ALWAYS listen to your mom and this week’s workout playlist.

Just some easy miles on the treadmill this morning with my sister.   

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On my Monday morning runs I always listen to my spin playlist for the week.  As I run I like to make up the routine in my head, make sure that I sped up the songs enough (you can learn how to do that on garageband here) and that I edited out all of the swear words before I play the songs for my class:)  

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And then we went back home to stretch, do some weights and Brooke worked with the resistance band.  

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I wonder if I will ever get sick of eating salad.  Probably not especially if it comes with a tortilla, muffin and gummy bears on the side. 

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All four of us are going to be running the St. George marathon on 10/4.  They have all ran this race multiple times and they kept talking about the hills… and the fact that it is usually 90 degrees at the finish line.  I’m more of a ‘running in 44 degrees girl’ than a ‘running in 90 degrees girl.’ Uh-oh.  

The pre-race butterflies/moths have begun.  

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Brooke and I eat eggs once a day and so Jen brought us some eggs from her chickens.  

I think the colors are real pretty.  

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So yesterday I was complaining to my mom (because moms love you unconditionally and always have the best advice) about how tired I have been feeling lately.  So, she sent over exactly what I need to do:

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I am taking her advice seriously and I am off to enjoy my latest favoritest homemade trail mix on the couch with an episode of friends and maybe a nap.  My mom is always right.  

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A food or meal that you will NEVER get sick of?

What was your Monday workout?  How many miles are you planning on running this week?

Any good advice from your mom lately?  Share with us so we can all learn from them:)

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I will never get sick of cinnamon chex! And my Monday workout was spinning :)


Mom’s know what they’re talking about, huh?


I totally agree with your mom. Trust her–she seems awesome.

I will never, ever get sick of hot chocolate. I’m excited for cooler temps this weekend so I can really enjoy some hot chocolate.


Pasta. Can’t get tired of pasta.

Monday workout will be 45 min on the elliptical. I’m hoping its one of those days when it flies by and not one of those days when I check the time every 30 seconds. I will do 41-42 miles this week. It’s a high week for me!

That’s great advice from your mom! Although its hard to do sometimes. We all get caught up on having to stay busy, so its hard to just stop. She really gets the racing and how to make sure you’re in top form!

I just bought a bag of candy corn m&ms. I love them. I look forward to them every year!


Mom’s are alwayyyyys right! :D

Also, is your sister laying down on her legs in that stretching picture??? That is some serious flexibility. There’s no way I could bend anything like that! haha


I’ve been getting at least 2 miles of some sort of cardio (jog/walk/bike/whatever!) each day, and I have been loving it! Makes me feel so good each day. :) And OMG I need candy corn now! So excited it’s back in stores!!



POTATOES!! I will never get sick of them. Fried, mashed, baked…just so many possibilities!

Today I only ran 4.8 miles… I have some alignment issues and not allowed more than that until my doc says so! That means I probably won’t run more than 20-25 miles this week but I’m okay with that. My body needed a break!

Listen to MOM!!! Moms are the best.

…and I’ve never tried candy corn. Is that weird or what?!


I’d just like to chime in here and say WHAT!? You’ve got to get your hands on some candy corn ASAP! :)


I love running to Just Give Me a Reason :)

Since it’s taper time I am not planning on running very many miles… only about 20 miles total! But I will also be on vacation for a few days and will do lots of walking!


Never get sick of salad, apples, cereal.

Mom’s advice: trust an unknown future to a known God.


Don’t worry about that hill-just keep thinking of how much fun the downhill part will be! Wheeeee!!


Eating candy corn while watching Friends? Uh ya. I think that is definitely how you treat your body right! :)

I will never get sick of salads and nuts/nut butter. Never. Ever.

I am sad I missed out on lunch today. Major fomo.

Cake:the distance = one of my all time favorite songs to run to ever.

I know you need to listen to your mom and all, but that better result in us not hanging out pronto.


Pretty much anything pumpkin!! Especially now that it’s fall!

I did an easy recovery run this morning and the temps were in the mid-50’s — perfect! Long run this Saturday will be 16!

You will do great at St. George — it has been my favorite marathon thus far! And at least the hill comes early so you can get it over with and then enjoy the rest of the downhill and the beautiful scenery! Happy taper and good luck on the 4th!!!!


I love that your mom is so in tune with your training! I wish my family was more into that and kinda knew what it was all about. Awesome that she is there to remind you what is most important. I say for sure listen to your mom!


Mom’s are the best! I’m glad she’s there for you to give you the advice you need!


Your Mom is awesome! Trust her advice!

I walked 6 miles (non run day) with different friends during my route. I am hoping to get in 30ish miles this week. My pulled glute still isn’t 100%, but is feeling much better and I did 12 miles yesterday and survived! Yay!

I will never be tired of peanut butter and dark chocolate, together or separate.


I will never get sick of homemade nut butter and jelly on pancakes.

Happy tapering to you!


Centuries by Fall Out Boy EXCELLENT spin song!


I don’t think I will ever get sick of peanut butter or my favorite salad from The Cheesecake Factory. Always ready to eat them both! I ran seven miles this morning but no real clue how many I will run the rest of the week. Usually just play it by ear yet it falls around the same each week…


I will never get tired of oatmeal cooked with either apples or peaches + cinnamon.
I eat if!

I did 4.3 miles + rowing + 20 minute yoga.

My mom gave me so much advice before she died. I think the one I hear her say in my mind the most is “Susan, don’t worry so much”.


I did some full blown rest-all-the-time when recovery from injury and before going into my 100 miler — it worked. It really, truly worked! So yes, go take naps! :)


Today is my mom’s birthday, and it’s true – Moms really do know best! I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of salad either, it’s just SO refreshing!

Today was a rest day for me and I’m loving every second of it!


I hope you get some good rest before the marathon! Self care is so important – it helps us recharge and be more effective at our running/jobs/lives :) I will never get sick of pizza, peanut butter, or grapes :)


A food or meal that you will NEVER get sick of?

Stirfry and Doritos Cool Ranch Chips :)

What was your Monday workout? How many miles are you planning on running this week?

No workout planned today but likely taking my son to the park. I have 15 miles on the agenda this week as I’m just coming off back-to-back half marathons and want to rest up for a bit.

Any good advice from your mom lately? Share with us so we can all learn from them:)

Follow your heart and trust your gut (<I really needed this one lately)


Your mom is AMAZING! It’s no wonder you’re such a good mom to Brooke :)


Sweet potato fries. Also I’ve been having old fashion oats with brown sugar and berries for breakfast for months…still not sick of it. (knock on wood)

Great Mom advice! You’re going to do awesome!!!!


A food I can never get sick of — tacos. Any tacos — chicken, fish, shrimp, carnitas, carne asada…..yum. And I can’t have tacos without chips and salsa, so add that to my list as well.

Enjoy your taper time!


Can’t ever seem to be able to get sick of peanut butter! Or eggs… everything is better with a fried egg on it, hehe.
whoa, 90 degrees is seriously no joke! I guess it’ll push you to run faster in the middle!


Love it. I need someone to tell me that everyone once in a while because I always fill up every second and then wonder why I’m so exhausted.


My morning meal of a whole wheat cin raisin bagel with almond butter I eat every day and love!!!
Ran 9.2 miles this morning, gonna be a 60 mile week, 5 weeks left til my first marathon!
Mom always gives the best advice, she always tells me to sleep more which I need to do!


When I began running it was to supplement dance after 16 years! For the first two years I ran, I made up choreography in my head and it got me through every single run!
I am sure you will wake up the morning of the marathon and it will be a perfect 44 degrees :)
I agree with you on the salad, I will never ever ever get sick of it… or my momma


I never get sick of cafe rio salads. Ever.

Today I ran 5 whole miles. I wish my foot would stop hurting so I could run a little more and faster. But it hurts and I must obey the commands of my body. :( I need to go see the guy you go too. I should be running SGM with you, but I just have been unable to train this year again. It makes me sad.

I talked to my Mom on the phone a week ago. She lives in St. George Utah. She was making cookies at the time she called me. She reminded me that it’s always a good time to make Chocolate chip cookies and my kids will always love me if I make then often! true story. And yes, I do make them often :)


Apples! On everything! I put them on pb toast a lot and down 2-3 a day!


Food I will never get sick of= chips and salsa
Workout= 3 miles on the mill+ 3.5 miles walking the trails with my best friend. Pretty sure girl talk + exercise is the cure for anything.
Aww…I miss my mom. She always had the best advice. Just today I was wishing I could pick up the phone and call her. I would pay big money for a phone to Heaven!


Macy–I would pay big $$, too, for a phone to heaven! I miss my mom every day. Mom’s truly are our first loves….


That is great advice!! I eased into the week with 4 relaxed miles. Tomorrow I have my longest tempo run and I’m a little nervous!


PIZZA! ;) And 18 miles this weekend! Then i’ll be glad to taper before my race. :)


Love your spin playlists! I use them for running!
Your mum is wise, enjoy the taper, you’ll do great :)
I never, ever get sick of birthday cake.


I could never, ever get tired of chicken soup! It’s the best! :)


Love your mom’s advice! My mom’s latest advice was also telling me to chill the heck out. I cried over a crockpot meal I made that tasted TERRIBLE (low point…) and she reminded me to not cry over spilt milk.


I will NEVER get sick of tacos. EVER. They are my absolute favorite! :)

I do my long run on Sundays, so Monday is my rest day. I have 33 miles planned for the week.

My mom always has good advice – lately she has helped me look at some situations in the grand scheme of things rather than how major they seem in the moment. Perspective helps.


wonderful issues altogether, you simply received a emblem new reader.

What might you suggest in regards to your submit that you made a few days in the
past? Any certain?


I can always eat mexican food! Bit, that candy corn looks pretty awesome right now. I’m in my first week of taper and will run around 75 miles which sounds a little nuts:)


I’ve got 31 miles planned for this week, I’m incredibly pumped. It’ll be my highest mileage week so far in my training.

That trail mix looks so good! :)


Salmon, asparagus & sweet potatoes. I could eat it every day. Aren’t Mom’s the best? They really do know everything!


Monday’s workout was lifting then 10 minutes of HIIT which I did on the indoor track with my 8 year old daughter. We alternated running and walking laps and had a ridiculously good time:-)


Such good advice! Even as moms ourselves I used to feel guilty if I didn’t take my kids somewhere during the day then I realized they like to stay home and decompress too. Good for us all!


My mom once said, “Never gain the first pound.” I didn’t realize why she said that until I gained weight after surgery and wow, it’s way easier to prevent it than lose it!


Moms ALWAYS know best!!!


My absolute favorite thing ever is Reeses Peanut Butter Cups and the best advice my Mom gave me lately is “You don’t have to eat the entire bag of Reeses Peanut Butter Cup minis in one sitting!” She was right. I ate them in 2 sittings and I was quite proud of myself. ;)


I have to admit, the trail mix reminded me of the four food groups of an Elf…candy, candy canes, candy corns, syrup. :-)


Theme of my life:)


Your mom is a wise woman. Glad you are taking her advice!
The food I couldn’t get enough of? Potatoes. Especially in the chip form!!
Words of wisdom from my mom, ” this too, shall pass.”


I never tire of Chipotle. It is my go to for a bad day, a good day, a sad day, a happy day, honestly I just love a solid burrito bowl!
I did a long run yesterday so I took Monday off :)
My mom always says take good care of all the important relationships in your life – not just the romantic ones – and I think that has been some of the best advice ever!


I will never tire of sausage and eggs. Or guacamole. Rest day today and 7 tomorrow morning for me. 90 degrees at the finish of your marathon scares me too!


Eet!! I love Eet!

Good advice from your mom… That combo looks yum, I normally add plain peanuts but may need to try that!

4.5 miles in the morning :)


I absolutely love watermelon and can’t picture not ever liking it. I am planning on running 12.5 miles this week, but I have been averaging more. You continue to aspire me to be a better runner!


I could happily eat Whole Foods’ chicken fried tofu with every meal for the rest of my life. And potato chips.

For my Monday workout, I went and volunteered walking dogs for a few hours at the animal shelter I used to work at. It was the best active recovery!


Gummy bears on the side! You’ve given me a great idea to get my hubs to eat salad! (Truth be told, I might have to actually sprinkle them on top). Food I never get tired of: sesame veggies – only if I make them myself. I only did yoga today, running every other day and nursing PF in right heel. I like to say I run vicariously through you. In my daydreams I run smoothly, effortlessly, bounding up the hills. In real life I’m slow and wheezy. lol But I still get it done! Good luck in your race, not that you’ll need it! Oh, and my mom’s advice… she’s given me a lot… I think telling us that weird is good, that not everyone is brave enough to go against the flow, has served me well. :)


Your mom is a wise lady! I’ve been taking advantage of naps a lot while training for Chicago. It’s been nice and much needed. Everything else can wait. Today’s workout was a barre class. Mondays are always strength days for me.


I named my blog after that Cake song :) <3


Gosh, there are so many foods that I could never get tired of… Froyo, smoothie bowls, air popped popcorn… Basically anything bread-like, veggies with a whole bunch of different salsas and hummus for dipping…

I just did an east 4 mile recovery run this week! I haven’t been feeling great lately Nd am finally feeling a little better, so I’m hoping to get on at least 25 miles this week =)

My mom gives the best advice ever. I would say that the best thing she has told me recently is that it is ok that I am unsure of what my “purpose” is and what I am supposed to be doing with my life (I was having a meltdown/existential crisis the other day haha). She told me that I need to focus on the day at hand and stop being too busy worrying about the future to live in the now.


Your mom RULES! Listen listen listen!!! I know that we keep going, going, going and filling up our days because it is a wonderful distraction and often becomes hard to slow down but keep reminding yourself just how worth it it will be, NOT just for the race, but to be able to sit with uncomfortable feelings without using running (not saying it’s not the and should be used always as the best therapy in the world) but that it gives you even MORE strength and power, ultimately, to be able to sit with the discomfort and use other tools in your tool box aside from busy busy busy because you are then equipped with even more strength and resilience!!! LOVE YOU JANAE!!!


I agree, always listen to your mother. I actually did a belly dancing workout recently, sort of by accident, but it was fun and really really hard


I love your mom.
Workout Monday was 5 easy miles before work and 1 hour Kettlebell class after work. Came home and made breakfast for dinner. Love eggs.

Ok on a very important note: you blogged recently about some super adorable shoes you got at Nordstrom. Can you remind me of the brand and style.


Yes! Those are the shoes. They are so cute. Thank you! Have a great day.


Thanks for continuing to post your spin playlists! I’m going to be going to training to be an instructor next month so I need all the help I can get! I’m really worried about putting together the routines though. Do you have any advice for this?

My Monday workout was spin class. Tomorrow will be spin with some upper body strength training.

As for advice from my mom, she said that I need stop worrying about what other people think and make my own decisions based on what I think is best for me.


Moms always have the best advice! Listen to your body. If your exhausted, it needs a break :).


Monday was a day off, so I did an easy yoga dvd. I’ll never get sick up PUMPKIN!!


Love your playlist!


Within that time frame is the perfect amount of space for your ex to realize that the girl
he’s trying to fill the void you left behind isn’t you. (1992) “Facing Love Addiction: Giving Yourself the Power to Change the Way You Love,”Harper
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looks and personalities, taking into consideration the different preferences of their prospective clients.


Pizza.. I LOVE me some pizza! But from Pepperoni’s down here where I live. I love it so much and it just fills my life with Joy whenever I eat it!

My Monday workout was the women’s version of the Sparticus workout from Women’s Health Magazine Big Book of Workouts… I love this book!!

My mom stresses to me a lot to just appreciate my body for what it is, and to look at how far I’ve come otherwise I’ll never be happy. It’s easier said than done but still great advice.


I agree with your mom’s advice of slowing down. Sometimes I find myself going and going to distract myself from sitting and thinking. It does not end well. RELAX and enjoy some yummy snacks and TV : )


Salads that come with muffins are my kind of salads!


Out of curiosity, do you ever use the music sites/services for group fit instructors? The mixes aren’t as great, sometimes, but it helps you avoid the garageband and editing part. It also avoids legal/licensing issues of using iTunes and personal music in a professional setting. I’ve been going to They aren’t customizable but they are FREE, and I like them a lot.


I could (and do) eat PBJ everyday and not get sick of it. That and mexican food..mmmm


I love your mom


Your Mom always gives the best advice! And you’re so smart to listen. ;-)

Two of my really good running buddies are coming to your town for the St. George marathon. One has never run a marathon before – so this is her first! I’m so excited for her. The other is a pacer for Clif. They will be running together. There’s a little bit of concern about the temperature — and hills! We live in MD by the beach – we suffer very high humidity, but enjoy flat flat courses. I know they are both going to have a great run. I hope they get a chance to say “hi” to you! :-D


I will never get sick of Mexican food. I could eat it every day!


I eat salad every day for lunch (and sometimes dinner). It’s hard to get sick of because I can change what I put on it :)

Monday was only supposed to be 5 miles, but ended up being closer to 6.5 because I ran off the trail to hit a restroom and they wouldn’t open the door for me :(


I didn’t have a Monday workout because I ran the Rock and Roll Philly Half on Sunday…so fun! Rest is so important. Listen to your mother!!! My friend Christine (my “friend mom”) is always after me to rest so I decided that this Saturday, it’s a “sleep in, drink coffee on the couch with wet hair” kind of morning.


Moms really are always right. And seriously, your mom has the best advice and is so cute!! But, if you don’t want to take the nap, you can pass that one on to me ;) haha


I too am doing St. George! When they say hills, what do they mean by that? Are there a lot of them and are they steep? I am from Montana, and am having a tough time judging all the hills by the elevation map!

Enjoy your taper! It’s tough to make your body slow down…I am right there with you, super tired!


I laughed out loud when I saw your “trail mix.”

Your mom is wise. Do as she says. :)


hahaha! love that trail mix :)


Your mom’s message is perfect and so wise:-)


awww, your mum is cute.


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I have #5, 9, and 11 on my racing playlist!

I will never get tired of ice cream. It’s a Sunday ritual.

Half marathon training started this week, so I ran 3 miles yesterday, will run 3 miles tomorrow, and 4 miles this weekend. I also have to do 30 minutes of cross training to do this weekend, so I will probably be on the treadmill for that!!!


Did you watch the episdoe of Friends where Rachel and Phoebe go running? Hilarious. For real!


Moms always have great advice! GET SOME REST! haha


yes, your mom’s advice is perfect! :)

eggs and avocados are two foods i’ll never get sick of eating. i eat both pretty much daily!


I can’t believe you’re eating candy and watching Friends. That’s my prescription too. Enjoy!

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