Monday Matters!!!

-Today’s workout created some super attractive hair horns.   

9 miles @ an 8:12 pace followed by Post-Run Power Exercises.  I’m telling you, try these out.  They take about 15 minutes to complete but they are killer and they leave my legs shaking.  They include 5 different moves that can really help you to strengthen the muscles that you need to run!  

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-Back to our normal slides all morning thing.  Her hair dries naturally curly like this.  Not fair.

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-Grapes are back to being a big part of my life again.  I have always loved grapes (especially with cottage cheese and ESPECIALLY when I was pregnant).  They are just one of my many food obsessions.

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-A reader sent me a picture of this donut cake.  Mom, my birthday is just in a few weeks and this is all I want.  And some lasagna.


-Just some cuddle time at the hotel right before we dropped Brooke off last Friday.

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-I’m a little behind on this one but I just saw this skit on SNL about Serial.  Hilarious.  It also made me want to listen to the entire season again.

-She eats the sprinkles, I eat the cookie and frosting.  We’ve got a great thing going on.

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-Tried to find some sweet gear for the Jazz game we are going to tonight.

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-Yesterday we drove by my old apartment in San Jose.  Anybody else remember when I had my treadmill out on my deck?  Yeah, I got a LOT of weird stares from people whenever I was running on it.

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-Just FYI these are great for a mid-run snack break.   

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Share some Monday Matters with us please!

Three of your current strongest food obsessions?

-Currently—>  grapes, sweet potatoes and Maverick (the gas station) froyo.

What was your workout today?

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Workout today was the killer treadmill, strength training & a few laps in the pool. Current foods-> plantains, butternut squash chocolate chip muffins and apples.


GREAT WORKOUT! I need your muffins asap.


I was an intern in Washington DC several years ago and one of my roommate sent me a photo of our old apartment a few weeks ago. So crazy looking back at that time now! Amazing how much things change!

I’m obsessed with strawberries, Ghirardelli chocolate chips, and coconut chips. Yum!

I’ve got 6 miles on tap after work today!


I have ONE episode left of the serial podcast!! So I will come back to check that SNL skit.

currently food obsessions: buff chick dip (buffalo chicken dip hehe), apples with pb2, and Lara bars!


AHHH let me know what you think of everything when you finish. I want to try your buff chick dip!


the end was a flop, I really wanted to know her opinion!! I think I was expecting them to solve the case, ha! I don’t think he did it, but I wish he defended himself more. Utah needs a Publix (grocery store) and then you would have that beloved buff chick dip.


You and Brooke both have GREAT hair today! :)

My latest food obsession is oatmeal and chopped banana, with melted coconut oil drizzled over top. SO good! Plus it keeps me warm on cold mornings!


Froyo, any kind of hot soup, and sweet potatoes! So filling and great running fuel.

I’m recovering from yesterday’s half marathon, so just a few short walks for me today!


Way to go on your half marathon yesterday! You deserve soup (HOT), froyo and sweet potatoes for dinner:) Have a great night!


My current obsessions are air popped popcorn, oranges, and Skittles.


I drive by my old apartment from three years several times a week. Back when I lived there I never thought I would end up living in my college town!

Today’s workout was 7 easy treadmill miles plus some squats and planks.

Current food obsessions are roasted chicken, sweet potato or butternut squash baked fries, and homemade cinnamon swirl bread.


I just finished listening to Serial…I had no idea it took place in Baltimore and I run on that high school’s track all the time. The SNL skit was spot on!


NO WAY!!!! I guess I need to come do a track workout with you there;)


I’m so glad you like the donut cake picture:) Since it’s only 18 days till my birthday, I’m now getting super excited! Ah I’m so jealous of Brooke’s hair, I wish mine was curly! My current obsessions are popcorn, pears and bagels :)


My workout this morning was a 6mi tempo run, and I’ll do a leg and core workout tonight. My current food obsessions are fresh berries of any kind, and an amazing sprouted almond coconut cardamom butter that I received for Christmas.

I’m going to try the post-run power exercises this week. Thanks for sharing!


Did my usual 10k run after talking about recess safety to a bunch of kiddos. It started to spit snow the last few km’s which was fun.

Current obsessions: sweet potatoes, muesli mixed with rice chex, and my daughter’s chocolate chip cookie bars and/or homemade energy balls.


Here’s a suggestion: frozen grapes! They taste just as amazing cold. :)


Yes! It’s like a wonderful little Popsicle!


The SNL skit was hilarious! It makes me want to listen to the series again, too.

My favorite foods right now are dates, blood oranges and strawberries (I’m on a fruit kick). The other day I went to the store and asked the clerk where the dates were and he told me to check out an online speed date event that he had heard about. Ha! Do people not know what dates (as in the fruit) are?


Three food obsessions– gouda, dark chocolate and feta (I love cheese!)


Current food obsessions: Sweet potatoes, chocolate banana ice cream, and roasted veggies!

Workout was short and sweet today: 3 mile run followed by a 1.5 mile walk.


Three food obsessions – anything chocolate, anything cheese, and I finally tried sweet potatoes on my salad yesterday – YUM!!!! why did I not try this sooner?

Today’s work out – spin class and tread class. Ahhhh!


Ice cream, dried mango and pretzels. All so totally random but all very delicious! Today was a rest day, but I’m going to do some serious stretching and rolling! My calves are ridiculously tight.


Brooke’s hair looks so great. This has been a really slow down just because everything is closed down. It’s not even snowing that hard down here.


I used to think sweet potatoes were just sort of ok. I nuked them in the microwave which I think took away some of he flavoepr and moisture. I finally rubbed them with coconut oil and baked them in the oven as you suggest. Holy Yum!!! My new obsession!!


I’m currently obsessed with a new peanut butter with chocolate spread I found at the grocery store! It’s gone on my toast and with apple slices! Sooo good!!!

I had to run on my treadmill in the garage for about a year and would always get strange looks when I had the door open!

I ran 4 miles on the treadmill this morning before my little guy woke up :)


Loved the SNL Serial spoof!

Three food obsessions right now: English muffin with peanut butter and honey (for breakfast), Nature Valley Dark Chocolate Cherry granola bars and broccoli.

I skipped my long run on Saturday, because I was feeling super tired. I got my long run in today though! The weather was an issue today, so I did 12 slow miles on the treadmill.


I have not had my workout yet. Wasn’t feeling that great this morning so hoping I get a second wind this afternoon.


Currently obsessed with sweet potatoes, bananas and bacon.

I did a crossfit workout this morning and I’m hoping to go for a short run later tonight.


Today I went to my first spin class in a month and a half. It was a killer! I also did some weights after. Spent the rest of my day napping and getting ready for my semester of classes to start tomorrow!


Current obsession –> fruit cups! I cut up bananas & strawberries and top it with chocolate chips and melted almond butter and pomegranate seeds! YUM.


That SNL skit is too funny!!


My without was 8 treadmill miles during the kids’ nap this afternoon. Now I am eating oyster crackers while watching Curious George with my babies. Life is good! :)


That’s the best! :-)


Monday matters = 71 degrees in Loveland, Colorado today!
Food = peanut butter, pears, trail mix
Workout = 4.3 mile run, 1 mile walk w/ my dog & cool down yoga

I was reading your blog when you had your ‘mill on your deck. Seriously, genius.
Nothing beats fresh air. Nothing!


Hunmus, rice chex, bananas.


Ive been snacking on chocolate covered fruits and they are incredibly addicting. Im thinking that I will just finish the whole bag and then they wont taunt me anymore. Apparently yesterday was Donut Fest here in Chicago and I didnt know about it. Im really upset bc it looked AMAZING. There’s always next year…


Treadmill on a deck haha. That is so awesome. I’ve always wondered how I could have a treadmill in our apartment. Never thought about that.!!
Yum I haven’t had grapes in foreverrr.


My workout today was 6:30 am yoga before my first day at my NEW JOB! Best Monday matter ever – I love it already!


I always imagined the treadmill on your deck being in your backyard, like on a back porch or something. That’s TOO funny that cars could see you when they went by!
Oh, the ridiculous things that we do as runners sometimes :)


Donuts are an obsession – and broccoli – and orange juice. No work out for me today, I have baby class Monday nights so I only have enough time to eat after work and head down there. I would workout after but I would probably pass out from being tired, that would freak a lot of people out at the gym : )


I’ve been obsessed with egg sandwiches. I had one for breakfast and another for lunch!


No workout today. Ran four days in a row, then did the exercise bike yesterday, and feel like I need a day off today.

Obsessed with bananas lately! I had oatmeal with banana, chocolate chips, honey, and cinnamon for breakfast, then banana chocolate chip pancakes for dinner! I’ve also been eating a lot of Greek yogurt with berries and honey.


I’m currently obsessed with raisins with almonds! Can’t get enough. I went through a pretty intense grape phase last month.


Froyo. Always Froyo. Oh, and eggs an salad of course :)


My workout today- tabata before work and weights afterwards. Just trying to start the week off right!

My food obsession: bell peppers & hummus


Pregnant and also TOTALLY digging grapes!!


Eggs are always my food obsession. So delicious. I also cannot get enough guacamole–so good.

I had a great run today…it was about 30, so not super cold, and it was starting to snow, so it was beautiful! :)


Peanut butter, peanut butter and peanut butter… seriously though – I can’t get enough lately!! I swear, every time I’m near the refrigerator I’m grabbing a spoonful.

If it weren’t for grapes being so expensive right now, I would definitely have included grapes in my top 3 :)


Tomorrow is national chocolate cake day so I just finished baking a cake!
Good obsessions: quinoa, Zoodles, and the vegan chocolate chip cookies at whole foods
Today’s woekout: 23 spin bike miles, TRX, and weights


I have one major food obsession right now and it’s ORANGES! They are fresh right now in Florida and they are soooooo good. No running today but I did a 15 minute squat routine that killed me.


I love how Brooke is completely entertaining herself as you pick out Jazz gear. I finished Serial about two weeks ago and STILL have so many questions…

Current food obsessions: popcorn (no surprise there – it’s a perma-obsession), anything from a bakery, and roasted squash.

The weather is ridiculous in Oregon today, so I took advantage and went out on a 2+ hour bike ride with a friend. Heaven.


I love sweet potatoes! Mandarin oranges are my fave go to snack right now since they are in season. Always crave salads with tons of salty capers, sunflower seeds , garbonzo beans . I also love capers on angel hair pasta with olive oil and Parmesan.


Brussel sprouts and grapes! But not together.


Apple pie Lara Bars, clementines, and cinnamon raisin bagels with honey pecan cream cheese <—-heavenly combo


I’m loving broccoli, eggs and kind almond and coconut bars! so weird
I did 25 min run followed by some strength training today!


Greatest Serial sketch ever.


I am so glad you shared those strength moves! I’m currently sidelined in my running due to a weak knee and it’s very frustrating! Can’t wait to try these out tomorrow and see how my knee feels!


My current food obsession is grapefruit!


That is an awesome sugar cookie situation :) Brooke is too sweet! I did an easy six miles and my current (and always) obsession is cereal! I may or may not be eating it dry right now because I ran out of milk :)


I had an awesome Monday because my Boston jacket arrived!! Sure, I can’t wear it until after the race… but I had a coupon :)
Your daughter’s hair is so beautiful! Lucky girl!


A friend of mine also runs on his treadmill on the balcony! He lives in LA. Must be a California thing. tee hee!


Sweet Potatoes, avocado protein pudding (1/2 avocado, 1 scoop choco protein powder, 3-4 tablespoons almond milk – mash it all up real good and add frozen berries or dark choco chips) and MUESLI <3 … Ive been making muesli for breakfast every morning and its oh so splendid!
Today I did arms, core, squats, and a Barre workout! :) Lotsa miles planned for tomorrow!


This time of year I crave Ruby Red Grapefruit and I’ll always choose Texas over Florida. I cannot eat enough of them. I’m also on a Frosted Mini-Wheat kick, which happens about once a year. And, of course, coffee. Always coffee.


My workout this morning was a 7 mile run outside. It was cold and foggy but still so nice to run outside! It beats the treadmill! My 3 food obsessions right now are roasted broccoli, peanut butter, and frozen yogurt with strawberries on top!


I actually think it’s super smart of you to have a treadmill on your patio. I mean, the weather in San Jose is perfect for it! :)


I’m currently obsessed with bread (probably because I’m in Asia and it’s hard to find good bread). Which is weird because when I’m home all I want are spicy noodles. The grass is always greener I suppose :)

If I lived in a place with great weather, I’d put my treadmill on the patio, too! That way I could still run while the kid was napping, but at least I’d get to be outside!


Definitely, pine seeds, hummus and oatmeal….


My food obsessions are froyo, Wheat Thins, and baby carrots dipped in hummus. So.good.

Hope to be doing more quality workouts soon! Plantar fasciitis is the devil.


Blueberries dipped in vanilla greek yogurt and frozen!!! You have to try them :) So sweet and healthful. Just spread out on a cookie sheet with parchment paper and freeze … yum!

Have a great day with Brooke!!!


Pita chips & hummus, peanut butter pretzels, and roast veggies.

Workout today was 6 miles with intervals.


My workout today was 3.5 miles so short and sweet, but it felt good. Lately I am loving salads! So good!! :) I think it was awesome that you had your treadmill on your deck ha!


I watched Iliza Shlesinger’s Netflix special yesterday, hilarious!

Current food obsessions: English muffins, ice cream, smoothies

No workout for me on Monday, I spent the day on the couch with a fever. :(


ahhaha I can’t even imagine the looks you got while running on that treadmill! hmmm my obsessions right now are irish creme coffee creamer, oatmeal, and guacamole.


Ooh, I’m jealous of Brooke’s hair! Also, all the food in this post looks incredible.


I am now listening to the entire Serial podcast for the THIRD TIME! And I am stalking the internet for updates on Adnan’s appeal. Clearly, I am obsessed.

My Monday workout was yoga! I absolutely love my yoga classes.


I did bootcamp at the rec center and went with the hubby! It was awesome! And surprisingly it helped me not feel as sore as I was earlier yesterday. :)


Froyo and all things chocolate have been my strongest cravings lately. Well… that and the homemade chicken noodle soup I just had. YUM!


part of me is dying to know why Billie (I am assuming it is his fault) pushed you away. I know you want privacy and I respect that, but I really hope he is not happy in his life. This is not meant to be rude..

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