Not proud of + more to the story.

It feels strange not to start a post with a workout selfie (I might hold the world record for post-run selfies… not a record I am proud of;).

I am currently in the stage of recovery where I wonder if I will ever go back to waking up early in the morning to push myself out on the roads because of how good it feels to use the kids as my alarm clock right now. <–This is just part of the normal stages of recovery for me! In a few more days, I’ll talk about how much I miss running and how I don’t think I can handle being away from it for another minute (just preparing you for the upcoming post).

I’ll be missing this type of pain again before I know it:

I forgot to show you my favorite sign from Saturday!!

I did feel like getting in some upper body strength training yesterday, and Skye joined me. I could tell I took some time off from strength because this felt much harder than usual.

The picture below shows you how tired Beck was in the morning and it also shows off Andrew’s new favorite Halloween socks–> Jack Skellington.

Oh, and I forgot to tell you another important part from Andrew’s story of waiting until the ABSOLUTE last second to take his final. When he got his computer out that night, the camera (a requirement) he brought to take the test with wasn’t working. So he was at Walmart at 10 pm, frantically trying to get a new one in time to take his final at 11 pm. He also told me (after the fact) that it would have cost an extra 8k in schooling if he hadn’t passed this particular test. I don’t know how he handles all of this stress, and I’m glad he knows when to wait until after the fact to tell me things, so I don’t get ulcers.

A Great Harvest date with Beck.

And then I took him to watch the airplanes land at the airport.

Skyester and I went for a bike ride…

 Porch chats with my niece and hot chocolate… Everyone is happy I’m not getting into bed at 7 pm anymore;).

If this post feels a little all over the place… the below picture might explain that a bit more.

And last thing to tell you about–> I’m very excited about these two things. I think I’m going to eat them in bed while I catch up on some reality tv tonight.


Stages of recovery… do you ever go through a time where you wonder if you will not get back into training again?

What are you having for dinner tonight?!

WHO IS RUNNING CHICAGO THIS WEEKEND?  Let us know so we can cheer you on in the comments.

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Costume for Beck: skeleton comes to mind, for some reason ;) I think all of my kids were Tigger around his age. A vampire is also pretty easy and comfortable for a little.
I MUST get myself to TJs!!! I love blondies, and cinnamon is just perfect.
Enjoy all that recovery…running will be there when you’re ready for it again!


Hahah I wonder why;). That is what Andrew is rooting for too! Oh Tigger would be so cute… I’m leaning the cute direction and Andrew wants the scary ha. Let me know what you think of them! Thank you, you are so right. Have a great one, Corey!


For Beck—green army man, thinking about this for my boys


OH MY GOODNESS! Knox and Andrew would love that one so much… sending it! Thanks Gina, have the best day!


I’m running Chicago!!! I’ve run 11 marathons but this was the first training cycle I hired a running coach for and set some lofty goals – can’t wait to achieve those on Sunday! ;) since we’re leaving tomorrow, keeping dinner simple with chicken and extra rice! Have a great day, Janae!!!


MARIA!! I am SO excited for you and I love that you had such a strong training cycle with your coach. It really makes the biggest difference. Enjoy the carb loading and have the best time. Let me know how it goes! GO MARIA!


Thank you!!!


Hi Janae! The cinnamon stuff looks fantastic! Would you ever do a themed costume for the whole family? Our friends do that and I think my favorite one was one year the parents were zookeepers and the kids were animals!
Time for another group run, yay!


Amy, I would LOVE a themed costume so much. Those are my absolute favorites but my kids all want to be something so different. Zookeepers and the animals… I love that idea. Hope your group run was a great one!


I just love how you keep everything so real! Thank you!
My daughter Caroline is running Chicago this weekend and we will be there cheering her on! We ran it together in 2015, but she only made it to mile 21. She was only 17 at the time and not properly trained (long story). She has always wanted to go back, so this is her year!


Oh thank you, Eula! SO excited for you and your daughter this weekend. I am SO happy she is going for it again and I hope she has the best race experience. Let me know how it goes!


I love reading your blog. I actually texted a friend that follows you too… I did my last quick speed workout and hit 6:05 for a minute… I texted her and said I know pros are fast.. but hungry girl runner- just ran my fastest pace for entire marathon! Just amazing!! I am excited to run Chicago this weekend… it will be a huge difference from the last one I did- Lake Wilhelm, Pa… it had less than 35 people!!


CAROL! OH MY GOODNESS. 6:05, that is AMAZING! You are incredible! Cheering so loud for you and will you please let me know how it goes! Ummmm this one will be a touch different haha. You’ve got this! Leave it all out there on the course!


For Beck: You could do Calvin & Hobbes, only have Beck be Hobbes (Amazon has cute tiger costumes!) and get him to carry around a little plush Calvin.


THIS WOULD BE ADORABLE. I love this idea so so much. Looking it up now. Andrew wants him to be something scary but this sounds more up my alley haha. Have a great day, Mel!


When my son was close to Beck’s age he was Bob the Builder because he loved the show so much. Really cute and fun. We pulled him in a CAT wagon and he had a little tool set. Enjoy your recovery and way to keep up with the upper body strength training.


OH MY GOODNESS… cutest costume ever! I have to show that to Beck to see what he thinks! Thanks Corey, I hope you have a beautiful day too!


Hi Janae! Your Great Harvest dates look so wonderful. So much so that I convinced my husband to drive an hour out from Chicago to find a location to try it!! He thought I was ridiculous but indulged me. I was disappointed to find that they didn’t sell anything by the slice at that location! I guess I’ll have to try another one.
Love your posts! Thanks for sharing your journey!


Well, now I need to send you a slice! I am so bummed that they don’t do that there… but your husband is so nice to do that with you ha;). You two sound just like me and Andrew! Thanks Mckinlie, keep in touch and I hope you have a beautiful day!


Did you ask Andrew which bike he would sell if he had to pay to retake that course? hahah
Do you have any podcast appearances on deck? I always love listening to those!


I don’t have any but I have seriously been considering starting my own?!?! Thoughts?


Start it for sure. I will be the first to support you on Patreon. Join Lindsey Hein’s podcast group!!


I am running Chicago this weekend! The weather looks perfect, but worried about a cold I am getting over! At least I have a place to park my before race anxiety, lol.


DANA!! GOOD LUCK ON SUNDAY! Oh I am cheering so loud for you and I am so happy about the weather. This cold is forcing you to rest extra which will help you to fly on Sunday. Keep me updated with how you are feeling and I’m glad your anxiety has somewhere to go haha. You can and you will!


Aaahh, I feel secondhand stress just hearing Andrew’s test process!! Kudos to him for being able to survive that without having a heart attack.

Have fun in recovery – must feel so nice!


Hahaha right?! I guess this is why he does well working in the ICU… he doesn’t feel the same amount of stress that we all do?! Thank you, it really does! Have a beautiful day!


yep, a fun race on Sunday, two reall quick runs this week so far (the group I ran with last night had me going a pace I did when I was about 10 years younger)……today is feeling like a rest day….but, well, it’s sunny, maybe not…but I’ve gotta blog so …


Hi Janae! Vegetarian chili cheese mac for dinner tonight. It’s cooking in the crockpot as I type this. It’s a new recipe I found so if it is any good I will let you know. I’m not a vegetarian, I just like non-meat meals here and there. I am commenting to share how jealous I am of that Trader Joe mix! I was JUST there and my store didn’t have it. I will ask about it next time I go for sure! Have a good day and enjoy your recovery!


Umm, please let us know your review of the cinnamon roll bread mix! I need to know!!


Random but what kind of bike do you have? I haven’t had one since I was a little girl but am trying to get back into riding! Thanks :)


Hey Holly! Oh I am SO excited for you to get a new bike. I might not be the best person to ask because I actually do not like my bike… it’s on the cheaper side so it really makes you work and you feel every little bumps. I’m going to get a new one once the kids are all in school and I can go with Andrew more. BUT I steal Andrew’s bike all of the time (the one in the picture of this post) and it is the Santa Cruz Hightower. It is incredible (it makes me want to bike) but $$$. Give me your price range and I can see if Andrew has a bike he can recommend!


I’m looking to stay under $200. Unfortunately I don’t live in an area with lots of trails/mountains so it will mainly just be driven on the road or track. Thanks again! :)


Did Andrew pass his test?!? I am low keyed stressed about it 😬

We are doing Super Mario Brothers family costumes this year. It’s ridiculous but the kids love it.


YES… haha I guess I missed that important part;). He passed by one! OH MY GOODNESS that is going to be so cute, I want a picture!


I love all of the one on one things you do with your kids. You are such a great mom!

Costume ideas for Beck…some of my favorites from when my boys were younger were Clark Kent (he had a little white shirt, tie, and sport jacket but it was partially open at the top to show a Superman shirt underneath. Oh and little glasses with the lenses popped out), scuba diver (I found a tutorial online to DIY this one and it turned out pretty awesome 😀), a mailman, and an aviator. I clearly am not into scary costumes, haha, so these ideas may not be what you’re looking for. Whatever you end up doing, I’m certain he will look great! 😊

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