Run Happy Brooks Running Shoes GIVEAWAY!!! [CLOSED]

Today you have the chance to win your very own pair of running shoes from the Brooks PureProject line!  The PureConnect, PureFlow, PureCadence and PureGrit are all part of Brooks new line that are lightweight, made with flexible material and designed to fit your foot perfectly.

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I said it last week and I will say it again but I am hooked on these shoes.  I have no desire to even look at my other pairs of running shoes right now because I am loving running in these ones so much.

I love lightweight shoes but I also love cushioning and the PureFlow combine the two things in one shoe perfectly.  Even though they are a lightweight shoe they are something that I am excited to put tons of miles on because there is enough cushioning in them to do so.  I also really can’t wait to take these beauties out to do some speed work.  They are flexible but responsive; they feel super comfortable when my foot lands on the ground but firm to help me with the push-off.

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Do you see the grey band that goes up and over the shoe by the shoelaces?  I have never had a shoe with anything like that before and I love how it keeps my foot perfectly in place.

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Don’t worry, wearing these shoes will not make you have the world’s largest belly button like mine;)

Something that I really love about Brooks is their theme to Run Happy… They focus on designing products that allow us to love our runs.  I think if you have read my blog for more than a day or two you know by now that running happy is my favorite thing in the world (right after Billy of course) and these shoes clearly make me happy while running.

I told you that gravity is making me lean forward these days.

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I know I tend to love most things in life but I really can’t say enough good about these shoes.  I have found my new soulmate.

Plus they are purple.  Everyone should love purple.


Giveaway ends on July 23rd!  One person will be chosen randomly from the comments to win their choice of shoe from the PureProject line.  US residents only.

To enter:

1.  Tell me a Run Happy moment that you have had!

2.  Extra entry (leave a separate comment) follow me on Twitter HERE and tweet about this giveaway.

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I tweeted!


Starting up marathon training again! I love each week doing longer and longer runs and feeling myself getting stronger!


My run happy moment: every run after coming back from this 8 week injury!!


I tweeted!


I tweeted about it!


I just got back to Colorado for a visit last week and definitely had a “Run Happy” moment as I was trying to get used to the thin air there again, but taking in those gorgeous mountain views!


I will never forget my first 1/2 marathon. I completed it feeling so empowered! And as I ran through the finish line, I thought to myself — I could actually keep running! It was an incredible feeling.


I also tweeted about the giveaway! (cjcolorado12)


My favorite running memory thus far is completing two 3k mud races. My next favorite will be my first mini-marathon when I complete it. :)


My most memorable run happy moment was New Year’s Eve 2011. It was an unseasonable 60 degrees. I ran 8 miles and love every single step of it. I have had many run happy moments, but for some reason that one sticks out the most to me.


i love your purple shoes!!
i have not been running too much lately b/c i have been doing crossfit but yesterday i ran 7 miles!


I tweeted yesterday but your blog was so popular it wouldn’t let me comment!! I’m crossing my fingers that I win :)


My run happy moment is when I get a fresh burst of energy! It feels so good to be revitalized!


My run happy moment was when I actually realized what I was capable of doing. I didn’t get into the lottery for the NYC half marathon, so one Saturday morning I just set out for a run…and wound up running 13.1 miles on my own! It was an eye opening run happy moment!


my run happy moment is when I’m with a good friend, bonding over some physical activity and treating our bodies well!


My happiest running moment was probably when I finished my first triathlon. I could barely run because my body was so shaky from everything I’d done before the run, but I managed to do it. My knees were vibrating for the next few hours, but I did it! And because of that, I was on cloud nine!


I tweeted! I’m megsican11 :) I’m the one who commented on how awesome your arms looked in your first post about these shoes! :D


I’m getting back into running for mental health, weight loss and to finish my first race!


I am always happy when I run! Completing my first half marathon was such a great feeling of accomplishment.


I ran a 10k race for the first time in three tries last fall with no ITB pain and perfect cadence. Could not have been happier.




When my husband jumped on the treadmill next to me and ran beside me. He never runs– until now!!


My run happy moment is when I go out for a run and my son rides with me on his bike (he is 9). We just talk and laugh the whole time. I love it when he goes with me because I know that one day he will be too old and cool to ride around with his MOM.


my run happy moment would be after i got my first pair of running shoes when me and my sister went for a morning run


My Happy running moment was finishing my first half marathon and now I am addicted and can’t wait to run more and more and more.


I tweeted! :)


My run happy moment was when I ran my first 5k after losing a lot of weight. I felt so accomplished!


I had a happy run moment tonight! My roommate and I ran intervals (which I hardly ever do, steady-state just takes so much less thought!) and it was hot, sweaty and awesome :) I felt amazing afterwards!


I love Brooks, I actually need a new pair right now! For me every run is a run happy moment. But my most recent amazing run happy moment was running the last mile of the 4 th of July 10 k with my 10 year old son, it was his first and he did awesome and finished so strong


I just ran a half marathon with my husband & it was so fun to cross the finish line together!


Doing my first long run since coming back from an injury. Love the brooks run happy project and the shoes!


I have a photo of my husband and myself, back when we were just dating and went on our first run together. It was in the beginning of January, we both had hats, rosey cheeks and huge smiles- That picture is one of my Run Happy moments and everytime I look at it I remember it. :)


This is post numero dous, regarding Twitter. Consider me, a twit. :)


A run happy moment I had was finishing my first marathon, with my dad by my side!


I will be running my first 10k next month, woo!


Finishing Boston in 2007 next to a dear friend. We ran the marathon in memory of her long-time boyfriend who was killed in a bicycle versus truck accident and through the training process we grieved and bonded and found our happiness again. I was so proud and happy to share that moment with her!


My favorite run happy moment is when I get to go meet my brother, sis in law and niece and nephew for an early saturday morning run! The kids like to ride in the job stroller and encourage us along the way. I couldn’t be happier in those moments of running!


My run happy moment was when I ran my first 5k!


My favorite run happy moment was when I was in 7th grade and won my first race! It was a 1600m race, and I was so excited! I still remember that day, even almost 20 years later!!


Finally getting the courage to join a running group in my “new” town and meet some new friends. I don’t know why I didn’t realize sooner that a running group would be awesome – runners are awesome :).


My best running moment was the first time I finished my half marathon here in Salt Lake. I definitely was lapped by the first marathon finisher only a few minutes before I crossed the finish line, but it didn’t matter. I felt great.


I love reading your blog! I just wish it could make me love running like you do! Hopefully I’ll win some new shoes and that’ll help! ;)


I guess you could say I haven’t really had a happy running moment. . . Yet!


Finishing my first 10k!!! I loved every minute of it and finished strong and Tough!


My favorite running moment was after running my first marathon in the cold and rainy weather. It was such a feeling of accomplishment.


My run happy moment was training and running the NYC marathon for team fox in honor of my 35 yr old other who was diagnosed 4 years ago; Seeing him along the route throughout the city and having him give me a big hug and thanking me for what I had just done for him! I have never been so proud and happy! Oh Yeah! I was wearing Brooks too!


I left out that Team Fox supports Michael J. Fox’s foundation for Parkinson’s!


I follow you on twitter and I tweeted about it!


Finishing my 20 miler in preparation for my first marathon!


LOVE these shoes! Run happy…hmmm….running again after a running injury had sidelined me from running or any real cardio for a month!


Running with all 6 of my kids along the river. Doesn’t get much better than that – definitely run happy!


Happy running memory-my first half marathon. It was in chambersburg, pa., HILLY, 32 degrees, raining, wind gusts 50 mph. It was my best race ever.


Running 6 miles only 9 weeks after the last time that I thought a mile sounded like a marathon. My whole life, even when I was a high school track guy bringing home stacks of ribbons in short distances and field events, I always thought “I am not a distance guy”. Fast forward to being twice as old as a high school track guy, with the in between years filled with BBQ’s, cigarettes, and sitting around. I finally decided that I had to get in shape. I, literally, could barely run a block the first day. But, I kept at it. Each running day had more running and less walking. I couldn’t believe it the first time I ran a full mile. I really couldn’t believe it a few weeks later when I ran three. A couple weeks later I headed out with the plan to up the ante to 4 miles. When I hit 4 miles, I was feeling good and decided to keep going. I did 6 miles that day. It was pretty sweet. In the time since then, I’ve lost 35 pounds, have went vegan and am just starting to train for my first half marathon!


My latest run happy moment was hitting the track for the first time in 6 months. After being injured, not being able to run at all, and recovering for a few months I was so scared to go back. But guess what? It turned out great! Hurt like heck, but felt so good afterwards!


Crossing the finish at my first half marathon last September was a big run happy moment for me!


Hmm, well last summer, I was finishing up a short 4 mile run, and I sprinted the last half mile and literally felt like I could fly and go forever! That was probably the best running moment :).


I tweeted!


Run happy moment this morning: I got myself out of bed at 4:55am so I could run 3 miles before getting ready to go teach. I feel like I am more awake and alert for my students now!


My run happy moment is probably that moment on EVERY run when I realize I am not thinking about my feet or breathing or anything at all. I guess this is what people mean when they say finding their running groove?


I was never an athletic person. I am blessed with what you would call “good genes” so never saw the point in working out if I wasn’t trying to lose weight. This year was my senior year of college and trying to finish up school and look for a job simultaneously while going through a breakup with my long time boyfriend all became very stressful. I needed a way to clear my head and keep some sort of balance in my life and decided to hit the gym in the mornings before class. When I first started going, just 5 minutes on the treadmill would leave me winded and tired and have me feeling weak and defeated. What I did find was that no matter how physically lame I felt, mentally I always felt stronger and calmer when I’d leave the gym. After 2 months of going to the gym 3-5 times a week and doing a mix of different cardio machines and strength training to get my heart rate used to being up and not get winded so easily, I decided to give the treadmill another shot. Expecting to not be able to make it a full mile, I shocked myself when I ran 2 miles! That was my happy runner moment, seeing the treadmill say “2 miles” and know that my body had grown stronger and tougher because of the work and determination I had put into sticking to my routine. Now that it is summer I’ve taken my runs outside and find that I enjoy running even more now and am going further and further! I’m even thinking about running the Color Run 5k in the next few months!


My run happy moment was doing the Minneapolis 13.1 with my brother two years ago. We both were born in Minneapolis but currently live in the south. Our mom passed away 8 years ago but we could both feel her presence on that race day as we ran together through a city that she loved and where most of her family still lives. We also had two family reunions (dad and mom’s side) later that day in Minneapolis. I wish my mom was still alive for so many reasons but partially because I think I may have been able to convince her to start running with me (I didn’t start running at all until about 4 years ago). My brother runs way faster than me (his normal marathon time is 2:50) but he finished the half (in 1:20) and came back to find me and finish again with me at 2:17. I was in tears at the end, so happy seeing our dad cheer us on together. It will be one of my favorite race days ever.


My latest Run Happy moment is when I did 5 miles straight through without stopping, and I didn’t die! It was amazing, euphoric and I can’t wait for more!


I follow you on Twitter and tweeted it twice! (retweet and my own) @Wonder_vegan


I tweeted :)


Getting back into running after an injury to only get stronger was the best


I tweeted – @wsmoncrief


My run happy moment came when my 12 year old said she wanted to run with me. She hasn’t gone a lot but she goes sometimes – we get to talk and just be together :-)


My run happy moment was at San Clemente, California. Every run there is amazing – the beach, the perfect weather, and the low elevation!


I have never been much of an athlete, so I love the sense of accomplishment that I get from running. Cool shoes!!


The first time I ever ran 10 miles in training I was running back and it started snowing like crazy! It was a full-on blizzard type snow and all I could do was keep running, smiling and laughing. It was the best run ever!


my run happy moment was the first time I ran all the way to the Huey P Long bridge from my house, 5 miles away


At the age of 50 (I am now 52) I started jogging, rather than walking, the 4.2 mile path that I have gone for years. When I was able to jog the whole distance without walking, It was the first “run happy” moment of my life! I was so proud of myself :)


My RunHappy moment was during a trip to NYC! My husband and I woke up to run in Central Park and it was my best memory of the trip! We had only planned to run 2 miles… and ended up doing almost 6! It felt AMAZING!


Run happy moment: getting my running partner back after ACL surgery last year. I was so lonely!


My run happy moment was finishing my (VERY hilly) first half marathon in May! I can’t wait to do another one :)


My Run Happy Moment: running on the boardwalk in Coney Island at the end of the Brooklyn Half Marathon!


When I finished my first marathon and my whole family was waiting for me!!!


Everytime I run on a trail in the mountains I have a happy running moment!


My run happy moment has to be seeing my kids and husband at the finish line of my first marathon.


When I finished my first marathon in Seattle last month!




run happy moment – getting the email that I was chosen in the lottery for the Houston half marathon. Happy and scary, my first ever half marathon ever!!


My run happy moment was completing my first 5k and realizing how much I do enjoy running! I love Brooks running shoes, they are all I’ve ever used.


My run happy moments are fairly frequent… I work hard to remember how lucky I am to be able to run. I have a daughter who can’t run due to physical disabilities and she would love to be a runner, so I add on a mile or 2 for her every day. I can them my Maddy miles and I always run them alone and focus on the joy and peace that running gives me and how thankful I am that I can run. I always run in Brooks and I would LOVE to try their pureproject line. :) I also the run happy slogan.


Run happy moment: finishing my first ever road race, Jungle Run 10k last year. I never thought I could do something like it and the feeling of accomplishment (and probably fatigue) was deliriously gratifying. the second best feeling was getting my 10k PR at the Earthquake Challenge :)


I also tweeted! @hilarylynnt


tweeted! and am now following you on twitter.


My run happy moment was winning overall female for an 8k race in my hometown. In the past I would get intimidated by other runners and give in a little. The day I won I kept reminding myself that I worked for this, I deserve this, and I pushed it all the way in for the win!


I already follow you on twitter


I tweeted about this giveaway!


My running happy moment was the first run post-injury I took last year. Suffering from a femoral stress fracture and having to defer my NYC Marathon application was so hard but taking a full six months off was beyond words. That first mile after I was cleared to resume running was pure Running Happy.


1/2 marathon completed baby woohoo!


My best run happy moment was when i finished my first half marathon!!


My run happy moment is when I run through a pretty neighborhood or by a scenic area and just enjoy the view. Makes me remember why I run so many miles!


My run happy moment was my first half marathon! I started running end of 2010 after losing some weight and my goal was a sub 2 hour half. I truly thought I could do it but got more and more nervous. I finished with 1:56!! I was so happy and felt invincible! I know I will never be a 1:30 half or even a 3 hr marathon gal, but for me and my pace and experience, I felt on top of the world!


My happy running moment is finishing my first half marathon in April of this year. I had never run more than 5 miles in my life until I began training for it in January, and I was so proud of myself for crossing the finish line after running the entire thing!


My run happy moment was last fall when I had my first “fun” run and for the first time felt like I was having fun, not that I was going to die.


My happiest running moment was a month ago when I realized I could run – without any knee problems!


I followed you on twitter, too! :)


I’ve never considered myself to be a runner so when I finished my first sub one hour 10K last week, I couldn’t have been happier! Now on to my very first 1/2 marathon!


The first time I ran 3 miles without taking a walking break.


My most recent run happy moment was my last half marathon. I had a goal of a sub-2 and was running with a bunch of friends. I met my goal and all of my friends ended up with PRs. It was the perfect running day!


My happy run moment was when I finally convinced my boyfriend to start running with me! He used to HATE running and now he loves it just as much as me :) it makes me so happy that we now both can enjoy running as much as I do!


One of my run happy moments was an unexpected and fairly easy PR this year at the Tom King Half in Nashville. Had a goal in my mind that I thought might be out of reach but I ended up over a minute faster and felt great at the end!


Finishing my first 5K with my husband and kids at the finish line – I finished in a lil less than 35 minutes and I was 200 lbs at the time. I now am happy to announce that since that race I’ve lost another 50 lbs and am training for my first half marathon in September :)


doing the Color Run in Philadelphia with some of my friends! it was so much fun!


Running with my little navigator in the jogging stroller. He chatters away and enjoys the breeze in his hair while I run.


Finishing the Chicago Marathon last year! It took me longer than my goal but I felt amazing the whole time (well, at least for most of it) and was so proud to be a part of it.


I had a run happy moment on Tuesday when I finally got back out on the track and did 400s for the first time since high school! It was so fun to get back at it and focus on marathon pace and getting faster! It was happy because I was able to get over my fear of running with other people finally. I’m always afraid I’ll be too slow and end up running alone. But, the track workout was super fun!


Any runhappy moment for me is tackling an awesome uphill, the kind where I get to the top and I am still feeling strong! HA! Another awesome moment was finishing my first marathon!


Running all 26.2 miles (except the aid stations of course) at the end of Ironman Coeur d’Alene!


My ‘run happy’ moments are when I get to run w/my daughter–ok she is 2, but it puts a smile on my face when she says ‘run mama’ and takes off:-)


I’m training for an ironman right now (just 9 days away!) and yesterday’s brick (bike/run) workout was my most recent Run Happy moment. It was hot and humid and I did NOT want to run, even though it was just a 15 minute transition run. But, I went and did it anyway. And… I ran hard and I was sweating buckets (seriously dripping sweat) and smiling the whole time, enjoying it. I didn’t look at my watch once, just turned around and headed home when it beeped/buzzed at me after 7.5 minutes. I got home and had covered almost 2 miles! My fastest run probably ever. I was tired and hot and super sweaty and had the biggest smile on my face. This was my run happy moment. Even just a 15 minute run can make me happy.


My run happy moment was the first time I ran 10 miles. I was so proud of myself :)


I have heard Brooks are great shoes!

I have just gotten back into running after having a baby in December. I ran 1.8 miles in the shortest time, so far.


My happiest run moment was completing my first Half… The NYC Half 2012. I have run other races since then but nothing compares to the feeling of the first! Huge Brooks fan and would love sneaks from the Pure Project


I’m currently studying for the bar so anytime I can take a break and run is my run happy moment!


I now follow you on twitter and I just tweeted about your contest….


Sprinting at the end of a race is about as happy as it gets for me! Extra happy when you pass someone in the last 50 yards


I already follow you on twitter :)




My run-happy moment was crossing the finish line with my dad after his first half-marathon. So proud:)


Finishing my first half marathon after an injury sidelined me for a year :)


My run happy moment has to be finishing my first 5K race and realizing that I can be a runner!! :)


Whenever I keep raising my speed, is my happy running moments.


Ahh! I SOOO want those Pure Cadence shoes. I need new running shoes, but sadly that’s not in the budget at the moment. My run happy moment this week… I fought a stomach virus Sunday-Tuesday, so my run happy moment this week was yesterday when I managed to run 3 miles without feeling like dying! (I’ve had better moments haha)


Finishing every race with my mom has been the best running moment(s) I’ve had! It’s been such a fun experience with her!


When I saw my best friend cheering for me in the chute of my first half!!


My happiest moment recently was probably when, after a years hiatus, I finished my first long run :)


I’ve been sidelined with PF for a couple months and finally had two consecutive good runs without pain the next morning. Yippee! On my way to recovery!


My Run Happy moment was when I completed my 2nd Half. I beat my first Half time (I just run, I don’t train).


My run happy moment was my first run post pregnancy. It felt soo ridiculously good to have just a little me time and do something just for me!


my mom and dad came with me while i did my tempo run! only one more month before i go to college… they always come to my workouts!!


I run happy through the finish line of Ragnar Relay with 11 of my friends from college! I’ve done two so far and hope to do more in the future =)


I follow you on twitter!
You are beautiful!


My happiest moment was crossing the finish line of my first obstacle 5k, holding hands with my husband!


Finishing my first race after a foot injury! It was slow, but gave me so much confidence!


Crossing the finish line at my first marathon!


Happy run moment – The first ran I’ve done since I started losing weight. It was actually this week. I know it’s not much…but it’s a start!


any chance i get to run with my sister!


My run happy moment was when I ran 8 miles for the first time & is still the furthest I have ran. :)


Finishing my first (and only) half marathon strong was such a “run happy” moment for me. It left me already wanting to do another one!


My run happy moment was finishing my first half marathon in under two hours!


I had a run happy moment on Tuesday when I went on a run after being off of running for about two weeks. It was only three miles but they felt so good and all the songs that came up on my iPod were perfectly upbeat like “Call Me Maybe” :)


Best running moment (so far): today!
Got up early and started the day with my personal best after only two months of running, 13,25 kilometers. Felt great! My smile just couldn’t go away, neither during or after the run. Then.. Continued the day with getting married to the love of my life. Definitely a day to remember!


One of my most Run Happiest moments was when I ran for the first time after recovering from a broken kneecap (so, after 3 months). Granted, it was for only 90 secs at a time, but it was still amazing!


My run happiest moment was at the end of my first 5k. I ran the American Cancer Society SOLE BURNER in memory of my beautiful mother. At the end of the race there is a huge hill called Hill Of Hope, I remember looking up and thinking OH MY GOD! When I was goi ng up my legs wanted to give up so bad….then I started thinking about the horrible pain and suffering my mom went thru and told myself I CAN DO THIS!When I got to the top tears were coming down…It was my happiest moment! I finished at 24:20 which I was also very proud of.


I ran a bunch in the Army – 11 years ago! And decided this past Feb to start again.. well, newbie that I was went from zero to hero and of course.. got runner’s knee.. I was so sad.. stopped running, iced and stretched like a mad woman.. and this week.. I was able to run again!!! I was also a slight heel striker.. so I have been 100% focused on my steps.. no music, no zoning out, just focus focus focus.. BUT just being able to run again.. has been soooo awesome & “happy”


I am easily pleased, and any time I can run outside instead of cramming in a quick treadmill run makes me HAPPY!


I love meeting one of my best girlfriends for a run early in the morning. Nothing like putting in a good run with a good friend before starting the day!

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