Some days you just really need an egg and steak burrito.   I hadn’t had a chance to eat lunch until way too late in the day and so I found myself eating this burrito in about 20 seconds while sitting in the parking lot.

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Brooke had a friend Christmas party to attend.

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They even decorated cookies.

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If you are looking for a simple and delicious recipe… this is the one for you.

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Day #16 Christmas Tradition was to drive through the Festival of Lights.  We all packed in to a mini van and the kids absolutely loved it. 

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Kids to bed = cazookie making.  I am guessing from this picture that it is time for me to trim my bangs.

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The only two ingredients you will ever need in life.

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Yep.  Looks about right.

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This post had a lot of cookies in it.   


We had a great discussion last night about the grossest foods we have ever eaten…  What is the weirdest/grossest food that you have ever eaten?

Favorite Christmas cookie… feel free to include the link;)

Three things you are doing today!

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Favorite Christmas cookie- Latvian Piparkukas (a peppery ginger cookie), and glittering lemon sandwich cookies!

I don’t remember the grossest thing I have ever eaten- I must have blocked it out. Completely.

3 Things- working, running, baking!


i ate a pig’s ear once! YUM (not really). best cookie ever:


eeewww! I once ate a pickled pig’s lip (if the one bite that I spit out counts) – so gross! I can’t imagine that a pig’s ear would be any tastier!


Favorite christmas cookie??? Hmmm….I love them all! Probably any sugar cookie made and decorated by my kids. :-)


1. A little shopping

2. Outdoor run

3. Maybe some work…maybe.

And, I’m such a picky eater. A lot of things are gross to me…lol


Well one time my dad made dinner and later I found out he had used cow brain!!! No one even knew and it tasted like ground beef. It was pretty sick though and we may have freaked out just a little! What was the grossest thing you’ve ever eaten? Today I’m doing one thing… Potty training. Be super jealous, this is day 2!


I went to a friends Passover sedar and tried gavelta (sp?) fish. I thought I might vomit at the table. My favorite cookie recipe is the hot chocolate one I shared with you last year :) I still haven’t made them this year but need to ASAP!!!


Brooke’s party sounds like so much fun! I’m not really into eating or even trying gross things! We were in china in February and there were some really funky things in the markets and restaurants!
Three things: work, immunization, and something sweaty!


Today is a recovery day. We hauled limbs, sawed, and burned yesterday for 8 hours= most intense cross training ever, especially when it’s a regular occurrence for 3 straight months.

Recovery= make cookies, sew ornaments, and maybe work on next year’s Advent stocking calendar… maybe.


I have always wanted to drive through lights like that! Still want to. And mmm, cookies..

Today my kindergarten class and I are performing Rudolph in sign language for parents (it’s gonna be so cute), I’ll run later today, maybe a longer run since it’s going to be hot by the end of the week (nearly 80*), and oh I should probably wrap presents.


Sugar cookie. Hands down, no question. Of course with icing :)
I wish I was invited to Brooke’s Christmas party. Cookies. Yummmm.
Today: run, get a mani, bake another apple pie.


You had my heart at waffle and cookie.


Favorite cookie–even for Christmas–is the New York Times Chocolate Chip cookie. It is a lot of work but worth it!

2. Workout
3. Go to sleep early (DREAM ABOUT BREAK).


I want the cazookie!
The weirdest/grossest food I have ever eaten was escargot. Once was enough.
My favorite Christmas cookie is all of them. Really. I’m not picky when it comes to cookies. Except raisins. Please keep fruit out of my cookies.
Three things I am doing today. It’s an exciting day here! Ha. Work, picking up daughter from basketball practice and going to the gym for a run.


Ha! I’m with you on the no raisins in cookies!!


Everyone’s been talking cookies lately — love it! I keep going back and forth on my favourite Christmas cookie, but right now it has to be this batch of chewy white chocolate cranberry oatmeal cookies I last baked up — Kind of obsessed.

Three things: Christmas shopping, making a pot of soup for my mom who’s got the flu, and eating cookies ;)


Gross food to me = any sort of game meat. I have tried to eat Bambi a few times but it never made it off my plate. I also get skeeved out by blue cheese, blech.

Favorite Christmas cookie is my mom’s honey walnut rolls. My grandpa has walnut trees in his yard unloads POUNDS of walnuts on us every year!

Three things today: working my regular job, putting in a few hours at my running store, and hopefully squeezing in a run… and going to bed early.


I bought the Kashi rice cereal and as I was chewing the first bite, I slowly looked down at the bowl and it looked like maggots! I CAN NOT EAT RICE to this day! It must be the color of the rice they use or something! Ewwwwwwwww!

My daughter is having a friend over tonight and we are going to attempt the kazooki! Can I use a regular pan in the oven?


That cazookie looks absolutely AMAZING!
3 things I am doing today:
1) prep for a work meeting
2) run
3) finish up mailing christmas cards


Pate was pretty gross when I first tried it. But there are a lot of health benefits to liver!
I don’t discriminate when it comes to Christmas them all!
To do today: I was up with contractions all night so have a baby?? Today could be the day :)


I’ve never had a cazookie and I need to change that!


I can’t think of anything really gross I’ve eaten.

I don’t know about cookies, but my mom makes peanut clusters (chocolate covered peanuts and raisins) and homemade mounds bars every Christmas. They are AMAZING. That’s pretty much all I eat all day at Christmas.


I have that same pazookie pan! And a little kid Christmas party is the best idea ever.

The grosses food I have ever eaten is fried cow tongue. I kept telling myself that at least it was fried (because everything tastes better fried) but I could see the tastebuds on the tongue and it really grossed me out.

My favorite Christmas cookies are Candy Cane Cookies ( and Candy Bar Cookies [you use the recipe for Russian teacakes ( and wrap them around miniature candybars].

And three things I’m doing today are going to work, going to my husband’s holiday party, and getting some Christmas cards in the mail.


ONe time my Bff’s dad fed me a piece of meat and t old me it was steak. I later found out it was deer. While YES it WAS delicious- i couldn’t get on board with eating Bambi.
Three things I’m doing today-cleaning, running, working :)


Waffle cookies look AMAZING and I really love your haircut! I sort of regret reading this post first thing in the morning because that burrito looks amazing and it’s only 8:30am. Oops.


Chocolate chip cookies are a must!!! I make mine with a little bit of a twist that makes them even yummier:

I also kind of like gingerbread cookies during the holiday season. The little gingerbread people are so cute :)


Three things I’m doing today:

1.Working (maybe getting out early!)
2. Cross-country skiing
3. Folding laundry (if I am really motivated :/)


That cazookie thing is genius! I have a skillet pan… I just can’t cook. cookie dough and ice cream is an unbeatable combination.


My favorite cookie is basically any cookie that is really crunchy :)

I think the grossest thing ever was when I ordered Sweet Bread at a French restaurant expecting something like Hawaiian rolls to come out, turns out is the thymus gland of a calf :(


Oh! oh! Butter cookies. No, wait, ROSETTES. Not technically a cookie but I first had them when I lived in Minnesota and they are apparently Swedish and delicious and amazing. Totally worth the third degree burns you’ll get frying them.


That cookie looks SO good. I really like cookie CAKE the best. But I also like regular chocolate chip when it’s kind of undercooked and still a little big gooey. So good!


That cookie and ice cream looks so amazing! it is a really good thing I didn’t see that last night or I would have been making the same thing!

I love snickerdoodles and gingerbread at Christmas :)


Brooke is adorable.

I love cookies! The more chocolate the better.

Gross foods…I just can get into rice pudding.

Working, Body Pump, Mall!


Love those waffle Christmas cookies!! Brilliant!
We’ve considered going through The Festival of Lights – is it worth the 8 bucks?
Ohhh how I LOVE pizookies!! Cody and I make them at home all the time. It’s kind of dangerous actually.
Escargot (sp?) aka snails is probably the grossest/weirdest thing I’ve ever eaten. Blech.
Three thing I’m doing today: Pump Class, making homemade Christmas gifts with Hunter, and laundry!


The grossest food was something I ate in Korea. I do not know what it was, and thankfully it was only a side dish (not kimchi),

three things: working, running, finishing my daughters doll house


The grossest thing I’ve ever eaten was cactus, and yes I spit it out.

My favorite Christmas cookie would probably be my sister’s snicker doodles :)

1. bike ride with friends
2. cleaning out kids’ closets
3. hanging a new microwave for my in-laws


1. Teaching bootcamp 2. Giving an exam 3. Cleaning my closet!
I prefer Xmas Trash over cookies. We had a “trash” discussion after my bootcamp this am…it’s basically crack to us. ha!
Grossest thing I’ve ever eaten….probably lamb blood as a “dip” in Ireland. gaggggg.


hahaha I would have to go with anchovies. EW!

I have been dreaming about getting a waffle iron for the longest time, and you just gave me another reason. What a simple, yet genius idea.

Hopefully finishing up my work today, then going to workout, then baking some gingerbread donuts!


Those cookies and ice cream look yummy! My favorite Christmas cookie is Mexicam cookie called Ojarascas, they melt in your mouth. Today I am running 4 miles, going to the gym to work on legs and going to my husbands work Christmas party.

Have a great day!!


Love that waffle cookie!! I’m going to have to try that out!! Ah, cazookie looks bomb, I need a pan like that ASAP.
1. running
2. shopping
3. cleaning


That waffle cookie recipe is great! I love easy recipes :)

My favorite Christmas “cookies” are buckeyes! Peanut butter dipped in chocolate… SO GOOD.


i need to try one of those cazookies you speak of!

3 things. coffee, coffee, coffee… oh wait I guess crossfit & work too =)


I have to say I don’t eat too much weird food. But I like boiled cabbage with mustard. (St pattys day without the corner beef).

I am an equal opportunity Christmas cookie gal. Hard to single out just one type. Sugar cookies and shortbread would be tops on my list. I love the cranberry bliss bar at Starbucks that I think is only available this time of year.

Three things I am doing today are work work and work! Lol. Actually not really laughing. :( well I will be walking the dog later and maybe shoveling if our snow continues to fall here.

That cazookie looks like perfection.


Cookie waffles!! Brilliant!! I snagged that pic and am doing this on Christmas Eve!

Grossest thing I’ve eaten? it was something in Morocco, I tried one bite and then politely declined. yuck, I still remember that awful texture and its been 10yrs!

My pecan oatmeal chocolate chip cookies are in high demand around here :)

3 things today includes COFFEE, work holiday party for mexican food (yumm!!) and T25 this afternoon to counteract the mexican food.


Aww, that little party looks like so much fun! I’d like to think I’m pretty adventurous with food, but I haven’t tried anything too crazy.


Ate LIVE sea cucumber in Korea. Weird. If you poke it, it still moves (even though it was cut up). Yeah… it’s expensive, and a delicacy, so I had to suck it up and eat it.


I bought my hubby one of those cast iron cookie bakers for Christmas…can’t wait to try it out!!!


Three things:
1. Workout with a friend. Girl time! Yea!
2. Dog to the vet. No yea.
3. Christmas art with the kids. Double yea!


I just can’t eat weird things. It isn’t worth getting sick to me. I’m a wuss.

Three things:
1. body pump
2. finishing up the Christmas shopping
3. lunch with a friend


I have those little pizzookie pans and I ve NEVER used them. That has to be a sin or something right?


Pizookies are my favorite! I haven’t had one in so long, so I either need to start making them or head to my nearest BJs!


oh god. I feel nauseous just thinking about it. I ordered some Italian fish stew dish thinking it would have a few things like fish and mussels and shrimp… Honestly I don’t even know what was in there. I tried everything (including calamari and octopus…) but oh lord. Never again. Never. Never.


Oh my goodness, I need to try cooking a cookie in a pan like that! It looks way too good! I have had that before at BJ’s Brewhouse, but I have never made my own. Looks so good! I am about to go finish Christmas shopping and then wrap presents!


This is going to sound weird but I once had a coffee flavored icee pop. Never again!


Monster Cookies are my favorite & I bet they’d be even more amazing in a skillet! Did you buy those recently? I think I need one in my life immediately…


1) Speech client
2) push-ups/planks
3) catching up with an old friend!


My friend made mint chocolate chip cookies and they tasted like spearmint tar, literally, but I didn’t want to hurt her feelings so I ate one. I threw up for 2 hours that night. I never told her about it.

My favorite Christmas cookie is peanut butter cup cookies! I just started making them this year and seriously, I have never lived before now…

3 things: Baking cookies, shopping for Christmas presents, taking the dogs for a long walk.


Hi Janae – I’m really hoping you read the later comments because I NEED a cazookie recipe in my life!!

They’re not huge in England, but I think I could actually live the rest of my life on them. I saw you had pans – did you fry them up, or put the pans in the oven?? Is it just a big cookie that you bake for longer than small cookies?



Yep! In the oven! I think we baked them for about 8 minutes!


The grossest thing I’ve eaten is clams. Hate ’em! And I used to play truth or dare when I was younger (who didn’t?) but our dares always seemed to center around weird food concoctions with mayonnaise and ketchup and butter. Just ew.

My favorite Christmas cookie is my mom’s AP cookie cut outs. They are SO good!


Guinea Pig when we were in Peru. It just tasted like meat, but could not move past it. YUCK.

Favorite cookie: these days a good old chocolate chip……..over the lifetime, I like a gingersnap.


We are making gingerbread in class today! I was supposed to take the kiddies to the movies but it is too cold :-( (we were to walk).

YAY Cookies!


I don’t like cake. I mean, it’s alright but it is definitely not my favorite dessert. BUT if you want to make it out of cookies… I’m all in.


Christmas always makes me think of pizzelles, my grandma made them every year for days leading up to Christmas and the house smelled like anise :)

Ok, so I have to ask…do you use self tanner at all or is that just your normal color? It’s so pretty and full of color! I turn ghostly from October-April :(


Ahh this post makes me so hungry! I love your blog! Mainly I love it because I love running and I love eating…two things you and I can agree wholeheartedly on ;)

Xo, J


Lot of cookies! I love those cookie pans, my sister and I always make them around the holidays! I think the grossest food I have tried would have to be sweet potato pie. Ugg it was so soggy and not yummy! I love the peanut butter cookie with extra sugar on top! Three things I am doing today… working, running and FINISHING Christmas shopping!


grossest thing ever: chicken gizzards in korea. ew ew ew ew ew. i’m down to eat/ try ANYTHING but that was unbearable.

three things today: not freezing to death in -22* weather (ahhh vermont!), getting a christmas tree tonight!, finishing up christmas shopping online :] have a fun day, janae!


My new favorite cookies are the cocoa cookies I found on your blog. I made a batch to test before a cookie exchange this weekend and they were absolutely amazing!


Kind of a dumb question (maybe?!) but how exactly do you make a cazookie? Did you just put the premade dough in a skillet and bake it? I’m kind of hopeless in the kitchen so I’m not sure I could make it without ruining it, but it does look tasty!


Today.. ran OUTSIDE again, work, and city rec volleyball games later tonight! I think my favorite cookies are just the peanut butter ones with the chocolate stars in the middle. I was a crazy kid and didn’t like the chocolate stars, I always picked them out and just ate the peanut butter cookie, so even know that I’ve come to my senses and love the stars, my mom still makes a batch every year and some are just regular cookies with no stars.
PS Thank you for the pic of the Dove peppermint/almond bark! OMG so amazing!! I went to the store right away and got a bag!


3 things I’m doing today…
1) decorating the house for Christmas!
2) working out (in my new Brooks shoes!!)
3) going to the wedding venue to check on the logistics of decorating.

I love how this post totally revolved around cookies ;) No complaining over here!


Something that disguts me now is how much I used to love tuna. I ate it everyday as a kid, and even asked for it for my birthday parties, not pizza like a normal kid!

Cookies in general are my favorite treat, so it’s sooo hard to choose here, but I like sugar cookies made with my nieces and nephews, and my mom’s magic bars (you know, the ones on the sweetened condensed milk can). I could probably eat a whole pan.

Three things I’m doing: work, teaching body pump, and then Frozen with the girls!


Brooke is just so cute in those reindeer antlers! I would love to try and put a pair of those on one of my puppies but I don’t think that would last long!

My favorite Christmas cookies are Aunt Emma’s Cookies – they are a family recipe from my great (maybe great) aunt. I’ll be putting up the recipe on my blog later this week! Can’t wait to share it!


Favorite cookie Peanut Butter Blossoms!
1. Ran 5 miles
2. Having lunch with friends I have not seen in months.
3. Spending some of my holiday bonus on new shoes.


3 things i’m doing today:

1 .running (done!)
2. working (here…)
3. eating lasagna! :)


I need to add those little cookie skillets to my Christmas list. They are so cute!

Work, Crossfit, The Voice!!!!


My brain isn’t working and I can’t think of the grossest thing I have ever ate… probably something foul from a can! My favorite cookie recipe is the thumbprint cookies with jam in the middle! I would have to find the recipe from my mama ;)
1) Run
2) Eat Chick-Fil-A
3)Study :/


3 things – finishing two papers for finals, going to CrossFit to do 100 pull-ups (its part of our WOD!), and organizing something in my home!


I tried steak tartar (raw ground beef) in Paris and it was nasty! The texture was horrible.
Three things: cuddling with my runny-nosed baby girl, picking up dry cleaning, and eating Stoeffer’s lasagna for dinner.


I saw a peppermint snickerdoodle recipe online the other day. I need to hunt it down and pin it before I forget!


I haven’t tried too many “weird” things to know what was the grossest…..I am not picky and so far I really like all foods and COOKIES!!!


Omg that last photo- yum!!


that looks SO good. worst thing i’ve eaten? hmm i can’t remember because i will eat anything if i’m hungry enough and tell myself it tastes good!

also, can’t tell you how much i appreciate this running community. it’s really motivating to come on and connect with people. when i just don’t feel like getting out in the cold for a run, this blog helps keep me enthusiastic. thanks!


Grossest food – pate (not even sure I spelled that right) Yuck! And the taste lingers, don’t ever try it. But, I am one of those people who will try anything once.

Cookies I actually just baked for the first time (yes I am 30) but you have to start somewhere I used the chocolate chip recipe from this site, thanks Janae!


oh but I used red and green M&Ms instead of chocolate chips. They were a hit!


I accidentally ate horse in Italy once… I was told it was salami and then the waitress started giggling and asked if I knew what I had eaten..I said no and she told me horse. Vom. It actually didn’t taste that bad but was definitely weird!


Mmmmmmm cookies….. They’re all my favorite — I can’t pick just one kind! :)


One of my favorite desserts. I always order them at BJ’s, but never thought to make it at home – GENIUS!


I have eaten Rocky Mtn. Oysters–they are actually tasty but a lot of people think they are really gross. My favorite cookies are the frosted cut out cookies. YUM. 3 things: run (done), work (presently), hot bath/relaxing!


Where did you get those little cookie pans? I need them!


First time I went to China, I got talked into trying a sea worm. Nasty. I also ate duck tongue, chicken feet, and mystery meat that I’m pretty sure came from the wrong end of a dog. Since then, I became a vegetarian (at least in foreign countries).

My favorite Christmas cookies are my mom’s sugar cookies. They’re the most buttery, melt in your mouth pile of sugar ever. mmmmmm.


I found a recipe for red velvet cake balls. I am going to make these for a cookie exchange party on Saturday. You make a red velvet cake, mix it up with icing and form it into balls. Then dip the balls in almond bark and decorate with sprinkles, etc. I love red velvet cake and the balls will be a perfect snack…assuming I don’t eat 10 in a sitting. :)

3 things that I am doing today:
1. Running outside-it is above 40 degrees in the midwest today, so I am running every day.
2. Meeting some girl friends to see the new Hunger Games movie. I love the books and the first movie was awesome, so I have high hopes for this one.
3. Booking my wedding venue!!! Down payment and contract signed. Wahoo!!!


My favorite Christmas cookies are sour cream sugar cookies that are slightly under baked.
Three things yet to do today are core work, elliptical, and eat some Christmas cookies. =)


Yummm homemade cazookies! LOVE that idea!! The grossest food I’ve ever eaten is definitely escargot. And also haggis. NOT a fan of either. At least I tried them, right? ;) And as for all the cookies, tis the season!!! I’m baking m&m cookies, s’mores cookies, peanut butter kiss cookies and coconut cranberry ones. I’ve got a busy few days ahead of me!!

Best cookies ever:



Gym. Nap. Work.

I love my mom’s recipe for sugar cookies. We have a big cookie day every year with my family and we bring our cookies (already cooked) and then spend the day decorating. Kids LOVE it!


You HAVE to try this recipe! AND you can eat the dough since there aren’t any raw eggs in it. Also, it’s a great recipe to have children help with!


Oh that party looks so fun!! Her little reindeer ears are too cute.

Grossest food ever: hmmmm. Probably undercooked wobbly meat at some lady’s house in Austria.


I fully advocate wolfing down a burrito in the car when hungry.

Love your personal pizookie pan!

Grossest food: fennel. I hate fennel.


Three things today:
1. Running 6 miles
2. Making my stepson’s Christmas present (a race medal rack!)
3. Wrapping presents with my hubby while drinking Kahlua hot chocolate


OMGosh!! Those cazookies looks SOO good! Yumm!!


Where is that burrito from? I’m curious if they have a location in Arizona. I’m not sure if you’re just excellent at taking pictures of food or if truly everything “The Hungry Runner Girl” consumes is of the highest quality. I tried “Which Wich” because of you and it didn’t look nearly as good as the wich in your photo. I should have emailed you first to ask specifically what you loaded that masterpiece of a sandwich with….I think perhaps subconsciously I feel/hope if I mimic your diet enough, I too can run a 6:50 half-marathon mile pace. ;) Thank you for the inspiration and daily entertainment. You are not only an elite runner, but an excellent mother and writer. I look forward to your posts each day. Best of luck acquiring that sub 3! I know it’s right around the corner for you.


Hello Janae,
Yummm to all these foodie items (Burrito, Waffle Cookies and Cazookie)!! May I ask about the little “pan” you put the Cazookie in? Do you know where we can purchase that little mini frying pan from??
Thank you!


she is a lucky girl!


Three things I’ve done today:
1) Made swwt potato scones
2) Ran
3) Went to work.

Can Brooke get any cuter??


where can I get those pans?


Glad you & Brooke came to our little party!

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