You know you aren’t feeling good when:

1. You skip out on going to your FAVORITE workout class ever (turbo kick) that you were supposed to go to with Megan.

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2.  When your temperature is 100.7….actually does that mean I have a fever?  My brain is too fuzzy right now to even google it.

3.  When you spend 6 hours straight napping and watching tv.

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PS Who Wants to be a Millionaire has changed their rules a lot.  Anyone know the answer to the above question?

4.  You eat a baked potato and a glass of orange juice for dinner, actually there is nothing different there.  I am so glad I included a picture of it, I am sure that is life-changing.

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5.  When you aren’t even jealous (I always get jealous when I don’t go run with Billy) of your husband going running without you because the thought of running makes your head feel like it is going to explode.

Here is a great place to help you figure out your average pace, you can find it HERE!


This pace calculator is great for all of those times you run a warm up and cool down and would like to separate those paces from the pace of your actual training run. For instance, if you completed a seven mile Tempo run with a warm up and a cool down mile, just plug in the other five mile splits into the calculator and get your average pace for the five Tempo miles. Of course this can be done by hand but using this handy tool is much easier!

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Three really awesome things:

1.  I am determined I will wake up feeling better than ever this morning.

2.  I have a doctors appointment today….I can’t tell you how excited I get to hear the heart beat.

3.  NO SCHOOL today and tomorrow!  That is good timing because we can’t really get subs unless we have a weeks notice at work.

3a.  A non complaining post will be up later along with a baby bump update!


If you are running today…where?  Inside, outside, on a trail, on the roads, by your house?

Is it easy to get work off where you work?

Favorite type of juice?  Do you drink juice very often?

Favorite website (non-blog) dealing with running?  Daily Mile?  Running Times?  Runner’s World?  Other?

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Hope you feel better soon Janae! Getting sick while pg hits you hard, just rest (you seem to be doing well on that, nice work) I know it isn’t always easy when you are used to being active. Enjoy the doctors appt–those are so fun!

The answer is A.

No run for me today–I am also recovering from being sick and I think I may have pushed it a tad too hard the past 2 days…oops.

Did your potato have ketchup? I can’t imagine that tastes great w/o.j. to drink;-)


ya there’s nothing quite like that little whooshing sound :) I love it. Hope you’re feeling better.

I am totally going to use that tool……when I can run again :( BOOO


Feel better Janae! Good luck at your doctor’s appointment and I think a long weekend of rest (and frozen yogurt) is exactly what you need :)

I already did my run this morning, on the treadmill… last run before my half marathon on Sunday!

My favorite race website is the MacMillan pace calculator, I could spend hours playing around with my times trying to see how fast I can go. The other one I really like is Smart Coach, which claims I can take 23 minutes off of my half marathon PR by next year. if the website says it it has to be true right??


That’s crazy that you have to give a week’s notice to get a sub at work – who schedules getting sick?? My work is pretty good about it – we also have a lot of options for working at home. They really don’t care that much as long as you’re getting your billable hours in and you are in for client meetings. It’s a lot harder if you’re scheduled to be in court – basically you have to be near dying to get out of court!

Um, you should mention your fever to the doctor, I think anything over 100 is considered really not good. 98.something is the normal temperature. I hope you’re feeling better soon girl!!

If it makes you less jealous of Billy, I can’t run for at least another WEEK (I am going bananas, Ryan can’t wait for me to get better.. I am openly jealous and bitter that he can run and I can’t!) I have a self-diagnosed strained hip flexor.. Finally seeing a real doctor today since pharmacies apparently don’t like getting prescriptions from self-appointed doctors like me :-P


Oh man, I hope you feel better soon and don’t have to waste your days off being sick:( Hearing the heart beat is the best! Just wait until you get the “big” ultrasound, which was at 18 weeks for me. So fun. My run isn’t going to happen until this evening – on the road! It is near impossible to get off where I “work” – home with the kiddos! I never drink juice.
Feel better!


Just ran because I was selected to go to this conference thing and it starts at 9. Whoo hooo.
Sub plans make being gone hard, but all we have to do is type an absence into the computer and it is off our hands, that part is super simple.

Feel better, and excited for you for the dr. appointment.
Billy- always love you guest tidbits.


No run for me today. My shin has been bothering me for weeks now and it’s such a bummer because I am training for my first half :( But there will be some elliptical action tonight.

I am pretty fortunate with my job. If I need time off I can usually get it. My boss happens to be one of my best friends :)

I hardly ever drink juice but if I did it would be Orange Strawberry Banana juice!!! That stuff is yummy!

My favorite running site is by far Daily Mile. Not only is it a great place to track mileage but the support on there is incredible!!!

So exciting that you get to hear the heart beat today!! I CANNOT wait to see the baby bump!!!! :)

I hope you get to feeling better soon!


Awww so exciting to hear the heartbeat!!!!:) I hope you feel better, I feel like I’m coming down with something myself =/
I think the question to the millionaire is a fork!
No running today for me.
I loveee runner’s world but I get the magazine so I don’t need the website as much :)


I haven’t run since Monday, and especially since I ended on a high note, I am PUMPED for tomorrow’s run! I hope your doctor’s appointment goes well- must be so exciting! As for juice, does it get any better than fresh orange (or apple) juice….well yes if champagne is added ;)!


Aww I hope you feel better soon!! :( And enjoy your doctor’s appointment! I’m sure that will be very exciting!


Hope you feel better, Janae! I’m sure hearing the little one’s heart beat will brighten your day up!


I love OJ!
It is semi-easy to get off work at my job… if im sick its not a problem, for vacation i just have to plan a little ahead and make sure im not gone while someone else is out since there are only 3 of us in my office~!


Get better fast, Janae! Hopy you start to feel better:)

My answer is A. Fork. Final Answer. [Do they still say that after each response?]

No running for me today! I’m nursing a few running injuries before a half on Sunday (which, most likely, will be a run/walk type of event due to said injuries).

Usually not too difficult to get off work, but sometimes you’re frowned upon if you take certain days as sick days (like right before holidays or a scheduled vacation).

My go to juice is always a citrus of some type. I love grapefruit juice. Orange juice is very close second. Have you ever tried Simply Orange’s Orange Mango juice? It’s kind of pricey, but so, so good!

Good luck at the doctor today, Janae! Enjoy the hearing the heartbeat of your little Janilly:)


When I’m feeling under the weather, I always eat tons of OJ. Luckily my office has Florida’s Natural available in the pop machine (for $0.25 too!). I thought it was weird drinking OJ from a can, but I quickly adjusted. I think I went through about $5 worth while I was sick a few weeks ago.

I hope you’re feeling better soon!! :)


Feel better!! I typically take vitamin C or emergen-c for my fix when I am sick. OJ makes my tummy sick.

I am going to run at lunch. I work from home when I am not travelling a ton! Therefore – days off are easier to swing when I am not in travel mode.


feel better janae!! surely that OJ will give you a vitamin C no run for me today still :( stupid calf strain. yay for days off work! its pretty easy to get time off at my job, everyone is so nice.


No run for me today-I get to hang out with 2 year old niece. Plus, I plan on doing an easy warm up run tomorrow in preparation for Saturday’s 20 miler. When I was teaching, we could get a sub on an hour’s notice. Now in graduate school, I can decide to not come in pretty much whenever I want. Feel better!


awww feel better today janae! its sooo exciting you get to hear the heartbeat today though, im sure that will brighten your day completely :)

no running today, I spinned. it was one of those crazy spin classes that knocks you out..phew!

pretty easy to get off where I work, but no one really does your work while your out so then you have to deal with the terror of your inbox the next day :/ sometimes makes it feel not worth it.

i dont drink juice often but i love orange juice, pineapple juice and lemonade! (does lemonade count as juice?)

Runners world is my…i love creeping on there all the time :)


So glad you get the day off today! Rest up and feel better! Super pumped for your later post! :)


Ok so you MUST tell us, what’s the answer? :)

I don’t think it’s plate because I thought you were supposed to eat on smaller plates.

Maybe the answer is fork?

I don’t know what a menu would have to do with it…and the napkin just seems completely unrelated because I don’t know how that would influence what I eat.


The answer is a bigger fork! I makes you feel like you’re eating alot

I’m sorry you’re so sick! I hope you start feelin better soon! Get some extra fro yo (my dang phone kept autocorrecting froyo to group or frogs) after your appointment :)

I love runners world. I check it way too much. I can call in sick to work and everything happened just fine. I’m a nurse so we all do the same things and if someone doesn’t come in we just share the patients differently, but I love that. Work isn’t ever waiting for me when I’m gone.


Hope you feel better soon Janae!

My favourite juice is apple but I don’t drink it often. I drink vitamin water zero by the gallon though.

I love And my run today will hopefully be in Central Park, NYC! :)


I hope you feel better soon! When do you get to find out if it’s a boy or girl? What are you both secretly rooting for? I use McMillan pace calculator alllll the time it’s pretty much my favorite website!


being pregnant is a naturally immuno-supressed state. I ALWAYS get at least one hum-dinger of an ick while preggers. Today is my rest day, and boy do I need it. If you’re 17 weeks, they could generally see the gender.


I ran this morning..on the treadmill..too dark outside when I workout- 5am. I almost slept in, I’ve been EXHAUSTED lately…(I’m sure you know the feeling ;) ;) ) But now I’m glad I did it…I feel more awake now.
It is easy for me to get off work- I just call & let them know :) My boss is VERY awesome though, I am lucky.
Aww, I beat hearing the heart beat is the BEST feeling the in the world!!! Good luck at your appointment! & Feel Better!! If I was near you I would bring you some chicken noodle soup :D


I’m an OJ lover! Sometimes I could drink like a gallon in one sitting. You better be chugging some more of it too – feel better!


Sorry you aren’t feeling well! Being preggo and sick is no fun at all :( I’m a stay at home mom, so when I’m sick, I just have to suck it up and have a “movie day.” I’m currently popping vitamin C and echinachea (spelling??) to ward off my 1 year old’s cold. I can feel it coming, and am trying desperately to NOT get it since I run a half-marathon on the 25th and don’t want to feel like I’m dying during the race. I’ll already feel that way from the running, no need to make it worse! : )

I love POG (pineapple orange guava) juice. I only drink it when we go visit my in-laws in Hawaii, and we only do that about once a year. When I’m there, I drink probably a gallon a day :) Love it!


awe feel better!!! i hate being sick, but spend as much time in front of the tv as you can!


hope you get better soon!!!! Being sick is never fun..
I can never get a sub at my job, I am still trying to get one for tomorrow :/


Ask your doctor for what you can take. Feel better!

And I love that you two both blog here.


Sorry you feel so bad. Being sick and pregnant is the worst because you can’t really take anything. I did hot yoga this morning and may do a short run tonight after work. I have a super busy/fast paced job. I can take time off pretty much whenever I want, but I still have just as much work to get done and there isn’t really anyone else that can do it. I rarely drink juice because of the sugar – usually only if I’m sick or trying to carb load.


Awwwww…feel better Janae. Glad you have a nice 4 day weekend to rest and relax. Looking forward to you baby update!
My favorite running site is I’ve been logging my runs(and other workouts) there since 2006 and love the forums. Lots of great running chat!


Hoooppefully getting in a nice relaxing slow run after work on the treadmill. Could not get out of bed this morning to do it before work.

It’s pretty easy to get off work or leave early, but I’ve always given notice. I haven’t take a sick day yet (only been at my job 4 months) so I dunno about the last minute call off. Although my co-worker called in sick yesterday and my boss and I spent most of the day doing his job instead of our own, which I did not love… At my last job it was impossible to get a day off cause I worked from home. Even if I tried to take one they would end up calling me and asking me to do something (which is why I have a new job!).

I loooove juice! I don’t think I can pick a favorite. I love orange, apple, grape off the top of my head :-).

P.S. I am totally on a potato kick, too! Most likely subliminal messaging from your blog posts.


Feel better. Yay for getting to hear baby’s heartbeat today! That will surely put a smile on your face.

My morning workout was 10 miles outside on a bike path near the river. Enjoy your long weekend!


Yes, I’m running twice today! Third day in a row, I feel very lucky:) I live in a town in the mountains so mornings are dark and its too iffy to run outside (bear, elk, coyotes, mountain lions!). I hit up the treadmill for my morning run and then after work, take a longer run around town and the lake!

Feel better soon – medicate with some froyo!!


Feel Better Janae! Go get yourself some froyo. Looking forward to your next baby update :)


That calculator is really cool! Thanks Billy!

Get feeling better soon Janae. I am thinking about you.


Not sure if I’m actually running today but I am going to the store for new running shoes! I’m hoping something from the Brooks Pure line is gonna work for me :)

Hope you feel better!


Hope you are feeling better soon!

No running for me today…rest day. Yesterday I went outside for run and ended up vomiting half way through, no joke. First time this has ever happened to me during a training run. My friends were joking that maybe I was pregnant…haha (no chance) Learned my lesson…need to hydrate better.


Hope you are feeling better today! Hydrate and rest always help me, and vitamin c too :) for some reason oj makes my tummy hurt, boo.


I am not running today; it is my rest day before the 22 miles I have tomorrow. At my job we get up to three consecutive days off (no questions asked) before we need a Dr’s certificate and subsequent days off are a little harder to get. I do like juice, cranberry in particular, but I am not the biggest fan of drinking my calories unnecessarily so I don’t drink much of it.


Hope you feel better soon Janae!

As for work, it is pretty easy for me to just take off. My boss is pretty flexible and I work where I live, so that makes it great. In fact, today was my half day… felt really good to leave at noon!


100.4 is the point that you are considered to have a fever but it is nothing to worry about unless you have other symptoms going on. Take some Tylenol and take it easy :).

I have a doctors appt tomorrow! Yay for hearing the heartbeat! I wish I was getting an ultrasound but thats in a few more weeks when we find out the gender!! :).

-I am at work today so no running for me since it’s dark before I get home. Sad.

-We only get 5 sick calls a year at the hospital but when you call in sick you don’t have to worry about covering yourself. They have people that worry about that after you call in. Sometimes that makes the nurses that are there have a very hard and busy day though so I actually feel bad when I call in sick.

-I rarely drink juice but I do like OJ when I drink it!


I eat baked potatoes for dinner all.the.time. Nutritional value? Questionable. Deliciousness? High.


I hope you feel better! I ran 6 miles outside this morning, I really loathe the treadmill and try to avoid it whenever possible. It is pretty easy to get work off. I don’t drink juice, I don’t like it, but I make up for my lack of juice drinking by drinking a lot of coffee!


I’ll be running on the treadmill at the gym, reading a magazine. Weird how I’ll get carsick just looking at a text (not while driving) but I can read tiny print on the treadmill.

Hope you get better! Temperature over 100 is a fever, so really rest up, mama!


I ran outside this morning and it was seriously beautiful weather. I wore a tank top and sunscreen. North Carolina is amazing this week…

Juice is not really my thing unless it’s mixed with alcohol. I told my Dad this once and he was horrified. (then he laughed a little). I guess I kinda like grapefruit juice or some juice with sparkling water.

I used to use LogMyRun, but now I use daily mile. I just like the shoe mileage calculator they had on LogMyRun. Daily Mile should add that.


A week’s notice? What happens if you wake up with the stomach flu or something?


Well I am glad I made you feel guilty ;) Totally kidding. Our workout WILL happen! I went to turbokick this morning & sweated extra for you…or all the pie I ate ;)
I ran yesterday. So no running today. And I actually was just using runners world pace converter right before I looked at your blog. Craziness. The one Billy was using looks awesome though…almost as super awesome as his splits. Yowza.

Have so much fun at the doc. You are right-that is a great sound. Hopefully it will make you feel better ;) I am off to go buy bigger forks. Who knew?!


you can’t get a sub without a week’s notice?!!? What if you were really ill!? That’s craziness! I hope you feel better soon!


I hope you feel better!

I’m going to guess C: Plate. Do I win a million dollars?


Hope you feel better soon!!

I am going to run a few loops around my gym and then go inside to lift. Hoping to get in 3-4 miles, easy paced. I ran 12.5 miles yesterday (7.6 in the AM and 4.80 in the PM) and have a long run Saturday. So today and tomorrow will be short and easy paced runs.

Yes. they are flexible!!

You know, I rarely drink juice! I do eat a lot of fruit. does that count?

Running Warehouse, gotta love good deals on running gear! I love Runner’s Wolrd, but I get the magazine.


AAAAAAAHHHH! I’ll admit… I’ve been absent from your blog for a bit…. and I had NO IDEA you were pregnant! Congrats! You look amazing. Wow. I promise to be a better blog friend from here on out. Sorry about that.

And I’m DUE tomorrow. Yikes! Let’s hope she decides to come, though, and not be all fashionably late, which would be totally lame.

I am so excited for you!!! :-)


Today I am going to attempt to do some Yasso 800s. I am running my first marathon next month so my coach (aka brother) decided that I should do some Yassos to figure out what time I would be able to run the marathon in. It depends on the mood of my boss if I have a hard or easy time getting days off. I love sparkling grape juice (does that count?) and I usually go to Runner’s World at least once a week. Hope you feel better soon!


I hope you get to feeling better!

I will be running outside at the park. There are always tons of people there this time of year so it seems safer.

I don’t know. I’ve been at my job for 2 months and haven’t needed any time yet.

I love apple & grape (not together). But I don’t drink it very often because it agrivates my stomach.

Daily Mile For The Win! I love that I can track my running as well as any other exercise related activities!


The answer’s fork. Apparently you feel like you’re taking in more food if you are using a bigger fork so you’ll stop eating sooner? I don’t think studies like this look at runner’s, I always read them and go…. “you mean stop eating before my plate is empty?!” =) <3


Bless your heart! I hope you feel better!!!

We do have quite a large sub list at my school, so it’s not too hard to find one. However, it’s more work for me to be gone, honestly, so I rarely miss. Apparently I feel like my kids will have a meltdown if I’m gone, ha.

I never drink juice unless it’s something I’ve juiced myself. I do like to make juices with lots of good fruits and veggies in them!


The answer is fork, whichever that option was.

I ran outside on the highway where I usually run. Ran 2 miles barefoot and my calves are feelin it!

Hope you feel better soon!


Oh no! Rest up, and yes I think 100 temp is a fever. I think.
Answer is A.
No running, inside kickboxing cardio and then a long walk with my dog. Its been hot here and we are still adjusting to running in the heat again.
You can’t get a sun when you are sick? What??? Yes very easy for me to take a day off, thank goodness. There is no one to sub in for me, as a speech therapist, so its just a regular sick day.
I don’t drink juice, but I was kinda obsessed with orange juice in H.S.
Runner’s World is a great way to spend time cyber loafing.


Thanks for the Pace Tracker. That is awesome!
I had a Dr’s appt yesterday and I had to come in late. They didn’t care about that or if I have to leave like the day before when my BF forgot to let our dog back in the house and he went missing for a few hours. (He was at the neighbors thank God) But if anyone else has a day off I pretty much can’t get it off. There are only a few people in my office so the boss doesn’t let more than one off unless it is an emergency. I don’t get much time off so it doesn’t really affect me that much. Just around holidays.
I love tomato juice and orange juice. Not together although I don’t drink it much. I eat the fruit instead. Juice is usually when i am making a nice weekend breakfast or something like that.
Hope you feel better. That Vitamin C should help ;)


Ew…GET BETTER! I got attacked by basically the same bug yesterday, it sucks! I’m back home visiting family and am supposed to run a race tomorrow…yeah, probably won’t be running a half feeling this horrible! On the plus side I’m at my Mom’s house and she is taking care of me!

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