Friday Favorites!

(shorts, long sleeve, bra, shoes)

Back to gloves but at least I can say the shorts are here to say.

These bushes that we run by smell like actual grape candy.

Day #1 of Tee-ball for Beck occurred. Bless the coaches of the 3-4t team. They are truly angels.

Brooke even decided to come to his practice. The doctor warned us that things will get worse for her in the next few days, but we are clinging onto hope that she is somehow the world’s best tonsil removal survivor.

My sweet friend brought over blizzards for us and Brooke enjoyed hers while she played Zelda with Andrew. Their goal is to complete the whole game over these two weeks and I don’t know whether that is an ambitious goal or not.

We all made it through another day. Andrew and I need a really long nap.

Just a few favorites for today:

*This is saving our lives. Ever since Beck got into his big boy bed, he has decided to get out of bed at the craziest times, making us and us exhausted. We got this Echo Glow and programmed it to be a light red during the night, and then at a decent time, it turns green, signaling to him it’s time to get up. I would have paid thousands of dollars for this lifestyle change, but luckily, it only cost $20.

*Our Sunday morning tradition. Sheet pan pancakes and 52 Modern Manners for Today’s Teens. I first saw this at my SIL’s house and had to get one for myself. We’ve started reading and discussing 2-3 together each Sunday and also simplifying them for Skye’s age. We. Love. It. It is such a great conversation starter about some big topics, and how she has modernized these manners for today’s world is amazing. I’m serious; each one is so good. If I ever go back to teaching high school health, I will bring in a few of these for resources. We keep it open to one of the ones we discussed the entire week for a reminder. PS She also has a kid’s version!

*Being awake multiple times a night for medicine administration hits differently at 38 than it did in my 20s, ha. I love to quit soda during marathon training, but right now, this coconut DDP keeps my eyes open during the day. It tastes too good to be true; it is the best soda in the world.

*I’m not normally a huge love story reader (I’m drawn to depressing books for some weird reason) but I actually really loved listening to Funny Story for my book club. It is a fun listen that kept me interested and kept things nice and light, which is what I needed this week.

Tell me some of your weekend plans!

Listening to anything good?

Those of you that do drink soda, what is the best soda in your opinion?

Have any favorites from this week?

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Plan #1 for the weekend – graduate with my Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation Counsleing!!!
Plan #2 – spend time with family and friends
Plan #3 – watch my husband play baseball


DAWNMARIE! Are you kidding me?! You are absolutely amazing! Hugest congrats to you!


I love a Coca Cola over crushed ice/pebble ice (Chick Fil A kind) with a drizzle of cherry grenadine syrup. Add a salty snack like roasted peanuts in a shell or home popped popcorn with cheezits mixed in and I am in heaven. It is the little luxuries that keep a Mom going :-)

My daughter has been home sick with a random virus since Tuesday and I am heavily leaning on Cokes too.

I really hope Brooke is over the surgery hump and on the mend!


Ohhhhh is there anything better than that combo (the ice is necessary)… and the salty snack. Truly, they are things that add brightness to the day. Nadya, I hope she is feeling better asap. We all need some sleep! Thank you sweet friend:)


I really like Emily Henry’s books! I flew through Happy Place and Book Lovers, need to get Funny Story.

Tomorrow I’m doing the Kinetic Sculpture Race, this cool bike race in Baltimore where every team builds a sculpture on a bike and rides through the city doing different obstacles. Our sculpture this year is a flamingo!

Then my mom is in town Sunday so we get to spend the day with her! I don’t see my family much since I live on the other side of the country.


I will have to read those other two that you mentioned! Ummmm that sounds absolutely amazing. I must see pictures afterward. Have the best time with your mom on Sunday! I’m so happy she will be with you:)


Coconut Dr. Pepper??! We are a Dr. Pepper house, well everyone except me, I don’t drink soda anymore. On a rare occasion I will have a diet Coke or diet DP, but that’s rare. We have all gotten hooked on Poppi and love the cherry limeade flavor. I may need to try a coconut DP after the half on Sunday.
Hopefully Brooke keeps feeling good. I didn’t realize the recovery was 2 weeks!
Favorite from the week… We made sheet pan nachos for dinner last night (always a favorite), but this time used Trader Joe’s beef Birria…. SOOO good! It has a little kick to it, but not too much. It’s in the freezer section.
Have a good Friday Janae


GOOD FOR YOU to give up soda, I wish I had the strength to do it for good. Your poppi sounds delicious. It really is such a long recovery and today her voice is gone. Now you have me craving nachos and I will pick up that beef birria next time I am there. Thanks Wendy and good luck this weekend. Cheering SO loud for you!


Could you please link you sunglasses? They’re so cute!

I’m a diet coke purist :) always and forever.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


I hope you have the most wonderful diet coke today with pebble ice! Here they are, I have them in black and olive. I adore them! Thanks friend, you too!


I wanted to love the DP Coconut soooo bad. But i couldn’t even finish one can, and i LOVE coconut. DP Strawberries & cream still has my heart. i’m in my sheet pan era right now! Sheet pan nachos, sheet pan quesadillas, now going to try pancakes :)


WHAT?!?!? I am so sad for you! We are opposites because I can’t get on board with the strawberries and cream (Andrew loves it though)! But it just means we would be great friends because we would never fight over the last one of each flavor. Sheet pan meals for life… now if you get a chance will you send me the quesadilla recipe you love? Have a beautiful weekend!


Hope Brooke continues to get all the ice cream and has a smooth recovery! And glad you have found a way to keep Beck from getting up at all hours.

Getting a massage this afternoon, and then planning a long trail run this weekend. I went to get a fun colorful mani after work yesterday. Self care for the win!

I used to be a diet coke fiend but drink a lot less soda now. I do love dr pepper!

Have a fantastic day Janae !


Thank you, Kristine! A massage and trail run to look forward to… that sounds heavenly! I fully agree with you, taking care of ourselves is so needed! Good for you to cut down on the soda, I need to start marathon training so I have the motivation to do the same. Thanks friend, you too!



I love ice cold Diet Coke but I stopped drinking it (for the most part) several years ago and I miss it!

i’ve started listening to The Happiness listening to anything but just started reading The Remains of the Day before I break out the beach reads!

Have a great weekend


I can see why you miss it, it is heaven! Off to check out both, thanks for sharing. Thanks Deidre, you too!


We have a baptism today and then my first PT appt post-surgery tonight. My daughter also woke up with huge tonsils and a fever this morning. This happens about every 2-3 weeks and takes her out for 2-3 days each time. She has an ENT appt on 5/9 and it cannot come soon enough!!

I just downloaded The Things We Leave Unfinished by Rebecca Yarros.

The Coconut Dr. P is delish!!

I’m just so excited to be in a brace instead of a boot!


Ohhhhhh Marissa. I feel for you and your daughter. The wait to get it all fixed feels like a lifetime. I hope she is back to herself quicker than normal. HALLELUJAH that you are graduating to the brace. You have been so patient! I hope the baptism goes well and you get a coconut ddp today:). Have a beautiful day!


I just saw the Holderness family’s video on water fountains. Made me laugh and think of you! Check it out!
Hope Brooke is feeling better soon! I would much rather be ill than my child!


Oh my goodness, thank you for telling me about this! TOO FUNNY! Same same same. I was telling her that today. I always want to take away their pain but without pain there is no growth so I can’t take away their growth but I really want to take this away from her!


We would advise people that around day 3-5 can be terrible after a tonsillectomy because the scabs come off and it hurts quite a bit. My kiddo had some discomfort but did okay.

This morning on my bike commute to work I had the weirdest pancake craving. It was early and chilly and hot pancakes just sounded so good. Why do we get random cravings, especially when you can’t fulfill it!


Bahaha you still haven’t been able to fulfill this craving… noooooo! I think you need some now. Your body is telling you that you need it. The pain is worse today, you are so right about days 3-5!

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