Injuries take patience and a crab shirt.

“When bad things happen in life, you take the energy and turn it around.” An awesome story about marathon runners in Boston who raised $4,000 in donations last night to help the victims of the attacks recover.  Read about it HERE!

For any runners that were not able to complete the Boston Marathon due to explosions can participate for free in the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon.  Details HERE.

#handsoverhearts is a call for London Marathon runners to unite and show their respect to those affected by the Boston Marathon Tragedy.  Help spread the word for runners of The London Marathon to place their hands on their hearts as they cross the finish line!

RUN FOR BOSTON!  Going on today.  Check out more info HERE!

‘The tragic bombings yesterday at the Boston Marathon made me question the safety of racing and whether I wanted to continue to run bigger races. Then I stopped and remember why I run.’  Please check out Amanda’s Team in Training page.  


Workout: early morning spinning, rowing (supposed to do it yesterday but did it today instead) and runners core DVD (11 minutes).  I am already looking forward to my runs tomorrow and Saturday.  Building up your mileage after an injury takes a lot of patience, that is for sure.  My treadmill is actually staring at me right as we speak telling me that I should hangout with it for a while….

Instead I hung out with Brooker.


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Our friend picked us up for lunch and in the car when we were talking about where to go somehow my favorite restaurant was mentioned.

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I could eat the burrito bowl every day of my life.

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PS Yesterday I went to Target.

We haven’t had an ironing board for 8 months, that means we haven’t ironed anything in over 8 months.  Good thing I live in workout clothes and you don’t have to iron them.  I finally went to Target to get one and somehow managed to convince myself that this shirt and the iced animal cookies had to be bought while I was there.

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Seriously, that crab top is meant for Brooke.  PS remember when Brooke was a lobster for halloween?

And an awesome little video ladies:

What are you going to have for dinner tonight?

Last thing(S) that you bought at Target?

What are three things that you could eat every day for the rest of your life?

Who else is having to be patient with their running?

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Thanks for posting all those links! so great. Definitely having Chipotle for dinner tonight! The last thing I bought at Target was thank you cards so that I could write them out for my bridal shower last weekend! My training has been going well lately. I am very thankful for that!


Burrito bowls, ice cream, cupcakes, the list could go on and on! I’m frustrated with running because I can’t seem to make myself to go on a good long one!


Two words. Foot surgery! At least I’m walking without pain!


I am so glad you are now walking without pain. Hoping for you to be back running ASAP!


I just watched that video tody and it struck a major chord in me. I don’t know what it was but it inspired me. The lobster shirt is too cute. She’s one stylin’ toddler. I never leave target without a full cart. Ever.


So I work at a photography studio INSIDE OF TARGET! I AM SCREWED.


Target does photography?! ?! Where do you live?! I have never seen a photography studio in any target — even super targets!!


I live in Maryland :) Where do you live?


oh my gosh! that is too cool :D I live in FL now, but I grew up in Chicago! I’ve never heard of that! I’m gonna have my sister look into it, as she worked in Sears’ Portrait Studios but then they closed those studios nationwide a couple weeks ago.


Dinner tonight is lasagna. I am so looking forward to it. Sadly we do not have a target bbut the next best thing is wal-mart. I just bought som gummys and it was an awesome purchase. Right now I’m training for my first half marathon and I’m finding myself super impatient. I just want to improve my times already! But I know that’s unrealistic ;)


Oh my goodness I love the lobster outfit! I bet I could make you a lobster headband to match ;)


We’re having spaghetti for dinner tonight with some Brussels sprouts, should be tasty. I haven’t been to target in a really long time, which is probably very good for my bank account, haha


Oh, Target. I just went yesterday, too, and of course went a little crazy. It’s impossible not to!! Also, I think those might be crabs on the adorable shirt you got Brooke? :) Annnd that video by Dove definitely made me tear up a little.



HAHAH you are totally right! Thanks Katie!!!


I love that lobster shirt! I wonder if they have it in size 24 months? I need to get my niece one!
I was just at Target today – I bought an Elmo DVD for my niece. Lol! She loves her some Elmo…and I was sick of watching the same Elmo DVD every. single. day.
Dinner tonight will be pulled chicken for the boys and salmon for me…loving my new George Foreman!


Oh my goodness, those pigtails! Too much cuteness!


I love those cookies. Today at Target I bought Horseradish/cheddar pretzel chips, and Parm/garlic pretzel chips. They were right by the register 2/$5. They practically jumped in my basket. I ate from both bags on the way home :) I also bought a shirt, but no lobsters on it. It would have been a little tight on me…


Now I have to go back to Target and get what you got!! HAHAHA car eating is the best. I don’t know… the lobster shirt might work for you:) Hope you are having an awesome day!


Dinner is calzones.
Love that video, it made me think about when you used to teach self-esteem class. (I’m not mistaken – right?)


Okay, a calzone sounds absolutely amazing!!! You are not mistaken at all! I thought the same thing when I watched it and I miss teaching that! PS You have the best memory ever!


I ran the OKC Memorial Marathon last year. I love that they’re offering the marathon to the Boston runners for free, sooo awesome!
Recovering from ACL reconstructive surgery – week 5 post surgery. My patience is wearing thin and I have several months to go :-(
Haven’t been to Target or any other shopping establishment in a while. Shopping takes a lot of walking…I’m not ready for that yet.


WOW, I am so sorry that you had to have an ACL reconstructive surgery, that sounds awful! Keep me updated on how your recovery is going!


Maybe I’m the Debbie Downer of the crowd…or maybe I just don’t know my crustaceans… But aren’t those crabs on the shirt? LOL

Whatever… Target gets half our money each month. It’s kinda ridiculous.

The questions:
1. What are you going to have for dinner tonight?
Pork chops and couscous. And some kind of fruit, probably.

2. Last thing(S) that you bought at Target?
Lactose-free milk, toothpaste, and aforementioned couscous. ;)

3. What are three things that you could eat every day for the rest of your life?
Bread, cheese enchiladas, chocolate chip cookies.

4. Who else is having to be patient with their running?
Not me. My biggest issue is having time. Working all day and then going home to make dinner means I feel guilty leaving AGAIN to go run. Ya know?


Awww baby clothes are so cute! Haha it kinda looks more like crab print than lobsters tho! The upside to living in Altantic Canada – lots of seafood!

While just thinking about Boston makes me heart heavy, it does make me proud to be a runner when I see all the amazing ways people have come together to support Boston however we can. Makes me proud to be a runner :)


Dinner is going to be a baked sweet potato and whatever else I can throw together. I think I’m with you on ring able to eat burrito bowls everyday.

My current injury (tibial stress fracture) has sidelined any training. I’ve watched the muscle in my leg atrophy while I’ve been on crutches, and while I know the road to recovery won’t be easy, I am excited for all the milestones (pun intended).


Popcorn pizza ice cream


I hope you haven’t already answered this a million times, but which Runner’s Core video are you doing? McMillan?


I’m being patient with my stress fracture, but the good news is that the MRI already showed a lot of healing! It is progressing quite rapidly!


I’m also coming back from an IT Band injury and agree that it takes a lot of patience (and foam rolling)! That Dove commercial was so sweet that it made me tear up!


Last time I went to Target, I only needed lightbulbs and dog food… and somehow, a sports bra, a tiny strawberry seed kit, sour patch kids, and clif shot bloks all ended up in their, too.
I could eat chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, and cereal every day! Sometimes, I eat them all together (best. sundae. ever!).
I have no clue what’s for dinner tonight. Sent the rest of the left overs with my husband, and I have no motivation to cook. Or leave the house. So I’ll probably make eggs or something easy. I might have just eaten a cookie to hold me over.
Unfortunately, it was the last one, or I’d probably have cookies for dinner, because I’m in that kind of mood.


I love that video – being pregnant I am more hormonal and emotional than usual but it really hit home. One important thing I hope I teach my child is to be confident in who you are and not critical of yourself – it is so important for your own self esteem and how you present yourself to others. Thanks for sharing! :)


Bunny mac and cheese is for dinner! I don’t think you can really go wrong with shaped pasta personally.

Thanks for the posting that Dove video – it is so true for us women!


Burgers for our dinner! I’m having to be sort of patient… no workouts or anything until I am feeling better. Thanks for the video! Three things: peanut butter, fruits, and chocolate.


I live in OKC and am running the half in the Memorial Marathon. It’s my first half, so it’s special to me. I’m battling a couple of obstacles though – I’ve been in PT for the duration of my training for knee issues AND found out I was preggers about half-way through training! Makes running a wee bit more challenging. ;-) But after what happened in Boston, I feel like I have even more resolve to run to honor the 1995 OKC bombing victims and now to honor those affected by the horror that took place at the Boston Marathon. P.S. LOVE your blog!


We are having leftover pulled pork sandwiches for dinner. Meat and bread. Yum.


I just watched that dove video right before reading this – I love it and it really hit deep for me. Women are our own worst critics!


I’m making a sweet and sour veggie stir fry for dinner.


Cuuuuteee shirt!

Dinner tonight is leftover chicken enchiladas!

I could eat lime or lemon popsicles, pizza, and ice cream every single day. YUMM


Love the video!


The last thing I bought at Target was toilet paper. I’m super glamorous like that.

I watched that video yesterday and it definitely made me tear up! So powerful and telling of how we view and value ourselves!

For dinner I’m making a yummy shrimp spinach salad with bacon crumbles and a side of garlic bread, FAVORITE!


I had tuna cakes and roasted asparagus for dinner… both new things and both loved! If I had a Target near me that would be baddd. I haven’t been to one for awhile. Three things… peanut butter, cereal, and noodles. Life would be great.


I saw that video this morning and it seriously brought tears to my eyes. So sad to see how distorted our images of ourselves can be. But think happy thoughts! Three things that I could eat forever are cereal, ice cream, and anything Mexican. Mmm… I think I’m going to have to incorporate all those into dinner tonight…


For me, the return to running is actually harder than actually being injured! It’s so gosh darn hard to STOP your run when you just want to go, go go!

I seriously think Brooke just gets cuter and cuter the older she gets!


I made homemade taquitos last night. So, we have left overs!


That shirt is adorable!!

Ramblings of a Suburban Mom


Great links, thanks! I love how we’ve come together as a community over this tragedy.

As for your questions… three things I could eat every day for the rest of my life would have to be (good) chicken fried rice, chocolate, and chicken fingers & fries. :D


What are you going to have for dinner tonight?

Last thing(S) that you bought at Target?
-Groceries every Thursday :)

What are three things that you could eat every day for the rest of your life?
Peanut butter, Nutella, Bagels


My friend taught me a brilliant trick, since I own an iron but no ironing board- iron with your hair straightener!

Last thing I bought at Target was some new Essie nail polish (a faaaabulous blue).

Dinner tonight: egg white and veggie scramble before swimming and yoga!

I could eat bagels everyday for the rest of my life. Or Jimmy John’s. I have a problem with carbs..


That crab top is so adorable! I am now on the hunt to find something like that in my size. I’m studying abroad in New Zealand right now, and they don’t have Target’s here?!!? So unfortunately I haven’t been to one in far too long. Good for my bank account but terrible for my morale.

And I could seriously eat a PB&J sandwich for breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday and never get sick of it!


Well…to be fair, the pink crabs on the shirt matched the pink cookie bag, so you kind of had to get both.

The last thing(s) I bought at Target were PB m&ms (impulse buy), sponges, and a soap dispenser. Kind of a boring trip!


Thank you for sharing the OKC info. It is my hometown race and we have been trying to spread the word. It is an amazing marathon.


We had leftover sloppy Joes so it was a quick dinner before a busy evening. My last trip to Target was to look at the new Kate Young items. I love the leopard print pumps but I have a torn hamstring so I cannot wear heels at the moment. I came home with the red curved clutch instead. Amazing that I made it out of Target for less than $50.


Dinner= Chickpea picatta over mashed potatoes.

Last thing I bought from Target were some throw pillows for our couch.

1. Chipotle burrito bowl 2. Honey mango 3. Panera peanut butter dream cookie

No reason I need to be patient, but my legs just haven’t been into it recently. I know a good day has to be right around the corner.


That shirt is adorable! The last time I was as Target, i was boring and bought only household necessities. Boring, right?

I’m going on two months of almost no running. I have piriformis syndrome and thought I was better. I started back with .25 miles at a time. I felt great during my runs, then I had two muscle spasms during yoga! Ugh. So, now I’m focusing on cycling. I have to work up to 50 miles for a charity ride. I am surprised at how much I love cycling.

I dedicated my rides yesterday and today to Boston. Have a good night!


One of my girlfriends sent me that same video! Such a great way to start the day. I passed it along to a few of my friends too. Thanks for sharing! I could eat anything with nut butter for the rest of my life.


LOVE the iced animal cookies. They used to be in my lunchbox all the time when I was in elementary school.

Last thing I bought at Target was an awesome colorful skirt on clearance and bright colored bobby pins.


Brook is getting cuter every day!

What are you going to have for dinner tonight?

-I’ll probably make myself soup and grilled cheese. It’s a gray, rainy, dreary day here in Chicago so that combination sounds perfect.

Last thing(S) that you bought at Target?

-I can’t even remember….it’s been that long!

What are three things that you could eat every day for the rest of your life?

1) Any type of seafood
2) Steamed artichokes with ranch dressing
3) Bananas

Who else is having to be patient with their running?

-I have been out of running for a week now due to ITBS in my right knee. Not running is killing me, I actually had to drop out of a 10-miler this weekend so that I can eventually get back into running (doing the race would probably set me back a month). I’m hoping that I’ll only be sidelined one more week. But, I’m signed up to volunteer at the race I dropped out of which is definitely the next best thing to racing.


I just made a great stir fry using a pork tenderloin! I am sharing that email with my high school girls!


My ankle/shin is starting to hurt so I have to run slower than I’d like :(


Pretty sure I’ve ironed 3 times in my life and I’m 30. Maybe 6 times by the time I’m 60??
Love your Boston info!


Ironing is overrated.




The last thing I bought from Target was breast milk bags!! LOL. Have you ever used them? They are super cheap and work great! Much cheaper than Lansinoh or Medela ;)


Nothing tastes as good as a Chipotle burrito bowl when you’re craving one!


I had Jambalaya and vegetables and a few seven layer bars for dinner.
The last things I bought at target were those same animal crackers(ate half the bag while in the store) chocolate milk(had it gone before I checked out) and a skirt because I felt weird for only buying an empty bottle of milk and half eaten animal cracker.
I’m having to be patient because I’m having problems with my hip. I didn’t run for two weeks but was able to run Monday and Tuesday :)


Yum, Chipotle!!

Omg you went to Target and that’s all you got??!!?


I have NO idea what I bought from Target because it was 1. nothing on my list 2. way more than I could type right now.


Geez, I’m having to be patient right now, as I’m coming back from injury. Thanks for reminding me of that as I plan out tomorrow’s workout. :-)


I love the crab shirt. I just bought something similar for a friends baby. I could eat tacos and chocolate everyday for the rest of my life and be perfectly content.


Choco tacos? ;)


I love the handsoverhearts idea!

I could definitely eat spaghetti, peanut butter, and cereal (but not at the same time) for the rest of my life!


I have no idea what I’m eating for dinner tonight….but I’ve gotten things off to a healthy start with some chocolate chips straight out of the bag! Hmmm, need to work on that….
The three things I could totally eat every day for the rest of my life would have to be warm homemade artisan bread straight out of the oven, delicious cheese, and pears fresh from our pear tree. YUM!!!


Janae! Seriously. Thank you for that beautiful video. It was perfect. I am definitely going to be passing that on.
Last thing I bought at target was party supplies for my sons first birthday. It’s not right now quickly time has gone by. Oh and a new neon orange sports bra and tank top.
My crock pot cooked me BBQ chicken for sandwiches tonight and a BBQ chicken tomorrow.


We have been trying really hard to cook and eat at home more, but my hubby and I went out to a local pub where I enjoyed a chicken wrap with hummus & a side of broccoli (and maybe a small glass of wine!). My running has consisted of 1-2 days a week at a distance of 3-4 miles. The rest of the week I do various Les Mills classes (BodyPump, Flow, Attack, etc.). I pushed myself to run 5 yesterday for Boston. I hope to keep increasing my distance in preparation for a marathon relay in June. Three foods I could eat every day: roasted vegetables (especially brussel sprouts & sweet potato), oatmeal, and not really a food but a skinny cinnamon dolce misto from Starbucks!


I bought some cute, low-cut studded boots from Target on Sunday. Best $18 ever.
I am being SUPER patient with my running, I’m still getting accustomed to running hills for all my runs because there is no where flat to run. I’ve been sore since it started so I am taking it slow and easy.


I am still injured and not allowed to run. It’s been a month and 5 days (but who’s counting). It has been so hard for me not to run. The weather is getting so nice and it’s literally brought me to tears several mornings seeing everybody out and about. I’m also nervous for when I’m able to run again to have to hold myself back. This is my first real running injury (I’ve been running since I was 13 and I’m 27 so I’m lucky!) and I know I have to ease back into but it will be so hard to not be able to just go out and run for 2 hours on a Saturday.

What suggestions did your coach give you about easing back into it? How many days a week can you run and how far and how much can you increase your mileage? Oh and I have a tibial stress fracture.

I’ve been spinning and rowing and doing the elliptical but nothing feels as good as running and I swear I’m gaining weight. It’s just been an all around tough time for me, but reading your blog definitely helps me get through it!!!


One of my friends just told me about this video today. I’m so glad you shared it, because I would have probably forgotten to look for it. I’m running far less than I’d like because of an injury. :-(


I hurt my peroneal tendon (it is pulling on the outside of my foot and ankle) so I am not running. I have a half marathon in a week and a half. I may have to walk it :( I cant even make that real in my head. I am cross training with biking and classes at the gym and have added weight training so we shall see. I am also foam rolling which seems to be helping. I am so miserable. Especially with Boston all I want to do is run. And I cant. My heart is almost breaking for those affected and I cant run.


aaahhh totally teared up on that video….its also been a very emotional week so far!
I could eat chocolate chip cookies, grapefruit and roasted veggies every day!! I went to target the other day and bought new workout clothes…it damaged my bank account a little.

I have recently just picked up running again…I had to stop because my knees were bothering me. I finally hit 3.5 miles last week without pain but I still feel heavy and slow. I did, however, run 2.62 miles yesterday in under 23 minutes…all the energy in the air and knowing that tons of other people were out doing the same thing was amazing!!


I went to go get my hair cut today before dinner…and the wait was 40 minutes, so I went to Moe’s for dinner and got nachos. My belly was very full and very happy. The last thing I bought at Target was a running jacket (it was on sale.. i won’t need it for another 9 months because I live in FL and it’s hot) and Easter candy.. I could eat pickles, spinach, and potatoes everyday for the rest of my life. Or pickles, cottage cheese, and greek yogurt. I can’t decide. Pickles is a definite, though. I am stuck in a running rut right now, so I’m trying to be patient and I took today off to do some yoga (I had heavy legs) and rebuild my motivation. I might do the same tomorrow. I want to run strong for Boston, and I don’t think I’m in the best physical state right now to do that.


Love the dove video. I’m out for two weeks on any exercising. I had carpal tunnel release surgery and can’t work out until I get my stitches out due to swelling. I put my shoes up so I won’t be tempted. Looking forward to being able to run, after I am able to tie my shoes again, haha.


Last thing I bought at Target – books for my son to bring to a friend’s birthday party.

For dinner? I’m recovering from the flu, so I had a slice of bread with cheese on it. I’m all about the bland food. Hopefully I’ll be eating real food by tomorrow! :-)

PS – love the shirt for Brooke!


I think that’s great the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon is opening itself to the Boston runners, and what an amazing idea to cross the finish line with your hand over your heart for London! I think we should start doing this at all of our finishes!


I had a mixture of chickpeas, brown rice and asparagus mixed with salsa and guacamole. YUUMM in my tum. I bought two swimsuits and a dress from Target because I cannot walk out of there without buying a dress. Three things I could eat for the rest of my life are peanut butter, anything peanut butter, heath bar ice cream, and trail mix. I am slightly concerned that all the things on my list are sweet…


I had Texas Roadhouse for dinner! Yum!!
I was struggling a little with my new training plan because during the week it doesn’t have my running very far but it’s incorporating more strength and speed. I have to keep in mind that I can already do the distance, now I’m trying to get faster and stronger.
We don’t have a Target (moment of silence for my poor town) so I can’t even remember the last thing I bought there!


If I could eat 3 foods for the rest of my life, they’d have to be (1) mangoes, (2) ice cream, and (3) nut butter (preferably Justin’s Maple or Honey Almond Butter, but I’m not incredibly picky on that front ;)). Aka all of the food groups you’ll ever need.


three things i could eat for the rest of my life, peanut butter, trail mix and heath ice cream. okay so vegetables would be thrown in there too.


LOVE the Dove video! That is such a great campaign.


Ahhhh. When did Brooke turn into a little girl? Seems like she was a teeny baby just yesterday.


I get those animal cookies every time I go to Target! How can you resist something sk good for only a dollar? It’s impossible!


LOVE the video, how awesome.

Also LOVE how many people are coming forward to show the true sides of humanity during this terrible time. I have been so sad and so affected by this all week but i do feel like now more than ever people *and runners! have been there for each other <3


Seriously, the Brooke photos just make me smile every time. She is aaaadorable. Those Dove beauty sketches have been getting me all day. Making me tear up left and right. So touching.


I am SO happy to see all the LOVE that Boston is getting. I hope they feel it as much as I do.

As for patience, I have been running hills for two months now, trying to prep for a race with a crazy climb. Tonight, my patience paid off. I was finally able to run the monster hill without stopping! Definitely feeling a little victorious over here :)


So patient. I’m not even back to the running yet, but man it’s going to be a long road. Of course those had to be bought. Thanks for sharing all the Boston links. So incredible to see so many things happening and so many people helping.


Thanks for letting me know about #handsoverhearts. I’ve let my running group know about it – there are a load who will be running on Sunday. And I’ll do it at my half marathon in two Sundays time.



You have been so awesome and patient with your current injury. It inspired me to stop running just because I wanted to run, even when I was feeling weird pain. Now I am cross training + buying new running shoes + strengthening my body. So thank you for being inspiring!

Also, Brooke is adorable. As always.


Keep up the great work! and hope your injury is completely gone!


Dinner tonight is chicken fajitas.
Last night at Target I bought my son sneakers. New bobby pins and ponytail holders. (where do they all go!!)
Everyday I could eat pizza, tacos and juju fish.
I am having patience with my running because my coach is pacing me. I have a really hard time with that. Any suggestions?


OH my gosh.. pigtails and crab shirts- too cute! I love all the stuff going on to support Boston- there truly is more good than evil in the world!


I love that my home state marathon is helping out like that. Very cool! I could definitely eat peanut butter, oatmeal, and Greek yogurt everyday for the rest of my life. No question!


I just watched that video right before reading your blog! SO awesome!

Brooke definitely needed that top.


Yes – that shirt absolutely had to be bought!

I ran with 12 of my OCRC buddies last on the the OC Boardwalk for Boston. You can see a picture on Ocean City Today Newspaper’s FB page.


Dinner last night was tuna and carrots. We were on our own and it was lame! Last thing I bought at Target was a lamp! I could eat apples, almonds and eggs every day!!


That is an awesome video!
It is what I have been looking for to inspire women!
I hate when women call themselves “ugly, fat, or I have a big forehead.”
You notices that?
Everyone is gorgeous :)


Oops *WHO, not you


I LOVE Target. Seriously. The last thing I bought there was a gift for a wedding I am attending in a couple weeks.


Last thing i bought at Target? EVERYTHING… Its my Sunday therapy


I tore my meniscus a couple of weeks ago and the doctor said to stop running until it heals (however long that will be)… so I am trying to have patience. I was training for the OKC Memorial half marathon, which was my first major race. I deferred my registration until next year, so that’s my motivation to keep running!

Thank you for your daily inspiration!


I bought that outfit yesterday too for my little! So cute. She needed it.


What are three things that you could eat every day for the rest of your life?
Oatmeal, french fries and salmon!!!

What are you having for dinner tonight?
Don’t know yet… we have coupons for IHOP that expire soon so we’re heading there for dinner. I. Am. Too. Excited. About. This. LOL! :)


Oh and dinner last night was leftovers – baked garlic herb salmon and veggie casserole… no surprise there. ;-)


I could probably eat chips, strawberries, and cheese every day be so incredibly happy.

I recently significantly upped my mileage, so I am having to be careful to stretch and make sure I get in my strength training to make sure that my body can recover and adapt to it. So far so good.

I can’t shop at target. I buy too many things!!


Soooo glad you linked to the Run For Boston 4/17 facebook page!! I live in Bryan, TX and our BCS Marathon race director started that! It was so awesome to join hundreds of other runners in town yesterday for a run in honor of Boston. :)


I went to Target to see if they had any flip flops I wanted.. I left Target with a maxi dress, chambray top, scarf and a wallet. Oops.


Dinner is going to be either chicken cordon bleu with brocolli, or mexican something because I don’t feel like cooking. And beer. Because I have had a horrible day.

Last thing from target was probably boring stuff… I haven’t had a great score there lately! I did advise a friend to go get a scarf there because she complimented mine, so I am paying it forward target-style. :)

3 things I could eat every day forever and ever:
1. guacamole
2. cheesecake
3. bacon cheeseburgers
(it is a miracle i don’t weight 800 pounds with that list)

I am sort of having to be patient in my running in that I am slooooowly building up mileage and trying not to aggravate an old injury, and also I am (im)patiently waiting on my running club president to give me my marathon training plan so I can start getting those crazy long runs in!


Every time I see you eating Mexican food it makes me miss the SF Bay Area soooo much, I grew up there and now I live in SLC UT… But I guess I now know how you feel about cafe rio because I miss and love Cactus Taqueria in Berkeley (rock ridge area) I mean it is a must when I visit my mom, and by a must I mean like every meal if I could.


Target is my FAV!! I’d say you did great to leave with as little as you did!!! Definitely my weakness!! Running my last long run today before my first half marathon next weekend. Not a huge fan of running. Wish I was like you and this half would be much easier!!! I’m a crossfit girl – love the variety and group atmosphere!


Nice video, I like the dove campaign


Love that video!
I was just at Target yesterday ~ TP, contact solution, dog treats and a shirt for my daughter! :-)

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