocados every.single.day. I can never get sick of them!

I just had an easy run today, but it wasn’t that easy with winds at 25-30 miles per hour. Yikes! But I’m gearing up for a tempo tomorrow!


Les Mis is my favorite play, I love the music and the story! I could eat sweet potatoes, oatmeal, and bananas every single day and pretty much do. My run today is a 4 mile recovery run with my dog! Good luck on your 22 miler—you’re going to do great!


Why do I always spend way too much money after you post about awesome clothing, shoes, and candles? :)

Good luck on your long run today…the training finish line is near!


Rest day today!

My favorite play was Aida on Broadway… I saw it two or three times and love, love, loved it.

3 Things I Eat Everyday: a pear, black raspberry ice cream, and oatmeal!


Have a wonderful weekend! I really want to see Les Mis!


Best play: Hairspray! Such a fun show on Broadway!

Three things I eat everyday: nut butter, apple or banana, some form of chocolate

Long run: NONE! Still recovering from my marathon:) Hopefully doing a 10k race this weekend!


I just saw Wicked and it was AMAZING! But I also totally L-O-V-E-D Rock of Ages – the music was so me :)

I eat hummus, salad and pretzels pretty much every day. Sweet potatoes most days lately too!

Today will probably be a 5-6 miler – I’m not training for anything so workouts are kind of random these days. Good luck with your 22!


Love those Converse shoes – my boyfriend works for them so I have more Converse than I know what to do with but I actually don’t have that pair, I might have to ask for them!


3 things I eat everyday: almond butter, eggs, avocado!


All day, erry day: (1) Apple, (2) Sweet potato, (3) Chocolate. Recipe for health ;).

I live in chunky sweaters and workout clothes!


Good luck with the 22 miles! I know how hard those long runs can be but when you’re not running/training it makes you really miss them:)
Three things I eat every single day are bananas, sweet potatoes, and spinach.


Wish I was going to California!! San Francisco rocks. Have a great time at the wedding!
Every day – Nutrigrain bar, iced coffee, chocolate!
I put some extra effort in my speedwork this morning – 8 miles with 10 x .1 mile strides. I really cranked up the speed on the treadmill. I’ve never gone so fast before, so it’s was a great workout.


I have really been enjoying large oversize long sleeve shirts as well. They are super comfortable. I also just purchased a pair of Sanak sandals which I absolutely love.


I can’t even think which play I loved the most but the last play I saw on Broadway was Rock of Ages and really liked it! Three things I eat every day – peanut butter, oatmeal and usually sweet potatoes!


It is very hard for me to pick a favorite play. I love so many. I have seen Wicked 4 times and will be going again this summer so maybe that one might be my favorite.

I eat eggs, peanut butter, almond milk & broccoli every single day (not together).

Today was cross training for me so rocked out a 10 mile bike ride in 30 degrees. Brrr.

Best of luck on your 22 miler. You got this.


Favorite play: Lion King, hands down.

Three things I eat (nearly) every day: cereal in the morning, Double Stuf Oreos, some variety of salad– usually with arugula.

I ran this morning! 6.5 miles! AND IT WAS LIGHT OUT BY THE TIME I WAS DONE! Hallelujah. Spring is almost here in Boston!

Good luck on your run! I’m sure it will be wonderful


I LOVE Les Mis!! Three things I eat daily: eggs, spinach and an apple.


My favourite play is a toss up between Phantom of the Opera and Wicked. Three things I eat everyday key lime Greek yogurt, some sort of fruit and I always have at least one cup of teas!


I”ve been to a number of plays, and it’s hard to chose one. the Producers ranks up there though because we saw it during its first year with Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick. I don’t like when movies try to do Broadway because they’ve been failing lately. I don’t like the Les Mis movie at all.


Fave play: wicked!
3 every day foods: green smoothie, strawberries, popcorn
Just finished running 7 miles with friends:)


I love Mile Markers sooooooo much I even named my blog somewhat similar to it : )


I do love les mis! I eat waffles,cheese and salad every day.
Trying to get 4 miles in today. I am feeling under the weather. All my tendonitis is raging too. Let’s see what happens.
Have fun in sfo!


Planning on 4 miles on the treadmill after I get the kids off to school this morning.
3 foods I eat most regularly: almonds, toast with peanut butter, apple.

Good luck on your LONG run!


My fav play was actually one that the school where I work put on: Shrek the Musical!

3 things that I eat everyday: roasted veggies, pita chips & hummus, does coffee count..? It should :)

My run today was bootcamp. I am still trying to lay off the running until my next appt. on 4/20, but I did a few laps this morning with wall sits and tire jumps built in.


Favorite play would have to be Wicked.. I love all of the songs from the play and it’s such a great story!

3 things that you eat every single day: CHEESE, bread, butter (good thing I run..)

No run today! I’m battling a cold, so I’m hoping to get back into it tomorrow.


Volcano is the BEST candle!

Coffee coffee COFFEE :)


I’ve only seen 1 play… But I liked it … A lot. Please don’t ask the name because I can’t remember!!! I have he worst memory.
I eat oatmeal w/ raisins, flax and brown sugar every day as well as bananas and some kind of veggie.
My run today SUCKED! 2.5 miles in I got a side ache that wouldn’t quit. Errrrgggg. I’m training for my second 1/2 and I hate bumps in the road.


les mis is so, so good. and so is milemarkers :)


I went to Rent on Broadway when I was 18, an amazing experience! I have coffee, Kashi waffles and peanut butter.. every single morning. I can’t help it! I am headed to the gym when my hubby gets off work, I haven’t been in almost 2 weeks because we have had the sickness in our house! Sprints are on my schedule after I hit the weights.
I am so excited for all of the snow to melt so I can start running/ walking outside!


Also, is it weird I wish the internet had a scratch and sniff option so I could smell that candle?


How about a taste option.? haha.


Oh, I like that idea too! Have you Dad work on these inventions next, J. :)


I haven’t been to any plays except for Seussical the Musical at my local high school. Ha! I reallllly want to see Lion King on Broadway!

3 Things I eat daily: Nut butter, oatmeal, banana… Specifically, together.


My run this morning was 8 miles on the treadmill. Cold and windy here today!

3 things I eat daily: Grapes, apples, pretzels. Clearly I have a balanced diet of 99% carbs.


6 miler on board today.

I’ve only seen Romeo and Juliet in play at the Shakespeare Tavern in Atlanta. Love the Tavern, hated the actress playing Juliet. She screeched the whole time.

3 things I eat daily: avocados, peanut butter, and peanut butter. I counted it twice because I eat it so much!


My favorite play would have to be Wicked. But I think I cry at any play :)
3 things I eat everyday: eggs, popcorn, and broccoli
Run today: 4 miles of hills!


Favorite play would definitely be The Phantom of the Opera. Gives me chills every time.

Three foods I eat daily → Greek yogurt, banana, avocado

Today’s run will be up and down a lot of hills. I am running a half marathon in April that has a brutal hill at mile 11, therefore my coach wants me to run it until it is engrained in my brain.


3 things I eat every day: 1*apple(s) 2*spinach-in some form, salad,cooked,or smoothies 3*chocolate, however I can get it :)


So much fun in one post :)
Love your laid back style.

3 foods everyday.. popcorn, banana and water.? That count. Lol


My nutritional habits are in the gutter. Every day I eat chocolate, bread and peanut butter. Sigh… and I just downloaded the audiobook of “It Was Me All Along.” Looks great–thanks for the suggestion!


I recently saw Annie the Musical with my mom and loved it- because I remembered all the songs from being a kid and her singing them to me (And us watching the old movie together). Also have seen Wicked and Les Mis a few times each- really can’t go wrong.


Phantom of the Opera is my absolute favorite. It’s amazing.

Bread, banana, and peanut butter. Errrrrday

Finished five sunrise miles this am. It was perfect!


Three things I eat everyday are: green smoothie, dates + homemade almond butter, steel cut oats.

Today is a rest day for me so I am chillaxin.


LOVE that candle and now I need some sour candy.

I have not been to too many plays in my life! Sad I know. But come May 1 we will be official New Yorkers so I’m sure I’ll be seeing some on Broadway!

Three things I eat daily: oatmeal, avocado, some sort of bread

Hopefully I’ll get in 3-5 miles today with the jogging stroller!


Awesome you got to see Les Mis again! We saw Wicked when we were in NYC last month, and it was incredible. Easily the best play I’ve ever seen!

Three things I eat every day (lately) — peanut butter, some form of chocolate, smoothie.


The book of Mormon was hilarious. I saw it in NYC two yrs ago. Wow guess that’s the last time I saw a play! Three things I eat everyday are eggs, almond butter and an apple. Are you going to be doing any sort of review in the book It Was Me All Along? Been dying to read it.


Things I eat almost everyday: Oatmeal, Bananas, and chocolate. Most days there are sweet potatoes, avocado, and some almonds on that list. Pouring down rain in Ohio today so it will be 4 miles on the treadmill. Trying to get excited for my first ever 10 mile run this weekend.


I used to live quite close to Bob’s Donuts. I mean, those things are amazing. And I have a new baseball tee I just got from Banana Republic — loving the casual all day, every day! Happy Thursday! :)


I am either going to yoga or spin class I can’t decide! I love avocados and apples lately they seem to be the thing that I am eating every day lately.


I probably eat almonds at some point every single day. I keep a bag in my pantry and grab a handful either when I’m running late and need something quick for breakfast (usually pair it with a piece of fruit) or when I am hungry and need a snack. And sometimes I will eat a few when I’m in the kitchen cooking.


I love Les Mis! Saw it last year at my bf’s brother’s college and they were AMAZINGGG. Also I love all 3 of your spring essentials… baseball tees are the best!


I’ve seen Les Mis a bizmillion times…local, SF, even on Broadway. 3 days in a row of a local production my daughter was in. Anything that someone says that sound even remotely like Les Mis song lyrics — we bust out singing. I also loved Wicked, Tommy, and Rock of Ages.

I’d say that I eat chocolate in some form everyday. And popcorn. Not quite as healthy as your list…

Have fun in SF. The weather right now is beautiful.

Did you see that after I sent you that link to my favorite run, the area/Arch Rock collapsed and killed a woman? The final gorgeous destination of my favorite run no longer really exists. :(


I’ve only ever seen Les Mis in movie form but I thought it was the most beautiful musical I could image – I’d love to see it as a play!


Favorite play = Avenue Q because HILARIOUS (and I also have not been to many plays in my lifetime).

I felt like you yesterday… after work I HAD to stop at Whole Foods and get guacamole (and beer) because I had the biggest craving EVER. #PMS

I also wanted a baked sweet potato with shredded bbq chicken on top for dinner but that didn’t end up happening :(

No running for me this week – still in recovery mode from my half! Already planning on signing up for my next one on May 30th :D


Wicked is my favorite play that I have ever been to. I have seen it in Chicago and New York and I loved it both times! I eat peanut butter every single day (often multiple times a day). I also drink coffee every morning–trying to not be so addicted, but it’s hard. :) Hopefully I’ll get in a 4 mile run today; I’ve had a cold so I haven’t run in a few days, but I need to get back on it!


Foods I eat (almost) every day: oatmeal, peanut butter in or on anything and everything, some type of fruit- usually banana or orange. Or both.

I ran 14 miles today by myself. It was not as fun as the 18 miles I ran with my mom last wk! We are training for the Gettysburg Marathon in PA and I am very fortunate to have a mom who still runs with me at age 51!


My favorite play has to be Wicked. I’ve seen it 3 times now and am always planning the next time I can go see it.

Peanut butter, spinach, eggs.

Today is strength training for me! :)


I often eat a peanut butter sandwich or a smoothie every day!

Today I have 5 miles on the schedule. First marathon in June!!!


I LOVE baseball tees, too! And flannel :)

Hope that 22-miler was fantastic!


While I hear the play is much better, the Les Mis movie traumatized me from ever seeing the play. I love going to plays, my husband I went to see Beauty and the Beast and then afterwards he told me he loved me for the first time :)

I love sweet potatoes, avocado and oatmeal. Those are staples for me, but the only thing I honesty have EVERY SINGLE DAY is coffee :) I’m a total addict!


I’ve seen Lion King before and that has to be one of my favorites! It’s so beautiful on the stage and much more grown-up than the movie version. I hope I can see it on Broadway one day!

I actually never eat the same thing every day. I have to change it up all the time! I do drink a glass of water in the morning and after work if that counts…

No run today, but I went to a body pump class at 6 this morning! :)


Les Mis is amazing- my all-time favorite. Seen it 3x. Lion King and Wicked were also great!

The Chuck Taylors are price-matched on Nordstrom- if you update your link you can still get the referral, but link to these:
and the price is $41.25 instead of $49.99! Woot!

3 foods I eat every day: wheat toast, peanut butter, and chocolate in some form.

Run today was an “easy” 3- winding down towards running a 10k race on Saturday. Feeling “off” today, though, and I wasn’t feeling it.


OMGee did I just break the internet or only my browser with that crazy-long link?!! I’m so sorry! Just trying to help save peeps some money!


Love your booklist, that is the ideal list right there!!

My favorite BY FAR is the Lion King!

3 foods I eat everyday: Fage greek yogurt, AVOCADOS, and brussel sprouts (I’m absolutely obsessed with cooking them in a bit of EVOO and garlic…YUM)

I can’t run till August/September since I’m recovering from two tibial stress fractures :( But I’m about 4 months along in the recovery process so hopefully soon!!


IF I COULD, I would eat sweet potatoes every day. Multiple times per day. Okay for every meal. ;) But no oven =
1. Carrots
2. Apples
3. Peanut / Almond butter!

I’ve still never tried carrots dipped in nut butter…just sounds way too gross to me.

Wicked was absolutely phenomenal! Normally I have a really difficult time sitting still & paying attention for so long, but that had me absolutely captivated.


My favorite play is Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat. I also really like Legally Blonde (staple on my running playlist).

Everyday I eat: fish oil, granola, and ? Either strawberries or a banana. Everything else I change up too frequently :)

No running for me today. Going to a cycling training camp that starts tonight. LOTS of riding in my future, so it is rest day!


I have kombucha, honey peanut butter and cheese. ALWAYS cheese!


That was a fun post today! :) Good luck on your 22 miles! I know you’ll kill it though!


I think I have the same diet as everyone else. Sweet potatoes and avocadoes every single day. Usually also Skittles. That would be my third thing.


Oh my word, how do I even pick a favorite musical?! Lion King brought me to tears, and I LOVED Wicked, and Once. But also The Music Man and CATS and Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and Les Mis.

Yogurt, peanut butter toast, and bananas. All day eeeeeery day.

My run (which is long overdue) today will be 3-4 miles, because if I don’t get SOMETHING in today after about a week off, my 7 miler with my half training group on Saturday will literally kill me.


hope you survived those miles!

i totally eat PB&J TOAST (very specifically toast) each and every day. it just needs to happen or i don’t feel like my has been complete.


I love that you read Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer everyday! We sing it every night at bedtime! She went through a Jingle Bells phase but we’ve moved on. Lol

Favorite play… Just saw Three Little Pigs with my 3-year-old daughter. It was a hoot! They had a petting zoo outside. Cutest thing ever!!

3 things I eat every single day… Sweet potatoes, avocados, and baby carrots.

Run today… No run for me as my half marathon (Zooma – Texas) is this Saturday! Woo hoo! I will get a 45 minute workout on the eliptical.


Your 22 miler helped get my butt to the gym for the 6 x 1 mile repeats @6:53 that I was dreading. Normally I run early in the morning but it hasn’t been an option lately & the thought of those 6 repeats was hanging heavy all day. When I wanted to quit on the last one, I thought of you & your friends out there…and your recent hard speed workouts that you’ve toughed out! I’m psyched I made it through & hopefully they made me stronger for the half marathon I’m doing in May.

Chocolate…every day chocolate.


I completed my first 16 miler on the treadmill today and I split up the miles into shorter runs…6 miles + 6 miles +6 miles. It made it very tolerable. That and the J.K. Rowling biography movie on Netflix!


First of all, good luck on your run today! Can’t wait to hear all about it :) I absolutely love Les Miserables, and would be thrilled to see it again :) I really want to see Aida as well!


Where is your necklace from?


I’ve always wanted to see Les Mis! Good luck on your run!

I’ve seen a lot of musicals and plays, but I think my favorite is either Aida or Wicked. I saw both on Broadway with most of the original cast and they were fantastic!

3 things I could eat every day: froyo with ALL the toppings, la croix water (technically not food), and pho!


I’m not much of a musical-goer, but Wicked was definitely a wicked good time when I saw it in San Francisco a few years ago. I live in the Bay Area and have never been to Bob’s Donuts, but I’ll have to check it out! So many good doughnut shops here, so little time.

Can’t live without spinach salad, a glass of milk, and dark chocolate pretty much every day :)


I LOVE Les Mis. It is seriously my favourite play.

I can’t wait to have a recap on your long run. I have a 3 hour planned for this weekend and I can use all the motivation I can muster!


I loved Les Mis when I saw it at the Fulton theatre over the summer :) Every day, I eat eggs, yogurt, and peanut butter :) #noshame
My run today is nothing, but I am going to a dance rehearsal, so I am counting it as a workout :)

I hope your 22 miler went well!


Hope your long run went well! My favorite play was Edward Scissorhands… it’s one of the few plays I’ve been to. A tad bit creepy, but entertaining over all!

Strength training today and 3 miles for tomorrow! I LOVE your style – especially the baseball tee. I need to find a maternity-length baseball tee :)


Everyday I eat green vegetables, corn and (drink) coffee.

I hope you had a good run!


Wicked (saw it in San Diego in 2012, sooooooo good!).

1. Coffee.
2. Lemon Water (I know, they are beverages, not food).
3. Eggs OR granola.


I am going to San Fran this weekend too! Maybe I’ll run into you at the local donut & apple fritter establishments ;)


Can you go through your fueling routine during your kong runs for Boston.


Yes the volcano candles are THE BEST. I’m obsessed!

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