Sure messes things up.

Niece of the year.  I bet you can guess what she had for me in that beautiful bag.  An apple fritter.  The best apple fritter we have found in the valley thus far.  We are very picky about our donuts and so to find one close to us that we really love is kind of a big deal for us all.  (Utah people—>  Macey’s apple fritters are the winners)

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You tell me…  Is this the face of a kiddo that is ready to fall asleep?

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Daylight savings sure messes up those little things known as ‘a baby’s sleeping schedule.’  So at Brooke’s normal bedtime we went out for a walk around the neighborhood instead of bedtime.

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Dinner at CPK with two of my favorite people.  I used to work with them at Los Hermanos (a delicious Mexican restaurant) but haven’t seen them in 7 years.  Seeing them brought back so many memories from a really good time in life. 

Why don’t I remember how much I love artichoke dip and eat it more often?

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Like usual, the bbq chicken salad.  I find something and hold tight to it.  

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PS I found these in my mom’s freezer yesterday.  Does this remind anyone else of their childhood? I used to love these and the little wooden spoons that they came with.

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My two favorite things right now:

1.  The softest blanket ever from Costco

2.  A heating pad that I bought for when my calves were hurting but now I use it to warm up my bed every night before getting in.  

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Time to go to pump!! I don’t even know who I am anymore because I am really excited to strength train.  


What time did you wake up this morning?

Parents reading—>  what time do your kids go to bed?

What workout do you look forward to doing?  What workout do you dread doing?

A food that totally reminds you of your childhood?

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I was up at 5:30 EST. Late for a Thursday… but I have a late night tonight, so it’s OK.
Childhood foods: fish sticks! Weird, I know… but it was one of those quick dinners. Also, popcorn. As kids on Friday nights my Mom would make a HUGE amount of popcorn on the stove and put it into a (clean?) paper grocery bag, and we would all sit and pass the popcorn around while watching a movie (or later TGIF).


Oh FISH STICKS… YES!!! Okay, now you have me craving some stove top popcorn and a movie. TGIF, why don’t they have that on anymore?


Those little ice cream cups remind me of childhood too! I recently bought some (the Blue Bell kind) and it was a tasty trip down memory lane :) The cheap icepops in the clear plastic sleeves also remind me of hot summer days as a kid!


Okay, I need the Blue Bell kind… silly Utah.


I was up at 545 this morning for a swim. Usually the session starts at 530, but we got over a foot of snow yesterday, so the Y opened late. And DST totally messes with my adult sleeping schedule too. I am completely zonked after this week with wonky sleeping times. Yeesh.


A FOOT… it is mid march?!? Time for spring. Great job on your swim this morning!


Those ice creams definitely remind me of my childhood and now I want one!

I was up at 6:30 this morning, but I probably could have slept for another hour or at least until it was actually light out.


So I was thinking about you this morning… we have been blog friends for OVER 3 YEARS!!!! Seriously.


That is wild! So much has happened in three years, too!


Up at 5:30 for University classes at 8… bussing into school is a heck of a commute! I look forward to long easy-paced runs and running speed work and dread swimming workout!

I think grilled cheese sandwiches remind me of childhood :)


ME TOO!!!! Grill cheese was my favorite lunch as a kid!


Please tell me that you girls have tried jam on your grilled cheese. Seriously, the best thing ever.


No, but i will now that sounds GREAT! I love cheese with different types of foods!


I know that you love your jam but you should totally try guava or quince paste (in the hispanic section) melted into the grilled cheese. They are like a very soft form of fruit leather that are AMAZING with cheese!


I need that right this second!


I think Kraft Mac & Cheese, “Spatini” and popsicles take me back to my childhood. Oh, and Blow pops…My grandmother always had a stash at her house and I loved them!!!

I think lately i dread speedwork..i have no idea why, but i do! I HAVE to get back to doing it! Maybe today i will MAKE myself run some yasso’s!


SPATINI… do they sell that anymore?!??! Amazing. GO DO SOME YASSO’S!


I was just thinking that when I wrote it–> now i’m going to have to seek it out and eat it for dinner one night. I used to think I was so cool when i made that (that was all I could cook as a teen..i lived off the stuff!)

Yassos: I’M ON IT!


I dread doing hand weights on my own. I find if I do an app, or class that keeps the pace going I am fine, but alone forget it.

summer sausage sandwich and cheetos and a pickle = childhood. When my dad made me and my sis lunch, this was it!


We used to eat those ice cream cups all the time at birthday parties at the roller rink!! And I also remember the spoons. Noah’s been waking up at 6 and going to bed at 9! Luckily he still takes a two hour nap so I get some alone time during the day :)


Yes to the roller rink! Remember the days when going to the roller rink for a birthday party was considered cool? Ahhh, good memories.


Genius! Heating pad in bed, how did I never think of that!!!! I am gonna try that tonight!


One of my most nostalgic food are Good Humor Strawberry Shortcake bars. I used to get them every summer from the ice cream man. I don’t remember the last time I had one. Now I really want one!


Well my dog woke me up at 5:45…. ugh! I’ve been loving strength training and pump lately too. And as an added plus I’m starting to see some definition in my arms. Wahoo!


Up at 05:00 with my youngest… Gotto love it! :)


I am with you on the messed up bedtime! Annabelle was usually asleep around 7:00-7:30. Now it’s closer to 8:30 and she gets up at 6! I need to try an apple fritter…


I wake up either at 6:00 or 6:30 depending on how fast I need to be at work (its either 8:30am or 9:30am). I’m on vacation this week, so its 8am – BLISS

Max goes to bed anywhere between 8pm and 9pm – more like 9pm this week because of DST. I’ve tried to put him to bed earlier, but he just runs around. If he goes to bed a bit later he goes right to sleep.


I love artichoke dip!! You always eat at the yummiest places!


My kids are all thrown off, too. I was up at 2 with my baby then at 5 with one toddler, now at 6 with my baby again. Well, at least my other toddler slept through!
That’s funny that the best fritter isn’t even from a donut shop! Love the maceys!
Popsicles remind me of being a kid..yum!


my mom had me convinced well into high school that 9pm was the absolute latest I could go to bed. Junior year I still remember the first time I stayed up and watched law & order around 10:30 and thought I was super bad.


Up at 4 am! I love running, biking, swimming. I wouldn’t say I dread my strength workouts but I have to remind myself why I do them, else I would probably skip. A food that reminds me of childhood is fun dip! Have fun @ pump today!


Daylight Savings Time, oh my gosh. Just a conspiracy to ruin my life. Here it is Thursday, and my 18 month old still hasn’t fully adjusted.


Naturally I wake up between 7:30 – 8:00 but sometimes due to my schedule I get up earlier. Just depends :)


The time saving has completely messed up my cat’s sleeping, she now wakes up at 5:06 every morning, so that is the time that I get up. Hopefully by next week she’ll be back to sleeping til 5:20 during the week and at 6-6:30 on the weekend! Hmmm Waffles bring back so many memories of when I was a child. It use to be the thing that me, my mom, and brother would make when dad wasn’t home.


Growing up it was the Good Humor ice cream pops…Toasted Almond, Chocolate Eclair and Strawberry Shortcake. YUM!!!

I was up at 6:15 but stayed under the covers until 7:30. I’m just getting better from a cold and since I’m off from work I opted for the extra cozy time.

The only workouts I look forward to are running, walking or hiking. Strength still is not my favorite.


I got up at 5 AM today, but it’s usually 4:30.

I am also taking body pump today. They offer it at work during my lunch break.

Saltine crackers really remind me of my child hood.


As per usual, everything looks delish and funsies! ALL OF THE FRITTERS!
Side note: Wouldn’t it be cool to have a blog just for fritter reviews? *le light bulb*

I actually woke up really late this morning (5:15am). I stayed up late doing God knows what and just needed seven solid hours of sleep. :)

I look forward to going back to spin classes. I miss them so farking much. I have this irrational fear that I won’t have the best instructor in the world. I really need to get over that. I could get on the trainer, but ugh.

The double popsicles! You could always share one with a friend, d’awwww!


Only 7:30 am for me this morning- not nearly as early as you girl!


Ditto on the Daylight Savings Time dilemma! We go through our same routine, then when I lay her down and it’s still light she looks at me like I’m crazy and refuses to go to bed! Oy Vey!


Chef Boyardee! I loved the spaghetti and meatballs and the meat ravioli. Yummm and salty! Ha, I don’t even want to look at what is in those cans :)


Childhood, Big Sticks (remember those really big orange Popsicles?)

I woke up at 4am this morning, 6 month old needed to eat and when she was done I had to get ready for work. My normal wake up time is 4:30am (an hour commute), at my desk at 6am.

Luckily DST isn’t messing with my kids. The three year old goes to bed at 8:30pm and the 6 month old goes to bed about 9pm. But they both sleep until about 9am, we made a later bed time so that we would both get quality time with them after we get home from work. The 6 month old wakes up 1-2 times a night.

OH how I miss donuts! I’m allergic to them now, and not having that and ice cream could have been the worst possible thing to happen to me!

I love turbo kick boxing class at 24 hour fitness, but haven’t been able to get back to it yet because of when they offer classes and when my 6 month old needs to eat. So until she’s not attached to me, I have to wait.


Up at 5:30 this morning. We are running after work today :O)
My 6, 8, and 10 year old are in bed by 7, the younger get to read until 7:30 and the older until 8.
Otter pops remind me of my childhood!


Totally remember and loved the Dixie cup of ice cream! With the spoon, so fun! I think the ice cream man still gives out those cups and the spoons, even with the Italian ice cups. I hate strength training but I do try to get it in at least once a week.


4:10 am that blasted alarm clock goes off! ;) But I always feel amazing after hitting up the gym first thing in the morning with my Dad!!

Everyone is going to think I’m a weirdo, but this is what totally works for my kids…and me! :) My 18 month old goes to bed at 6:00pm and my 4 year old goes to bed around 7:30 or 8:00. It is fantastic!

For the last 3 months I have done fewer cardio workouts and more weighted workouts and I can already tell a HUGE difference in myself! In fact, this morning I was doing some yoga after my workout and I was feeling strong, so I tried a move that I usually do on my knees but this time I didn’t put my knees down. I completely surprised myself when I ROCKED it! I love feeling strong and seeing the awesome things my body allows me to do! And yoga is quickly becoming a favorite routine of mine!


Oh man, anytime bedtime is messed up, that is a tough time in our house. Los Hermanos?? They have amazing food. I have to agree, artichoke dip is amazing and I usually eat too much of it when its around. AHHHH the chocolate sundae cups, yes those remind me of my childhood.

Wake Up – I woke up at 5 am today
Parents – Kids go to bed at 8pm on school nights, other nights is around 9 or 10
Workouts – I look forward to my trail runs, I am really loving them right now. I dont really dread any of my workouts right now
Childhood Food – For me its home made tortillas, we use to go to my grandmas before catching the school bus and she use to make them early in the morning. The house smelled amazing and the tortillas were AMAZING.


I remember when I was about 12 or 13 my parents got rid of a required “bed time.” I LOVED the freedom and for the first two nights I stayed up super late watching movies on TV. Then I learned my lesson and started going to bed at the same time I did before my bed time rule was lifted… Smart parents.


I slept in and was late for work this morning, I was up at 715. Should have been up at 630 ooops!

My daughter is 7 and her bedtime is between 8 and 830.

I look forward to my crossfit classes and dread running lately.

Grilled cheese and Kraft dinner are both childhood memory food. and now I want them both. with ketchup.

A food that totally reminds you of your childhood?


I always get up at 4:58 (Central) to get my booty to Crossfit by 5:30. Strength training is a breeze for me but asking me to do cardio is always difficult.

spaghetti and hot dogs is my favorite childhood food. reminds me of my grandma! don’t knock it til you try it ;)


I really dread biking on my trainer. I’ve been doing it semi-regularly this winter because I’ve got a half Ironman coming up in June, but I can’t wait to actually be able to bike outside! Workouts I love: running (of course!) and T25!


Love those chocolate cups as well and I totally think of my childhood! Mac and cheese with ham and broccoli bring back so many memories! I really look forward to any workout!


OMG, I totally forgot about those little ice cream cups. I loved them! Please tell me you can get them at Costco?!

I overslept this morning and didn’t get up until 7:10 am… Oops. I blame it on the cold I am coming down with (ugh).


I used to hate those icecreams just because of the wooden spoons! I think they have a weird texture and it skeeves me out, haha.


Love your outfit in that photo with Brooke! Cuuuuute!

YES to those ice cream cup things! We used to get those every Friday at school. It was quite the treat. ;)

I’m surprised Hunter hasn’t had more issues with DST this week. He struggled more with the “fall back” in October. He goes to bed around 8! I’m sure Brooke will get back into her normal sleeping groove in the next few days!


My alarm goes off every morning at 5:30am…I might occasionally hit snooze a few times! :)

I think in the winter I generally dread my long runs…when it’s -35C (-31F), it’s hard to be excited to go outside and run for a few hours! But usually, once I’m out there, I’m ok and enjoying it.

Hmmm…those ice cream cups sure brought back memories! If I think back…Passion Flakies…and homemade popsicles (frozen juice in the popsicle mold!)


I woke up at 5:45 but that does not mean I got out of bed then ;) My son’s bedtime is anywhere between 8-9 just all depends on if he took one or two naps that day. This daylight savings has really been kicking our tails though. I think I’m going to go buy some blackout curtains for his room so he’s not confused why it’s still light out. Fish sticks + Kraft mac n cheese is the best childhood meal I could eat!


I wake up at 5:45 am without fail every single morning.

My favorite treat when I was little was orange push ups from the ice cream man! They were delicious!


I noticed in your last post that your arms are looking fantastic. All of that strength training is doing something! I mean, I’m sure it’s also helping you run faster too or something. ;-)


My alarm is set for 615 but it’s usually closer to 7ish when I’m actually able to pull myself awake and get out of bed.

I really don’t look forward to my core/strength workouts. I try to plan a day where I do a light bike ride for like 20 minutes, then do some random moves like planks and seated rows and such with weights. It is somewhat boring and doesn’t really get my heart rate going but I know it’s good for strength training and will help overall.

Favorite childhood treat are oatmeal creme cookies! I won’t let myself buy them now because I will seriously eat the whole box in one sitting!


haha! I never liked those ice cream cups because I hated having to eat it with those wooden spoons. So funny.
And yeah, day light savings has messed a lot of stuff up! It’s the worst.


I got to sleep in until 7 am today. It was completely magical!!!!

I look forward to long runs in warm spring weather. I get so so so excited when the weather is nice and want to run forever.


Yay for a new apple fritter to try out!

I never had those ice cream cups growing up at home, but I remember eating them at school for some reason, haha.


I hate daylight savings time. I think it’s pointless in today’s day & age, and I hate going back to it being dark when I head to work.

Sunbeam makes a heated mattress pad. I turn mine on to warm up my bed before hitting the hay & it’s AWESOME.


I tried my first bodypump class today because of you and absolutely LOVED it! I think I might not be able to move tomorrow but know it’s going to be so great for my upper body strength! Thanks for the inspiration to try something different in addition to running :)


This makes me so so so happy!!!!!


The first recipe my sister tried out from Home Ec in Jr High was Apple Fritters. They were everywhere ! In my 3Rd grade mind, there were at least 100. I haven’t eaten one for 25 yrs.

I dread workouts when my legs are sore. Love the workouts that make my legs sore.

My dad used to buy us the giant candy bars for our birthdays. That reminds me of my childhood.

Kids go to bed around 8:15. The only thing that helped my kids was not letting them sleep in even if they went to bed later because of DST.


Ring Pops definitely take me back to my childhood. Best kind of “bling” for a kid! I was all about those ice cream cups during the summer time at camps. So fun. The workouts I looks forward to often vary from day to day. When it is nice outside I always look forward to a run or bike ride. Swimming is probably something I dread the most during the winter, but love during the summer months.


6:15 this morning. I always look forward to working out with my kettlebell. Just saw some lunchables recently and was reminded of disgusting childhood lunches.


6:30 this AM. It was nice to sleep in a little later during the week. Pancakes remind me of my childhood. They were always a special treat on (some) weekends!


Up at 6:30 for a short run and some core work.

Our kids go to bed around 9 here in Texas. We homeschool so they don’t have to wake up super early. If they did need to, it would be 7:30 for sure.

I have been strength training since December and now I finally look forward to it.


7 – the time my puppy decided it was time to get up. I’m starting to wonder how people with human babies do it!

My childhood favorites are Poptarts and the Disney princess “fruit” snacks.


I’m up at 5am during the run week to get my run or workout in before hubby and son are up. My son is in bed by 7:30 and usually sleeps through the night, but daylight savings has messed this routine a bit boo:(

Grilled cheese sandwiches cut in soldiers (what my mom called them) and ChipsAhoy cookies remind me of my childhood.

Have a great day Janae!


OMG that ice cream brings back memories. I also remember soda in those tall glass bottles. You had to use a bottle opener to drink them. I was up at 4:30 this morning for spin class!


The stars aligned this morning and I was able to sleep in until 8:15. It was glorious.
My 11 year old goes to bed at 9:15.
I absolutely love doing my barbell and pilates classes at the gym. I absolutely cannot stand any workout that incorporates burpees (push ups are a close second).
Not really a food but Kool Aid totally reminds me of my childhood. I don’t think my kids have ever had koolaid from a package.


I used to heat up my bed with a heating pad too! Then I discovered that they make heated mattress pads. BEST. THING. EVER!!! It’s like sleeping on a gigantic heating pad. I have no idea how I survived cold winter nights without it. I always buy mine from JC Penney, but I’ve seen them at other stores too.


CPK’s bbq salad is really, really good. I think I’m going there for lunch!


Woke up at 5 am and ran 5 miles. Those Hoodies, yes that is what we called them in Boston, reminded me of my childhood. So does Fluff, peeps, and Brighams ice cream.


I slept until 6:30 this morning. It was better than usual. I’ve been making myself go to bed earlier lately and it made this morning much better. Plus school had a 2 hour delay (stupid ice and snow) so I got to sit in the quiet with a cup of coffee and facebook and blogs for about 45 minutes.

We aim for an 8:00 bedtime for Girlie but by the time I’m actually leaving her bedroom it’s closer to 8:30/8:45.

Seafood makes me think of my childhood. My Dad had a lobster boat and was always into cooking fish, shellfish etc. To this day I can handle lobster maybe once a summer before I’m done with it.


I was up at 5 today. There are so many foods that remind my of my childhood…so things that I thought of right now are cinnamon rolls, pop tarts, and Little bites brownies!


Yeah, I think our little one’s been a bit messed with the time change too–not too bad though, since she’s so small!

Cute black v-neck!


I woke up at 6:30am this morning and it was amazing. I’m usually up between 4am and 5:30am for either a run or because my son woke up. But I ran later and my son woke up at 6:45am. It was awesome!


When I was little my parents put my blanket in the dryer for a few minutes to warm it up before tucking me into bed!

My mom would buy me ice cream sandwiches after school when I was little! I still love those things, but don’t buy them or I’d eat the whole box!


So tired. I went to bed at 1am, slept crapy and back up at 6am for work. :(

BTW I’m hosting a Pro Compression sock Giveaway @


I used to love those ice cream cups as a kid!! Screw balls from the ice cream truck remind me of my childhood! Does anyone else remember those?!


I always really look forward to yoga class because it’s so relaxing and invigorating all at the same time.

I went to bed around 11 last night (which is WAYYYY later than I like to) and woke up at 5:30, pretty standard to wake up between 445-530 these days depending on the morning’s workout plans.


Los Hermanos – Reminds me of Los Pollos Hermanos from Breaking Bad! That was a scary place! Yours looked a little more friendly :)


Daylight savings time does mess up kids’ sleep schedules for sure! We are still trying to get that back in order.


I get up at 6:30 on weekdays, and usually sleep in til 8:00 on weekends — if our dog doesn’t wake us up earlier :)


Daylight savings has screwed me up I can only imagine little Brooke!


Warm bed is the best feeling ever. You need a heated mattress pad in your life. Trust me, I’m from Canada. :)
It will heat your mattress, so you slide into a nice warm bed. Then when you’re finally warm at your desired temperature, you turn it off. It’s life changing, I swear.


I didn’t wake up until 730 this morning, even though I had to be at work at 8! This time change has been really hard on me. (OR I’m just using it as an excuse to be lazy!?)
I REALLY look forward to long runs. I need to build my milage up more ASAP so that I can have one of those “plan your whole weekend around it” double digit runs soon.


I loved Los Hermanos when we lived in Utah! We went there so often that our budget software asked us if it was a recurring bill. I got up at 5:50, made sure my kid was out the door to seminary, then went back to bed until 6:30. This time change is totally kicking my tail this year.


When we were growing up we ate a lot of pinto beans on rice. I mean, probably 4 or 5 times a week. Now, when I smell pinto beans cooking, I immediately feel like I’m ten!


I put V to bed at 8, and he is 6. Tonight it was 6:50 because he has been crying EVERY morning this week.


Do you remember that popcorn that was different colors? And you didn’t know what color it was until you popped it? Also dunkaroos.

AND if you like spinach and artichoke dip and trader joes, they have an awesome one that you keep in the freezer, unwrap, put in a bowl, microwave, and then eat like a wild animal.

It’s honestly the reason I go to trader joes, the rest of the groceries are just a bonus


Just reading the word wooden spoon gave me the willies! I hate the wooden spoon!


My favorite food that reminds me of childhood is Kraft Mac n’ cheese. I still love making it every once in a while and now making it into a “grown up” version by adding chicken and broccoli to it.

My little one is still adjusting to the time change. It’s hard for him to know it’s bedtime when it’s still day light out.

I need to start strength training!!!!


Trader Joe’s has AMAZING artichoke dip, you need to try it!


Im woken up at about 6 most mornings by Chloe chatting to herself in her cot…

She goes to bed at 7 every night but never falls asleep till 8!

I think my favourite workout is hill repeats, I always feel like ive had a good workout when im finished.

Strawberry laces were pretty awesome when I was a kid


I sleep on a heating pad every night! My husby keeps the house ridiculously cold year round so this is my solution. :) great minds think alike.

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