5 a.m. and 11.5 miles with 2 x 2 at half-marathon pace.

I have three low quality/dark pictures for you today.  I know, impressive.

1.  I took one picture last night.  One.  Usually I take 40.  

Last night I spent a lot of time just cuddling Brookers and rocking her to sleep because she will be gone again this weekend.  Only for 48 hours though, I can do that.

IMG 6849

2.  I told Josse that I wanted to do my long run on Friday and do it early and she told me she didn’t care how early I had to go, she would do it with me.  Now that is friendship.  

We met at 5 a.m. to knock out 11.5 miles.  

IMG 6852

Somehow when we got out of cars to start our run we both had so much energy and we were so excited.   

We nailed our workout.

Few miles warm-up and then 2 x 2 miles at half marathon pace with a .7 mile recovery jog in between followed by the cool-down.

First set of 2 miles at an average pace of 6:23

Second set of 2 miles at an average pace of 6:18.

We both felt strong and my legs felt like they could have definitely kept going but my diaphragm felt like it was frozen and so breathing was hard but overall it went great.  

Also, note to self… don’t eat a bowl of cereal seconds before running.  It doesn’t feel very nice.

IMG 6851

We are off to the airport and I’ll see you soon from California.  Hope your Friday is amazing and that you get a great weekend run in!

PS you should check this out!

Screen Shot 2014 01 17 at 7 01 44 AM

They are all so true.


Earliest you have gone out for a training run?

Last cereal that you had?

-Honey nut cheerios this morning.

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I’ve been out as early as 4 to get in in before the family wakes up. Crazy I know. It’s a ton better when you meet friends :) have a great Friday!!!


Have a great weekend, Janae! Try to enjoy your time in CA — even though you won’t have Brooke!


My earliest run has been 5am. You are soooo speedy Janae!! This weekend I have a 8 mile run I’m dedicating to #megsmiles.


I will be dedicating my 9 miles tomorrow to #megsmiles as well. She and her family will be in my thoughts.


Same for me – only doing three tomorrow but dedicating to #megsmiles as well. Unofficial lay dedicating Sundays half marathon miles too. Such a shame.


another runner doing Saturday’s miles for #megsmiles. I’m going to be extra-mindful of how lucky I am to be out there doing what I love. <3


These days I’m doing most runs at 5 a.m. I kind of love it, but kind of HATE waking up that early. I love it when it’s over!!!

This weekend I’m traveling and hope to get a run in at my boyfriend’s parent’s house. I’ll need a little time out of the house I’m sure, HAHA.

Have a good weekend!


Tomorrow I’m running 4 miles in honor of that young woman (wife and mom) Meg Cross Menzies who was tragically killed this past week by a drunk driver while she was out for a run. (#megsmiles). Sunday is 8 miles.
Haven’t had cereal in a while. But it was definitely kashi autumn wheat.
I’ve been up at 4am to run. Oh and then there were my 2am legs of ragnar relays…
Enjoy your weekend in Cali.


You’re so speedy! Enjoy the California weather :)


Weekend run isn’t super long, instead I’m doing 3 back to back to back medium long runs of 8, 9, and 10 fri-sun. Have fun in Cali!


I think the earliest I’ve gone out is probably 5am. If I had other crazy runners that I could convince to run earlier with me, I might be tempted, though.

This weekend’s run will probably be 5-7 miles which is pretty much all I can do lately. I’m ok with that.


I was there with you, although not at that speed! Alarm went off this morning at 4:20am, running by 4:40am – a long slow run for my race next month. I love the morning run though because it’s so incredibly peaceful and I’m done before my little one and husband are out of bed. It sounds like your run went really well, so great job! And I love the short list you gave of the 37 things. So true, and I can’t wait to read the rest of them. Thanks for sharing!


Great long run with some HMP miles!

I’m running 16 with my friend Joe tomorrow. I can’t think of a better way to honor a fallen runner (#megsmiles) than running with a friend and taking time to appreciate being able to run, and run with friends.


I am three weekends away from the Miami Half Marathon so I will be running 12 miles this weekend and a 5 miler today! I am so pumped for this race.

Earliest I have gone out is 5am. I can’t physically wake up any earlier :)

Favorite cereal is puffins of course. So delicious. I love love love that cereal.

Travel safe!


Weekend plans for me include a 6 mile trail run w the pup. I hate waking up early so I try not to, no but really probably 6 am in the earliest I’ve ever woke up to get a run in and I’m sure I hated it (I know such a baby) :) Last cereal I had was Golden Grahams :) Have a great weekend!!!!!


4 am was my earliest. Sometimes you have to beat the heat.

Honey nut Chex was my dinner last night. Yum!


Isn’t great to get that long run out of the way first thing in the morning! 5 am is dedication. :)

I’m heading out for a long run during lunch today…about 12 miles!

Have a safe trip to CA!


Safe travels!
Hearing about your excitement for your run and the jolliness that comes with an awesome running buddy got me excited for my long run, but then totally made me jealous that I haven’t found a running buddy yet! How did you find such great buddies? Do they belong to a group or are they all just friends who happen to run and run relatively the same pace?
Long run this week = 11 miles
Earliest to go out for a run = 5am
JUST ate some Frosted Mini Wheats while reading your post


I had Honey Nut Cheerios too! It’s my weekday morning breakfast! I’m not an early morning runner so the earliest is when I have morning races.
Have a safe trip!


Wow that is devotion!! I still can’t get up early to run, I’m a night runner though. Hoping to get 6 miles in this weekend, not very much to people like you but I’m trying!!


That’s early, I was up yesterday at 5:15 for a workout and I was tired all day! This weekend my long run is 9 miles and I’m doing it with a good friend on Monday morning!



Haha, I love that list. Weekends plans are a run Sat. afternoon with a friend that is going to end at our local creamery! Sunday is FOOTBALL :) My earliest ran started at 4:30 – that’s about standard here these days :( Darn work starting at 7:15! Last cereal = cinnamon Life.


Oh lord, I have a half marathon this weekend and I’ve been injured (aka not running) for weeks. I’m traveling for it otherwise I would have pulled out. This might be a very long walking half!


Weekend run is 6 miles and next week I start training for my half. Woohoo!
Have a great weekend. The time will fly by.


When I lived in Arizona, I used to run at 5. I think that is the earliest – possibly at 4:45.


My weekend run? Probably something nice and easy, 5 or 6. But the earliest I’ve ever gone out for a training run would have to be 4:45, in order to get my run in before work and to beat some heat. And I don’t eat a ton of cereal, but one time, when I was hungover last September I ate some Frosted Flakes and it was to DIE for.


Way to go on your long run! And way to go even MORE for waking up so early to get it done! ;)

I did my long run for the week on Wednesday because we’ll be gone with friends this weekend, so I wanted to be SURE I got it in earlier in the week. I’m still hoping to get in a short and easy run this weekend though.

I haven’t been into cereal lately. I go in phases with it. Oatmeal Squares are the best though. Now I want them…


You just solved my dilemma of how to “break up” my 12 mile run tomorrow… 2×2’s!! Unfortunately, I’ll be on the treadmill because 1. it’s been ungodly cold here in MN and 2. I don’t have a running partner tomorrow, so getting outside = impossible without friend motivation. I’ll just reward myself with some froyo after to make it all worth it :-)


I really don’t go early because I don’t like running in the dark by myself. Call me a baby but it scares me! Haha Plus we moved to a new neighborhood and I’m still figuring things out. Maybe next year I’ll be better. Cinnamon Toast Crunch is my favorite cereal. Hoping to knock out a 6 mile run tomorrow! Wanted to run today but I got sick and feel like it wouldn’t be a wise idea. (I still want to but I’m trying to listen to my body! haha)


This weekend I’m running 12 miles in honor of Meg.


i have 12 miles tomorrow! wow, that was a fast run you pulled off. nice. last cereal… kashi cinnamon squares! it’s like the grown up version of cinnamon toast crunch.


The earliest I’ve gotten up to run is 3:00am. I had to beat the Alabama heat in the summertime and be home in time to take the kids here and there. During the week I run at 4:00am…have to get home, showered, pack kids lunches, get them to school and myself to work. Rest week this week…40 miles but no “long” run. 10 miles is the longest. Back to a 20 miler next weekend. Have a great trip!


16 miles tomorrow..! (Saturday). Super nervous. My 14 mile run 2 weeks ago was painful. And my 9 mile run last weekend wasn’t the best either… Although I think that was largely due to the HUGE Italian dinner I had the night before. Not a good idea to eat a bunch of creamy and cheesy pastas when youre a) lactose intolerant and b) doing a long run the next day.

7 miles at a fast-ish pace yesterday (7:46 for me) felt great though, so maybe 16 at an 8:30ish won’t feel too bad..?

Try to have fun in California! Atleast the temperature will be better for running…? :)


The earliest for me was 4am, I don’t think if ever do it again ha so glad you got an awesome run in before Cali. :)


Isn’t it so nice to get up early and get it done? Yay for you. My weekend run should be about 5 miles but I have already run 3 x this week so I will just see what my body wants to do (and then try to obey). The earliest I have woken up to run is 3:30 am and then on the road by about 4:30 am (that was pretty much today). I just woke up that early and was ready to go so I thought “why not?!?”. Pretty much the only cereal I eat is oatmeal (with apples, cinnamon and flaxseeds). Have a GREAT weekend and I hope it goes quickly for you!!


Loving your MP repeats! And I feel for you missing your daughter this weekend. It will fly by.

Earliest outdoor training run: 4 a.m. Earliest treadmill workout (latest??): 3:15. a.m.

This weekend = 15 long

Last cereal: Special K with the little chocolate squares, sometime last week.

Have a great weekend!


Honey Nut Cheerios are my fave :)

This weekend I have 11 miles on the calendar and the weather is going to be perfect (50s-60s)!

I hope that your California trip goes well, and maybe you’ll get to see Bangs Friend? Hope she is doing great!


4 am. Did that several times during the summer training schedule, once I ran the last of several back to back races I decided no more 4am alarms, I’m just not doing it anymore. I can do 5am, but that’s about it.

I only need .8 of a mile between Fri ad Sun to keep up with my weekly mile challenge, since it’s a really busy 3 days for me I may just do the .8 and be done. More likely I’ll do a 5K today and again Sunday.

I had rice chex the other day, but am much more of an egg and toast person!


I think the earliest I have ever started was about 5am. Where I live it gets very humid so during those months I get out as soon as I can otherwise I wont do anything :) Have a good weekend in California, maybe some fun time with Bangs Friend? :) I think you are very very generous to be flying out all the time. You are a very good mom!


I don’t think I’ve run before 6AM…but I’ve definitely had rowing practice earlier! Yesterday I did 10 miles so this weekend my running will be a little more relaxed and easy to recover!


I have to do 15 miles this weekend! It will be the longest I’ve EVER done! Trying to not freak out!!!!! And figuring out to eat to keep me going for 2 hours!

Earliest I’ve gone is 630am – the pretty sunrises make it worth, most of the time :)

I can’t remember what my last bowl of cereal was…that’s a bad sign!!


Those 48 hours will fly by, hope you have a great weekend with your cali friends!


Rock and Roll Arizona Half Marathon on Sunday!

Earliest run: up at 4:15, out the door by 4:30am to get in a 20 miler in the heat of the summer in New Mexico. Once the sun comes up, the heat sky rockets, so got to get it done in the dark.


My weekend run, if I can do one (stupid plantar fasciitis), will be for Meg Menzies:


She was running on Monday morning (at 8:15 am) in Richmond, VA and was struck and killed by drunk driver (at 8:15 am….I mean…). Runners around the US (and maybe further) are dedicating their Saturday miles to Meg. Just wanted to pass that note along and spread the word!

Have a great weekend in CA, minus the un-greatness of being without your sweet girl, but like you said, its just 48 hours! We’ll be thinking of you!


Thanks Katie@LifesNextBigStep for the heads up on Meg…I will dedicate Saturday’s run to Meg and go to the FB page to spread the word!


The earliest I’ve ever gone out is 4am. I cheated a little bit though because it was the Monday right after the time change weekend, so my body thought it was 5am and no big deal ;)

Long is just 10 miles tomorrow and then off to a late family Christmas. I’m really excited about that! I had Rice Krispies yesterday, and now I’m seriously craving a huge bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios!!!


Hmmm I don’t think I’ve ever woken up TOO early to get in a run. Maybe like 7ish? I can’t even imagine 5ish! :) I’m building back up into running again so I’m aiming for 3 miles tomorrow. That feels like such a long run to me now! haha


I can’t really run right now :( But maybe I’ll make it to my barre class tomorrow! I love working on strength training.
I also can’t even remember the last time I had cereal. Wow, I’m a downer today!
Well, enjoy sunny Cali. You’re amazing.


This weekend I am planing on doing a 5 miler. Sounds short, but after the marathon last weekend my body is not really craving any doubles!
The earliest I have met was 4:45 am. I still can’t believe I did that! :)
Have a great weekend!


This weekend I am running 26.2 miles

I have been out the door at 4:00 am for a few runs and rides.

Honey Nut Cheerios, and usually always Honey Nut Cheerios.


In the summer I am up and outside to run early, like around 6:00 am. Winter when it is darker? Not before 7:00 am…Hoping I can get my long run accomplished outside tomorrow morning, they are saying chance of snow/ice or something like that…Last cereal I had? I love KIND Vanilla Blueberry Clusters – I almost don’t count it as cereal, its more of a granola that I just use to sprinkle on yogurt, I am not a cereal eater it seems anymore.


WOW! You two are fast! 6:18 pace Holy Toledo!! Are you running the Tinkerbell Half? I also have a link up of Fridays for Fitness Posts. http://mommyhoodandmarathons.blogspot.com/2014/01/fitness-friday-link-up.html


What type of running/head lamp do you use? I have a head lamp that I use but it’s not that great. Thanks. I hope you have a nice weekend. The last cereal I ate was FMWs!!


So, just wanted to tell you. If you make your traditional chocolate chip pancakes this Sunday, or the next, or the next……add marshmallows in the batter. They get melty and toasty. That with melty chocolate=heaven. Try it. You won’t be sorry. Ps, have a fabulous weekend in Cali!


Not for a training run, but to keep my running streak going, I once got up for a run at 3:30 am on the Vegas Strip. Running completely sober, at that early in the morning, was quite a site! Lots of interesting people and things to keep you entertained…

I’m going to California too! Can’t wait for some warmer weather :)


I am not a morning person, so the earliest I’ve woken up is like 6am. Boourns…

I am a Cheerios person :-D


My weekend run is 16 miles… less than a month away from my 4th marathon! Looking forward to taper time :) It gets extremely hot and humid here in NC in the summer so I’ve definitely done the 5 am runs to beat the heat. Whenever I get up early for long runs on Saturdays I always tell myself I can immediately come back and take a nap, so that usually does the trick! Safe travels to Cali! :)


My earliest run has also been 5am…..I always think this is crazy when I’m getting ready. But then feel so good to be done when I get back home and everyone is still in bed! Great feeling.

This weekend I run my longest run ever….17 miles. I have my first marathon in less than 2 months….yikes!

Hope you have a smooth, quick trip to california!


I have a 9 miler on the schedule for Saturday. I wish I was an early morning riser, but i need a good amount of time to get going in the morning so i’m usually running at 10:30am.. I’m going to try and start waking up earlier !


The earliest I have ever left is 4:45..but only in the warmer months!!
Tonight-7 miles, tomorrow 20 :) BEAST MODE-i have a marathon in a month! And boston in Three!! YIKES
Breakfast-Cinnabon cream of wheat with apples…YUMMY!!!! I love warm breakfasts!
Have fun in Cali, i’m sure you’re seeing Bangs Friend!! :)


About to go for a 10-mile run, and hoping it goes well after taking some time off due to being sick! Have fun in California… the weather has been amazing here!


I used to meet a friend to run at 4:30 a few times a week. The best was when we did a 20 miler before 8 am. Felt so accomplished so early in the day!! Now my job doesn’t allow 4;30 runs because I have to be at work by 6:30 :(


going out for a 11 miler this saturday, hope my body is ready to handle that distance tomorrow!


You are amazing!
I did a 10km easy today- a week today in doing Dubai marathon- I’ve got a tight hamstring- so this week is all about rest


Awesome run this morning! I think pump class is working for you if that run is any indication. Have a great weekend.


My weekend run will probably only be 6-7 since I am still coming back from injury. I am sorry you won’t have Brook this weekend, but thankful it is only for 48 hours! You can do it!! :)


Great blog, inspiring words, fab grammar but your photos are getting worse and worse ………..please post non blurry, correct exposure photos as I know you can do.


WOW 5am run?! You are so ridiculously dedicated… but so am I (just to my bed! ;) ). Way to go!! Yay for cuddling with Brooke <3


Great 2×2, those are some good times!

My weekend run is 4×400 speed training and a brisk 5K
Earliest I’ve been up to run is 4am before work.
Last cereal I had was Kix, all we had in the house because of the kids lol



Good luck this weekend!


Have a safe trip to CA!!


My earliest is in the 4am hour to meet people for a 5am run. Only in really hot months….and I was much younger. Now, I will just run slower, hydrate, and sweat (A LOT)!

6 miles is my long run this weekend. 12 weeks out from my next half marathon=time to start training!


Cheers to you for getting that run done!!


wow, you are awesome! congrats on conquering 11.5 miles so early in the morning!

i hope you have a great and safe trip to california! :)


I have my first ever 10K race tomorrow! I’m really excited but pretty nervous too.

I think the earliest I’ve ever woken up to run is 3:30 or something crazy like that to get my run in before an early morning flight! (On the treadmill of course, haha)


Good luck on your first 10K.



you know… I can’t even remember the last time I had a bowl of cereal. I’m sure it was Froot Loops though.

Usually when I eat cereal it’s just the stuff that my kids spill on the carpet. Stale Cheerios. Yum.


Wow that’s fast!! So I used to eat a lot of cereal – usually once or twice a day, but anymore I’ve forgotten about cereal. Mostly because it doesn’t fill me up and I don’t like to waste calories. But usually when I do eat cereal, it’s mostly Frosted Flakes or Cinnamon Toast Crunch. yum!


4:30 or 5 am is my jam! That’s my time to workout and I love it. I don’t know how some people can workout in the evening. The earlier the better is what works for me!


Gosh its been ages since I’ve had cereal but your posts always make me crave it! I may have to go pick some up. I love Mini Wheats if Im being “healthy” and frosted flakes if Im not!


Way to go…11.5 miles sounds intense. You are awesome!

Have fun in Cali. The 48 hours will go super fast!

*http://expertbrand.com. -Quality Performance Apparel for Women and Men


I always do 5 miles. Never less. Sometimes more.

I really.. really want to try CHOCOLATE cinnamon toast crunch, but I saw it for $4.79 and that seemed absurd for one box of cereal.


great job nailing that workout! my legs dont function at 5am..it’s a proven fact.


Earliest I have gotten up was 4:45 to get to the trail around 5:30am. This weekend, I’ll be waking up around 5:15am for a group run at 6am.


Girl, 48 hours will be like NOTHING for you. You’ve definitely got this! I’ll be thinking of you though, have a safe flight. Love ya!!


A nice 2-3 miles – just started running again this week after the Dr sorted me out after an electrolyte imbalance. Whoops. Don’t want to overdo it…but i’ve definitely got the running bug again!

Honey Nut Cornflakes – INCREDIBLE any time of day.


I have a major dilemma this weekend as far as my run distance. I have a marathon in two weeks and I didn’t end up getting “enough” long runs in (last weekend I ended up with some strange knee/cramping issue that left me unable to even walk after 6 miles (planned to do 22). I’ve NEVER not finished a run I set out to do, so it was very disconcerting. After stretching it out on the bike and foam roller it felt better, but I was paranoid to run after that — I’d rather finish the marathon at any pace than be injured and not be able to participate at all). SOOO, long story, well — long — I’m trying to figure out whether I should run 20+ miles THIS weekend or a shorter distance since I’m so close to the marathon (tapering, injury prevention, etc.).

If anyone has any advice, I’d really appreciate it. (This will be my 10th marathon — and my last one was two months ago).


My earliest was around 4 am back when I had a longer commute to work. The roads were so empty that it almost felt eerie!

It’s been a long week at work on my feet so I’ll be content with 12 being my long run this weekend!


I’m running 6 tomorrow with Eastside runners, in a effort to meet more runners. And 12 on Sunday before the football games.
The earliest I have ever run was 4:30am, while marathon training in Boston. We were trying to get the miles in before the sun was up, because it was already 70 and humid.


Safe travels!

Honey Nut Cheerios was the last cereal I had a few weeks ago (it’s my fav)


I had some vanilla almond granola yesterday, but I’ve been thinking that I need some peanut butter puffins in my life.


wishing you safe travels!!
the last cereal I had was last night – a puffed rice cereal from the Enjoy Life brand


They have a 5 in the AM too? I thought that the day started at 7… just kidding I did get up at 6:30 for 6 miles today but I usually never do more than 6 on weekday mornings because I love sleep.


Weekend run is a snowshoe race in Oregon (I won’t be fast, but I’m not fast under normal circumstances so when you add snowshoes to my size 13 feet…..well, let’s just say, I’m sure there will be at least one faceplant)


Cinnamon Chex as we speak (type??)! Heading out now for 4-5 miles and then whatever my body feels like tomorrow and Sunday


Hey Janae,

I’m running the Carlsbad Half Marathon this weekend. Since you’re going to be in Cali come run with me :)! The weather here has been beautiful..


I ran my long run this morning – 10 miles at 5:15 a.m. It was a LOT slower than yours, but the full moon was beautiful!

I’ve run as early as 4 a.m. in the summer. I usually wake up at 5:00 on my own (can you say early bed time?)

I can’t remember the last time I ate cereal of any kind!


Gosh you are so so fast lately! Seeing you running in low 6’s/5’s is amazing – great job Janae!!

I’ve got 8 miles on tap for tomorrow. And hopefully a short recovery run/walk on Sunday.

I ran at 4:30am all last summer while I trained for my first marathon. It was the only time when the heat was bearable.

I ate Life cereal for dessert last night and do not feel any regret with that decision.

Have a great weekend!


That is an amazing friend!!! Have a great flight. 48 hours will fly by.


Amazing job on your run!


Thanks for the explanation of 2×2. I’m a sprinter and only got into the distance running game 2 years ago. So, the terminology and jargon go over my head sometimes. Are you still running Phx? I signed up as my first full. Stoked if you and RER are really running it. Actually running RnRAZ and hope to meet pavementrunner and runemz. Have a kick ass weekend!


I don’t think I ever ran in the 3am hour, but I’ve definitely gotten up at 4 before.


Enjoy the warmer temps in California! I’ve done a few of those super early runs before anyone else gets up. I think we (runners) all have!


9.5 miles this weekend! Can’t wait!


You can do it!!! With time it gets easier, and next thing you know you treat those 48 hours as your rejuvenation time. I promise you, it gets easier.

Kudos to you for getting out there so early!!! Well done! Have fun in CA!


My weekend run is tomorrow – 10 miles – for Meg’s miles too!


My weekend run is my very first half marathon! AHHHHHH.

I seriously had plans to make a bowl of honey nut cheerios after I finished catching up on blogs. Twinners!


I love that last one – never call it jogging. It is running!! I’ll probably do around 6 or 7 miles tomorrow, then I’m going cross country skiing, then having my birthday dinner! Pasta and cake. carbs! <3


Oh my gosh you are going to be sweating your butt off here today. 92degrees in SoCAL! At least you will be in NoCal so it wont be quite as hot. I hope you have a good time. Are you taking anyone else with you besides Brooke?

No weekend run for me. I have my first running related injury (after almost 2 years of running). I pushed myself a little to hard last Friday after a leg workout and did a hill run in the wrong shoes. OOOPs. then walked all over Disneyland on Monday and Tuesday. Double OOOPS. now I have to rest from my run for a few more days.
Hopefully all this rest and a trip to the acupuncturist will work it’s magic. We will see.

The earliest I’ve ever gotten up is 5:45am for a run. I haven’t done that for a while.

Last cereal? FMW, trader joes version. Pretty good. I’m not a cereal person though so I usually eat eggs and toast for breakfast.


I can’t wait until I can run miles like that.


Instead of calling them blurry we could call them “soft-focus”…lots of famous photographers do it ;-)


I have an easy two miles with my dog planned on Saturday and a baby long run of 5 miles on Sunday.

I think the earliest I’ve gotten up for a run (not a race) is around 6. I once got up at 4 to drive an hour to an early race. I don’t recommend it.

I had frosted mini wheats with frozen blueberries in it this morning. Delicious!


I really need to get into a good running routine. Between school and hubby working (to not have someone to watch our daughter) I haven’t been doing a lot of it lately.

I hope all the travel between states with Brookers goes good. Seems like you guys have a good system so far!!! Safe travels!


That is an early and cold run…and some serious dedication! I am more of an evening runner, but I have gotten up at 6 before for a run. I dont do that often though, I would rather run in the sunsets than the sunrises.


What a GREAT friend!! :) AND a great run!!
The only thing I can eat before a run in the morning is a piece of PB toast and Nuun!!
I’m hoping to travel to California this summer! I just posted about it tonight! :)
Happy Weekend!


I have a pretty bad cough and fever so no running for me this weekend :( The earliest I have woken up for a training run was 5 am, so not crazy, but still pretty early. The last cereal I ate was so good, but so full of sugar haha. It was Captain Crunch with marshmallows! Is that even legal?! Haha so good!!!!


I am still kind of debating it, but I think this Sunday I’m running a half. Just, not quickly. I’m not in stellar shape.


I’ve started doing Parkruns every Saturday morning. Do they have them in USA?
I’m not too into cereal ,prefer eggs and toast. But if I do have cereal its Weetbix.
I can’t believe how early you get up to run. Its unbelievable. You really are inspiring.


Good luck for this week end! My run should be 14K


I can’t believe you were able to finish your run after eating a bowl of cereal! I would have been yuking on the side of the road. Unless you count overnight oats, I haven’t had cereal in a loooong time. Have fun in Cali – I wish I was there this wknd. It’s already freezing again in Mass.!


I’ve been out before 4am to get my long runs in before work. :)

This weekend I am heading out for my long run tomorrow. I’m already excited. Sad?


The earliest I have gotten up to run is 4:30, and out the door a little before 5am. I think I would be willing to get up at 4 if I had to, but probably not an earlier than that:)
I was planning to run 15 miles today but I cut it down to 11 because my foot was feeling a little off. Hoping to rest it up so it doesn’t impact too much of my training.


This weekend I will be hitting the trails with my husband for a long run along the river. The weather and temperatures have been perfect for outdoor running. When I lived in Houston, my alarm would go off at 4:14am on the weekends to get in long training runs. That heat and humidity kills!


I’m a huge cinnamon chex fan so probably that :)

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