I am not proud of myself.

This is a humbling experience.

There is no way to beat around the bush.

I am just going to come out and say it.

Please do not defollow me because of this.

They are gone.  In less than 48 hours.  Billy didn’t eat one.


I guess these are just a Utah thang.  Creamies are creamy, delicious popsicles.  Seriously, heaven on a stick.  They come in chocolate, banana, peach, strawberry and mint covered in a chocolate shell.

For those of you non-foodies that are runners (I don’t know how that combination is possible) I promise the next post will include running galore… so, to tie you over until then here is a picture of me running the Utah Valley marathon.  I don’t know where all the other runners were, I didn’t smell that bad.

Utah Valley Marathon 19.jpg

Dinner was made by the one and only Billy.  Creamy cheesy, broccoli soup.


And Billster blended me up an amazing smoothie.  I said I was too tired to make it myself but I was caught in my lie when I stood up to take pictures.  It just tastes so much better when he makes it.  If you would like some beautiful wallpaper just like ours I can hook you up, looks best in a house built in the late 1800’s.


I am going to try to get in a Monday morning run:)

I will be going to work and my day will be spent getting made fun of by 16 year-old’s because of my ginormous cheeks.  Sticks and stones may break my bones but words hurt even more.


What is your Monday morning workout?

-If I can walk in a straight line on the treadmill, I may punch in a few miles.

Do you think food tastes better when other people make it?

-Even if it is just a grilled cheese sandwich it always tastes better when my mom or Billy makes it.  Always.

Favorite type/flavor of popsicle?

-CHOCOLATE CREAMIES.  I also love Push-pops.

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You're amazing – I would definitely have taken the day off today!


Monday mornings are my "fresh start" day and I love getting in a good workout – prior to pregnancy it was a weekly 9 mile run up a mountain. Now I settle for 5 miles on the treadmill but I'm looking forward to my mountain runs again in a couple of months!

I definitely prefer food made by other people but since I'm the momma in my house (and Hubby is woefully underskilled when it comes to the kitchen) I only get to eat other people's food when I eat out… which I try to finagle as much as possible!
Glad you're starting to feel better! And no worries on demolishing those two boxes of popsicle – when you're recovering from surgery calories don't count :)


I love the all fruit bars–strawberry is my favorite. I would eat a whole box. Of course, fudgesicles will always be number one for me. I love them as much now as I did as a kid.

Bud doesn't cook much for me, but when he does, it always tastes great!


I am taking today as a rest day so no work out for me! Yes, I love when other people make my food!! I swear my mother in law makes the best salads and I think it is only because she had to chop everything up!! :) LOL!


I've never had those before, but shoot, no shame in eating boatloads of ice cream!


oh I love creamsicles! So good. Hope you feel better soon. Sometimes its just the pain meds that make you feel the worst, yuck!
I have the blender too, hehe!


oh I love creamsicles! So good. Hope you feel better soon. Sometimes its just the pain meds that make you feel the worst, yuck!
I have the blender too, hehe!


That's so funny you call those creamies! In Vermont, we call creemees soft serve ice cream, and people from other states never understand us. After my internship this morning, I'm planning on running on the indoor track for my Monday workout.


Props on the Magic Bullet! We LOVE ours!!


I love to cook and really don't like going out to eat so I really don't feel like food tastes better when other people make it.

I think you should send me creamies (if they wouldn't melt in transit).

My Monday workout is going to consist of some serious vinyasa yoga. It'll feel like an hour and a half of downward dog. Doing P90X, so I'm doing all kinds of stuff. I love it! Great workouts!


I'm trying to get my head-cold self out the door for a run right now. Sooo sleeeeeepy.


I'm hoping to get in a seven miler today after work, but we have a house full of dogs (dog sitting for my friend who just had a baby, yay!) and they need to be walked. Maybe I can sweet talk my husband into cooking so I can do both. Someone else cooking for you defintely makes it taste better!


Push Pops are amazing. My grandma always had the Flintstone version!


I think it is impossible to be a runner and not be a foodie ;)

Hey, we eat a lot…


I totally agree food tastes better when someone you love makes it for you, moms, husbands, whoever! My husband makes espresso in the morning and I actually have avoided learning how both so it doesn't become my responsibility and because I think it tastes better when he does it!


I have never tried those before.. I will have to pick some up the next time I am in Utah. :) Lookin strong in the pic there!! All the other runners are behind you!! ;)


My favorite Popsicle is a brazilian one with solid chocolate candy on the inside, surrounded my chocolate ice cream with a chocolate shell. Choc overload much? =D I also like a pineapple popsicle…but its less exciting! =D


0 judgement here! I think that I would have done the same thing. I also think that if I ever find myself in Utah, I'm hunting down some of those Creamies.
Today's workout is going to be a 3ish mile run, arm weights, and core. I have 2 weeks until my training program for my next half begins, so it's time to focus!
And I hear you on the being made fun of by 16 year olds! I've shown up at school with black eyes, 2nd degree burns on my wrist (bad experience with cooking rice), and a mangled finger from shutting it in the car door!, and oh boy did I get teased! I like to tell myself they only did it because they liked me… right? Right??
Have a great Monday back!


Hope you got that run in! I forced myself to get on the elliptical this morning and my butt got a decent workout. I wanted to run but I knew a day off and XT would be best. Tomorrow though I will be running on the treadmill! I love when my mom makes dinner and living at home until I get married is the best because she makes me dinner all the time! She is such an amazing cook – I hope i can be as good as she is!


It was three degrees in Philly this morning when I met a friend for an hour and a half a snowshoeing – my face and fingers nearly fell off!


I actually kind of hate popsicles of any kind because the stick in the middle makes me crazy! However, I might be able to go for that chocolate covered Creamy. We don't have those… I've never even heard of them! Good luck today!


That's me!! Non-foodie runner.

So, thanks for the photo =D

I am getting ready to head out to run 9 miles easy. Seems so lame compared to 26.2 on the TM!!

Hope you had a great weekend. It was almost 60 here and we went to the beach =D

Can I trade you some wood paneling for wallpaper??


I totally agree! Food always tastes better when someone else makes it for you! I think it's the element of whatever it is being a bit unexpected because you didn't make it yourself.

I did not work out this morning, but instead tonight I'm going to do an hour running then some swimming. Gotta start swimming so I don't drown when I do my triathlon in the summer. eek!

I don't usually rock popsicles. I mean, I wouldn't refuse one, but I don't normally buy them. I remember pudding pops when I was little were awesome though. I don't think they make them anymore…hope it wasn't because they cause cancer or something.


Yeah food does taste better when others make it now that I think about it….

and currently I am on a weight watchers ice cream candy bar kick…they are soooo good its hard to eat only one!


Monday mornings are hills in my world, definitely my least favorite of the week, I miss Monday tempo runs.

I have never heard of Creamies until I saw them on here last week. Must be a west thing;)
I prefer the real ice cream, straight out of the carton of course!


If I was in your situation I'd do the same!!! I have to have surgery for my wisdom teeth and they tried to book me during prep… yeah, I cant see joe being too thrilled with me eating nothing but mashed potatoes and icecream for a week instead of chicken and zuchini ahaha

My monday morning workout was 15 in the TM and 25 minutes of bike intervals. Nothing fancy!

… and of COURSE food tastes better when someone else makes it! Why do you think I"m planning on going home during prep this year?!ahaha So my mom can make my chicken and veggies taste YUM!


I hope you have a great day! You're too adorable and nice for anyone to make fun of a little swollen cheeks. It's 30 degrees here this morning…so I'm waiting to do a scheduled 6-mile run outdoors when it's in the 50s this afternoon. I wish you could run with meeee! It would be more like me chasing you, but that's OK. :)


I chose snuggling/hiding from the mother-effing-arctic-cold over my morning workout today so I'm going to run at lunch and then not shower. Don't judge.

I think food tastes the best when other people make it and then do my dishes. Or when other people take me to a nice restaurant and pay for other people to make my food, while I wear a full sweat suit. That may or may not have been how I spent my Sunday night. Again, don't judge.


My Morning workout was 45 minutes of strength training (w/ some cardio in between to keep my heart rate up) – an arm exercise, a leg one, an ab and then cardio and repeat that for 45 minutes. This afternoon I'm going to run w/ my Dad!

Oh YES! Food definitely tastes better when other people make it, especially since I cook almost every day. It's such a treat!

Glad your hubby is taking good care of you! I hope everyone is nice to you at work! :)


i think that is reason to be super proud of yourself! good work girl!

i will be going to the HUGE open house jazzercise party today. it promises to be epic. i'm currently begging and pleading with my girlfriends to just give it a chance….its way more fun to shake it when you're surrounded by friends.

since i always think that there is something wrong with my food, i totally agree that everything tastes better when someone else makes it, even if it is just because i'm less critical of others' cooking than my own.


Oh, wow, First I have the Magic Bullet as well for my smoothies and second, the missionaries are coming over for dinner tonight and the we are having cheese brochili soup too.


I don't work out in the morning… I've tried many times but I'm just not a morning person. I have much more energy in the evening.

Food is always better when someone else cooks it… like my mom or boyfriend! My mom is full Italian so she just makes delicious food and my boyfriend is pretty awesome in the kitchen, too (way better than me)!


Today is a rest day since I may have pulled my hammy! Giiiirl what should I do?!

Slash I am SO PROUD OF YOU keep eating your creamies:)


OMG push-pops!!! I haven't had one of those since I was a kid!!! I'd have to say I love straight up ice cream, favorite flavor depends on the week. Last night I was craving cookie dough ice cream but didn't have any :(


I am so impressed with the way you're recovering! I couldn't imagine exercise on any sort of pain medicine. Mostly because I would use it as an excuse to be lazy. & I loove coconut bars. I've definitely gone through a box of those in less than 72 hours before.


I am proud of you though. Nicely done!!!


You're awesome, I can't believe you're going to work, I would milk it and stay home ;)

I'm going for a run this morning and then heading to hot yoga!! :) I guess my 31 day challenge wasn't enough!!!!!!!

Everytime fiance cooks it taste so much better ;) he has a special touch!!!!!!

My favorite popsicle; chocolate :)


My fav is grilled ham and swiss cheese sandwich, with a bowl of soup-usually tomato or cheese & broccoli. I can't remember the last time I made that meal for myself though, 'cause Jason always does it for me. It's my comfort meal–bad day at work, or the store didn't have my favorite candy, or the store DID have my candy but I ate it all and now I'm sad it's gone. Jason makes this for me and all my problems go away as I inhale all the yummy cheesy happiness. Husbands are great. :)


SHAME! Kidding, of course. We've all done it!


food defintley tastes better when someone else makes it!!


My morning workout was a swim today. No running for me, gotta rest the hammies.
I don't eat a lot of popsicles but I'm sure my favorite would be chocolate.
My husband doesn't cook for me, but I probably wouldn't want him to :) I love cooking up my own creations!
Hope you're back to pounding out the miles soon!


If I can de-lazify (yes, it is a word) myself I'm going to be getting on the elliptical.

Yes, food is (generally) better when someone else makes it.

The mint with a chocolate shell sounds really good. I could go for one right now.


I didn't get a workout in this morning so I'll be riding the bike tonight for an hour.

It depends who's making the food and what food they're making…my husband makes good breakfasts, but doesn't make anything else.

Favorite type/flavor of popsicle?
I haven't had a popsicle in a long time. I remember really liking chocolate pudding pops!!


Mondays are semi rest days from me I just do Yoga, since I Run Friday, play Ultimate Saturday, and do longer runs on sunday. And then eat delicious delicious brunch.

And yes food tastes amazing when made for you. I have a new manfriend who is an amazing cook and I love when he makes me food


That mint chocolate creamie sounds like heaven. Maybe I will have to come to Utah to try them. :)

Then I can watch you run, and pretend it's me running off the calories, lol.

I found out last year that Shane is much better at making fried catfish than I am. I just succeeded in getting a whole bunch of burns from popping oil.

Have a great run!


My love cooks for me all the time, I LOVE it. I miss him now. He's in Idaho already, I don't move there for another month :(


mmmm, now I want a grilled cheese!!!!


i sure hope you are feeling better! i am going to look for those creamies. never even heard of them! YES, my man just made us some egg wraps. YUM> scrambled eggs, sharp cheese, ham, in a hot flour tortilla.


I'm pretty sure it's a FACT OF LIFE that anything tastes better when mom makes it. She even does the percentage of milk better in cereal. It's so crazy but so true.


I think Billy snuck some creamies into the soup. That would explain why they went so fast. My Mon. workout was 20 minutes of running which felt so fantastic I am still trying to come down off of cloud nine. Glad you are feeling better!! I hope?


Jell-O used to make a good creamy fruity popsicle in strawberry and raspberry. They were soooooooo good. My favorite popsicle would have to be the one that is red, white, and blue. I forget what they call them. Rocket somethings. Red is cherry, white is lemon, and blue is raspberry.


I've never even heard of creamies but you deserve the entire box! Chipmunk cheeks in the workplace is not easy!

Monday's are Boot Camp nights for me. I have a feeling that today is going to be a toughie…


I love banana creamies and I am not a fan of the banana flavor in other things.


ahh no i love making my own food!! would it be bad if iv never had a creamsie??.. fav monday workout.. hmm.. a good interval or steady run!


I don't know about other stuff, but sandwiches ALWAYS taste better when someone else makes them. ALWAYS. They also taste better when someone else buys in teh ingredients. Maybe I just suck at sandwich planning.

No work out this morning, but tonight I'm hitting up 10 miles PLUS my super fun Bachelor Workout.


I LOVE CREAMIES! don't forget raspberry! haha. i am glad you ate the whole box.


i had no idea utah valley had its own marathon…i'm due back to a visit, maybe i can incorporate the two…hmmm……


I was wondering what a "Creamie" was. Yes, anything with the word cream in it sounds appealing to me so you can just keep those in Utah so I don't have one more temptation to resist:)

I think all the other runners are about 6 miles behind you! Man, you look good from behind! I might try to catch up just to look at you-ha!

Billy-broccoli cheese soup-I'm impressed!

Sticks and stones….ha ha! Hope the run went well since I'm certain you did it! Have a great day!


Hehe is it weird that I actually feel PROUD of you for eating all those creamies? :P

My Monday workout was a treadmill speed interval sesh whilst watching Criminal Minds and a BodyPump class! Twas awesome! :D


umm my house has wood paneling that makes your wallpaper look uber-modern.

i've never heard of creamies but they look amazing. it makes me miss pudding pops….


hey, those creamies say reduced fat– so no problem that you ate the whole box :) Besides, the foods you can eat are probably limited right now, so take advantage!

Monday Morning workout: N/A.
Yesterday I ran 7.58 miles, outside in 24F weather. Tonight I will spin.

Dinner's always better when hubby makes it :)

And re: popsicles, I like the Edy's fruit bars, if those count? Strawberry or Coconut.


My Monday workout is get the kids up and off to school. Fitness-wise it's a rest day!

I like Real Fruit Juice bars. Or Chocolate Eclair bars–yum!


Some food tastes better when other people make it, sometimes I avoid dinner with people because they cook with too much vegetable oil.

Food tastes better when its free! Its fruit delivary day at work today, I love going hard on the free fruit.


The other runners are in your wake! That's why you were alone :)


thank you so much for that comment about my post on caitlins blog..I LOVE YOUR BLOG and have been reading it for awhile and i cant wait to start writing more on mine!


My husband introduced me to Creamies and I'm in love. But I'm like you, love me some orange push-ups too!

I don't have regular Monday morning workout, I just go off the seat of my pants and today it was 7 miles.


No more s***. All posts of this qulaity from now on


2mbeQk , [url=http://dexayrnkfmzu.com/]dexayrnkfmzu[/url], [link=http://syqeyacknuzu.com/]syqeyacknuzu[/link], http://lzaihodkljwn.com/


Girl, you own those creamies!! You deserve them after your laughing gas episode, surgery and heavy mileage leading up to it!!

Food is always better when someone else does he work right?! Billy is still getting a nod for husband of the year!

And….the other runners…I'm guessing behind you, right! I'm starting to channel my inner "Janae" as I begin training for marathon #2!


I used to love those Flinstone push up pops! My dad always told me that if I wanted one, I had to do 5 push ups to get one. I would just get one when he wasn't looking :) I couldn't do push ups then, and I still can't!
Girl, you're such an inspiration to me for running! You're amazing- still recovering from surgery and already on the treadmill!


I ate an entire box of Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies this weekend. In less than 48 hours. Like, almost an entire sleeve in one sitting.



I've never had creamies, but now I want to try them! Food definitely tastes better when other people make it. I need to teach my husband to cook!


Yes, if my husband happens to cook something for both of us, I always think it's better than what I'd make. Maybe the fact that I didn't have to go to any work to get it has something to do with that! ; )


food always always tastes better when my hubbs makes it! especially shakes! mmmmm :)


I could easily eat all of those by myself. In a heartbeat.

You are one tough cookie, girl. I don't know how you do it!


if I could stop getting kidney stones and pneumonia, I would be running with you instead of just eating the creamies and not running.


Thank you so much for this atrilce, it saved me time!

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