A full running outfit (top, bottom, shoes) giveaway for your RUNNING INSPIRATION!!!

But first a few things from last night:

1.  A much needed night with this girl.  

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2.  Brooke insists that we read ’Twas rhe Night Before Christmas every single night before bed.  We both have it memorized.  

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3.  Chicken pot pies with my sister and her husband. Comfort food. Gotta love it.  

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4.  Starting Brooke with her air hockey training at a very young age.  She’ll thank me later. 

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I think you all know about how I think my sister is the coolest human on the planet.  She is pretty incredible.  My sis is the one that first got me into running.  I would go with her starting at the age of 12 and she helped me to really fall in love with running.  I have a million amazing memories out on the trail with this girl and she inspires me to push myself, to set new goals and to enjoy running and to not take it too seriously:)  She gives me the best ever race pep talks and she helps me to remember to train smart and recover properly.  

She manages to stay so very positive even when the going gets tough and I am so grateful for her example to me of doing something active every single day.  She’s that person that will run next to me for 5.5+ miles in flip-flops and with a big smile on her face to keep me positive at the end of the marathon.  She’s a really good one. 

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(PS my sister is wearing the PureCadence 3, Infinity Capri III and the PureProject SL)

Now is your chance to win a running top, bottoms and shoes for the person that inspires you!   Giveaway ends on 7/20/14!

To enter giveaway:

1.  Leave a comment telling me who inspires you to Run Happy?  Why?!?!  Share the story:) 

2.  For an additional entry you can tweet and/or facebook about giveaway and leave a separate comment telling me that you did!

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My husband is my inspiration! The motivation may not always be there, but the inspiration is. =) Another inspiration for running are the future children we will have together. That is still a little ways down the road, but I want to be the best and healthiest mom I can be when they come along. =)


My sister definitely inspires me to run happy! I just had a baby 4 months ago and she ran with me all through my pregnancy and helped me to get up and keep going even when i just wanted to lay down all day. She went slow with me and stopped when I needed to. She’s the best and definitely inspires me!


You are my running inspiration :) Does that up my chances of winning, haha! But really, its fun to follow along as you progress, and to read about the ups and downs of your training.


I started running after a breakup in Soph year of college and it literally helped HEAL me. I haven’t stopped since. My inspiration to run HAPPY changes but its anyone from HLB like YOU , to my friends, to family or even seeing happy runners on the trails :)
That outfit is adorable and I really do hope your sister gets a blog one day soon :)!


My boyfriend inspires me to Run Happy! He created a monster I tell you. I could barely run a mile when I started but I was determined to follow him anywhere. Now I have 2 halfs under my belt and I’m training for my first full. I started dabbling with running after my divorce 3 years ago. An ex smoker in a bad marriage for 6 years turned runner extraordinaire!! #dramatic It literally saved my life! I am thankful every single day for what running has done for me! It gave me to courage and confidence I needed to make changes in my life.


When I run, I always smile when I think of the example I am setting for my kids. It is not easy but it is always worth it.


My dad and husband inspire me everyday! I’ve run on and off for 15 years, but seeing them race makes me want to be faster! Someday I’ll catch up to them…


My mom inspires me to run happy! She took up running about two years ago despite a lot of people saying she shouldn’t and that there were better activities for her to do. She runs and doesn’t care about pace or time but just feels lucky to be able to run at all! And she’s a walking advertisement for the way running can help you both mentally and physically. Now she tells everyone she knows to go start running BC if she can do it anyone can.


My husband! He encourages me to enjoy running yet reminds me I am more than a runner. He loves it when I run fast, encourages me to slow down when I need it, tells me take a break and goes out for a “trot” every now and then. When I was I hurt, he took me to the doctor and told me the sky is not falling.




A few people inspire me to get my running on.
One, my dog, his begging to get outside pretty much gives me no choice.
My husband, someday I hope to be able to run at his pace…
My sister, gotta keep running to keep her motivated, her running keeps me motivated.
Myself, prove to myself that I can go longer and faster. Give myself goals and make them happen. Plus, it feels so good afterwards


Honestly my boyfriend inspired me. On my worst day when I don’t want to go he will either come with me for a bit or motivate me to go by telling me how proud of me he is and how awesome I’m doing. And sometimes by saying that whole progress comes from hard work thing :), he helps me get through the days I want to just make a fattening dinner and lay on the couch!, and since I’m just starting out it is super hard. But getting easier and each day I enjoy running more


My mom inspires me to run happy. About 4 years ago I was very off/on with running and we started running 5Ks together. Slowly I signed up for a 7K, 10K, half marathon and finished my FIRST marathon this May 2014. She was there along every step of the way with each of those races. Though she didn’t run the halfs and full with me, she made sure to be my cheerleader!

“SISU” is the word that gets us through our runs. It’s a saying from Finland meaning “strength and determination.” I always write it on my leg for each run.


Also Tweeted the giveaway! (@bookswithcass)


My husband inspires me to run happy. He will completely rearrange his schedule to allow me to fit a run in, which is commendable because he’s a competitive triathlete and I’m just a fitness runner!

I love your stories of you and your sister. What a special relationship!


My mom inspires me to run happy! She started running when she was 55, and now almost 60 (which I cannot believe–she doesn’t look her age AT ALL) she is still going strong!!


My best friend Collin inspires me! Even though she is not the fastest runner, she never gives up. She hung with me through an entire half marathon (her first!!) I ran at 23 weeks pregnant. We encouraged each other the whole way and had the best time!


My best friend, Jenni, is the one who originally inspired me to run happy! We started running together really just to talk, and those runs grew longer and longer. One day she just said, “Why don’t we do a half marathon? We can so do it!” It’s something I had never even considered doing. I always ran and participated in athletics, but long distance running wasn’t in my comfort zone. We trained and ran the whole thing together! There’s no way I would have thought I could do something like that without her!


My son inspires me! He is 23 years old and an AMAZING first time marathon runner: 2:44!! I have been running since I was 13 and have done 19 marathons, but to see him at the 24 mile mark of his first marathon brought me to tears. He is strong, capable and just a beautiful young man! He’s coaching me for my upcoming marathon. Ha!


I have a friend in my running group who is incredibly positive and encouraging. She is always pumping other people up and motivating them to do their best and have fun.


My daughter, Lyla, is my inspiration to run happy. The enthusiasm, determination, and (best of all) joy that she brings to everything she does is a constant reminder to me to remember to ENJOY the things I love. When I come home from a long run in the morning, she will meet me at the door with a huge grin and her running clothes on begging me to head back out with her. No matter how tired my legs are, I could never resist a trip around the block with her. I am so impressed with her attitude and abilities that it truly blows my mind that she looks at me and hopes to grow up to be like me. So my biggest goal is to live up to the admiration she bestows upon me. I am do lucky to be her mama, and so thankful that she reminds me that at the end of the day paces and races and prs are not why I do this.


My running buddies Whitney, Emily & Julia inspire me to run! They were the ones who convinced me to sign up for my first half a few years ago- now we’re running a marathon together this fall!


My kids inspire me to run happy. Staying fit so I can chase them around for years is the goal :)


I’m inspired by all those who are passionate about running and fitness. Not a day goes by that I don’t see someone running, read a blog post, view an Instagram photo, or hear a success story at a cross-training class and feel motivated! The fitness community inspires me to RUN HAPPY!


Also shared with all my lovely fb friends ;)


My husband is my greatest inspiration! He is encouraging and devotional and loves me through my darkest times. He is a runner himself and I aspire to become as good of a runner as him!


My husband inspires me most. He’s just 8 months post chemo and thriving! He’s stronger than ever. He’s selfless and pushes me to be my best… and to do it for me!


My friend! She is the reason I fell in love with running. She is the reason I ran two marathons. She wanted to run a marathon before she turned 40, but didn’t want to do it alone. I was the only person out of our running group that was crazy enough to say – I’ll do it with you. Up until then, the most I had run were a few half marathons. Doing all that training created a love for running I had not had before. Something changed inside of me with those marathons. We ran our first marathon in the fall and then 3 months later, ran the Goofy Challenge at Disney World (half marathon on Saturday, full marathon on Sunday) which was an absolute BLAST! Thanks to her, I fell in love with running. Before those marathons, running was just a reason to stay in touch with my friends, now it’s because my body craves it. I will always be grateful that she dreamed a dream…


My daughter, Jaclyn, inspired me to run. She changed schools right when she started high school. She jumped in with both feet and signed up for cross country and track having never participated before. She quickly made friends and to see the friendship that runners develop was heartwarming. Most of the parents of these kids were active and healthy. I wasn’t and didn’t want to be “that parent”. I started slowly walking and then adding intervals. I have since run a couple marathons and am training for a 50K this year. I have made many new friends that i met through running. Where else can you lay it all out and not be judged – long run! My daughter is in college now but continues to stay active and continues to inspire me to get out there and have fun!


My kids! My oldest four list their father a couple years ago. When I became pregnant with my last baby I had a cancer scare that resulted in surgery to hopefully remove all the bad cells. I immediately decided to get healthy because I just can’t get sick and die- I am all my kids have, and they do not need to lose both parents. Since then I’ve ran and biked in 7 races This year and have 4-5 more to go. When my runs get discouraging I just think about living long enough to see my kids have kids and families if their own and it motivates me. It kills me to know all that they won’t have with their dad I couldn’t imagine not doing my part to be here for them


My mom does. She always has a smile on her face and has encouraged me to be active for my whole life.


My husband inspires me to run happy. He is always encouraging me to get out there and run. He makes sure I follow through with my commitments to running and keeps me accountable!


My best runner friend is Jamie, and she inspires me to train hard and HAVE FUN. I could not do it without her!!


My dad inspires me to run happy! When I was a teenager, we would go on runs together on the weekend. He instilled in me a love for distance running, encouraging me to go on longer runs with him. He’s been to so many of my races and is my biggest cheerleader!


My daughter inspires me. I want to live to see all of her achievements in life and running is my way of keeping up a healthy, active lifestyle so that I can live a long and healthy life.


My running buddy Katherine inspires me to Run Happy. We started running together and push each other to run faster and further!


My friend Dawn! Running with her makes me feel happy, fulfilled and accomplished. She is selfless, forgiving and always there if I need her. If anyone deserves a cool new outfit, it’s her.


My MOM inspires me to run happy. She is 60 and awaiting a double lung transplant. I do triathlons because I see how she struggles daily. I know that sounds weird but I know I can and she can’t. She would do anything to just be able to walk up stairs. I don’t want to waste any moment of any day because you never know what tomorrow brings.


My husband inspires me to run! He isn’t a runner (he bikes), but he believed in me when I started running, and he believes in me that I can PR and qualify for Boston this year (or next year, or after we have babies, or whenever).


There are so many people that inspire me. My friend Erin my sister Tam my husband and daughter and your blog. Erin is always so positive and she keeps me believing in myself. My sister Tam she inspires me to keep going, my husband inspires me for being there for me for cheering me on during races with my daughter and I love reading your blogs it keeps me motivated!


My sister is my runspiration too! She started running in high school. And though I didn’t catch the bug right away, watching her in her XC races planted a seed. As adults we started running local 5k’s and 10k’s together and set a goal of running a marathon in the future (oh boy). Then, about 6.5 years ago, she had a stroke–at the young age of 34. At first, she couldn’t eat, speak, or even breathe on her own, let alone walk or run. But with time and a positive attitude, she’s made a miraculous recovery. And 3 years after her stroke, she ran her first marathon and has run 5 marathons since! I think if she can do that, what’s my excuse? Like your sister, she is a bright, positive, strong person–the best big sister a girl could have.


No one in my family is as active and healthy as I am…they think I’m crazy for getting up at 5:30 every morning to workout. As a fifteen year old girl, it can be discouraging because there is really no one in my life that prioritizes their health and fitness like I do. I get online and look at blogs to find my motivation and that’s when I stumbled across your blog… it has been the most inspiring/motivating blog I’ve found! So you ask who inspires me? My answer is: The Hungry Runner Girl Blog. :) Thank you so much…you’re amazing. <3


My son is my inspiration. I want to teach him to have a healthy relationship with exercise and encourage him to enjoy it!


My sister also inspires me to run happy. Although she started running after me, we now sign up for races together for 2 reasons: 1) to stay motivated to be active and ruuuun! 2) as an excellent excuse to see each other because she lives 5 hours away!

We did the Colour Run last month and it was totally awesome! We had the best time! And since we hadn’t seen each other for awhile, we were both veryyyy impressed with each other’s progress! Love her :)


My sister is my strength and inspiration as well. She was diagnosed with breast cancer last year at the age of 32 and about one week after having a baby. Whenever I’m facing a challenge while running and just want to give up, I think about how strong and resilient my sister has been during surgery and chemotherapy and still maintains a positive attitude for her husband, son, my family, and friends. I’m really looking forward to running with her again, along with my nephew :)


My husband, the crazy man that got me into triathlons, inspires me. I raced my first tri before we started dating with only 2 weeks of training (I don’t recommend it) only because I had a crush on him and I wanted him to like me…and it worked! We’ve been racing/training ever since (the crazy things we do for love…). We want to show our daughter how to be a healthy happy family!


My husband inspires me to run happy! I have run the Boston Marathon 12 times in a row and he’s not only supports my training, but everyone on my team as well. While we train through the cold and snow here in Boston he shows up every Saturday for our long runs and provides water stop support. He has given me the most amazing gift of understanding and encouragment throughout the years and all I give back is a tired, hungry, sweaty mess. I couldn’t do it without him.

We are so lucky to have such supportive people in our lives!


My husband inspires me to run happy! We started running together last year and ran our first 5k last November. Even though he can run much faster than I can he always trains at my pace. He encourages me and motivates me when I don’t think I can. He has helped me ban my own negative self talk (even though I try to convince myself it helps I know he’s right and I shouldn’t be down on myself). Just this past weekend we ran a small 5k together at his brothers church and let me tell you if you weren’t going up a hill you were going down a hill. It looped the same course twice and I was ready to quit after the first lap knowing what was coming. He talked me through it and inspired me to run happy for the rest of the race at whatever pace I was comfortable at and I ended up winning my age division! We are currently training for our first half marathon in October and I just couldn’t imagine a better partner by my side. Thank you for the give away and this blog which inspires all of us every day.


My late uncle inspires me to run happy. When he was diagnosed with cancer a few years ago I made the decision to join Fred’s Team, a charity that raises money for Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. And although I felt powerless in helping him with his health, I knew that raising money to help find a cure for cancer could possibly change the world. My uncle inspires me to do things that he could no longer do. Jon had the power of making a strong, immediate impression and has left a void in the lives of his family and friends and in the community in which he lived and devoted his life to. You could always count on Uncle Jon to be playfully sarcastic, and he loved to tell stories and share his memories. He had a boyish grin, and was young at heart, and he was young. Anyone who knew Jon knows that he was extremely proud of his family and had overwhelming love for us.
If there is one thing I can do to honor him, it is to run happy and to live happy, helping as many people as I can. Each year after his passing I will continue to run 26.2 miles at the NYC marathon with Fred’s Team in his honor and for all the people who have lost the person who inspired them the most.

Thanks Janae for letting me share this story.
Stephanie Wagner


My bf has had multiple knee surgeries and has worked hard to be able to run. He inspires me…and forces me out of bed for those early morning runs!


My boyfriend! When we first met he inspired me to get into working out more and more.. being with him has taken me from a place of insecurity to a place of confidence and pride in my body. He doesn’t mind getting up super early to come watch me race.. During on of my races he actually rode my PINK bike around the course next to me so that he could cheer me on.. It was soo awesome.. I love having that person in my life who keeps me accountable and supports my dreams :)


I LOVE reading about your strong relationship with your sister! I’m the oldest of three girls and I really hope they say such nice things about me! lol

1. My FAMILY!!! I had to start running by myself, and no one in my family really runs… I believe my dad did track as a young kid, but I didn’t grow up with it or anything. I knew it was something I had to do for my health and to learn to appreciate my body and overcome mental struggles. Running brought confidence in the end because even though there are BAD days, guess what? You survive. And you move on. I say my family though because even though they didn’t understand it, they’re always my number one supporters. If I went to a race and asked them to come they’d be there in a heart beat. I hope my commitment to fitness inspires my sisters because I love them dearly and I want us all to grow incredibly old together! (in the nicest way possible lol)


My mom is my inspiration. She has raised 4 healthy children, worked full time, went to school and did most of the house work as my dad is a parapalegic. She is now a grandma who drops everything for her grandchildren and is helping my husband and I through difficult times. She is recovering from foot surgery and this outfit would surely help cheer her up and excite her for recovery!


Honestly, EVERYONE inspires me to Run Happy! Once people know how much you love to run then it is inspiring to keep at it. I keep running because I know that my family and friends depend on me to be healthy and happy, and running is my happy place. I love how I feel after I come home from a hard run and my daughter and husband are there to greet me…and ask for a meal to be made for them ASAP :) I heart running and my family!


My husband has been a runner for years starting when he ran cross country in high school. He has continued to be a faithful runner since then through every stage of life. He inspires me because generally speaking, it’s not something he loves to do-it’s more of a duty to him. He is incredibly disciplined and sees being fit and healthy as part of his job and as part of caring for his family. Though he doesn’t love running as I do, it is motivating to me and challenges my mental toughness to observe someone who just gets it done-no questions asked.


My husband is my running inspiration! He started running about 18 months ago, and is officially addicted – he’s got two halfs, two fulls and is training for a 50 miler among other races. I’m training for a 10k, and he’s so encouraging and helpful, and will even run with me, despite my much slower pace. He’s the best coach, and I’m hopeful he can get me up to a half next year!


My friend Jen inspires me to run happy. She is so determined and such a hard worker, and she always makes me laugh. She would totally deserve a new running outfit!


Everyone I see out running inspires me! It makes me want to get out there with them!!


My running friends and running blogs like HRG are my inspiration to Run Happy!!! Whenever I have a hard time getting out the door, I think about all the others who are out running and it gives me that extra push. Thank you HRG!


My little sister. She struggles with anorexia and faces a daily battle much harder then I face at 5am trying to find motivation to get running. Someday when she is healthy she will run with me again, and knowing that she will get there someday motivates me to continually push through when the going gets tough. If she can face her demon’s at every turn I can continue to put on foot in front of the other.


My husband inspires me to run happy! I enjoy the release that running gives and it just feels good to know what I’ve accomplished at the end of a run. But, nothing is better knowing that I’ve accomplished something and doing it with my husband. Success together is rewarding.


Also Re-tweeted the giveway!


Twitted it out: https://twitter.com/carabednar/status/489055531265720320


My co-worker Lisa, she motivated me to keep up with half marathons and has pushed me through many a race. She is fabulous!


My best friend no matter all the struggles she has faced she keeps running with a positive attitude …..we are running her first 1/2 marathon together this august in Vancouver ……can not be more proud of her


I’ve seen my dad run consistently for years. He’s a father of 8 kids, mostly grown now, and is in his mid-fifties. I’ve never been more encouraged than what I’ve seen through his dedication and now I’m carrying the torch :)


My kids inspire me to run happy. I want them to love running/physical activity so that they grow up with healthy outlets for energy/stress/worry. I run so that they know that it’s good to do hard things and that everyone can do it. I was so proud the other day when my son went to hug me and said “wait, are you all sweaty?” because there was a chance that *I* might be sweaty from exercising. Such a change from two years ago!


My dog is definitely my first inspiration. When she doesn’t run she gets whiny and cranky. Then I think about it and realize I haven’t run and I’m whiny and cranky too. So, we going running together and feel better. Mostly on trails so she can be off leash and not rip my arm off with excitement!


My husband is definitely my workout inspiration. No matter how tired he is, or what a busy day he had, he always makes time for the gym. Exercising is a part of our relationship, and we look forward to having a healthy, happy future together.


My neighbor and running friend inspires me to run. Watching her starting out inspired me to get back in it. I see her out and want to lace up my running shoes and get out on the street with her. We don’t typically run together. We are both moms of boys and enjoy the alone time but enjoy talking about our running trials and tribulations. We often go to races together. She is running her first marathon this fall and I will be cheering her on.


Maybe it’s cliche or egotistical to say…I inspire MYSELF to run happy. I am my own best reason to make myself proud.


My BF since kindergarten is an amazing runner. She also lost her little girl at 9 months old to SMA – a disease which took away her chance to ever be a runner like her Mama. My BF inspires me to run because she is so strong and her little girl too, because I feel fortunate to have the air in my lungs and the ability to run every day.


My mom is by biggest inspiration when it comes to running and really fitness in general…she just finished her battle with breast cancer and chemotherapy and remained active throughout the WHOLE thing! Every time I am running in this ridiculous FLorida humidity and want to keel over and die I think of her and how she powered through so much this past year- it really makes me feel like I can do anything!


A friend from high school who has an inoperable brain tumor and cannot run. She also found out she was pregnant a few weeks after the tumor was discovered. This woman is a single mother and absolutely amazing. She has remained as positive as possible throughout the entire ordeal.


My mom inspires me to run happy. she started running at 60. She’s 64 now. She was just diagnosed with a heart condition and I am not sure she can keep running halves with my sister and I.

Even if she cant I will run FOR her.


As a healthcare provider, I am inspired to run by many of my patients. People who overcome immense obstacles and return to physical activity are so inspirational, but I also find that working with people who are unable to run inspire me to, just because I can and they remind me not to take it for granted.


Tweeted as well


My husband is my running inspiration! He runs at my slooow pace even though he could go much faster. He just wants to run by my side. He’s the sweetest person ever!


I started running races to lose weight but over the last couple of years I have packed it back on (and then some) a trend my dog has happily jumped at too. So now we run together every morning to get back to a healthier weight and improve overall fitness. Seeing her face every morning makes it that much easier to lace up the Brooks!


All runners inspire me! At races people are just the nicest- seeing how others are willing to help out even if it messes up there goal pace makes me happy :)


You are my run happy inspiration, Janae! When I don’t feel like getting out there in the a.m., I look forward to your upbeat blog post and it gets me going with a smile on my face :-)


Also tweeted the link


My family is my inspiration especially my 10 month old son who is the light of my life. I so very much enjoy running with him in the jogging stroller and having that “Run Happy” time together. He doesn’t mind me running slow or pushing the heavy stroller up the hills sometimes or even when I sing Lady Gaga loudly. He’s the best and running with him makes my heart happy :)


Last year, my best friend and I decided to run the Princess Half marathon in Disney, for fun! Turns out, we ended up training and decided to actually push ourselves and run for time. At mile 8, I had a complete meltdown and kept saying “I can’t finish, go on without me”; needless to say, Kara never left my side and we ran over the finish line together. She could have easily taken off and finished much faster than we did, but the fact that she stayed with me and we crossed the line together is something I will cherish forever. Who makes me RunHappy? My best friend!


My husband, a non runner, is my inspiration! He listens to me cry when I am injured or down about running and he also listens to me talk about it non stop when things are going my way. I am not sure if I will be able to continue to run because I have been diagnosed with lumbar arthritis and I have taken some time to work on building up my core and the rest of my body to support me if I do decide to continue. I keep asking him “do you think I should just quit?”. And he always says “not yet”. He is amazing.


I have the best running buddy in the form of my friend Jenny. For a long time I ran alone and thought that was the only way to run, but after my second marathon I was so bored of running alone. I met Jenny through a local running group and we started running together a couple times a week, and pretty quickly we became incredibly good friends. She has even motivated me to run hills (gross) at 5 AM (grosser) in the winter (grossest). Jenny has made running fun for me again, and I don’t know what I’d do without her!


My mom inspires me to run happy. She has always been so supportive of my training and races and loves coming to watch any of them. She always says how much she wishes she could run, so she loves that I continue to do so.


healthy living/running bloggers like you are my run happy inspiration. I read about your workouts from my desk and it makes me get up, go out, and exercise!


Just shared the giveaway on Facebook :-)


My best friend inspires me to run happy! Just like your sister, she got me into running when I just started a few months ago. Running has helped her lose weight but since then she has found it to be her solace and stress-reliever. She has been there with me from my first run, to helping me pick shoes and sending me positive snaps whenever I reached a new milestone in training. She was at the finish line of my first every race with a huge smile and clapping, waiting with a celebratory hug! She pushes me every time I think I can’t go farther and even though she doesn’t fully know it, she’s the reason why I love running. She’s also the only person I’d go blow $150 with on new running clothes on any given day. She’s my inspiration, my guide, and my best friend! She also just got her first pair of Brooks and is loving them. I can’t think of a more deserving woman for this giveaway!


My kids inspire me to run! I know running keeps me healthy and strong, so that I can live a long life!


My mom inspires me to run. She is so supportive of my running.


My dad inspires me to run happy. While training for his first half marathon, he got really sick and we found out he has ulcerative colitis. Even after having to seriously cut back on his training and losing 25 lbs of muscle, he was able to get strong enough in the 2 weeks prior to the race and finish in just under his goal. He had made a goal of 2 hours and crossed the finish line in 1:59:57 :) he is my hero for sure!

During all of my races and training cycles, I think of him and his determination to keep me running happy. He can’t always run, so I like to run for him when he’s really sick.



My team leader inspires me to run happy. He is in his 50s and absolutely loves running. If I’m late for work or have to leave early even with out busy schedules it is totally ok if the reason is because I’m going running. When it’s windy or snowy and I don’t want to get out there, he keeps telling me how exciting it is to run in the elements. When I run with him when it’s windy, he just smiles and say ‘I’m alive, I’m alive’. It’s like that’s his mantra. He’s gotten the whole team to run. We run mondays after work whether it’s 90 degrees and humid or wet and windy. The guy just loves running! Instead of asking how you are he asks ‘have you run today?’. It’s contagious!


My husband inspires me. I race road races to ironman triathlons and on the days that I feel like I don’t want to get out of bed he reminds me how it’s important to take care of my body, but also accomplish something that I’ve set out to do. In the Bible it says our bodies are temples, so we must take the utmost care of them!


I also just tweeted about the giveaway!


My dog, Hank, inspires me to run happy! He’s a great running partner and every once in a while he looks up at me with the happiest look on his face– like he’s thanking me for taking him with him– and it’s the BEST!


My dad definitely inspires me to run happy. He is my biggest cheerleader and always has words of encouragement when I am down or nervous about a race. He has run a few half marathons with me and I am so proud of him. It’s a great feeling to do it together!


My future with my boyfriend and my health!


My online running group inspires me to run happy. Many have lost a significant amount of weight and keep me motivated to stay mindful and thankful for my physical abilities!


I run for my kids and my husband. I want them to see that taking care of yourself is important and that setting goals and accomplishing them is uplifting!


I am inspired to run happy by my kids. They find happiness is everything. I feel like we can learn so much from kids. Why complicate life? Running makes me happy so I run! :)


My friend Amanda Weinberg totally inspired me to become a runner. When I started entertaining the idea of training for a half marathon last spring, she helped me figure out a training plan based on what she was doing to prepare for her full marathons (we scaled it back for my half!) and checked in with me to encourage me and give me advice. She is a total marathon-running rockstar!


My friends and running partners inspire me to run happy! I picked up three running partners this year and they are the best – they encourage me to do more. I’m also inspired by all the beauty I observe while running outside – God reminding me why I run and that every run is a true gift.


My quiet time, meditating, and praying while I run inspires me to Run Happy!!


Here’s my tweet about the giveaway: https://twitter.com/runlikeabird/status/489063492339908608


Can’t run right now – but I exercise because I have been through a number of hard times when I could not. I also want my one year old to see that being active is awesome, fun, and a part of what our family does.


My family (husband and two kids) inspire me to run and lift them weights! I love how working out makes me feel like I can just tackle whatever the day throws at me. Your blog has been a wonderful inspiration as well as your life’s ups and downs, but constant positive and enduring faith drive you through it all!


Family!! Family is my inspiration for running. I want to live a long happy life and still be active and able to play with my great grandkids.


My BRF (best running friend) Veronique is my inspiration to Run Happy! She is seriously the best friend ever. When I first got into running a couple years ago, I couldn’t get anyone to join in the fun until I met V. Without hesitation, she signed up for a race with me, and we’ve been training together ever since. She is always so positive and motivating, especially when I begin to doubt myself. She always knows the right thing to say so my head doesn’t get the best of me. Our long runs are like massive therapy sessions where we hash out everything cool/weird/challenging/sad in our lives. Sadly, she is moving to Austin in a couple weeks. I don’t know what I am going to do without her, but I’m sure she’ll keep motivating me to run happy from halfway across the country!


My friend Emily inspires me to run happy :) she is just so encouraing.


Firstly, I love that you have an awesome sister! I have 2 amazing sisters and they truly light up my world.

My babies inspire me to Run Happy! There’s nothing greater than knowing that I am teaching them how to be healthy and the best part of any race or even training run is knowing that they are waiting for me at the finish line.


My family inspires me to run. I receive soo much support from them – they’re always asking about my running and would travel to the far ends of the earth to support me in my races. It’s unlike anything I’ve experienced before and I’m endlessly grateful <3


my sister inspires me to run happy! she is so encouraging and her support has made me be able to push through tons of training and so many races!!


I facebooked about your giveaway!


Mary, my running coach and friend inspires me, and many others every day, and she is the reason I went from running 1 mile to 26.2- her motivation and unwillingness to allow me to give up on myself. She is a single mom of a little one too, and even through her marriage fell apart unexpectedly, she never waivered in her devotion to us; she always puts everyone else first, and herself and her running last. She never shops for herself, only for her little boy, so I know how much she would appreciate something just for her. She is the epitome of grace and strength through difficult times, and she always is there to cheer us on in our smallest and greatest efforts no matter what the circumstances, due to her big heart we have become a running family.


My friend Lindsey is a new running friend but she is so inspirational! She is working really hard towards her goals but she maintains a healthy perspective. She encourages me to work hard but also to take care of myself.


My dad has always been the greatest inspiration for me when it comes to running. He was the one who I started running with. I saw him running marathons and wondered if I could do even half of it one day… I can still remember when whe were running my first 10k together and I was so tired and angry! He helped me go through it though and now I’m the one running full marathons. Sadly my dad’s knee is injured and we won’t be able to run a marathon together as we planned for years ago.


My coach from high school is my greatest inspiration. I was always told that I didn’t have a runner’s body or I shouldn’t expect to run as fast as the “skinnier” girls. He NEVER saw me that way. He always said if you love it, do it. If running makes you happy, do it. If you want it bad enough, you can do it. Since I was a little girl I loved to run and it was a way for me to express myself. His encouragement & his faith in me, has given me the attitude to prove the world wrong. Who would have ever thought I went from running 5k’s to running half marathons & my first full marathon this year! With every step, my coach’s words & actions have inspired me on & off the road.


My kids are my running inspiration. I want to show them:
1. how important it is to stay healthy,
2. take time for yourself to be a fit person,
3. and to show them that if you work at it, you can accomplish hard things.
They’re still pretty young, but I’m very excited to get them out running with me when they’re a bit older. Right now, we’re at least biking with no training wheels, so that’s kind of a big deal! :)


My inspiration to run is my children. I started running just about 4 years ago. My second child was 1 at the time. I had never even run the mile in school when it was required for gym class. I always walked it. I started slow with nothing more in mind than being able to run a whole mile. Getting out and running for even 20 minutes in the morning helped me be more patient and focus on my boys better. They saw how much I was loving it and after my 3rd son was born my older 2 wanted to start running with me. Being that inspiration for them and being a healthy role model has become really important. A year ago I ran my first half marathon and although it didn’t go as well as I hoped I’m sure it won’t be my last. I just had my 4th and 5th children (twins) in May and have been itching to get out my shoes and hit the road.


My three girls inspire me! Having a healthy body image and confidence is the best example!


My mom still inspires me to run, to pursue any of my goals really, even though she isn’t here anymore.


My sister, Katie.
This last year has been THE hardest of my entire life and she has rearranged her whole life around mine, She’s gotten me out of bed, slept with me when i couldn’t be alone, done my dishes, made sure I had food in my fridge, forced me out on runs and not once gotten frustrated with me still feeling sad. She has truly taught me what grace and patience are.


My daughters. Not because they run with me (they are too young), but becuase I want to lead by example. I want to show them that women can be strong, healthy and powerful. They inspire me everyday to get out and run and I love every minute. But I mostly look forward to the day we can all run together (if they want to, of course!)


My running friends inspire me. There’s nothing like knowing your best friends are waiting outside your door at 5:30 to get you out of bed yourself! Thanks for the giveaway.


My daughter inspires me because I want to be a good role model. I started running to be healthier and deal with stress in a positive way.


My kids inspire me to run happy. I had my two youngest (out of three) a little later in life. I want to be active and healthy so I can be I their lives for a long time to come! I also try to stay active and healthy to show them a good example. My youngest girl (7) has even started to enjoy kids races. So I do hope to pass off some of this “run happy” onto them. It would be awesome to run real races with them when they are adults!


My baby girl makes me run happy! She is my world, it’s hard to believe I can love a little thing so much! I run for her to be healthy, to be there when she’s older, and it’s our time when I run. Almost every run she comes with me in the stroller. That alone time is much needed on days that I work. Running makes me happy, she makes it that much better!:)


My friend Jenna is my running inspiration. She manages to find time to fit in running and being a mommy (like you!). She will travel to do races with me and always is up for a run/race when I go visit her.


My mom is my biggest inspiration. She’s my best friend, has overcome so much and is frankly just too amazing for words :)


My college roommate inspires me. She would run no matter what the weather looked like in Syracuse.


My running friends inspire me, as does my son! I want to be able to teach him a love for running and stay healthy and in shape so we can run together when he is older!!


My friends are my inspiration! It started with just my friend Melissa; she would run the last bit of my races with me when I was just starting to run! Then being active and healthy started to spread through our group of friends like wildfire! Now, whenever we all get together we talk about how we are doing things in our lives to be healthy. Some of us like to run, others like to go to the gym or go cycling. One of them is doing her very first Gran Fondo this weekend. We all inspire each other now, which is just so awesome to have witnessed. :)


My brother inspires me. He is in the Navy and fights for our freedom. He saves men wounded. He HAS to run. He does it with pride. He pushes himself. THAT pushes me. We have the ability to run. Many men lose that ability in selfless acts like joining the military. I am thankful for that ability and thinking of him and one of my best friends in the world who was a marine reminds me to run happy. Enjoy every minute. Life is short. Why not spend it sweating and smiling???! :)

THANK YOU for this opportunity – great giveaway and you’ve got a KILLER blog!


There are several people that truly inspire and motivate me to run.
My daughter, Norah, inspires me each and every day…I hope that if she sees the love and motivation I have for this sport that one day she will have that same motivation for whatever it is she loves. I absolutely love seeing her grab my running shoes when I say I’m going for a run, I can only hope in some years she’ll be right beside me during those runs:) she is my biggest fan! My mother, she is without a doubt my rock and my favorite running buddy. She was the one that started me on this journey and helped me through the good, bad and ugly. It’s so easy to give up but she has always been right besides me (or in my head) just telling me to keep going, don’t give up. She has taught me so much about running but the one thing I have learned is that running is so much for than distance and speed, it’s therapy…where I go to distress. Nothing is better than getting caught up in your thoughts and music, those are the best runs. Another amazing woman that motivates me is, YOU! You are honestly such an inspiration to me (and many many others) I saw you at the RW festival last year in Bethlehem and ever since then I have been an avid fan. I started reading your blog and have to say you’re like one of the funniest people i know (because I feel like we are good friends) you motivate me to be a better runner, to set goals but to also not take running so seriously. I constantly find myself thinking ‘wwjd’ [what would Janae do] when I’m struggling finishing my run and I think of my daughter!! The sooner I’m done with my run the quicker I get to see that beautiful little face. Even if I don’t win this contest I just want to say Thank You!!! Also, thanks for letting me share this with you!!!!!:):):)
-Jillian xo


My dad inspires me to run happy! He has been a runner since before I can even remember, and his two marathons (post age 50) are inspiring! I would probably get a lot faster if I was half as dedicated as he is!


My children inspire me. If I keep writing, I’ll start crying. So, let’s just leave it at that. Thanks for the giveaway!


My kids! Running is my sanity. I’m a much better mom and wife when I get to run! After the birth of my second child, it was hard to find the time, but we sat down and made it a priority to get me out the door so I could run! It makes me so very happy and a better all around wife/mom/person! Need it.


All the folks out there just doing it inspire me to RUN HAPPY! Every time I run around my neighborhood, on the trail, or in a race I see people of all ages, backgrounds, and ability levels out there doing their thing, the best they can. It inspires me to never take my health for granted, to treat others kindly, and RUN :)


My good friend of almost 15 years [that makes me feel old now], Jenn inspires me to run happy! We ran our first 10k together when she was 6 months post-partum with her second kid. My youngest was 18 months old at the time and I had to struggle to keep up with her! She is a very happy runner and a great mom to her babies! She takes her 4yr and 1yr old out for runs in the stroller and inspires me to do the same so I don’t miss a training run! I would love to win this outfit and shoes for her – she certainly deserves it! Thank you!


Shared/ Posted on FB
Thanks!!!! Have a super day!


Though she’s not a runner, my mom has always been a huge inspiration for me to persevere and always work hard. My dad was disabled about 15 years ago and my mom went back to work as a nurse to support the family, working night shifts at the hospital and then coming home in the morning to help get my brothers and I off to school. Whenever I feel like complaining about how hard a run is or how much I don’t want to drag my bum off the couch and put some work in I think about my mom working hard every night doing all the (sometimes horrifying) things nurses have to do and I am completely thankful and remember I have nothing to complain about!


My husband and kids inspire me to run. My kids are getting to the age that they want to come run with me. I love that we can do something healthy together.


My sister, Rebecca, inspires me to run. She took my high school passion and built it into a lifestyle. I watched her begin to run on a treadmill and listened to her goals of just a mile or two. Before I knew if she was running half marathons and full marathons. She joined the barefoot running movement and does trail marathons now as well. Without her progress and example, running in my life would be a past time instead of the constant it is now.


Hi there, my daughter Emily Hubbel is my inpiration. 3.5 years ago she was diagnosed with childhood cancer, neuroblastoma, and today still fights. I have seen all the pain and suffering that she has gone through and continue to go through that she inspires me to be a better person. She makes me Run Happy because although a lot of the time it can be painful to run, I think of everything she went through and I can do it.


I’m picking an internet stranger turned friend — Paula. She is incredible, although I’m fairly certain I’ll spend hours and miles hating her in September. She convinced me to sign up for a 100M race with her…and I did it. I’m insanely excited for it, mostly because focusing on the sheer terror I’m also feeling seems pointless! She’ll be running the race as well…and we will both be awesome, no matter the outcome!

Plus, she loves capris and I spend all sorts of time raving about my Brooks Infiniti capri, so it’s about time she gives them a try!


My Family! Even though my kids are still young (5 &9), they always inspire me to run hard! They always think that I will win every race and are so excited when I bring home any race goodies. My husband for always supporting and encouraging me even when things are hard.


My new husband inspires me to run happy! We met at work and were just friends until he asked me if I wanted to train our first marathon together. He pretended that he was into running too because he knew that I was! I found out long after we started dating that he had never run a day in his life. Now we are happily married and I continue to run races all the time!


One of my closest friends, Sienna, inspires me to run happy :) When I reached the lowest point of my eating disorder, she helped to pull me up and showed me how running can be used to help me get better instead of just burning a bunch of calories and losing weight. She told me if you want to run, you have to fuel yourself- you can’t run on nothing! She also had been through a lot in her life and she used running as her therapy for that. I’m so grateful to her for inspiring me to get healthy again and run happy!!


I run happy for me. That probably sounds like a selfish answer, but if I keep myself happy, I’m a much better student, friend, sister, girlfriend, and person—which makes everyone else happy.

Of course, the person that inspires me to run for me? My best friend, Nicole. She always tells me that if I want to be the best person I can be, I need to take care of myself so I have the energy, positivity, and gusto to take care of everyone else :)

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