8 Things I do When I Have Nothing To Do.

Someday when you all come to visit me in Northern California (you will all be visiting me at the same time because someday I want to put together a huge race for all of us with ridiculous amounts of sugar at every water ((slurpee)) station and your race finishing ‘medal’ will actually be an entire outfit from J Crew) I have a special place I want to take you to.

It is called Pluto’s.  You get to choose SEVEN amazingly fresh toppings along with a meat (if you want) and the best creamy vinaigrette dressing.  Get ready for my weird combo that tasted so good: steak, tomatoes, bleu cheese, edamame, sweet potatoes, peaches and pineapple.  Basically I never go for a theme but just pick out all of my favorite foods and call it a salad.  Billy would be so disappointed, he is all about sticking to a theme.   

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I am sure glad we took a picture in the parking garage because clearly that is beautiful scenery.

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Above is Brooke’s aunt that isn’t related to us.   It doesn’t make sense to me either but for some reason I just feel like she is Brooke’s aunt because we have been such good friends for so long.  

Pluto’s is located next to a Lululemon so we had to go there after lunch.  I bought a shirt that was on sale in hopes that the bright yellow color will magically make me faster without me having to do the hard work part of getting faster.   

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8 Things I Do When Billy Is Gone All Night And Brooke Goes to Bed Ridiculously Early.

1.  First, I was in sweatpants by 4:45 pm.

2.  Eat roasted broccoli and toast with avocado on it for dinner with a side of mint chocolate chip ice cream eaten straight from the container.

3.  Eat M&Ms for dessert.

4.  Watch part of Eat, Pray, Love because it is on TV.

5.  Catch up on every running and food blog ever created.

6.  Organize my running shoes according to mileage. Nerd Alert.

7.  One word:  Pinterest.  

8.  Get in bed at 9:22 pm pretending it is because I teach spin in the morning but really because I have a deep love for going to bed super early.


While reading every running blog created there was a lot of talk about people getting in to the NYC Marathon this fall and I got super jealous.  Definitely my favorite race ever and I even got to run the whole thing with Skinny Runner.

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Let’s just plan on me being there for the NYCM 2014….  (PS I will be there this October running a race:)

By the way, running a race with your name on your shirt is a very good idea.  

So, I wanted to ask WHO GOT IN TO NYCM this year?!?!?  Who has ran it in the past?  What year?

What is your favorite number?


Since it is ALMOST June…. tell me your June fitness goals or if you are running any races in June!!!

Do you wear more bright colored workout clothes or more black workout clothes?

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definitely do a meet up while your in NYC!




I would love to run the NYCM marathon one year, I love that city and I love that race. June fitness goal = get back on a more consistent running schedule since my exchange will be over. And YES to brightly coloured clothes – fitness or otherwise!


So much to comment on! I went to lululemon yesterday too, and surprisingly didn’t buy anything for myself!! I got a cool racerback for my friend. I have that top that you bought in bright pink – LOVE it!! I tend to wear black bottoms and bright tops, and shoes – love the bright fun sneaks.
I have one race in June (on sunday), and nothing major on the calendar until my fall marathon – and a relay in August. Really, my goal is to stay healthy and strong.
I am not running NYCM this year, got my money back from last year. Someday I will. I will probably run Boston in the spring, though. One major big race is enough for me! Have a great day!!


Your slurpee aid station thing is real at some races – the Eagleman half ironman is so hot and unshaded that they have snow cones at the mile 6.5 aid station.


Wait I will ABSOLUTELY run a race if we get jcrew and sugar at the water stops. You’d be the best race director ever! Your day looks a lot like mine right now. I’m a big fan of eating ice cream straight from the container. Big fan.


Oh man, I was just in Cali and did not know about this Pluto’s place! So very sad. Instead, my bf dragged me to every In n Out Burger along the northern CA coast. Sweatpants at 4:45 is totally acceptable!


I love the practice freely tank! It’s my favorite- I am coveting the green one right now.
I wear almost exclusively bright running clothes- just got back from my run- hot pink sports bra over neon yellow mesh top, pink and purple shorts and shoes that are orange, blue, yellow and pink (running clothes don’t have to match, right?).


I’ve never run in the NYC marathon but have run in several half marathons in NYC that were amazing!

My lucky number is 21!

My June fitness goal is to diversify my workouts to include more functional and circuit training.


I wear mostly bright colored workout clothes. I love that top you got from lululemon! I have a blue one like it. Favorite number = 4. Never have run the NYCM, maybe someday though!


Hm favorite number 3. Fitness goal for June is walking sans brace. I wear obnoxiously bright clothing at every opportunity. Winter time my bottom are normally black though : )


I ran NYC marathon in 2007. My favorite number is 21. I’m running the Marine Volkslauf 10K trail run this June. I’m just hoping to survive ;). Lately I find myself gravitating towards bright neon colors. Trying to get away from black, but it does cover the fact that I sweat like crazy.



The run looks like a fabulous challenge! Good Luck!

When you’re done, please consider running the Bair Gutsman in Utah. It goes up to the summit of Francis Peak.


Wendy I really want to run a race in Utah, hopefully soon :) I will look that one you mentioned up.


My fitness goal for June is focusing on upper body strengthening. I’m doing PT stuff so that takes care of a lot of my lower body strengthening. And fingers crossed by the end of the month I will be running again!!!

I don’t have a preference as to what color I wear, I usually pick based on what’s clean.


This is my second year getting rejected from NYC-which is good because I’m running Chicago 2 weeks before. But I entered so I could pile up some rejections to get in one day.

Pluto’s is so fun but I always end up at Rosie McCanns at Santana Row followed by Pinkberry of course.

Please put on your own race-I will help you.


Love the new top!! I have the same one in pink and I love it :)


I was sick last week too and I’ve been upping it on the supelempnts, Vitamin C and garlic! Ugh, I might go for that flu shot this year (I don’t usually get them!)I did manage to have an amazing run while I was just getting over a headcold though 6 miles recovery run that I refer to as detox runs again on my blog. Can’t wait to hear about NYC!


I am hoping to run the Bay of Fundy marathon on June 23rd if my passport gets renewed on time!! I like that yellow running shirt !!


I have black running shorts. My shirts are brighter and they’re either race shirts or volunteer ones. Lately I’ve been very fond of my hub’s Antelope Island Buffalo Run shirt that is a lovely fuchsia, as when I hike with Susanna, it doesn’t ride up with her in the pack.

My fave number is 3, and I hope to get into the mountains more regularly for fitness. We climbed to nearly top of Taylor Canyon yesterday. It was amazing. Along the way we saw a sego lily which I’m told is a hard flower to find.


My favorite number is 12! Because it’s divisible by 1,2,3,4, and 6, and it’s easy to multiply! Haha.


NO NYCM and no favorite number. But I do have a night trail race in June. Oy.

I wear dark colored bottoms and brighter tops. Usually whatever the last race shirt was.

The Kidless Kronicles


My favorite number is 11! No idea why… And I love neon clothes. It became quite the obsession!


NYCM is on my marathon to-do list. Wore a black top for my track workout yesterday and regretted it immensely under the hot TN sun! I might be traveling to Santa Clara for work in late June. Would love to meet up with you for a run, FroYo, or just to say hello!


I wear the brightest shirts I can find to run in. My shorts/pants/capris are all black or dark colors. If I ever switch to something that’s not spandex on the bottom I might go more colorful there.


You will definitely be running in NYC again in 2014, no doubt about that. And your side dish of ice cream paired with M&Ms for dessert sounds perfect to me!


I watched eat pray love last night too! I desperately want to run NYC again but I am due in nov so it’s not going to happen this year! Maybe next year?!


Cute top!! I’ve had my eye on one like that. Most of my workout clothes are black/ grey/ etc because I heart wearing black, but I’m changing that little by little :)


I’d love to run it one year!
My favorite number used to be 12 but changed this year to 13.
My fitness goal for June is to keep active 5 days a week and hopefully keep running a bit through pregnancy. I am running a 5km Color Me Rad race at the end of June!
More black bottoms and bright tops.


Love that top! I’ve actually been avoiding going into Lulu for a while now in hopes of saving my wallet from the agony, but I really need some new bright workout tops since most of mine are either grey or black. And my favorite number is 4, solely because it’s the day I was born.

Happy Friday, girlie!


I’m running a half marathon in June – the Nike Women’s half and I’ll probably do the Undie 5k with a friend though I have yet to sign up. I also start my official Chicago marathon training in June so I’ll have to take care of myself and stay injury free!

I wear bright tops and usually black bottoms. Since I love blue, that’s my standard. But my shoes are green and my Garmin is purple so I’m like a bag of skittles running down the road!


My favourite number is 6. Not sure why though!

I have two 5K races. One coming up on Sunday and Color Me Rad at the end of June with my sister-in-law. And most of my running clothes are fairly boring. Although I’m totally eyeing a pair of running shorts that are florescent yellow with black polka dots.


Still riding a high after finding out I got into NYC yesterday!
Favorite #: 24
I tend to run in all bright pink, but because everything’s a different brand and has been washed anywhere from 1x- 587x the shades of pink are all of and I probably look ridiculous. Whatev.




I do like bright colors, but I do have a lot of darker items too. I tend to go with the seasons…cold weather = dark colors and hot humid weather = bright fun colors.

My June fitness goals…to not get injured, hurt, agrivated by anything during my race tomorrow morning. :)

P.S. I want that salad…but maybe put my fruit on the side. And yes, I keep telling my husband that we need an excuse to go to California so we (and our daughters) can be BFFs. He thinks I’m crazy.


Favorite Number 31
Fitness goals: Train for a tri, Run the 5K Rugged Maniac & Volunteer for it.
Regaining my running speed/endurance after taking the winter off.
I wear all colors of the rainbow for tanks.. only wear black yoga pants.
Not sure I’d ever take a vacation just to run a marathon.. Am I the only one?


I would love to run that marathon! I have to say my favorite number is 35. It was my volleyball number and now I use it for everything! My June goals are to run, ,run, run! And bike, bike, bike! Getting in a good base for training for a fall marathon! I love to run in really bright colors!


First, I want to run your race!! That is my idea of the perfect race! J.Crew – yes please.
I didn’t get in to NYC this year :( but this is my third year of missing the cut so I am guaranteed next year, see you in 2014!


I ran NYC in 2011…loved it, especially because it’s home turf!!


June Goals – Run consistently again and make my weekly mileage ~15 miles each week. Also HUGE June Goal – REGISTER for RunDisney Princess Weekend!

As far as clothing goes – darker bottoms but colorful tops. Just like when I dress for my work days. boring? possibly. :)


I would love to run that marathon one day. Disneyland is first on the bucket list though ;).
My plans for June are to start weight training to get in shape for my spartan race in August.
I love wearing black and purple lol. I keep my hats and shoes super bright but I like dark colors.


My June fitness goal is to have my IT band heal and start running again!

I definitely wear bright colors when I run.


Yes! Most of my workout clothes is obnoxiously bright. They have to match my neon crazy running shoes, you know?


I’m running an 8k tomorrow morning! It’s actually my last race in Virginia because my husband and I move to Ohio in July. Hoping to find some fun ones there though. :)
Definitely bright running tops and shoes (purple pure flows) with black bottoms!


I did not get into NYCM this year :( Hopefully next year!! I prefer black or dark bottoms and fun, bright colors on top!!
I was supposed to run a 4 miler fun run and my first triathlon in June but I have been blessed with my first (and hopefully only!!) round of plantar fasciitis. My fitness goal for June is lots of cross training!!!


The workout clothes I buy tend to be black or white. However, so many of the race shirts I get are colorful, so it really brightens up my workout outfits.
I love Pluto’s!


i’ve never run nyc but it looks like a great race! i like bright workout gear. why not have fun?!


I have lots of black/grey bottoms (pants and shorts), but lots of brighter tanks and t shirts. I guess I like to play it safe on the bottom and wear something fun on top.


haha the aunt thing is not weird! I have an ‘aunt’ who is just my mom’s best friend. I actually know her better than my real aunts.
I’m running my first half in 2 weeks!
Workout clothes is always more colorful than anything else I wear/buy. I just got beautifully neon blue & pink asics


I’d love to run NYCM but it wasn’t the right time this year. Hopefully one year I can do it. Super excited (and slightly jealous) of those who are running


I keep saying I’ll go to Pluto’s, but it just hasn’t happened! I’m afraid I’ll just put everything on my plate and it’ll be a hefty one. Love that tank! I love mixing black and bright colors, makes them brighter :) June fitness goals are to stay injury free and incorporate some sprints.


I just did the 8 min ab video… it’s so funny I probably got a good ab workout just laughing!


I’ve had my eye on that Lulu top for awhile…love that style!

I’m running my very first marathon in June! The Rock N Roll San Diego marathon on Sunday! Eek!


June will be filled with training for cross country! That dinner sounds pretty yummy to me. Especially the ice cream part. Th whole thing just sounds like my kind of night.


I love going to bed early too! Staying up late is so overrated. :)

I am running in my first color run this June with my dad, brother, and his fiance. It will be a 5k, and I usually like longer runs, but I am still really excited about this one!

I definitely like bright colored workout clothes! They are way more fun. :)


slurpees at water stops would be AWESOME! It’s my favorite thing to get after a hot summer run.

When I was younger I had “aunts and uncles” that weren’t related also.

Mint chocolate is the best ice cream ever- FACT.


I got into NYC this year and I’m so excited about it. This was my third time in the lottery. It is a bucket list race for me. I have Portland 4 weeks before and may still run that as my last long training run very slowly. Any advice?


Ha 22 was my basketball number!


i am 22 weeks pregnant and am hoping to run the 1/2 marathon at the manitoba marathon in 2 weeks…nervous! it will be my 2nd half. i mostly wear black running clothes for some odd reason.


My favorite number is 24 :) I have a thing for pair numbers and kinda dislike unpair numbers…I wanted to believe 2013 was going to be an awesome year but it is kinda proving me that unpair numbers suck LOL but other than my awesome love story, it is actually a pretty good year :)


I LOVE that top!! :) I love all things bright because they make me smile… hence the reason why my car is Jalepeno Green! ;)

I’ve never tried to get into NYCM

I have a couple favorite numbers: 7, 15, 34


I’ll be running NYCM in 2014 too! My first June race is the Oakley Mini 10K a week from tomorrow. What race are you doing in NYC in October?


Same (NYCM 2014) and same (Oakley Mini 10K) =) Good luck!


Congrats ladies! I’m doing the Mini 10k too!


I am sort of obsessed with your list of 8 things that you do because it’s pretty much word for word what I do every night – even down to the roasted broccoli. HAHA! Welcome to single life (for me, not you!) :)


Ohhh I am going to Plutos today! I work near Santana Row and my friend texted me last night saying she had a craving for Plutos. It really is amazing. Now I am going to have to pop in to lululemon and check out their sales rack!


I was, as Cher would say, brutally rebuffed by NYCM but I’ve got guaranteed entry for 2014 and the Marine Corps marathon this year so the soul crushing agony lasted a total of 10 seconds.

I am very easy to spot when I run–the neon clothing I often wear helps. I’m holding out for J.Crew to expand into running clothes so I can run in seersucker.


I have always been under the impression that being in sweatpants by 4:45 pm is completely normal and everyone does it. :-D

Please put on a race! Especially here in Northern California, since that’s my home.

My favorite number is 5. It always has been and I am really not sure why. My workout clothes are extremely bright and annoying, my shoes especially. I love them. My June goal is to get faster. My comfortable pace is FINALLY a sub-8 minute mile, I’ve only been trying to get to that point for months. Have a fantastic Friday!


Totally jealous of you meeting Skinny Runner, her blog is great! I have been avoiding ice cream but not pretzels….
NY is on my bucket list, but not this year!


I am running my 4th half June 15! and you better believe I will be getting a PR! I already decided.
I really want a lululemon…anything!
I would also love to go to bed at 9:22.


I live my entire life in bright or patterned clothes. I never get lost in a room ;)


i haven’t been to Pluto’s before but have always been curious! I guess I need to go check it out now :) No races for me this month. Still focusing on recovery and *hopefully* I will be good to go for the Jungle Run in July. I signed up for the 1/2 but may have to switch to the 10k, depending on where I am in healing and training. I’m loving brightly colored clothes!


Let’s go to plutos together!!!!!!


I wear darker workout clothes. No sure why, I guess I’m a dark person (lol).


I didn’t get in… I found out on Wednesday and was bummed the whole day yesterday (and I keep being bummed today)… I’m in for sure for 2014 but still, my whole team is going to start marathon training and talking about NYCM 24/7 until Nov! I’m probably going to run the Philadelphia Marathon two weeks after just to avoid depression. Sorry, I needed to vent!
WHICH RACE ARE YOU GOING TO RUN IN OCTOBER IN NYC? I’m running two races in Oct- OMG, it would be amazing to finally meet you!

I’m running the Oakley Mini 10K in Central Park with all the women from my team next Saturday! Yay!

Fav number: 8!


In the workout clothes world…isn’t Bright/Neon the new black?!?!?


Favourite number: 12. It was my field hockey number in high school!


I would love to run NYCM one day.. but I am far away from reaching that goal.
Favorite number: 21
I am actually running my first race of the summer a week from Saturday. It’s just a 5K but I’m determined to PR! (Hopefully I PR so I’m not a Mrs. Grumpfest the rest of the day).
I usually wear bright tops and black bottoms. (Big booty over here.. try to make it a tad less noticeable with the black)


Favorite number(s): 4 and 18.

I love working out in neon clothing. I have myself convinced it makes me get a better sweat and be more energized.

I love the fact ice cream was part of your dinner. Haha! <3 you for making me laugh


Hahaha I love you girl, I have got to meet you someday!!

I always wear bright neon work out clothes…I mean I definitely have a lot of black too but I am usually that girl at the gym or running with like 56 different color combos going on…oh well!

My favorite number used to be 4 in high school when I played soccer, but now I really like 11..I guess because that is my birthday number?

I wish I was running NYCM, maybe next year!

I’m keeping my same work out/running routine for June/July and I am going to start training for a marathon after that because I have a few that I’m looking at currently in November/December! No races scheduled yet for June/July though because it gets so dang hot here in the South during the Summer!


We have the same favorite number! Only more proof that we are supposed to be real friends. Maybe by 2014 I’ll start thinking about training for an actual marathon, so far my longest is a half.


I watched part of eat pray love too! I so wish I was running NYC but its not in the cards. I’ll plan to be there 2014 with you!!


slurpee stations during a race? i’m in ;)

i love the idea of adding sweet potatoes, peaches, and edamame to a salad – it sounds so refreshing and summery! i love your new lululemon tank, too! i don’t own anything from lulu – i think i need to remedy that ASAP.

my favorite number is 33!


I will be running the NYCM in November. I ran it for the first time in 2010 with IT band issues. Since then I have wanted to redeem myself and was supposed to run in 2012 but it was canceled. So I took my refund and applied for 2013 on a whim. I was completely shocked that I got in through the lottery, considering I got in with the lottery last year as well.


I’m running my first half marathon in June!! And I love bright colored workout clothes! They make it more fun to work out. Plus I work at a gym where I have to wear all black, so it’s nice to mix up my personal workouts with some color. PS I love that your sweatshirt has your name on it. :)


I ran NYCM in 2006. Was my first ever. Was suppose to run it last year but we know how that turned out (ran Philly instead). I got my money back and didn’t get selected for the lottery this year. I’ll be running the Oakley New York Mini 10K on June 8. What race are you running in October?


The brighter the better is my motto with running clothes…I’m 44 so every bit of color helps ;) I don’t have a Lulemon store anywhere close to my home so I have to make do with online…but I generally don’t have any problems with that :) We have a community race/bazaar coming up at the end of June to raise money for a little girl who needs a new liver. That’s all I have on deck for now, but my first 1/2 marathon is scheduled for Feb. 2014…my oldest daughter and I have already registered for the Rock N Roll 1/2 in New Orleans. So excited!!


OMG! There was a Pluto’s where I went to school.). It was my fav restaurant, and I’m sad that there’s nothing like that in So Cal where I live now.

I even tried to franchise from them, but they won’t do it. My love for a good Pluto’s salad runs deep!


Hah! My friend always jokes about franchising Pluto’s to bring down to So Cal. I’ve been lucky enough to live within a mile of one for the past 13 years (Davis, SF, Palo Alto). It’s Pluto’s at least once a week :)


I looooove bright neon workout clothes!!! It’s basically all I wear, besides my capris, those are black. It helps in motivating me, I think. Yes, definitely.



There was nothing on tv and we watched some of that too! The pizza in Naples made me want to travel there! When I am bored usually clean or tackle some sort of planning thing or read blogs or books. :)


My best friend Hollie got in with her super fast half time and it will be her first marathon so will be there cheering!


Hi! First time to comment, but I have been following your blog for quite some time and I love it! And especially love this post. I love your Northern Cali run idea and I am obsessed with J. Crew (and Lululemon and bright colors) too. I would run for them any day! And I can’t wait for the 2013 NYCM, was supposed to run the 2012 race in memory of my grandma for the Alzheimer’s Association NYC Chapter but looking forward to it this fall.


I would like to participate in your fancy Northern California race please & thank you. I like blue slurpees (for no real reason but the color). I also wouldn’t mind eating that steak salad.


Sooo… I completely heart that yellow top from Lululemon! I now want one. Lol! :-p Most of my workout clothes are black with a bit of neon. I’m slowly but surely breaking into more color though – yay!

My only goal for June is to increase my speed if at all possible. I’m a newbie runner so I’m currently in the 10-minute mile zone. Hopefully, with more speed work and strength training, that will change. :)


I was fortunate enought to get into the NYCM lottery in both 2010 & 2011. I compare every marathon to this and they never stack up! I would like to do it again someday. I wasn’t lucky enough to get in this year, but that means I can come to Cali and do the Nike Women’s Marathon! The perks of being a grad student pay off!


I’m a newbie runner, but I’m doing my 9+1 with NYRR and I’ll be eligible for 2014!! Which race are you doing here in October? Can’t wait to meet you!

My fav numbers are 9 and 12 or 912 :P

Next weekend I’m running the Oakley Mini 10k in Central Park. It’s an all womens race and Desiree Davila is going to be there. We all get medals at the end. This will be my first medal.

I love loud obnoxious work out clothes. I always like to put together cute outfits. Makes me feel better :)


The Brooklyn 10k!!! We will have to meet up!


Hey, I’m running that one too! FYI, there’s a Yogurtland veerrrrryyyyyy close to where it’s being held. It’s in my ‘hood.

I’m also running the Oakley 10k next weekend.


Ooh, love that lulu top!! :)

No NYCM for me…yet! My favorite # is 4 and my June race is the ODDyssey half marathon on June 9th in Philly. I am allll about crazy bright colors when running. It’s like a bag of skittles threw up all over me every time I go out to run… which isn’t necessarily the worst thing ;)


I am running in the Niagara Falls Women’s Half Marathon on Sunday and definitely, hands down, bright clothes it is!!


Fitness goal: to just get back in to fitness, since I’m so out of shape after having the baby!!

Favorite number: 15. It’s always been my favorite number, but now I love it even more because it’s Tim Tebow’s number. ;)


Fave number is 19 and the ****BRIGHTER**** running clothes the better!!! Warning—–neon addict!!!


Janae! I am a lover of Pluto’s! I am going tonight in Davis. I didn’t realize you live in Nor Cal. I want to meet up :)


Yes please! That would be so fun! I need to put a get together together!


Well I guess ill just have to run it next yr w you!


June starts my training for Marine Corps Marathon and Richmond Marathon! I’m pumped to get back in again! :D


I was there last fall to run NYC, my plane had just landed when we got word that the race had been cancelled. But I deferred my entry to 2014, so maybe I’ll see you there! I can’t wait!


I have that same shirt in purple! LOVE it. Lulu is my addiction.


My favorite number is 23! Happy to hear you’ll be in NYC this October, would love to meet up!!

I’m running NYCM this year! So excited!!


I LOVE Pluto’s!
They have one here in Davis (yeah, go team Northern California!) and I go whenever the boyfriend says I get to choose for date night!
I will also definitely be at the hungry for slushee race when it happens!


funny you should ask! I was putting away laundry the other day and my hubby commented on how BRIGHT my workout drawer is. When I’m out with friends or on a date, it’s almost always black shirt and jeans, but when I’m out on a run or pumping iron (hehe) its neons galore!! =) PS I love the idea of you hosting a race =)


I want to start training for my first half marathon! (And my first race …. haha)
I wear a combo. All I own are black shorts/pants and bright workout tops :)


Most of my workout clothes are black but I’d like to change that!

Can I say how hilarious it is that ice cream was part of your dinner, but M&Ms were dessert? :)


I want to come visit and go to lululemon?! I still have yet to even step foot in one…yeah…

Races in June? Two in San Jose! I forgot their names though…but they’re 10ks!


Love the Lulu shirt. I watched Eat, Pray, Love last night too haha. I’m running NYCM 2014. So excited!


I HAVE THAT YELLOW Lulu top!!!! That’s one of the ones I bought in Park City. We’re twinners! :) I loooovveee it.

I liked eat pray love the book soooo much better than the movie.


I am doing the PG Triathlon on June 29th, but I have been thinking about doing a marathon this year. I haven’t done one since 2007.


I’m running the San Francisco Marathon on June 16! My first full marathon. So excited!!


your night with nothing to do sounds a lot like mine last night!!! my boyfriend wasn’t home so I was in sweats, eating yogurt, a banana, and a pbj sandwich while reading a hundred blogs, browsing Pinterest, watching part of eat pray love, then finally laying in bed and watching what to expect while you’re expecting at 9:22 as well :)


Avocado on toast sounds odd yet intriguing. And I have a weird mix of bright and dull workout clothes. Somehow I always look extremely mismatched. I’ve learned to embrace it and just focus on my awesomely obnoxious shoes because they make me feel cool.


I’m planning on the NYCM in 2014 too! I’m using the NYRR 9+1 to qualify…probably the easiest way to get in. I hope?


Just finished some ice cream from the container, actually. Fitness goals for June = strength training. I am in love with cardio. PLEASE plan a race like that because if I got sugar, JCrew, and a PR it would be the best day ever.


Usually black on the bottom & colorful on top :)


I wear dark bottoms (grey/black) and bright tops love pink and blue.

I have a v5k next Saturday and I’m doing the 4mi lighthouse run the weekend after that.


I was shocked to learn on Wednesday that I got in to the NYCM! I’m currently kind of injured (grrrrr) and going to physical therapy, and I’m supposed to run Chicago 3 weeks before NY and live on the West Coast so that’s a lot of travel in such a short time span, so I will probably defer to 2014.

Oh, and my favorite number is 9. And I love bright running tops and shorts (but not crops or tights–I like those black), especially from lululemon. My newest favorite bright shorts are the 2014 lululemon Seawheeze training shorts. They’re a bright plaid and really cute.


Haha I love your exciting timeline of the night! And that top from Lululemon is so cute!

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