Why runners NEED to strength train.

It is a January miracle…  Brooke was actually okay with me holding another baby today.   

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Curly takes over my camera every time we are together.

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She actually takes pretty cool pictures:

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Megan makes the best Skor bar cookies in the whole world.

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Like mother, like daughter.

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Today’s workout was a pump class followed by 4 miles on the treadmill.  

I was soooo close to putting down my weights and going back to bed as my legs were shaking from all of the lunges during pump this morning.  My Thursday morning pump teacher is incredible (ps we don’t do Les Mills body pump… each teacher comes up with their own routines) and her classes are always really challenging.  When I wanted to quit I had to remind myself that strength training is necessary for my running.

I really didn’t start doing much strength/core work until last March when I was coming back from my IT Band injury.  After that injury I decided I needed to change something so that I wasn’t constantly hurt and also find something that would help me to get faster (okay, I can’t take any credit… my coach came up with the idea for me to strength train).  

10 Reasons Why Runners Should Include Weight Training is an awesome article and each reason makes me more motivated to continue strength training for the purpose of being a better runner.

My two favorite reasons:

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I am excited to see what I will be able to do in the marathon (when I do decide to do one) after all of this strength training.  My PR marathon (3:04) was done when I was underweight/lacking any and all muscle…  It will be awesome to see how much faster I will be with strong legs (and at a healthy weight) that are more efficient and last longer.  

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I think we can all agree that we would be happy to never ever have another injury again right!?!  Welp, strength training is an incredible way to help prevent those annoying injuries that force us to miss races, take a break from running or take the fun away from running because something is hurting!

My other favorite running articles about runners and strength training are here, here and here


Absolute favorite type of cookie?

On a scale from 1-10 (10 being you love it), how much do you enjoy strength training?  

How often do you strength train?  On your own or in a class?

Thursday night plans?!?

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I enjoy strength training at about a 2 haha. But I’m doing it now 4-5 times a week for all the reasons you mentioned! And I just started Insanity so I’m excited to see how much stronger I get…setting new PRs this year for sure!


I need more strength training. Thanks for reminder. But, I also need more cookies. Dang it!


I need more cookies too!


Me three! Us preggos should not be deprived of cookies. Strength training… Eh…


There is no such thing as enough cookies.


I strength train during crossfit, never on my own. I need to be told what weight to use and how many reps to do. I was actually just talking about why I love crossfit so much and how I work out much harder than I ever would on my own. I am a fan of working out with a group!


I LOVE strength training! I try for 2 sessions/week.


I love to take strength training classes. I took body pump during lunch today! :)

I am trying to do it at least twice a week now. I also want to improve my running and strength training seems to be key.

Thursday night plans…spending as much time with Annabelle as I can before she goes to bed (probably only an hour), dinner, and dessert of some kind….and maybe an episode of Dance Moms. :)


I lift 40 min 4x a week on my own. I did 8 sessions with a trainer who is a body builder. She taught me correct form and workouts for each part of the body.
I know it has made me faster and leaner.


My coach has me strength training twice a week, and honestly sometimes I am so sore I feel like I can’t even run! I mean, burpees? Not for the faint hearted.


I strength train on my own and LOVE it, solid 8 though because sometimes after a hard running workout I don’t quite make the effort to hit the weights! Strength training is really empowering to me and I know it makes me a better runner :)


Chocolate chip or Snicker Doodle cookies, please.

I strength train every other day and it’s normally after doing some cardio too. I would give it about a 9 if I am doing legs. About a 3 if it’s an arms day.

Thursday night = workout is done, house is clean, and now it’s time to get in comfy clothes and RELAX!


I love strength training x10!!!! I strength train 5 days a week on my own. 2 days are devoted to legs, 1 day each to chest/tricep, back/bicep and shoulders and abs. I only do focused an work once a week cause abs are truly made in the kitchen.


Thursday night plans… BBQ chicken burgers & spending the night snuggling with my little guy since we are snowed in! Just wondering…what type of mascara do you use? Your eyelashes are AMAZING!!! :)


Thursday night plans – going to a Brooks Pure Project release party at my local running store! Then going to the gym for a killer arm workout :)

I recently joined a big gym and am clueless as to which machines to do or other exercises, so I actually emailed a few personal trainers today who can hopefully show me the ropes! I really want to get strong and toned this year and stay injury free, and I know this is the major way to do it.


I go through periods of loving strength training followed by hating it. I usually do it on my own or with a buddy but not usually in a class setting. It’s too distracting and I like to focus while doing strength.


Great post! Last year I ran several half marathons and was 3/4 through marathon training when I ended up with a hip injury. Once I recovered, I got myself back into Body Pump, Les Mills style, and did some regular weight lifting on my own and I feel so much better. Most of the time it’s easier for me to do it in the group fitness setting, just so I actually push through and finish all the reps. If I’m on my own I’m more likely to wuss out once it gets tough ;)

Cookies are my favorite food, and I’ve never met a cookie I haven’t liked. My absolute favorite would probably be peanut butter or oatmeal raisin!


This week I just started the new feature on the Nike Training Club app that gives you a 4 week program to follow that focuses a lot on strength, with a bit of core and stretching in it too. Before that I’d been doing a bit of core stuff here and there, but this is the first time I’ve really been like hard core out of breath and dying (instead of just slowly and relaxedly doing a few exercises on my own). My inner thighs have been sore all week from Monday’s workout! BUT, I had some IT band issues resurfacing last week and they’re completely gone this week! I truly believe it’s because of the strength stuff I’ve been doing this week.


I updated my NTC app and now it’s not working?! Any advice?! I went to download the workouts (which you used to didn’t have too) and now I’m going on a week where they are all still “down loading” love the app! so frustrated! any advice is appreciated!


Paradise Bakery Chocolate Chip Cookies are my FAVORITE! Soft, gooey, dense, love them.

I typically strength train 3 times per week, but currently I’m only doing it about 2x per week because I’m training for a half marathon so I’m putting of my time into getting runs in. I’ve been loving Pump Class too – it challenges me and motivates me. I will occasionally lift on my own, but I enjoy the class format more. I totally agree that strength training is SO crucial for runners! I’m so glad you addressed this!

Thursday night plans –> chillin’ with my boys! (AKA husband and son!)


Strength training makes a huge difference in my running. I’ve done crossfit, but found it was too intense to do while trying to keep up with running. Pilates works really, really well for me, especially all of the core work that is involved! I use pilatesanytime.com videos at home, and they are awesome. Usually 3x a week.

Today I’m going to make a new kind of cookie – Elvis bars! Maybe they will be my new favorite?? http://ohsheglows.com/2013/09/11/no-bake-elvis-bars/


I can never resist a chocolate chip cookie.

I love strength training and I just started the Jillian Michael’s 30 day shred video. I’m loving it so far. It’s great to get in a really good workout in 20-30 minutes and I’m always sore the next day. The good kind of sore! :)

Thursday night plans – I have a 3 mile run to do and then Big Bang Theory! Definitely my favorite show on TV.


Thursday nights are our weekly game night with my grandmother. :)

I pretty much hate strength training, but I can get into it when I have a routine to follow along with online or on DVD. I just ordered T25 after trying my sister’s copy of it, and I’m excited to start strength training on a regular basis!


Please post on your eyelashes. Extensions or falsies, I love them! I’ve been considering doing extensions but would love to hear more about it :)


I try to strength train twice a week and do yoga once a week and I am just running 4-5 times a week right now. I’m enjoying the balance and feel great!

Thursday night plans… Massage!! Just got my extended health benefits back and I can’t wait!


Love strength training! So important to have that balance. Yoga too. I think yoga and strength training more than anything helps a runner stay balanced so you’re not running yourself into the ground. The NTC app with their strength workouts – my lifesaver!


100% agree with this post! I just ran some miles and now P90X’ing it! I would have to say a 10+ because I so see the results and how much it truly helps my running!
I would have to say I train about 3-4 times a week. It is a major priority just like running.
My Thursday night plans are boring, watching some TV, doing some organizing and then hitting the sack!


Only one type of cookie!?! Ahh there are too many good ones! Monster cookies are what I’m craving right now. My husband calls me the cookie monster on occasion :)

I really enjoy strength training! Although sometimes I feel like I add too much weight.

My plans are to go for a run and meet up with friends for dinner!


Ugh I really need to strength train more! I’m only getting about 1/week now and I know I need more!


I have that same phone case! Yay for pink and polka dots! :) Watch Curly end up being a professional photographer for National Geographic or something… that would be interesting!


Nothing beats a warm chocolate chip cookie fresh from the oven!


Love Heath bar cookies and Andes mint cookies. Really, anything homemade tho. And double stuff Oreos are my weakness!

I have always been terrible about consistently weight training because I’d rather go out for a run. But I have been doing P90X3 for almost 3 weeks now in addition to running 3-4 days. I know I need to add more lean muscle and the workouts are only 30 mins so I’m doing it! And that’s my plan for tonight!


I give strength training a 9! I absolutely love it but it’s still exercise and therefore prone to suck from time to time. I usually strength train twice a week, plus a yoga session which is kind of strength training.


I love strength training. It makes me feel so powerful! I’ve been following the workouts in “The New Rules of Lifting for Women – How to Lift like a Man & Look Like a Goddess”. At least until my elbow went wonky.


I would rate strength training at a 4. Don’t love it. Don’t necessarily hate it. And don’t do it nearly enough!

I’m a cookie-aholic! I love them! Addicted to Oreos when I was pregnant, which lead to some unsightly poundage..


I love cookies and cannot resist a warm chocolate chip cookie straight out of the oven…I always loved the giant chocolate chip cookies in Disney World and the cookies in Hershey Park are ridiculous too. My favorite lately is from Max Brenner in Manhattan…I know my cookies! I don’t like strength training but have really been making an effort to work it in at least twice a week.


I love to strength train but just don’t do it. It is one of my goals for 2014. A must!! I do enjoy doing it once I get into a routine but for some reason I always quit.
Slightly under baked peanut butter cookies would be my all time favorite. Mmmm…
My plans tonight are to be in bed by 8 so I can leave for the airport at 2 am. Unfortunately I live about 2 1/2 hours away from the airport and it’s January in MI. =( I have a 7 am departure for my Louisiana Marathon and 5K.
Bring on the warmer weather!!!


That Picture of evan is awesome. I haven’t even looked through the pictures on my phone that he took yet. And now I’m very curious to see you what he got.

Strength training is an 8. Love it. Usually I do it 3x/week. Lately it’s been 2x though ;)

Just picked up a pizza and babysitter and I am off to meet Rossario at the temple.


There’s no way I can pick one type of cookie. I guess classic chocolate chip. It’s hard to go wrong with chocolate chip.

Strength training I enjoy about a 3. I only manage it about once a week right now on my own, but I’m trying to do it more often.

My Thursday night is being spent watching Gilmore Girls and enjoying the fact that tomorrow is Friday!


Toss up between chocolate chip and peanut butter.

strength training is easily a 10 I just need to be told what to do :) If I go to the gym with no set strength plan I never leave feeling like I got a good workout. It helps remembering that I have cut almost 2.5 minutes off my 5k time since I started strength training! I haven’t done a strength training class though so maybe I should attempt that sometime…


I love strength training! It’s so satisfying to see improvements with weights, reps, effort, etc. :)


Absolute favorite type of cookie?
my mom’s chocolate chip cookies, or chocolate crinkle cookies

On a scale from 1-10 (10 being you love it), how much do you enjoy strength training?

How often do you strength train? On your own or in a class?
Almost never, to be honest :( I did zoo much as a gymnast that I’m STILL sick of it, a decade later!

Thursday night plans?!?
Law & Order SVU reruns, landry, and sleeping!


I like strength training not at all but Im trying really really hard to do it at least twice a week.


My Thurs night plans are to sit on my coach with my legs up! I spent all day working my company’s booth at a conference which required standing from 8am until 5pm. My legs feel as sore as they do after a super long, hard run! Womp womp.


My COUCH definitely not my coach…. I must have been thinking that my running coach isn’t going to be happy about me sitting on the coach all night :)


*Snort* Sit on your coach. Epic typo. So funny. :)


On a scale of 1-10 I love strength training…ummm…-47. Oh wait. That’s not on the scale.


Chocolate chip! The ooey gooey kind.

I do love to strength train! I get a weird high when I’m sore the following days. It makes me feel like I’m changing my body for the good. Good for you for including it to prevent injury!!


My sister’s name is Molly Rose! :)


thats awesome! can’t be that common, so I’m excited to know I have a name twin :)


I strength train four days a week, but only for about 10 minutes each time so I don’t know how much good it does.

Snicker doodles. Best cookies ever.

Thursday night plans – help my kids with homework and make them clean their room. We’re livin’ it up at the Nelson household!


I love doing Les Mills body pump classes, and try to do at least 3 classes a week. Sometime I substitute one of those classes for spin, which I also love.

Heath bar cookies are the best, for sure.


I love oatmeal chocolate chip!

Obsessed with Megans outfit! Want that hat & Jacket!

I love going to pump especially with you but I need to get my act together and wake up. My body doesn’t let me wake up unless its been 8 hours. But I get at least 3 strength trainings in a week.

Working then going home to my kitten who you need to meet!


Strength training will always be something I constantly strive to do more of. In truth I do enjoy it, and I love the way it makes me feel.

Reducing my risk of injury is reason enough to always include it!


I would say probably a 9. I only do ST once or twice a week I need to make it more of a priority though.


I love strength training…as long as I’m in a class or following along with a video. I envy people who can just walk into a gym and get a good strength workout on their own!


I LOVE strength training. I give it a 9 because lunges are the worst.

Chocolate chip or maple cinnamon oatmeal are my favorites


I actually like strength training more than running I think. Weird I know. I like white chocolate macadamia nut cookies the best but I am trying not to eat stuff like that right now. I have a few pounds of fluff that need to get off of me ASAP.


Cookie: Homemade chocolate chip that are crunchy on the outside and chewy on the inside

I give it a 7.

I do it 2-3 times a week…with a class. I have no motivation otherwise

I just had a burrito bowl and now I’m going to go out for a bit. I have a cold, so I don’t want to be up late!


Thursday night plans = NOTHING! This is the first night I haven’t had basketball practice at night so I am just enjoying sitting on the couch! I really want to start strength training more. Sometimes I do pushups and planks and stuff on my own. Favorite cookie…. seriously? Is that possible? I’d have to say my favorite restaurants peanut butter chocolate chip oatmeal cookie!


Haha! My high school cross country coach made us lift twice a week – but only the frosh/sophs had to lift. And we could only work arms/core. I hated it and I couldn’t understand why all the upperclassmen were in the gym, too. Their response: 1 – it makes us better, and I want to be better. 2 – There is no way I’m going to be bumped from my varsity spot by an underclassman who lifts. 3 – It’s supposed to foster our ‘lifetime-love of fitness’ *eyeroll* (Because no one does a better eye roll than a high school senior girl who you idolize…20 years later, I still don’t understand how she could race 3 miles and always have perfectly straight, beautiful hair.)

But, alas, nothing like learning to be ok with gym work by doing it on your own time. Once I became an upperclassman, I had enough maturity to realize that I did need to lift. And enough whiny to complain about it – and then the coach just had to utter those golden words: ‘You don’t have to be here. You choose to be here. If you don’t want to be here, get out.’ I can still hear his voice in my head – every time a workout gets tough! God bless that man – he was phenomenal!


I actually looove strength training! I work a different part of my body every day, plus cardio most days. Arms, abs, legs, booty- that’s all strength training, right? Anyway, LOVE it and your’e so right: it’s super important to prevent injury and for overall toning! :)



10! I love it. It’s my new passion…well running is always amazing but new passion goes to weights. I read Arnold’s bodybuilding book and I got hooked. I do not look like a body builder by any means but I’m getting some nice cuts on my arms and legs from his tips :)
I do weights 3 times a week


I love pump classes! I’m a grad student + teach group fitness part time and I’m always excited to get to go to other instructor’s classes. I hit up BodyPump on Monday night and STILL feel those squats today. Let’s just saying teaching my classes this week was a good time ;-)

Happy Thursday!!


I actually just started weight training pretty regularly this week and I am SO SO sore! I keep reminding myself that it is good for me but boy does it hurt! Hopefully if I keep this up like I should then I won’t be quite as sore each day!


Have you ever considered devoting a day or two to strength training and not doing other cardio on those days? That way your muscles can recover they way they need to and rebuild. I notice you often do body pump and then go run. I just think it would be more effective to let your muscles rebuild. What is the point of going through the effort of body pump if not to reap the full rewards?


Janae, I wanted to say I am so impressed you have been taking good care of yourself even during this tough time. I used to like to strength train but lately I have only been doing yoga – I am finding it helpful in dealing with some stress, maybe you would find it beneficial too! It definitely seems to help me sleep.

The day you posted about your decision to wait on your next marathon, I thought for a long time about if I would have been tough enough to make the same decision, even if I KNEW it was the right one. I’m sure it wasn’t easy to have to make a public announcement about that decision, but I thought you handled it really well. I’m really excited to see how your running takes off when the time is right! I am trying to do a better job of making smart choices: doing my own thing and not getting sidetracked by worries about how something might look or being stubborn about sticking to something just because it was what I had planned. It isn’t always easy.


I think that everyone can use strength training! I’m a big fan – I like to do heavy weights by myself, but body weight or TRX stuff in workout classes. Between the two, I am for three sessions a week.
Favourite cookie: oatmeal chocolate chip. But peanut butter chocolate chip is up there as well. I just really like chocolate chips?


Love this! EVERYONE can benefit from strength training — it’s one of my soapboxes haha. Even if it’s only a means to an end, the benefits are undeniable!


You’re amazing Janae! I need to strength train more!


I was strength training long before I got serious about running, and I’m certain that’s part of why I have always had good top-end speed. Unfortunately, it is possible to get injured FROM strength training. :( I’ve gotten SI joint problems from squatting too much and this summer I stress-fractured my femur not only from sprinting on the track too often in spikes, but also from Olympic lifting, which can be quite high-impact. But I love it at a 10/10 and will always do it because it’s really cool to be able to do chinups and sprint fast. For me the problem is that it actually gets in the way of my running if I do too much. I’ve had to scale back to just twice a week lifting.


I’m trying to be good about strength, but I really need to do even more. I have a few short routines I do in front of TV that are ok, but boy would I rather just magically grow strong muscles.


favorite type of cookie = chewy, gooey chocolate chip.


I love strength training. I stopped/got lazy for a couple of months during the holidays-but I took a look back at my running and I am SOOOOO much faster with strength training! I’ve gone back to doing it two times a week. I really like the way my body feels after lifting weights….like I can rule the world!
Thurs plans? I’m eating sugar babies while typing this..how’s that for crazy?!:)


I do strength on my own about 4 times a week. I love that I can see results pretty quickly, and love seeing some muscle!

Cookies……favorite has to be peanut butter chocolate chip, yum!

Thursday night involves chilling at home watching tv and thinking what dessert I can scrounge up. Lol


Well…..I was already planning on 5:30 a.m. body pump tomorrow but NOW I am really planning on it. I’ll think of those articles as motivation when the alarm goes off!


That’s one reason I love reading because u educate us in a fun way.. I don’t think carrying my 30 plus pound 2 year old counts as strength training. So I haven’t done any since before thanksgiving. When training for a race I do lift and squats all workouts in my garage.
Chocolate chip hands down.


I love strength training! I don’t know what it is about hauling heavy weights around but I really adore how it makes me feel.


I started doing weights (on my own) a few years ago. I don’t do much but I make sure to work my entire body and I do it 2-3x per week. I wouldn’t say I love it, but I love the results! Funny you ask about the cookie. My husband and I had this exact conversation last week and neither one of us can narrow it down to a favorite. I will say this: homemade over store bought any day!


For some reason, I have no problem consistently motivating myself to go for 1-2 hour runs but when it comes to even 5 minutes of strength training, forget it. Apparently, I can’t be bothered. I definitely need to get my act together! At the very least, I’d like to start doing more core work. Thanks for the reminder! Hopefully your post will spur me into actually doing something. :)


100% agree! strength training is MUST and keeps you injury free!


I don’t do any strength training now, even though I should. My Thursday night plan was to go to an Arbonne party. I loved it and am contemplating selling it!


A friend of mine was unable to run because of some of the logistics of having kids…she did P90X (or maybe Insanity?) just to keep in shape and actually dropped almost 2 minutes off her average mile pace from the strength she built up with that program – with NO running! Amazing.


You can’t go wrong with the classic chocolate chip cookie.

I love to strength train in classes with other people. If it’s up to me on my own, it’ll never happen.


I need to start strength training. To be honest, I have no idea where to start. I read the articles but need more direction, I guess. I also find that if I have an hour to work out I choose running over other things…leading to no variety. Luckily no injuries, but I know I’m not an exception and it could be only with time that I am injured if I don’t start including variety.


That pic curly took is awesome!! I like almost every single cookie, especially when they are right out of the oven… mmmm :) I’m slowly getting into strength training… it’s so painful but I do like when I do start to see some little muscles haha


Please tell me where you got that cute and comfy looking scarf! Also your friends outfit is so cute!! I need to know where that hat is from?! And jacket and leggings! Too cute! :)


I practice the same approach to cookies that I do to donuts: love the one you’re with.

I really am trying to strength train. No, really. I’ve downloaded a video and I’ve done it once or twice. It’s just sooooooooooo boring.


I am currently rocking strength training. My hamstring is injured (causing me to pull out of this weekend’s Houston Marathon… sad face) so I can’t run and plus I really need to do more strength training. I hope I am good like this once I get back to running!!


I loved the Toffee Nut cookie from Panera Bread and then they stopped making it. Tragic :( fresh baked chocolate chip are pretty much my all time fave.

Strength training love? ZERO, Zilch, NADA! HATE IT! But I know I need to find some love at least get to a 3 or 4…

I pretty much never strength train. I need someone to force me to do it. Maybe your post will be that swift kick in the a–! =) THANKS!

Thursday night plans?!?


After my IT band injury I decreased my miles no more consistent 60 mile weeks. Now I stay around 40 miles a week and dip into 50 here and there. I use the Nike training app 15 minute focus workouts as my strength training.

My Thursday night plans consist of swimming from now on. Trying to add swimming to my training to get faster.


I talked about strength training today too! I just started to really make myself do it again after a year+ off and JUST running, I’m SO excited to see how much faster I can be with a strong core and much stronger legs!! I’ve always found that any of my IT problems come from my hips knees and feet not being properly aligned, everything starts with your feet.


Thanks for all of the good resources/tips!


Love the first strength training link – I’ve been focusing on strength training a lot after moving from tris to strictly endurance running last year, and realizing I had just become “skinny weak” and only good at running. Linked it on my Thursday links for yesterday! Thanks!


Great resources!!
Favorite cookies…peanut butter!

*http://expertbrand.com. -Quality Performance Apparel for Women and Men


I need to work on doing specific training for my IT Band – I rarely do glutes and abductor muscles which are the most important!


You are going to kill the sub 3 marathon, whenever you run it :D I am the weirdo who actually likes strength training :)


I absolutely hate strength training but it is absolutely necessary to keep your running strong! Thanks for the reminder!


I used to hate strength training till I made myself do it consistently. Dare I say I actually like it as much as running now?


My favorite cookies are the coconut ones my mom makes. Soooooo yummy! I like strength training but I’ve been lazy about it. I really like Les Mills Body Pump. There are some really great instructors at my gym who keep it fresh and fun :)

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