I have been oversharing my life since 1991.

My Wednesday workout was pushing Brooke around in her stroller all day.  

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And we did get a little run in on our way to the pool… she is getting speedy.

I feel like this is how you know you are with the right person and the two meals following this picture gave me that feeling they are talking about…

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Open-faced burritos and nachos.

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A cobb salad from Croutons.  I’m going to have to go back for lunch today.

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My two favorite views in San Diego so far:


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Someone gave this to Brooke yesterday and I haven’t heard her squeal so loud in her entire lifetime.  

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How Brooke requires us to watch Curious George before bedtime.  She was very upset every time I tried to move that little leg of hers.  

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PS I hope watching this makes you as happy as it made me.  


And for the extreme randomness of the day…  My mom reminded me the other day about how I started ‘blogging’ in 1991.  

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Technically blogging wasn’t around back then but I did find a way to completely overshare my life at a very young age.  

When I was 5 years old I started a newspaper and I would take it to everyone on my cul-de-sac.  The newspaper included a comic section, sports (aka my brothers latest sports games coverage) and current events (aka all of the news of my life, my families life ((including any arguments and drama that was going on at our house.. I am sure my family loved me sharing that)) and my dog’s life).  I would make 5 copies and deliver it weekly to my neighbors.  I know, I am a weirdo but at least we now know I have always been this way.

Turns out sharing all of my thoughts/feelings with whoever will listen is just kind of a part of who I am.  


Something strange/weird/interesting that you did as a kid!?!?

What is your workout going to be today?

Bloggers—>  what year did you start blogging?

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HAHAHA. I can totally relate to that. I swear sometimes I think I was sharing things before I was born. If you are anything like me than you are terrible at keeping secrets as well. I started blogging in 2011. I feel like it was right around the same time you did? I remember shortly into my senior year of college a friend mentioned your blog and I have been following since.


Hollie so funny you mentioned the secret thing! I have always been really ashamed that I can’t keep a secret to save my life!


Yes!!! I totally remember when you started and I instantly loved you!! Ps I am going to have to stop emailing you all of my secrets now!


SO funny! I didn’t know you did that haha.

My little brother wrote short stories and would sell them door to door for 2 bucks. Tell you what, I would have bought one!

I’m about to take off to run 4 miles with same brother (you know Derek), and work my arms afterwards. Have a great day!


Oh. My. Gosh. The dog clip is hilarious!


When i was little i used to clean house all the time. I even cleaned my patents friends homes when we visited. I was a strange child.


Ha- love that ecard. I totally agree lol….My workout today will involve a Pure Barre class. Loving it!


When I was a kid I used to eat my boogers.

Hey, I’m sorry you had to ask!

I also started blogging this year officially and it’s going well! Hoping to start a YouTube channel soon :)


Ha! You are a natural blogger! As for me I was always the first one in my house to wake up on weekends – and I would spend the time writing in a journal, writing stories or even doing homework (when I got older) So now I just use that time to run and blog! Seriously glad I discovered running is a great way to fill that early morning time too.

I love those cute “name” cups – my kids are too big for them now but my husband won’t get rid of them because they’re kind of sentimental :)


I started blogging in 2011, and have been in love ever since!

My workout will be strength only today, and a run tomorrow morning.

I was big into karaoke as a kid, and always made strangers listen to me sing. Which is hilarious because now you couldn’t pay me to sing in front of strangers haha.


Bahahahaha I LOVE the newspaper. That is fantastically awesome. Made me giggle, which is always appreciated on a Thursday morning :)


That’s cute. Did your parents keep any of the papers?
P.S. It’s “cul-de-sac.” ;-)


Hahaha thanks Angelica…. I may have been writing this post a little too late last night!


love San Diego so much and wish i was there right now. the newspaper story is great — there’s something so magical about being so young and believing in your ability to do anything, and that people want to read about your life because it’s that special! i love it. i used to write songs and sing them and record them onto mixed tapes and make my family listen to them because i was going to be a famous singer one day and those were my beginnings. now i just write lyrics and pray someone some day wants them. :)


I started blogging all the way back in 2005 with Livejournal – which is why the scene when Mark complains about people on LJ in “The Social Network” cracks me up – because that is exactly what university students were doing then – complaining about people on LJ – and possibly making social media empires (not me…).

I just have a really short run today – that is it!


Bahaha I think I did a similar paper for my family.


When I was playing in front of my house when I was younger and had to use the bathroom, I couldn’t reach the handle to the door to open it. So instead of knocking, I would just pee in front of our house on the sidewalk. My mom said neighbors would knock on the door to say “Just wanted to let you know that Cassy is peeing outside again.” Lol!

I’m ashamed to say that there was definitely more than one drunken night in college when I resurrected that old behavior haha.


Hahaha that is awesome! I’m just wondering though- you mean cul-de-sac right? Or do you just say cold-a-sac. Hearing things like those make me wish I had brothers and sisters to grow up with! I started blogging in Jan 2013. Best decision ever!


Hike followed by lunch at kneaders.


What did you think of kneaders?!?


I got the turkey, bacon,avocado salad per your blog. :)


I did a lot of weird things as a kid, but the weirdest was giving my stuffed animals swim lessons. Wet, soggy animals are no good. :( haha

I started blogging in 2009. It was on again, off again for a while and I switched things up a lot. Earlier this year I took a break but I am happy to be back and in a new home. I think part of the problem in previous years was I didn’t have a voice and my writing was all over the place.


Haha! I love the newspaper thing. Hilarious! I used to start businesses all the time and make my family and neighbors sign up for it.


when I was little I use to show dogs…like as in dog shows. I also did agility with them. I was super cool.

Today I’m running in a new place with a friend – hopefully get some good pictures!!

My blog-aversary is next month! I’m teaming up with my favorite brands to do a huge giveaway…I’m super excited :)


I’m excited for your giveaway! Running in a new place with a friend= the best! Enjoy! Ps I am jealous you did dog shows… So cool!


oh my gosh that new place we went this morning was so gorgeous – check it out!! http://instagram.com/p/q1tXpHkoaw/?modal=true


That mug is so cute! My son is in love with Elmo now and I downloaded that Elmo Calls app you showed one day and he gets so excited! When I was little I wouldn’t talk to anyone. I was SOOOO shy that my sister would always answer questions for me. Now people probably want me to stop talking at times. I technically started my blog in 2013 but didn’t really get going with it until this year. The weather will determine what my workout is today! Either a run or I’ll be on the indoor trainer.


Those burritos and that salad look amazing! San Diego is such a fun place to visit and all of their produce is so fresh that it just makes mexican food/salads that much more amazing!

When I was little I liked to be in charge… like even of the adults. One New Years Eve when I was 3 my mom and I made a cake and when we were about to cut it I made my parents, uncles and aunts sing happy birthday to my sister (her birthday is in June). We have the whole thing on video and it still cracks me up to this day! haha


That’s so funny about your little newspaper! I guess you were born to be a blogger-lol!
I loved the video of you and Brooke running-so precious.


Haha I love that you had a newspaper! The food looks awesome, and the views in San Diego- jealous!!


I started blogging this year! Just last month, actually! I’m loving it and my family and friends are super supportive and helpful. Check out my page! :)


I used to put on broadway-type performances for my family. I would sing a lot of Celine Dion and dance along! There are tapes somewhere!!!

Did 10K before my little guy woke up today.

I started blogging in 2013 but didn’t make it public for about six months :)


Me and my sister would do that do! We would write songs (usually to the tune of songs that we knew) and acted them out with our dolls and stuffed animals.


Sounds like you have some reporter in you!

No workout for me today! It’s a rest day because yesterday my run club and I started hill repeats and my body needs a break!! It was also the first day we’ve met where it was actually in the middle of a rain storm. We all came back soaking wet but feeling good!


I didn’t start a newspaper but I did start a little magazine that was basically about my favorite celebrities with me mixed in! Hah! It’s good to dream big, right?

I had a livejournal way back in the day that I used to blog in, too :) Man, that feels like forever ago! Does anyone still use LJ??


Love that picture of you and Brooke watching Curious George!! I love watching movies with my mom, but I don’t watch them that way haha. And omg, that picture of San Diego is just gorgeous! I knew there was a reason I wanted to live there :). I’ve been blogging since 2012, but one weird thing I did as a child was try to sell too many things too many times. I guess having a business of my own was meant to happen, so this jewelry line of mine was meant to happen haha.


That picture with Brooke’s leg on you is hilarious.


hahaha your newspaper sounds hilarious and adorable!! it sounds like something i totally would have done if i wasn’t so busy making worksheets, doing worksheets, and correcting worksheets for my imaginary “students” in my basement classroom!!

i started blogging two and a half years ago, but i deleted my first blog after a year of it. i started my new blog this spring and i find it way more fun to write, mostly because i am now really writing it for me!!


Super cute that you made a newspaper! I stayed blogging in 2012, about a month after running my first marathon.


HA!! Did you mom keep any of the papers?! I’m sure it would be hilarious to read now! Hmmm I remember writing a lot in journals when I was a kid but they were always locked up just for me to read. I guess something changed and now I like everyone reading my stories ;)


That is awesome about the newspaper! I guess we’re all destined to be what we start when we’re young, haha! ;)

Mmmmm that Mexican food looks great!


I first started blogging in 2009 right after my first daughter was born. Gave it up for a while, but back at it as of this year. It’s a good substitute for not having many close friends. :)


Even is your younger years, you had a lot of ambition. :) When I was growing up I lived on a very quiet street in the country. We would probably have four or five cars go by a day. I was determined to make a little money for spending, so I had a lemonade stand where I would also sell yarn bracelets and my “art” (paintings and drawings). I would sit out there all day during the summers, flashing my brown eyes at the few cars that would drive by. I think people really took pity on me because I would make a few bucks each time someone actually stopped. Ha!


I had a cul de sac newspaper! The terrace times!! I am also a dork.


Hahahaha this makes me so happy!


Haha that is too funny! I used to try to organizes plays at my house and would make a sign up sheet and hang it on a tree at the corner. People actually signed up but I didn’t have any way to contact them and my mom got pretty mad when she found out what I was doing haha. So I just made younger family and friends get dressed up to be in my “show”.


Oh, that 90’s hair! I definitely have a few photos with that same hair style floating around here somewhere.

I started blogging in 2010 I think? It’s been so long ago, I forget.


I started my blog on the day my daughter started first grade. August 2012. I had wanted to for quite a while but just knew between work and family there wasn’t time. First grade was a bit of a milestone as far as my not having to be completely “on” when she was home.


I love seeing the pictures and stories you have about San Diego because I am moving there from Wisco in a week! I’d love to know what your favorite runs are; I visited last summer and my friend lives in OB so I did the Sunset Cliffs route daily. That’s when I fell in love. Saw people cliff jumping (albeit illegally), so I clearly had to join them, after which I just kept running! I hope to be living closer to the North Park area so there’s obviously Balboa Park, but I’m open to new routes – everything will be an adventure!
Also, fun thing I did when I was younger? My sister and I used to choreograph dances in my parents basement. They had a super funky set up with like, awful brown carpeted benches in a corner that we used to do flying kick jumps off of. That was part of the our “choreography” 99% of the time, especially to the one that stands out the most, NKOTB’s Cover Girl. Yeah! Then we’d go play Skip-It. Oh the 90’s. *sigh*


I used to dance and sing on the fireplace mantel (it was low to the ground) while holding a screwdriver as a microphone. My poor, poor parents.

Today is a rest day – woot!


I REALLY want those open faced burrito’s now. Thanks for that! ;-)

I’m told that when I was a toddler, long after I had mastered the potty and it was put away- I took to wearing the “pot” on my head like it was a hat. Or, any pot I could get my hands on. The family would call me Colonel Pots, take photo’s and share with everyone that came to visit. At 35 years old, they are STILL sharing the photos and my cute little nick name. Thanks Mom and Dad!

Todays work out is my strength training and some Tabata’s on the treadmill as its raining and I don’t want to melt by running outside :P I started bloggin at 31 to take my mind of a not so pleasant divorce to write about my new adventures in my new to me fixer upper house – but published 3 posts and closed it down in fear that my friends/family would find it and judge. I still haven’t worked up the nerve to start again – but for now, I enjoy reading all about other peoples adventures and appreciate that there are braver folks than me out there willing to share their lives :)


I wrote a newspaper when I was little also, but mine was about horses. And my mom would make copies and drive me to my friends houses to pass them out, and I would send them to all of my relatives too. Let me also mention I have never had a horse, was around horses much, and have only rode a horse once. Apparently I just liked horses. LOL


Haha kids are so funny! When I was around 10 I made up a restaurant and I passed out “menus” to my neighborhood and it had prices and everything. I listed things like Ramen Noodles and Mac &Cheese haha. I love that about kids!


Hahaha that’s weird but so adorable! I was a weird little bugger growing up. I would make my family film me dancing (I danced with all the grace of a one-legged llama), singing (I’m tone deaf), or pretending to be a weather forecaster (….I’m just weird).

My workout today will be some strength training, a looot of stretching, and DANCE practice (because I’m making up for lost time and finally learning! haha) :)

I started blogging my freshman year of college, I believe…but it was on/off (with various blogs). I started this blog the summer after college graduation, and it somehow morphed into a fitness blog and now I can’t imaging NOT doing it!


I love Brooke’s leg! Two of my kids sleep ridiculously crazy but my middle one doesn’t move an inch. He’s always my first choice to sleep with.
When I was a kid I sold my aunt’s oranges from her trees to all of her neighbors ;)
I’m not sure about a workout today. A truck hit me fairly hard as I was backing out of a space and I’m pretty sore today so I think the chiropractor is on my agenda…


I love the newspaper story. The Bronte sisters used to make their own newspapers and so did the sisters in “Little Women”. So you can count yourself among “The Greats.”

Today is a rest day, though I wish I was running. I strained my hip flexor a few weeks ago and it’s still angry at me sometimes. I just want it to forgive me already and let me run!


A few things:

-I totally agree with that food quote. And that food looks delicious.

-Brooke is adorable.

-That picture of you in that blue dress is adorable.

-I started blogging in 2011.

I’m so glad I found your blog. I’ve been really looking forward to your posts each day!


That is so funny! I don’t think I ever did anything “weird” like that as a kid. Well, I’m sure I did, and I just can’t remember.

I miss my daughter at Brooke’s age! They are so cuddly.


That’s so cute that you used “blog” when you were a child! The family drama part must’ve been hilarious! I just started blogging this year and I love connecting with and learning from other bloggers!


Oh the video of Brooke! I love how excited she is to go to the pool. Don’t u love seeing the world thru her eyes? It makes even the ordinary things special.


When my daughter was a baby we used to listen to the Curious George Soundtrack by Jack Johnson when I was feeding her.


I’ve been blogging for a year this month and I love it!! The food looks amazing, now I’m craving mexican food and a big salad!
I can’t think of anything weird (I’m sure there was) but one thing my mum told me was that I never shut up ever, I used to be banned from talking at dinner after 15 minutes because I would never finish my food because I was too busy chatting away. Funny thing is I haven’t changed, still talk way too much especially at school!
My workout has been packing my suitcase and walking my grandmas dog, need to get a run in tomorrow!!


My workout today is a 5 or 6 mile run, provided it is not storming at 5pm! The sky looks dark, but who knows with these summer showers!

I did a lot of crazy stuff as a kid! I am the oldest of 8, but I was an only child for 5 years so I got pretty spoiled. When my siblings came along I would make them dress up and we would make our own music videos to our favorite country songs……..the one I remember the most was SheDaisy’s “I Will…But”!

But the coolest thing I got to do was be on the radio with my dad. He was a DJ most of his life and when I was 5 I had a Saturday morning show with him! I got my own jacket (the cool shiny ones from the 80’s)……….it had the radio call letters and my on-air name (which I picked) “Tootsie”! In Mardi Gras parades (we lived in Louisiana) I got to ride in the station van and throw tootsie rolls and mardi gras beads! So fun…………..probably what made me a theater person!


I used to go outside as a little girl with a skirt on my head because I wanted long hair and had short curly hair. Our neighbors must have thought I was CRAZY! :)


Haha! That’s awesome. My mom used to have my hair cut short and then would wonder WHY I would wear her skirts on my head. Seems to me her choice was the problem, not mine :)


I have back to back 10ks tomorrow night and Saturday morning so today is a rest day. Your salad looks fabulous but I haven’t seen a Café Rio salad posted in quite some time… we don’t have those here in WI and so I have always lived vicariously through those salads of yours. My attempts at recreating them have been disappointing at best.


My friends and I made a Baby Sitters Club when we were 8 years old because we loved the books. We would sit in my Dad’s office and wait for phone calls that would never come. Because we never did any advertising, and because who wants 8 year olds as babysitters?… But we had the schedule, the phone, the junk food and the keen fashion sense – Ann M Martin would have been so proud!

My workout today was a 6 mile run in the UK heat. It’s not the same as Utah/California heat I’m sure, but it was pretty hot!

I am a newbie blogger. I started in 2013….. it’s a small blog but I love doing it.


I started blogging last year and I already feel like it’s been a decade! It’s a lot of work and you get a lot of haters too. I have someone trying to tell me I somehow stole their name, which is completely ridiculous.


When I was a kid I used to always write stories about families with lots of kids. Like, double digit lots. And these kids got huge allowances. Interesting because I’m an only child who was raised by broke hippies. I’ll probably go for a hike at some point today, and I started my first blog in October 2010 but this one in January 2013.

You are really rocking that dance outfit


When I was a kid, I used to make up dances to all the 90’s pop songs and make my little brother dance with me, I still to this day can’t listen to a Cher song without cracking up.
My workout today was a Spin class! I loved it! I started my blog in 2014! I’m a newbie! Still learning how to do this whole blog thing, i’ll get there someday!

Ps. Those ruffle socks=awesome. I was guilty of wearing those too.


Ha! I had a “newspaper” when I was young, too! I think I was 8 or so, and I included what seemed to me to be important news stories. These were likely recaps of what had happened in previous weeks, so I’m sure everyone was really glad to hear it a second time from the perspective of a 4th grader. I actually made my friends sign up for a subscription and printed them all at home.

I have only been blogging for a few months but I really love it. It’s such a great creative outlet since my job doesn’t really allow for that and I have always loved writing and design.

Still debating on the workout today, injury report says “No running” but my brain says “RUN NOW! FAST!” so we’ll see who wins.


I had a cafe at the house named cafe de yum yum.


Ha! And I thought I started blogging early! Girl, you have me beat! That’s so great. :)


That’s so cute and that you used to print a newsletter, and so perfect that you are now a blogger!

Strangest thing I did as a child: Whenever my cousins/friends wanted to play house and I didn’t really feel like it, I would be the cow so that I could lay on the grass for the entire game. ;)


Aww what a creative little girl you were! Doesn’t surprise me one bit:)


I think it’s super cute that you wrote that little newspaper!! I hope your parents kept one or two so you can look back at them :)
I started blogging in 2011, but I definitely don’t feel like I’ve been blogging for over 3 years.


I also had a neighborhood newspaper! My sister and I would go to our neighbors’ houses and ask if they had any news to include, then we would handwrite our stories, make copies, then hand deliver them to the neighbors!


haha that’s a funny/cute story about the “newspaper”


Speaking of amazing dog videos, I think you will love this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABuKR0hUdu8


Your newspaper story is great! I started blogging in January 2013.

My workout today was a six mile run with three miles at tempo. It was awesome, despite the awful humidity!


The bigger question is… what did you end up buying from Nordstrom’s?! Boots? Bag? Running gear? Dying to know!


lol the newspaper is hilarious!


I never wrote anything down. My mother always told me “never put anything in writing you don’t want the entire world to read”.

I was always terrified what I wrote down would be taken wrong and BAM…I’d be in trouble one way or the other.


My sister and I used to record ourselves on tape pretending to be DJs! We would have a talking section, and then record songs in between. Once a tape was used, we made our parents listen to the entire thing.

My workout…easy 3 mile run, and maybe some at home strength training, specifically my core.


That is hilarious and adorable that you delivered news to your neighbors!! So creative!! I love it. I started blogging in 2012, but didn’t stick to in. I really started and commited to doing it in November 2013.


I love that you had a newspaper! I was a weird kid… I had a runaway bag packed at all times just because I thought that it sounded like an “adventure” to wander around on my own. I had clothes, snacks, my journal, everything ha. I was set! My mom even humored me a couple of times by letting me walk out the door with it ;)


Haha the newspaper is pretty funny.. I always thought of myself as a ghost hunter as a kid and when I lived in a haunted house on a base in Kansas (yes! I totally believe it was haunted!!) I would try to learn all I could about it. I considered myself to be an “EXPERT” haha. I am so totally not.

My work out today consists of drinking wine and working on a new recipe with my parents. :) But an upcoming 9 miler is around the corner!


I just starting blogging this year and I love connecting with all of you! So much fun


Something weird that I did as a child was eating mashed potatoes with peas and ketchup. Pretty disgusting to me now, but apparently as an 8 year old it was gourmet fare.

My workout today is a 5 mile social run for the 12 mile race I am doing in August!


I used to take my dads golf club and use it as an oar for my skateboard and rowed up and down the street. I didn’t know how much golf clubs costs back then (and now) =). I just started my blog June 1 2014… too many thoughts on how its going…would fill up your entire page… lol


Haha, that newspaper thing is awesome. I imagine it helped the behavior of your family knowing that what they did would soon be known to everyone through you :)


I used to make my own newspaper as a kid, too! It’s funny to look back now at the ridiculous things I wrote about… blogging is so much more cool :)

My workout today was pushing my son’s stroller around the fair and carrying him up the “Fun Slide” steps three times. Love the fair!


Ha Ha I love the dog video! It totally made me smile. I just started blogging this year and I’m loving it. And tonight, I’m running in a 5K called the Sundowner. It should be fun because it’s not so hot today like it usually is. Enjoy San Diego!!! :)


I used to have imaginary children as a child but my brother used to have imaginary dogs…


I just started blogging this year!! I love it so far! Granted, I have next to no followers, but it is more of a hobby for me than anything.

Today’s workout was restorative yoga and some secondary muscle exercises.

As a kid (this is 4-5 years old), I would insist that people call me Chloe. My real name is Hannah.


Haha a little ‘blog’ before blogs, that is too cute!


My workout was SUPPOSE to be a track workout on the track.. Turns out Ella wanted to be my running partner instead..3 miles with the jog stroller…that equals like 5 pr 6 right….lol

I actually just started blogging this year….I have been contemplating it for a couple of years and that was one of my New Years goals…check check

As a kid I literally worse dresses everyday except on PE days….and on those days I wore leggings! I didn’t get my first pair of jeans until I was in fifth grade!,,,,


I started I think back in 2000 or 2001, I was devastated by the love of my life and felt it might help…and here we are


I used to stay up way too late every night reading as a kid…still do.

Today’s workout was 4 miles on the treadmill while I watched last night’s Daily Show.

I really started blogging in 2013…but did you ever have a livejournal? I was all over that in college.


My life is complete because of that dog eating chocos video.


That is awesome! You were clearly cooler than me. I just made a lemonade stand lol.


I’ve been writing in a diary since I was a little girl. In high school, a group of my friends found my diary in my bag and read it and I was the most upset I remember being. I felt like I couldn’t trust them. and here I am writing for anyone to read. Turns out people can change after all.


That picture is so cute :)


When I was 11 my friends and I got caught playing with matches. To redeem ourselves we wrote a public service announcement to the tune of “Ghostbusters” (firebusters) and recorded it to be played on the local radio station. We got our picture in the paper. LOL


I am a sharer too. My fav saying at work is ‘you know i am a sharer’ as i tell everyone i am off of a pee!
As i child i used to set up clubs all the time and always be the leader!
I do blog amd have for aabout 2 years. i really need to vamp it up as no one reads it but me!!


omgosh, i actually laughed out loud when i read about the self-published newspaper. family fights – lol! too cute.


I often run by the San Diego church – it’s very close to my work. I drive by it everyday – it’s beautiful!


When I was really little, I used to stand up on the table at family parties and tell jokes… I also wouldn’t let anyone leave until they applauded me. Funny, because now I’m the most shy person on the planet! I miss my 3 year old confidence!

My workout today was 40 minutes of sprint intervals on the elliptical! I did everything at a level 20 incline and it was KILLER!

I started “serious” blogging this past year… But I started making websites in 4th grade! I had a whole bunch of “blog” type deals on different host websites that I don’t even think exist anymore! I’ve always enjoyed over sharing my life I guess… Haha!


I totally did the same thing! A friend and I used to write newspaper articles in MS Publisher, print them out and glue them to construction paper. Then we went around the neighborhood and sold them for 10 cents a copy. Fortunately we had really nice neighbors who indulged us!


OMG that dog eating ice cream!!! YES. And also, Brooke sprinting to the pool! SO adorable! I feel the same way every time I’m on my way to swim ;)



My first two jobs out of college were as newspaper reporter and editor. I got to be nosy and write in a socially acceptable way. Plus, I got paid!

Started my blog just this month. Hopeful someday my readership will expand from my mom, my husband and my friend who said she’d start walking if I started a blog.

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