Just add a lot of syrup and peanut butter and I promise it will be good.

I think we might have a crawler on our hands soon….

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One of the highlights of my Sunday was getting to see Bangs Friend!  She has been gone for a week and gets back tomorrow night.  If you have wondered why Billy and I have been boring and have only eaten boring foods for the last week, it is because she has been gone… 


We had elaborate plans to make salmon and quinoa for dinner last night but that obviously didn’t happen.  PS did you know you can make Bisquick just with water (we are out of eggs and milk, I really miss my mom’s pantry)?  It doesn’t taste nearly as good but with enough pb and syrup it still tastes amazing!

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I GOT NEW SHOES!!! I am really excited to try out the Ravenna 4’s!  Besides the fact that they look awesome I am excited to see if the added support and cushion will help that IT Band of mine (ps I am trying to think of a nickname for my lame right IT Band because I really like nicknames so feel free to help me out if you think of one).  

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 I am excited to get back into meal planning this week!  I wish it was Thursday night already…. I might have to switch Thursday and Monday around.

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For the random part of my post, I had one of these yesterday (I found it in Billy’s car and I was bored while we were driving so I decided to try it) and I have found a new part of my new pre-race breakfast.  It was delicious, carbilicious and I think it will be easy on my stomach.  

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What is on your dinner meal plan this week?

Last pair of running shoes that you bought?  Who else wears BROOKS?  What model?

What did you eat for breakfast before your last race?  

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I have pancakes this weekend too! So good! I put a bunch of reeses pieces in them yummm – http://wp.me/p2aqae-14D

Dinners this week is a big batch of soup I made last night in the crock! And my current shoe obsession are Nikes!

Finally breakfast before my last race (Saturday) was an AMRAP bar and some gu chomps, I love AMRAP bars before long runs / racing, they are rockstars in my belly.


It band may be aggravated from spin. Knee flexion puts tension on that area and it may not be from running. Seems like this started when u began teaching spin


Ahhhhhhh that is exactly what I was thinking on Saturday. Can you email me with more info about this?!?


this could very well be true. my good friend is a spin instructor and doesn’t run because she has bad knees and she has IT band issues all the time. she foam rolls like crazy. hope you can work it out janae.


Crazy! Thank you Kendra! Time to get this figured out!


I love Brooks cadence. I bought a new pair yesterday. Big news!! My husband bought a pair of Brooks this wkend. That’s huge!!! He is trying to get into running. I’m so proud! Cute Brooke crawling. You need to post a video of it!


I agree with the theory behind your title :-) I love asics although brooks are awesome too! Before my last race I had cliff bars and they held me over well.


I love meal planning. Tonight we are having crock pot chicken tacos. So simple! Last night we had one of my favorites, Sweet Potato Chili. I am heading to the Nike outlet tomorrow for some new shoes. I’ve heard some other “serious” runners trash talk Nike for running shoes but they have always been good to me. I really want to try Brooks because they are pretty but they are outside my budget right now unless anyone knows where an outlet store is??


sweet potato chili?! can i get that recipe?


Me too, please? That sounds SO amazing!!!!


Last shoes I bought were my Nike lunarflys. Love them. Brooke will be crawling (then running!) before you know it! I failed my plan to meal plan this week. I’m doing it today though…better late than never?


I wish I meal planned. I ate a banana and dry Chex cereal before my last race and was super excited because I had no tummy issues!


Homemade pizza and salad tonight, chicken fajitas tomorrow, chicken stir-fry wednesday angel hair with marinara and fresh grated parm on thursday, and burger night on friday :)
Last pair of shoes were the ascics gel-nibus 12s and a pair of vibrams to try out…
I ate an english muffin and p.b. before my last race…a favorite breakfast option!


I purchased a pair of Brooks PureFlows, and aside from being incredibly cute, they are so comfortable! I don’t typically plan meals for the week, but I know that chicken will be on the menu, and maybe some black bean burgers!


I recently bought the Pureflow 2s because you like them so much. They are great!

I had a picky bar before my last race…those things are so good and they give me lots of energy.


LOVE Belevita bars! Our grocery store in town (which has a population of 145, no, really) actually carry’s them and they are a PERFECT go to snack. AND somthing my 10 year girl child will actually eat without pitching a fit.


I’m huge on brooks right now. I bought three pairs in the past month. Oops! Two were on sale though so that’s fine right?


Totally fine! I <3 Brooks. What kinds do you have??


Pure Cadence 2 purple, and brooks pure cadence.


That’s what I wear and I love them! I can’t wait until I run these suckers into the ground (quite literally) and get to upgrade to the 2’s.


No meal plan this week :) Just eating at yummy places in DC. Today for lunch we are hitting up a recommended falafel place for lunch and I am quite excited

I wear mizuno inspire 8’s. But I have enough miles on them and I need a new pair. I wish they grew on trees ;)

I usually eat a Lara bar or a banana with almond butter. Pb pancakes with maple syrup really is the best

Brooke is gearing up to be the most adorable Vanna White ever!


The Ravennas made my IT band worse. It came up too high (the mid-support) and pushed my hips outwards. Then when I tried to run, the band would rub at my knee. I never had hip pain, just knee pain. I switched to a nuetral and it corrected the problem. I still have problems cause of scar tissue that built up around the knee.


Dinner this week (I make enough for 4 every other night and we eat left overs every other night): Monday- BBQ chickpeas + roasted brussels+ mashed potatoes. Wednesday- Sauteed kale + brown rice + giant white beans. Friday- Lemon pepper pasta + roasted broccoli.

Last pair I bought were the Asics 2000 Trail. My road shoes are Brooks Trance- I tried the Ravenna’s but I’m a true overpronator and they didn’t provide quite enough support, but how I wish they did b/c those are SO cute!

White bagel toasted with peanut butter. Blah.


Love Brooke’s! I wear Ghost5. I love the look of your new Brooke’s!! Prerace meal is a bagel with pb and banana slices.


I have Brooks Pure Connects and LOVE them. They’re the best shoes I’ve ever had. I’m getting ready for my second marathon in them! My pre-race and pre-run food is toast with butter and cinnamon sugar, plus a cup o coffee. Doesn’t get better than that. Hope your IT band gets better!


I Prefer running on an empty stomach, but on race day when you’re usually awake for a while before you start running, I stick to bananas and plain Cheerios which sit fairly well in my stomach.


I just got those same model of Brooks! I love the Ravennas. I started wearing them Tuesday and raced a (very hilly) half marathon in them yesterday in a 1:29! YAY!

No dinner plan; we’re a fly by the seat of our pants type of family. We did start a beef stew for tonight in the crockpot since it’s supposed to rain. I probably will make a microwave s’more since that’s my dessert of choice of the moment.

I ate a banana yesterday before I raced. I almost forgot about it. =)


A friend is bringing over chili tonight! Love having a new baby, lots of food being delivered!
I had oatmeal before my last race and pancakes after!


Dinner plan this week: 1. Fried egg sandwiches, sweet potato fries, and roasted veggies. 2. Nacho chicken bake. 3. Chili (it is still winter weather here) and jello (we haven’t had a family function for months and actually craving it)

Last thing I ate before a race was cinnamon sugar toast and some coffee.


Last night we had layered veggie enchiladas, which will probably be for leftovers tonight. Then late-ish (because my hub was sick all day and hadn’t eaten) we ordered BBQ chicken pizza from Pie Pizzeria.

Tomorrow is a soup and salad kind of night, and we’ll end the week with teriyaki steak for him and lentils and onions for me.

I’m hoping to make up a batch of lentil chili this week, too and freeze it for next week.


I love the Brooks Pure line. I have the PureFlows and the PureGrit2s.

Before races I usually eat an english muffin with PB and a banana sliced on top.

This week we are having paleo chicken alfredo with spaghetti squash, balsamic tortellini pasta, and a veggie pasta bake with turkey meatballs.


My sister-in-law just brought the Ravenna 4’s yesterday, so of course, I had to go to the store yesterday and try them out! I loved them, but wondered if they offered enough support? I love the colors too :)


I LOVE the Ravennas!!!!! I have been running in them for a couple years and they have been a lifesaver for my IT band and plantar fascia! I actually just ordered that same pair on Friday!! No meal plan this week. Hubs is on Spring Break and our baby is due in a few weeks so we will be making/going out for whatever our little hearts desire! Hope you love your shoes!


Fantastic new shoes!!
Love the colour.
Wear them while eating pancakes and you’ll be the happiest runner ever :)


My boyfriend usually does the meal planning because he is a way better cook than me! If it were up to me we would have cereal and scrambled eggs for dinner every night!

I love the Brooks ravennas! They are supportive and light weight. I noticed the new ones that came out and I can’t wait to get them! I used to get so many injuries until i started Wearing those! I hope you like them and your it band starts to feel better!


My last pair(s) of shoes I bought have been my absolute favorite for a few years now- the Brooks Adrenalines!

I love those belVita cookies! I tried all the flavors and the blueberry is definitely my favorite :)


I wear Brooks and love the Ravennas! I’ve yet to get the 4’s but have the 2 and 3’s. I also wear the Adrenalines.
Last pre-race meal was english muffin with grape jelly and coffee. Just for a 5K though. Usually a bagel with PB or something similar. Fortunately, I have a pretty sturdy belly.
Clueless about meals for the week. I do know that today will be leftover corned beef and cabbage from my mom!!


Peanut butter and syrup make everything better!

I wear Sauconys but I’ll be in the market for some new running shoes soon. I don’t want to get anything too light for fear of injury…

My last pre-race breakfast was a banana with peanut butter and a tea latte. I have serious problems about being able to eat when I’m excited/nervous.

My dinner plan for this week = dinner with friends tonight (I think we’re having lasagna and I made apple cake for dessert!), dinner at a conference Tuesday night, coconut shrimp/potato wedges/green beans on Wednesday, gigantic salad on Thursday, and out to Italian on Friday.


Once Brooke starts crawling she’s gonna tool around SO fast! Good luck! I just bought some safety stuff for when Evan starts crawling, although I think it will be a while.

On my meal plan for this week is Crock Pot Sesame Honey Chicken, Tortilla Chip Casserole, Spicy Basil Chicken, Mac and Cheese with Ham, and Sloppy Joes. Yesterday I made the Sesame Honey Chicken and Tortilla Chip Casserole (I don’t have a lot of time to cook during the week) and they were both delicious. The casserole was suppose to have chicken in it but I got lazy so now it only has beans. Oh well.

I run is Asics. I’ve been running in the same shoe since I started running over ten years ago. I am too scared to change shoes because these ones are amazing. I went to a running store and they fitted me in these ones and I’ve never looked back.

I don’t really eat breakfast before a race. I usually have a Gatorade Prime 01 and some GU Chomps and maybe a banana. Not really breakfast – just a lot of artificial flavors and colors!


I’m SO excited someone else loves the PB/maple syrup combo as much as I do! Totally underrated but so amazing. Trust me and try it on Eggo waffles – so much goodness!


I’m trying out some new recipes this week. I’m cracking out my trusty crockpot again and using it a good bit with some new recipes.

I love Brooks. I used to wear a different brand and recently switched. Brooks Glycerin are great.

I always eat a wheat bagel w/ peanut butter and honey. Sits well and last for a while.


My SIL just bought those shoes! She loves them!!! I am sad to say that I haven’t meal planned for this week yet =( We are at least having left overs today! Good thing, right?! For breakfast before my last race, I ate some oatmeal with chia seeds, craisins, and pecans in it! Yummmmy!


Haha that’s exactly why I can’t meal plan – I see something coming up later during the week that I want to eat now and I get all frustrated. And I couldn’t agree more that nut butter (AB in my case since I’m allergic to peanuts) and syrup make pretty much anything edible. I hate wasting food so whenever I have a flop in the kitchen I just drown my failed creation in tonnes of toppings and call it good :)

Happy Monday!


I only wear Brooks. They are the best! I only wear the Adrenalines.

My breakfast before every race is oatmeal, cinnamon, applesauce, and raisins.


Greek pizza, BBQ Chicken Quinoa Pizza and Thai Fried Quinoa – yum, cannot wait!
Asics, I always worse Nike’s or Mizuno’s before but love these!
I always had the same pre-race breakfast, toast with peanut butter and a banana.


I love my Brooks! I can’t believe she is crawling already!!


It looks like Brooke got new Ravenna 4s to me! :)



My menu for this week is so delicious – I read a cookbook all about cooking from your garden, and even though I don’t have a garden the recipes with fresh seasonal produce made my mouth water. I am inspired! So we’re eating things like gruyere and shallot tarts, pancetta and arugula pasta, and fresh pea and yogurt soup.


I have to say I’m a mizuno lover. But you’ve made me desperately want pancakes now. Bummer.


i agree about the LOTS of syrup and PB part :p

your menu for the wk looks great!



Mizunos all the way!!! I just can’t go with any other shoe. I think I had eggs, almonds, and a banana with almond butter and honey lol but I’m pretty much addicted to that every morning anyways so it is most likely what I had


Right now I am in a Brooks Ghost. I tried the Ravenna but I think it made my IT Band WORSE. Maybe because I don’t really need a stability shoe.
Meal planning this week is cut short because I leave for a business trip and then we have company. But we are having pizza on Thurs (finally got that TJ’s dough everyone is talking about) and a cookout on Fri. Not sure about Sat and Sunday will be recovery/leftovers.

The Kidless Kronicles


I wouldn’t mind eating at your house for dinner this week!! Our dinner menu is pretty boring this week and includes lots of chicken and green veggies. Boring!!!


I agree- syrup and PB fix everything!!

I wish I was organized enough to meal plan for the week. You are inspiring me- to start thinking about it, ha!


Peanut butter and syrup make everything better! ;) Looks like you have some delicious dinners on the menu for the week! I can’t remember all of ours, but a few are portabello mushroom wraps, butternut squash and chicken sausage skillet with quinoa, and cheeseburger casserole (!!!). Can’t wait for the cheeseburger casserole one. And yes, I LOVE Brooks! I love their Ghosts!


I have those same Ravennas and I love them! I hope they help your IT band. I’ve been running injury-free at about 40-50 miles a week in the Ravennas for a couple years now, so fingers crossed that they’ll work well for you too.

Also, I wrote the patent application for those Belvita biscuits!


PB does make everything better! Belvita ROCKS!!!! I’ve tried (and LOVED) all the flavors – blueberry, honey oat, brown sugar, cinnamon, apple, and CHOCOLATE. I’ll eat one of the four cookies before a normal 6 mile run and 1 before a normal gym session. I’ll throw down 2-3 cookies before a long run and the whole pack before a race! They are really easy on the tummy too!


I LOVE the Ravenna 3’s! The color of your pair is awesome!!! I rotate mine with KSwiss Kwicky Blade Lights. I have high arches and they give me support while still being light weight. They are great!

Favorite post-race meal: Clif Bar White Chip Macadamia Nut–so good :)


I can’t believe Brooke is crawling! She’s growing up so quickly.

The last running shoes I bought were some Asics. I can buy them super cheap at Khol’s with a 30% coupon, and they work just as well as the expensive brands. I think I wore a pair of Brooks once. To be honest, if I had the money I would buy them all the time, but as an extreme overpronator, I pretty much have to replace my shoes every four months because I just destroy the structure of the shoe by leaning on the side of my feet so badly.

I always eat a Cliff or LUNA bar before a race. It’s pretty much become my staple pre-run breakfast. Why fix something if it ‘aint broke? When I first started running, I always ate toaster waffles, but my stomach never really got use to them.

Had to laugh at the picture of you face timing with Bangs friend. :P


I was wondering how the Brooke’s Ravennas felt while you’re wearing them. I think I pronate a little bit and after contacting the company, they recommended this shoe! How do you like them? Also, you could combine Thursday and Monday meal plans by making savory crepes stuffed with cheesesteak ingredients :) Have a great Monday!


Those Brooke’s look so pretty!!! My right IT band is also being obnoxious, I think we should name them Fred & George Weasly (Harry potter) because they’re causing mischief. Ha, that’s all I could come up with.


I love love love my Brooks Pure Connect 2’s.
I usually just eat a clif bar before a race but I just bought Matt Fitzgerald’s new book on half-marathon and marathon nutrition so I will be interested to see what he says.


Three cheers for the Ravennas!!! I am on my second pair and love them. I like that they are still pretty lightweight but offer a good amount of support. Plus they are not insanely expensive (yet). I used to be a diehard Mizuno Inspire lover but these won me over. I hope you like them and help your leg feel better!

There is nothing on my meal plan! I have always tried to make one every week before grocery shopping but it never works out! I guess I am dinner impulsive!


Love my Ravenna’s! I wore my first pair out to where all the blown rubber and the blue rubber on the bottom was GONE. I’m about 3/4’s of the way through my second pair. I don’t need a lot of stability, just a little guidance. My ravenna’s feel as though they are extensions of my feet!


I got new shoes too! They’re Asics though. I had to get them because they’re obnoxious and have every color of the rainbow on them.


I love my Brooks Defyance shoes! Unfortunately they only come in one color…that’s my only complaint!

Pre-race breakfast is almost always a multigrain waffle with peanut butter and a banana, and cinnamon sprinkled on top.


My last new pair of shoes were the Mizuno wave inspire’s but I also have two pairs of Brooks I run in…I like to shake it up, haha


I always eat oatmeal with bananas before my races. :)
I wear brooks pureflows right now but i like brooks launch as well.


I just bought a pair of Mizuno Waves. I do have a pair of Brooks. They are by far, my favorite trail shoes. They are the PureGrit 2s.

Before a race, I always do eggs with a jelly bagel.


i recently bought mizunos for the first time but after a month of wearing them they suddenly felt too small. i just may be a 10 now. i used to wear a 9 and my feet have grown a whole size since having kids! maybe they’re making shoes smaller these days;)
asics have always been my favorite. but i’ve never tried brooks.


During the last race (13.1) I was on a spree of overnight oats with greek yogurt, almond milk, sliced bananas and Kashi 7 Grain puffs. Plus coffee. GOOD TIMES
A couple weeks earlier, though, I had breakfast *while starting* a ten-miler. Pumpernickel bagel, no nothing because I didn’t want to ruin the brand new gloves x) I think that’s why I developed a breakfast ritual.


I love my Saucony Pro Grids. I don’t know what I’d do without them.


I call my IT Band “Ol’ Righty.” It hasn’t flared up for awhile, but a couple years ago during marathon training, Ol’Righty and I had daily battles.


Deep Dish French Bread Pizza, Breakfast for Dinner, Leftovers, Chicken Fingers & Tots, Honey Dijon Pork Chops & Veggie

BROOKS Pure Cadence… LOVE them! LOVE that they are bright pink!

I raced a 5K Saturday and had a granola bar and a cup of coffee


OMGOSH! We have the same shoes! I just got mine the other weekend and I LOVE them, seriously LOVE them. I was running in the Brooks PureCadence and decided I needed more support and these babies were the answer. You will fall head over heels in love with them. And the highlighter yellow shoelaces are an added bonus.


Yum, I am totally stealing your bread bowl idea. Can’t wait to hear how you like the Ravenna’s! They are on my must-try list.

No clue about dinner this week except we are brining pasta and homemade meatballs over to my mom’s tonight. My last pre-race meal was this past Saturday before the Leprechaun Run and I had a whole wheat mini bagel with PB and a banana. :)


My meal plan is vegetables, vegetables, and more vegetables! We were super busy all weekend and I feel like I didn’t eat as well as I like (lots of pancakes and cupcakes though, delicious!). Tonight I think I’ll make some sort of stir fry.

I LOVE Brooks. I go back and forth between the Adrenaline 12s + PureCadence2. My stupid foot pain has been keeping me from spending too much time in my running shoes though :-(

Pre-race breakfast is ALWAYS toast w/ PB + half a banana and a small cup of coffee. Don’t mess with what works!


Ha! Now I KNOW I’m on the right track… I LOVE my Brooks Ravenna sneakers!! You’l love them… feels like I’m running on clouds! Also lovin’ the colors on yours! Dinner tonight will be turkey sloppy joes & spinach salad…hubby requested! ;-)


Brook is too precious! Makes me want a little one. : ) Nice work on making a weekly dinner plan. My dinners are usually a game time decision.

I eat oatmeal with peanut butter & coffee before all of my races.

For my last marathon I was Asics gelblur all the way. I’m actually on the hunt for a new shoe & I’m going to give Brooks a try because you & your readers rave about them!


hahaha a nickname for your Right IT Band? maybe RITA? (Right – IT +A to make it a girly name)

I just bought some Asics Gel Excell 33’s, I’ve been toying with trying out some Brooks but I’m building up to more ‘light weight’ shoes first so I can try their Pure line :) My old roommate is obsessed with her Cadences!


I love those Ravennas, I work at a running store, so I am always trying on the shoes. I am a Mizuno fan, but a have a pair of Ghosts, similar to the Rider in the Mizuno line. The color of the Ravenna is pretty sweet! This week we have a lot of crock pot meals! Brooke is sooo cute!!!


Brooke is so sweet. Pancakes with PB and syrup is the bomb.


For dinners we are having turkey meatloaf and shrimp fried rice (not together – weird) Maybe some potato soup too – inspired by your clam chowder!


I usually eat about half of a Clif Bar before my races, but that’s just because I’m only running a 5K or maybe a 5 miler so I don’t need much otherwise my stomach will get upset! I’ve made the mistake of eating eggs and peppers and even peanut butter before races/runs and I feel horrible during them!


I have ZERO idea of what I’m going to make this week… I usually just wing it and it goes over pretty well ;) The last pair of shoes I bought were Saucony brand and I just bought them about 2 months ago! Before I did my last race, I ate half a bagel about 2 hours before race time. That was it! Easy…boring. Felt okay


OMG I adore that pic of Brooke doing the almost crawl thing! My daughter is a few weeks older than her (8 months on the 26th), and has been doing this weird ground humping on all fours thing for a month now. Still has yet to figure out how to propel herself forward. But it’s the cutest thing to watch, am I right?


I’m a fan of Asics but am on my first pair of Brooks and they’re doing just fine too. I think my next ones need a little more arch support. I guess that’s more important than them being a cute color…but what if I can’t have both?! Life is hard ;)


Try the Cinnamon Brown Sugar Belvita Biscuits! They are A-MAZ-ING :) I’m very picky about what I will eat before long runs, but these little slices of sweet deliciousness have totally made it into the rotation.


What is on your dinner meal plan this week?
* Last night was corned beef and cabbage (and carrots + potatoes + pearl onions); leftovers are lunch/going to be frozen. Tonight is quesadilla to finish up the last of a pack of tortillas, plus salad. Tomorrow will probably be from the freezer as I hunker down again for snow – most likely mushroom burger on english muffin. Beyond that I’m not sure, but I’d like to fit in a quiche soon to use up some eggs.

Last pair of running shoes that you bought? Who else wears BROOKS? What model?
* Last pair I bought (well, actually they were a Christmas gift) was my first pair of Mizuno’s, the Elixir in Purple/White Zebra Print. Love the look, not 100% on the feel. Other than those, I am a Brooks girl all the way. Right now I have a rotation of Adrenaline 12/Trance 10/Ravenna 3s. I like Adrenalines, Trance are too heavy, and Ravennas are my favorites; I can’t wait to get a pair of the 4s!


I love those shoes! The colors are so cool!


Brooks 4 lyfe! Glycerin here.


The new sneaks look awesome! Enjoy, can’t wait to hear more about them.


Cute shoes!!! I’m an Altra gal – I love my zero drop shoes :) I got a pair when I was training for my first marathon, broke all the rules by wearing them for the first time on a 20 miler, LOVED them and haven’t looked back.

My breakfast before my last race was a big boo boo. It was a half marathon, I didn’t train for it (at all), and it was pure misery. Of course I ate cupcakes for breakfast (thinking a) hello glycogen! and b) I’m totally burning this off so it’s ok)…. Such a bad call. I will never, ever do it again, the bellyache I had the entire race was awful!


Hi Janae! I’ve never posted a comment before, but I just wanted to say I love your blog and look forward to checking in everyday for inspiration and a smile!
I’ve never tried the Ravenna’s, but I have worn the Adrenaline’s for the past 10 years and love them! I’ve used them through many half marathons and currently using them in training for my first full marathon in April.
Have a great day, and I hope you get your IT band problems figured out soon!


The last pair I bought were Brooks PureCadence, but they’re not the right fit for me to run in, so I am alternating between super old Brooks Adrenaline’s and Asics Gel 3000 until I come back to the states in July and can visit a running store. Ugh. Perhaps should try wearing a pair of plastic sandals the locals run in (I live in West Africa). If Brooks is interested in sponsoring a super slow overweight runner as she trains (running in .15 mile circles around her compound) for her first half marathon in 4 years and one baby, send ’em my way! ;) Semi-related side note, why are most support shoes so boring looking? Overpronators love cool looking shoes too!!!

On the menu this week are hootenanny pancakes and a raclette party. Yay for eggs and cheese!


I love my Brooks PureFlow and the Cadence too. I switch between the two depending on the run I am doing. I hope the new shoes help you IT band.

I had salmon and quinoa for dinner last night, yummy. I have no idea what is for dinner the rest of the week!


Janae, I was also running in the Pure Flow 2’s and encountered some minor aches and pains that I think had the ability to turn into full blow injuries if I didn’t do something. I am using the Ravenna 4’s for my longer runs and am 100% again. Hope they do the trick for you, too!


I’ve seen those biscuits a lot lately…Are they good?!


The right IT Band, you must call it “Banjo”. My right one has been behaving poorly for 3 years now and I always think of a singing band when I see IT Band. Plus, it is kinda like a banjo sting running from your hip to knee :)


My aunt gave me some of those Bevitas before I took a road trip and I was surprised at how good they were! Definitely something to think about for pre-race fuel.


My pre-race breakfast is always the same: a wheat bagel topped with peanut butter, chia seeds, and cinnamon and a banana.


My mom and I just got fitted for running shoes and I ended up with Brooks Ravenna!! Twinsies. :) I like them so far, which doesn’t mean much considering I’m used to buying whatever tennies are on sale (I know, I know) and I’ve only done a few runs in them hehe. But theyll be put to the test this weekend…running my first 10k!


Good heavens, you plan your meals a week in advance – good on you!
I started running in Brooks Ghost 5 and still love them, but had to get some Brooks Adrenaline 9s for trail running because the Ghosts just let the dirt right through. I looked like I’d dipped my feet in cinders after each trail run!


Look at Brooke go! G was a late crawler/walker, but the kid could talk a ton! They’re all different and do certain things when they’re ready, but as a mom, you always worry.

I’m definitely making the cream cheese chicken chili that you were talking about. Can’t wait to try it!


Loves Belvitas! Brown sugar cinnamon is great.
I am a mizuno elixir wearer


I’m an Asics girl, mainly because that’s what I was fitted in years ago and they’ve never failed me. A half of a bagel with a thin layer of peanut butter, and a banana was my last pre-race meal. I have t be so careful of tummy issues!


Your meal plan for this week sounds delicious! It might just inspire me to copy you this week :)


I love love love Brooks Running shoes!! I run in both the adrenalines and revennas. I REALLY want to try the pure cadence next. Have you tried them??


I think you should name your freaky IT band “Cousin It” like in the Adam’s Family.


Mmm, your meal plan looks awesome!

I’ve wondered about those BelVita bars when I’ve seen them in the stores!


I NEED those shoes!! I have ran in the Ravenna 2’s and 3’s. I am loving the new color scheme of the 4’s. Feel free to send me a pair in a size 9. :o)


I wear Brooks Adrenalines to run. Love them!! Unfortunately, I have a narrow foot & they only make the narrow’s in boring blue & white. I like color!! Sooo, I just bought the Mizuno Wave Runner 16 in the aqua & pink. LOVE THEM!! I don’t run in them because they don’t have enough support for my jacked up feet but they’re super cute to run around town in & so comfy!!


I was also going to suggest Cousin IT! Great minds think alike, or something… I wish our dinner plans this week looked that good! It’s mostly chicken. With pasta. Or salad. :/ we call our predictability endearing, lol.


I tried making protein pancakes for the first time this morning and belch, they were awful! I’m guessing it was the green color that did me over… But after I slathered a few globs of PB on top I managed to get them down. Barely :P


brooke is so close to crawling!! HOW CUTE!! can’t wait to see her in action


I just got new shoes Asics GT-2000! However I’m having it band issues on my right side too! Any suggestions for solving this? I took last week off and foam rolled daily. Going for a run today, hopefully it’s pain free!


I just got the Ravenna 4’s… They’re awesome!!


I just ordered these shoes from my local running store–they were out of my size. :( LOVE the colors. Can’t wait to try them out!


Now I can’t stop thinking about pancakes! My theory is that everything will taste fantastic if you put pb and syrup on it.


Okay, put peanut butter on ANYTHING and it’s instantly a million times more delicious. I do that often #sorrynotsorry


I just got the Brooks Ravenna 4’s! They’re my first Brooks shoes, and I love them. I also always get compliments on them. :)


I only had IT band issues when I switched FROM Brooks Ghosts. Never had an issue since going back to the Ghosts!


I love Belvitas. We had them for years in France. When I first moved to the UK I would ask anybody coming to visit to bring
Me some. I pretty much have this every morning for breakfast with a yogurt and some fruit.


I have those exact shoes! I love my Revennas! I also bought the other color. They came last week on the same day I sprained my ankle on my morning run. Lol. Of course they did! I can’t wait to start putting some miles on them later this week. The purple with the bright yellow socks are so stinking cute!


Not sure if you’ll see this — I’ve been wearing the Ravenna’s since the very first one came out. LOVE them. I loved the first generation the best — but apparently I’m the only one. They changed it quite a bit since then, but it’s still my go-to shoe. I currently wear the Ravenna 4 and mix in the Adidas adizero tempo. Mild stability, less shoe, sufficient cushion for the distance training. I’m definitely a Brooks girl.


I wear Brooks Adrenaline 12s and I LOVE them more than any other shoe I’ve used. Need a new pair and can’t decide if I should just pick up the same pair again (Adrenaline 12s) or try the Ravenna or even the new Adrenalines?!

Runner problems….


I have those exact same shoes and am loving the purple and yellow! I used to run in the adrenalines but switched to the Ravenna three pairs ago because it has more cushion.


love my Brooks Pure Flows!

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