Speedwork is supposed to be work.

I kept reminding myself this morning that speedwork is in fact supposed to be work, it shouldn’t be easy.  That helped me to remember that I should be pushing it and breathing hard. Speedwork is never going to feel easier, it is just going to get faster but the name of this kind of run has the word work in it so it should feel like work.

I was nervous leaving the house because I couldn’t find my headband before I left and I always wear a headband.  Luckily I didn’t die from not having it.  

The thing that made my run extra enjoyable were my Brooks PureFlow 2s.  Even if I wasn’t a Brooks Ambassador I would still talk about these shoes all of the time because they are the shoes that were made perfectly for me.  They offer the right balance of comfort, support and they are super light. They just make my whole body feel good when I am running.   AND FINALLY the 2s come in purple, just when I thought they couldn’t be any better.  

IMG 0164

Mile splits: 7:37, 6:59, 6:59, 6:46, 6:45, 6:36 and 7:17 with overall pace of 6:59.  I did have to stop once at a stop light (one that I never have to stop at normally) and that was a little frustrating because I was in my groove but I will forgive the stop light and the cars driving for not caring that I was doing speed work.  

Something I really focused on today was leaning forward because I tend to sit back when I run but leaning forward from the ankles helps me to speed up and then my foot lands right below my knee rather than in front of my body.

Screen Shot 2013 07 10 at 8 04 36 AM

Three things that I am sure you really don’t want to hear about but I want to tell you anyways.

1.  Brooke’s hair is getting so long!

Photo 1

2.  I spilled make up all over the front of my favorite pineapple shirt and my trusty Tide stick won’t even get it out so I ordered a new one because I can’t live without it.  

Photo 2

3.  I guess all of my strength training is paying off because when I went to lock the door I broke the key and it is now stuck in the door.  

Photo 3


Anything annoying happen in your day today….get it out there and vent:)

Do you have long, medium or short hair?  Has it always been that length?

Do you lean forward when you run or sit back like I normally do?

What day do you usually do some speedwork?

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That pineapple shirt is too cute! where is it from?!


Hey meg! It is from j crew!


Love the shirt too… I just got this cute pineapple print romper from forever21 $22! http://www.forever21.com/product/product.aspx?br=F21&category=Jumpsuit_Romper&productid=2039386091&variantid=


where did you get the pineapple shirt?! i want one!


Hey you! It is from J Crew!


thank you!!!!! :)


I have ridiculously long hair and it is usually long because I regret it when I cut it off. I have been working on leaning forward along with 26,731 other things every time I run to try and prevent myself from getting another injury. It takes a lot of mental work, but at least it keeps me distracted from my burning lungs.


Annoying? Yes, work. I really want to be home doing stuff.

I have really looooong hair, has been like that most of my life. I lost a headband on a run once, but I never found it. I am still sad. It was royal blue and came free in a bag I got registering for a run. I still look for it on the ground when I go that way. If I ever see it, I’ll probably grab it, and put it in my hair before I can wash it.


Work has been overly annoying today…thank goodness it is over in 5 minutes!

I have medium length hair now but I go through stages of cutting it short and then growing it long and the cycle repeats over and over again :).

Good luck getting the key out of the door!


Oh life, there’s always something, isn’t there? ;) Nothing too annoying so far except for the fact that I was wide awake at 4:30 AM and my baby slept til 7 AM. Gotta love when that happens.


My hair has always been medium-long. I am soooo tempted to cut it short but decided to wait until after the wedding just in case I hate it (which I probably will because I always hate new cuts).


I did speedwork last night and my legs are feeling it today. Looking forward to a nice easy trail run tonight. Brooke has so much hair for a less than one year old lil kiddo!


Breaking a key in half! Talk about one strong mama!

My oldest daughter’s hair is getting so long, and I LOVE it. Both of my girls were little baldies, and it made me so happy when their beautiful blonde hair starting filling in. Now my oldest can rock sporty ponytails and braids. So cute! Little sister still has a way to go, but she’ll catch up no doubt!

I’m starting marathon training next week, so Mondays will be my track workouts. Some of the paces I’m supposed to hit are speedy, so I’m a little nervous. Thanks for the reminder that it’s called speedwork for a reason!


Janae Wal-Mart sells these little bottle of stuff called Carbona Stain Devils and there is one for any kind of stain and all have worked for me. I got black grease on my pink lulu skirt and it came off with this stuff, you should try it! I woke up with three zits this morning! I’m going to be 38 this month, I shouldn’t have zits…geesh!!! My body feels 38 but my darn face wants to act like it’s 15!! I have long hair, I just love long hair so I’ve always had it this way. I’ve cut it a few times but always let it grow back. I try to stay neutral when I run, I’ve tried to lean forward but I feel like I don’t have enough control. I like doing speedwork in the evening, I’m faster during that time than in the morning.


I lean way the heck back! I have to make a conscious effort to lean in races especially. Brooke’s hair is so long! I think Noah’s would be that way if he were a girl because he had like 4 haircuts before 18 months! Something annoying… well it’s like 98 degrees here and 100% humidity by 6:30 am so I felt like I was literally dying on my run. I seriously contemplated never running again but then I’d have to change the name of my blog and how annoying would that be???


I usually lean forward when I run it’s probably the only good thing about my form! I have medium-long hair. It’s almost always been this length! I’ve only had it to my shoulders twice . It’s always been long. AND Where did you get your pineapple shirt from!? It’s super cute! :)


I do speed work when my coach tells me to :) But it seems to be Wednesdays or Thursdays so my legs are kind of tired and really have to work for it! She’s tough ;)

Long hair! Every time I cut it, I regret it, so I typically go years between cuts (and it seems to work out ok?)


That pineapple shirt is adorable! I’d order a new one too!

I lean way back when run and then bring my knees and hands too high in front. Like a toy marching soldier. Isn’t it so funny how difficult it can be to correct the smallest change in form?

Good luck with the key thing! That looks like no fun!


Long hair! I love it and hate it at the same time! It’s super annoying when it’s hot humid out, but I love how it looks. :)

I haven’t done speed work in a looooooong time. I get injured easily, and speed work seems to often be the cause. I’m probably doing something wrong, but at this point endurance is more important anyways, so I just focus on that.


my hair is long now but it’s been short and medium and long – just depends :)

I hate when makeup gets onto things – I’ve had bronzer ruin a few items and I hate it but I keep using the bronzer;)

I usually do speed work during the week when I don’t have much time to do more than a short intense workout!


I MUST know where you got that shirt! :)


Hey! It is from j crew!


Awesome mile splits. I’m dreading the day when I have to start my mile intervals. Right now speed days are on Tuesdays followed by a Thursday tempo run. I want to thank you for posting all of the info on form for the past few weeks. I’m working hard to make mine better and your links/photos have been very helpful!


Haha the poor key! I’ve done that before with spoons scooping ice cream. It’s just proof that we’re working hard! Speed work is never easy and I try to keep it in perspective reminding myself that it is supposed to hurt and that’s just the way it is. For some reason knowing I won’t really enjoy it makes it easier to manage.


My hair’s long but I want to cut it in all this heat.

Annoying: Trying to pull plants out of a garden bed that send out runners and require a lot of digging to find the roots. Also, coming to terms with having a familiar abdominal pain return that has required 2 surgeries and brought about a lot of loss. But maybe annoying is putting it lightly.

Speedwork: Sometime mid-week, I kinda rotate it depending on how I’m feeling. Either Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday.


I hope my local running store has Pure Flow 2’s in purple…if so, I will totally be buying them tomorrow. So many people love them, and the purple rocks! (and I won’t feel guilty, because it will be my birthday present to myself!)

My hair is long and curly (aka a knotty mess) I love it long, but I think it’s time to go short again…the knots are so. annoying. it takes me like a half hour to get them out, at least once a week (there’s my vent!!! hahaha)
I think that I do lean forward. I will have to focus on that, though, next time I run to see for sure!!
Speedwork for me usually happens on Wednesday. I will be doing my speedwork tomorrow, though.


I’m always too lazy and cheap to get regular haircuts, but last week I got an awesome cut for $15! It is seriously the best hair I have had in a long long time. Love the pineapple shirt. Don’t love speed work.


I usually do speedwork on Monday and this weeks was..uuummm… kinda hard for me! I guess it supposed to be hard though right :). I actually think it has less to do with the running and more to do with the fact that we have so many things going on right now and I can’t seem to catch my breath :)…
Way to see the positive in a negative situation with your key!!!!!
I have medium hair, I kinda always have.
I kinda feel like for some reason this whole day has been kinda bummer of a day for no apparent reason. I did find a totally inspiring video that I posted to my blog though!


My running group does the speed workouts on Thursday evenings. I don’t think I would do the speedwork or be at the track without them!


I’m annoyed that the baby won’t nap (even tho clearly tired and overly whiny!), my inlaws are coming and I’ve got work to do during nap time. Oh well!

My hair is long. Like past my calves long.

I lean forward some, but probably not as much as I should.

I’m just getting started into running, so I just try to get through my miles before keeling over.


Brooke’s hair is so long for being so young! Annoying that happened to me was I was laying out by the pool and just I am setting up the rain came :( I have pretty long hair at the moment. I change it up every now and then, I think I am going to go short soon or at least medium! I typically sit back, but after reading your post I think I am going to try and lean more!


I have medium-long hair. I’m due for a haircut soon, and when I do go I know I’m going to get at least a few inches cut off. It’s getting to the point where it takes too long to blow dry in the morning.


I’ve always had long hair! When I was a kid, it was all the way down to my butt…it’s not quite that long anymore, but it’s about down to the bottom of my shoulderblades. Once, I cut it just above my shoulders and I wasn’t a fan!


I am actually growing my hair long but only because I have not been able to get to the hairdresser in 4 months and before that I got a hairdresser that I think was afraid to cut more then 1/1000th of an inch. But evidently my longer hair makes my face look thin and some people have been very concerned that I am losing weight. I am already thin and I am not sure if it is a compliment, but I say no but thank you and they look perplexed… Everytime i try to grow my hair that happens!

My knee is hurting so no leaning forward for running for me yet again. Going to actualy go to the doctor this time. But I actualy did a 9:45 racewalking mile this morning so perhaps I am ok just racewalking!


My hair is getting pretty long now but I usually keep it medium length. My hair is really fine but I have a lot of it and it’s curly which means…. tangles! Like nearly dreadlocks by the end of the day if it’s not straightened (rare) and not in a pony or bun (even more rare).

Tuesday is usually for speedwork but I missed a run last night because of a meeting, softball game and the fact that I biked everywhere and didn’t have enough time for all that. I’m going to get out tonight to do it! I have a hills run tomorrow as well…


I LOVE that pineapple shirt. My kids are huge fans of Psych so I have to get one for 18 year old daughter.
Annoying – I found out that I need two more classes in order to get into my BSN program. Instead of chilling out for the last half of summer I’ll be taking Govt and Theater – both classes that will help me become an excellent nurse – not. At least I talked my 18 year old into taking the theater class with me. Nothing like going to college with your mom:)


Because I am off school for the summer I feel like the errands fall on me. Currently sitting at the car dealership waiting on an auto repair.


I get my hair cut about twice a year. When I get it cut, it’s cut to just below my shoulders. After six months, it’s about 3 or 4 inches longer. It starts really bugging me when it gets caught in my armpit. :)

Tuesday or Weds are usually my speedwork days. Depends on my schedule. This week mine was Tuesday.


I’m growing my hair out and it’s the longest it’s ever been :)
I do speedwork on Tuesdays


Ugh I’m so sorry about the key! :/ Annoying thing from my day … Addie is spitting up CONSTANTLY! She’ll spit up like 4-5 times after every feeding and I’m going through crazy amounts of laundry!


NEED to know where you got your shirt!!


It is from j crew!!!


I am so not a leaner, but am trying to change my running form to be less of a heel striker.

I just started doing “official” speed work this week and so far I love it. I’ve run fast before, but never with any structure. My goals are set in breaking 4 hours at the Half Moon Bay International Marathon in September and speed work (and hill work) will get me there!


I’ve always had short/medium length hair but started growing it out about 9 mo to a year before we got engaged to assure long hair on my wedding day and I’ve kept it since and I really like it.
I try to remember to lean forward a bit and I always notice a significant difference in effort and how much easier it feels.
I run with a group that does speedwork on Wednesday’s at a local track and I join them sometimes and then other weeks I may do it on Monday’s.


I do love the pineapple shirt! Super cute! I actually have a hair cut appointment. i cut all my hair off last year. I like it better long so I am trying yo grow it back out.


I’m getting ready to start speedwork because I don’t want to be slow anymore. I’m a little scared frankly but I know I have to do it:) Thx for the tips!


Love the pineapple shirt – I would love to order one, too;-)
I have the same philosophy on speedwork, made that same comment about my 800’s last week – definitely helped push me through when it was hard, never easier, just faster. Great workout:)


You were the one that inspired my attitude today. Basically I just want to be you:)


You already are a rockstar runner, mama! You’ve got it all together, and it will pay off big time with all this hard work you are putting in – big things coming for you, I know it!:) Great attitude about the speed work:)


Annoying = my shin is really hurting like a lot
My hair is about collarbone length; it has been short most of my life; I grow it out once in a while and my goal is to donate to Pantene every year
I hunch over a bit when I run; I need to work on that.
Brooke is too cute!


I do my speedwork on Mondays because I like to get it out of the way :)


I’ve broken my key off in the door before. It’s such a pain to get it out!


It’s bad but I really don’t think I’ve paid too much attention to how I run, probably lean forward though. Most annoying was me not being hungry for a cheeseburger at my favorite joint. Boo to no appetite on the day I was supposed to stuff my face!


Hm, the annoying part of my day was going to register for my baby shower at Buy Buy Baby and having to figure out I actually need. That store has WAY too much and is super intimidating for a first-time mom!
I used to do speedwork on Tuesdays, but that was in my pre-preggo days…I’m looking forward to getting back to it, though I’m only 22 weeks so I have a ways to go :-P


It’s only 7 AM. Not much to gripe about here yet! ;-)

Short, short, short. Sometimes I’ll grow it out for a painful year, keep it long for 6 months, then chop it off again. But now that I live in a seriously humid climate, long hair is just plain stupid (and frizzy).

I run pretty upright. I’ve tried periodically to incorporate MORE of a lean, but then I think I’m leaning TOO much. And form suggestions for amount o flean are very relative! I have taken to assuming that, if my feet are hitting under my body, then my lean is AOK!


I’ve already fully vented in my blog, but I had the most ANNOYING treadmill experience this morning! A woman decided to do a 15 minute walk, below 4.0, no incline at all, and TEXTING the whole time! GRRR! On the ONLY working treadmill at our small apartment complex gym. Super annoyed. And then a lady yelled at me at work for now reason. But mostly the treadmill thing!

I’ve started paying a lot more attention to my running form. For the longest time, I ran on my toes. This is from YEARS of soccer training teaching us to always be on our toes, ready to sprint at a second’s notice. So it took a lot of re-training to not always have that stance (my calves now thank me!) I think I tend to sit back, but I have a lot of hills where I live and those force me to lean forward a little more and focus on turnover speed, where my foot is striking, and overall body position. :)

I don’t have a specific day that I usually do speed work.. it’s usually mid-week some time. Mondays are long, harder runs and Saturdays are long, easy runs with the husband (Sundays are rest days)- everything else kind of falls into place depending on my schedule and the weather.

PS- I have a love/hate relationship with my long hair. I love the way it looks, but hate it in the humid Georgia heat in the summers! But it’s been this way for about 4 or 5 years now, so I won’t change it :)


You did AWESOME! I am doing speed work at least twice a week right now in an attempt to get faster slowly. Tomorrow is my next day – I always remind myself the same thing!


Wednesday is speed work day and I wear my purple PureCadence 2 for it :-)

I have long hair and it’s been long for quite some time- generally every few years I’ll get bored and hack it all off and donate it but for I’m digging to long and probably won’t cut it for awhile.


I don’t have a day set aside for speedwork just yet, but I’m getting there. I’ve signed up for a 10 week program for runners that starts in August and one of the things we’re going to focus on is speedwork. I don’t completely understand some of the lingo you runners use all the time so hopefully the program will get me on track with the vocabulary as well :)


I also love the pineapple shirt! :) but I saw all your replies to where its from so now I dont have to ask :) I think I lean forward and I always have to have longer hair- I’m not sure what it is but I think I look funky with short hair- okay I only cut it short once but it was enough to scar me for life. :) I need to incorporate more speedwork in to my life, I ‘ve been slacking on it to be honest.


Where you trying to squeeze the last of your foundation out of the tube and then all the sudden it squirted all over you? Cause I have done that more than once. lol. You would think I would learn. But I just gotta get every last drop of the make up. Mostly because I am too lazy and cheap to go by more any sooner than necessary.

Why to go on your run! Seriously impressive. I am a very upright runner and I saw that same graphic a few years ago and I honestly think about it and try and replicate it when I run. Whether or not I do is another problem. I usually do speedwork on Wednesdays, but my hamstring still hates me. So I did the elliptical and intervals on the stepmill today instead. boo.

That is crazy about your key! And annoying. I mean, how do you fix that? My day has been pretty awesome. Nothing annoying that I can think of. Just running around with the kids, painting and making a bunch of pies for book club tomorrow. Mmmmm. Pies :)


You know me way too well. That is exactly what happened. We are twins!


I’m gonna think about the whole leaning forward next time I do speedwork (aka in a couple of days!). I think I’m going to just do a 4 miler tomorrow morn with the baby in the BOB!!

My hair is right at my shoulders right now, but I usually have it long. After having my baby though, my hair turned super crappy, so I thought cutting it was probably what it needed…now I’m growing it back out ;)


I sit back! Thanks to my hubby and dad who take pics during races, there’s no denying I have terrible running form! My posture looks terrible which is funny since I am big on posture throughout the day…..I gotta try that form above when running fast! (Ps fast is the same as your rest days HRG :)


I might have to go buy that pineapple shirt… so cute!!! Yeah once I almost got hit by a car because I thought I’d make the stop light but I didn’t. Wasn’t funny when it happened but it’s a good laugh now :) My hair goes to my back.. so it’s long! I think I run straight up but when I think of it I lean forward.


I tend to lean back too while running but I’m always trying to work on my lean forward. Very much a principle of Chi Running but it’s so hard for me!!!
My hair is medium and naturally curly. It’s curly but very manageable since its so darn fine.
My day was great. I rocked my 7 mile tempo run!!! My goal ,per my plan ,was to average 8:17 for my middle five miles. My slowest was 8:06 and my fastest was 7:50. Makes me :)!


Try Carbonate on the stain. It works wonders.


Surprisingly baby wipes get out almost every stain imaginable. Even though you ordered another shirt you could possibly have two. :)


I used to do speed Tues, tempo Thurs, long Sat. Lately none of that has been happening. Cute shirt!!


The only thing annoying that really happened to me was totally self-constructed. I went out to lunch with a few very good friends and ate a LOT of ethiopian food. Then I went on a 5 mile run….didn’t sit well with my stomach. After hurling a couple times on the run, my chest cavity still doesn’t feel normal. :(

Moral of the story: Don’t run right after eating a huge Thanksgiving sized meal.


Other than my 13-yr old acting like a 13-yr old, nothing too annoying happened today ;-)

I have long hair I’ve cut it a couple of times…short…by myself. No estaba bueno.


Hi! I always chop off my hair when it gets too hot and then I regret it. I am in the regretting phase now, I hope it grows back soon. I want to be able to braid it for longer runs soon. I do my speed work on Tuesday evenings with my marathon training team and I am trying really hard to not lean forward except for maybe when I am going up hills. Love your blog!


Ahhhh pineapple shirt!!!! I got a hole in my anchor top on the 4th and was so sad :( :(



I actually don’t do speed work. I’m just happy to run a decent pace. My physical therapist analyzed my form last week and said it was good! No corrections need to be made except upping the cadence. I’ll work on that when I’m 100 percent.

Today I went to the Giants game, It’s the best day ever there even if the Giants are in a horrible slump. There’s a lot of life lessons (or running lessons) to watching a team work it’s way through a slump. I have nothing to vent about -it was a great day.


I usually do speedwork on Wednesdays, but didn’t do it today. This morning was just one of those days…took all I had to just get 3 miles in! My body was just exhausted and worn out so I didn’t even attempt any speedwork. Could have had something to do with the high humidity!

Today, we went to our local water park. The kids had a great time and we made the Jeep ride home just in time to escape a nasty storm we had here today. Good thing I took a nap after lunch because I needed all that energy for our two-hour yard cleanup tonight!

I have medium hair…long enough to wear in a ponytail when I run. :)


Nothing really annoying happened to me today. Except maybe my hair! It’s way too long and big and usually gets in the way. I usually have it medium to long length, but I had it in a bob for a while. I keep saying I’m going to get it cut short again, but I never go through with it.

I haven’t paid attention to which way I lean when I run. That’s my task on tomorrow’s run!


Did you know Brooks will launch (or has already?) Pure apparel?
I can’t wait for your reviews – I’m sure you’ll get to try first!

[I think it’s my first (or second!) comment here… I’m a longtime fan & reader from Paris]


I really hate speed work, so I rarely do it. The only time I really do it is during training.

My hair is medium to long, but I like to change things up. It’s been this length for a while now, so I’m cutting it short right after my friend’s wedding that I’m in in August.


I can’t believe how long her hair is! My hair is super long. I’ve cut it short (chin length) twice and it took 6 years to get it long again. I say never again!!


Do you just do speed work on a regular running route?
I alternate speed and hills right now… but that is on either Wednesday or Thursday.
Do you do both hills and speed in a single week?

I have very long hair… I’m the blond, braided runner… sometimes it gets stuck in my pitts when I run or dance! Yum.
I lean back. I’ll try to lean forward next run and see how it goes!



I was doing speed work on Sundays and Thursdays until I started the Hanson Training Method for my fall half marathons a week ago. Now, it is just Tuesdays. I agree it is work and I sometimes try and talk myself into cutting it short. Usually I do not but the thoughts creep in. I am seeing the benefit of the work from the past 6 weeks, which has kept me going back for more.


I sit back. I’m so confused. I read something yesterday about how you’re not supposed to lean. I hate not knowing! I’m a “new” runner & I want to do it right!! Yogurtland doesn’t have Toasted Coconut now. That annoyed me but Bugs’ Carrot Cake almost made up for it. I have long hair. Mine has been short, medium & long.


I am always in awe of your split times – I hope eventually I can get to that level of speediness!

Nothing annoying happened yesterday, or today actually. That is probably a first.

I have medium length hair and it will never ever grow long and I just have to come to terms with it. Sigh.

I would love to see how I actually run because I am sure my form is horrible. I think I lean back a little and only lean forward when I actually THINK about it.

I do speedwork on Wednesdays usually!


Muse be something in the air with keys, maybe the humidity? I have been having issues getting my key to go all the way in our back door lock of our house. Then when I get it in, turns fine but you need to be the hulk to get it out… I have seriously been afraid to break it!


I had to call an electrician to come out and look at our breakers because our dishwasher and garbage disposal weren’t working, but everything else was. Turns out that one of the breakers wasn’t pushed all the way to “ON”…..so he just had to flip a switch. Yeah…..a stupid “housecall” fee of $110, I feel like an idiot.

I have long hair….about 3/4 down my back. It’s usually long, but some days I am super tempted to chop it off and see what it looks like. Too bad it would take me a year or more to regrow it~!

I’ve been doing speedwork on Tuesdays, lately. I just did about 4.25 miles on Tuesday at an average of 8:00/mile (I’m slower than you, Miss Speedy Gonzales!! :) )


Super cute shirt. Glad you got a new one :)


I’m annoyed with the whole “we’ll be there between 12 and 4 thing”.. I’m waiting for the termite inspector guy to come and it’s ridiculous having to wait that long!

I have medium/long hair. I am weird, I only get my hair cut once or twice a year. I cut it up to my shoulders, then let it grow ’til I get annoyed with it, then chop it off again.

I lean back, I’ve been trying to lean forward. It’s an odd feeling for me.

Thursday is usually my speedwork day!


I had to say goodbye to my BFF today :( No bueno! I have medium length hair and I’m currently growing it out so that I can donate it again. I’m not sure which way I lean when I run. I’ll think about that tomorrow when I’m on my run. I usually do speed work on Friday.


Asking questions are actually pleasant thing if you are
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magnificent issues altogether, you simply won a brand new reader.
What might you recommend in regards to your post that you simply made a few days in the past?

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I’m truly enjoying the design and layout of your blog.
It’s a very easy on the eyes which makes it
much more pleasant for me to come here and visit more often.

Did you hire out a designer to create your theme?
Excellent work!

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