A real interesting night in this neck of the woods.

At least I rotated my sweatshirt of the week…. the other one started smelling like the gym.

IMG 0946

My night consisted of packing everything I own (I am trying to impress all of my internet friends in Vegas) and eating a baked potato (the same size as my size 10 running shoes) with all of the fixings (cheese and broccoli).

FYI sleeves make a great hot pad for a baked potato.

This was a close one….being the super nutritionally balanced girl that I am;) I almost forgot to show you where my healthy fats for the evening came in the form of:

IMG 0948

Peanut butter is good for you no matter what it is wrapped in.  Billy and I are still rocking our nightly goal to drink a glass of milk while watching our mandatory television show and seeing who can be the least productive for the longest amount of time.


I always like knowing what people do when they are running a race to get themselves to keep going when they start getting really tired.  I talked a little about this HERE but here are a few more:

1.  When my legs get really tired I pump my arms harder (I know, it is a waste of energy but my legs can’t slow down when my arms are pumping fast).

2.  Turn the music up on my ipod and tell myself I just have to go fast during the chorus of the song.

3. “The faster I go, the sooner I am done.”

4.  I love thinking about elite athletes and how they push through to the end and give it their all.

5.  I try and remember that the mental fatigue sets in long before the physiological component of fatigue sets in.  It’s all in your head….kind of.

6.  “Unless you puke, faint or die, keep going. ”  Love, Jillian Michaels.


What size shoe do you wear?

-10 in running shoes….9 in real people shoes.

What do you do when you start getting tired during a race or hard workout?

What are your Friday night plans?

-Drinking chocolate milk and hanging out with some new friends!

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I wear a size 9
When I get tired, I usually walk or like you, decide the sooner I pick up the pace, the sooner I’ll be done.
Tonight hanging out with hubbie of course :)


Size 11
I keep telling myself “I am stronger than my excuses”
Tonight? Dinner out with Husband (Fuzzy’s Tacos) and then book store :)

Happy Running!


I always do number 2&3!!! I love the last one, definitely my new favorite quote!
I wear a 10 and sometimes bigger in running shoes but a 9 or 9&1/2 in heels and toms. Tall=huge feet lol
Have an awesome time in Vegas!!


Yay! So excited for your trip!! I am a size 7.5-8 in real people AND running shoes! I think of crazy fast and dedicated people (like you!) when I get tired! It gets me going again :) Tonight is going to be spent with the Dean Machine!!!!!

PS!!!! I keep telling you that you HAVE to talk to JULIA. She has something for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In high school I was on the XC team and the moms always provided the BEST soft pretzels (they picked them up in Philly!) and they’d be waiting at the finish line. Carbs + salt=perfect post-race food! I’d dream of those things throughout the 3 miles…


I tell myself something similar but I say, “The faster you run, the faster you’re done” – then it rhymes! :)


I wear an 8 or 8.5.

Tonight is date night with the boyfriend. Instead if gifts we are doing 12 dates of Christmas. :)

Have a great time Vegas! You’ll be awesome!


hi, this girl http://athlinks.com/racer/32105567 who happens to be my friend told me “you only run as fast as your arms move” so, with that said, when i feel like i’m not pushing it, i too, swing my arms ( elbows back ) to get more momentum. i figure to run a 5k in 16 minutes, like she does, this method has to work.

as for shoe size, regular 6 and running 7


Size 9 baby- glad I’m not the only Big Foot around! I have a dinner & drinks reunion with my friends from high school which should be a blast! The ‘the faster you run, the sooner it will be over’ mantra always does the trick for me!


Another clown-footed girl over here…size 10! My daughter is 13 and already wears a size 8…she’s doomed.

When I start to get tired running, I’ll pick a point ahead and tell myself I can stop when I get there. Usually, I still feel like I can keep going when I get to that point, so I pick another point. And another. And eventually, I’m done. Or I just tell myself I can rest when I’m dead, so I might as well keep running now. So much of it really is mental.

We have plans to meet up with some friends tonight, but I came down with a head cold and pretty much feel like roadkill today. Hopefully, I’ll feel better and we’ll still be able to go.

Have a great weekend in Vegas!!


I wear a size nine. Sometimes 8 1/2 if my feet are being difficult. My Friday night plans are going to my friend’s surprise party for her boyfriend. I’m baking the cake, which I’m super excited about. I convinced her to let me make one that has been on my baking wish list for years :D


Oh, love that Jillian saying, definitely keeping that one in mind come Sunday’s race. I usually turn to motivational mantras. They’re cheesy but they work. “Run strong, run hard, run proud” is a recent one. “you can do anything for another mile” is an old favorite. But I kind of like the tough love approach of Jillian, makes me want to punch her in the face and anger usually gets me going faster ;)
I’m a 9 in most shoes, yay big feet! haha


I wear size 7.

I have two little tricks that I use:

1) I “get into the wagon” of a runner ahead of me, I imagine that they are pulling along the wagon and I am just sitting back and enjoying the ride. (My dad thinks of a boat- same thing!)

2) Just sit in an (virtual) armchair and “let my legs run”.

I also love a good ipod blast…


i wear a size 7.5…the same size as my 12 yo sister lol!

when i am tired, i always say to myself ‘you may regret not working out, but you never regret a workout.

tonight i am going to a neighboring city to watch my sisters perform a recital…should be fun but cold because its outside!


I LIVE by the “The Faster you go, the sooner you’ll be done” addage!


Size 9.5…clown feet is what I feel like I have sometimes!

Seriously great suggestions :) I’m still training for my 1/2 marathon so I’m all about learning the tricks of the trade. And I always let my mind get in the way of what I know my body is capable of! Just plain silly.

LOVE the peanut butter cups! And I agree–no matter what, peanut butter is good for you!


Good luck in the race!! :D No plans for tonight…..which is probably a great thing!


I just tell myself that I’m really awesome and that I’m doing great. :) And I’ll break down the remaining miles into increments that seem easier…like “just run another 5k…that’s easy….”

I wear a 6-6.5 in everyday shoes and 7.5 in running shoes. It’s my work Christmas party tonight so I’m excited for that if I make it through some dental work I’m dreading this morning.


I wear a size 8 in shoes!

When I start getting tired during a workout, I crank up the tunes, do a LOT of self talk, and imagine how great I’ll feel when I’ve accomplished my workout.

My Friday night plans are to make some awesome Thai food for dinner and then go see Breaking Dawn. I know, I’m behind a little, but I still am excited to see it. ;)


its funny but before I even heard of all these bloggers travelling to Vegas and participating in the 1/2 marathon, i was totally tempted to fly out there and do it…i’m thinking next year I will. i’ve never been to vegas before!

running shoes i wear 9.5 wide…regular shoes anywhere from 9-10 :) usually leaning more towards 10 though.

i have a couple of things I do..i usually chant to myself “You are strong and powerful, you can do this. you can do anything you put your mind to” over and over..lol..and if that fails, I pray to people very special to me that have passed away and pray they give me strength. might sound a little corny but its the truth! and it always works.

friday night plans=cleaning, blogging, eating, shopping…i’m pretty sure i’ll be running all around. and hopefully, at the end of the night, becoming a lump in my couch while eating a tub of holiday popcorn :)


When I get tired I Pause my music (keep running and pray) and try to trick myself to think that I don’t have that much left

I wear size 10.5 running and 9.5 regular
Tonight I’m hanging oh with my grandma who came in town and praying that the rain predicted for Sunday doesn’t show up until after my marathon!


Size 8.5…

When I get tired during a race, I try to do math. Seriously! I try to figure out whether or not I’m ahead of goal pace and what min/mi I need to maintain my goal. Math is NOT my strength so it completely takes my mind off the pain.

Last race, I also muttered a line from Cool Runnings for about 2 straight miles. I see pride! I see power! I see a badass mother who don’t take sh!t from nobody! People probably thought I was nuts. ;) But it worked!


Hi, I’m a cross country and track coach, and we always emphasize to our runners the purpose of using their arms. So your #1 on the list is great – pump your arms to keep your leg turnover going. We call it “guns in the holsters!” I also like #3. We give our runners examples of mantras to repeat to themselves during a run or a race. “I feel good, I feel strong” and “One step closer, one step closer” are a couple we use.

I’m a size 9.5 in my Asics Gel Kayanos and a size 9 in regular shoes.

And chocolate milk is my favorite beverage!


I wear a size 10 in all of my shoes and my friends usually laugh at me for having such big feet. I don’t care though because I like being tall!


LOVE these tips. I use the faster I go the sooner I am finished one or- think of bloggers like YOU and tell myself… They would not stop, quit being a baby:) haha. So excited for your trip, have an amazing race!!!


size 7.5 but 8 for running shoes cause i like a little wiggle space!

when i get tired i picture brandon having to carry a 100 pound pack with all his gear and flack in combat boots walking through dust and dirt-sand in afghanistan and stop feeling sorry for myself, then the last few miles feel like i’m flying.

ward party is tonight making way too many rolls and toffee.


I wear a 10 normally and 10.5 in running shoes.

When I get tired in a race, I usually find someone to “run with” and stick with them to energizer myself.

My Friday night plans is a massive blogger slumber party! WOO!


I wear a size 9, in most shoes.
ANNNND Friday night plans involve a hot totti and trying to not be sick anymore!


I wear a 10 and 9 1/2 in real people shoes. :)

I tell myself that it is a privilege to be able to run, not everybody has the ability to get out and move their body. So enjoy it to the fullest and celebrate the opportunity!


I love Chocolate milk!!! When I am running and I am really getting tired, I keep my mind on if I just keep up a good pace, this will be done sooner. Boredom sets in a lot for me. Any ideas from you or your readers to help with that? I have another question. I want to do a half in May. I have ran nothing but 5ks this year. So I know I need to up my training to do this. What do I need to add to my runs? What about tempo running? Can someone explain that? Enjoy your weekend. Vegas will never be the same…lol! Remember, what happens in Vegas, stay in Vegas. That is unless you are Janae and will be sharing with all of us your trip. ;)


11. fooargh.

I am going ICE skating! (more like ice falling!)

Have fun!!


That potato is huge, I thought it was french bread:) I wear a 9 in running shoes and 8 1/2 in regular people shoes. When I get tired, I pray. There’s nothing better than a little help from God. Tonight I am going to my youngest son’s basketball practice. Can you believe they have 9 year old’s practicing at 8:30pm? Crazy!


i wear a size 9 running shoe and size 8 regular shoe (i have such tiny feet for my height!) when im tired while running i always pump up the ipod and tell myself i’ll feel so good when its overwith how i pushed myself instead of walking…well i am a super cool 21+3 year old so my friday plans are to pick up my running bib after work for my race sunday and then i cant decide whether to stuff my face with sushi or a salad with everything on the planet in it for dinner and then either frozen yogurt or cake for dessert …i know its so cold out but i mean you now understand the power of 16 handles…and then i will be in sweats watching either will&grace, season 4 of one tree hill or hopefully abc family has home alone on :-)


I’m a midget, but everyone’s already figured that out from blog pictures: 6.5 =).

I love the Pre quote that’s something like “to give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift”!

HAVE SO MUCH FUN IN VEGAS (so so jealous).


I feel like I have GIANT feet….I wear a 9.5 usually. Not sure if this is related to my height…I’m 5’7″.


Looking forward to toasting chocolate milk w/you tonight!


I always think of the “the faster I go, the sooner I am done” – it seriously got me through the last couple miles of marathon, because all I wanted to do was be done!


I’m a 9.5 in sneakers, but anywhere from a 9-11 in real shoes! Weirdo feet!

Unfortunately I am really quick to give up when workouts are hard :( i’m working on it tho! I definitely try to channel Jillian Michaels too! I tried my 1st spin class last night (at Golds, totally trying to just BE YOU!) and it was SO SO hard, but I gave it my all and fell in love! I can hardly sit today though :)

My friday night plans are… going out with my girlfriends to celebrate MY NEW JOB!!!!!!! :)


My first clinical experience in nursing school this past month was at a nursing home…when I was just running on Wednesday and got tired, I thought of all the people I met there who couldn’t even walk. They were stuck in their beds or wheelchairs all day, and couldn’t do anything on their own. I hate to think one day that might be me or a family member, so I kept running because I know one day – I might not be able to. That’s what helped me…


Yes, the arms thing is right on. I also swing my arms faster, or I talk to myself, since, yes, I also turn my music up. If I’m in a race, I imagine that I have metal in my chest, and there’s a big magnet at the finishing line pulling me in.

Or, at times, I try to imagine the stakes are much higher. I am running to the border of mexico and if I am caught, I spent my life in jail. I am Jean Valjean running from Javert (Les Miserables), or I am Pee Wee Herman, running to Texas to get my bike in the basment of The Alamo, or worse of all, if I dont’ run fast enough then I will feel like a lesser human being, made of fluff, cotton candy, a twerp, instead of a friggin roarin gigantic running machine.

When all else fails, I take off my watch, slow down or even take walking breaks, and call it a recovery run.


Good luck on your race! Can’t wait to read all about it.
I wear an 8.5-9 in regular shoes… 9.5 or 10 in running shoes. I wore a size 9 running shoes for the UVM last June and lost 3 toenails. Not good.
My Friday plans include helping my daughter with a native American diorama and going to sleep early. I like to party.


I always tell myself “pain is weakness leaving the body.” Wonder where I got that one from ;-) Pretty sure her name rhymes with shmungry funner twirl =)

I wear an 8.5 in running shoes. I ran for YEARS in 7.5. Then last year I went to Snail’s Pace to get fitted. The sales guy looked a little confused and said, “You’ve never worn an 8.5?”
Me: “No.”
Him: “And you don’t have trouble with your shoes?”
Me: “No.”
Him: “Your toenails don’t dig into the toe next to them?”
Me: “Oh. THAT was the problem.”
Holy Geez.


I saw a recipe for homemade peanut butter cups last night and then this post this morning. I think the chocolate peanut butter combo is calling out to me.

I rock size 11 running shoes and most of my normal shoes are ten. My smallest shoe is a high heel in a 9.5. When I wear it I feel dainty. But then I see my SIL shop in the kids shoe section and realize I have big feet. Oh well.

When I start getting tired I think about the peeps on Biggest Loser and think,”if they can do it, I can do it!”

Have such a fun time in Vegas! Travel safe :)


I run in 10’s, but wear 9’s.
When I get tired I try to focus on something else, usually what I’m gonna eat after I’m done, or think about my kids and how I want to make them proud.
Tonight I have a birthday party to go to for a bit and then probably home for the night, my little guy is still sick. Bummer.


Good luck this weekend. I think you need to schedule a race in Texas so that we can both run it and have some good Texas food.


Janae!!! Where are you staying in Vegas? Lets hangout. Want to run your 3 miles with me in the morning? Pretty please.

Okay I totally deserve stalker of the year award right now. But I am so excited!!


I wear a size 9 shoe in runners & ordinary shoes.

“When your legs get tired, run with your heart.”

I think this 100x + when I run! Love it. It gets me through a tough work out. Or I’ll think, “Do marathoners stop when they have a small cramp? No. Breathe through it. You can do this.”

Friday night plans: possibly grocery shop, pick up boyfriend’s brother from the ferry!


I wear 5 or 5.5 size street shoes (or a 3 in kids shoes). My running shoes are 6.5 because my toes like lots of space.

Think fast to be fast!!

Good luck!


When I get tired during a race I usually start a prayer to my Heavenly Father and thank him for everything in my life I’m so grateful for- which typically includes running the silly race that is making me so tired.

I wear anywhere from a 7.5 to a 9. The problem is that my feet are EXTRAORDINARILY wide. Seriously. I should join the circus.

Go Janae! You are going to rock it.


Packing because we leave to Vegas tomorrow :) Woohoooo!


Good luck in your race!
I wear size 11 in running shoes, 10 in regular shoes.
My plans for the night are to go to the CA Intl Marathon expo and pick up my team’s packet. My husband and I do the relay every year with another couple. This will be our fourth year, it is pretty fun. After the expo we are off to get our Christmas tree!


I wear a 9 in running shoes and 8.5 in regular shoes.

I always think “I want this MORE than it hurts!”

Friday night = finally getting around to watching the 5th Harry Potter movie with the boyfriend. We’re total kids at heart.


I wear a 7 in normal shoes and 7.5 in running shoes.
I tell myself it won’t kill me ;) And to keep on moving!
Not sure on our plans tonight! We will see what the day and night brings.
Have fun in Vegas!


I guess I’m around an 8. I read somewhere though that the average female foot is a size 10? I’m not sure I’m convinced, all of my friend seem to have tiny feet!

When I get tired I usually just give up. I’m hardcore like that (not). I’ve been getting better, though! I mostly count my steps to 100 and then start over again until it’s done, or I turn my iPod to “serious hits” (aka Rihanna + Beyonce).

Have fun in Vegas! First-time commenter-love your blog!


SO many of the blogger I follow are doing RnR Vegas. I hope you all do it next year too because I plan to!

Food in Vegas….”Dishes” is the buffet restaurant in Treasure Island. It’s great. I really like their brunch buffet. I also remember liking the Italian restaurant in NYNY. Have a great time!


I wear a 7.5 in running shoes and 7 in regular shoes.

I think: “Rule your mind, or it will rule you.” OR I sing to Dory’s tune (from Finding Nemo) “just keep swimming swimming…” except I substitute running in there.

I’m exciting ~ writing my term paper on the history of breastfeeding and how a woman’s decision to breastfeed has changed throughout the years and why! College student life say what?

Janae, I’ve been reading your blog since forever but have only decided to leave a comment now. Just wanted to tell you that I’m a HUUUUUUGEE fan and I love your posts and they crack me up and I always use your blog as my ‘”study breaks” (read: as a method of distraction during boring lectures and nights when homework is just too painful). I’m currently injured right now so I’m running vicariously through you; GOOD LUCK THIS WEEKEND! :)))


I am definitely going to remember your points during my next race.. which will hopefully be soon.
Oh my that baked potato is MASSIVE!!


When I get tired in a race, I sometimes turn to one of my fave Rascal Flatts song that says:
Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you’re made of
You might bend, till you break
Cause its all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you’ve had enough
You get mad you get strong
Wipe your hands shake it off
Then you Stand!”
Always works for me :-)


HAHAHA!!! I love #6. I do Jillian’s dvds all the time. She is my favorite evil trainer. I must admit I have puked during one of her workouts and kept going. I knew she would say that I “phoned it in” if I didn’t finish. That is insane!

During a race, I like “the faster you go, the sooner you are done” mantra. I tell myself that I have done it before, trained hard, and try to get my head in the game.

Size 8.5, sometimes 9 in running shoes. HAVE FUN RACING IN VEGAS!!!!!


Wait… those aren’t matching socks are they?? (That would be a total disappointment!)

A size 8.5 running shoe here… my wife claims that’s the equivalent of a women’s size 10 – which basically means I can’t use her running shoes. Pretty rude if you ask me.

Say, I do numbers 1 and 2 also! When I’m really worn down and ready to stop, I think, “what would Kristina (Ripatti) do?”… and I imagine she’d likely just scoff in disgust and power right past me. Kristina was a co-worker until she was paralyzed from the chest down. Today, she’s still the greatest athlete I’ve ever known – she didn’t slow down, she sped up!

And for Friday night… Christmas tree decorations and packing!


I wear a 7 in my running shoes, and a 6/6.5 in real people shoes.
When I start to flack while running, I think of Jillian saying “we don’t quit at the end, that’s where we finish EVEN STRONGER” or I just yell at myself to quit being a baby.
Tonight we’re going glow bowling with some friends – tomorrow we’re running a Santa-themed race in costume, so gotta have something low key tonight! :)


I disagree with Jillian, I totally keep going after I puke!! ok probs not the smartest. Umm when I get tired I pretend like I’m an elite runner in the Olympic Trials! and I picture myself looking like a beast and fighting towards the finish line….it usually works. HOWEVER with peanut butter cups as fuel….fatigue seems unlikely for you :-D


Do you really keep going after you puke?? that is HARD CORE. lol, I’ve felt like puking before… but cannot remember the last time I actually did!


Well it’s a rarity that I run past 3 miles, so I pretty much have no excuse not to finish haha!

I also wear a size 10 for running shoes and 9 in regular shoes…I just ordered some new kicks last night as a matter of fact!

Andy and I drink a LOT of milk – we can easily go through a couple of gallons in a week!

Have a great weekend :)


I’m a size 10 in running shoes and size 9 in regular ones. I was always told I’d grow into my large feet but I have stayed 5’4 since they started telling me that!


I definitely like number 3 and same goes for me and number 5…I try to believe ;)
Yay for big feet! Good luck on your half! I’m excited to read about your experience!


7.5-8 in normal shoes, 9 in running shoes. and I also think “the faster I run the sooner it will be over”, especially on the treadmill! i always sprint the last half mile!


Glad you switched your sweat shirt… i have about a 1 week limit too.. (hobo standard!)
Plans for tonight are devour a lb of chocolate hopefully :)
Have a safe trip to vegas!


Thank you Janae!! Love hearing that you actually get tired… it makes me think that just maybe you are a real human being and not some super model-legged genius running robot who never gets tired and never gains weight from incredible desserts :) bc sometimes I start to wonder just how you do it! And if having large feet is a trade off for skinny model legs I may take the trade… my shoe size is 7.5 running shoe or 8 for heels bc my feet are shorter but a bit chubby!! LOL I have tiny cherry toes.. my bf has long skinny monkey toes .. so together we’ll be balanced I suppose :)

When I get tired while running I actually have thought of YOU and the last workout you posted! Also, Jillian Michaels trains me by yelling at me through my mind haha … I also picture adorable outfits I’d love to wear, is that weird??

Friday Night plans = finally unpack from Thanksgiving (I hate hanging up clothes!!!!!!) and GET IN AN AMAZING WORKOUT!~ long shower.. and some sort of dinner… but really I just love to NOT be rushed on Fridays.


I always just make myself keep going. I think about all the people that aren’t lucky enough to be able to run that because I can, I should keep going. Being lazy is not an options!


i love that jillian michael’s quote…pretty hard core!!

im a size 9 too, but 10 running. i have freakishly long toes so i need the extra room!!

have a great time in vegas!


ohhh my gosh i’m crying! SO EXCITED FOR U GIRLIE U ARE GOING TO BE SO SO SO SPEEEEEDY!!! I will be sending you motivational texts! and you MUST come join me for the SLO Marathon!! xoxo!


I’m a 10 in running shoes and a 9 in regular shoes as well. I try to think about how fun it will be to see my husband at the finish and tell him I did well rather than gave up. I also try to distract my mind from the pain by thinking as many happy thoughts as I can to get some more endorphins flowing. Have fun in Vegas!


I wear a size 7!! Have FUN this weekend!

Friday night plans : watching a movie and working on some personal biz stuff. NICE.

I always tell myself : “I am stronger than I think!”<—always gets me to do more!


Maybe I’ll see you in Vegas! My sister and I will be there too! I havn’t packed yet though, eek!


I love that Jillian Michaels quote! I have super small feet, I wear a 5.5 normally and a 6.5 in running shoes :p.


Love your outfit! I always run faster with spandex gear rather than baggy! I also think about people who can’t run because of certain diseases and complications like cystic fibrosis.

Sounds like your night will be great..livingg the dreammmm!


I wanna be in Vegas with you!! But I’m not ready to run a marathon yet … I would just hold up a funny sign and cheer you on! ;)

My Friday night is pretty boring. My hubby is driving home from Nashville, so I’m just waiting (impatiently) for him to get home so that I can annoy him by refusing to leave his side because I’ve missed him this week! :)


I wear 7.5 but use to wear 8.5…is it really possible to lose size in your foot? Hmmm odd.

This whole weekend I will be attached to my computer doing school work with a few blog breaks in the mix.


i have big feet too, i’m 5’3 and wear a 9. eek, clown shoes for my short frame.

when i’m getting tired sometimes i wonder how long the elites have been finished and what they are doing while i’m still running, especially in a marathon.

best wishes this weekend, you are going to fly through those city streets!


I usually have to lie to myself to keep going. “You can quit as soon as this song is over.” or ” Just run to the next stop sign” and then once I get there I make another bargain with myself to go a little farther. I must be a good liar because for some reason I believe myself.


I was just talking to friends about how when our legs get tired, we run with our core. Like mentally think about the strength of your core pushing you forward. It works! :) I wear size 8 in reg shoes, size 9 in running!


Janae! Good luck this weekend! You’re totally going to rock it (YOU ALWAYS DO)! I have some VERY VERY VERY exciting news. I’m going to be in the March 2012 issue of Fitness Magazine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are sending a photographer to my area for a photo shoot and everything! I was screaming so loud today! :D


Size 8 in both running & normal people shoes! I imagine a shower to make me faster, the faster I’m done the closer I am to being clean. My Friday night plans was stuffing my face with local seafood to prep for my race tomorrow! The Savannah Bridge Run 10K! So excited!!!


Reading all of these great motivation quotes is seriously getting me choked up! Someone sign me up for a marathon!!


I’m a size 9.
I usually change my music about a thousand times until I find the right song that pushes me! The faster I go, the faster it’s done


I start at the tips of my toes and move through my whole body, reminding myself what I want to look like and how I want my body to work for me! I’m reminding myself that this is making me stronger so I can __________ (usually it has to do with skiing or being faster than boys ;P)


I war size 8, but I’m only a little under 5’4″….I wish I were taller!


exact same sizes as you. our feet are awesome, obvs.
friday night was gym after work for some elliptical magazine reading, then couch-plant until bed. too tired to must up much else.
i also use the ‘faster you go, faster you’re done’, but puting on tunes that have a strong beat and make me want to dance helps a lot, too.


Its a little past due! But my friday night was spent at my baby cousins wedding!


I wear a size 7. Little baby feet.

Depending on the running occasion… if I am racing, I convince my mind to rule the body- I do not have a choice but to keep pace until the end.
If it is a training run and I hit a wall or get plain bored, I think about “fun” things. Like beofre I got married, I planned my dream wedding. Now I think about how I would spend the money if I won the lotto. Or how I would decorate a baby’s room if I were to have one…

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