(Shorts, tank, socks, shoes)

The day started with 8 miles @ 8:24 average pace.

Skye joined me for some core work (it still hasn’t gotten any easier no matter how often I do it) and foam rolling. Pretty sure I could have fallen asleep on the mat afterward.

The kids wanted to eat an orange after brushing their teeth, and I warned them how that was a bad idea… Knox decided he wanted to experience that terrible taste for himself.

And then these two were off to school.

The house was a little too quiet and easy to keep clean with them gone.

Skye would have gone into the school with them if I had let her… her preschool starts in September, which is way too late, in her opinion.

Beck and Beretta have been pretty inseparable (I’m guessing partly because Beck loves to share his snacks with her).

I really worked hard in the kitchen for dinner;)

My goal is to earn one of these shirts this winter!

And now I’m off for a massive workout.

PS I have to share what Laura shared with me about why I might have experienced nausea during my half due to taking Immodium:

I’ve arrived in the in-between stage of marathon training. You know that feeling when you first start training for a race, and you have all of the motivation?  You decide that you are going to train smarter than ever before. You are going to foam roll every night, hit every pace perfectly, and crush it with your sleep/nutrition/hydration. You feel motivated and fresh to go big for the race you signed up for.

You feel that way for a while, and then the motivation wears off because you get increasingly tired.

That’s where I’m at! The marathon is still far enough away (6.5 weeks) that there is still a lot of work left to do and I’m not feeling fresh from all of the training done so far.

This is the part of training that takes a whole lot of discipline (and maybe some new running clothes to give a boost of motivation;) to keep checking off the workouts. Don’t feel like you are alone when that motivation wears off. It’s part of the training cycle, and we have to keep plugging away and staying consistent because it will pay off on race day, and as things get closer… the motivation always comes back. Keep going!

PS this was the really nice part about Boston for me this year, the training cycle was so short that I never got to this low motivation point in training!

Are you feeling motivated lately with your training or using discipline to keep up with it?

Core work–> does it EVER get easier?

In your opinion, what is the worst food to eat right after brushing your teeth?

Does anyone ever switch which arm they wear their running watch on?  I want to try it just because I think it will feel very strange.

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You already earned a Peloton century shirt. It’s 100 workouts in any category and you have more than 100 strength.


Where is my shirt ahhhh!?!? I thought it was just the bike because Andrew got one and I didn’t!? I need to make a phone call! Thanks Jennifer, have the best day!


I have about 7 1/2 weeks till the Chicago Marathon and right there with you on the motivation/discipline piece! Still feeling somewhat motivated but my body just feels SO tired (though I’m currently in my luteal phase and also take cycle tracking very seriously! It’s amazing how much hormones can impact your running/life). I had three pretty big build weeks and I’m backing off mileage a bit this week and will see if that helps get me re-energized for next week!

Have a great Wednesday!!


Arthi, we can get through this together. Time to use all of the discipline. Isn’t it crazy when we put it all together with our cycle and training. Life makes so much more sense and working with our bodies vs against makes the world of difference. Enjoy the cut-back week, I’m a big believer in those. We will get through this training cycle together. Thanks! You too!


My big guy starts kindergarten in a couple weeks! I’m freaking out, but trying not to let it rub off on him.
I secretly love core work, but hate doing upper body. And, I totally understand the phase of training you are in. I get super excited to start a training block, and then a few weeks out, I have to will myself to do the work. I doubt I’ll train for much until I start Boston training this year, but never look forward to that stretch of time when my motivation wanes.
I feel so off balance when I wear a bracelet or something on my right wrist (I’m right-handed).
Have a great day, Janae!


Ahhhh kindergarten! Is he so excited? Plan something for yourself the day you drop him off… like a pedicure or massage if you can. It’s a really hard transition. WILL MYSELF TO DO THE WORK. Yep. So excited for you to run Boston next year. I am wanting to do it again too. Isn’t it weird how something on a different wrist than normal can just make everything feel so weird?! Thanks Stacey, you too!


Yes… Imodium makes me a little sluggish and sick. This makes perfect sense. This is helpful.


YES! Let’s not take it anymore for races. Deal! Hope you have the best day, Christine!


I recently got an Apple Watch, which I love for certain things…but it’s lacking in the running department. So, I am now that person who wears 2 watches when running – Apple on my right (which is where I normally wear a watch, being a lefty), and Garmin on my left. I love Apple but they really need to step up their game with the fitness portion of the watch.


I have friends that do the same thing! It is interesting how Apple hasn’t figured out the running world when they have everything else figured out. Hopefully the next watch they will:). Have a great day, Amanda!


I have a Peloton century shirt too! I earned it when I hit my 100 strength classes. I’m currently up to 80 runs… Wonder if they send me another one? Probably not, ha ha.
Any citrus fruit after brushing your teeth is awful! I’m sure Brooke and Knox believe that now.
I’m currently in a pretty motivated mood right now. I’m really wanting to get fit! And consistency helps. Core work is always hard, but I do love it. I’ve done 2 strength for runners classes this week already, and my quads are sore!! But I know it’s helping. The next thing I am wanting to work on is my endurance for the long run. That has sort of been lost a little bit, but I will get it back.
Skye is going to be one of those kids who starts kindergarten, and walks into the classroom like she owns the place. Ha ha, she is so ready!
Have a good day Janae!


WAIT?! I didn’t get one for my strength classes, I thought it’s because it is just cycle classes. I need to figure this out. I hope they send you one for the runs, that is so awesome. You are killing it, Wendy! Haha Brooke trusted me and didn’t even need to try the combo. Way to get in the strength this week, you are motivating me to do my strength after I get off the computer ha. She really is so ready, one more year! Thanks Wendy, you too! Happy beginning of the school yearish to your husband and boys too.


This post is perfect timing for me. My marathon is October 9, so still some time away, but I feel like I’m in this phase already. I start to lose motivation after I check off a few long runs. If they go well, I’m basically like okay I got this and I start to think I can cut back on training. This weekend I had an awesome 19 mile run and now I think I’m ready, but there is still lots of work to do! I’m working with a coach for the first time and doing lots of fun workouts which will hopefully help keep things exciting.

I used to hate core but now I really like it. I don’t feel like it ever gets easier, but I definitely notice that its harder when I don’t do it! I’m trying to get to 15k peloton minutes because I saw people posting that they got some awesome free gear from peloton for meeting that goal last year. Not sure if Peloton will do that again, but I’m going for it.


Jenny, we can get through this together. It really is a tricky part of training but we can keep plugging away and checking off those workouts. We will be so happy in October that we did! Cheering for you and ps what marathon is it? Congrats on your awesome 19 miler, that is huge. I am SO happy you have a coach because that really helps me to keep going with the training plan. So excited for you. Ummmmm I want to get to 15k peloton minutes, that is incredible. Cheering for you!


I would never wear my Garmin on my other arm I’m too proud of my tanline ;) my boyfriend is a (much more serious than I) cyclist and always shows of his (impressive) tan lines. That has rubbed off, ha!


Hahaha keep those tan lines strong:). Mine is pretty good right now too so maybe I’ll just keep it! Hope your day is a great one, Moni!


Are you able to send a link for Brooke’s outfit? :)


YES!! Here it is:

Hope your day is amazing, Jane!


Back to school ahh!! Still 3 more weeks for us … school always starts the day after labour day in Canada!!
Speaking of Canada, if skye lived here, she’d be going to full day kindergarten! Everyone starts the year they turn 4 so this year the 2018 babies go!
You’re the most inspiring work out person I know so regardless of how unmotivated you feel, you’re still motivating everyone else out there!!


Andrea! Enjoy those last three weeks of summer! Oh my goodness, I didn’t know that! Skye would be gone all day?!? She would love that ha. Thank you, Andrea! It does help that it’s my job to write about it ha… that is always a motivator too:). Hope your day is a great one!


Hi Janae! Can you believe there are people out there who hate the taste of mint and chocolate together? I bet they’d hate eating chocolate after brushing their teeth.
For me, it’s upper body work that never gets any easier!
Happy hump day!


Hahah that is so crazy to me because mint chocolate chip ice cream is the best! Although, I’m not sure I want to eat chocolate right after brushing my teeth ha. That never gets easier for me either! Thanks friend, you too!


I never got a Peloton shirt but I think it’s because I do not have a machine – I only use the app. I think you have to purchase a machine from them to be eligible… :-(

I can’t believe your kids are back to school!! We have a week and a half left and I’m trying to make every day last as long as possible! Not ready for summer to be over!!

I’m at week 10 of training with 8 weeks left to go. I haven’t hit that dark place yet but I can totally see it coming in a couple weeks! We got this!


I don’t have a race on my schedule, but I’m feeling really good these days so that is keeping me motivated. Les has been getting into trail running so that has added some extra enjoyment.

Three time Tour de France winner, American cyclist Greg LeMond said, “It never gets easier, you just go faster.” I think that applies to any physical activity – core, pace, speed, distance.

Anything that is sour is horrible after brushing my teeth. I would have loved a picture of Knox AFTER he tried that orange!

My Suunto only has buttons on one side so I think I would really struggle if I switched arms.


Just want to add my two cents worth about Imodium as I’ve used it for years during races since I suffer from “runners trots”. It works by binding to opiate receptors in the intestine and decreasing intestinal motility. Slowing things down actually allows for increased absorption of water, electrolytes and nutrients, and decreases diarrhea. It is not known to have a significant effect on gastric emptying. That being said, one of its side effects can be nausea so not everyone can tolerate it. I just want to make sure people are not turned off thinking they will not be able to absorb fuel etc. Always a good idea to try it out before race day in case of side effects and to play around with dosage, timing etc.


I switch my watch from wrist to wrist so my tan line doesn’t get too bad. Usually my right arm during the week for shorter runs and my left arm on the weekend for longer runs. And I always take it off to lift – it bugs me when I’m handling weights.


Knox is so funny!! What did he think? My best running buddy and I used to make jokes when we were tired and procrastinating going for a run that involved teeth brushing/food bad combos, as in “I can’t run because I had buttermilk and grapefruit after brushing my teeth.”

I can’t imagine not having a successful bathroom visit before a half race! That thought alone would make me nervous enough to have finality on that. That being said, I have a “cocktail” before a long run or training day. I take Perenterol and Iberogast. The brand Boiron has some great dragees (I think in english they’d be called pellets?) There’s one for diarrhea that is super gentle. I’ve taken those preventively as well.

Enjoy your midweek!


Where did you buy that Mac and Cheese! We just had that in Seattle and fell in love with it. I had no idea you could buy it here!!

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