Yet again, I made really great decisions last night. Yet again, I made really great decisions last night.

I feel like I need to keep you fully updated on Brooke’s physical and mental developments because you guys have known her since the day she was born.  She has now entered the stage of not wanting to be carried anymore when we are out and about and she just wants to walk beside me while holding my hand… the best part is she is actually kind of fast. She can also talk while she is walking which I think is very advanced for a 13 month old.

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I kind of like them.

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Bless my sister’s soul.  She made lasagna (if you recall that is my all time favorite food…has to be homemade though…I don’t love restaurant lasagna).  She even made the sauce with her tomatoes from the garden.  It was a chicken lasagna and I could eat this every meal.  

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This whole living 6 minutes away from cousins thing is working out. 

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Once Brooke went to bed it was time for girls’ night.  Diet cokes at 10 pm?!? Why not?  Candice, Keri and Caisa.  

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This sundae had ALMOND JOY ice cream.  That is brilliant.   Pair that with a diet coke with coconut and lots of girl time and I am one happy camper.

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I am meeting some super fast girls for a 12 mile run with 2×2 miles at a 6:45ish pace thrown in there early this morning.  I am sure all of the lasagna, ice cream, soda and five hours of sleep are going to feel really good as I am trying to keep up with them.

Yet again, I made really great decisions last night.  


What is going to be the best part about your Thursday?

What was/is your run?  What time are you fitting it in today?

Your all time favorite food (or meal)?  What you would choose to eat above everything else?

What is a bad decision that you have made the night or morning before a long run or race?  

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well I ate fire house subs before my half marathon…. No spicy food before a race! lol. I can’t wait to run today, that’s the best part of my Thursday!


Yes, good carb loading. Go Janae!


My best races always come when I eat some not so healthy food. That tells me that a carb is a carb whether it’s ice cream or pasta (or both). I’m sure you’ll be super speedy during all 12 of those miles!


Some of my seemingly worst decisions, turned out to be really good ones. I hope the same for you.
Don’t know if I am running today, but did some trail miles yesterday. It was everything I needed it to be and more.
Happy 12 today!


Thursday is always great because it means that tomorrow is Friday! A baked potato with broccoli and cheese is one of my favorite things to eat, but it’s hard to say if it is my all time favorite meal. Brooke is getting SO big!


The picture of Brooke and Curly holding hands is too cute! Sometimes, I definitely wished I lived closer to my family… My all time favorite food is probably mangoes. (Hence, you know, the blog name.) Or pesto tortellini. But not together, because I feel like that’d be a little weird.


Back in college Tim invited me to his ROTC the Friday night before a 4 mile race in my area. I had a few beers and ended up having a great night (and eating great bar food at a VFW…not race food but bar food. HA). I went to bed at 3 and had to wake up at 7 for the race. I ran the race and felt pretty good. (I PRed for me at the time) After the race (around 9) I got the worlds worst headache and don’t think I left my bed the rest of the day. So yes I think that was one of my not as smart decisions…but I don’t regret it.

Now that you have your lolz for the morning, I can’t believe that Brooke is growing so quickly!


I think you fueled appropriately for your run! Pasta is carbs and I always run pretty well the day after a good dessert. I am a sweet tooth by nature so I would choose a hunk of cake, Red Mango, a sundae heavy on the toppings and lighter on the ice cream any day. Oh, and a warm chocolate chip cookie.


I went for a 5.5 mile run today with 4 of those laps being intervals. It was fun to incorporate intervals into the run (bec I’ve never done that before). All time favorite food: SUSHI and CAKE! :)


I think I’m going for a gym workout after work tonight. I’ve been cutting back from 6 running days to 4ish and actually cross training. Who am I?? So today will be cross training. The best thing about my Thursday is that it is my Friday this week. Yay for the random 3 day weekend!


I NEVER sleep good the night before races! I have to fit my run in at lunch time today beacuse I did not get up early enough to run (because I stayed up too late last night)! Good for you for actually getting up and doing it in 5 hours sleep!!! I think I would sleep and runlater :).
I have no idea what food i would pick above any other. Anytime I think of one then I change my mind and think of another one :)


Kids are so amazing with the leaps and bounds in development. My daughter just turned eight months and is working on finding her balance while she pulls herself up on everything (when she was just starting to crawl a few weeks ago!) and my son has improved his reading and writing so much since he started kindergarten. I don’t know how they find the energy to do all that growing!


I can’t wait to be back home after class – its a long day for me! But I’m going to make it an awesome day by getting coffee mid-morning! That will make it an awesome day!


That is so cute that Brooke doesn’t want to be carried anymore! My son doesn’t walk yet, but he can walk holding our hands. It’s super cute.

My favorite thing about today is that we have family Skype bookclub tonight! We all meet on Skype and talk about our book – it’s always a fun time. It’s the only way we can all connect since our family is spread throughout four states and two countries.

No run today – too much work and too little sleep. I am starting my official training plan on 1 October though – so I better get my sleep and schedule under control. The worst decision I made was Dim Sum the day before a half marathon. I now refuse to eat Chinese before any run – race or training.


I pretty much always choose tacos or sushi. I am in love with both. I have stayed up late, drank a few too many beers and way too much fried food before a race. The fact that I didn’t stop halfway through the race to nap is my greatest accomplishment in life.


I’m sure you are out there crushing that run as we speak! :) I love the girls night dessert choices. I could really go for some diet coke right now, actually. I am doing a speed workout on the trail this afternoon. Eating cookies before a run is pretty awful for me, ha. I love cookies but the night before doesn’t pair well with me. I think my favorite part of the day will be relaxing with my husband tonight! :)


it has rained/drizzled on me during my run today and yesterday which was actually quite nice!


I refuse to believe that ice cream and lasagna can ever be referred to as a bad choice :P I’m sure that you’re still going to rock your run, regardless. As for me, I’m currently road tripping, so I’m really looking forward to making it to Victoria, BC, and finally seeing the ocean :)


Best part = seeing Walk The Moon, they are sooooooo good. I am running at 3:30 today and I am still rocking 30ish minute runs for the next week or two. Thanksgiving dinner is my absolute FAV.


I have to comment to tell you that I am just loving the posts about diet coke. I don’t mean to condescend or patronize AT ALL and so I hope it doesn’t come across that way. It’s just so cute. I’m so jealous that the caffeine in diet coke has any effect on you at all. Maybe I should go cold turkey on coffee for a couple of months and see if I can get that back.

Terrible idea. Back to my second cup of the morning.


my dad’s dumplings are my all time favorite food. I could eat them every day for ten rest of my life but luckily he is an awesome cook and lives close by so I get a lot of different delicious foods :)

I’m running later after work. however much I am feeling up for!

Brooke is totally going to be a runner before you know it!


My favourite food is nachos and poutine. I could eat them always.

I had too many beers the night before a long run when I was training and I had to stop several times to chug Gatorade. But the funny thing is it was actually an awesome run!


All time favorite food?… LOADED salad (with tons of veggies and grilled chicken), sweet potato fries on the side and froyo for dessert.

By all time favorite food you clearly meant meal right?


Starbucks stop this morning, been waiting all week for it :)
I will do cardio on the elliptical at the gym tonight, it is the only cardio that is not uncomfortable at 8 months pregnant for me,
I love sushi, I think right now I would say its my favorite meal/food hands down.
Staying up too late! Once we stayed up walking around Disneyland Park till 11pm the day before our half marathon there and we had to be back there at 4am!


I’ve actually run my best races after eating ice cream so I can’t wait to hear how you rocked it!


Um yum!!! That lasagna looks amazing!! The best part of my day will be my run today, Which will hopefully be a 4 miler, and every 1/2 mile I increase my speed. I could eat Waffles every meal forever!! They are just so darn good. Plus it was always a treat when my mom made them for dinner for us when I was little, so they will forever be my comfort food. Hmmm I think the worst decision I made the night before a run was staying up from 3-5 because I woke up in the middle of the night and chose to play a game on my phone. Well, I should have tried going back to sleep instead lol


Run won’t happen until after work tonight around 6:30pm…and remember you can never go wrong with dt.coke at any time of the day!


I’d just say that it makes for good carb loading ;-) And that sundae looks amazing – I can’t remember the last time I had a legit sundae!


I really want to try this diet coke with coconut… Because, you know, diet coke isn’t sweet enough already.


Already got in my run! Feels so good to have accomplished that before 9AM!


Look on the bright side- maybe that will give you extra energy?!


I am currently suffering from a femoral stress fracture so there will be no running for me at least for another week :( Then it is time to hit the cross training!!

Not a whole lot going on for me either today – going to skype with the parents back home tonight which is always fun to see them :)

Good luck on your run!!


Okay so I am all kinds of major jealous of your girls night. Looks like exactly what you needed – and exactly what I need – right now. Get it, girl.


Best part of my Thursday is going with friends for dinner tonight! It has been forever. I will not be able to fit a run in today so I will make today my rest day. My rest day change periodically depending on what I have going on. I love sushi! I could eat it for every meal! I had just had my daughter and I decided to run in the air force half and I recieved zero sleep night before but somehow ( after overdosing to large amounts of coffee) I finished rocked my time then felt like crap the rest of the day! Have a good run. PS I love your shirt! J Crew?


HOPEFULLY the best part of my day will be seeing my brother in Chicago during a layover (but sadly plane is delayed. boo.)

No run today. Travel all day… hardcore airport walking.

I love cherry tomatoes, ice cream, and burgers! So much! Yummm.

Worst decision before runs: too much dessert. Yet I still do it allll the time.


Just to clarify after reading my post lol my daughter was 10 weeks old before I ran my first half.


Mmm, the ice cream looks awesome!


You are such a stylish and beautiful momma! Have a great run!


I think Brooke is already showing how speedy of a runner she will be!! :)

Favorite meal, Chipotle veggie burrito bol. My favorite ever!


The night before my first official 5k race, I worked a graveyard shift at an eating disorder clinic. Hooray!

And I can never, ever turn down seedless red grapes (unless they’re overripe, and then I can pass). Oh, and the perfectly ripe peach? Delightful.


food above the rest, french toast. Sugar for breakfast haha. I love it!


Worst decision I ever made was back when I was still a smoker…I smoked a cigarette 30 minutes before my first half marathon! Looking back, I can’t believe how stupid I was.


FYI…ice cream is never a bad decision!

I once had sushi the night before a run…it didn’t really go over so well. LOL.

I bet your friends were struggling to keep up with you this morning :).


Chocolate chip pancakes covered in peanut butter before a 13 mile run. Felt that. the whole. run.

Eating popcorn for lunch, dinner and all my snacks the day before a race (mind you it was white chocolate/cake batter popcorn).

Eating donuts (it was national donut day!!) before the UV half this year.

And these are just the ones off the top of my head. lol. I tend to make ‘good choices’ a lot ;) I am sure you will still rock your run this morning. Just like you always do. And your day yesterday sounds pretty fabulous. I went shopping, which is fun….but with my kids fighting…not so fun. Ross has been gone late to work every day now for like the past month and a half and to say it is getting old would be an understatement.


oh Gawd, you and I are SO on the same page. Diet Coke…HELLO!!! I love DC. I say if that is the vice you need to get you through this time, you get hearty approval from me!

Worst decision I ever made before a race was to eat a big healthy salad and lots of fibre…*if* you know what I’m saying… I learned that startchy carbs (a la your sister’s amazeballs lasagna) are the way to go! But I haven’t raced in YEARS! One day…


I ran 5.3 miles yesterday and I have a 10 miler on the schedule for this weekend!! So far my Thursday has been pretty good, it’s gorgeous here in Charlotte today and finally starting to feel like Fall!


My favorite food is nachos but I couldn’t possibly pick a meal that wasn’t 18 courses of all my random favorite foods! Ha!


I wish I lived in Utah so I could go get I’ve cream with you at 10 at night. We could be best friends.


I need that ice cream!!!

I’ll just be doing a short run today – 4’ish miles. I am semi-tapering for my 1/2 on Sunday.

I can’t nail down one favorite food but homemade apple crisp is up there. Oh, and pumpkin pie. Can you tell I am in the mood for fall??!

I made the bad decision of assuming the public restrooms at my favorite trail would be open when they weren’t. It’s 30 mins away so I couldn’t go home and I just ran hoping for the best. It was 14 miles of pure fear. Thankfully, I survived without incident.


YUM! Almond Joy ice cream?! If my hubby brought that kind home for me, I’d know he really loved me. ;) Bad decisions before a long run? Drinking too much and/or eating wings. :( On a brighter note though, I’m allowed to start being active again by walking! I hate walking, but its better than nothing at this point and I’m pretty sure I’ll TRY to run a little…just to, ya know, see how it feels… ;) LOVE that 13 month old baby talk! I miss my 6 year old nephew being 13 months old. :(


I’ve eaten donuts around 11pm one time… the night before a long run. It ended up being okay the next day, but it was still risky to eat it so late at night.


The best part of my Thursday is knowing only 2 more days till a race this weekend! My 2 all-time favorite foods are pizza and mashed potatoes. Now, if you had asked about desserts the list would probably be even longer.


Is diet coke with coconut a Utah thing? I’ve never heard of it, but I’m intrigued.

I once had salad for dinner the night before a long run. Yeah, you better believe I bonked on that one. I usually have pizza, so it was quite the change.

I still haven’t decided what time to run today.


The worst decision I ever made before a race (but I don’t regret it) was before the Thanksgiving Turkey Trot 5k last year. I went out with friends the night before, drank a ton, and didn’t get to bed till probably 3 or so. I woke up, ran the race, PR’d, and then came home and slept my Thanksgiving afternoon away.


My workout for the day is a casual ride with biking buddy April for “cross training”. If we’re riding so fast we can’t talk then it’s not worth it. I have a hard time doing easy runs without speeding up so I replaced them all with easy rides and it works for me.

I need to get some fast friends to run with! Well, not fast like your group, but my speed.


Just finished 7.5 mile run.
That food looks so yummy!
Yes having cousins live so close is awesome! Glad you have that too.
You have so many friends!


I wish I lived closer to my family. Favorite food pizza and lobster rolls. My fun today was 5 miles at marathon pace. I ran at 5 am it was about 45 out the coldest morning we have had here.
I’m looking forward to the Big Bang and Grey’s Anatomy premiers tonight.


Homemade lasagna is one of my favorites too. I love to make it when we have family in town. Pair it with some hot bread, fresh out of the bread maker, and you have the perfect meal!


Gah, can I come live with your sister too??


Awww love the meet up! So many bloggers in Utah; I need to visit!


I will be fitting in a 5 mile run after work/school today!

My latest running bad decision was going out for a nine mile run after staying up late hanging out with friends, drinking a little alcohol, and eating Taco Johns. Not sure you can get much worse than that!


the marching girls same foot raised, so cute.

I just made french toast with a little coconut extract, and cooked in coconut oil – it was ridiculous. Will run as soon as I digest said breakfast.


for the record, i think it was a fabulous decision.


I’m meeting my husband/boyfriend for a dinner and movie date. I’m even sacrificing the 2 hour premiere of Grey’s for him. Lucky guy!

No run today, but I’ll be running tomorrow after work.

Fave food questions are SO HARD for me to pick. I’m so indecisive!

Thankfully no big fails before a race, but 2 weeks ago I went out for a friend’s bday and had a HUGE dinner with drinks and dancing and I STILL woke up to run.


My all-time favorite meal is either a burrito or Thai green curry!

The best part about my Thursday is that my boyfriend is returning home from a European work trip.

Almond joy ice cream is brilliant!


Almond joy ice cream sounds so so good!

Hope the run went well :)


I had many bad fueling disasters when I first started running, but a recent one was eating a barbecue pulled pork sandwich for lunch when I was running a 50-mile race that started that evening. It wasn’t as bad as it could have been, but I had barbecue burps for the first 10 miles or so of the race. :/


I’m making tshirts today for my powderpuff team! Xc practice thrown in there too. I want that lasagna. I can’t pick just one food to have… I like so many. But anything with peanut butter is probably it.


The worst pre-run night I had was actually the result of me being a big drama queen (ashamed to admit this). I got in a silly fight with my husband and totally lost my appetite so didn’t eat dinner. Then tried a long run in the morning. That did NOT work out. Talk about REALLY feeling silly then!


One time I stayed up late and had WAY too many beers and pieces of pizza before a 5 miler. I got 2 hours of sleep and tried to go run it. We missed the start, obviously. haha. So we were like “Oh lets just do the half marathon”. Worst idea ever…….

I love coconut so Almond Joy ice cream sounds GREAT!


I definitely discovered that froyo the night before a race will NEVER work with my stomach. Duly noted, intestines. Well played.

All time favorite meal – my grandma’s meatloaf, mashed potatoes and cole slaw. Hands down.


Diet coke with coconut?? That’s a flavor?? SOUNDS SOOOO GOOD!

The best part of my Thursday will be ice cream for a treat after dinner! :)

Last night before I taught a class at the gym, I ran 3 miles in 24 minutes (fairly speedy for me). Since I didn’t have a ton of time to do 5 sets of Yasso 800’s, I did Yasso 400’s and ran at a 9mi. mile pace in between sets. FELT GREAT!! :)

If I’m going to choose one thing to eat for all time, it will be ice cream. I can always pile on more blankets or warm my hands if I get too cold. Ice cream beats everything.


Yes I ate way too many Reese’s last night and my run was craptastic ha I’m trying to eat better today, my body will thank me tomorrow:)


You’ve been asking very tough questions lately-I can’t pick ONE favorite food! But I can tell you what my biggest pre-long run mistake was: eating pasta with tons of garlic in it. I love garlic, but I know I have to stay away fom it because it bothers my stomach too much.I ended up running 15 miles the morning after with constant side stitches-not fun.


I did a long run once slighly hungover. Boy was that stupid.


Yummm homemade lasagna is the best!! My mom-in-law makes an amazing one! Now I’m craving it :)



I don’t know that I have a food that I won’t turn down. I’m not a picky eater at all. My worse decision the night before a run was ice cream. I’m pretty sure I may be lactose intolerant. That sucked.


The best part of my Thursday is that my week is over and the weekend is here now :) Except I made cupcakes for my friend and the frosting separated/melted and now the cupcakes look horrible and I don’t want anyone but her and I to eat them. My all-time favorite meal is my mom’s homemade spaghetti..or her bowtie pasta. But my favorite food is pickles. Uh my bad decision was yesterday not turning back when I didn’t feel well and getting sick on the run. oops.



That is all. :)


Cousins are the best, and Brooke and her cousins are lucky to live to close to each other.

All of my bad running decisions have to do with eating the wrong thing the night before my run. Ugh, I have to be so careful!


Can you post your sister’s chicken lasagna recipe?
It looks absolutely amazing (& I have trouble with beef, so I haven’t had lasagna in awhile now :(


Best part of Thursday was not having to work on Friday.

No run today :(

Pizza…hands down pizza

No Races yet… performance apparel for all activities and lifestyles

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