It is Friday which means we are all probably tired… that also means that we would rather watch a movie than scroll through my normal 30 pictures & 10 questions posts.  I took little video clips of a few different parts of my afternoon and evening and sandwiched them all together.

Maybe eat a snack or something (like chocolate) while you watch to make it more entertaining.

CliffsNotes version of my homemade movie:

-Brooke’s smile (proven to make anyone happy), toys, J Crew with my beverage of choice, dinner from the crockpot, our nightly neighborhood walk, mall to drink lemonade, Brooke obsessed with wearing my mom’s sweatshirt (she wouldn’t let us have it back), yogurtland with a friend, lots of chocolate and quality time with my foam roller.  

My life really needs to stop being so exciting.

Give me the CliffsNotes version of what you are doing TODAY!?!?

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You and Brooke are so stinkin cute! Looks like a pretty perfect day if you ask me!

I’m working, running 11 miles during my lunch breack, and then spending the evening with friends and our babies and pizza….and probably ice cream. :-)


haha that video was so cute! I loved the wishing well. And I was hoping that tiny yogurt wasn’t all you got! Then I had to giggle at the shaking your head at the foam roller!
Today I have gym, clean, pickup kids, basketball with lil man, tea party with lil miss.
Fun filled Friday.


Working, working, working, weekend!! :) !!!


You are too cute! I miss you guys in real life!


6 mile run, pay water bill, school with kids till noon, lunch, getting on a plane to fly to Maryland for the weekend!


Today = work then rest. Half marathon on Sunday and my man is coming to town tonight! Perfect excuse to sit on the couch all night!


3.5 mile run, work, online test and memo for school, laundry, prep for tomorrow’s 10 mile run.

If we’re lucky, I’ll cook too- instead of heating up soup and throwing a salad together, per usual.


What a long day! lol. Well, I treated my self to a coffee and a parfait at a local coffee shop and now its deadline day over here in C-town. Gonna be busy in my box ;)


Panera bagel and latte for breakfast –> work : (
–> pick up little man : )
–>vet’s office for Hawkeye (due for shots) –> Pilates DVD –> Pizza/movie –> nothing –> sleep.


You are so adorable Janae!!!


Lifting, working, MRI, then RELAXATION!!! :)


haha, that was fun! :)


Cheers to QT with the foam roller. I’ll be doing the same today gettin’ ready for a 22-miler tomorrow. Also, Brooke.. too stinkin’ cute! Also also, does Utah ever have any 5ks where you can race with your dog? Your parents’ dog looks as if it (s/he? I forget) could rock an overall win (obviously with you as its handler)!


Awwr cuteness! And I love the nod at the foam roller ending ;)

My Friday: breakfast, blogging, work, meeting a girlfriend for coffee, work, dinner, SNOWBOARDING :D

Happy Friday!


You can snowboard already?! So jealous!


My 4-year-old daughter just watched this twice and asked if she can get a little sister just like Brooke :) “Mommy, she’s so cutey!”


That video is too cute.
Brooke is just so adorable.
My day includes a spin workout, working, an appointment, and then hanging with some friends.


Little Brookers is such a speedy walker! I wonder where she got it from. And B walking with your mom’s sweatshirt…so cute. I want one. Brooke not she sweatshirt :)


Buy tickets for Catching Fire for my kids and their friends we are in the same theater, Christmas Village with my Mom and friends, grocery store, pick up kids ftom school, date night, yes I do have a great life! I’m hoping my daughter wants to get chick-fil-a on the way to school!


Brooke is too cute with her sweatshirt stole! LOL

Today is my last weekday off. I start a new 8-5, M-F job on Monday. First time I have had a set schedule like that in years! So today will be enjoyed in a morning yoga class, lunchtime trail run with the pup, afternoon driving lesson with my daughter, and a night out with a man I have been seeing for a month now. Perfect Friday! Well, except maybe the driving lesson part. That makes me nervous.


Disney, Disney and then some more Disney…that pretty much sums up my day


Car inspection, run with my dog, possibly a trip to Target, and dinner.

It’s my last weekday before I start my new job on Monday. Gotta abuse the free time!


Today at school I’m learning how to listen to heart and lung sounds with my stethoscope! The heart is amazing!!

Then I’m going to pick up my race packet for the Philadelphia Marathon this weekend. I’m super nervous/excited.


Work, food shop, run, make dinner, kiss my hubby, sleep. I know. Don’t be jealous-i know i’m exciting!


You crack me up!! That video was pure cuteness!!


Yay, Ali, good luck!!


Thanks Nicole!!


Take my kiddos to the park, get ready for a fundraiser I’m participating in with Scentsy on Sunday, study for my real estate course, plan a brunch get together at my house for next weekend, and hopefully get some cleaning done!


I love the video! Today is… work, run, lift, dinner date, and bed early. SO EXCITING.


Loved the video idea!


Great video! Brooke is so cute! Today I have some running and strength training on the docket, then I am headed to work (at a running store:)). I love the shaking of the head with the foam roller!


Chocolate and Yogurtland, doesn’t get much better than that!!
Workout, eat, pilates, eat, class, eat….eat eat eat!!! Happy Friday :)


Brooke is too cute with that sweater in the mall!!!! :)

Today is the first day that my sprained ankle is feeling 100% better in almost a week so I may try to sneak in a run after work … even though I should probably still rest it for another day or so. It’s hard to choose between doing what’s right and what you really want to do :) haha


More videos! That was fun!
My boy twin thought Brooke was his sister in the video. Well, they both have brown hair but that’s about it haha!
We’re lounging at home today because my kids have colds.


Too adorable! I’m working, cleaning my house, making dinner, and enjoying a night with friends. Sums it up quite nicely!


Little Brooke is quite the busy and self sufficient lady! I love how she wraps the sweatshirt around her like a shall!


3 mile run soon, a trip to town, shopping(!), stopping for lunch, then basketball practice!


Too cute!
Bike, weights, Cinnamon Life, teaching, grading, homework, pedicures & dinner with my favorite little girl.


Love Brooke’s walk :) So stinkin’ cute.

My Day: Ride train, go to work, ride train home, go holiday craft/DIY shopping, eat all food, sleep. :)


Picking up my Richmond marathon packet!!! Then spending the day sitting: watching the new Thor, and eating :)


Work, run, eat, celebrate the weekend! :)

Cute video!


Running my first 20 mile training run! Eating an amazing donut, ice bath then hanging out on the couch. Great day! And I love Brooke’s boots!


that was so cute! i loved her carrying around the sweatshirt, so stylish:)


wokring, lunch, working, dinner, drinks, sleep.

Brooke is just too cute, I cannot get over how grown up she is getting.


Love the video. You’ll have to do one of those again!


Love this, Janae :) You need to do it once a week or something! Brooke is the cutest and you are just absolutely beautiful!!

My cliffnotes: leaving right now to drive to see my bf and go for a long run together! Have a great weekend!


Adorable! I like your zoom in on the froyo and the nodding for foam rolling – you are funny!


I love Brooke walking through the mall with her coat around her shoulders…so adorable.


What a fun idea to do a video. I can’t stop saying it but Brooke is just so ADORABLE. There’s nothing cuter than watching a little one walk/run/shuffle. Makes my heart warm :)


Today I am:
-Going for a walk with friends during lunch. We’ll probably go to the bakery down the street or try to find the speciality popcorn food truck.
-Going to the Fall Festival at my daughter’s school tonight
-Grilling and movie time with the family:-)


I loved that little video! So cute :) Today I am… going to class, working on a project with a friend, going to the gym, and going to my fiance’s first jazz band recital!


No work today so sleeping in (check), reading blogs, working out, some household cleaning, maybe a yoga class, I should get a hair cut, friend’s housewarming party tonight.
Love the video! Super cute!


I love the nod at the foam roller. lol. I need to be spending even more time with mine today….and the tennis ball….and the ice pack…It is ALL worth it though :) Sounds like a great day to me – chick fil a lemonade, shopping, yogurtland, cutest lil thing as your side kick? Yep.

My day in snippets: early morning HIIT class at the gym, get Anna ready and off to school, get Evan and I ready for the day, fold laundry, play date at a friends, lunch date with mah favorite chica, Anna gets home – one on one time with the kids, primary program practice/pizza party, kids to bed and hopefully a show with the mr while I foam roll the crap out of my legs :)


Lol I love the video head nob for the foam roller. It burns so good. If I could have a daughter this cute, I would love every day with her as well!


That was awesome. hahah it just looked like you took videos instead of pictures and yours and brooke’s personalities still shine through :)

also i ate a chocolate cookie while I watched


I got up and went to 5:50 yoga this morning which I think should give me a pass for doing anything the rest of the day, but I suppose I’ll go to work and then run some errands


Love this – but please film in landscape mode! Portrait mode is an abomination for video!


Good call! Next one I totally will!


AHHH Brooke with that sweatshirt is too cute! That was such a fun idea!
My day is consisting of work, the mall at lunch (maybe), a gym workout, homemade pizza with the husband, and then a movie/PVR catch up. It will great to finally have a night in this week!
Have a great Friday :)


The sweatshirt part is the best… So cute.
Volunteering at my boys’ school
Working at the school for the morning shift
Make dinner
Take kids to lightning of Christmas tree with “fake falling snow” as a bonus


Ok I gotta say, you know how to sample yogurtland. I fully approve.


You are an awesome mom!


Brooke is too cute :)

I’m working out after work (I’ve never been good about weight training so I figure it’s a good time to start since it’s getting colder outside and darker earlier), making dinner, then I plan on watching cheesy Christmas movies on Hallmark or Lifetime later tonight! I probably should clean a little but that may be put on hold until tomorrow :)


OMG the walking with the sweatshirt was my favorite part. I LOVE IT!


Awww, too cute!!!


Fun seeing it in live action… especially seeing Brooke on the move.

Love you end most nights with Yogurtland


Okay obsessed with the video. Brooke’s smile is contagious! Today is an off day running-wise for me. My husband and I are going to a Pearl Jam concert tonight, so I am pretty excited about that!


Love the video! She is too cute with that sweatshirt and she’s getting pretty fast too!
I’ll be working today, so fun. But I’m gonna make a Target run on my lunch break, then hubby & I are going to a surprise bday dinner for my best running buddy. She’s happy she’s getting older because she moves up to the next age group & thinks she’ll bq faster & win more age group places lol! I got her a gift card for new running shoes!
Have a great day!!


I love watching Brooke videos, they make me smile. I so need a yogurtland in my life!


At school. Teaching. I need the weekend: now. However, I wanted to say thanks for the video–it brought a smile to my face in the middle of the work-day (with groucho teenagers).


Hopefully the rest of your workday zooms by!!!!! Oh the grouchy teenagers… Hahah I remember that all too well!


Brooke with the sweatshirt is too cute!


Class, breakfast, errands, lunch, gym, arts and crafts festival, church small group dinner, SLEEP!


The sweatshirt piece was awesome. I love how your Mom adjusted the hanging sleeve and Brooke caught it perfectly and held on tight.

Elliptical, stairmaster, work, lunch time walk, massage!, work, home, dinner, knitting while watching t.v.

Heading to VT tomorrow (after a morning run) to see my best friend and her family. Yay!

Happy Friday.


Great idea for the video–I loved it!!


Love this! Such a fun idea! And trust me, your life isn’t boring, compared to mine yours seems very exciting! :-) P.S. Brooke is just. so. cute.


Going to meet up with some friends to work on a group project, go to the lake to have a nice walk and get some fresh air, mexican food later, then possibly a movie :) I love Fridays!


Brooke’s smile is just TOO adorable! My day in a nutshell: run, pumpkin bagel from panera, 1/2 day of work, take the dogs to the dog park, grocery shopping, Pizza dinner on the couch with some Grey’s Anatomy, and topping the night off with left-over brownie sundaes! I’m excited for my Friday!


Love the video!!! Brooke makes me smile every time – whatta cutie!!!


I think my favorite part of the video is when you nod yes to the foam roller at the end! Cracked me up!


I love how she holds your hand. Seriously you two could be a post card for cutest Mommy daughter pair. <3


Video clips are the best! Brook is such a doll. Her and Rory need a play date! Have a great weekend. :)


Get up and make all the breakfasts and lunches. Drive everyone into school. Go to PT. Go to the doctor. Clean up the house. EAT. Pick everyone up from school. Make dinner. Practice the piano. Read stories to my kids. All of us go to bed.

Anyway that’s the plan ;-)


you and brooke are TOO cute! =)


OMG! After watching this video, I wanna move to Utah! It’s GORGEOUS!


Cliff Notes of My Life Today: Got the pearly whites cleaned. Dirtied them w/ Starbucks & Noah’s Bagel. Work. Co-Worker Birthday Lunch. Work. 4 Mile easy run. Hangout w/ Bestie and her handsome love bug! Eat carbs for Sunday :)

Geeze, both of our lives are so exciting and glamorous! Brooke is adorable and I’m glad I found your blog recently!

Some things that make me smile about your blog: That you guzzle Diet Coke after a workout. Your daughter is adorbs. Your blog is entertaining! Thanks for sharing with a blogger-newbie!


She is too cute! And how do you get her to sit still so you can do her hair? Our 15-month old walks around looking like a sheep dog most of the time because she puts up a fight whenever I try to do something with her hair to get it out of her eyes :)

Today involves play time, park time, grocery time, a card class at a friends, skating at the local rink, then me sitting on the couch watching Gossip Girl while my husband plays hockey and the kids sleep.


This is a pretty perfect day if you ask me! :)


Fun video! Is that view from your parents deck? It is beautiful what a blessing to be able to look at such beauty every morning while drinking morning coffe:)


great video! My day is consisting of the workout i just finished and going to buy fire wood and maybe a trip to Trader Joes:)


You have a voice like a Disney princess!!!! haha I am saying that in a totally non creepy way, I swear!


Love the video! And Beavis, I SHOULD be packing, bu haven’t started. Ha ha.


Love the video! Brooke is walking so good now. It is crazy how fast she has grown this year!


I’m pretty jealous of your day! I have to work all day :( but can’t wait to get off and enjoy a relaxing night with my boys!


Brookers is def Team CutestKidEver but u making the camera shake “its” head up and down at the end is freaking awesome!


sleep in (no morning run because I’m racing tomorrow), wear PROCompression to work, drink lots of water, pick up packet, stop for Tokyo Joe’s on the way home (and most likely froyo with sprinkles – sprinkles make you faster, I’m convinced) and then an early bed after one last date with my foam roller.

ALSO, I’m thinking about doing my race “naked” tomorrow – aka without my Garmin. Any thoughts? It’s just a 10K.


Walk/park with friends, lunch/nap (not for me, I wish) at home, wrap presents, pick up cake, Japanese with family for hubby’s bday. :)


Ok… ready for this clif note of a day?
I just got done working 12 days in a row with at least 6 being 12+ hour days plus trying to work out still and now have a cold… I’m not doing anything today! lol


Brooke walking with that sweatshirt was the greatest. Loved the video! :) My CliffsNotes day: bagel and coffee, check email, work, fedex delivery!! :), snuggle with cats, Target trip, workout, dinner with friends, veg out at home with hot chocolate and a movie.



Love that video! Brooke is such a fast wee mover! The cliff notes version of my day would be work, cakes as part of the annual Children in Need charity day across the UK, left-over cakes, grocery shopping, pizza, hearing the heartbeat of my best friend’s baby (she’s 6 months along), reading a good book and soon there will be sleep! :-)


Adoooooorable Video! You should try filming it on landscape. I know its share-able right now, but the vertical format will cause issues in the long run (like if you wanted to archive or re-format or access the videos years from now). Just FYI :)


Thank you so so much for letting me know about that!


Looks like an amazing day! I taught my Kindergarten class, then picked up my boys, then relaxed on the couch and headed out to Target to get diapers!


Working on developing my brand new fitness blog! I’ve been reading yours for years and finally got brave enough to start my own. This weekend I’ll be doing an 8 mile run with a new running group too- eeek!


cliff notes version of my day: 4 AM 5 miles, eggs, work, lunch, work, get my hair cut fixed, home/internet/TV/more food/relaxing time, +nursing my baby x10 +baby snuggles/giggles/bath time


She’s so cute!!

cliffnotes of my day: held my baby….she wouldn’t nap today unless in my arms. So yah. Only a bit of laundry & the dishes got done. Oh well! ;)


Aw, such a sweet video! I had a really hectic and stressful day at work so thanks for making me smile!
It’s cool to know what your voice sounds like after reading your thoughts on your blog for so long!


love love love the video!! :)


oh my goodness Brooke is so tall!! and that looks like the perfect day! I ran, went to work, went to the library to pick up books, came home, watched the biggest loser, made/ate dinner and am now kickin back and relaxing because its friday!


Loved the video!!!
Target, Aldi, Charming Charlie’s, Walmart, breaking 9 eggs just bought, 5 miles, nose pain, veggie sub, pumpkin ice cream with cheesecake


I’m in PA near the Steel Stacks for a wedding. Is that place worth visiting??


the video was such a cute idea! loved it!!!


overslept, tough work training, homemade pizza, wine, foam roller, Revenge, early bedtime?


Breakfast at ihop with friends – Body Blast class at gym (lots of strength, my new fav!) – homework – more friend time – more homework – pizza – and TV with the fam. All in all awesome day!


So fun! I LOVE Brooke videos! Her little walk cracks me up!


Running, laundry, doctor for my swollen eye, studying, and shopping if I can convince someone to go with me.

Also I must say – toddlers toddling is the cutest. And since Brooke is the cutest of the cute, this was the cutest thing ever.


Haha love the video format!!! Today I’m starting off lounging and watching bad tv, then yoga class for the first time in forever, farmers’ market, cleaning like crazy because my house is driving me cuh-raaaazy, then bartending for an auction so I can pay for bus tickets to see two of my very best friends !!!!! Have an awesome weekend =]


So fun! What a great idea : )


Looks like a perfect day :)


This is such a precious time for you.


lol lovee this, you should do more of these!


brooke is SO cute! I can’t stand it!


Right now I am waiting for my next patient! Today after work, I’m snuggling my little boy (we made a snuggle date!). Then, I’m taking my daughter to her horsebackriding lesson. Tonight is family movie night–we are watching the Rocky series! My family loves it, but I have to close my eyes during the end fights. Somewhere in there I’ll fit in yoga with Jillian, and make Trader Joe’s hot chocolate. I love Fridays!


Brooke is seriously on the move!!

I spent my Friday working at the Philly Marathon expo. It was exhausting!!


Wow…you guys really are too darn cute. Knock it off would you?
The video montage was a great idea!

My day…painting, painting, painting. The joys of getting ready to move into a new place.

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