Thankful Thursday

Sick baby = it breaks my heart to see Brooke not her usual self = we are quarantined = I am trying to find the positives of today:)

1.  Brooke is extremely cuddly when she is sick.  I will never turn down her wanting to be held all day. 

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2.  Paige.  Bless her heart.  She saved me by bringing me some happiness.  She is the absolute best and I wish you guys could all meet her.

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3.  I am even more grateful than usual for my treadmill on days like today when I can’t get out.  8 easy miles at noon while listening to relaxing music, reading and then looking up some good memories from my blog.  

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Every now and then I go to days that I remember being the best.  

This below paragraph is from my post the day I found out I was pregnant.  I was absolutely shocked and of course I couldn’t keep it from my sister… less than an hour after finding out I was pregnant (alone in the Shopko restrooms… I left that part out of my post;) I was at the gym with my sister to tell her.  I told her that she had to come to the dressing rooms with me when I first got there and then we went and sat on the bench in one of the private dressing rooms and when I told her we both started crying, hugging and talking a million miles an hour.  

It is such a sweet memory for me.  

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And that is why it was my favorite gym trip ever in my whole life.  And you thought I was exaggerating when I wrote that post.   

And now I am getting all emotional just thinking about that day.  

4.  I am grateful that my dad is on a sweet potato kick because he bakes 2 a day.  One for me and one for him.  I made the same salad with them that I had yesterday for lunch.

5.  I am extremely grateful that Ryan Reynolds was on the episode of Sesame Street that I watched with Brooke today;)  I like him.

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6.  I am grateful that these came in the mail today because I have been wanting to try them forever.


New running shoes are one of life’s greatest joys. 


What are you thankful for today?!?

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As what a sweet memory :) poor little Brooke though!

I’m thankful for my new socks, which are actually keeping my tendon soreness at bay and for my dogs for letting me sleep in until 11(!!!) after keeping me up during the night with the puppy’s tummy trouble.


I’m thankful that I changed all my bedding before work this morning so I have the perfect, fresh, fluffy comfy bed to go home to!

I’m also thankful that my mom is coming to visit this weekend :)


I’m grateful for my job at the children’s hospital and all the sweet children I get to spend my workdays with :)


I got some new running shoes in the mail today, too!

I’m thankful I have the opportunity to raise two sweet kids while still doing things I enjoy and pursuing dreams. And, of course, for my husband who supports me through it.

I hope Brooke feels better soon!


Poor baby…and seriously poor mommy! I hate it when my kids are sick! My son had hand mouth foot a couple weeks ago and it was THE worst! So I’m thankful for health today. And Oreos (always thankful for those) for lunch


Never fun when the kids are sick, but how can you turn down cuddles like that!

Always thankful for the wonderful Fiance and kids I get to come home to everyday. No matter how bad the day is, those smiling faces make it all worth while.


I am thankful for being one month injury free (touch wood). And maybe the air will clear out in SLC for an outdoor run tomorrow.

Very jealous of your shoes! I love my Brooks PureCadence.


A grateful attitude is actually proven to dramatically increase overall happiness levels :) today I am grateful for a great day, my health, and a few people in particular :)


Awwe seriously that poor little baby, so pitiful. I’m thankful for my own health today and sending lots of healthy vibes Brooke’s way!


Feel better soon Brooke!! And hang in there mommy Janae!!

I’m thankful for my job today. I got really good news that a big meeting went my way and it’s a big step for me career wise..I’m feeling very proud.

And I’m thankful for my ability to exercise :-)


PureConnect 2s are my soul mate trainers! I stocked up on them before the 3s came out.


Boo for Poor Brooke ((hugs)). Yay for new running shoes! A friend who brings you soda when you’re feeling down is a true friend.

Today I’m thankful that I have an awesome coach who listens to me and understands what I mean, or try’s to anyway. I’m thankful that Izzy is a cuddle bug and constantly asks me if I’d like to cuddle on the couch with her. I’m thankful that the weight room was empty today so I got my strength workout done without having to wait for any machines. And I’m thankful of course for your friendship Janae!


I am thankful for my friend, Elise, who has been my rock and cheerleader as I’ve been going through a particularly rough patch these past few months. And I’m thankful for you and your blog; I didn’t feel like going to the gym tonight, but I read your post and thought: “no excuses! you’ll feel better if you just do it!” So, now I’m closing my laptop and putting on my running shoes. Have a good night and I hope Brooke feels better soon!


I am so sorry that you are going through a hard time right now! Good for you to get to the gym… Let me know how it goes!


I am sorry that you have had a rough few months too, and what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, right?! But we are very lucky to have such great support systems :) I ended up doing 3o med-hard min. on the elliptical because I wanted to read at the same time and then 15 min. on upper body weight machines.


Uh ya. Elmo for Brooke, Ryan for you. Win-win.

Sorry Brooke still isn’t feeling well. But I always love an excuse to cuddle my kiddos. Sometimes I go through all the pictures saved on our computer. I love to look back and see where we were in life, how much has changed, my kiddos at different stages. Sometimes it makes me sad. But I always have to remember to not spend too much time reflecting on the past or thinking too much about how when ____ happens in the future, then I will be happy, but to enjoy the journey. One of my favorite conference talks and that is why it is in vinyl on my wall to see every day ;)

Today I am thankful that when my car wouldn’t start (cause the kids went to get something out last night and didn’t shut the door all the way so the battery was dead) that Ross wasn’t far away and could jump start it…and then take me to lunch.

I am also thankful for all the people in my life that are looking out for me, always willing to help and cheer me up. I love my friends. I am thankful for you! Love ya!


Love the win win part! I am so glad he was so close when you needed him:) I’m thankful for you. You mean the world to me!


I am thankful for the beautiful sunshine we are having. And I am thankful for my amazing career (teacher) were I get to be struck with awe and wonder every day when I watch kids do amazing things!


Sick children ARE the cuddliest, it’s the secret thing mums don’t dare say but all think! Obviously we want them better straight away, but the cuddles are lovely.

Today I am thankful for my skin clearing up. A little thing really but makes such a difference to me!


Amen! to new running shoes.

I have been loving roasted sweet potatoes. Chop into bite size pieces, olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper. Bake at 350 for 50-60 minutes for 3 potatoes. So good.

Thankful to be healing. Thankful for a warm home to live in. Thankful for my kids and husband.


Poor Brooke! Enjoy the cuddles, she needs them as much as you do. :)

I’m thankful that I get to see my brother and his family tomorrow! They haven’t seen Annabelle since she was 3 1/2 months old…she is 1 now!


I like Ryan Reynolds too ;)

It’s so important to take a moment to remember what we are thankful for even if it’s just simple things. I’m thankful that I can run, I have support system with my family and friend, and that I have heated seats in my car (they were on full today and my buns were very thankful)


I love your new shoes – what version of the Pure Cadence are they?? I have a purple pair :)


Poor baby! I can’t stand how helpless I feel when my baby is sick. He’s usually so happy and full of energy, but he’s a different boy when not feeling well. No like!
The constant cuddles are the only upside.

Today I am thankful that I get to go home to my little ones and hug them until they can’t stand it anymore. I’m also thankful that it’s almost the weekend and I get to spend even more time with my babies. Oh, and run long tomorrow. That’s always good.


So sorry brooke is sick, I hope she feels better after a few good naps! Also I run in pure cadences and they are THE BEST.


I hope Brooke feels better soon!! I am thankful for the fact that I had a 5 day weekend and it’s already FRIDAY tomorrow!!


I am thankful that I am healthy and get to work out on the daily. Also, it is Thursday which means tomorrow is Friday & then the weekend is here!


I really hope Brooke feels better soon. xo

That sounds like such a happy memory in the dressing room with your sister. Reading that comment made me smile ear to ear. :)

Thankful for: My body feeling much better from bashing my knee in the door so that I can resume training for my marathon and getting over a cold!


I’m thankful that I have a body that can support me in doing the things I love and a family that is supportive and in good health. Oh and for chocolate, I’m thankful for chocolate


Feel better Brooke! My Olivia is under the weather too. Thankful today for “Law & Order: SVU” marathon on while I ran 8 on the treadmill super early this morning… Night shift nurse = insomnia…


I am thankful that today is Thursday! I’m also very thankful that at the end of a long day I get to come home to people who love me :)


I’m thankful for my best friend coming to visit me this weekend!

Hope Brooke feels better soon :)


So sorry that Brooke isn’t feeling well. Aren’t cuddly toddlers the best? Feel better soon, Brooke!


That is so so so sweet. You got me all emotional over here, too! :)



So many things to be thankful for. Thankful that my kiddos talk to me about the serious stuff — but we can also laugh like freakin’ hyenas. Thankful that we are able to take a vacation next week that will culminate in a marathon. Thankful I was able to talk my husband into signing up for the half marathon. (You don’t know how HUGE this is — before he’d signed up he’d never run more than 2 miles — and that was reluctantly.) Thankful that *my* sick kiddo is on the mend and full of energy again.

Cuddles to Brooke and hope she feels better very soon!


Oh. Can’t forget that I’m thankful that the Seahawks are in the Super Bowl. :)


I’m so glad you shared that sweet memory :) I really hope that Brooke gets feeling better soon, poor baby girl :( Today I am so thankful that I have the gospel, a home to live in, a loving husband, a job, and a healthy baby girl that is growing just as she should be :)


Even though I am real stressed about school now, I’m so thankful for the opportunity to further my education!


Aw now I’m sappy!


Today I am thankful I was able to get Katy Perry tickets :) It took an hour on the computer, but I got them!


Awwr… sending Brooke all the healing vibes I can muster up <3

And today I'm grateful for the gorgeous weather, the existence of chocolate, and the fact that I'm heading to Disneyland on Saturday :D


Thankful for the weather in NorCal because I’ve been doing yoga outdoors (post-run). It’s so nice to soak in the sun!


I’m thankful that tomorrow is Friday, and that it is my rest day from working out! My body is ready for a rest :)

Hope Brooke feels better soon! Enjoy the snuggles in the mean time :)


Aww, having a sick baby is the worst! I hope Brooke feels better very soon!!

Everyday I am thankful that I get to stay at home with my beautiful 4 yr old daughter. Today I was especially thankful that I had time while she was at preschool to treat myself to lunch and a new book. A nice break for myself because usually I spen that time running errands, cleaning up and working out.


nothing better than holding your baby when she does not feel well, sending virtual chicken soup!!!

Is that DIET COKE from your friend????


Take care of your sweet little one. Breaks my heart.
I am so thankful for so much in my life — my health, my job, my husband and my friends. Even when times are rough, there is always so much to be grateful for!


I always find it so interesting to go back and look at old posts. Even if not every single memory was good or fun, it’s interesting to look back (in my opinion). I’m glad you have a treadmill at your house and I hope Brooke feels better soon.


I LOVE THE PURE CADENCE!! I used to be flow lover- like you :) and my ankles started giving me issues on longer runs, so i switched to the cadence and got the 3s the day they came out and am so obsessed. THey are just like the flow, feel exactly he same and are equally as light, but with a little more bottom support. it rocks.

poor Brookey :( good thing she is super cute and cuddly :)


I am thankful that I have a warm house even with the freezing temps outside! I am thankful that I can workout and enjoy it. Feel better Brookers!


Oh sick babies/kids! I always get so nervous when they r really sick. I can deal with the crap my husband goes through with his illness but watching one of our kids being sick makes me a nervous wreck.
Enjoy all the sweet cuddles u get. I bet Brooke will be back to feeling good soon! Try a lavender bath for her. Keeps her hydrated and relaxed.

Today I’m thankful for time with my kids & husband. A trip to my super close trader joes and the money to shop! And a free turkey cooking in the oven :) I had a great coupon for it. )


Thank you for sharing your precious/special memory of sharing with your sister about finding out you were pregnant, it was so sweet. Having a sister I totally understand your relationship, there is nothing like it! I so hope Brooke is feeling better real soon. I love how your friend stopped by with a treat for you. Paige is a real keeper.

I am so grateful/thankful for my relationship with God. He is always there for me and always has the best perfect advise on how to handle life challenges and give such wonderful hope for the future.


Poor Brooke! I hope she feels better! I am super grateful I just came home to free pizza in my apartment buildings lobby. That was an awesome surprise!


I too am excited for new running shoes! My first pair of Brooks, however mine were on super sale at T.J. Maxx. I can’t wait to run in them tomorrow.


I am thankful for my health and my husband. Oh, and my fur babies. I may not have any actual babies of my own yet but my fur babies come pretty close. Of course, I can’t forget running! I am coming back from a stress fracture so every small run is such a blessing!


That is such a sweet memory. Today I am thankful that tomorrow is Friday and I will be able to sleep in and relax this weekend. I am also thankful for my first tough run in a few weeks. It feels good to have tired legs :)


awww, feel better Brooke! Today I am thankful for family dinners – my sister in law is coming over for dinner and I am really excited about it!


I hope Brooke feels better tomorrow, such a sweet memory!
I’m thankful that I had today off from work so I could just catch up on life!


I am deeply thankful for advances in modern medicine that may allow me to live pain-free. I may have to wait a bit, but what’s a few weeks or months when I’ve been hurting for over a decade? ;-)

I remember finding out abt being pregnant :) So special! And when you write about something being the best ever or funnest ever, etc. I always believe it was/is for you in that moment and sometimes forever. I am the same way. I am so over people being annoyed by it or thinking I’m exaggerating or being dramatic. I’m a very enthusiastic person.

I love little cuddlers! Hope she’s feeling well soon :)


I love your blog! You’ve been very insperational to me throughout my weight loss/exercise journey! Recently, I’ve lost 90lbs and got into running. Reading your posts really encouraged me to keep trying, even though it was hard. Now I’m signed up for my first half marathon and I’m super excited! I’m also entered into a contest to win free race entries. I’m going to share the link here, I hope you don’t mind. If anyone has a second, please click the link. It will take you to the contests Facebook page. Please vote for my picture, it’s Jamie. Thank you!!!


I am thankful my mom joined the gym with me. I am so excited to see her being active. It’s busy season at her busy, but she’s still making her workouts a priority. She’s been getting up to hit the gym at 5:00 AM before work or going after work at almost 9:30 PM.


Love it! Funny, I seem to go back through my (previous) blog whenever I’m going through a particularly difficult day. I’m always shocked to read what was going on and who I was at different times and helps me gain perspective.
I’m thankful my MIL just got a shiny new treadmill! It’s raining here in Melbourne (desperately needed) and I had an easy long run planned. To the treadmill!


Love this post! I’m thankful for another healthy pregnancy so far :)


I am thankful for my friends, my family and my faith.


Such a sweet story and sweet memory. Today has rough, so thanks for reminding me to see the good in all. My infertility battle is really wearing on me and I need to be thankful for a healthy body, great husband, and fun job.


I’m thankful for feeling slightly better. I am thankful for being able to leave the house. I am thankful for friends and family to comfort me when I need them. I hope your household feels 110% soon!


Brooke and I have that in common- I’m cuddly when I’m sick too! ;) I’m thankful for all the amazing support I’ve gotten in the last few days after admitting that I’m struggling with disordered eating again!


AWW that is so cute about telling your sister that you were pregnant! I loved looking back on that post, too- so funny that it was such a HUGE day for you and just another post in our eyes! :)


I am so thankful and blessed to have 2 beautiful children! They are the loves of my life! Hugs to little princess Brooke and her momma today. It is so hard and stressful to see your baby sick.


Aww, hope little Brooke feels better soon.

I just got the same pair of Pure Cadence in the mail last week, I also ordered the Ravenna 5 to replace my 4. I actually like running in the Pure Cadence better. I had pain under my right foot arch after I ran in the 5s.

Please let us know your feedback on the Pure Cadence after you’ve had a chance to try them out. Would love to hear what you think.

BTW, can’t remember if you watch Scandal but it is seriously what’s getting me through running on the treadmill this winter. It’s so good!


What an awesome memory!
Have you ran in the pure cadence 2s? I was wondering how the 3s compare. I like the pureflow 2s and purecadence 2s but dont want to splurge on the newer models unless I know they are worth it!


I’m thankful for my health and education. And American Idol. Because I’m watching it right now, and this season is hilarious!


Hope Brookers gets better soon. My little guy had the stomach flu last week and it was no fun.

That is a great memory!!

I would love to see a picture of your entire shoe collection!! It feels like you get a new pair every week, I want to see them all!


Here’s what I’m thankful for today:


I’m thankful for having a gym buddy join me for my run tonight. I thought of this after seeing all the posts about you going to the gym with your sister. And guess what, you’re right, running with a friend makes it so much better! Thanks :)


I am thankful that I found your blog years ago. It kept me strong during a very difficult time in my life. I am thankul for having a lot of faith that things will get better and my dream will come true. I am thankful for my husband, who has been with me for good or bad, making me believe that i will get my wishes granted.


Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes are sooo easy in the oven, which is why I eat a ton, especially when I am staying away from refined carbs, but need SOME carbs to fuel runs.


I hope Brooke is feeling better


I am so glad you did Thankful Thursday instead of Throwback Thursday. I am thankful for so many things. I am always thankful for my family especially my husband and 2 beautiful daughters. Today specifically I am grateful for being called Super Girl on the radio for running in the snow yesterday. It was very exciting and very motivating.


Poor baby! Looks like a fever? I’ll pray no ear infection but with my kids once they are on antibiotics they feel fine next day. Hang in there mama.
Thankful for my 3 kids. A 3 mile run today. And the list goes on.
Can’t wait to see what u think of the pure cadences! I’m a brooks pure cadence all the way!! Love them!


Funny, I found out I was pregnant with my first in the restroom at Target! That’s kind of like Shopko, right? I still smile whenever I drive by that specific Target.


I love everything about this post and actually teared up a little just reading it! I love hearing about how people found out they were pregnant because even if it was unexpected (like mine!), they are sweet stories. Heck, mine was in the bathroom stall at work! :)


I love this post so freaking much:)


Poor little girl! Being sick is a bummer but it always brings out a super sweet side with kids (even adults haha)


Hoping Brooke feels better soon. And those shoes are totally gorgeous.

I am thankful for a great job (even though I worked 60 hours at it this week).


I am thankful for HOPE. Even if at times, it is little…I have some hope for brighter days ahead. LOVE those new shoes! Can’t wait to hear what you think of them!!!


I LOVE that Sesame Street puts random famous people on it. Then you actually feel “cool” watching it ;)


I’m thankful that my parents live so close and I can use their treadmill when I don’t have access to mine for a few days.

I hope Brooke feels better soon!


You are just so cute :) I know it’s tough what you’re going through, but you are really an inspiration and I love how positive you are. I know it can’t be all of the time and that is life, but really you are just a great person it seems like :) I would love to meet you at a race one day if I ever run one out West!!

Today I am thankful for my family, my husband and my friends. I am thankful that I have a job even though sometimes I would much rather be in bed at this time of the morning :) And I am thankful that it is Friday yay! Oh yeah and I am very thankful that I can run!!


You will LOVE the Pure Cadence 4’s!!! I bought them in white. I’ve only done a few short 4 mile runs in them, but I love them already :) I have 2 pairs of the first version that I am not ready to give up.


I hope Brookers feels better :0)


Aw what a sweet memory!! I hope Brooke feels better soon!


I am totally with you on the running shoe thing! New shoes make me SUPER SUPER happy.

I try to think of things I am thankful for everyday. It keeps things in perspective. :)


Ahh, sick babies? :'( I was babysitting my nephew Joshua, who is one, the other day, and he usually isnt that cuddly, but when he fell asleep on me…. He’s getting sick. :(
Praying Brooke feels better soon! :)


That’s an awesome memory. :)

I hope Brookers is feeling better!


Aww poor sick Brooker. I hope she feels better soon!

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