I won’t be pulling that.

(Shoes, pants, bra, top)

I’m trying hard to wear more layers this winter.  Last winter, for Boston training, I was in a sports bra and shorts for many workouts, but I’m a little stressed about Seville being warm on race day.  I won’t be pulling a CJ Albertson and running with 11 heat lamps pointed at me while on the treadmill, but I can attempt to dress in appropriate attire even though I’m burning up in my long sleeve trying to run fast.  I’ll just be so happy to be in shorts again on race day.

I don’t think there has ever been a workout where my friend Vince was wearing shorts, and I wasn’t!

The workout was 8 x 1 mile!  We did the 2nd and 4th ones on the roads (initially, we were planning on switching on and off the track) but then decided to finish them all on the track in alternating directions to avoid dealing with cars and curbs.

My previous three workouts/long runs felt pretty bad, so it was nice to have one where I felt strong—getting a few of these workouts thrown into the training cycle now and then keeps us going through the ones that don’t feel remotely good.

PS I’m not sure I’ve ever done this many flat-mile repeats in my life.

PPS This workout represents what I want my splits to look like for the marathon, not the paces but starting more conservatively and finishing faster.

What I thought about most during the final interval was how I couldn’t wait to return to my chapstick.  Utah is inanely dry right now, and my skin and lips are dying.

PS Does anyone else get holes in their headbands because their head is too large for them?  Andrew’s hats are almost too small for me.

I couldn’t tell what felt more springy, the track or my shoes.

IMG 1035

Another day of just me, Beck and Skye.

We first went to Costco to load up on my smoothie things.

They requested a swim day.

And a duck pond day.  My goal with marathon training these days is for my family to not know I’m marathon training ha and have plenty of energy for the family things.

I was tempted to join Skye for her afternoon run.

I have a problem.  I finished Winter Garden and absolutely loved it (although, not sure I’ve ever cried as hard from a book as I did during that one) and I started this one last night:

Is it dry where you are?  Have favorite lotions/moisturizers/chapsticks for this time of year?

What was your most well-executed paced race?

-I’m planning on saying Seville to this question next month;)

Would you prefer to do mile repeats on the roads or at the track?

-I’m so in love with the track lately.

Do you tend to underdress or overdress during the winter?

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Ooh, enjoy Firefly Lane! It’s a good one. You inspired me to try Winter Garden (I’ve had it for a while and never got around to reading it), and I just finished it last night- I loved it, but wow, huge cryfest! Not sure what I’m going to read next. It is super humid where I live, even in the winter, but yet I still deal with dry skin/lips- no fair! ;) It’s a genetic thing I think. Happy Wednesday, Janae!


You finished it last night! Do you need a hug?! I was not okay at the end. LEO. Also, I need to know your thoughts on Ethan not being there in the end?! For some reason that really upset me even though her true love was there… I just felt like Ethan loved her so much. I might have to bring this book up in therapy haha. Ugggg dry skin/lips is torture and that is not fair! Have the best day, Emily!


I overdress during the winter, usually I’m pulling off layers during a run.

The road is better mentally, because there are more things to distract me. But the track helps me focus and be more consistent!


Better that way than underdressing haha. SO much distraction on the roads… great point. I hope your day is a wonderful one, Mariah!


I was just searching for lotions/creams! I love this question. I use the classic blue Nivea cream at night and the soft Nivea in the morning. The soft soaks in quicker so it is better under makeup. I also use Vaseline at night around my eyes and my lips.
I’m looking forward to hearing what other people use! Always on the lookout for new creams ha


I NEED BOTH and good call on the vaseline around your eyes and lips. My skin needs so much help right now, I’m so dry. Hope your day is a beautiful one, Becky!


That’s nice of your head to make its own hole for your ponytail! ;)
I think I would take roads/running path for mile repeats. Maybe because my running path is a block from where I live vs a car’s drive for a track. Great splits yesterday!!
Best executed race was last fall. I let things flow and I kept so damn calm and positive. Then I lost all emotions at the finish line. And there are 75 race photos to prove it.


Bahaha it really is so selfless. A BLOCK from where you live… that is fabulous. Did you move to where you live because of this fact? I feel like I would haha. YOU CRUSHED IT at Indy. Ummm can I see the 75 photos?! Have the best day, Molly!


Can’t wait to read Winter Garden! I’m almost done with Firefly Lane. To be honest, it’s not my favorite. Yet here I am, still reading it. You’ll have to tell me what you think of it.

My kids tell me I’m so ornery when I’m marathon training. It’s a fine line to walk for me- trying to balance my running goals with mothering and being a wife. I get so tired during my training cycles! I’d love the read a post from you on how you manage that. You seem to do it so well. I turn into a very tired grump almost instantly once 9:00 pm hits.


Hahah sometimes you just have to finish the book to get answers! I’ll definitely let you know. I think my goal this year is to read every single one of her books and then put them in order of what I loved the most to the least. My biggest key is making sure my kids don’t see me after 8:30 pm;). Andrew is the best to take over bedtime because that is when I have nothing left. I will say my smoothie chugging all day long is really helping me with my energy needs. I’m also not afraid to take a 20-minute nap mid-day and take time to read and relax. It really is a fine line! I think I’ve also gotten to the point where I’d rather live a more normal life than be a few minutes faster if that makes sense? If it means I lower the mileage or run slower splits in order to be more present and have more energy, it’s so worth it! I’ve had many training cycles where I was very out of balance and I think I’ve realized I love marathon training but don’t care as much anymore about exact paces that require me to be more disciplined? I hope this makes sense but I definitely will write a more detailed post! Thanks Natalie!


I think Winter Garden will be my next pick for my book club. I have heard many good things about it. And I love when reading a book can bring out all of the emotions.
I think I overdress this time of year. I often have to take off my long sleeves barely a mile into a run, ha ha.
I need to go to Costco today too, and a Target run, and hopefully swing by Trader Joe’s.
We’re getting rain again this week, so thankfully not dry out here right now.
Awesome job on your workout!
Have a great day Janae!


Wendy. Get ready. It is a roller coaster and just so good. Good luck getting all of the errands done during the dry time. Thanks Wendy, have a beautiful day!


I like to use a layer of coconut oil underneath whatever regular moisturizer I’m using. And Vaseline is great for super-dry skin!


That is brilliant. I am trying that, thank you Cynthia!


Hi Janae! I’m currently reading the Four Winds based on your recommendation and loving it!

Ok for your skin you must, MUST, try Abhayanga (I’m sure I spelled that wrong!). It is Ayurvedic oil massage and it will change your skin. Sesame body oil is recommended, especially if you are in a cold climate. Don’t use coconut oil that is only for when it’s hot outside. I order my oil from Banyan Botanicals and it is very reasonably priced. I do this for my kids and they practically beg me to do it for them before a bath! I hope you try it I know it’s a little different sounding but there’s nothing else like it!


Start hydrating now for the cryfest from Firefly Lane. I just finished watching the series while sick and I swear I’ve never cried so hard since the finale of This is Us.

I hate being hot when cycling or running so I tend to underdress, but I always always have the most warmest gloves or mittens on. I kind of think that I have it down pat on what to wear, but usually the first few days of a season transition are tricky.

Happy Middle of the Week!!


You’ve made me want to read more Kristin Hannah. I read Nightingale in 2 days last year. Read Firefly Lane real fast – I’d already watched the Netflix series so I knew a good chunk of the book, but wasn’t prepared for the end. Get ready!


Janae, I swear your lips are dying because of that product you’re using. I bought some after you recommended it recently, and my lip split and bled a bit later – it is the worst!
Try the Vaseline lip care in the metal tins. Much better!!

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