My goal for whenever I am in Utah is to spend every possible second with family/friends and yesterday I accomplished my goal to the fullest.

After lunch at Jason’s I went to my sister’s house for a dance party in the kitchen.

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Followed by playing a matching game.  I lost to the kids and I was actually trying my hardest to win.  I think I might need to learn how to be a good sport when I lose for when Brooke is old enough to play games.

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Next stop was to see my bff from high school and college.  She is TWENTY WEEKS along with a little boy.  It was her first time meeting Brooke.

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The food in the below picture tasted too good.  I picked up my date (Mer ((the best grandma in the world)) and we went to Kneaders for bread bowls.  We both had the Parmesan Bisque.  Every time I eat a bread bowl I wonder why all of our food isn’t served in a bread bowl… the world would be a better place.

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The night was finished off with an exciting game of Bananagrams with my mom.  We had to bring out the Scrabble dictionary because somebody (aka my mom) uses crazy words.

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Another morning gym workout with my sister.  I am plotting a way to kidnap my family to take them back with me to California.


Married/engaged people:  Tell me about your proposal! What day was it on?

Ever played Bananagrams?  Are you good at word games?

Is you workout today at the gym or outside? 

-Way too cold for this girl.  I will be inside the warm gym.

Favorite soup ever?!? 

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So happy you said YES! You need to preface that sentence with “SPOILER ALERT”… We got engaged on April 9, 2009 in Pasadena, CA before the UCLA track meet! It was more romantic than that but I’ll spare you the story ;-) Bananagrams is awesome! And workout was outside today! First time feeling ok since our half on Saturday! I hope your legs feel less like they went through a paper shredder…


Elizabeth I wouldn’t be opposed if you put your story on your blog on April 9 :)


I might have Joe write it… since he was behind the scenes and all ;-)


Deal :) As long as we get the story!


Enjoy the time with your family! Brooke loves the attention!


I bet mac and cheese would taste pretty amazing in a bread bowl. That’s my next goal. You and your family do so many fun things together! I think I need to start planning all the cool things I can do when my family comes to visit for a couple days. It will involve lots of food :)


I love word games! Haven’t decided on an inside or outside workout yet. Depends on how much snow we get today! boo I hate running on a treadmill


That is so wonderful that you are getting to spend time with your family! My workout today was a 5:30am spin class and some ab work! I thought of you and your new spin instructor job!


We got engaged on 12/08/11, married on 12/28/12! His proposal took us back to our first date 7 years prior, it was very sweet! Todays workout will be in the gym, Ohio weather is cold and rainy. Blah!


happy proposal anniversary!! Love broccoli cheese soup and put it in a bread bowl…oh my! Have fun with the fam!


I’m making bread bowls for our French onion soup tonight! Started the dough yesterday. So excited.


My proposal was a few weeks ago on Groundhog Day and it was wonderful :)


Oh my goodness congratulations!!! Thats so exciting! I got engaged last groundhogs! It’s awesome because it’s such an easy day to remember!


I LOVE BANANAGRAMS! So much fun :)


Ps happy engagement day! My hubby proposed in a private plane :) coming up on 5 years this June!


I loved “engaged” anniversary’s!
Ours was 10.21.10!
We had been talking a LOT about getting married and even scoped out rings. I didn’t think he was going to propose until 11.28 (our anniversary) but he surprised me! Lots of tears and smiles!
And technically I didn’t say “yes.” So when he dropped me back off at my grandmother’s he was like so “yes or no?” OOPS! :)


Scott asked me to marry him 18 days after we met and didn’t have a ring!

I suspected it was coming, as 3 days earlier he tapped my ring finger in silence as we sat on a bench overlooking the Potomac River.

12 days later we married on a pier over the Potomac not far from that bench in the state park where we trail ran and he cycled. We still didn’t have “official” rings.

The rings hold major significance. He wanted diamonds, and I said, “After your time in South Africa you should know I’m not down with diamonds.” He laughed.

Our wedding rings are made of titanium which is what holds his right ankle on after it was nearly severed in an accident. He quoted a line after he proposed about “hoops of steel” from Shakespeare as he looked for a ring to give me. Yet, it didn’t seem right, so we have “hoops of titanium.”


Happy Anniversary! So glad you and Brooke are enjoying all the family time :)


I ran outside today since we’re supposed to get a snow storm tomorrow and I probably won’t be able to get out for a few days! I’m glad you’re enjoying your time with your family and friends- I just got home from trip to see mine :)


May 9th 2002, on a picnic at Swiss Oaks in Midway, Utah. He was leaving for Air Force Field Training for 5 weeks in Florida– the next day! He had a ring made for me, because he couldn’t find one that fit what I was looking for. 10 years later…. 2 little daughters…. a bunch of Air Force moves…. still going strong!


Bread bowls are the bomb. Recently I started ordering my soup in a regular bowl with a bread bowl on the side because I had this moment where I realized that though I love bread bowls, they typically contain less soup because they have a smaller bowl-part than normal bowls. So if you get your soup in a normal bowl, you can keep refilling the bread bowl and it goes on forever. Best of both worlds. Yes I am crazy!


We should be friends because I do the same.


It was Christmas Day, the proposal.
I am not good at word games but try and play them anyway.
I am still debating what my workout will be this morning.
Favorite soup? I am not sure. Corn chowder maybe. Tomato basil. French Onion. Do I have to pick just one?

The Kidless Kronicles


I got engaged at a resturant thats really special to us on the 1 year anniversary of our first date, ground hogs day! So I’ll never forget the date! It was in a comfy lounge in front of a big warm fire. We are still engaged (getting married May 11). It was wonderful and someone in the resturant sent us champagne (I didn’t even realize there were other people there let alone noticing).

Anyway, I ran 11 miles last night with a friend and realized its been a long while since a rest day so today is my day off. Not too stoked about it but my legs will probably thank me.


My husband proposed on 2/13/04 @ 11:58pm. He was going to propose on Valenties Day but couldn’t wait. So he came to my house and woke me up and proposed. He went back home and went to sleep and I was up trying to figure out who I could call and tell.


lol I’ve never even heard of Bananagrams! And I’m not sure about my workout, I was hoping to go to Zumba but my knee is bothering me and Zumba makes it worse :(


If you like games download Ruzzle today. Have Billy do it to because you play against each other. Chris and I have been playing this as our after dinner transitional activity.! But we are getting kind of competitive. :)


I was asking if we wanted a long engagement or an engagement at all (my second marriage, he’s 10 years older than me and we were living together already)…he said, I love you and want to spend my life with you and then we picked a date. We were engaged for 1.5 years and got married on our 3rd dating anniversary, 11.20.12!


The very first comment on that post that you linked us to….how you two will make beautiful babies….you sure did!!! Brooke is a doll. Have fun with your family and friends :)


Did a quick 4.5 miles outside before work. I was running late, so I had to cut it down from my originally planned 8. It’s supposed to pour later today, so I couldn’t push it until after work


We started dating in May 2010, got engaged the day after Christmas, and got married in September 2011! :)


I love telling this story! We were engaged 1/29/11 in NYC. We were long distance at the time. I was visiting my sister in NYC and then he was going to visit me 3 weeks later, I expected the proposal on his visit 3 weeks later. My first morning in New York we were walking through Central Park to get to the Met. There was a big snow storm that had delayed my arrival by a day. The snow covering the park was beautiful. As we are walking I noticed him walking towards us on the same path. He completely surprised me! He proposed immediately. It was perfect. I was too in shock to cry, I just giggled like a bafoon.


That’s so cute!!


I am the worst at those matching games! I never win haha


We got engaged on New Years Eve 2008 into 2009. Right as the ball dropped my husband got down on one knee. I was like “what are you doing on the floor??” and then he held up the ring and asked me to marry him. I said yes. :)

I have played Bananagrams, its so much fun! I’m just okay at word games. My Nana whoops my butt in scrabble.

This morning I did Jillian 30 day shred and this evening I have 5 miles on the schedule. I am not a treadmill runner, so I will be running outside after work. It’s currently 34 degrees and freezing rain/sleeting…. should be interesting.

I love vegetable soup with chunks of potato and no onions!


And I just read your proposal story. It is adorable! I love how Billy surprised you :)

My husband and I met in college (he was a senior, I was a freshman) and he asked me out over facebook, too! What would we do without FB??


Happy engagement day chicka!


Aww! Happy [day-you-got-engaged] Anniversary! Yes was a very good ending to the story :) Maybe you can bribe your family with food to get them to follow you to Cali? Or with the promise of good weather? That would be enough for me! I’m such a wimp when it comes to the cold, so being somewhere where it’s constantly warm would be a beautiful thing.


We got engaged on October 3 (and then married exactly six months later on April 3rd). We went hiking and at a lookout point, I turned around and Mike was down on one knee. It was pretty great.

I LOVE bananagrams. Mike refuses to play that or scrabble with me because I annihilate him. My family all plays, though.


My husband proposed to me at restaurant too- our favorite place. He proposed on Valentine’s Day but I was very surprised b/c he always said he would NEVER do that b/c it was too cliche.

Workin’ out in the gym… It’s a freaking monsoon in SC and I’m actually considering building an ARK.


Happy Anniversary! Love your proposal story! We got engaged on Christmas Day, 2007. Complete shock to me. We will be married 3 years on Oct. 9th. It was a longer engagement because we both took the ‘later route’ to college…going back at ages 25/26…and I still had a full year and a half to go. I can get ‘spastic’ if there is too much to take on in my life (but i’m a really good multi-tasker…i don’t get it either). And he knew there was noway I wanted to handle full time school and plan a wedding.

So 2010 sounded like the perfect year. October 9th is also the same date we made it ‘official’ to become a couple. So we will be together 9 years on our wedding day. Two anniverseries in one. :-)

That soup looked incredible!


Ran 6 outside this morning in a balmy 23 degrees. Honestly, felt like spring. We are expecting yet another dose of snow beginning tonight so really enjoyed running outside. Sounds like stuck on the mill tomorrow and maybe Thursday.
I’ve never played bananagrams and I’m not much of a word game fan. I do much better at games such as Pictionary. I’d much rather draw.
Enjoy your family today!!!!


I am so glad you are having so much fun with your fam :) I need to go to Kneaders RIGHT NOW and get a bread bowl.

So we got engaged like days apart from one another!! On March 1 it will be 4 years ago. We got engaged in Crystal Cove in SoCal.

Enjoy Utah!


My workout is inside today!! I’m such a baby when it comes to colder temps! If I try running in chilly weather, the inside of my ears hurt!! My favorite soup is ribolita! It’s an italian dish! And it involves day old bread chunks tossed right in! It’s so hearty and AMAZING.


Hubs and I got engaged in November. Not necessarily a special day, but it was in Vegas, and it became a special day after that. He had a limo drive us around with champagne. We had lunch at Mesa Grill. We met my Aunt & Uncle at the hotel to celebrate, and then dinner in the Eiffel Tower restaurant. It was perfect.


My engagement was March 18, 2009 so almost 4 years ago too! My husband proposed on a trip in Arizona, in a hot tub. Lol.
I have a work event tonight so its my rest day this week.
My favorite soup as a kid was clam chowder and now its butternut squash soup!


Happy engage-aversary!

We got engaged on August 6th 2011 and got married last October!

He proposed on a hike in Marin County on probably the foggiest, coldest day of the year. I was so mad at him all morning for dragging me out into the cold to ‘hike’ but when he dropped onto his knee, I was like ‘ohhhhhhhh’ and it was all worth it (except that I was wearing ugly hiking clothes and my hair was plastered to my face from the wet fog). Best day!!


My hubs proposed over the phone to me – while I was working on a saturday. :( It certainly wasn’t romantic and yet it is so typically my husband.

Inside here in Michigan for a bit longer – but I feel the pull of running outside more and more lately. Depending on the weather this wknd, I may make my first run outside all winter happen. So ready for SPRING!!!


Looks like you’re having so much fun with your family! We got engaged Christmas morning 2008. He wasn’t even suppose to be there, but he put the ring in my stocking before I got up and then hid in a different part of the house until I found it!


So glad we got to hang out yesterday, love you!
I love bananagrams but I’m not that creative with words.. usually about candy or some sort of food. ha!


We were engaged 12/16/12 (getting married 5/4/13)- I planned our engagement without realizing it- he’d been having the ring designed for a long time and when he finally got his hands on it he just wanted to pop the question. I begged to go look at Christmas lights after going to dinner at our favorite burger joint, and he proposed amidst a field of lit up Christmas trees with Atlanta’s skyline in the background.

Today is a rest day. Yes!

Soup in a bread bowl is the greatest idea ever. I love all soup- esp. a really hearty tomato soup with cheesy croutons.


I got engaged September 30, 2006…Candles and Peanut Butter M&Ms by the river.

I love word games and Bananagrams…but my husband doesn’t like them so I rarely play.

If I run before my husband gets home, I’ll have to run on the treadmill, but if I wait until later I can run outside…

I love all sorts of soups now, but my longest favorite is Creamy Chicken and Rice.


The hubs proposed to me by hiking me to a gorgeous overlook. He wasn’t supposed to do it until after Thanksgiving(so I thought, when he could get the ring). I was sooo excited!


Not engaged yet… can’t wait to have my own story someday though :0

Bananagrams is the best. I wish I had close friends/family around here to play with though!! I am rusty.

I will be swimming laps at the gym (yuck.) Trying to add swimming back to my schedule but it’s real tough to jump into that cold pool. However, my new gym has a nice hot tub :)

I think that soup there would be my favorite. But I really love the french onion bread bowl from Panera. Yum.


Not engaged or married…but I had a really special moment with a really special guy at the Appalachian Trail starting point on Springer Mountain last weekend. I think that’s where I’d like to be proposed to!

Today is a gym workout. 36 miles in 3 days is a lot for this girl!


Being a sappy writer, I was on a mountain biking trip to colorado and presented my wife with a chapter of a story each day of the trip. The story was about us, and the last chapter was the proposal. I was supposed to present the final chapter and the ring to her high on the mountain tops while mountain biking. Unfortunately, she had a sweet wipe out and ended up in the ER. She read the last chapter sitting on a hospital bed getting checked for a concussion and with some bloody road rash on her legs. The scars and the memories remain. It was perfect.


We got engaged on Halloween almost three years ago. He proposed along the river in Peoria Illinois while he was visiting me when I was in grad school. It was totally unexpected and perfect! Happy engagement anniversary!


My husband and I had been together for a few years when he finally got to propose. I was going through a very bad, time consuming divorce and of course, he wasn’t going to propose until I was legally divorced. So, I figured after my divorce was finalized, it would be a year or so before we could get a ring. But he had other plans. He’d been waiting and planning and once I was free, he just couldn’t wait. We were actually sitting on our couch, in our pajamas, having a ‘LOST’ marathon and he popped a ring out right then and there. He’d planned something else (I never did hear what it was) but he just couldn’t wait.
Never played Bananagrams, but I love Scrabble.
Working out in my home today. I’ve got a treadmill, elliptical, weights, and bike, so I might as well use them.
My favorite soup is clam chowder.


Kneaders! I used to go to kneaders every day for lunch in High School. Thank goodness for it’s proximity to Timpanogos! Yum! Next thing you know you’ll have gone to the Bombay House too and then you will have eaten at all of my very favorite Utah paces!

We are scrabble purists around here. I never win though, I don’t know why I like playing.

My workout today will be on the bike trainer in my garage, I could go outside, but I’m far too lazy.


I am IN LOVE with word games. I play ruzzle on my phone with friends but I’ve scared a few of them off because I win a lot. :( I don’t care if I win or lose, I just like playing!


We have Bananagrams. We play it occasionally. I am good at it, but not really one of my favorite games.

We are snowed in today. Again. Workout will be elliptical or fitness DVD. And shoveling. Ugh.


happy engagement anniversary!
our engagement date is 6/26/08. my husband proposed the day i got back from a two-week trip to israel! i was so tired and grouchy, but soon figured out he had something up his sleeve!
oh, and i love words with friends!
live in houston so it’s beautiful here for outdoor workouts!


I must know where your BFF’s pants are from, I NEED to have them!!! Not engaged yet but hoping it happens soon :)


Looove bananagrams! My mom also uses crazy words (she is a scrabble aficianado) so sometimes she is not fun to play with. Mr. B proposed on June 5 at an “impromtu” BBQ with all of our friends. It was so sweet :)


Sandrine is walking right now outside. Later, Rhonda will be on the treadmill inside unless it gets a lot warmer!


I got engaged while we were on a walk on the Canal Path ~ it was cold & I was being such a brat! I have to laugh about it when I look back on it, it was totally unexpected.

I haven’t decided if I’m running inside or out today, I guess it’ll decide on whether or not it is snowing when I get home!


Bread bowls rock. My favorite soup is a spicy veggie soup my grandma has had the recipe for like 50 years. You have a great family!


That soup in the bread bowl looks AMAZING. Yuuum! My favorite soup is the Veg Black Bean soup from Panera. YUUUUUM. I could eat it everyday!


I’ve never played Bananagrams but it sounds like I need to!

I will be working out inside because, well, it’s 25 degrees outside. Won’t be going to the gym til late though because I have my physics lab tonight and then have to study for my physics test tomorrow. Oh the glamorous life of a full time employee/part time student.

Favorite soup = Minestrone! All the way!


You know, the world WOULD be a better place if everything were served in bread bowls. Delicious.


i rarely workout outside anyway, im a weirdo. and it is raining like crazy anyway!
I am old fashioned and love me some chicken noodle soup!! :)


Happy Engagement Anniversary! I hope Billy got you something really cool when you get home ;-)


Proposal, short form: We went for a nice (big!) dinner. Got home. He offered wine and a special box of chocolates he’d brought. I declined the chocolates, because I was so full from dinner. He asked again. I declined. He asked a third time, and finally just shoved the box into my hands. What was inside one of the spaces where a chocolate should’ve been? Oh yeah, a ring. The ONE day Holly says “No thanks!’ to chocolate… D’oh! [I’ve never made THAT mistake again! :)]

I adore word games. I’m currently addicted to Boggle. And I bribed all my friends to play Scramble with me. Until my iPhone broke. D’oh, again.

BOTH outside AND the gym. Ran 7 mi this AM, then hit the gym tonight for BodyPump. Whoo!!


10/8/07 was our proposal date. He surprised me with a trip to Catalina island, which we took a helicopter to, instead of the ferry. We went on an open air jeep tour of the back of the island. On a cliff, overlooking the water (where you could see the island that “Island of the Blue Dolphins” was written about, he popped the question.


You and Billy are too beautiful and its unfair to the rest of the world ;) so cute! read the story, love it :D congratulations !


I just went to write our engagement anniversary date and realized I can’t remember! It was either 3.13.07 or 3.14.07. We were in London visiting a friend (the one who played match maker for us). Jason and I went to St. Paul’s Cathedral, which is my favorite spot in London. The whole time we were climbing the stairs to the top he was complaining about how tired he was getting.

When we got to the top, I was standing at the railing looking at the view and when I turned around he was on his knee… initially I thought he was sick or something from the climb! Then I saw the box and the ring. Don’t ask me what he said – I can’t remember! – I just know that I said yes. That night we went to Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese (oldest pub in London) to celebrate with our friends.

Oh, and someone stole our camera while we were there, so there is no photo evidence! But I do love to tell him that someday he will have to take me back to London so we can re-enact the engagement.

I love Bananagrams, but I am terrible at it. My in-laws always beats me.


Happy Engagement Day Anniversary to you and Billy! Looks like you are soaking up all of the wonderful family time in Utah!


My “how I met my hubby” story is more fun than our engagement story, because I threw a snowball at his dorm window when we were in college and the rest is history!

My workout is going to be inside lifting weights and cross-training on my stationary bike.


I got engaged on August 27, 2012, and it was awesome! We were on our first morning of vacation at the beach and he asked me to take a walk on the beach. I was completely surprised, and the best part is that we were on vacation with all of our closest friends so we got to celebrate with them all week long!


How funny! My husband proposed to me exactly ONE year ago! We have the same engagement anniversary! How fun!


Where did you get that white shirt? I love it!


Yes, please tell us! I love it, too!


Hey! Thank you! It is from H&M!


This sounds silly but I am hoping my engagement story will be happening soon!!! I have my suspicions, in addition that we have looked at rings and even talked about dates!! Today my workout will be hours on hours of shoveling!! I live in Kansas and we have a ridiculous amount of snow, but shoveling is like a way better workout than I would give myself at the gym anyways! Ha!


We got engaged May 26th of last year…he told me it was a late bday dinner (bc he was traveling on my actual bday). We went to a vineyard/restaurant and had dessert and prosecco by ourselves in the vineyard and he popped the question! Best day (second to my wedding, at least)!


I looooove Bananagrams/any word game. I like playing Words with Friends because I can make up words, and a lot of the time they end up being real words. Scrabble or Bananagrams I actually have to know though. It complicates things…


Love spending time with family and friends. So glad you get to see them! :)

The Husband proposed in June 2008 on the bluffs over looking the ocean in La Jolla. We met while we went/graduated from UCSD and had come down for our summer visit. I had no idea he was going to propose, we had talked about marriage, but it never crossed my mind that it was actually something to happen. In my head, I was already married to him. Anyways, I was taking photos of the ocean, he pointed out some pelicans behind me, I turned to photo them and turned back when he said my name. And there he was on bended knee with ring in hand. I almost fell over the bluff in shock. He said some words, I said “you dumbass” followed by “yes” and immediately asked if he asked my Dad, which thankfully he did :) And then I ran off to Europe for several months with the family. Eric said he wanted to lock me in before some European stud tried to sweep me off my feet. lol.


I got engaged in Carmel, CA on the beach on 8.13.2010 =)


We got engaged on Christmas Day. I loved it! About the only game I play these days is Words With Friends on my iPhone. I went to a Yoglates class this morning at 5:30. It’s my Tuesday routine!


Our engagement was 3 years ago–on Feb 12th. YAY for February engagements! We got engaged on the mountains after snoeshowing & hiking around & sledding. And drinking hot cocoa. And dancing under the moonlight. It was perf!

I WANT That bread bowl!!!!


My engagement was almost the same date as yours! It was 3 years ago on February 22, 2010 and we got married on October 9, 2010! Such an amazing night, and I’ll never forget it :)


Happy 4 years to you and Billy! Our proposal anniversary was April 18,2009! So almost 4 yrs for us too! I had won our March Madness competition so my husband had to plan a fun weekend date since he lost! He originally told me he planned a fun weekend in Houston for us but ended up he had tickets for us to fly out of Houston into Albuquerque, NM where his family lives! He said he figured ABQ is more fun than Houston! The next day we were driving to the mountains to go on a run but he turned the wrong way and was like let’s not run lets go ride in a hot air balloon instead! I had told him a million times I wanted to do that sometime when we go to ABQ so I was super pumped! Next thing I knew he was proposing to me way up own the air in the hot air balloon!! Once we landed he was like one more surprise… At that time I see my mom running towards the hot air balloon he had flown her in from Dallas so she could be there for it all! Best day ever for sure!


Also very random but sometime you and Billy should try adding pasta to your cream cheese chicken chili recipe! It makes it totally different but still totally awesome… I would know this bc I made it yesterday afternoon and then got a call from my husband on his way home saying that pasta sounded good for dinner… I wasn’t dare going to make something totally new so I just cooked up pasta and added it in the chili ha! Worked like a charm! :-)


Happy Engaged Anniversary!! That’s such a cute proposal story!
I don’t have a proposal story to share yet…one day…sigh lol.

I am doing an indoor workout today, probably doing the bike for awhile because my IT band has been giving me trouble lately.

Favourite soup is definitely Thai Coconut Soup full of vegetables. I could eat it every day. :)


I was proposed to 2 days ago on the beech in Hawaii (I said yes :). My boyfriend was going to propose to me a day earlier when we hiked up Koko crater but I was such an angry sweaty mess he decided to wait for a better moment :).


We were engaged on 12/25/08…I think, haha. I know it was Christmas morning! It was just the two of us and our dog and it was perfect. I remember thinking that it was the first time I ever saw him nervous (then again in the surgery room when our daughter was born!)!

And, I want that bread bowl!


Happy Engage-iversary!

Ours is 6.11.10. Exactly a week prior,we closed on our first house together. At lunch we had this big talk where we talked about not feeling pressured to get engaged just because we bought a house, etc. etc. After that conversation I was certain it was going to be a while, and I was OK with that. Fast forward to the following Friday. He sent me a text message after work to check my glove compartment. I found a note with instructions to go to where we took our first picture at the new house. When I got there I found that picture with a another clue attached, which led me to the backyard and a bouquet of flowers and another clue. (I started thinking this might be pretty serious, but the previous conversation was in my mind also.) The rest of the clues led me to all the different rooms in the house until I got to the CD player and pressed play. He sang the song “Come What May” from Moulin Rouge to me and we danced in the living room. Then he told me there was one more clue under the player. It said to go to “The spot where I proposed to you.” I turned around and he was on one knee with a ring in his hand and asked me to marry him! I said a big tearful YES! We got married on 5.18.12 :-)


P.S. That whole “let’s not feel pressure” conversation was a total ploy. He had already had the ring for two weeks and had it all planned out!


My husband proposed on Father’s Day 2011 (??? we don’t have kids. yet.) He hung the ring from a leash that was attached to both our dogs, and had them run and jump on me while I was eating cereal on the couch… very “us”!

He had failed to propose the day before at a romantic view overlooking the ocean…. because I wouldn’t get out of the car! We were parked in a “no parking zone”… I’m a rule follower to a fault.


Luke proposed to me January 29, 2010 at the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. It was perfect, down in the philippines pacific exhibit (even more perfect since the Pacific is my favorite ocean). I said yes and we got married in August 2010.

And I really really hope to run outside today! I am just getting back from an injury (6 mos off running, 3 off all exercise) and had a GREAT tempo run two days ago but hurt my ankle standing at church?? haha so i am hoping a day off, lots of foam rolling/stretching and taping can get me through an easy run. I am trying to mooch off of your competitiveness/be inspired by it and train for a half marathon March 23!!


My husband proposed at the top of Haleakala Mountain in Hawaii, after we hiked. He claims I was vague in my answer (??), so he proposed again on our one year anniversary. On the beach in Oregon. He’s a keeper. :-)


Your proposal is the sweetest story ever! Ours was more like this: we were in the car chatting and just kind of decided to get married. LOL I guess it wasn’t all bad though because we’re going on 11 years.


Amen to bread bowls – they.are.heavenlyyy! I never have tried one from anywhere other than Panera but I’m in love with their black bean soup ;) My [now husband] proposed to me the summer before my senior year in college in the Boston Gardens – sweet bliss! My family has an obsession with Scrabble so when Words with Friends came out my momma went crazyyy – tons of fun!


LOVE word games! Bananagrams is definitely one of my favorites- I am undefeated!

I have a huge place in my heart for carbs and I would eat just about anything out of a bread bowl. A roasted butternut squash soup in a bread bowl sounds like heaven and just made my list of potential dinners for tonight.


I’m a long time lurker and rarely comment, but I just wanted to say that you look absolutely stunning in the picture of you with your friend. You are glowing!


Wow!!! Thank you so much! You made my day!!!


happy engagement anniversary! that was a perfect day for me. i knew my hubby was going to do it i just didn’t know when or how. we were on the oregon coast at night and it happened spur of the moment. he said the time was right but he didn’t have the ring yet. so i got to go shopping. it was fabulous.

gym workout always. plus some extra basement treadmill running. (minnesota cold here).

and the best soup is baked potato or any potato/corn chowders. but really most soups are delicious aren’t they?


I love recognizing all the little anniversaries! We were engaged September 10, 2010 on the beach in San Juan, Puerto Rico. It was perfect beyond words!


Yay for an anniversary :) I became engaged on July 10, 2012 on a boat in the middle of the lake! I was inside running on the treadmill today! Too cold!


My husband and I got engaged last year this day too :)


I LOVE sharing our engagement story!!!

Also, I love word games. The hubster won’t play some with me anymore. It’s because when I’m good, I destroy him. And when I’m bad, I pout. LOL :)


I was “going out for dinner” with a girlfriend too, grumpy at now-fiance for not taking me out to propose! When we got to the city, I walked down some steps to the waterfront promenade only to see 7 of our best friends wearing tshirts that he had sewn LED lights into that spelled out MARRY ME! He was on the side playing guitar and got down on one knee. Definitely the most magical night… until the wedding in June!!

Also, I ran 10km outdoors today, in an Aussie heatwave (80+ Fahrenheit). It was dreadful, but I’d been craving a good run so badly for a week!!


I always, always play to win with games. I don’t let my five year old win…if she beats me it is fair and square. Just trying to get her used to the real world. Oh, and I’m too competitive to not play hard :)


Nov25Johanna I’m all about spending Friday wornikg on projects for Christmas (or otherwise!). This year I made a gift for my mom and a pair of pajama bottoms for myself. Today at church we had a couple 7-year-old girls (twins) bring a bag full of Eyes of God that they have been wornikg on for weeks, and finished up this weekend with some friends at a sleepover. Much to my surprise, they asked if they could hand them out to people as they left worship. Delightful! What a great way to spend the day after Thanksgiving making surprise gifts for others!


That white shirt is fabulous! I’m glad I stalked (the crap out of) your comments and saw where you got it. Win!

We got engaged in Disneyland before the half marathon, and it caught me totally off guard. Good thing he took one of my old rings and got the right size, or else I would have lost that sucker somewhere in Anaheim..

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