Remembering how to hurt….

Car rides to church are always pretty entertaining with us.  I am usually trying my hardest not to spill breakfast all over my belly (ps I always have such a large bag with me so that I can pack at least 3 days worth of snacks in there in case of an emergency.  Emergencies include not having eaten for 1.5 hours).

Photo 5

And Billy always has to put the window down when we drive by Panda Express so that he can smell their deliciousness.   Poor deprived boy.  We are at a stoplight, Billy doesn’t usually close his eyes while driving.

Photo 3

Push-Ups always make the best afternoon snack. Do you like Billy’s newest piece of jewelry?  My niece gave it to him when we went to Chuck E. Cheese and he refuses to take it off.

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At the end of my 10 mile run yesterday I cranked up the speed a little bit for the last minute and it was weird to feel myself breathe a little heavier and no longer feel 100% comfortable.  Since the day that I found out I was pregnant I have made sure that I have not pushed myself and stayed at an easy pace for me.

It made me crave being UNcomfortable again in my runs.

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I don’t look very comfortable, or happy and a little like I want to die in the above picture.

Running Times had an article in the June 2012 issue all about REMEMBERING HOW TO HURT.  They talked a lot about the difference between marathon PAIN and 5K PAIN.   Secretly I think that is why I love competing in the marathon compared to shorter distances.  The pain is different.  When racing a 5k you feel like you are going to puke from the moment the gun goes off and in the marathon you are in pain but usually you are running at more of a ‘comfortable’ pace than in the 5k because you want to make sure you can finish.

Now I can’t wait to feel that 5k pain again.

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For some strange reason I can’t wait to do 5ks and 10ks after I have my baby.  I know that once I have her my workouts will be a lot shorter than what marathon training requires for the first little while and I really want to test out my legs for speed.  Yes, I will wait the amount of time the doctor tells me to start working out again…probably.

Am I just going crazy or something because I am craving 5k pain?

For all of your runners that did spring marathons, this might give you a little something to think about:

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Sign up for a 5k or 10k to see how much you have improved from your marathon training!!!!

Can you spot where there is a chip stain on the above picture on my magazine….eating chips and reading about running…hmmmmm.


Do you wear jewelry often?

Do you agree with the difference between marathon and 5k pain?  What do you prefer more?

When was the last time that you were in a lot of pain during a race or workout?

What was the last COLD thing that you ate?

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I wear pretty basic jewelry- earrings and a couple bracelets etc. I totally agree with the 5k pain.. I need some tough workouts in my life! I’m in a total rut right now. I ran a 10k this morning and was in quite a bit of pain which was slightly miserable but also good! The worst part was the miserable heat. Last cold thing I ate was frozen peanut butter m & ms!


GREAT job in your 10k this morning, I am going to need a recap on your blog about it:) Frozen pb m&ms sounds like HEAVEN!


Just put it up! And yes they were heavenly. The only problem is now the bag is empty!


Ugh, my run yesterday put me in a world of pain! I’m training for my first ever marathon and yesterday was a new PDR for me of 14 miles. I was doing great until the last 2 miles, and then those suckers HURT! :)


Heather….14 miles….WAY TO GO!! That is so great girl! How are you feeling today. It is always those last 2 miles…they get me every time.


I actually feel great today! I wanted to go mountain biking even but the smoke from the fires made it impossible :(


This morning I signed up for a 5K that is this Wed – and I just completed two spring marathons! Lets see how it works out!


KAYLA!!! I am beyond excited for you and I want to hear every little detail about it. You are going to rock it, that spring marathon trained you well.


I like that you said Billy doesn’t “usually” close his eyes while driving, meaning that he sometimes does?! Hahaha. And I haven’t had a push up since I was little! We got the orange Flinstones ones!


I love that you caught the usually ha! The Flinstone ones are my absolute favorite!


Last cold thing I ate … cherries. And before that, cookies and cream ice cream. ;) Both were equally delicious!


Now you are making me want ice cream topped with cherries ha:) Hope you are having an amazing day Kristen!


OMG I forgot about push ups!! I must get some! I just had a slurpee which was nice and cold though.


I am totally jealous of your slurpee. What flavor!


Watermelon lime- it’s a new flavor!


I’ve never experienced the full marathon pain, but I like the pain from the half marathon!
Best cold thing I ate today was a greek yogurt popsicle, aka my newest obesession!


Did you add anything to the greek yogurt popsicle? PS loved your summer bucket list:)


I actually bought them, but they are just honey greek yogurt! Very creamy and I can’t stop eating them. Thanks! I love making a list:)


Maybe you are craving labor—-get ready my dear for pain—:-)


ELIZABETH….I think you are 100% right. I have a feeling labor is going to be 1 billion times more painful than a 5k…uh oh!


hah…that’s funny, i have a silly band too that i never take off. one of the little girls i babysit for gave it to me:)


The only jewelry I wear is the stuff I don’t take off; my rings and my earrings. To be honest, if I don’t wear if everyday, I forget to put it on.

I hate 5ks so much; that ‘push it til you puke’ feeling is so unappealing to me. I think the only nice thing about sprint distances is that they are over in a matter of minutes, not hours.

The last time I was in a lot of pain during a run was yesterday, during a half marathon. My hip flexor has been giving me trouble for the last couple of weeks and I thought after some rest I had it under control. I spent from mile 4 to the finish in varying levels of pain, which sucked.

the last cold thing I ate was an orange popsicle; totally hit the spot.


K, so I am really only a 5k runner to begin with, but I LOVE 5k pain! I mean, I don’t love it while I feel like I need to puke… but I love the feeling of accomplishment afterwards. I’ve run one half marathon and that pain was in a whole other category. It was a body hurt kind of pain, not an insides hurt kind of pain. I was in pain during my last run… just a short 2.5 miles… because I did 8 billion calf raises the day before. OUCH! Also, the last cold thing I ate was a cold Snickers bar about 15 seconds ago. Yum.


I prefer the marathon pain!!! I like a longer sustained pain rather than a short, I’m gonna die pain:)


I have two rings that I wear everyday…I feel really weird without them on.

The last cold thing I ate was some hummus with zucchini…yum!


I have been thinking about doing some shorter distances but am just such a huge fan of the half. ….And have been seriously considering registering for my first marathon since 2006 so I guess I am moving in the wrong direction distance wise but it would probably be good for me to push it a little at times.


I am so proud that as pregnant as you are, you still went out and ran 10 miles.


Oh my gosh 5k/10k pain is the worst! Half Marathons all the way!
(Really I think I’m just lazy)

Obvi the last thing I ate was froyo!


I totally agree with this! The pain is different. I like the long, prolonged hurt of a marathon opposed to the quick leg burning of the 5k. However, I’m making myself do lots of 5k and 10k this summer so that I can rock my winter marathon! I can’t believe I used to race 5ks all the time in college, I love a half or full marathon much more!


The only pieces of jewelry I wear are my engagement ring and wedding band. I have had my ears pierced on two different occasions, and both times the holes have closed up because I never wear earrings.

I like 5k/half marathon pains for different reasons. I like the pain of pushing a faster pace during 5Ks, but I love the feeling of a nice, long run and knowing I put in a good, hard workout!


About 2 or 3 months back I had a workout that hurt SO bad (in a good way). It was what 3 2 1 of ‘minutes’ then 800, 600, 400, 200, then another 3 2 1 of ‘minutes.’ Minutes are when you run 85% of all out pace for the amount of time, then down to 65% for that same time. So like 3 minutes 85% to 3 minutes 65% and so on (as you go down in time, intensity increases). Does that make sense? Haha hard to explain, but it HURT.
During the workout, after the 600 I think, I got really angry because it was so hard, but then I finished and felt so accomplished! Do you ever get angry during a hard workout?


I am growing to love the 5k distance. I will always love the marathon more than anything, but prefer 5k pain over marathon pain because it is so definite and from the moment you start, the finish is so close. It’s balls to the wall for a short period. I’m going to do a few more over the summer, I think.
I wear my staple jewelry, usually the same pair of little diamond studs, my wedding/engagement rings and one ring on the other hand.
My last painful race that wasn’t injury related was a 5k. burning. that sums it up pretty well:) But I won for overall female, so it was worth it! Can’t wait to see your speedy legs in action after this baby!! You’ll be ready to fly!!!


This post came at the perfect time for me. I am running a 5k on July 4th and have been training for marathons the past year. I am interested to see how I do compared to last year when I was running a lot of shorter races and focusing more on speed.

I look like death at the photos from my last marathon and I am honestly glad I do because I know it left it all out there. I definitely prefer the marathon pain over 5k pain.

The last cold thing I ate is ice cream that I am eating right now :)


lol dying at billy outside of panda express. my boyfriend lives near a panda express with a drive through and let’s just say thank god that the one near me requires getting out of my car. is it just me or is it somehow much less shameful to eat something like 6 times a week if you never have to get out of your car to consume it?


The problem is that post baby, running a few slow miles feels harder than racing a 5k. Still, it’s nice to know that it is just some temporary pain and I won’t hurt the baby by pushing too hard.


I prefer marathon pain over 5k pain. The last real running pain I had was in my spring marathon where I hoped to go sub 3:30…it was the first really hot day of the year and I got totally dehydrated/heat stroke and missed my goal by 45 minutes….and was totally sick for a day after the race. That wasnt the “fun” marathon pain I am used to ;)

Last cold thing I ate was a blizzard from dairy queen yesterday. Seeing you eat ice cream on your blog helps make it “ok” for me…weird I know but it is helping me!


I ran a 10km yesterday and was so ready for it to be over yesterday after 9km. The last km was brutal but also the most exhilarating…still on a major high from it :). The last cold thing I ate was yogurt…wish that were ice cream instead ;)


The last time I had pain during a workout was at Crossfit. I pulled my back! I wear my wedding ring, a watch, and earrings. Bracelets bother me. Necklaces, sometimes.


I usually only wear my wedding ring (and my running watch) and occasionally earrings, but I’m not a big jewelry wearer.

I have only ever raced 5ks (a lot) and one 10k. The pain is definitely different than longer. I don’t always like the pain of the workouts it takes for 5ks, but I prefer the 5k/10k race pain over the longer race pain. However, I have never raced longer (and never run over a 1/2), but so far it is hard for me to mentally run long. I can’t wait to be able to push my body hard again.

I had a mango popsicle last night….well actually I had two.


I wear my wedding ring, and I usually wear some earrings. I used to sell jewelry, so I have quite a bit, but I really just wear a select few items on a regular basis.

Today was my longest run to date – 6.4 miles. I felt pretty good about it until I read about my pregnant blogger friend (ahem) that ran 10 miles today. :) I had some ankle pain and a little knee pain at the end, but other than that it was good.

Earlier today I had a Yassos frozen Greek yogurt bar – blueberry! It was delicious.


ICE CREAM!! Cant seem to go a day without it :)

Yall are crazy :) Liking pain and all…okay I guess I like some pain, like piercing my ears (maybe that makes me a freak) but I have to say, I much prefer the “feeling good” runs to any painful ones. I dont know why I ran cross country in hs and college, I never have been a racing fan. BUT maybe I will get inspired if I read your blog enough ;)

And I worked at Panda Express for a few months. I got to eat their food for free, but it was surprisingly HARD WORK–especially when it was a 12 hour day!! And my manager was a bit nutso…haha good times.


last cold thing I ate…watermelon! :)

YES!! 5k pain & marathon pain… both so different. I love 5k pain. there’s something so satisfying about racing this distance. going out fast, no rest & finishing with all you’ve got. LOVE IT!! I love “running times!” I always learn the most from it.

Billy is a sweet uncle for keeping his silly band on. :) luv ya!! xo


I am pretty slow…and that is even an understatement. I just started training with my boyfriend for the Disneyland Half, his first race long than a 5k and I’ve done a marathon, and he’s already killing me! I usually run intervals and he’s having none of that so I will be in pain for the next 10 weeks in training but it’s probably good for me so I’ll live!


I completely agree about 5k pain compared to marathon pain. I hate 5ks for that reason. Unfortunately, I seem to be better at running 5ks than marathons. I really need to work on that.

I don’t wear jewelry very often. Now that I work from home, I don’t even wear my wedding/engagement rings consistently.


I totally agree with the 5K and long distance pain difference! I feel like with my long distance I need to push but not nearly as hard because with long distance I am happy to complete it but with short I wanna race and get faster and faster and therefore wanna die the whole 3 miles LOL!


I just posted about a 5k I ran and I described it very similar to how you did. You really do feel like you’re going to puke the entire time. I find marathons so much more enjoyable and I prefer that kind of pain over the near-barf pain. In the marathon you can really get into a zone and you just keep moving. The 5k requires you to kill yourself for 20 or so minutes, which is so short in comparison to the HOURS you kill yourself in the marathon — but I would still take those hours over those 20 minutes ANY day. :) Soon enough, Janae! That baby is on its way!


You always do such a good job of pulling information out of the same article I just read! Makes me think twice!

Yes, I think Jackie Warner recently said “Embrace the pain” or the hurt or something like that! You dig deep girl–and your race times show it!

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