A full running outfit (top, bottom, shoes) giveaway for your RUNNING INSPIRATION!!!

But first a few things from last night:

1.  A much needed night with this girl.  

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2.  Brooke insists that we read ’Twas rhe Night Before Christmas every single night before bed.  We both have it memorized.  

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3.  Chicken pot pies with my sister and her husband. Comfort food. Gotta love it.  

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4.  Starting Brooke with her air hockey training at a very young age.  She’ll thank me later. 

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I think you all know about how I think my sister is the coolest human on the planet.  She is pretty incredible.  My sis is the one that first got me into running.  I would go with her starting at the age of 12 and she helped me to really fall in love with running.  I have a million amazing memories out on the trail with this girl and she inspires me to push myself, to set new goals and to enjoy running and to not take it too seriously:)  She gives me the best ever race pep talks and she helps me to remember to train smart and recover properly.  

She manages to stay so very positive even when the going gets tough and I am so grateful for her example to me of doing something active every single day.  She’s that person that will run next to me for 5.5+ miles in flip-flops and with a big smile on her face to keep me positive at the end of the marathon.  She’s a really good one. 

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(PS my sister is wearing the PureCadence 3, Infinity Capri III and the PureProject SL)

Now is your chance to win a running top, bottoms and shoes for the person that inspires you!   Giveaway ends on 7/20/14!

To enter giveaway:

1.  Leave a comment telling me who inspires you to Run Happy?  Why?!?!  Share the story:) 

2.  For an additional entry you can tweet and/or facebook about giveaway and leave a separate comment telling me that you did!

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Other runners, including yourself Janae, inspire me to be a runner! Whenever I see someone else out there running it always gives me motivation to finish and/or start my run.


My sister in law got me into running when we stayed with them for a summer. Now I’ve run 4 halves and 1 full. It helps keep me sane, specially with a new baby in the house!


Just tweeted it :)



My mom definitely inspires me to run happy! She has been inspiring since I was a little girl, being a single mom and running 7 marathons all over the country when I was in elementary and middle school. I never would have started running or have run 2 marathons if it weren’t for her inspiration in terms of perseverance and support.


I’ve been running for years but have never run a marathon. My dear friend Eric passed away a couple months ago, the way he lived his incredible life inspired me to stop dragging my feet and just do it! I’m running the St. George marathon in October:) Eric lived everyday to its fullest, life is short and thanks to him I want to find my awesome everyday too. #LiveLikeEric


facebook post as well. Thanks!!


One of my best friends, he was the one who introduced me to running, and when a tragedy occurred after a race he was extremely supportive!


My mom inspires me to Run Happy – she is a breast cancer survivor and has lost over 100 pounds in her lifetime, and we are both running our first marathon together (NYC) this fall!


I run for those who can’t, they inspire me. I’m still not really a true runner (although I’ve done 2 fulls now so I don’t know why think that), but I’m out there because I can, and I want to hopefully inspire others who think they can’t. Confused? Me too…


My husband is my “run happy” companion! He was so supportive of me starting to run and reminded me to take it slow when I was getting frustrated easily.


My mom inspires me. Not only does she volunteer for the local Girls on the Run that I’m Program Director for, that little lady can still throw down a sub-2 hour half marathon at 67 years of age – talking and laughing the whole way. :)


I had a cross country coach in the ninth grade who looked past my obvious non running physique and pushed me anyways. I will forever be grateful for her and what she saw in me. Fifteen years later and I am still running!!


My husband is my current run-spiration! We met at a local race 3 years ago, and since then have run many many miles together. He is very motivated and is always pushing to get better, so it’s been inspiring to me to see his race times drop steadily as a reward for all of his hard work. It keeps me going on mornings when I’d rather skip my run for an extra hour in bed!


My dog is the definition of running happy! He motivates me to get out the door all the time and I love seeing him worn out an happy after a run!


I’m inspired to run by reading your blog! And by the other runners I see on the track/trails!


My grandmother inspires me to run Happy! She died of heart disease at an early age, and I miss her so much! I run to keep my heart healthy and happy!


Every morning, I pass a retired man – Rusty Walesh. I’ll pass him at different places in our little Two Rivers, WI depending on the time of morning and route I take. Just recently we started high fiving when we pass each other. Without fail, it puts an incredible smile on my face. The other day I passed my sister and did the same thing. I think I’m going to start doing it to everyone I pass. How can you not smile when someone wants to give you a random high five??


November Project DC! Amazing athletes, nicest and most inspiring people ever!


My coach and teammates in college inspired me every single day and practice. Runners are the hardest working humans I know.


My boyfriend inspires me to run happy because we met at a track meet the first year (my first ever meet as a distance runner) I ran distance in high school, over 3 years go! We run together sometimes!


My 1.5 year old son is my inspiration to runhappy! I love going with him in the BOB and pointing out all of the fun things we see along the way.


My dad! We started running together a while ago and it helped us bond more than anything :) we’re always so happy after our runs-no matter how stressful our work weeks are! Nothing better than a good run with even better company!


Myself ten years ago. I was sluggish, inactive, and not a picture of healthy. Fast forward to now, and I keep that mental image of myself and how far I’ve come, and how to stay in this positive, healthy, and happy aura that I’ve created. :)


My Godmother was the most incredibly strong woman I’ve ever known. She survived breast cancer which included having a mastectomy. The plastic surgeons used skin and fat from her belly and inner thigh to reconstruct her breast. After chemo and radiation she came out like a champ! The entire time I never hear her complain. Not a word. No “I’m really tired today.” Or “I feel really sick.” Strength – it’s what she instilled in me. Several years later her cancer came back but before she had an opportunity to fight it, she experienced a pulmonary embolism which unfortunately took her away from Earth (fear not – she’s currently hanging out in heaven eating cookies and chees. Calories don’t add up in Heaven, I’m told). Through out this process she would always tell me “You are strong, you are powerful and you are capable.” To this day that is my running mantra and what I tell myself as I am powering up hills or on the edge of a really tough mile. It expands past my running into the struggles of life and work and climbing the crazy corporate ladder. But when I think of her and I remind myself that I am Strong, powerful and capable – I certainly run HAPPY.


My sister is the one that inspires me to run happy because she is such an amazing example of strength when it comes to fitness. She is always pushing her hardest and doing her best, and I want to be just like her in that aspect :)


My friend Teresa inspires me and motivates me. Without her positive encouragement I would have NEVER attempted a half marathon or a full marathon. We are currently training together for her to BQ (hopefully!) and for me to do my second marathon – Big Cottonwood Canyon in September. She always says how great a run is with me even though I know she could have gone way faster.

Love that girl!


I tweeted about the giveaway :)


My husband is the one who inspires me to run. He was the one that started running. I would go to the track with him and walk/run until I could run three miles without stopping. Then some friends invited me to run with them and since then I have completed 14 marathons and many halfs, 10ks and 5ks. He still runs with me though not as often. This past spring I injured my back and developed sciatica. I can finally run again and was pondering signing up for the St. George marathon and he encouraged me to sign up, he said “What else are you going to do?” I really think he enjoys the 10 year club dinner:0)


I just think about everyone who can’t run and use them as my inspiration and motivation. I am so blessed to have two working legs, healthy lungs, and a strong heart. Anytime I’m dragging butt about going on a run, I just think about how lucky I am to be able to run and that gives me the motivation I need to get out there.


I posted on Facebook too.


My run happy inspiration comes from the girls I get to run with a few times a week. They push me to be a better runner and it’s so inspiring to see them improve as well. I’m very lucky to have such an amazing running group.


My mom came to my races as a supporter, but something about attending our local Pat’s Run one year inspired her to do it. The next year, she signed up on the first day registration was open and trained for it. We ran that race together and now we sign up for about three races a year together, always including Pat’s Run. I’m always amazed when I check our finish times and when her result comes up with her age, I’m reminded she’s 62! Never an athlete in her life, I would never guess that, she’s rocking each one she runs!


My friend Joanna is my running inspiration! She has come from no history of running to running 2 half marathons in her first year of running, and is now going to do her first full marathon! I have been injured the past 2 months and she has offered to pool run with me and help me rehab! She keeps me loving it, inspires me with her own training, and talks me out of the bad places when I’m cranky about my injury. She also the best to shop for gear with bc she geeks out just as much as me!!!


My 8 month old son inspires me to run happy! I want to be healthy and strong for him for as long as I can. I also hope to set a good example for him when it comes to exercising and eating healthy. It also helps that he absolutely loves the stroller!!


My mom inspires me to run happy. When I was in high school, my mom dedicated herself to fitness and being healthy — she lost nearly 90 lbs and has kept it off for 10 years. She has run the Boston Marathon for ten years now, and has run countless other marathons, half marathons, and smaller races. During Boston last year, I like so many others was terrified and nervously awaiting news of the well-being of both of my parents (my mom who was running and my dad who was cheering her on). Luckily, within a few hours, we knew that both were safe and well. My mom returned to Boston this year with determination to run strong and happy — and she did just that. So proud of her and so happy to learn from the example she has set for me!


My run-spiration is knowing that not everyone actually has the capability to run and that I shouldn’t take what I love to/can do for granted, even when it seems as “simple” as putting one foot in front of the other. I run for those who can’t do it themselves. My heart is healthy and my legs are beautiful, thick legs that let me run happy. I praise God that He has given me the desire and capability to run…even when I’m as slow as a herd of turtles going through a puddle of molasses. :)


I run for my kids. I think it is so important to teach our kids that they can can do hard things. So many things have become too easy and we expect immediate gratification. Running teaches them how to set challenging goals and work towards them. Also, running is a great model for life. Some runs are great, some aren’t, just like some days are great and others aren’t. But you keep going, keeping working at it and the rewards are incredible!


My little sister! She’s not a runner but a varsity athlete (field hockey) and seeing her work hard is super inspirational!


I use myself as inspiration to run happy. I lost 30+ lbs over a year ago and I attribute a lot of that success to running. Now I run because it makes me happy. An instant mood lifter! I think it is important to be proud of yourself and everything that you can/will accomplish.


My mom, she’s now watching & cheering from heaven, but while running I “talk” to her & always find comfort to dig deep & keep on- with running & situations I need her advice on.


My dad inspires me to run happy! I have always dreamt of completing a race but I had never considered myself a runner. Quite frankly the mile run in high school was the most dreaded day of the year for me. I expressed to my dad that running a race happened to be on my bucket list and he encouraged me to start training. We very recently registered for our first 10k together/my first 10k ever. The last time my dad participated in the 10k was in 2010 after my grandma had passed away. My grandmother had gotten very sick and my dad lost his passion for not just running but life in general. My grandma told my dad “That is not the son I know.” That was all he needed to hear and that year he ran the 10k with a visor on decorated in memory of my grandma who unfortunately passed before the race as well as my grandpa we lost a few years prior. This year will be hist first time running it since then and with me by his side! My dad inspires me everyday not just in running but, in being a positive and happy person always.


My inspiration to strive, reach, and achieve comes from so many strong women in my life (lucky me), from my mother to my fabulous sister. If I had to pick one, my dear friend Molly inspires me to be stronger and put my body and my mind first. Molly and I met 10 years ago in the tiny town of Salmon Idaho where we both lived. From there we have travelled and lived (and run!) far and wide and apart from each other but remain close. When she moved to Fort Collins CO, she snapped her Achilles and the first thing she did was buy a kayak so she could keep going. Sending me a photo of her bagged leg and big smile, snug in the boat. Five years later at the height of my trail running ability I snapped my tibia mid air off a jump and the image of Molly in the kayak sent me to the gym two days later to join and burn the recumbent bike and weight lift. And keep going.

An Ironwoman, triathelete, distance runner, border collie owner, career woman – she truly inspires. We have met for races, wine, hugs, and tears through our moves across more states and Canadian provinces than I can mention here. As of now, she is now in Anchorage, AK and I am in Coldstream, BC, to this day, she is a solid reminder that “trying hard matters.” And you can if you want to.


I have to say that not only does my hubby keep me inspired so I can stay healthy to be the best wife but my BROTHER, he is a Diabetic, Nurse and Races Cars!! He does all this while trying to keep his health in optimal shape! If he can poke his fingers to test his blood sugar 8 times a day and poke himself with needles multiple times a day to give himself insulin than I sure can run everyday!! That keeps me going!!!!
And Janae you are extremely motivating and inspirational:-)


My friends at running club inspire me to run happy


My mom! She started doing triathlons when I was in elementary school and even signed me up for a kids tri. I’ve been a runner ever since.


The blogging community!


To be completely honest, I am not a runner. I can run 1-2 miles on a treadmill on a good day, but it’s not my favorite thing… I much prefer cycling. I would love to win this giveaway for my sister, who IS a runner (3x half marathon), and who has had some personal setbacks recently and has stopped running. New gear would definitely make her feel better, and would motivate her to get back out there!


My 22 year old daughter Nicole inspires me to run happy! We have done three half marathons and countless 5ks together and we are now training for the Chicago marathon together. Yay! Nicole wants to get in a full marathon before she starts medical school and I am fortunate enough to be her training partner. No matter how busy she is, she is so positive and energetic and the time spent running along side her is beyond great. I am one lucky mama!


My 3 kids inspire me to run and stay healthy! I want to be able to keep up with them and be around for a long time to watch them grow up!


My mom!


My sister is my inspiration to run happy. She was a gymnast growing up and was very good. She was a true athlete and I never felt like one because I wasn’t very good at any sport. And then we both had kids and I convinced her to run a half marathon with me! The entire time she was so positive and encouraging, it made me feel like anything was possible and that even when I was struggling I was still rocking it.


People who are unhealthy or are not able to run inspire me. I am SO lucky to enjoy exercising and to be ABLE to exercise. It is a true gift. The gift inspires me to enjoy the highs and pure enjoyment of being able to move as my heart desires. Many people can’t move without pain or at all. I am truly grateful for my health and want to USE it to Run Happy!


I retweeted.


My husband inspires me to run happy! He was never a runner, but after about a year of dating he signed up for a ten-miler with me and some of my friends. Since then he has become my constant running buddy (we always run races TOGETHER, finishing at the same time). He is not a natural runner but he pushes himself and doesn’t give up. He always says he doesn’t like running but likes running with me :) Now we are training for a marathon giving us lots of bonding time on our longer runs and I am so proud of him for pushing himself to do this that it inspires me to work even harder!!


I started running after following blog and thinking hey maybe I can do this. What keeps me going is knowing there’s always something new to reach for. Running shows me that I am capable of doing things I never thought possible and I hope one day I can inspire someone else to start running.


My blogging friends & my family are my running inspirations. I also do it for myself. Happy, healthy Jen = happy, healthy life!


My roommate in college was my inspiration to start seriously running, we trained together for my first 1/2. Now i am inspired by other runners, i love to read articles, blogs, magazines, anything about other runners or ways to improve running.


My mom inspires me to run happy! She’s the one who introduced me to distance running at a time in my life when I really needed a healthy outlet and stress reliever. She signed us up for a 5 mile race and pushed me to finish. After that race I thought, if my mom can do it, so can I! Since then I have completed 5 half marathons, 1 marathon and countless shorter races, and she’s always cheering me on!


Entered with Facebook too!


Fresh air inspired me to run happy!


my junior high track coach was very encouraging and supportive, but reading running blogs (like yours :)) really developed my love for running!


my kids/husband inspire me to “run happy”.


My running partner Shannon is my running inspiration. She encouraged me from the beginning when I was not a runner all the way through our 3rd half marathon this past spring. She is always positive, never gets tired (how DOES she do that??!) and is great at distracting me from the misery of some runs. And on mornings when we need to get up early to get our run in before it’s too hot, she will not accept “I’m too tired” or “I don’t feel like it”. It’s always “See you at 7!” I don’t know that I could have been as supportive as she has been through all my whining and complaining and kvetching and yes swearing when it gets hard and hot and I”M DONE… but I do know that it’s strengthened our friendship and we both now look forward to our runs together. It’s when we solve the worlds problems don’t you know. There’s isn’t a more inspirational friend to run with it. I could not have accomplished my running goals without her. Love you Shannon!


While my mom and brother certainly inspire me. What ets me out of bed at 5am when the last thing I feel like doing is running, are all if the people who CANT run. We are all so lucky that bar injury 90% of the time we even had the ability! It is alll of those people who Inspire me!


My friend inspired me to start running and to always push myself, but reading blogs has kept me motivated to keep running happy and pursuing my goals.


YOU inspire me to “run happy” Janae! I come on your blog for inspiration and seeing your dedication and true love for it is so inspiring for me !


I’m inspired by all the other runners out there and their enthusiasm for the sport! I was a decided non-athlete and spectator in high school. Now, about ten years later (sigh), it feels so great to be a part of the running community!


Kristen with STUFT Mama inspires me. Just like you…. she seems to have a wonderful attitude and outlook on life.


I was an athlete in highschool but hated running. About 10 years ago I went on a quest to get healthy and a friend introduced me to running. She no longer runs but it stuck with me. All runners inspire me to run happy!


My two daughters, ages almost 3 and 6, inspire me to Run Happy and to be the healthiest happiest mom/woman I can be. I wasn’t raised in an active family, and starting in my 30’s has been hard. I hope that my girls will follow my lead and be active and healthy from the start!


My dog Sandy inspires me to run happy. I always bring her running with me and when I’m in the middle of the run all I have to do is look at her and how happy she is to be out there running and it inspires me to keep going. She even inspires me to get some sprints in when she sees a squirrel!


My running coach and all of the running bloggers that I follow inspire me to run!


My family is my running inspiration. I run to be happy and healthy and hopefully be around for a long time!


This is a tough one to answer because I have met and seen so many inspiring people since I started running 5 years ago. Last summer I met a new running friend Cynthia while training for the Chicago marathon. Cynthia says that running saved her from alocholic parents, foster care, and a teen pregnancy. She runs with joy and spirit and understands how blessed we are that we are able to get out and run. She owns a great online boutique (beauty in motion) that doesn’t just sell cute running gear, but also celebrates women and girls who get out there and run.


My sister Suzanne also is my inspiration. She may not be the fastest gal out there, but she’s out there consistently. I didn’t know her much growing up because she is 17 years older than me. But when she was pregnant with her 4th and 5th, I was newlywed finishing up school at the Y. We became fast friends when she visited my tiny basement apartment with her 3 kids in tow, and her big pregnant belly. Her youngest kids and my oldest are now best friends and She’s my best friend. 3 months after I gave birth to my 4th, I ran my 5th or 6th marathon along side her as she struggled through her first. An epically hot day and stomach issues proved to make her first marathon absolutely miserable. But we survived. Crossing the line that day with her was just as awesome as when I crossed the line if my first, or my first bq. She swore off marathons forever, but of course relented and just completed her second marathon last year.

She works very hard to financially, emotionally and spiritually support her 6 kids. I love her to bits and she deserves a new running outfit to help her get ready for her next big race.


I posted on facebook too.


My 8 month old baby girl inspires me to run! I want to get healthy and in shape, so I can live a long happy life with her and show her a good example of a positive body image. Thanks for the opportunity! :)

[email protected]


My dad bet me $100 that I couldn’t beat him in a triathlon. So I’ve been trying for 5 years and finally did it! He’s the one that got me started. :)


What a wonderful Giveaway to win a Running Top, Bottoms and Shoes from Brooks! I could so totally use all three! Seriously, especially the shoes.

For the Giveaway Question, my Answer: What inspires me to run happy is being able to listen to music and pray and talk to God along my route. I also work out a lot in my mind. Knowing that I’ll have 1+ hours to do that, encourages me to rise early each morning. Hiking and jogging is theraputic for me, as well as good for my body.

~Amy :-)


My husband is my run happy companion. He is the only one that can make me happily run(I’m not a runner by choice!). =) Thanks for the chance!


My fiancee and friends from college. I used to run around campus in college, and my friends and I would have the best conversations. That’s when I first really got into running. Now I go running with my fiancee. We motivate each other to keep going when we really want to stop.


my husband and myself inspire me to run happy! we both benefit from the increased endorphins :)


My brother definitely. I would never have started running, let alone triathlons, without him as inspiration.

He’s 39, married to another triathlete and they have three beautiful girls under the age of 5 – with no family (but me and I’m a fair distance) around to help them. Neither of them are obviously athletic, meaning they don’t have the kind of physique that you would instantly recognize given their athletic accomplishments. He’s also 6’1 and 230 pounds, so he’s overweight but never lets any of that stop him. He recently attempted an ironman and did amazing until mile 6 of the run when he got violently sick and couldn’t continue. Even against doctor’s orders he kept trying to run. He finally had to give up on that race after much agony, even though he mentally never gave up and would have crawled his way to the finish if he could have, but almost immediately got back on the training horse and is attempting his second ironman in late september. He never complains about the lack of sleep or getting up at 3 am to train so working out doesn’t eat into his time with his family. He never lets his weight or family or work or heavy training be an obstacle. He’s truly amazing and an inspiration. He doesn’t think so either, which is all the more incredible.


The kids I work with in a youth group inspire me! They are so full of energy — I need to run to keep up!


All of the running bloggers I follow (including you!) inspire me. I am challenged to push beyond my limits and do things I never thought I could. So, thank you!


My daughter inspires me to be a better runner! I want to show her that females can be strong, and if you want something in life you need to work hard for it!


My son is a huge inspiration for me. I love the joy he gets in running and the motivation I get from being a role model for him is huge.


My mom passed away in September after a long battle with Diabetes. Sadly, she never really took care of herself but I learned a lot from that and now I’m the healthiest I’ve been, well, probably ever! I’ve lost 115 lbs and still have more to go. I know I will always battle with my weight but every time I lace up to go for a run, I think about how supportive of my running she was and that gets me out the door. :)


My best friend Brandy is my inspiration! She has run off and on for years and decided to do her first half marathon near me. I drove and dropped her off in the dark that morning and honestly napped in the car while she ran :) But when she finished I was there with her husband and my husband and daughter with signs and hugs and I was so proud! A few years later when I finally decided to give running a try she has been my rock, my adviser and my cheerleader! She has signed up to run MY first half with me this fall – no napping for her! We just ran a tough but awesome 10K together this weekend and crossed the finish line together – so far my favorite running moment!


My little sister inspired me to start running in the first place, and now it’s my husband. We love running together!


I just Tweeted and put it up on Facebook!


My sisters also got me into running – mostly because I wanted to be just like them! Now I am trying to get them back into it for a healthier lifestyle. I would love to win this giveaway because it ends on my birthday. I can’t think of a better present!!!


other runners inspire me! Once I started running I met so many other great people through it, (runners always seem to be nice) and now I’m in a running club in a town near my school and even though I am by far the youngest, all the members in the club inspire me to make time for my run and continue working hard to reach my goals by sharing stories, tips, and spreading the love for running:)


My twin girls inspire me to run. Born at 27 weeks and 5 days, they have been the definition of resiliency and courage. My oldest twin was also born deaf (due to a genetic cause) and has cochlear implants. Watching what she has gone through and accomplished at 20 months inspires me to be a strong, healthy mama for her!


My husband is my running inspiration. He ran my first 5K with me and even when it wasn’t necessarily his idea of fun, he trained with me for my first marathon so I didn’t have to run so far alone. He is a never ending support and helps encourage me along when things get tough. He still will join me for runs as an impromptu date every now and then :)


You! Yes, you inspire me to run happy. After the rough time you’ve had this past year, just seeing you pick yourself up and keep doing what you love is a huge inspiration! Much love!


My inspiration to run is you!! Ever since I’ve found your blog, I’m constantly inspired to put my shoes on and go running. Your positive smile and energetic spirit towards running is felt through your posts. So, thank you!


Most recently, my inspiration to Run Happy was someone I hardly knew at all — a girl I was connected with through Daily Mile (who it turns out is part of the running club I joined). After announcing she was pregnant last fall, I “watched” (through Daily Mile updates) as she stayed active and fit from the beginning of her pregnancy and until her son was born. Her gym bag was literally packed the day she went into labor! Now 7 months pregnant myself, I’ve used Gina as an inspiration to keep moving and hope that come fall we’ll be able to actually log some miles together in real life!


My younger sister is my inspiration! After a medical diagnosis, she has committed to eating healthy and working out and has lost a significant amount of weight. She also shares her workout DVDs with me :)


My friend Melinda inspires me to run! She is an amazing lady and is always so positive an upbeat. We have such a fun time running together!


For me it’s not just one person. When I am feeling down about my running and I see a story about someone struggling or see a motivational quote it pumps me up. I also get a boost when someone asks me about my recent marathon and gives me a “nice job!” when they hear about my results.


Sisters are the best! I have two!!


It’s the quality of life running creates that inspires me to run happy. There are plenty of days I don’t feel like waking up to run or I’m just plain grumpy about something. Running reminds me how fortunate I am to be able to do what I do. It reminds me to appreciate the little things around me, to remember what makes me me, and to feel content and happy within my life.


Definitely my sisters. I have 2 older sisters and they are my rocks and inspiration. My mom has a mental illness that prevents her from being present at times so my sisters are the ones whove stepped it up and who Ive learned to rely on. Thanks for the chance!


My husband inspires me to ‘Run happy!’ He had always been there to encourage me to Run a little bit farther and faster than I tell myself I can….I wouldn’t be where I am today without his wonderful support and encouragement :-)


I started running to take better care of myself, so that I could better care for my family. It really became a much needed escape as my parents both became very ill. My biggest regret is that they did not live to see me run my first half before they passed away!


My BFF is my running inspiration. She really got into it this past year and is constantly signing up for half marathons and 5Ks. She has inspired me to give it a try and I’m slowly getting into it and falling in love with it too!



Like many of the other folks who commented (and like you!), my sister is my constant inspiration. She encouraged me through training for my first 5k, wound up running it with me– and walked when I got so excited that I tried to go WAY faster than I actually could maintain– bought me my first stash of “real” running clothes, sent me texts to get outside and get running during the rainy months, taught me how to fuel, camped out at every aid station for my first half and then my first full, and has been a source of information, inspiration and encouragement. She recognizes and helps me recognize the importance of fitting running into an already-busy life and challenges me to see the opportunity in every situation. She is an amazing runner and human and inspires me to go longer, harder and funner!


I am most inspired by my running group at Mill City. Most of them are much fastser than I am but they always take the time to stop and high-five you when you cross paths or cheer for you during workouts. It helps to know that people care about you doing YOUR best and helping you get better.


Kind of a funny answer, but it’s my pup! He is a BIG dog in a TINY apartment, so every day we hit the trails together. When I wake up, I can’t say no to that puppy dog stare! My day wouldn’t be complete without it!


My running friends. I don’t think there is one that makes me happier, but I think i got through my last 1/2 marathon because of group runs. Love them!!


My future self inspires me to RUN and to do so often. I read this quote:
“In the end… I am the ONLY one who can give my children a HAPPY mother who loves life.”
I think about that quote, and who I want to be. I know that the person I want to be is a happy, active, running mother. Sometimes it’s hard, but I’m forming the person I am, and it takes work.


My dog is my biggest running inspiration- no matter if i do my long run or fartlek training, she’s always with me and encourages me, even in the rain or the snow. And she taught me to cut back a little in the heat… It’s a picard, a kind of french sheepdog, if you’re curious- she also loves kids. Very special but a perfect match for me!


Like you, My sister is also my best friend and the one who inspires me daily… In fitness and in life. She’s always been an athlete and in high school she played volleyball, basketball and tennis. She played catcher in softball one season and accidentally broke a girls leg so that sport was short-lived. I have always been a runner and used to beg her to run with me, she would make it to the stop sign about 100 yards from our house and quit. She never really enjoyed running but was always super active doing other things. We used to laugh so hard about that and still do actually. However now that we are older and team sports aren’t really an option anymore with marriages, babies and businesses to run, we are both runners. Now here’s the inspiring part, about 3 years ago, Amy was hiking a 14’ner with her husband and couldn’t make it down the mountain, she was incredibly weak and sick. Once they made it down and got to a dr, she was rushed to the hospital bc she had Diabetic Ketoacidosis… Out of nowhere, she developed Type 1 diabetes. She has handled her diagnosis and major change of lifestyle with no complaints. She runs 4 days a week and often it’s hard for her to adjust her insulin bc of where we live (a mountain town at 9,000ft elevation) but it doesn’t stop her and nothing will… In fitness or in life.


So many people inspire me to run…from my husband, to my mom, to friends, to just running for those who can’t. But to “run happy”…my dog, Jax, is my inspiration!!! He’s a middle-aged dog who usually acts like an old man…but when he sees me put on my running gear, he turns into a pup! His excitement is SO contagious that my run with him is guaranteed to be great. I just know he’s saying, “Oh, boy! We’re going on a run! BEST. DAY. EVER!”


My mom, who has been the caretaker for my ailing father has been an inspiration for me to run and stay healthy. She has survived multiple cancers and still amazes me everyday.


My brother! He’s always been athletic (and I’m not) but just within the last few years as an adult, took up running. He’s a natural (BQed his first attempt, beat his goal time in his first 100-miler) and just enjoys running so much and is so positive about his own running and supportive of everyone around him. It’s fun to be around and makes me (almost?!) want to run.


My boyfriend! He is a marathon runner and he is so positive and encouraging to me. He reminds me that a 12 minute mile is the same distance as his 6 minute mile. . .and sometimes he slows WAY down to run with me just for some quality time! He is a ROCKSTAR!


I’m inspired to run happy by the face looking back at me in the mirror everyday. My family thinks I’m crazy, my co-workers are, for the most part, inactive and out of shape (and think I’m crazy), but the feeling I get at the end of a hard workout, finish line of a challenging race, inspires me to keep going. I love how running (and triathlon training) makes me look and feel and at 41 years old (!!) I wouldn’t go back to the 21 year old me for anything!


My dad has always been my running inspiration. He’s a phenomenonal runner and has been running for years. He’s always there to pull me through a tough race and keep me going! Love my dad :)


My grandma with Parkinson’s inspires me to run, and to run with dignity. She means the world to me and comes to every one of my races even if she is stiff or tired. She inspires me to runhappy each and every day!


My BFF is my run happy inspiration. She is currently in remission from stage 4 cervical cancer and is deep into running 50 marathons in 50 states. Her life keeps everything in perspective. Not feeling all that great at mile 24? Imagine what she’s gone through.


Who inspires me to Run Happy? – MY BROTHER

He started running after he got married & left home 2 hours away. It went from solo runs out to 8K’s and 10K’s and Half Trails and Full Marathons and Ultra Marathons. He love it so much, I just knew being my best friend growing up he must have a reason to love it. I started doing a 10-minute mile and without feeling like I was going to die, to a 10K 5 weeks later, to a full marathon 1 1/2 years later. We share running tips, we share fuel and hydration gels/gu/chomps, and we share runs and races now as often as we manage. Knowing I’ve completed a tough run, a run in snow or rain, knowing he was doing the same that day, gives me Run Happy.


My husband inspires me to run happy! It’s fun to have an activity we can do together and support each other. He’s also the reason why I’m active. I want to live a long, healthy life so I can enjoy it with him.


My sister has run a couple of marathons, and even ran a 10K (uphill) while 7 months pregnant! She inspires me.


I started running totally alone. Nobody to do it with, no motivation from anyone. Just me. 10 & 12 mile training runs alone, many many many short runs, and I did my first half marathon! So I guess I inspire myself. Now I’ve gotten my mom a little bit into it and we are training together for her first 5k!


My son inspires me! He is only 11 yrs old but has the heart and strength of a runner! He inspired me to quit smoking, put my running shoes back on for the first time in years and get back out there! He is still kicking my butt on a regular basis but I am closing in. He keeps me going daily and keeps reminding me of how worth it this adventure we are sharing is! Every time we race together (and he beats me) to the long runs we do that I have to force him out the door for. It is one of the best things that I could have done for myself and my family….all because of him.


My sister will always be my running inspiration – she helped me get faster and conquer longer distances and has always been incredibly positive and supportive (and super fast!!). These days, my dog helps as well – he loves to run and most importantly loves intervall training :)


I get my run happy inspiration from all around me…from the runners i read about in magazines and blogs to my friends, family and especially my husband. Anytime i see or read about someone doing great running :) I feel the urge to get out there and do the same.


I tweeted about it too! :)


My husband was my inspiration to start running again, after a decade-long hiatus. He trained for and ran the Richmond Half-Marathon (Va.) and I was so taken by his dedication and commitment. I was way out of shape and, after two kids, desperately needing something to help me get back to “my old self.” So my husband encouraged me to train for and run the half marathon the next year. At that point in time I couldn’t even run a block down the street, so the idea was completely daunting and I thought “I’ll never be able to do it.” But I did! And when, immediately following the half-marathon, I signed up for the full marathon the next year, my husband didn’t even bat an eyelash. Now I have multiple 10Ks and half-marathons under my belt, two marathons (the second one a sub-4:00), and am training for my third full marathon. My husband has been my biggest supporter, my number one fan, the best cheerleader. Any running mama knows that training for a marathon is nearly impossible without some kind of a support network (parents/siblings/partners who are willing to help with things like childcare and household tasks). My support network is my husband, and I thank my lucky stars for him every single day! When I’m out running and having an off day, I push through it knowing that he is making sacrifices so that I can be out there training. And if it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be where I am today with my running, so I strive to make it all worth it : )


I think that for the most people, people who can’t physically run inspire me to run happy. I love the quote “Run because you can” and I find myself running because I can and for those who can’t.


My mom inspires me to run happy! I helped her train for her first half marathon a few years ago and now we have a tradition of doing at least one half marathon together every year. Makes me unbelievably happy to run with her :)


Anyone I see running inspires me to run! Including you!


My MRTT group inspires me so much! Don’t know what I would do without them


My mom is my biggest inspiration and the reason why I run! If it weren’t for her, there is no way I would be running my FIRST half marathon ever this Saturday! And how cool would it be to wear a cute new running outfit too ;)


My running inspiration has always been my dad. He trained and ran several marathons while in medical school and raising a family! That can’t be easy… it always reminds me that no matter what is going on in life, running can help keep you centered. :)


Shared on Facebook too:)


I just shared your give away on Facebook!! :)


I am a nurse who works with heart transplant patients after they receive their new hearts. It is these patients that inspire me to run and push through every time I feel like quitting. Just had a new baby 2 weeks ago and cannot wait to get back two you running again!


To be quite honest, I am the only runner in my family. I stopped for awhile and came across your running blog when you were pregnant with Brooke and you inspired me to get back into it. Heck it you were running while carrying a baby then I surely had no excuse not too :)


*to lol


My husband, as he is an avid cyclist. I could give every excuse under the sun to not get up early and work out. But he does it rain or shine, very rarely taking a day off. It is his stress relief, his me time. It motivates me to get up and get going as well. My second one is my 13 year old son with special needs. He is now almost as tall as me, and I need to be physically able to care for him in the future, so that means I need to take the time to take are of myself.


A friend of mine who is pretty big, she is losing some weight. What she eats inspires me to eat better. Thanks for the chance to win!



tweeted https://twitter.com/luvscontests/status/489119819917037568



My old roommate, and best friend, Rachel inspires me to run happy! She’s the reason I signed up for my first half, the reason I finished it, and the reason I still get out of bed early in the morning to run :)


Without a doubt, it’s my children. I know that when I run, I am setting a good example of a healthy lifestyle for them. They all run too! My two daughters are running cross country in the fall, and all six of them are running a kids marathon (26 miles over the summer.) Today I needed to knock out five miles, and they all took a shift running with me. It wasn’t the fastest running, but it passed quickly and I got to spend time with each of them. Loved it!


I woulds ay my biggest inspiration would be my Dad! He’s not even a runner, but he reminds me of why I run. My Dad’s family is extremely unhealthy and he will probably get diabetes in the course of his life. When he was around 40, he decided to change. He started cycling and eating healthier and lost a lot of weight. Almost a decade later, he still has no trace of diabetes and he is getting ready to ride across the state of Iowa! I run because not only do I have the same genetic pool which will curse me later in life, but I have the same spirit of overcoming the odds. He reminds me that every step I take is a step closer to who I want to be, and that makes me happy :)


Shared on fb!

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