My old running spot, gelato and tacos.

What better way to spend your day off than stealing a bike from a little kid….Billy, that bike is just a little small for you.

Curly insisted on riding her hot wheels through the snowy parts and since her 4WD wouldn’t turn on she would have to walk it a few feet and try it again.

Photo 1 copy 2

PS this is the park that I used to run at all of the time when I was in high school.  My dad would walk around while I ran, good memories.  3 times around is a mile and I didn’t have a Garmin so I never knew how far I went because I always lost count.

Because we have no idea where we will be living next year we want to hang out with my nieces and nephews as much as possible before we move.  Okay, that was a bad excuse…even if we were going to stay here forever we would still hang out with them as much as we could.  I am telling you guys, these kids are hilarious and have so much energy and love eating ice cream as much as we do.

Photo 1

My sister treated us to Costco gelato and those cones are so huge that we split them.  $1.50 for all of that!  I am the smart one in this situation and always choose to split with the littlest one because she can only fit in so much which = more for me.  Yes, this is a 26 year old that writes this blog.

So far we have made it one full day without eating out (remember, ice cream doesn’t count).  Maybe it was easy because we didn’t have work or school.  I put in chicken with taco seasoning into the crock pot at about 1 and cooked it on low.  Best part of the crock pot is that it makes the whole house smell amazing and makes me feel like I am succeeding at the whole wife thing.

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Billy’s mom always fries the corn tortillas when she makes tacos and they really are so good this way…plus I used olive oil to fry them = healthy fats.

I had to create a chip wall so that no salsa touched my pears.

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My sister sent me this and I could not agree more:

Screen Shot 2012 02 20 at 7 39 51 PM



Do you use a crock pot?  What is your favorite thing to cook in there?

What is your all time favorite midnight snack?

If you ran when you were in high school…where would you go running?

Favorite gelato flavor?

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Hahah good call on sharing with the little one…whether you end up eating the majority of it or not, it’s okay because you “shared”! I need some gelato in my life, hazelnut is my absolute favorite…although I’m a cup girl, things get too messy when cones are involved!


LOVE my crockpot. Made Cream of Chicken and Wild Rice soup on Sunday.
Didn’t run in high school except as punishment during tennis practice.
No midnight snacks.
The Kidless Kronicles


I’ve heard slow cookers are great but in a studio apartment, it wouldn’t be so nice trying to sleep with the smell of roast meat!

Fave midnight snack- cookies or other homebaked goods.

My family’s house in Australia is next to a golf course so I used run in the morning before school. Wet grass and dodging flying golf balls = good times :)


Yeah..probably not a smell you want at 6 in the morning ha. AUSTRALIA…that is so cool and running on a golf course is the best!


Favorite gelato flavor….nutella! Nutella gelato in Italy is probably the best thing I’ve ever eaten in my entire life. YUM!
Have a good day Janae!!!!!


Nutella gelato?!? That sounds incredible!


Yep…I definitely need to try out that Nutella gelato, I am drooling! Plus a trip to Italy might be nice:)


Love my Crock Pot. Just used it yesterday. I love that you can just dump everything in and forget about it.

When I ran in HS it was just around my neighborhood. I knew nothing about running. It was more like Phoebe from “Friends” running like a little kid!


Crockpot is such a time saver – I love cooking chicken tortilla soup in it, minus the chicken;-) lots of beans and good stuff, add cilantro and avocado at the end – so good!!! I didn’t run at all in high school, except the timed mile for sports. other than that, I just did field hockey and lacrosse and would work out at the gym usually on the stairmaster. I can’t believe I didn’t run!
Have a great day!


Too funny on the sign! I needed that to show my husband while I was pregnant;-) My favorite midnight snack is either ice cream or granola bars .

I struggled w/anorexia in high school, so no running for me (weak heart). I always wanted to run so once I was at a healthy weight, it was the first activity I started and its kept me from going back to that unhealthy state.


I didn’t know that about you Becky! That is amazing that you have come so far and you are so strong mentally and physically. I gotta try out granola bars for my next midnight snack!


Crock pots are awesome! I like making some chili (I used Manwich sauce once for flavoring…good in a pinch).

Cereal is always sooo much better at night for some reason….

I ran to the local park. I love running there.

Stracciatella all the way for gelato. Little chocolate chips in my gelato? Delicious.


I don’t have a crockpot, but my sister was telling me how she has three and I should take one. We’re a family of weirdos.

I ran track and played soccer in HS, so I ran mostly around the high school. It wasn’t too exciting. I still live in the same town, though, so sometimes I’ll do my speedwork on the high school track.


Love that picture haha! Too funny. I love the crockpot it makes life so much easier! Unfortunately my brother took mine, boo :(
I’ve only had gelato once and it was almondina or something. It was AMAZING so much better than ice cream I don’t know why I don’t eat it more often!


You need to get that back from your brother:) Gelato really is so much smoother. AMAZING!


I seriously need to start shopping at Costco just so I can get dessert while I am there. Can’t beat 1.50 for an ice cream cone!


I love the crockpot for the exact reason that you said. It is effortless, but the smell makes me feel like I don’t suck so bad at life. The best part is freezing what you have left over. We ate some frozen crock pot soup last night. Delish!


BAHAHA you feel like you don’t suck so bad at life…we think a lot alike. YUM to your soup!


Bahaha I love that little comic!!!! My favorite midnight snack is cereal. I actually am not sure that I’ve ever had anything besides cereal as a midnight snack…

In high school I used to run at this park all the time and I loved it! Even in just three miles you could run through cornfields, weave through woods, cross bridges, and trek down both paved and dirt paths. Talk about variation!


Yum! I love tacos!
I love the whole foods gelato. I like the fruity flavors but my husband likes the chocolate flavor. Whole Foods gelato size is a joke compared Costcos scoops!!
I use a crock pot sometimes, mostly for beef stew. I need more crock pot recipes!


am i the only oblivious one that didn’t know costco had gelato?! i need to get some asap!
i LOVE my crockpot! i use it all the time. it’s so easy, quick clean up, and (most of the time) makes awesome food.
haha that little poster about midnight snacks is great. my favorite midnight snack would have to be a spoonful of peanut butter (or two or three). ;)


I don’t know if all of the Costcos have it but I sure hope yours does! Yep…pb makes an incredible midnight snack!


Any flavor gelato; midnight snack is ice cream! But I’m rarely awake at that time! Too old ;) ha ha. I’m sure I could eat ice cream anytime of the day or night though…


I love midnight snacks! Cereal and yogurt fo sure :D


Unfortunately my hubbie is not a big fan of crock pot meals so we hardly ever have them. I like crock pot tacos though =] Frying corn tortillas is sooooo yummy!

Lately my favorite late night snack (and when I say late I mean 8 because who am I kidding, I hardly ever see midnight) is kettle corn popcorn. I have to get those mini bags or I eat the whole bag myself.

I wish I could say I ran in high school… LoL. I am the least athletic person ever… becoming a runner has not been easy :P

I LOVE GELATO!!!!! I had a Nutella flavored gelato once and it was amazing, definitely my fav!


HA…okay, mine is an 8 pm snack too. Kettle corn is amazing! I NEED to try the Nutella flavor, that sounds absolutely incredible! Hope you are having a great day!


we just got a slow cooker but I have yet to use it……I’ll have to figure it out someday. I love kids and icecream and bike rides. I am loving this mild winter I may bike today!


I love my slow cooker and every now and again I’ll make a good old English beef stew with lots of veggies. You can’t go wrong with it really, just throw everything in there!

I’ve never tried gelato before… hmm. Need to get on that!


UM…your homework is to try gelato this week:) YUM, your beef stew sounds really really good.


Nice post (as always).
When you say you put chicken in the crockpot with taco season, are you putting an entire chicken in, just pieces, whatever you have?

Crockpot: I love my crockpot! I actually have two! One belonged to my mother-in-law. It HAS to be from the 60’s. A few years ago a bought another one that has a timer. Favorite thing: too many to name but I just made Chicken Parm Soup yesterday and it was delicious!

Midnight snack: cereal with milk

High school running: I ran my senior year and there was a trail behind my school that was along the Garden State Parkway–think of a turnpike or major interstate type road.

Gelato: cookies and cream!


HEY YOU!!! No, I just put in a few frozen chicken breasts! You have two..I am jealous. Um, can I have your chicken park soup? That sounds amazing. Okay..cereal with milk is the ALL-TIME best midnight snack ever!


I’m with janae on this one.. can i have that recipe as wellll!! sounds amazing!!


The crock pot is used for chili and meatballs in this house! I also make a mean bacon & horseradish dip in it as well. I highschool I used to run with my dad. We used to do a three mile loop (which at the time felt like FOREVER to me) every few days. He can no longer run for medical reasons but I still call him after every race to tell him how I did and he always gives me a new time to shoot for.


UM…I need your dip recipe, that sounds so good. I LOVE that you used to run with your dad, what a great memory and that is so neat that you still talk about it so much!


I love my slow cooker, it is a life saver on busy work days. Soups are my favorite slow cooker meal.
When I was younger I’d eat soda crackers with peanut butter as a snack. Now I do not really have a go to snack, but usually it does involves peanut butter :)
I wish Costco here had gelato, I really like their gelato – I’ve had it a few times when I have been in the States.
Coconut gelato!


Ha! That last picture is too funny!! That gelato cone looks tasty–and such a great deal! My favorite flavor is hazelnut. I could probably eat an entire carton.


LOVE banana gelato. My mom makes an awesome chocolate one too!
and favorite crockpot recipe is pot roast with lots of veggies! yum!


I am the crockpot queen!!! I actually have 3 and use at least 1 3x a week. I am not a midnight snicker and I can’t eat gelato. Growing up I ran the hills around my parents house. Amazing!!! It’s still my fav workout and sometimes I go visit for long wkends and spend hours running those hills. Enjoy your day back to work.


You would have to be because you are the busiest person I ‘know.’ Isn’t it the best to go back and run where you used to:) Have an amazing day Colleen!


i really need to go back to costco…i’m not sure if they have gelato in ours, but their soft serve is darn good!!!

we just got a crock pot for christmas, we’ve used it only a few times but i’d say my favorite thing we’ve made in it so far was stuffed peppers! (and i agree, i love how it makes the whole apartment smell so yummy :)

i dont do healthy midnight snacks like you with the grapes and cottage cheese..muahaha, but sometimes i’ll sneak into the kitchen for a bite of ice cream or a cookie late at night. healthy habits in action. ;) that picture cracked me up though.

gelato is soooo good. is it weird that i just like plain vanilla?


NO I LIED! key lime graham cracker gelato=my fave


I would die without my crockpot. On Sunday’s after my long run I always put something in the crockpot because I know I will not feel like cooking later on and will want something really good. Lately I’ve been obsessed with making chicken enchilada soup in it. o m g soooooo good.

Also you are genius with your chip wall!


I am seriously jealous of your Costco! Our choice is only froyo.


I never really discovered running until the past few years! When I was in high school I was 100% focused on gymnastics. I spent 26 hours a week in the gym, and when I wasn’t there I was thinking about it! The only running I did was at the gym running laps of the floor for warm up, cool down or conditioning. I hated it back then too! It’s funny – now I LOVE it :)


TWENTY SIX HOURS a week doing gymnastics, you are hardcore. I am so glad you discovered running and love it now!


Pulled pork in the crockpot is my new fav. OK well I have only made it once but it came out perfect and I am a horrible cook. It was so easy and basically cooked itself while I was at work all day.


Did I miss something?? Why don’t you know where you’ll be living next year??

And yes, I love the crockpot. I have about 100 recipes on my blog for the crockpot (OK, not that many. I lie. But at least 10! haha!). :)


We are waiting to hear back from law schools:) We could be anywhere! I LOVE your recipes for the crockpot!


I love it for oatmeal. LOVE iT. oh, and applesauce!
I love cereal. I am a ween, I know.
The only place I ran in high school was to the border-aka taco bell.
That’s funny though. I know that there are active people in HS, I was just not one of them.


love the crockpot but haaaaaaate cleaning it!! it’s too heavy!!!! I made dinner in it last night tho, chicken, salsa and pineapple chunks. mmm.

midnight snack is usually an apple and pb but I’d MUCH rather something more fun…..;)

have an awesome Tuesday!!!!


I make Billy clean it:) YUM…pineapple chunks…I must try that!


I love to cook chicken in the crock pot. I just throw in either frozen or thawed chicken and a can of broth and let it cook for about 4-8 hours depending on what I am doing. It is super easy to shred it basically falls apart. Although its a little boring it is great to have a bunch of shredded chicken on hand to throw in a salad or add seasoning later to make either tacos, bbq chicken etc.


The crockpot is pretty much the only cooking I can do. I am easily distracted…

I had no idea Costco had gelato! I am checking my location out immediately!!


I hope yours does too! HA, I burn most things and so the crockpot is my answer too!


Why doesn’t my Costco have gelato?????????????????????


RUDE!!!!! We just got ours like 6 months ago, hopefully it will sweep the nation:)


One pork tenderloin with one can of root beer. Heat on low until it shreds easily and then add BBQ sauce for sandwiches or use plain for taquitos or fajitas.


KATY…I have to try that. That sounds amazing, I will be doing this. THANKS!


My crockpot is my favorite. Since I have class all day on Tues/Thurs I usually make a big batch of something on Tuesdays. Right now I have some buffalo chicken cooking and I CANNOT wait to smell it tonight :)

I did track my senior year, we just ran all over my hometown.


I try to use the crock pot at least once a week. It’s such an easy way to have a home cooked meal. My favorite thing to make it in is probably pulled pork and my second favorite is cheesy chicken. The only time I have eaten in the middle of the night is when I was pregnant. I would wake up and crave cereal at 3:00 a.m. – weird! I played lots of sports in high school, but never ran just to run. Running was more like punishment for slacking at soccer or softball practice. I love running now though. It makes me feel amazing, gives me time to clear my head and burns more calories than about anything else.


Okay…I need explanations of both how you make your pulled pork and cheesy chicken, they are making me drool. 3 a.m. that is awesome! Seriously, the benefits of running are incredible!


Janae – if you forward me your email address, I’ll send you the recipes. I thought of another good one too – baked potato soup.


HEY JANA!! Thank you so so much..I can’t wait for these recipes wahoo!!
[email protected]


Ok, our Costco has only…hot dogs.Gelato would be nice!!!Any flavor!!I am not picky.
I am embarrassed to say I do not own a crock-pot.My husband wants beans and rice for dinner(Mardi Gras) and that would be perfect made in one.(What kind of chef am I that I don’t have one?I need to go to Costco!)
I never am awake at midnight either but I “late night” snack on ice cream usually.
I did not run in H.S.but I wish I had.I didn’t start till after college.
Your nieces are so cute.I’m gonna hang out with mine today!!!And,if law school should bring you to Northern CA-there’s always a home-cooked meal here for you guys!!!


We did apply to N. Ca…wouldn’t that be AWESOME!!! Do you have a rice cooker, that saves us too! Ice cream is definitely the best for late night munching (8pm for us:) Hope you are having an amazing day Cait!


There are so many things I love about this post. First, tacos are the best! Also, I love that your MIL fries her corn tortillas. My friends in Bakersfield used to do that and it brings back fond memories. I think I’m going to have to do that from now. I’ve never had chicken tacos, shocker I know. But cooking it in the slow cooker sounds delightful and I agree, you always feel like the best wife when your entire house is filled with the smell of food cooking. I love my crockpot and use it often. I usually cook pot roast in there the most, then chili or shredded bbbq beef for sandwiches and baked potatoes. That picture your sister sent is so funny. I am not much of a midnight snacker, but in college, if we were up in the middle of the night, we would head to Whataburger and get our favorite burger an fries, or to Taco Cabanana and fill up on flour tortillas and queso. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. I did all my running in High School down the street at the Junior High I attended. It had a track and I ran laps on it. Is it sad I’ve only had gelato once? I think I tried pistachio.


I like beef stew in the crock pot…but have been thinking about throwin’ chicken in there! I love coming home to good smells in the kitchen!!


Your nieces are so precious! Love the little one walking her hot wheels. In high school we ran on the track, trail behind the school, perimeters around the school property or sometimes into town. Good times :)


I’m still in high school, but I run on country roads! I love it outside, as long as not too many cars pass me. :)


My favorite late night snack is definitely cereal.. I could live off it!
Oh that gelato looks so good! To many good flavours to choose a favorite. When I lived in Italy, I ate gelato at least once a day.. maybe twice lol.


I’ve never used a crockpot, though the set it & forget it method is definitely tempting.

Hazelnut is my go to gelato (had it daily when studying in Italy) but Nutella or Stracciatella is a close 2nd/3rd.

I didn’t start running on my own until PT in high school so it started on a treadmill. For sports we would just run the fields of the high school & middle school.


Oh you make me laugh! I am glad you make barriers so your food doesn’t touch. I do that and my sister makes fun of me. I know it all ends up mixing at some point but…… & I don’t blame you for wanting to spend all your time with the kiddos. They are so cute! I love how close you and your sister are. I am the same way with mine and would be sad to not live close by.


I’ve actually never had gelato! But my favorite ice cream flavor is strawberry!


Yum, that gelato looks delicious! My favorites are Nutella gelato and stratcitella (I think I spelled that wrong), vanilla with fudge ribbons through it :o)


Love your “chip wall”. ;) I HATE when someone serves you a pickle with a sandwich and it makes the bread mushy and pickle-y. Yuck.


I love the crockpot! I am always looking for more recipes. Yesterday I put two chicken breasts in, a packet of dry ranch powder by hidden valley and a bottle of Frank’s Buffalo chicken sauce and cooked on low all day. When my boyfriend got home he shredded the chicken and put it back in and then when I got home it was all ready to put on bun’s and eat sandwiches! We ate it with caesar salad. I should totally do the taco seasoning one, sounds so similar! let me know if you have more crock pot recipes!


Why does food taste more delicious as a midnight snack? Whenever Chris and I stay out late with friends the drive home decides the midnight snack. Last Saturday it was a piece of cold pizza…….ahhhh hit the spot…….and the sleep follwing the midnight snack always amazing. Yeah, for the simple pleasures!


Your niece looks SO HAPPY with that ice cream!!! It made me realize that part of the reason you’re always so happy is because you spend time with your nieces and and nephews because I think little kids have the ability to naturally make people around them happy! I have been recovering from surgery and my good friend brought her three boys by to cheer me up (they are SO stinking sweet) and since I saw them, my spirits have totally lifted, like their hugs and laughter was just what I needed! I love it :) and now want Costco icecream!


I love my crock pot (they call it a slow cooker in South Africa) and I cannot wait to make the cream cheese chicken chili in it when I get back. I bring it to my office and make a big batch of oatmeal for my staff. They love it and we make a topping bar. I also make lentils and black beans.

Midnight snack of choice is semi sweet chocolate chips from the freezer or graham crackers with PB.

Never ran in High School. Maybe on the treadmill like once.

Gelato? Chocolate or Coconut or coffee. I’m not picky…


My favorite snack would be cheetos. Flamin’ hot. Cheetos!! Or Doritoes. Spicy Sweet Chili!! :) I love that like comic joke about the fridge light. Hehe. So true!


I make lots of chicken crockpot variations…love the taco version! I also do a yummy Hawaiian beef in it that serves a crowd (handy since the fam is big!)
My body never stays awake til midnite but if it did, I know it would want ice cream w/a warm cookie :)


I’ve just started learning how to cook and cook healthier and the crockpot seriously makes me feel like a grommet chef. I’ve found a lot of stuff on pintrest, @dailygarnish, @thehealthytipping point…and other veggie bloggers…I also make pulled pork in there (not so vegetarian)!


My lou gong is so man after wearing up the Jacket you’ve found your style lo Reply:November 23rd, 2009 at 6:20 pmJoyce -> But jacekt can’t be use in Malaysia. Sienz


I looove my crockpot. My favorites are turkey soup with lots of vegetables and rice and a vegan sweet potato with black beans and pumpkin.

Favorite midnight snack – ice cream and potato chips and/or pretzels! Or just a jar of almond butter and a spoon :)

I didn’t run much in high school, but when I did, it was usually around the high school track.

Omg favorite gelato flavor…this is so hard. I guess my all-time favorite is pistachio. I also love coconut.


Haha, I loved that you shared ice cream with the littlest one. Smart move, Janae. And, I’m so with you on that chip wall! I don’t like when certain things end up touching on the plate. I end up using different plates or doing separate rounds if things look too messy!


Good call on the chicken tacos. That is a great dinner idea for this week. Frying the tortillas with olive oil is the way to go. I don’t use the crockpot nearly as much as I should. It would make cooking so much easier. Especially since I have a 1 year old pulling at my pants or apron when I cook.


Hahaha I love your gelato sharing strategy! Very smart move…the best ideas come out when treats are on the line! ;)


Too Bizarre! I recognize that track. I am now beginning to wonder if you went to the same high school as my children? Initials THS by chance? It surely is a small world out there.


I did I did I did!!! Who are your kids?!?


Kali Fisher, Cooper Fisher, and Jordan Fisher. Kali was on student council her sophomore year. She turned 25 in October. She was friends with Jen Banks, Kristen Muirhead, Clay Randle. Cooper just had a birthday and turned 24 a couple weeks ago. He graduated the year after Kali. Jordan you probably wouldn’t know. He’s a little younger. What was your maiden name? I bet my daughter just may know you!!


Ahhhhh crazy! I totally know Kali! This makes my day! My maiden name is anderson! This is so awesome! Tell her hi! I was a year older than her!


I have a Crockpot and I love it! It’s the greatest cooking device known to human kind. It makes me feel so productive to be working or running errands or whatever, while dinner is at home simmering away. I love making chicken chili – basically just throw in chicken, a jar of salsa, some chili beans, garlic, onion and chili powder, maybe some red pepper flakes, and voila!

I also love making an overnight breakfast casserole – just throwing in cubed bread, beaten eggs, whatever vegetables and cheese I have in the fridge, and then waking up to a delicious hot breakfast! So easy!


That is a crazy epic cone of gelato.. and it looks amazing! It is best to spend all the time you can with your family especially the little ones.. they are so fun at this age- and you just can’t miss it! I have 2 nephews and 1 niece who live in NC so we very rarely get to see them which is a bummer.. I wish I could hang out with them all the time!
I don’t actually own a crock pot but I need to invest in one- I always see so many recipes that I could make for the husband (he’s the only meat eater around here.. )


We will be moving this summer and I am SO SAD to leave my whole family and I feel like my nephews will forget me since I won’t be around all them time anymore. So I agree, I have to spend as much time as possible drilling how fun I am into their heads :).

Crockpots are the best! I love making chicken taco filling in it mmm yummy!

In high school if I ran I just ran around the track at the high school but I really didn’t like it back then. I ran a mile at the most!


I LOVE gelato! It always makes me happy. And my friends make fun of me for needing to stop and get froyo or gelato if we pass somewhere that has it!

I need to become more efficient at my CrockPot. I have one, and I think I have used it maybe twice. I keep hearing people rave about it – maybe my goal this week should be to experiment!


Hahaha, love the chip wall. I don’t like when some of my foods mix either.
Favorite gelato flavor too hard! – either chocolate hazelnut or pistachio.
Favorite midnight snack – cereal or ice cream
I want a crock pot so bad. I have no room in nyc. I would make chili and Mexican casseroles. yum…


Ha – no chance of me running in high school! I was the most nonathletic person ever…I used to skip PE all the time and would do ANYTHING to miss out of sports events/athletics days/etc. It was only in my last year of high school/beginning of university that I started taking an interest in fitness and losing weight. I was probably around 200 pounds at my highest… NEVER imagined I’d be one day running for fun. let alone marathon distances!

I tend to want crunchy things in the middle of the night! Chips, cookies, crackers, pretzels…even just toast with loooots of butter :)

Any gelato flavour is a-okay by me :D but i’m especially fond of pistachio, and anything with ‘bits’ in it – chocolate chunks, whole nuts, etc etc.

Dangggg I need a crockpot. Those tacos (especially the SHELLSSSSS omggg) look amazing! Haven’t eaten tacos in YEARS! Must fix this ASAP!


Good job on the cooking the tortillas in oil thing. I am Mexican and they look exactly like the ones my mom makes. Very legit ;)
I want a crock pot so bad but that would mean I would have to cook. boo.
My fave gelato flavor is coconut. I tried it when I went to Vegas oh my gosh it is delicious! Also, I didn’t know they sold gelato at Costco. The perfect excuse to go.


I LOVE my crock pot! My favorites are taco soup, cream cheese chicken, and roast. Yum yum!


I didn’t run in high school but I wished I had, we had a great track at my junior high and high school and then maybe I would be faster than I am now lol!


Usually make some kind of chili or stew in the crock pot.
Not a huge midnight snack person but hubby always has a bowl of cereal before bed.
Didn’t run in high school unless it was on the soccer field.
I don’t have gelato often, but when I do it’s something coffee-flavored.


I love using the crockpot, my favorite thing to make thus far has probably been baked potato soup. It’s so creamy, just like the kind at Cheddar’s!

Not necessarily “midnight” as I’m usually in bed by then, but my favorite late night snack is usually some form of chocolate and milk. Lately I’ve been loving the Lindt dark chocolate bars with sea salt. That and vanilla almond milk just taste so decadent together!

I ran in high school and was on the track team…usually I just ran either around the track at school or through my neighborhood. We had a cemetary a few blocks away that had the perfect trail running through it.

The only time I’ve ever had gelato was actually in Italy several years ago, I loved the chocolate hazelnut flavor!

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