I Break Everything and German Pancakes.

I try to include some life lessons that I learn here on the blog with you so that you can learn from my mistakes.

I am assuming that you will already know this one, but I will share it anyways.

My phone has been dropped, cracked, thrown, driven over and still worked……..

but, hanging out in the bottom of my gym bag with a leaking waterbottle for a few hours finally killed it off and it no longer works.

So, if anybody reading this has tried to call (probably just my mom and sister), text or leave a voicemail the past 4 days and I didn’t reply….it is because my phone was sitting in a bowl full of rice, trying to heal itself and in the end we had to just realize that it was a gonner.

Luckily my FIL has an old phone that he is letting me use until I can get a new one…..in September.  THANKS BILL!!!

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Text me (I have the same number) if you want me to have your number again, otherwise I bet there are a lot of people that are thankful that their phone number was lost so that I stop sending them joke of the day text messages.


As soon as we get home from church the first thing we do is get food baking because we are hungry. Today Shelly and I had our hearts set on German pancakes.

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They turned out heavenly!!! Guess what mom….I showered and washed my hair before church…..I knew that would make you proud.

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Pretty excited for my new dress.  Comfortable and I can wear it to work, it was only $12.50 at H&M!

Fresh lemon (from the lemon tree’s outside), powdered sugar and syrup should top every meal.  Elf is pretty much the most brilliant person ever for carrying around his own travel size maple syrup jar in his sleeve.  If anyone knows where you can buy one of those, please let me know and if you know where to find a bulk case of red (the best flavor) sour patch kids please tell me.

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I cup milk, 1 cup flour, 1 tsp salt and 6 eggs.  Blend while cooking 2 tbsp of butter in your 9×13 pan and once it is melted, add the batter and cook on 400 for about 20 minutes.

Can you blame me for eating ice cream everyday of my life.

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The neighbor brought over more Haagen-Dazs (he works for them) after we finished off the last ice cream pyramid. PS I have never seen anything other the the little things of Haagen-Dazs…..these ones are ginormous!


Do you have a lot of phone ‘accidents’ like me?  Any fun stories to share about phone mishaps?

Do you like German Pancakes?  Ever had them?

Have you gotten any good deals lately?  Anything on sale that made you super happy to buy?

-The dress and a pair of jeans from H&M that were also $12.50.  I am addicted to getting a good deal!

What would you top your Vanilla Haagen-Dazs ice cream with?  Let’s get creative….I want to try some really fun things!!!

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You can get mini syrups from Cracker Barrel!! Mmm soo good.

I love anything coconut so I would top my ice cream with that….and butterscotch chips…and peanuts….and chocolate chips :)


REALLY….I must go to Cracker Barrel ASAP!!! Good call on the cocunt, butterscotch and peanut combo…I am drooling now!


Mini Syrups are all over in Canada!!! I should send you some!!!
At teh begining of July I got a 60 Dollar LBR (little black romper :) for 6.99 and the regular prince was like $60 bucks!!! The lady said it wasnt supposed to be on sale but they forgot to remove the sale tag and I got it Super cheap :)


You should make some more german pancakes and put the Haagen Daz Ice Cream on top :) Just an idea


AHHHH HOW DID I NOT DO THAT….looks like I need to go back for seconds;) 6.99 ahhhh best deal ever and you SAVED $60…that is awesome!


Maby even thirds :) Carbohydrates and Calcium is very important!!!!!


I spilled cough syrup all over my old phone. That stuff does not come out!! My second disaster, u dropped my old blackberry in a dark parking lot and my tracking ball came out!! Couldn’t find it either, fail! Haha.

PS the rice thing totally worked for my friend’s phone!


I am bad with the phone!! I have dropped two cell phones in the toilet!! IT was not a good experience!! Luckily it worked out okay for me. I JUST got a Droid X- my first smartphone!!! I am super lucky and in love with it!!!

Top vanilla Hagen Daz?? hmm- how about chocolate syrup, caramel sauce, oreos, peanut butter cups, hersheys kisses minis , and HOMEMADE whipped cream!!!

I recently bought 5 dresses and 3 sets of matched bra/panties and the grand total was $50 bucks!!! I was seriously happy!!!


I have travel-sized maple sizzurp at my house, I kid you not. UVM sent it to meeee!! It is so handy ahaha I carry it in my purse. That is the cutest dress evaaaa I love H&M gorgeous girl!!! Give me dem pancakes! <3


Is the neighbor single? I’m not but for ice cream my husband is disposable! ;-)


You seriously make me laugh so so hard every day…..he isn’t but I am sure we could find you another ice cream man that is:)


Those German pancakes look amazing! I’ve never heard of them or had them, but now I’m dying to. Yum!


One time I was riding my scooter down a huge hill with my brand new iphone in my pocket (bad idea, I know), wiped out, and landed right on my phone. The screen just went all white, and I literally cried for 10 minutes. Funny thing is, when I took it into the apple store, they filed the damage as a ‘hardware damage’ because apparently the white screen problem has happened to other people..sans the impact of coures :) Nonetheless, I got a new iphone for FREE.99 :) Which is, as always, music to my ears :)


AHHHH Your scooter story made me so sad…OUCH!!! They gave you a FREE iPhone…WOW, that is awesome….helps that you are gorgeous:)


We totally have mini bottles of maple syrup, in the shape of maple leaves too! So Canadian ;) I have dropped a few phones in the bath tub!
I have never had German pancakes! What the heck, hey?!
I just bought a work dress at WalMart for $20, score!
I’d top my vanilla ice cream with chocolate chip banana brownie pieces, mangoes, strawberries and gummy candies!


I would top the ice cream with potato chips. And oreos. And peanut butter sauce.

MMM :)


I had a heritage day this past year with my students. Each of them had to bake or bring in a recipe that represents their culture. I got to try German pancakes for the first time, and I loved them!
Great deals, I received a 20 dollar cash card for a local sports store here in town, so got a pair of Nike Tempo shorts for literally 6 bucks! I was a little shocked, no gimmicks…just gave me twenty bucks!!


I once dropped my phone in the toliet; and it survived; not sure if that is more amazing or gross, but the toliet was clean.

I LOVE german pancakes, but as far as syrup goes I will only eat homemade or syrup from maglebys fresh (mmmm the BEST) although someone told me kneaders was better so I want to try it..

I like to top my vanilla ice cream with pie.


Hey pretty lady! I love the dress! :) And I’ve never had German pancakes, but now I just might have to try them!

What would I top my vanilla ice cream with? How about brownies, cake pieces, marshmallow creme, peanut butter cups, hot fudge, whipped cream … and then more ice cream? Sorry, none of those things are creative … I’m just hungry. ;)


My friend went to the bathroom and as she was pulling her pants back up her phone flew out of her pocket into her…unflushed potty. She grabbed it without thinking and then she soaked it in lysol sprayed rice for two days. Hilarious!

Never heard of German pancakes, and to be honest, when I saw the name I was expecting German chocolate pancakes!

Love good deals – I got some new Zumba pants online for $20 and they were originally $65. :)

Peanut butter and pickles on the ice cream (I love weird combos), or go with sea salt and caramel. OR just load it up with candy!


In college I went through phones all the time! I used to leave them in my front pockets and would always drop them in the toilet when I stood up/pulled my pants up. Woops! Now I have a work issued crack-berry so I am much more careful, and they dont fit easily into a front pocket, which helps!

Peanut or any kind of nut butter on ice cream. Nutella is good too!


You can get the mini syrups (and gallon size ones too!) in Vermont! My favorite summer treat is soft serve maple ice cream (with real maple) topped with walnuts. Yum!


That is one beat up phone! I think you need to invest in a hardcore case when you get your new one ;)
I have a funny phone story actually. I put it in my sports bra while running one day b/c I forgot my arm band and use it as my iPod and I sweat so much when I got back from the run the lens behind the camera had water in it and the phone was freaking out. I panicked b/c I wasn’t anywhere near the end of my contract and wasn’t about to spend $600 on a new iPhone so I stuck it in some rice for 4 hours and it dried up! Nothing like some sweaty rice for your next meal!


HA yes, we already found one that is heavy duty and probably weighs about ten lbs for my next iPhone:) LOVE the sports bra story….definitely done that before ha!


I LOVE German pancakes, and your recipe is WAY easier than the one my family uses. Trying that tomorrow for breakfast (or dinner)!

You should try syrup on ice cream. Even cheap/generic syrup is good. Think maple glazed donut mixed with ice cream!!! It was a great treat as a kid when we were on a tight budget.


Very cute dress! Love H & M!


I have never had german pancakes but now I MUST have them after seeing this picture!!! I just sent you a text so we can always be texting BFF’s! :)


omg i am about to make you feel so much better about your phone mishapes! I have horrible luck. be prepared there are multiple stories
1. i was changing in a supermarket bathroom one day before practice. went to throw my jeans over the stall and my phone flew out of the pocket into the toilet. btw it was a sensor toilet so it “sensed” my phone and flushed. FML #1
2. i was at busch gardens in tampa florida and was being all responsible with my phone in a ziploc bag because it is known to always rain when i go there. It rained and i was like mhwahahaha i outsmarted mother nature and was being all cocky with how dry my phone was in it’s plastic bag in my pocket. NO. hole in bag that was big enough to let water in and not big enough for it to get out (dont, ask it is just my luck). phone drowned in the plastic bag. FML #2
3. Probably the best: i was about 14 and playing outside with friends (probably like hopscotch at 14 [dont judge]) while my mom prepared for a massive christmas party. I had brought out my cellphone and house phone to be uber cool and chat. I didn’t realize until i saw my dad coming BACK from his trip to the pizzeria that I had left my phone(s) on top of the car which he drove around town. CRAP. So i shyly tell me dad that we need to try to find my cellphone. We drive a couple of blocks and my dad is like oh look your phone! oh wait thats too big to be your cellphone. And keeps driving. I was like “dad, just stop. please. just stop”, I ran out of the car grabbed my house phone and jumped back in the car. He was like “ALAINA!” I couldnt even look him in the eye. We never found my cellphone and didnt tell my mom until recently how I also left the house phone on the car hood. lol

I’m sure more stories are yet to come but do not ever feel bad. I am the worst with phones and feel your pain of not being able to communicate.


AHHHH OH MY GOODNESS!! Girl, you have had bad luck with your phone!! Thank you for sharing because now I know that we are long lost twins with really bad phone luck!!! THE CAR HOOD…..you really are my favorite and that is crazy that the whole wasn’t big enough for water to get OUT!! RUDE!!!


I have never had a German pancake..but I’ve had a kind that you make with Nilla Wafers and they were scrumptious!

When I bought maternity clothes I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on stuff I was only going to wear for about 3 months. Best deals ever at: Forever 21 and Ross. Yes, Forever 21 maternity is the best. The most comfy jeans ever for 6.99! I have considered cutting off the maternity panel so I could still wear them…


I took my 24 day old iPhone on a 10 mile hike with a friend. I didn’t have pockets or a case, so I put the phone in my sports bra. A few hours later I went to use it and it would turn on and that was it. I had to take it to Apple and see if they could fix it. They said they would replace it because it was so new, but next time I would have to pay out of pocket. The best thing about it was on the receipt, they put unidentifiable liquid. Boob sweat, its a killer.


JANAEEEEEEEEE! Can you come home yet?? I miss you way too much! It feels like you have been gone forever..oh wait, because you HAVE! I need you in my life. Your cali adventures have made me so jealous! Miss you! xoxoxo


My mom makes German pancakes for Sunday b-fast when church is at 11 or 1. When it’s at 9, not so much. HAH.

Love the dress!!!


I’ve dropped my iPhone 400 times, and it finally cracked! But miraculously, it still works…well, for the most part. I’m getting a new one for my birthday in October!


every time I get out of a car my phone ends up on the ground.

I’m not sure about the one you’re at, but my GAP is having a HUGE sale. All discount/ sale items are an additional 40% off. I got a pair of $60 dollar pants for 20 bucks!


I have never even heard of German pancakes! they look goood though. and there are little things of maple syrup ALL over New Hampshire. I’m thinking I need to send you a New England care package including little things of syrup and Maine salt water taffy!!


Way to go with the H&M dress. Totally cute!


oh my goodness i have never heard of german pancakes and they look A-MAZ-INGGGG x 1000000
um funny phone story…
was talking on the phone in the bathroom and the darn thing wouldnt work
so i go to take out the battery and IT LIGHTS ON FIRE! not a large fire BUT IT IS A LITTLE FIRE on teh CORNER OF THE BATTERY that requred me to BLOW IT OUT!
needless to say i needed a new phone.
and verizon could not explain why their battery spontaneously caught on fire
so my new phone was free :)


once after saving my cell from dropping from my jean pocket into the toliet…it landed in a sink….yeah – smooth corey! i am a major clutz….. (and a horrible speller) lol. we love topping our vanilla ice cream with espresso …SO yummy! btw… VERY jealous of your H&M score….would love to visit one… xoxo


well nothing funny has ever happened to my phone other than it just doesn’t work. My cousin’s phone fell in the toilet though and it was unflushed . . .


Um, let me tell you about the time in college when I threw my cell phone down a garbage chute on the 7th floor of my dorm room. Not fun.

I’m saaaad I need to text you again right now!!


hahaha I break everything too. Phones, ipods, cameras, you name it. It’s so bad!


MUST comment! I recently put my OPEN water bottle in my purse b/c I’m that oblivious and my phone was destroyed as well :( GOOD news; the rice DID work and after about a week it worked fine. So there is hope for you ;)

PS: soooo envious of your ice cream pyramid!


i’ve never tried german pancakes but now i want to! as for good deals…i went to the outlet mall at the end of my vacation and got some great steals!


Sometimes I legit wonder if we are living the same life. I literally just broke my phone like a week ago when my camera fell on top of it. Seriously bahaha. I was not a real girl today so we cannot be ultimate twinnies in that matter. ;)


German pancakes sound amazing! I always get really hungry after church too! I love vanilla ice cream with little chocolate chips or fresh fruit :)


Today, I got a cute new workout top at Target for like $7!


SEVEN BUCKS….that is AWESOME!!!!! I LOVE target workout clothes!


I am so so careful with my phone! I think i would die if it broke and i probably wouldn’t be able to afford another one!!!

I have never even HEARD of german pancakes!! What am I missing?!



I adore German Pancakes. We like them best with an Orange Sauce that my grandmother always made. Mmmmm, you are making me crave them.

Super cute dress too, btw!


My dog ate about three of my cell phones.

One fell out of my pocket in a park and someone stole it to call Guadalajara.

One fell in the washing machine when it was filling up with water.

But the best one was the garbage disposal. I was cooking and we didn’t have a timer so I set the alarm on my phone. I was happily cooking away and turned on the garbage disposal. There was a really strange noise, like metal on metal. Yup, my cell phone slid off the counter and into the garbage disposal. Luckily I had insurance on it. When I talked to the lady at the insurance company she said that was the first time she heard that one. I took that as a compliment.


Oh my goodness….girl, you have bad luck with your cell phones!!! I can’t imagine dropping into the garbage disposal and the sound would be AWFUL!!!! I would have taken it as a compliment too HA!


I never leave comments, but had to let you know I have that exact same dress!! I love H&M and seriously their prices can’t be beat!!


AHHH HI MICHELLE!!! So glad you commented….WE ARE TWINNERS!! Wanna plan a day that we both wear it;)


Your poor phone! I’ve never had a German pancake. Looks delish!!


first of all, that dress is so cute, and you are gorgeous! Second, I have never heard of a German pancake and now I NEED one! Third, oh boy… back when razor phones were cool I HAD to have a pink one. Well, the first one broke, the second one snapped in half the day I got it, the third one wouldn’t turn on out of the box, and by the time I was on my SIXTH pink razor in 2 months my dad made me choose a different phone. those were bad lock. Also, one time we were out near the pool and my mom says “wouldn’t that be awful in my phone…” and just then her phone slips from her hand into the pool. hahaha it was actually pretty funny, and she dove in and got it, stuck it in rice, and it was all good :)


LILLY…you are WAY TOO NICE!!! I had a razor too and those things break like CRAZY!!! I wasn’t cool enough to have the pink one though:( Oh your poor MOM……I wish the rice trick would have worked for me!


I am such a dork with my phone that I killed it after only 6 months. I now am using a go phone until I can upgrade.
Something about church makes me ravenous. I was helping in the nursery today and I may have stolen some of the snacks from the 2 yr olds. I eat the minute I get home. I’ve never had German pancakes but 20 minutes seems like a really long time to wait. We move to 1 o’clock church in September and I’m pretty sure I’m going to die.
I scored a super cute dress at Nordstrom Rack ($34). Then I had to buy a new pair of heels to go with it so it offset the dress savings. I also got a new pair of red Toms and I love them.


i am not going to lie…i think you need to try my german pancake recipe. way more butter and a little less flour (i think). and for the record..just barely? i wrote ‘flower’ instead of ‘flour.’ brilliant. not trying to be promoting myself or anything, but in case you’re dying to change your recipe…http://howetocook.blogspot.com/2010/12/hoot-n-annies.html
okay. just looked. not less flour. (seriously just wrote flower again), but sugar instead of salt + vanilla. try it. it will change your life.
oh. and let’s go to yogurtland when you get home and discuss how to be happy every second at school while our kids are wanting to text about boys instead of listen to our awesome lessons. sound good?


More butter….I AM IN!!! I am so so excited, that you SO SO MUCH and I love recipes with less flower:)


AGREED about Yogurtland…it will be a good time!


I’ve never had German pancakes but they sound awesome! I love Elf! I basically quote him all throughout the holiday season:) I also have a soft spot for sour patch kids although lately I’ve been very into the Watermelon flavor!


Oh I miss H&M!!!! Nothing like that here in South Africa. And German Pancakes- yes please:) Writing down this recipe…haven’t made these in ages!! Blessings to you girly,


Fortunately I have not had any phone mishaps. I take care of it like it’s my baby…which is weird because it’s not even a cool phone. It’s not a smart phone…it basically talks and texts haha


Poor iphone. My phone is slowly dying too, but I’m not up for a new one until 2012! Yikes.

I don’t even know what german pancakes are, but those look spectacular.


I tend to drop my phone when I run a lot. The back and the battery both come out and I have to quick put it back together so I can keep running, or I run while putting it back together and it takes 3 times as long!
Never had those pancakes but they look good! No good deals lately – I’m not much of a shopper :)
I love putting cinnamon on vanilla ice cream. Mmmm… :)


Love German Pancakes, I have never made them though so I might have to try that.
I dropped my phone on the floor once and as it was falling I was like Nooooo and pictured it breaking into a million pieces. Instead, it bounced (yes bounced) and landed in a bucket full of water :(
Love your dress and was about to ask where you go it but you beat me to it. I just bought the cutest dress for a wedding at Macy’s, originally $100 but I got it for $25. I was pumped!


I have always wanted to find bulk red sour patch kids too!!! They are by far the best ones.. in fact they are really the only ones I will eat except for an occasional orange one…so it ends up being such a waste! I do the same thing with skittles..

Have a great day!!


That’s such a cute dress! The german pancakes look yummy!!


I broke two iphones within 4 months of each other. First time was the worst! I had just arrived at my parents’ for Christmas and was out at the grocery store getting everything for preparing Christmas Eve and Day meals. Of course, I thought it was brilliant to put my grocery list on the phone, phone goes flying out of my hand and it’s done. I had to borrow my dad’s cell phone and call my sister at home to read off all of the recipe ingredients I was making so I could get everything at the store. A few months later and the next one also dropped out of my hand, turns out it’s not the best plan to have your phone fall face down on cobblestone :) Hope this makes you feel better about your phone issues!


We can be best friends because you love German pancakes! I swear it’s a Utah thing, like scones, because everyone else calls those Dutch babies :) I have missed you! I haven’t read blogs b/c I have been slammed with the auction stuff.. but I am back in action! XO


German pancakes were the traditional saturday morning breakfast when I was a kid. My aunt and uncle taught my parents to make them after they lived in California. Except we make ours in glass pie pans and only top with lemon juice and powdered sugar. Or also cooked cinnamon apples. I love them!


German pancakes are so delicious and easy to make. We love them for breakfast and dinner and they taste like dessert for a meal. So good!


Your phone story reminded me soo much of what happened to mine! I tend to break things all the time. My most recent oops? I was at the water fountain at the gym refilling my water bottle. In my hands, I was juggling my keys, ipod, group fitness pass, android, and water bottle cap. Anywho, my phone slipped out of my sweaty hands, hit the floor and shattered! It worked for like three days and then my microphone mysteriously no longer worked. I’m now using a phone that’s the at&t version of your temporary phone. I have to wait until January to upgrade my phone =o(

Random fact? My old cell phone (samsung gravity) survived countless falls. It even once flew out of the window of my Fiance’s friend’s car during a late night food run. We had to walk down the street in the dark using their two cell phones as light until we found it-very banged up, but it still worked.

I have never had or heard of German pancakes-they sound delicious! Do you have a recipe?

Hmm…I’m in talks with a girl on Facebook about buying her Volume 2 set of the Physique 5 DVDs. Half price!

Vanilla ice cream with…chopped dates, honey roasted cashews, and warmed up (therefore melty) honey peanut butter!


We call those dutch babies- instead of German pancakes…and they are so good! I love them with powdered sugar on top!


We also call those Dutch Babies. It’s something my Nana would make for us.


I love Elf!!!


I make those all the time… Yum! We call them dutch babies hehe. Whenever I have someone visiting and spending the night I’ll ask them, want some dutch babies? I usually get a huh? look. Delish!


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